Jon Bown atdpan Bellefonte, Pa., P. GRAY MEEK, ————— remem Te Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. - - Editor Terme of Subscription.—Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- seribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance Paid before expiration of year Paid after expiration of year am—— Fond Hopes Sadly Disappointed. $1.50 175 2.00 The improvement in Senator Pen- rose’s health has caused fond hopes of several Republican politicians to van- jsh. A few weeks ago there was an expectation that there would be two vacant seats in the United States Senate to be filled and half a dozen anxious aspirants for the places were tentatively offering themselves to fill them. The death of Penrose was to create one vacancy and the appointment of Knox to the cabinet was to provide the other. Now it seems certain that Penrose has postponed his passage of the Styx and in conversation with some of his cro- nies the other day he declared that he prefers to have Knox remain in the Senate. Of course that settles it in both cases. Sylvester Vierick boasts openly that he induced six million voters to sup- port Harding, who otherwise might have voted for Cox. The appointment of Knox would naturally be most gratifying to Mr. Vierick for Knox is the only man in public life who has frankly declared that the peace terms were too severe on Germany and he was author of the resolution to make a separate peace with Germany which would have taken all the sting out of the defeat of Germany’s ambition lo rule the world. It may be added that Harding would have been glad enough to gratify Vierick for he is not known as an ingrate. But it must not be for- gotten that Penrose is the boss and if he decrees that Knox shall remain in the Senate that is the ultimatum. Why Penrose has made up his mind to continue in his own seat in the Sen- ate and keep Knox holding down the other job is left to conjecture. Prob- ably he didn’t care to take that long journey on which his party associates were so anxious to dispatch him, which would account for his own course. But it is known that some time ago he was strongly in favor of Knox for the Premiership. Maybe he has changed his mind out of resent- ment for the unceremonious haste with which other Republicans of Penn- sylvania, are now focussing lustful eyes on the seat. Governor Sproul, Mayor Moore and Chairman Crow will have to wait until some other time for the Senatorial toga because Penrose wants Knox to continue in the seat. Armee The main purpose of the con- vention of Governors held in Harris- burg last week seems to have been to exploit Governor Allen, of Kansas. ——Armenia has been declared a soveit Republic but the only repub- lics that are worth while are without qualifying adjectives. Centre County and Near East Relief. In the year from July 1st, 1919, to July 1st, 1920, Centre county made a wonderful response of $9,500, in di- rect payment and pledges, to the call for help from the Near East. Dur- ing the February campaign it was an- nounced that, if the $30,000,000 asked from the Nation be given, and a state of peace prevail in Asia Minor, taking into account the wonderful recupera- tive power of the Armenians, there would be no necessity for America assuming more than the support of the orphanages in the future. Only $12,694,857.95 was given by the en- tire nation and the indescribable con- dition of affairs in the Near East is well known to every one. The need now is so desperate that Near East relief asks for a campaign between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That did not seem possible for Cenire county, so our special effort will be made, probably, during the first week in February, but all money coming in before February will be forwarded at once and be credited to our quota with the exception, of course, of unpaid pledges. 110,639 children have been rescued. 54,600 of them in 229 orphanages. 56,039 given food and clothing. 6,552 beds in 63 hospitals. Pennsylvania has undertaken the | feeding of 29,000 children at $60 apiece. This may seem a large pro- portion out of 110,000 orphans, but it must be remembered it is only the feeding, and some States are taking their quotas in hospitals, clinics, res- cue homes for girls taken from Turk- ish harems, etc. Centre county’s share will be 146 orphans. If any or- ganization or individual wants to have a part in this work at Christmas time, money sent in now to the Centre county treasurer, Charles M. McCur- dy, Bellefonte, will be doubly appre- ciated by the New York headquarters. The Central Pennsylvania district stood second in the Nation during the past year, and Centre county helped much in that. Can’t we, with the help of Philipsburg, which was not organ- ized last year, feed, clothe and house our 146 orphans at $120 apiece, or feed, clothe, house and educate them at $180 apiece? MARY H. LINN, Lhairman for Centre Co. Near East Re- lief. December 10, 1920. | 1 IN THE LAND OF SUNSHINE. A. C. Wolf, Former Centre Countian, Writes Interestingly of Life in California. Just about a year ago the “Watch- man” published a series of letters written by A. C. Wolf, a former Cen- tre countian now located in Califor- nia, to his aunt, Mrs. Julia Carner, of Hublersburg, and they proved so in- teresting that we know readers of this paper will appreciate the one here given: Lost Hills, Cal., Nov. 21. Received your letter a few days ago and naturally was glad to hear from you and how you are getting along. I would like to see you out here enjoy- ing the fine weather we have been having. It has certainly been ideal all of this month. We had just a little sprinkle of rain here last week, the first we have had in seven months. 1 suppose to you that will seem a long time without rain, but we don’t think anything of a dry spell like that here. I am working at night this month and it is delightful. The atmosphere is so clear, the stars shimmering in the sky and the moonbeams look like a great white way across the heavens. We had a slight frost the morning after the rain but the air is now quite warm at night. I will now tell you of a trip I took during my vacation in September, when I saw enough to fill a big book, if I could only write it down. First I went to the State fair at Sacramento, and it was by all odds the largest fair I ever attended. September 9th was the anniversary of California’s admis- sion into the Union as a State and the event was celebrated as admission day and Governor's day jointly at the fair. There were twenty-two thousand paid admissions that day. I spent a por- tion of the day at Fort Sutler, built in 1839. There I saw relics taken from the old mission churches and hacien- das that are older than our present form of government. At Fort Sutler Jennie Lind sang to the soldiers and first white settlers of this State. There I saw three of the old stage coaches of early California days as well as a schooner used by emigrants in crossing the prairies in 1853. There was also an old fire engine built in Philadelphia in 1843. It is impossible to tell all that was to be seen there. Leaving Sacramento I went by stage across Sacramento valley to the foothills of St. Helena mountains. Most of the valley was in wheat and barley but as we reached the hills we came into the fruit country. Pear, apple and cherry orchards were to be seen everywhere, with some prunes and grapes. Passing through the hills we came to Napa city in Napa valley. This valley is about thirty miles long and varies in width from six to ten miles. It is one vast prune orchard and vineyard. Fruit farms and vine- yards can even be seen high up in the hills. : Leaving Napa City I went to Calis- toga by electric train. This town is at the foot of the mountain and in the geyser belt. Several sanitoriums and bath houses are located there. The water has a temperature of 112 de- grees and shoots up in the air from 150 to 200 feet. I went from Calisto- ga to Clear Lake by stage. The road climbs up the side of the mountain and the scenery is wonderful. After a two and a half hours’ ride we reach- ed the summit of the mountain, 4000 feet above sea level. My next stdp was Adams Springs, way up in a nar- row canyon. That is also a health re- sort, with both hot and cold water. From there I went to Harbin Springs, where they have several kinds of springs—sulphur, iron and magnesia, all cold. Fom Harbin Springs I went down the mountain to Middleton, which is located in a low, flat country, given over mostly to grazing and stock raising. My next stop was at Kelseyville, which is surrounded by a vast plain of rich, black soil, which is highly pro- ductive. It is laid out in nice farms with splendid buildings. Some of the land is devoted to pear orchards. About 3,500 acres are planted with Bartlet pears. These orchards are worth from one to two thousand dol- lars an acre. The pears this year brought an average of $1000 an acre, selling at from $80 to $100 a ton. The valley is twenty-five miles from a rail- road, and a mountain 3000 feet high | intervening. My next stop was at Lakeport, on Clear Lake. This lake is 1300 feet above sea level, twenty-four miles long and two to nine miles wide. It is a beautiful, clear body of water, surrounded by towering mountains, and affords splendid boating and bath- ing. Laurel Dell and the Upper Lakes were my next stop. This is a series of five small lakes with a camp of Pomo Indians on one of them. These In- dians devote their time to weaving bas- kets and making up leather goods. Beaded moccasins sell at $20 a pair; ‘gloves at $5 to $15; wristlets, $5 to $10; baskets from the size of a teacup up to two bushels, at from 50 cents to $25. The Indian men are short and stout but the women are regular Am- azons, many of them weighing over 200 pounds. Near the lake is a nice valley mostly planted in beans. Two canneries are located in the valley and the beans canned green. Many squaws are employed in picking them and are paid 50 cents an hour. Wish you could see them when they go to town in their bright colored dresses and ribbons. They are rather light in color. All their knives, arrow points and cutting implements are made of obsidian (volcanic glass) and they are very sharp, enabling them to do fine work. I suppose you never made nor ate ! acorn bread, which is a staple of the! Indians. They gather hundreds of bushels of acorns for winter use. Some are hulled and dried and others stored under water in a lake or pond, being ground up as needed. From Laurel Dell I went to Highland Springs, located in a fine grove of virgin oak. Both hot and cold water springs are in the group. Crossing the mountain I went down into Russian river valley, noted for its hops. There we again reached the railroad. Going down the river by train about thirty miles I crossed over into the Valley of the Moon. This is one of the largest prune districts in the State. Stopping at Santa Rosa and making a side trip of fourteen miles I visited the petrified forest. Standing there are giant redwood trees, 9 to 14 feet in diameter and 80 to 126 feet in height, all turned to sol- id stone and shining like crystal. Returning to Santa Rosa I went to Petaluma, the poultry centre of the Pacific coast. I saw an incubator cel- lar of a 225,000 egg capacity, and one poultry farm with 40,000 laying hens, all white leghorns. There are four million laying hens in that district, and six million in all the county. My next stop was at Susialto on San Francisco bay. On my way there I passed through San Rafael, a beauti- ful residential town located in a grove of redwoods. I crossed the bay in a fine steamer to San Francisco, a seven mile trip, but did not stay in the city any length of time, going by stage to San Jose in Santa Clara valley. This valley is about thirty miles wide and is a vast orchard of apri- cots, prunes, peaches, cherries and strawberries. Berries can be picked dinner. berries. The land is heavy black adobe, very rich, but hard to work. From San Jose we traveled northeast through the bottom lands of South bay and the San Joaquin river, the vegetable garden of California. There hundreds of acres are cultivated in to- matoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and cantaloups. From Turlock alone 800 carloads of cantaloups were shipped in one day last August. From that place I made the trip of two hundred miles by train back to Lost Hills, and am already planning where to spend my vacation next year. They began shipping the orange crop from the northern part of the State about the first of November and will finish the first of the year. Peculiar as it may seem the oranges in the northern part of the State ripen three months in advance of those in the Los Angeles section, 500 miles south. months earlier 700 miles north of Los Angeles than they do in the southern section. SAE I have not been in snow but once since I. have been: in-CaliforHia, and that was in 1917, although plenty of snow is in sight on the mountain tops. I have sold my home in Ontario and don’t own any property here now. I have not had any good old home- made applebutter since I left Pennsyl- vania. They don’t make it here. have met quite a number of old Penn- sylvanians recently and it is like a whiff from home to talk with them. I had a letter from my sister An- nie and she says they have had a very hot summer and have beén badly shaken up with earthquakes. Had in the neighborhood of a hundred quakes during June and July. Most of them were very slight but they have a bad effect on the atmosphere. The air be- comes heavily charged with electricity and so much of the oxygen is burned up that it is difficult to breathe. Any- thing .in motion - becomes heavily charged with electricity. I have charge of a 40 horse power engine which makes 120 revolutions a minute and drives a belt 124 feet long and a foot wide. It becomes so heavily charged that I have to wear gloves most of the time while oiling it. At a distance of two feet from the belt it makes one’s hair stand on end and crackle while blue flames dart from my finger tips. This is a far better climate in the winter than it is in sum- mer. Will close for this time, with kindest regards. 4. C. WOLY. “Fi Fi of The Toy Shop.” Everything is now very nearly in readiness for the extraordinary pro- duction to be staged under the auspic- es of the High school here, December 15th and 16th. Rehearsals have been going on in earnest for the past week and a half. The talent displayed is exceptionally good, which is sure to make the pro- duction a howling success. Advance tickets have been on sale since Monday and by all indications standing room will sell at a premium. The reservation will be made Monday, December 13th, at the Mott Drug Co., at 9 o'clock. Go early and avoid the rush. The following is the cast of characters: BORME. «cv ovvrrvriviiassi cre Marjory Hill Sand Man... ......c0isiana James Seig Tack HAMMETT. soci irareenses Musser Gettig Ink Spot... cca viii Margaret Bower FL Bias vevs densnoninde ss canes Mary Parker Prince Lollypop.......... Licutenant Tin Heart Captain Barnacle,............ Loosey, a Rag Doll Aurelia, the Witeh........... The Man-in-the-Moon Talking Doll Doll's Head Byron Blackford Edgar Mallory Harold Wion Sara Ray Mary Sebring Cecil Walker Helen Cruse Esther Johnson Edna Kilpatrick BO-PotD. to eisr erasures Josephine Miles A Japanese Doll..... Mary Alice Thompson Clowns........ Edmund Miller, Cecil Funk here from the vines for Thanksgiving | In fact therc are only three . months in the year when there are no | ants in the Eagle block of burning And peaches, pears, apricots, cherries, apples, etc., ripen from two to three ! 1 i ers. i Village Improvement committee and ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Interesting Meeting of Bellefonte Borough Council. Every member was present at the regular meeting of borough council on Monday evening except the president, Mr. John S. Walker, and in his ab- sence Hard P. Harris was chosen to preside. Secretary W. T. Kelly read the min- utes of the last meeting at the conclu- sion of which member Cunningham asked for information regarding the ordinance passed at the last meeting of council providing for the sale of a tract of mountain land belonging to the Pruner estate to a party of Pitts- burgh gentlemen for $3250. Mr. Cun- ningham was of the opinion that the price was too low notwithstanding the opinion of the expert who examined the land. Mr. Harris was inclined to the same view. Secretary Kelly stat- ed that the ordinance in question had not yet been approved by the burgess and president pro tem Harris decided that the approval of the minutes would be held over until next meeting of council. Discussion of the Pruner estate af- fairs led to the question as to what became of last year’s audit? Last April president Walker appointed A. Miles Barr to represent Bellefonte borough in the audit, but up to the present time no report of the audit has been made to council. Secretary Kelly read a letter from a young lady iesident of north Alle- i gheny street asking that a walk or | pavement of some kind be put down along the Beaver and Linn properties i on that thoroughfare, and the matter was referred to the Street committee and borough manager with instrue- tions to look into the matter at cence. George Eberhart made personal complaint against the practice of ten- refuse on an ash pile in the rear of Parrish’s drugstore and not taking the trouble to see that the fire is put out before they leave it. He averred that he had seen fire there as late as twelve and one o’clock at night and it is a menace to the buildings in that neighborhood. The Fire and Police committee was instructed to notify tenants to exercise greater care. The borough manager reported that the steam pump at the water station was finally put in operation on Sat- urday, after the Pennsylvania Match company had pumped the water 261 days. The Fire and Police committee re- ported a fire at the Rhoads property on Monday morning, and that both companies responded. The Finance committee asked for the renewal of notes for $1000, $600, $2000, $500 and $7000, all of which were authorized. Mr. Harris presented a proposition of the Tree Commission for the trim- ! ming of all the trees on Bishop street, from the Brockerhoff corner to the borough line, Commission had secured an estimate from an expert which placed the out- side cost at $120, but inasmuch as many residents will undoubtedly pay for the trimming of their own trees the borough will be asked to assume only that portion of the cost which can’t be collected from property own- The matter was referred to the Tree Commission with power to act. In regard to the request of Mr. James R. Hughes, wt the last meeting of council, for water to fill his new skating pond, Mr. Cunningham, of the Water committee, reported that an investigation of the pond had been made and a computation of its capac- ity, and that it would take a half mil- lion of gallons to fill it, without count- ing any leakage. He stated that it was the sense of the committee that a charge of fifty dollars a million -gal- lons should be made to cover pumping costs, etc., which would be twenty-five dollars for the first filling. Mr. Cun- ningham also expressed some doubt as to whether the breast of the dam will hold, and stated that if it did not and gave way, the water would flood all the cellars on upper Bishop street. To cover any possibility of damage it was the sense of council that Mr. Hughes be required to give bond to cover any damage that might be done, and the matter was referred to the Water committee and borough solic- itor with power. The ordinance providing for the li- censing of all vehicles used for haul- ing or transporting passengers in Bellefonte was read for the second time but as some of the provisions are not very specific it was referred to the Finance committee and borough solicitor for revision and report at next meeting. The Finance commit- tee and borough solicitor were also in- structed to look up the borough’s right to impose and collect a license from motion picture theatres, after Burgess Walker reported to council that he had collected a license of twenty dol- lars a month from the roller skating rink on the Island. Bills aggregating approximately $4200 were approved and council ad- journed. Candidates Expense Accounts Filed. The only candidates to file expense accounts in Centre county this year were those for the Legislature, F. E. Naginey’s expenses being $248.21, and Thomas Beaver’s $230.00. Homer P. Barnes, treasurer of the Democratic county committee, in his statement; acknowledged receipts of $1370.90 and expenditures totalling $1287.80, leaving a balance of $83.10. Charles H. Watson, treasurer of the Republican county committee, ac- and expenditures, $3773.68, leaving a balance of $13.82. He stated that the. { EVERETT.—Jacob Everett, a well known resident of Penn township, died very suddenly last Thursday evening as the result of a stroke of paralysis. Six years ago he suffered a stroke which affected his one side and although he recovered to a great extent he had been lame ever since, but was able to be around and do light work. He was well as ever all day on Thursday until evening when he suf- fered a second stroke and passed away within five minutes. He was a son of Jacob and Eliza- beth Everett and was born at Coburn on November 12th, 1845, making his age 75 years and 20 days. As a young man he engaged in farming, an occu- pation he followed most of his life. For nineteen years he occupied a farm along Pine creek, but seven years ago he retired and moved to his late home near Coburn. He was a member of the Evangelical church and a good cit- izen. Forty-two years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Jane Den- nis, who survives with one son, A. R. | Everett, mail carrier in Bellefonte. He was the last member of his fath- er’s family. Funeral services were held at his late home at ten o’clock on Monday morning by Rev. Snyder, of Millheim, after which burial was made in the Fairview cemetery at Millheim. ; i ROWE.— Samuel J. Rowe died at his home in Hagerstown, Md., on Sun- day, November 28th, following a brief illness with acute laryngitis. He was a son of the late Wilson Rowe and thirty years ago lived in Bellefonte when his father and uncle, the late Edward C. Rowe, conducted a furni- ture store in the Bush Arcade. The Wilson Rowe family left here in the early nineties and went to Hagers- town, Md., where Mr. Rowe engaged in the furniture business. At that time the son Samuel was just reach- ing manhood and he elected to take a course in bookkeeping with the result that he became quite expert and for a number of years has held a good po- sition with a contracting firm. He was a member of the Elks and the Knights of Pythias. He never mar- ried and his only immediate survivor is his sister, Mrs. Samuel Emmert. Burial was made in Hagerstown on Tuesday of last week. il ii EMMERT.—Joseph Emmert, who spent his youthful days in Centre county, died at his home in Freeport, Ill, on November 29th, following a brief illness with pneumonia, aged 89 years, 8 months and 16 days. He was born in Lebanon county in 1831 but came to Centre county with his par- ents when but six years of age, the family locating in Potter township. At the age of thirty years he went to Illinois and most of his life since had been spent in Freeport, where he con- ducted a drugstore for almost half a century. He was also interested in various financial institutions in Free- port and was regarded as one of the city’s most substantial citizens. ber first. il 4 BARTGES.—Mrs. Margaret Bart- ges, wife of Ivy Bartges, of Spring Mills, died at the Lewistown hospital last Friday of tubercular meningitis. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Burrell, of Spring Mills, and was 51 years and 18 days old. She was twice married, the first time to Edwin Ruhl, by whom she leaves one son and a daughter, Harry D. Ruhl, of State College, and Mrs. Charles Mil- ler, of Lewistown. She also leaves her second husband and two step-chil- dren, Ralph Bartges, of Sunbury, and Charles, of Bellefonte. Burial was made in the Heckman cemetery near Spring Mills on Tuesday afternoon. i id. KINCH.—Mrs. Angeline Kinch, widow of John Kinch, and one of the oldest women in Spruce Creek valley, died at her home at Franklinville on Wednesday morning of general debil- ity, aged 89 years, 5 months and 8 days. Her surviving children are Miss Ella and Mrs. M. K. Houser, of Altoo- na; Mrs. P. F. Geist, of Warriors- mark; Mrs. W. H. Brown and D. C. Kinch, of Juniata; Mrs. W. E. Parch- ey, of Mt. Union, and Mrs. G. P. Irvin, of Pennsylvania Furnace. She also leaves twenty-one grand-children and twenty-three great grand children. Burial will be made in the Seven Stars cemetery this morning. ii | GRENOBLE.—Mrs. Clara N. Gren- oble, wife of John A. Grenoble, died at her home at Aaronsburg on Tues- day of last week as the result of a stroke of paralysis. She was a ver and was aged 62 years, 3 months and 11 days. Surviving her are three sons and three daughters. She also leaves four sisters and one brother, among the latter being Mrs. E. E. Ar- dery, of Bellefonte. Burial was made in the Reformed cemetery at Aarons- burg last Thursday morning. 1 i KRAPE.—William Johnston Krape died at his home at Aaronsburg on Monday, after an illness of only two days, aged 71 years, 7 months and 13 days. He is survived by his wife and three children, Mrs. William G. Hos- terman, of Feidler; Henry D. and John F., of Aaronsburg. Burial was made cemetery at Aaronsburg. ——When you want good job work come to the “Watchman” office, ——“Broken eggs can not be mend- © ’—(Lincoln). Neither can “cash- ' ed-in” war savings stamps grow to knowledged contributions of $3787.00, ' their maturity value. { ——Subseribe for the “Watchman.” Bur- . | ial was made at Freeport on Decem- | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sto- | yesterday morning in the Reformed ; CC ————————————————————————————————————————— i) MAJOR WILBUR F. LEITZELL — Major Wilbur F. Leitzell, of State College, has been awarded the distinguished service cross by the War Department for “gallant service in rallyi.z and taking command of a company ‘hich had lost its officers and becon:e broken up, as well as for remaining with his command and keeping it intact under the most try- ing circumstances when his machine gun company repulsed three German | waves, during which action he was se- | verely wounded in the shoulder.” i i ————— les | Bad Wreck cn Lewisburg and Tyrone Railroad. One of the worst wrecks that has occurred in years on the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad took place on Sat- urday afternoon when the passenger train which left Bellefonte at 1:35 p. m., was derailed about a mile and a half this side of Ingleby and just a short distance beyond the Beaver run tunnel. The train, which was made up of a milk car, mail and express car, baggage car and three coaches, left Coburn about four minutes late and was running along at a rate of twen- ty-five to thirty miles an hour. The train was in charge of conductor L. J. Reynolds with engineer William Fal- lon at the throttle. The latter stated that the first knowledge he had of anything being wrong was when the air was released on the locomotive setting the brakes. He looked around just in time to see the milk car toppling down over the bank, and the other cars on the train being shoved together like a stake and rider fence. He brought his locomo- tive to a stop within two hundred feet and jumping down ran back to the train. On meeting the conductor his first inquiry was if anybody was hurt, and strange as it may seem, though the entire train was off the track with the exception of the rear truck of the last car, and several of the cars were badly listed, not a passenger or mem- ber of the crew was injured. The i track, however, was badly torn up, rand the only suppesition as to the cause of the accident is spreading ! rails. | The train from Sunbury to Belle- i fonte was on the other side of the ac- cident and of course could not get i around the wreck. It was brought up | to it, however, and passengers and i everything possible transferred to that train, then it was run back to Montandon and sent around by Wil- i liamsport, Lock Haven and the Bald Eagle Valley railroad to this place, then on down to Coburn, and after discharging passengers along the line returned to Bellefonte, arriving here at seven o’clock Sunday morning. The work train from Sunbury clear- ed up the wreck and relaid the torn up track, and by eight o’clock Sunday morning had the road open for traffic. SPIKES HAMMERED BETWEEN RAILS © ON BELLEFONTE (ENTRAL. On Sunday a young man walking along the tracks of the Bellefonte Central railroad on his way to State College discovered a railroad spike sticking up between the ends of two rails where they join together. The spike stuck up quite a distance and Lwas so tightly driven in that the young man had to use a stone to get it out. The discovery was up in the neighborhood of where the road pass- es through the Barrens. After re- moving the spike the young man con- tinued his journey and soon came across another spike similarly located, and all told found nine that had been driven in the rail joints. Who put them there or for what purpose can only be surmised but it looks very much like the deliberate act of some maliciously-inclined person in an at- tempt to wreck the Bellefonte Central train. A Second Hand Store for Bellefonte. E. C. Cooke has opened a second hand store in the Ammerman building on Bishop street. He will buy and sell all kinds of second hand furniture, household goods and other articles that you may have no further use for and some one else may need. We can see where such an exchange should prove of considerable advan- tage to people of this community. For often there are articles about the home or the business place for which there seems to be no further use. They might be useful for some one else and a second hand store is the medium through which the person needing them can be found. ——— ———A handsome bronze tablet has been erected in St. Paul's Episcopal ! church, Columbus, Ohio, as a memor- lial to the late Rev. John Hewitt, who served as rector of the church a num- ber of years, and who was so well and | favorably known in Bellefonte from having officiated as rector of St. John’s Episcopal church in this place at two periods in its history.