Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 24, 1920, Image 4
_ Bona “Bellefonte, Pa., December 24, 1920. Editor P. GRAY MEEK, FT "Te Correspondents.—No communications publtshed unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- scriberr at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance =the 3150 Paid before expiration of year - 175 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 mam" Interesting Pictures of the Far North. The Business Men’s association of Bellefonte, through their president, Mr. Walter Cohen, has been sueccess- ful in making arrangements with Dr. John W. Ruskin to bring his pictures to the Garman opera house on Wed- nesday, January 5th, for a matinee and night entertainment. At a recent meeting of the Business Men’s asso- ciation, Dr. Ruskin entertained them with a vivid and intensely interesting lecture, relating his life of three years with the Eskimos of northern Green- land. While in Bellefonte he also en- tertained the students of the High school. For over three years he and his companions lived in northern Green- land without civilized food and with- out a haircut, bath or a shave. Dur- ing that time, Dr. Ruskin was success- ful in securing many remarkable pic- tures of the wild life and unusual scenes depicting Eskimo civilization. In addition to his views of the Far North, he will show many remarkable scenes taken in the South Sea Islands, Borneo and India. In India, Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Dr. Frank P. Thompson and Dr. Edwin Brook, com- panions of Dr. Ruskin, were arrested in Calcutta and thrown into jail, charged with being in the employ of the Imperial German government as spies. Ten days later they fully es- tablished their identity and then pro- ceeded to make a complete trip around the world; visiting many of the South Sea Islands and Borneo, return- ing to the United States by the way of Russia. He is bringing to Bellefonte a most wonderful series of pictures, especially selected from over 10,000 - views that he has made in all parts of the world during the past eighteen years. Reserved seats will be on sale at the Mott Drug Co. on Saturday, January 1st. You can save from $2.00 to $3.00 a pair on shoes at Yeager’s to- day. 51-1t a om im ae Herbert’s Greater Minstrels. It has been some time since the theatre goers of Bellefonte have had an opportunity to see an old fashion- ed minstrel show, given by genuine negro talent from the south land, and giving the same performance that we are wont to see given by white per- formers, in their burnt cork disguise. In fact it is quite out of the ordinary, in these days of make believe, to have the real article brought to us, and as we understand a company of extraor- dinary merit embracing all the negro minstrel celebrities of any note. The name of Herbert may not mean much to you who live many miles from the home, and regular territory played by this organization. In the south land the name is well known to theatre goers, as the embodiment of all that is famous, as the best sing- ing organization that ever graced a minstrel first part setting. In addi- tion to the sweet singing voices that make harmony, such as is seldom heard, it is an accepted fact that no such dancers in all the world of min- strelsy, can in any way compare with the nimble footed artists with this company. Herbert’s Greater Minstrels will be at the Garman opera house Tuesday, January 4th, and should make a <= strong bid for patronage among the lovers of minstrelsy. 51-1t ——Misses dark tan lace shoes re- duced to $4.00 at Yeager’s, until Christmas only. 51-1t tt fp pn “Freckles.” Great care has been taken by the Broadway Amusement company in se- lecting the artists to portray the dif- ferent characters in their dramatiza- tion of Gene Stratton-Porter’s novel, “Freckles.” The most difficult part to fill was that of Freckles as it not only requires an exceedingly young and handsome actor, but one who is pos- sessed of a grand opera voice as well. At least fifty different applicants were interviewed before one was se- lected. The young Irish tenor who will appear here in the title role of “Freckles” proved to be one of only two out of the fifty who passed the severe examination. There are eight beautiful song numbers throughout this play, four of which are sung by “Freckles.” The company will ap- pear at Garman’s next Wednesday night. ——Boy’s $8.00 tan English shoes reduced to $6.00 at Yeager’s, until Christmas only. 51-1t ——OQur advices on Herbert’s col- ored minstrels that come to Garman’s on Tuesday night, January 4th, are to the effect that the show is a good one. 1t is playing good houses in Pennsyl- vania and giving satisfaction. ——Ladies low heels gun metal lace shoes reduced to $5.00 at Yeager's, until Christmas only. 51-1t DALE.—William J. Dale, a repre- BELL.—Mrs. Eveline Janet Sankey sentative of one of the oldest and best Bell passed away at five o'clock last known families in Centre county, | Saturday morning at the home of her passed away at his home in Pine daughter, Mrs. William Chambers, on Grove Mills on Tuesday morning as | Curtin street, of cerebral hemorrhage, the result of a stroke of paralysis following an illness of almost two sustained just five weeks previous. years. Mr. Dale had made all arrangement. | She was a daughter of Thomas and to go to Pittsburgh to make his home J anet Gilliland Sankey and was born with his son, and had a public sale of | in Pennsvalley on April 25th, 1837, his household effects that day. Just | making her age 82 years, 7 months as the-sale was over he was stricken | and 23 days. Sixty-four years ago with paralysis and lingered in a semi- | she was united in marriage to William conscious condition until his death on i Bell at the old Sankey home, near Pot- Tuesday. He was a son of Christian and Sa- | ters Mills, and during their married life they lived at Aaronsburg, Pleas- James Johnston, of Philipsburg, Ar- rested for Desertion. James Johnston, “of Philipsburg, three times deserter from the United States army, was captured in Tyrone on Saturday night by recruiting ser- geant Victor Allen and sergeant of railroad police Frederick Giles while he was calling on a lady friend at her ' home near that place. Johnston is reported as being. a bad man. On his first desertion he shot one of his guards, wounding him . slightly, and made his escape. He was ' recaptured and on another occasion, rah Shoenberger Dale and was born | ant Gap, State College and Bellefonte. | he overpowered his guard, took his on the old Dale homestead at Oak | During the past few years she spent | gun away from him, threw it away Hall on June 22nd, 1833, hence had her summers in Bellefonte and ‘her reached the advanced age of 87 years, 5 months and 29 days. As a young | i | winters with her sons in New Jersey. She was a faithful member of the ‘and made his escape. On one of his | former escapades he was apprehended {in Buffalo, N. Y., where he had been man he elected to follow in the foot- | Methodist church all her life and a | impersonating a naval officer and al- steps of his ancestors and devote his good, christian woman. life to tilling the soil and early in life Mr. Bell died many years ago but he purchased a farm near Pleasant | surviving her are the following chil- Gap where he lived many years. A dren: Mrs. Lemuel Brooks, of Prov- number of years ago he sold his farm and purchased a comfortable home in Pine Grove Mills where he spent the balance of his life. He was a life- long member of the Lutheran church, a devout worshipper at all times and faithful in its suppert. He was also a member f the Centre county Pomo- na Grange and its Master for a num- ber of years. He was a good neigh- bor, an honorable, upright citizen, and though he lived well past the al- lotted span of human life had many idence, R. I.; Dr. J. Finley Bell, of Englewood, N. J.; Mrs. William C. Chambers, of Bellefonte; John and Torrence Bell, of East Hampton, N. Y.; Mrs. Thomas Kessinger, of State College, and Mrs. Calvin Troup, of Bellefonte. Funeral services were held at the Chambers home at eleven o’clock on Tuesday morning by Rev. Alexander friends who sincerely mourn his | death. ; ; Mr. Dale was twice married, his first wife being Miss Rebecca Musser, who died in 1864. He later married Miss Mary M. Rhone, who passed away about fifteen years ago. Sur- viving him are two sons, Nathan L. Dale, who made his home with his father at Pine Grove Mills, and Rev. W. H. Dale, of Pittsburgh. Another son, Dr. Frank Dale, of Philadelphia, died a number of years ago. He was a member of a large family of chil- dren and all have passed away ex- cepting four brothers, as follows: Philip S. Dale, of State College; A. W. Dale, of Boalsburg; A. A. Dale and Clement Dale Esgs., of Bellefonte. Funeral services were held at his late home at 1:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon by Rev. A. M. Lutton, pas- tor of the Lutheran church, after which the remains were taken to Boalsburg for burial in the family plot in the cemetery at that place. Il 1 DILLON.—Miss Mary Dillon died at the home of the Misses Anna and Caroline Valentine at eleven o’clock Saturday morning following a few day’s illness with pneumonia. She was a daughter of John and Catharine Bennett Dillon and was born in Coun- ty Limerick, Ireland, seventy-four years ago. When she was a small child her parents came to this coun- try, settling at Axe Mann, where they established their home permanently, though Mr. Dillon worked for many Curtin’s works. Fifty years ago Miss Catherine went to live with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Valentine and remained there ever since, being faithful and conscientious in the discharge of her duties at all times. She was a devout member of St. John’s Catholic church and always a regular attendant at all church serv- ices. Her twin brother died in infan- cy but surviving her are a sister, Miss Sarah, who lives with the family of postmaster P. H. Gherrity, and one brother, John Dillon, of Dayton, Ohio. One of the latter’s seven children is Father John F. Dillon, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who officiated at the funeral which was held in the Catholic church at 9:30 o'clock on Tuesday morning, burial being made in the Catholic cemetery. i il GARBRICK.—Mrs. Mary C. Gar- brick, widow of the late Emanuel Gar- brick, died at her home at Zion last Saturday after a brief illness as the result of an attack of the grip. She was a daughter of Adam and Lucy Robonold Vonada and was born in Walker township on July 29th, 1848, hence had reached the age of 72 years, 14 months and 19 days. Practically her entire life was spent in the neigh- borhood of Zion where she was loved and esteemed by all who knew her. She is survived by five daughters, Miss Anna Garbrick, at home; Mrs. Samuel Clevenstine and Mrs. William Korman, living near Zion; Mrs. Mer- rill Kerstetter, of near Bellefonte, and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Zion. She was a member of the Reformed church and Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt officiated at the funeral which was held on Tues- day, burial being made in the Zion cemetery. i il LOWERY.—Mrs. Leah Lowery, wife of Joseph Lowery, of Coleville, died at one o’clock on Monday after- noon of gangrene, following an illness of many weeks. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Myers, and was born in Buffalo Run valley about seventy-seven years ago. Practically all of her married life was spent at Coleville. In addition to her husband she is survived by two children, Mrs. Ed Roan, of Fillmore, and William, in Ohio. She also leaves an adopted son, Sherman Lowery, of Coleville. A num- ber of brothers and sisters also sur- vive, among them being Mrs. Nelson Lucas, of Washington, D. C.; William, of Tyrone, and John, of Philipsburg. She was a member of the Methodist church and Rev. Alexander Scott had charge of the funeral which was held at ten o'clock yesterday morning, bur- ial being made in the Meyet’s ceme- tery. ——Ladies comfy slippers, all col- ors, $2.50 at Yeager’s. © p1-1t Scott, after which burial was made in the Union cemetery. i i WOOMER.—Isaac Woomer, one of the best known residents of Spruce Creek valley, died at four o'clock on Monday afternoon following an illness of several months. He was a son of Jacob and Mary Ann Woomer and was born at Hunt- ingdon Furnace on June 9th, 1843," hence was in his seventy-eighth year. He served during the Civil war as a member of Company I, 125th Penna. volunteers, and participated in ‘the battles of Antietam and Chancellors- ville. He served as justice of the peace in his home district for a num- ber of years. He was a life member of the Tyrone Lodge of Masons and the Harrisburg consistory. His wife died about a year ago but surviving him are the following children: Mrs. G. T. McWilliams, of Pennsylvania Furnace; Jay F. Woomer, of Juniata; Mrs. George Glass, of Uniontown; Mrs. Olive Archey, of Graysville; Belle, of Altoona; Joseph K., of Gard- ner’s Mills; Mrs. H. Lippincott, of Haddonfield, N. J., and Edward K., on the old homestead at Graysville. Rev. R. M. Campbell, of the Pres- byterian church, had charge of the funeral which was held yesterday morning, burial being made in the Graysville cemetery. Ii I! BAUMGARDNER.—Word has been received of the death at Hepler, Kan., on December 18th, of Hugh A. Baum- gardner, a native of Centre county, following an illness of only a few hours. the greater part of his early life was spent with the family of the late Ja- cob Kepler. His only known relative is one sister, Mrs. John Callahan, who lives at Cold Stream,near Philipsburg. The remains were brought east and taken to Philipsburg for burial. ——=Men’s $8.00 tan dress shoes re- duced to $6.00 at Yeager’s, until Chistmas only. 51-1t ——The iron railroad bridge that has been in course of construction in this place during the past six weeks or longer, was moved into position or the line of the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad, across Spring creek, on Sun- day. The work train from Sunbury arrived in Bellefonte on Saturday evening and early Sunday morning work was begun on tearing out the old . wooden bridge. The heavy iron gird- ers were picked up by the crane and ‘loaded onto a car on the siding and as fast as one span of the old bridge was torn out a span of the new bridge was pulled into place on the concrete abut- ments by rope and tackle. There was no confusion, noise or bluster, not- withstanding the fact that in the neighborhood of seventy-five » men were on the job. Each man did his work and by 1:30 o’clock the bridge was all in place and by five o’clock the ties were down and rails on and the bridge in shape for traffic. The walk along the track across the bridge was put down this week and track adjust- ments, etc., made. ——100 pairs ladies $10.00 shoes reduced to $6.75 at Yeager’s, until Christmas only. 51-1t ——District forester W. J. Bart- schat reports that 220 deer were kill- ed by Centre and Mifflin county hunt- ers on the Penn State forest reserva- tion during the fifteen days of the season; 104 killed on the Kishacoquil- las division; 83 on the Seven moun- ‘tain division; two on the Nittany mountain division and 31 on the Cur- tin division, a total of 440. This in- cludes the Seven mountain range in both Centre and Mifflin counties, but the above figures were probably con- solidated from various reports made and cannot be considered as entirely accurate. If all hunters who killed a deer have sent in their statement to the State Game Commission, a correct report of the kill in each county should be forthcoming in the near fu- ture. : ——Don’t worry if you don’t have turkey for dinner tomorrow, the ma- jority of people will have chicken, anyway; and its always best to be with the majority. ——Ladies good warm slippers $1.25 at Yeager’s. 51-1t He was seventy years old and | | so an army officer. {| Johnston has been in the serivee | for eighteen months, fourteen of ! which were spent in the guard house. When Sergeant Allen covered him on ' his capture Saturday night, Johnston took the arrest very much as a matter | of fact, and was very cool about it, | but Sergeant Allen and Mr. Giles took ‘no chances with him; they handcuffed him securely and took him to Tyrone , where he spent the night in the bor- ough lock-up. On Sunday morning | Sergeant Allen took his prisoner east "and turned him over to the authorities . at Carlisle. i On his last desertion about a month ago, Johnston came to Tyrone and thence to his home in Philipsburg. He has been in that vicinity for the past month, and it was owing to the vigi- i lance of the police officers and Ser- geant Allen that he was taken into | custody again. tr — ma Big Skating Pond on Hughes Field ! Nearing Completion. Lovers of the skating sport are be- coming quite excited over the pros- pect of enjoying their favorite pas- time in the near future. It will be good news to many to learn that with rone more week of favorable weather the large force at work on the big pond on Hughes field will have exca- vated a basin 320 feet long by an av- erage of 60 feet in width. Mr. Hughes is having the walls of the western end lined, or cribbed, with boards so that there need be no fear of a break in the clay walls. The entrance to the pond will be at the northwest corner, by steps sup- ported by a strong railing. Benches will be provided for the skaters to use while putting on or taking off 4 their skates. Mr. Hughes has ar- ranged with the State-Centre Elec- i tric company to hang two large arc i lights over the pond for use on dark | nights. i The water will be pumped into the i pond soon after New Years, when the i inauguration of this splendid enter- | prise will take place. i Many young people are also think- ing of the swimming they will be able , to enjoy in this pond during the sum- mer months. Mr. Hughes says that he will have the most complete and | attractive athletic field in the coun- i try. Remember that anyone who has : the price will be welcome on this pond. Mike Evans, a miner employed in the Snow Shoe ope: ations of the Le- high Valley Coal company, was found dead at the side of the main road near Snow Shoe last Thursday morning, and all indications point to the fact that he fell over the bank in the dark and broke his neck. The body was discovered by Robert Kech, about 6:30 o’clock in the morning, while on his way to work, but the face and cloth- ing were so covered with mud that it was some time before the man was recognized. : 2 District attorney James C. Furst was communicated with and he in- structed justice of the peace George F. Brown, of Clarence, to hold an in- quest and conduct an investigation in- to the cause of death. From various persons in that locality it was learn- ed that the dead body was that of Mike Evans. It was also learned that after. quitting work in the mines on Wednesday evening he had changed his clothing and gone to Clarence. Leaving there he took a shortcut to the boarding house of Andrew Basal- la, at Poorman’s siding, and that road being narrow he had evidently gotten to one side, slipped in the mud, fallen over the embankment and broken his neck. There were no indications of foul play, as the body lay in the mud just as the man had fall- en. Iin the pockets of his clothing were $65.76 in cash, oranges, chewing gum and candy, which he had presum- ably bought at Clarence to take to the children at the Bassala boarding house. Under the circumstances the jury returned a verdict of accidental death. Deceased was about sixty years old and leaves a wife and daughter living in Scottdale. Burial was made in the Greek cemetery at Clarence on Satur- day afternoon. ——Forest fires destroyed about 435 acres of growing timber in Centre county during the fall fire season, from June to December, according to figures announced by Gifford Pinchot, the State’s chief forester. The dam- age to the burned area was estimated to be $846.00, by George H. Wirt, chief fire warden of the State. It cost the State $279.44 to put out the fires. ; ——The members of the Nittany Country club will held a dance at the club house next Wednesday wight. Miner Falls Over Bank, Breaks Neck. t I 1 ¢ In the Churches of the | County. | | PINS ISI IS PSPSPS | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The following program of music i will be rendered on Christmas Sunday, December 26th: Mrs. Krader—Director of Choir. Mrs. C. W. Heilhecker—Organist. Morning Service at 10:45. Anthem—In Bethlehem a King is BOI Leh ee tears es ayes Berwald Chorus—The Watchful Shepherds..... Dale Obligato by Mary Parker Evening Service at 7:30. Anthem-—Peace on Earth............ Geibel Solo—O Blessed Town of Bethie- ord hem AS Mr. William Funk. Solo with Quartette, Bethlehem....Coombs Mrs. Krader. Violin Solo—Legende....... H. Wieniawski Mrs. Louis Schad. Quartette—Quest of the Wise Men—From “Holy Night.” Messrs. Funk, Seig, Hunter and Walker. Seolo—“0O Holy Night”..............Adams Miss Russie Cole. Chorus—Watchful Shepherds.......... Dale Mixed Quartette—sSilent Night... .. Ashford W. K. McKinney, Ph. D., Pastor. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services in celebration of the Christmas festival will be as follows: | Friday, Christmas eve, 5 p. m., first | evensong. 11:45 p .m., procession and | { Holy Eucharisct. { mas day, 7:30 a. m., Holy Eucharist, | followed by Mattins. : 10:30 a. m., Ho- {ly Eucharist and sermon. 5 p. m,, | second evensong. Sunday in the Oc- | tave, St. Stephen’s day, 8 a. m., school. { 11 a. m., Mattins and sermon. 7:30 p. im., evensong and sermon. Monday | IS I St. John Evangelist’s day, 10 a. m., Holy Eucharist. Tuesday, Holy Inno- cent’s day, 10 a. m., Holy Eucharist. Visitors always welcome. CHRISTMAS MUSIC. Christmas Eve, 11:45 p. m. March Pontifieale. ..............., Lemmens For the Procession—"The first ;Nowell.......... Traditional Old English | Kyrie Eleison Bradley i Communion Service in E flat...... Simper Credo in Unum Deum Sanctus Benedictus Qui Venit Gloria in Excelsis . Offertorium—*"Calm on the Listening Ear of Night,” (alto, baritone and tenor so- lo, with violin obligato). Agnus Del ...,,....00. 0.00 00., § Carol—"Silent Night! Holy Night!” Sie iracinns Grueber Carol—“The Noble Stem of Jes- se” Praetorius Recessional—*“It the Midnight Clear’? Lon... Vo. 000% Willis Postlude—Paraphrase on “Hark! the Her- ald Angels Sing.” Christmas Day, 10:30 a. m. Processional—“Adeste Fideles.” Sequence—* ‘Corde Natus”........ Plainsong Came Upon Communion Service in BE flat........ Simper Offertorium—*“Break Forth into NR BI HE A Spence Carol—“The Son of God is Born Tor AIL Lo. oisieridereiniss a, Praetorius Recessional—*‘Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn... 0... 0... Roper Soloists for the Midnight Mass—Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Blair, Mr. R. W. Funk. Mrs. Louis Louis Schad, violinist. On Sunday evening, January 2nd, i there will be a special service of { Christmas music. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED. | Christmas services will be held | Christmas morning, at 6:45, with ! Christmas Carols, special music and a short address. Sunday, December | 26th, morning service at 10:45, with ja Christmas sermon. At 7 p. m. the Sunday school festal service will be held, with an interesting program. | Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Offer- lings for the Bethany Orphan’s home. { Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. | ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Special service Christmas morning ‘at 7:30. In the evening at 7:30 a pro- | gram of speeches and songs by the i Sunday school. All services at the | regular hours on Sunday. Visitors i welcome. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH All services at usual hours. Christ- mas sermon and music 10:45. Appro- priate sermon with music 7:30. Bible Children’s Home, at Mechanicsburg, 9.30. “Morning Watch,” Saturday, 6:45. Christmas exercises Monday, December 27th, 7:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, High street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o’clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room is open to the public every Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Subject, December 26th, “Christian Science.” » ——Drs. M. W. Reed and W. U. Ir- win, who have been associated togeth- er the past two years under the name of Drs. Reed and Irwin, will dissolve partnership by mutual consent, effect- ive January 1st, 1921. Dr. Reed will retain the present offices in the Ma- sonic building while Dr. Irwin will take as his suite of offices the rooms in the Allison building formerly occu- pied by C. E. Gheen’s music store. — “Freckles” will be the attrac- tion at Garman’s Wednesday night, December 29th. $10.00 at Yeager’s. 51-1t Alone on Christmas Day. Do you know of any one person who will do without a Christmas gift? Can you think of a single soul who will be forgotten? Is there within your ken an isolated individual who will be alone on Christmas day? Can you not do one little thing for one of these ? 3000-Pound Belt. The largest belt in the world was recently made by a Philadelphia man- ufacturer. It weighs 3000 pounds, and the toughest parts of the hides of 670 steers were required for material. When set to work in a factory it will mile a minute. Saturday, Christ- ! school with special offering for The. Rev. Alexander Scott, Minister —Ladies $14.00 shoes reduced to travel day and night at a speed of a | 6518tf Help Out with Christmas Seals. Only twenty-four more hours until Christmas and if you have not done up all your packages don’t be sparing of your Christmas seals. Bellefonte has not nearly used up its quota of seals and in your spirit of Christmas giving there is no gift that will count for more than the money you expend for Christmas seals. Every seal used means hope to some individual bat- tling for his or her life, and we all ought to be willing to extend the little , assistance we can give in buying and ' using the Christmas seals. A portion “of the money realized for the seals will be used right here in your home | community, so that your friends and { your neighbors will reap the benefit. The seals can also be used up until New Year’s day, or later, so don’t stop i buying just because tomorrow is ! Christmas. | “Madame X,” the thrilling . Three Star photo by Pauline Freder- icks, a wonderful drama of human in- | terest, at the Scenic Christmas after- | noon and evening; opera house Mon- ‘day, December 27. 51-1t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | OR SALE.—After February Ist, | F the following: i 7 pieces of hard i lodge furniture, hand made. 36 oak dining room chairs. 7 yards of good wool carpet. 3 good wardrobes. "Full line of officer's robes. Everything {in good shape. For further information inquire of the trustees of No. 515 O. of I. A., Pine Grove Mills, Pa. J. R. SMITH, CO. H, MARTZ, W. H. GLENN, 65-51-3t Trustees. OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR N CHARTER.—To whom it may con- cern. Notice is hereby given, that an applica- tion will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, on Monday, De- cember 27th, A. D., 1920, at ten o'clock a. m., under the provisions of the Corpora- tion Act of 1874, and its supplements, for a Charter for an intended Corporation to be called “Theta Building Association,” of State College, Pa., the character and object of which are, receiving and holding prop- erty, real, personal and mixed, and for the erection or purchase of a home for frater- nal purposes, and the maintenance thereof, and for these purposes, to have and pos- sess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by said Act and the Supplements thereto. 2 GETTIG & BOWER, 65-48-4t Solicitors. OTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of December, A. D. 1920, the Belle- fonte Central Transportation Company presented and filed in the Court of Com- mon Pleas for Centre County, Pennsylva- nia, its Petition to the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, praying for decree of dissolution of the said corporation, which said Petition is filed in said Court to No. 1 February Term, 1921, and that a hearing upon said Peti- tion and application for dissolution has been fixed by the said Court to be heard i on Tuesday the eleventh day of January | A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock, A. M. or as ! soon thereafter as the business of the said | Court will permit, at the Court House in | Bellefonte, Pa., when and where all per- | sons interested may attend and show cause against the granting of the prayer 1921, wood (oak) of the said Petition, if they so desire. BLANCHARD & BLANCHARD, 65-50-3t Solicitors for Petitioner. OTICE.—In the Court of Common N Pleas of Centre County, No. 126, September Term, 1920. | Elizabeth Ann Gallagher Derstine, vs. , John B. Derstine. | To John B. Derstine, Respondent above : named : " Please take notice that an application : for a divorce has been made in the above i cause, upon the allegation that you have ! wilfully and maliciously and without rea- sonable cause deserted the Libellant, and absented yourself from her habitation for and during the term or space of two years | and upwards. By reason of your default in | not entering an appearance and not filing an j answer the case has been referred to me as 1 Master. I have fixed Monday, the 10th day of January, A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock A. M. as the time and my offices in the Masonic Temple Bldg., North ward, Bellefonte Bor- ough, Centre county, Penna., as the place for taking testimony in the cause, when and where you may attend. W. HARRISON WALKER, Master, 65-50-3t Bellefonte, Penna. Important Notice! To stimulate building, we have Reduced Our Prices Oo Lumber, Shingles Building Material Get Our Prices Before Buying P. B. Crider & Son 44 tf BELLEFONTE, PA. The McVey Co. Real Estate Operators FOR SALE. 10 room house with all modern conven- iences, good barn, lot 100x250. Situate Curtin street, Bellefonte, Pa. Lot 50x200-on East Curtin street; a good location for a home. 44 acre farm, one mile west of Fillmore, 25 acres clear, balance in chestnut timber, good house and barn, spring with running water at house. Price $2000. 5 acre farm, 2 miles east of State Col- lege, good house and barn, all kinds of fruit, running water; a good truck farm. Price $2500. See us before buying your Ready Cut House, Barn or Silo. OFFICES: E MOUNT UNION vc Me H : X 'JOHNSTO Crider Stone Building Bellefonte, Pa.