Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 10, 1920, Image 5
AAAAAAAAANAANPPPPSIPINIE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NPI, In the Churches of the good condition is offered cheap. ters of administration having been Inquire of Mrs. Sim Baum, east granted to the undersigned upon ol e31846 pperathe in Comize county ® J L uys n a County. Bishop street, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-49-2t | the estate of Jacob H. Gross, late of Belle- | you want to Do or en ret rare Write fonte borough, deceased, all personsknow- | to him or call at his office in Temple 1 AAAAAAAAAAAS AAS APPS ing themselves indebted to said estate are | court, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-25-6m oe ABBIT HOUND LOST. -A black and requested to make prompt payment, and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. an ¢ ns near Fairs Musser pasture farni, é present them, duly authenticated, for set- eis G’ “roo FOR SALE.—-\ Go-Cart in A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE.—Let- R= ESTATE.—J. M. KEICHLINE. INISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Letters — of administration having been th ironed to the Shgervighed, upon ~ ) e estate o en M. Fleck, late o us- (Mrs.) MARGARET B QRONS ton township, deceased, all persons know- J. XK. Johnston 2 Bsliefonte Pa. | IN8 themselves indebted to said estate are ie Attorney. , _0t requested to make prompt payment, and tan rabbit hound was lost on the | 4p 06 having claims against the same must "A DM Sabbath services as follows: Morn- | brook, in Ferguson township. Finder will | Freeh A i i . i _ { please notify R. E. D. Snyder, 29059 Maple . ing worship at 10:45. Evening wor ig Altoona, and receive reward. 65-49-11 ship at 7:30. Sabbath school at 9:45 a.m. Prayer service every Wednes- F OR SALE. Bethlehem Truck, 215 tons, day evening at 7:45. A cordial wel- first-class condition, year old. "Perms can be arranged. Address those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- Christian Science Society, Furst Tors of A aon Jeet pert. Twelve year's experience in Sham- building, High street, Sunday service | ip, estate of Oscar Wetzel, late of the bor- | pooing, Scalp and Facial Massage. Satis- 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- | ough of Bellefonte, decenged: a DETSONS | faction guaranteed. Will call at homes. ing at 8 o’clock. To these meetings all knowing Ise gone prompt pay- | Phone for appointment. Bell 224. Office are welcome. A free reading room | ment, and vs having claims against the | 27 west Curtin St. is open to the public every Thursday | same must present them, duly authenticat- | g= 40 sts tearoom from 2 to 4 Here the{ed, for seitlement. Bible and Christian Science literature EMMA ¥, WEEE may be read, borrowed or purchased. | g5-45-6t Bellefonte, Pa. Subject, December 12th, “God the come to all. a i "| tlement. 3 1 3 30 8 eines, 2 Bi, Poston sm “No. 718 Bural Ave.’ te Glory ots Womens Her Hal?” 5. IMEI HENDERSON. There are so many things in this store, a . . . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. A NOTICE Tet: | Tht it mest have care. Consult an ok: Gettig & Bower, acu Julian, BS. SO many interesting, unusual articles, S— specially appropriate for Christmas giv- ing, that we feel sure you will find here that object of your constant search, “the Christmas gift that really fits.” Mrs. N. M. LOY. The Pennsylvania Match Co Brockerhoff Hotel Furniture Preserver of Man.” Fe RENT. The Boal Estate announc- Needs Girls — os the following farms for rent: ! or , Te SE Cy The Bear Meadows farm, situat- For Sale UNITED BRETHREN IN CHEST. ed two miles east of Boalsburg, consisting : Work will be given to all who The Sunday school at half-past nine. | of ninety (90) acres of wood farm land, to- g 1 Let each one come and be on time. gether wh about ninety (90) nerves of {The following furniture from the apply . . asture ia . + The preaching hour is half-past_ten, The Cedar (reek farm. sitnated one-half Brockerhoff hotel will be sold at pub- ? so you should go and worship Him. | mile south of Linden Hall, comprising | lic sale on the Benner lot, rear of the | ¢ 6540 tt ° ‘At one forty-five the Juniors meet, about one hundred and seventy-tive (179) | hotel on a lair & Son : acres. ° around one common mercy seat. The CHARLES ¥. SOIL, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920. ’ Seniors come at half-past six to beat | Tel No. 5. Manager, at 1:30 o’clock p. m., to wit: Ata o . the Devil in his tricks. Then seven- 65-49-2t Boalsburg, Pa. 2 Doz. Sets Wal 4% - Tewelers and Optome trists thirty always finds the court most fill- P TRTNERSHIP NOTICE. Z s Walnut, Oak and Cottage v / ; { Bedroom Furniture. 1 | ed with willing minds to hear the In re MILESBURG STORE COM- | mportant otice word of God Divine, and bow before PANY" 12 Doz. Wood and Upholstered Rock- ’ Shas the sacred shrine. On January two Notice is hereby given that the partner- i : begins the union week of prayer and | ship lately existing between Anna A. Mc } Doz. Upholstered Couches. praise, as has been held in "former | Co¥ Ang JOU eta Sd Administrators of | 7 Doz, Vienna and Straight Back days. We earnestly entreat you all | coy, and Anna A. McCoy and John McCoy, Chairs. : to hearken to the clarion call, and | widow and heirs of the said Frank McCoy, | pnameled Beds, Odd Bureaus, Wash- Reduced Our Prices : : PRO aT deceased ; Augusta C. Shoemaker, Exccu- came in holy adoration, regardless of trix under the last will and testament of stands, Towel Racks, etc. : denomination. | ON Thomas A. Shoemaker, deceased, and the Odd Carpets and Rugs, and Various | Lumber, Shingles Bellefonte, Pa. To stimulate building, we have Safety First e have added to the protection we offer depositors by the installation of a bur- glar alarm system, which is now in operation. We feel that this system, in addition to the modern vault door put in recently, gives us the assurance of safety. We make no charge for the care of securities and papers left with us for safe keeping. Beautiful Anita Stewart The First National Bank i BELLEFONTE, PA. i 7 _ | said Augusta C. Shoemaker in her own in- - & E. Brute, Poston it C. W. Emen- | §if{qual right; John M. Shugert ; Edmund Articles. | n1Zer astor lmeritus. Blanchard; John Blanchard; an ina t ! —_ Fulton Executrix under the last will and | J. ISRAEL WITTEN. | ST. JOHN'S REFORMED. testament of William T. Fulton, decensed, I. Frank Mayes, Auc. 48-2t | . Services next Sunday morning at | and, in ber Sut IROL, Lotr STEN: | AND OTHER 10:45. Sermon, “The First and the BURG STORE COMPANY, was dissolved | ® em—— B il di M ; . ] 3 ” v ap OF ) y . Last of the Prophets.” Evening serv- | on November 22, 2% 8, filcrchin are to ~ building iviateria ice at 7:30. Sermon, “A Syrian Ruler | jo received by the said Albina Fulton and Ira D Garman Hea leas Sunday oh pola Lom ry Cs ented eS inn Futon, . Get Cur Prices Before Buying and C. E. meeting at 6: , mM, 10 he sald « { iton, . . av payment. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. ANNA A Mccoy Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry P B C . d 8 So JOHN Mc y “" - ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Administrators of Frank Mecoris 11th St JENELRY aos OVER” ° ° I'l er n Services for the week beginning De- decensol, reet Below Chestnut, cember 12: Third Sunday in Advent, ULEANOL A NeCOY 63:34-6m. PHILADELPHIA, PA tf BELLEFONTE, PA. 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Se TOHN MCCOY MATE C. . . ucha- AUGU '. SHOEMAKER. church school. 11.8 m, Ye YE i As Executrix of Thomas A. Shoe- rist and sermon, ncarna € y oto maker, deceased, and in her in- Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary.” 7 :30 dividual right. p. m. cvensong and sermon, “The Glo- JOHN M. SHUGERT rious Wounds.” Wednesday, Friday LhHYOSD JEANShARD ¢ and Saturday are the winter Ember ALBINA FULTON 4 days on which the church requires ab- Executrix of William T. Iulton, 4 stinence and prayer for those who are detensed, and in her own individ- to be ordained. Friday, 7:30 Litany Pik and instruction. Visitors always wel- Notice is hereby given that I, Albina come Talion, an contin in Jesiness frading , under the trade name 0 e Milesburg Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. | Store Company, at the place of business of the aforesaid partnership, on my own sole responsibility and without any liabil- METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH s i i Bible school 9:30. Sermon, “When | It¥ of the SiC, POA, IOTow dissolved as a Prophet Saw,” 10:45. Junior League | aforesaid. 2 p.m. Senior League 6:30. Sermon, | 65-47-3t “Jonah, Then and Now,” 7:30. Visit- po — _ ors cordially welcome. Rev. Alexander Scott, Minister Second-Hand Store |! All kinds of FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS bought and Whitmer—On October 3, to Mr. and for sale in the Ammerman store room ! ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 4 4 ¢ { ALBINA FULTON. | ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ 4 4 4 4 : Mrs. Lester Whitmer, of Bellefonte, | OT Bishop street, Bellefonte Pa. | ¢ ¢ 4 4 4 ¢ { 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 l { { Se TTT NNN NSN INIT BIRTHS. a son 65-49-3t* Hazel—On October 6, to Mr. and SECHLER & CO. {1s Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery be 2 od < S Mrs. Clarence Hazel, of Bellefonte, a | ue = TT daughter, Betty Marie. Showers—On October 7, to Mr. and Th M V C Mrs. Fern Showers, of Bellefonte, a € C c 0. daughter. Hall—On November 3, to Mr. and Mrs Philip C. Hall, of Milesburg, Real Estate Operators a son, Philip C. Jr. Gordon—On November 8, to Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Jr., of Belle- FOR SALE. fonte, a son, Philip Miller. 7 room house in good condition, lot 60x Zorn—On November 7, to Mr. and | 200 feet, Willowbank St., Bellefonte. Mrs. Edward A. Zorn, of Bellefonte, | Price, $2,500. a son, Frank William. Double dwelling in Milesburg, lot 125% Robinson.—On November 18, to Mr. | 150 feet. This is an opportunity to get a and Mrs. William Robinson, of Mar- home cheap. Price, $1,175. ion township; a daughter, Ruth Viola. ) - { - Port—On November 1, to Mr. and 8 acre farm. 7 Toor house. Barn and Q Mrs. Blaine Port, of Bellefonte, a other outbuildings: good orchard and all $ ) $ The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each ) ) in that Delightful. Thrilling Classic ) ) “In Old Kentucky” customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- kinds of fruit; well water. 1 mile from ; ; daughter. : igri where and at fair prices. Kramer—On November 19, to Mr. : : : and Mrs. William L. Kramer, of Pleas- | 7 room brick dwelling; barn and shed; ant Gap, a son, Ray Raymond. lot 64x160 feet. Main street, Boalsburg. Weaver—On November 19, to Mr. | Price. $2,200. Spectacular, thrilling life drama, with something doing every minute, in that wonderful old play and story. and Mrs. Samuel F. Weaver, of Pleas- ant Gap, a daughter, Mary Carlotta. Hutton—On November 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hutton, of Pleasant Gap, a son, Aridell Sidney. OFFICES: BELLEFONTE MOUNT UNION ALTOONA BEDFORD HARRISBURG LEWISTOWN JOHNSTOWN Crider Stone Building Beautiful Scenes and Many Exciting Thrills with Your Patronage. We Invite You to Test this Statement Hockenberry—On November 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hokenberry, | 5.18 of Spring township, a son, Clarence Edward. Cohen—On December 2, to Mr. and ng Cohen, of - Bellefonte, a The Index Book Store : : A FEW OF WHICH ARE The Great. Broken Bridge Jump Night. Riders Chase Feudists Over a Chiff The Fox Hunt—in which a fox actually climbs a tree. 4 4 4 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 4 { 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 § 4 4 4 4 4 4 Bellefonte, Pa. { 4 4 4 4 4 Anita Stewart as Jockey wins a Realistic, Thrilling { 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¢ 4 4 4 4 < 4 ¢ 4 4 4 4 4 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Horse Race Bellefonte, Pa. Gun Fights between Moonshiners and U. S. Officers. Rescuing Race Horse from Burning Barn The Crisis at, the Grand Ball Scene and many others. A delightful love story woven thru the great melodrama, laden with human interest of laughs and tears. A First National super feature worth coming miles to see. ! Bellefonte Trust Company | Why You Should Make aWill To protect your loved ones. To safeguard your estate. By making a Will you can appoint the Bellefonte Trust Company as your Executor or Trustee. You can thus assure to your heirs the business manage- ment and financial responsibility which this institution affords. Your wishes can be observed in the distribution of your property, for if you do not leave a Will the law may divide up 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¢ 4 4 N "Garten APPLICATION FOR ® ¢ iR.—To whom it may con- ¢ Con Christmas | Notice is hereby given, that an applica- ¢ tion will be made to the Court of Common p Pleas of Centre county, on Monday, De- cember 27th, A. D., 1920, at ten o'clock a. ¢ m., under the provisions of the Corpora- 4 tion Act of 1874, and its supplements, for : 4 a Charter for an intended Corporation to { ke tale Ihe Building jssdeiation of 4 State College, Pa., the character and objec . State College, Fa. the chitachoiding prop- | Here the gifts are easy to fy, real personal and TXed, end or Je ] : be f th . d : erection or purchase of a home for frater- ual purpases and the ingigtenshce thereol, Se ect, cause 0 € varie ¢ and for these purposes, to have and pos- | 13 Sess ud enjoy all the rights, Jenefity and lines They are €asy to buy 1 privileges conferr y sai ct an e Supplements thereto. because most all of our goods p GETTIG & BOWER, : 65-48-4t Soncitors. | are popular priced—of 4 4 ¢ 4 4 4 4 ¢ ¢ 4 { 3 Days--Opera House, Bellefonte Thursday, Friday and Saturday December 9th, 10th and 11th Admission - - - Adults 83c.. Children 17c. ~| Books Christmas Cards Box Papers 1 Good Farm for Sale. : No better farm can be found in Buf- falo Run valley than the well - known Hastings farm. It contains 190 acres Galen of splendid farming land and good ovsS timber. Has splendid orchards of an y high Qualiiy i, 22 most Hes we have never had so full a|§ austible vein of high-grade limestone | ,. . ) runs through the farm. Splendid line. If you are Im doubt ? buildings, excellent water and good | ahout the gift $ } § your possessions in a way that you might not desire. How Have You Made Your Will? 1 Do not write your own Will. “Home-made” Wills are ) dangerous and often cause law-suits, because, when drawing a : Will the law must be known, both as to wording and terms. ) ) Consult a lawyer today about the making of your Will and have him name the Bellefcnte Trust Company to act as your Exect- - tor and Trustee. school facilities. This farm is now of- C. T. Gerberich, N. E. Robb, Q Q ’ : 3 fered at private ii CROSS. Look in The Index: Don t Fail to See It $ Vice President Trehetits 4 665-47-t£. Bellefonte, Pa, 65-46-6t : PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS A A A AAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAPAPNNIIAPPPS IP J. L. Spangler, 65-3-tf President