Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 24, 1920, Image 6

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    Peworeaiic Wald
Bellefonte, Pa., December 24, 1920.
Report of Bellefonte Chapter Daugh-
ters of the American Revolution,
October 1919-October 1920.
All regular monthly meetings, eight
in number, were held, as well as one
special and seven regular Board meet-
ings. The average attendance was
thirty. : :
The membership of the Chapter is
one hundred. During the year the
Chapter lost by death one member,
Mrs. Blanche K. Locke, and three by
transfer, namely, Mrs. Mabel H. Die-
mer, Miss Martha Conner and Mrs.
Bessie H. Preston. :
By action of the Chapter associate
membership was instituted and in
May, two associate members were re-
ceived into the Chapter, namely, Mrs.
Fred L. Pattee and Miss Sarah Pat-
tee. Others will be received during
the coming year. ;
At the Conference in Pitts-
burgh, the Chapter nominated one of
its members, Mrs. Edwin Erle Sparks,
for the office of State Regent. Mrs.
Sparks was elected. A good sized del-
egation from the Chapter attended the
The Chapter was addressed at the
October meeting by Miss Rebecca N.
Rhoads, a Daughter of whom the
Chapter is justly proud, who describ-
ed in detail her overseas work during
the war; at the November meeting, by
Prof. John Hamilton, of State College,
who delivered a very interesting ac-
count of the early settlement and his-
tory of Centre county; at the January
meeting, by Dr. A. E. Martin, of State
College, on “The Women of the Rev-
olution; at the February meeting, by
Dr. A. E. Martin on the Constitution
of the United States; at the March
meeting, by Mr. A. H. Sloop, of Belle-
fonte, on Americanization; at the
April meeting, by Col. John Price
Jackson, of Pittsburgh, on his active
work on the Near East Relief corps;
at the May meeting the Chapter was
treated to a play given by three of the
State College teachers, Miss Pauline
Beery, Miss Marguerite Heeman and
Miss Clara Pond. “Suppressed De-
sire” was the name of the play.
Two of the Daughters held regular
Americanization classes twice a wee
and others acted as substitutes.
One hundred George Washington
slides were shown to the school chil-
dren of Bellefonte and State College,
as the celebration of February 22nd.
One Daughter placed a bronze
marker at the grave of her Revolu-
tionary ancester. :
Forty graves were decorated with
Betsy Rossi Flags on Memorial day,
by Mrs. H. C. Valentine, who has pa-
triotically done this work for many
years; “the graves of three Real
Daughters were included. :
Forty Daughters were subscribers
_ to the magazine. :
Mrs. Susan Hunter Smith served as
Regent’s alternate to the Congress at
Washington, in April, and Mrs. Edwin
Erle Sparks, as delegate.
In May Miss Ethel C. Sparks, the
daughter of the State Regent, and
herself, a Daughter, presented at
State College, a very elaborate pa-
geant ‘of which she is the author and
director; the proceeds she very gener-
ously donated to the Chapter, a sum
of two hundred and fifty dollars.
The treasurer’s report shows the to-
tal receipts to be $642.77, and the to-
tal amount of expenditures to be
$386.00. The significant items of ex-
penditure were:
Mrs. Cook to complete
N.S. D. AR,
Treas. General fees..........
State Treas. fees......... Era ives 10.00
Bxpensis and investments......... 93.53
Berry Schools........cooeenvineeenns 50.00
Near East Relief.......ccooevenniane 60.00
Bellefonte hospital.........cocoveeens 31.50
Stille Fund..... i. ieirscrrecerenas 5.00
Tomasse School............cooeenenn 35.00
The last item was made possible
through the kindness of Mrs. Smith
and Mrs. Sparks, who turnd over to
that school the sums allowed them for
the Congress.
Respectfully submitted,
¥ The Poison of Poison Ivy.
The United States Bureau of Chem-
istry finds that the poison of poison
ivy is one of the most powerful known
in the vegetable world. People have
been known to die from too liberal a
contact with it. It is present in all
parts of the plant, and if taken inter-
nally is extremely dangerous. Chil-
dren are sometimes poisoned by eat-
Over he world, with outspread wings,
The Spirit of Christmas broods and sings
Of happy, hopeful, helpful things
All for you and me:
Charity, wide and deep and high,
Love, that reaches from earth to sky,
Peace, that close to the heart doth lie—
All these gifts are free.
Do you want a Christmas tree
whose trimming will be both unusual
and inexpensive? Well, then, taking
it for granted that you do want just
such a tree, let me tell you about it:
First, secure a well-shaped tree, not
too large. A tree six feet, or even on-
ly five feet, is about the right size,
and be sure to select a tree that is not
only shapely, but full.
The first trimming carries out the
Christmas color scheme, red and
green, and needs only to be tried once
to realize its artistic qualities. After
you have the tree, go to the florist and
buy red immortelles, as many as you
need, according to the size of the tree.
Four bunches should be sufficient to
trim a tree five feet high. Then, at
the same place, purchase a number of
small wires. Untie the immortelles
and cut off the stems, leaving two and
a half inches of stem intact. Tie these
into hundreds of small bunches. Make
the bunches tight and each bunch
about the size of a fifty-cent piece.
When all the bunches are ready, take
bunch of these immortelles to the end
of each branch. The effect of such a
tree with its myriad of bunches of
scarlet flowers against the dark back-
a piece of wire (wires should be about |
four inches long) and attach a tiny
Teach Thrift to Your Children.
It will save now in clothing, food,
furnishings, money.
i It will save tomorrow, for habits of
thrift will be formed.
| It will mean more money to invest,
more goods to enjoy, more comforts,
' more pleasures, more knowledge.
| The home is the best place to teach
; thrift.
{ It offers an opportunity for daily
| practice.
: Make thrift mean choice, not nig-
! gardliness, getting what one wants
most, not going without.
i Let the Children Help Choose.—If
they go without something they want,
let it be because they themselves want
something else more, not because
. some one else wants it more.
Have a Family Council.—Talk over
the family budget with the older chil-
dren. Let them see what is each one’s
fair share of the income. Each one
should contribute to household effi-
ciency, by sharing the labor and re-
sponsibility of the home. Decide to-
gether how much shall be saved. This
will enlist the children’s help.
Teach the children to spend their
means saving something—getting full
value. Show both boys and girls what
wise investment means; discuss the
Government loans and Thrift and War
| Savings stamps.
Help them decide what is a fair pro-
portion to save, to give, to spend.
own money wisely. Spending wisely |
must have something to spend. Give
them a small allowance. Help them to
earn something more. Do not pay
them for every household task, but if
they can do work that would other-
wise be paid for, hire them. As soon
as they are old enough teach them to
plan for their own clothing. Begin
with the smaller things, hats, gloves,
shoes. They may make mistakes, but
children have an inalienable right to
make blunders. They can never learn
through your experience. Teach the
rule of successful saving—save regu-
larly a part of all money received, be-
fore spending.
State College Woman's Club.
What He Said.
“Ever hear him say anything par-
ticular about me?”
“No. On the contrary, he’s not in
the least particular what he says
about you.” 2
A Gentle Protest.
| “I say, Nell, I was reading that
there are sixty different ways of cook-
ing potatoes.”
“I’ve heard so, but boiled—"
“Well, don’t you think it would be
' exciting to try one of the other fifty-
| nine ways once, just as an experi-
' ment?”
If children are to spend wisely, they ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
The installing of what, it is claim-
ed, will be one of the geatest farmers’
co-operative establishments in the
United States has been decided upon
by the South Dakota Farmers Union,
which has a large membership, cover-
ing all parts of the State. The con-
cern will have a capital of $2,000,000.
Promise of success for the proposed
central purchasing agency, which is
expected to be established early in the
new year, is contained in reports from
co-operative farmers’ stores through-
out the State, as all of the stores
which have thus far held their annual
meetings, and to which the plan has
been presented, have taken action to-
ward purchasing stock in the new con-
There are seventy co-operative
stores in South Dakota operated by
organizations affiliated with the South
Dakota Farmers’ Union. The annual
meetings of the officers and stock-
holders of these stores will all have
been held by the end of January, and
it is expected that practically all of
them will unite in the new movement
to establish a great central purchas-
ing agency.
The centralized purchasing agency
will be incorporated under the name |
of the Fammers’ Union Wholesale
company. It is planned to purchase
merchandise in carload lots, and to
have it shipped to the plant of the
centralized purchasing agency in
ground is charming. Keep the base of
the tree hidden in a ‘mantle of dark:
green, either paper or a mass of lau- |!
rel leaves.
The second tree is equally effective, !
but entirely different. Select a tree
similar to the one I have just describ- '
base with white cotton. Then take
small pieces of cotton and throw them !
all over the tree, and along the main
cotton. The result will be a most re-
alistic tree covered with snow.
Now, that isn’t all:
silver paper. Cut it
strips one-half inch wide and roll it
into narrow
k | into long rolls like the old-fashioned i!
lamplighters which were used to save
matches. Attach these to the ends of
boughs with small wires, so they hang !
down. These are icicles. Now throw |
artificial snow over the tree. It will
fall through the branches of the tree,
but will attach itself to the cotton. |
When the last of this powder has been
put in place, you will have one of the
most unusual and attractive trees you
ever saw.
_ Still another effective and inexpen-
sive tree decoration is achieved with
pop corn, silver stars, and red candles.
Cut stars from white cardboard, and
stars from silver paper. To give the
effect of twinkling stars, use tinsel.
Paste the tinsel between the card-
board and silver stars, and allow it to
extend about two inches between each
two star points. String the pop corn
in five-inch lengths, and tie them to
the tree so that they hang straight
down. When the red candles are light-
ed, the effect is surprisingly beautiful.
If by any chance you wish to do
away with the Christmas tree this
year, put all your efforts about the
fireplace. Large toys may be placed
on the hearth and the gift-filled stock-
ings hung from the fireplace shelf.
About the fireplace shelf a lattice of
ground pine is suspended by heavy
picture wire. Toys and gifts are hung
to the lattice. The framework for the
lattice is made of laths with openings
four inches square. Fasten the ground
pine to framework with green cover-
ed wire. A few poinsettias add a bril-
liant touch. :
The “lightning bird” is one novelty
in Christmas tree decorations which
has done away with the traditional
colored candles and their fire dangers. !
The small colored incandescent lamps
are also popular. |
The newest Christmas tree decora- |
tive novelty is a transparent bird with °
a tiny electric lamp inside it. |
They are made of an unbreakable
transparent composition and can
stand careless handling. The birds
are ingeniously moulded and colored | fj
representing parrots, some with green ¢
head and tail, and white body; others |
red, etc.; canaries in yellow, robins,
doves and others. These very attrac-
tive decorative novelties are well made
and present an extremely realistic ap-
A novel variation of the Christmas
stocking is the Christmas wand. Use
a small dowel stick, and wrap it with
ed. After it is in position, wrap the | 2
Purchase some |
Spencer Economy News
Mitchell for distribution to the mem-
ber stores. The present Farmers’
Union Exchange Building in Mitchell,
South Dakota, will be used as a dis-
tributing warehouse temporarily, but
it is expected a much larger building
will be required later.
“Stock will be sold,” said an officer
of the Farmers’ Union, “to all of the
co-operative companies in the State,
who will buy through this wholesale
house rather than through traveling
salesmen, and through other expen-
sive means of distribution.”
Purchasing in the vast quantities
required for the seventy co-operative
stores, which are expected to become
stockholders in the new concern, it is
believed by those pushing the move-
ment, will result in a great reduction
in the price paid for goods, and there-
for will enable the stores to sell at a
lower price. In this way the farmers
expect to make a considerable saving
each year.
Those interested in the movement
assert that in due time practically
every city and town in South Dakota
will have one of these co-operative
stores, affiliated with the centralized
purchasing agency, as the organiza-
tion of farmers’ unions is being push-
ed in all parts of South Dakota, and,
when a union is organized and the
membership reaches a certain num-
ber, it is possible to establish a co-
operative store.—Reformatory Rec-
— Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
branches lay large irregular pieces of |
Your Christmas Purse has Amazing Gift-Buying Power Here
~The “Spencer Economy Store” wishes to inform the buying public that
we have made a further reduction on a number of articles.
to do the volume of business at a small margin of profit. You reap the
benefit of our buying powers.
We are pleased to state that our belief that the buying public would
respond to a movement toward lower prices has been justified. We said
that when we inaugurated this store it would be a great event to Bellefonte
and it has so proven by the thousands of satisfied customers.
Our object is
EEE a ala
Made in all shades, full cut, double sewed
$1.98, $2.98, $3.19, $3.48, $3.98, $4.98, $5.48, $5.98
Weli made, full cut, double linen stitched, will not
rip; made of Lawrence or Crompton cord,
$3.98, $4.98,
Men's Canvas Gloves, white or :
DIOWN. «cic cutee be Seisisiricaieis 21¢ Heavy blue chambray, stripe chambray, full cut, n
well made, a good shirt. ............ Vu. ..... 98¢ [Ui
Leather Palm Gloves, short or gaunt- Men’s Big Trogans blue chambray shirt, extra
Jet. coed ons vB cans’s tie ope BIC full cut, well made, now........cveirinerne $1.29
Men’s and Boys knit and wool gloves
Men’s black satteen shirts, triple stitched. ..$1.48
59¢ 69¢ 89¢ 98¢ Men’s black, white and polka dot shirt...... $1.48
: Men’s R. R. shirt, 2 collars superior quality, polka
dots; light oridark blue, now......convev ins $1.79
Men's leather Mits or Gloves
98¢c $1.19 $1.48 $198
All the new wanted shades, made of the latest
styles, new yoke and inverted pleat back,
$6.98, $7.98. $8.98, $9.98, $10.98
Men’s Wind and weatherproof lined, also sheep-
skin lined, with or without kets, in moleskin or
corduroy cloth,
$5.98, $7.48, - $7.98, $8.98, $9.98, $11.98
Men’s Overalls and Blouses made of
heavy denims, triple stitched
$1.48 $1.98
Men’s Union Overall Suits, khaki or
Men’s Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, fleeced and
lined or heavy ribbed or medium weight each 98c
Men’s part or all wool Shirts and Drawers,
$1.29, $1.79, $1.98, $2.23
Men’s fleeced lined or ribbed Union Suits, heavy
weight, Sill eb vine vison irrensvasnasivs $1.98
Men’s wool or part wool Union Suits,
All styles, new patterns, well
$3.98 $2.79,
$3.48, $4.98, $5.48
made, full cut;
Men’s and Boy’s Sweaters, all styles,
at Spencer’s Economical prices.
Ladies Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, heavy
weight or medium weight, each.............. 98¢
Ladies Union Suits. ..$1.69,
$1.79, $1.89, $1.98
ing the ripe berries. ot rvore marcy that has Legh et bn sizes 6 to 19 in corduroy or cashmere cloth, Girls’ and Boy's Union Suits, all sizes,
It is described as a violent irritant
poison—an oily substance, the slight-
est trace of which on the skin will
produce severe inflammation. Some
persons are more sensitive to it than
others, but nobody is immune. .
Ivy poisoning may be contracted by
touching shoes or clothing that has
been in contact with the plant. Dogs
or other animals may in like manner
convey it. Even fire does not destroy
the poison.
Often it happens that people gath-
ering autumn leaves in the woods
bring home with them branches of
poison ivy or poison sumac, and stick
them around in vases. A whole fami-
ly may thus become afflicted. The ivy
and the sumac, by the way, are close-
ly related, and both have the same
No sooner is the character of the
‘plants discovered—perhaps a day or
two later, when symptoms develop—
than, very likely, haste is made to
throw them into the fire. This may
make matters worse than ever, if any-
body is exposed to the smoke, because
the latter will carry the poison.
The usual symptoms of ivy poison
are itching and burning, with the for-
mation of blisters. It is very distress-
ing when severe. The thing to do,
when exposure is suspected, is to wash
the skin with a thick lather of laun-
dry soap and hot water. The finger
nails especially should receive atten-
“ tion, lest they transfer the poison to
$ other parts of the body. But don’t
> scrub, lest the poison be rubbed in.
* This is hard advice to follow.
inch-wide strips. Tie the toys to the
wand. Santa surmounts this Christ-
mas wand, and can be made to dance
around in a jolly fashion by being at-
tached to a small spiral spring made
by winding a heavy piece of wire
around a pencil and then slipping out
the pencil. The children will enjoy re-
ceiving their gifts in this fashion, es-
pecially if they find these merry
wands hanging on their bedpost
Christmas morning.
The people of Mexico have a grand
celebration every year, beginning De-
cember 16th, and continuing until
after New Year’s. Every night they
have jolly family parties and feasts;
a few gifts are given out each even-
ing. But they have no stocking-hang-
ing, no mythical Santa Claus and no
Christmas tree. Their substitute for
the latter is the pinata—which would
be a popular novelty if introduced to
American homes.
These pinatas are queer figures
about four feet tall, which dangle by
the neck or head from a rod six feet
long. They are made of paper over a
fragile oblong jar, which forms their
body and holds the Christmas gifts.
Some look like huge paper dolls in
holiday array; there are queer ani-
mals, crazy clowns, gorgeous dancing
girls, ete., all decidedly fat in body
and decidedly flat in the extremities.
. Early in December, street corners
and squares are crowded with vendors
who offer these grotesque tinseled cre-
ations at whatever price they can get
T=2n2niznan2n2n2n2n2 N22 N= a Ua Ua
$1.69, $1.98, $2.48, $2.79, $2.98
In Khaki, Blue, Gray, Gun Metal, Olive, Maroon
and Steel colors; well made, full cut, one and two
pockets, also the government standard cloth army
$2.98, $3.48, $3.98, $4.48, $4.98
Men’s Work or Dress Hosiery, all colors, from the
finest of silk to the heavy wool hose,
19¢, 23c, 29¢, 39¢, 48¢c, 69¢, T5¢,
89¢, 98¢
Men’s Woolmix Work Hose, a good sock for
work’... .....-: te Serene ieas 24c¢
Boy’s Shirts and Blouses in plain col-
ors or striped patterns...........98¢
Men’s Dress Shirts with collars at-
tached in light colors..........$1.39
A full line of Men’s Dress Shirts
$3.00 Grade at $1.98
$1.19, $1.29, $1.35, $1.48
Ladies Bungalow Aprons.......... $1.39, $1.48
Ladies House Dresses, all colors........... $2.98
Ladies extra heavy Night Gowns........... $1.98
Ladies all wool Slip-on Sweaters.......... $3.98
Ladies Hose, cotton, silk, wool or cashmere,
21¢, 29¢, 35c¢, 48¢, 59¢, 75¢c, 98c to $1.98
Childrens HOSE ..i.vccsiserninnssinsnsdenisos 23t039c¢
You do not take any risks
or chances by buying
here, as we guarantee
every article we sell.
Your money
back on demand.
ODeNcer Economy Siore
High Street...Bush Arcade Building
Bellefonte, Penna.
We are doing everything in
our power to reduce the
cost of living. Our buyers
are always on the lookout
where they can save our
customers money
on wearing apparel.
from passersby.
’ Sasanen2n=ne == le le =e l= l= le el te le hale le le le Ue ie he ieee ele ele ee lee et Bel Be el Be Bel Bel ed