Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 03, 1920, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., December 3, 1920.
— Allegheny county has 278 stu-
dents at State. Philadelphia county
ranks second, Luzerne third and Cen-
tre fourth with 150. :
— The season for wild turkey,
pheasants and squirrel came to an end
on Tuesday, but deer, bear and rabbit
are now the lawful game.
— About every third man visible
on the streets of Bellefonte early in
the week carried a gun, all bound for
the woods in quest of deer.
The Thimble Bee of the ladies
of the Reformed church will be held
at the home of Mrs. B. Frank Deitrich,
on Bishop street, this (Friday) after-
— Get the facts. Tuberculosis
takes a toll of 150,000 persons in the
United States every year. Hear and
see how to stay the plague. Meth-
odist church Sunday, at 7:30 p. m.
Forest Tanner, one of the em-
ployees at the aviation field, was op-
erated on for appendicitis, at the
Bellefonte hospital, last Friday, and
is now recovering as fast as possible.
Bellefonte friends of warden
John Francies, of the western peniten-
tiary, will be glad to know that he is
recovering from an operation he re-
cently underwent in a Pittsburgh
The little son who was born
Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. James B.
Craig, at the Bellefonte hospital, has
been named James B. Craig Jr. Mrs.
Craig before her marriage was Miss
Mary Warfield.
Miss Jane Miller is anxious to
make a record in securing subscribers
for the Ladies Home Journal and var-
ious other magazines, and requests
any one desiring such periodicals to
communicate with her at her home in
Crider’s Stone building.
Much attention will be given
the ensuing three weeks to Christmas
shopping but don’t overlook the fact
that the Scenic will be showing & good
line of motion pictures every evening
in the week for your special entertain-
ment. Spend your evenings there and
forget vour little worries and vexa-
The big mercantile store of the
Morrisdale Coal company at Morris-
dale was totally destroyed by fire last
Saturday evening. The blaze started
from the cxplosion of an oil stove.
The loss is estimated at $75,000, with
only a partial insurance. The store
will be rebuilt at the earliest oppor-
———-At their church fair on Wed-
nesday the members of the Episcopal
church cleaved $325, which is an un-
usually large sum for a onc day fair.
The money will go toward the pur-
chase of a piano for the parish house.
The members of the Reformed church
congregation cleared $110 at their
fair, last week.
——Philip Gross, who has been lo-
cated in Cleveland, Ohio, the past year
or more, has decided to remain in
Bellefonte with his mother and fami-
ly ard carry on the dry cleaning and
tailoving business conducted for a
number of years by his father, the late
Jacob Cross. See his advertisement
elsewhere in this paper.
——-D. W. Griffith’s latest and most
marvelous production, “The Idol
Dancer,” will be shown at the opera
house this (Friday) and tomorrow
evenit whiie next Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings “The River's
End,” another wonderful motion pic-
ture, will be shown at the Scenic.
Don’t fail to sec both these pictures.
D. W. Eberhart, one of Eelie-
fonte’s well known and most esteemed
citizens, was eighty-seven years old
on Monday and his daughter, Mrs.
Harry Badger, gave a dinner in his
henor in celebration of the event.
While not quite as spry as he was fif-
. ty years ago Mr. Eberhart enjoys re-
markably good health and gets around
town about as spry as many a man of
Announcement was made on
+ Tuesday by officials of the State De-
partment of Public Instruction of the
organization of the rural education
bureau, and among the appointees is
Jonas C. Wagner, of Beaver, but for-
merly of Bellefonte, as assistant di-
rector of the administration bureau.
Whether this appointment will neces-
sitate his resigning his position as su-
perintendent of the schools at Beaver
is not yet known.
» ——Joseph Thal had his annual
butchering on Monday and as has been
his usual custom for years he invited
quite a number of friends and among
them had Bill Doak there for the big
dinner. Mr. Thal has made it a praec-
tice to invite Bill to his butchering
dinners and it is needless to say that
he appreciates this kind thoughtful-
ness. His bright spots in life are very
few and both Mr. and Mrs. Thal are
very considerate of his every want
while sitting as a guest at their table.
——The time is drawing nigh for
the filling of the jury wheel for 1921
and quite naturally the women of
Centre county—especially some of
them—are wondering if they will be
given a call for jury service next
year. In some counties in the State
the presiding judges have instructed
the jury commissioners to place the
names of women in the jury wheel,
while in other counties adverse in-
structions have been given. Just what
will happen in Centre county remains
to be seen.
Constitution and By-Laws Approved
and Resolutions Adopted.
An enthusiastis meeting of the Cen-
tre County Conservation association
was held at the University club, State
College, on Tuesday evening of last
week. A dinner was served to nearly
fifty members of the organization.
Tables were arranged so that the di-
rectors, officers and the members of
the standing committees on forestry,
fish, game, song birds, wild flowers,
recreation and education were seated
together. .
Remarks were made by Ralph A.
Smith, of Sandy Ridge, the president;
by Col. W. F. Reynolds, of Bellefonte;
Col. Theodore Davis Boal, of Boals-
burg, and Dean R. L. Watts, of State
College, vice presidents of the associ-
ation, and by a number of the direc-
tors and members.
Major R. Y. Stuart, deputy forestry
commissioner of the State, was the
guest of the occasion. He spoke of
the present and future plans of the
State Forestry Department, of the ne-
cessity for securing an appropriation
of $1,000,000 from the next State Leg-
islature for protecting the forests
from fire for the next two years, and
of the plan for bonding the State for
$25,000,000 for extending the State
ownership of forest lands.
At the business session the consti-
tution and by-laws of the association
were presented and adopted. Plans
were discussed for completing the oi-
ganization and for extending the
membership. Believing that forestry
iz the foundation of the conservation
problem in Centre county it was the
sentiment of the association that
every effort should be put forth to en-
courage the reforestation of denuded
forest lands and their protection from
fire, the planting up of farm woodlots,
and the planting of trees around
schools and churches and along the
highways, and that all the various ac-
tivities of the association be encour-
aged. The following resolutions were
That small tributary streams emptying
into larger fishing streams, and the head-
waters of all fishing streams, be closed to
fishing, in order that they may become the
breeding grounds of brook trout.
That the present law permitting the
catching of brook trout below six inches
in length be repealed, and that the princi-
ple of the former law which limited the
catehing of brook trout to fish six inches
in length and over be endorsed.
That a license fee of £1.00 be placed on
ail fishermen above sixteen years of age in
order that the State Department of Fish-
eries may have funds needed for the ex-
tension of its work and for carrying out
the provisions of the law.
That the association heartily endorse ihe
forestry poliey of the State Forestry Do-
pariment, and will lend every effort to the
securing wn appropriation of inoney
irom the next Legislature to enable ade-
gitate protection of our forests from de-
struction by fire; and that the plan to
hond the Staie for $25,000,000 for the ex-
tension of State ownership of forest lands
be also endorsed.
Sunday School Conference,
A conference of Sunday school
workers in Centre county will be held
in the Lutheran church, Bellefonte,
Friday, December 10th. The morning
session will begin at 9:45 a. m. and
the afternoon session at 2 o'clock p.
m. Mr. John C. Silsley, administra-
tive division superintendent, and Miss
Emma G. Lemen, children’s division
superintendent, both state workers,
will be present. All county officers,
district officers, Sunday school super-
intendents, pastors and workers are
urged to be on hand to help with their
assistance and good will.
Those who expect to be in attend-
ance are requested to send word by
post card to Darius Waite, county
secretary, not later than Monday, De-
cember 6th, so that a luncheon can be
arranged beforehand, in order to give
the most time possible at the confer-
ence. it is hoped that all who can do
so will make a special effort to be at
this worker's meating.
Answers to Health School Questions.
Question 1—Name the disease re-
sponsible for hunchback?
Question 2—Name a contributing
Answer—An injury
often slight.
Question 5—Name some symptoms
of tuberculosis of the spine?
Answer—Pain, stooping with a stiff
back, a lump over the back bone.
The subject of the next lesson is
“Rabies” (or hydrophobia). The dis-
covery of Pasteur has robbed the dis-
ease of it’s terrors, but its early rec-
ognition is necessary.
Rabies is contracted from the bite
of a rabid animal, the virus of the dis-
ease being introduced into the wound
with the saliva of the animal. A rab-
id dog, even before the symptoms of
madness are manifest, may communi-
cate the disease by licking a hand up-
on which there is an abrasion.
rent eres penn.
The hearings in the case of the
two Bellefonte hotelkeepers whose
places of business were raided sever-
al weeks ago and quantities of liquor
confiscated, which was to have been
held in Sunbury last Friday, were con-
tinued. ~ This will preclude all possi-
bility of their being brought before
the federal court sitting in Harris-
burg next week, when similar cases
from Sunbury are scheduled for trial,
to the bone,
——The steeple-ette on the Meth-
odist church has at last been complet-
ed and the scaffolding was removed
from the building on Tuesday.
Deer Hunters on the Trail.
It might be a rather significant fact
that the first report reaching this of-
fice of a deer being killed in Centre
county this season was from the
Woodrow Wilson club of Gatesburg,
the members of which got a big buck
before ten o'clock on Wednesday
morning, the first day of the season.
With such a name it is hardly to be
wondered at that they met with early
Of course it is just possible that
quite a number of deer were killed on
Wednesday, but as the most of the
hunting parties are deep in the moun-
tains, it will probably be a day or’
two yet before any reports are receiv-
ed from them. Of course, so far it has
not been exactly ideal weather for
hunting. The rain that has fallen al-
most continually this week has nat-
urally kept the woods so wet that it is
strenuous work driving through the
brush, but very few hunters consider
the weather conditions when hot on
the trail of deer.
The Sunday crowd camping in
Sholl’s gap, on old Tussey mountain,
shot two bucks on the opening day.
The Homan-Hess crowd, camping
in the Shingletown gap of Tussey
mountain, got two on the first day.
The Dreiblebeis-Colpetzer crowd,
camping in Erb’s gap, above Pine
Grove, got one on the opening day.
The Hollidaysburg crowd, camping
on Roaring run, near Monroe Furnace,
got one on the opening day.
For the benefit of those hunters who
would like to go out just for the day
we might say that all the deer in the
country are not on the Seven meun-
tains or the Alleghenies. Two well
known Bellefonters went down to
Fishing creek on Tuesday with the
idea of winding up the small game
season in the wooded vales and hills of
that section, and upon their return
home they told a tale of having seen
a place where a herd of deer had
spent the previous night, and it must
have been some herd, at that. One of
the men declared the beds where the
deer had lain covered a space about
twenty-five feet square and the beds,
metaphorically speaking, weve still
“smoking” when they ran across
Of course it being the day before
the opening of the season both men
were glad in a way that they didn’t
run across the deer, because they are
both law-abiding citizens and would
just naturally have stood by and
watched them meander away.
tir sera
The Coffee Shop Opened.
The coffee shop, which has taken
the place formerly occupied by the bay
in the Bush house, opened as per an-
neuncement, on Wednesday.
The menu covers all the seasonable
dishes ready to serve and the seryice
is quite up to the Bush housec* al
ard. Many customers found their-way
to the Shop on the opening day and
seemed very much pleased with it.
It fills a much needed want here, for
it opens at 5:45 in the morning and
doesn’t close until midnight, so that
persons departing on early trains will
have a place where good food may be
procured at reasonable prices at al-
most any hour.
ee fpr menses
——A lady resident of Bellefonte
came into the “Watchman” office on
Wednesday afterncon and made com-
plaint because she found a fish inthe
water drawn from the spigot in her
home. Probably she would not have
cared so much if it had been a nice
live fish and she could have dumped
it into the pan and had it for dinner,
but as it happened the fish came out
in pieces, and the pieces were not the
best kind of fish, either. Just how the
fish got into the water pipe is an un-
solved question. So far as known
there ave no fish in the big spring and
that is the only source of the town’s
water supply; and there surely can’t
be any fish in the reservoir. In any
event it is something that should be
investigated because it surely is not
very appetizing to draw a glass of
water for drinking purposes and find
portions of a dead fish in it. !
en a
——The Spencer Economy store
which was opened in the Bush Arcade
on December 1st promises to fill a
long-felt want in Bellefonte—a place
where the working man can huy good,
dependable clothes at prices within
his means. Quality, price and service
will be the motto of the new store and
the aim of the proprietors will be to
carry in stock everything in the
clothes line that the working man cr
woman may need for either winter or
summer. For prices and particulars
see their big advertisement on page
six of this issue of the “Watchman.”
Pt me—
——The first consignment of throw-
ing machines received by the Belle-
fonte silk mill have been set up and
give an idea of what the mill will look
like when fully equipped and ready
for operation. But the people of
Bellefonte are not so much interested
in what the interior of the mill looks
like as they are on when it will be put
in operation. Of course the present
unsettled condition of the silk market
cannot continue indefinitely and as
soon as conditions become normal the
company will probably start the Belle-
fonte mill.
——Don’t forget the apron and
food sale of the Ladies Aid society of
the Presbyterian church to be held in
the chapel on Thursday, December
29th, beginning at two p. m. Choco-
late with whipped cream and small
cakes will also be served. The patron-
age of the public is solicited.
Vigilance Committee Organized to
Fight Illicit Booze Traffic.
The organization of a vigilance
committee in Bellefonte to fight the
illicit traffic in booze was the result of
the lecture of Rev. R. E. Johnson, the
raiding parson from Philadelphia, in
the court house last Friday night.
The audience which assembled in the
court house to hear what the raiding
parson had to say comfortably filled
the main part of the room. Miss Re-
becca N. Rhoads, president of the
Centre county W. C. T. U., presided
and gave a brief talk before introduc-
ing the militant parson.
Rev. Johnson is an exceptionally
fluent talker and illustrated his ad-
dress with a number of stories apro-
pos to the point he desired to empha-
size. He spoke with loud acclaim of
the day that total prohibition would
be here but warned his hearers that
that day is not yet and that the hard-
est fight is just now, in getting rid of
the illicit booze traflic.
tended in Bellefonte several weeks ago
he stated that that was only a begin-
ning. In telling of the liquor seized
he stated that he first had considered
storing it in the county jail, then a
on second thought did not believe that
the best place for it, so put it in the
custody of postmaster P. H. Gherrity.
But he further stated that the whis-
key, wines, etc., had all been measur-
ed and his seal put on all of it, and if
any of it is missing when called for he
will know it.
As a proper means of carrying on
the fight against the illegal sale of
liquor in Bellefonte Rev. Johnson rec-
cmmended the organization of a vig-
ilance committee whose duty it will
be to see that all violators of the pro-
hibition law are prosecuted, and who
will also assume the burden of any or
all expense connected with enforcing
the law. At this juncture the doors
of the court room were locked but as
this savored too much of a compulsory
proceeding they were shortly there-
after unlecked. Some little difficulty
was experienced in getting men will-
ing to serve as officers of the commit-
tee but an organization was finally ef-
fected by selecting as president Sam-
uel B. Miller; secretary, James K.
Barnhart, and treasurer, Harry C.
Yeager. Quite a number of those
present subscribed their names to the
roll as members of the committee.
Christiaas Seal Campaign Committee.
Bellefonte people must wake up to
the fact that the Christmas seal cam-
paign this year is not to be a perfunc-
tory one. The health and the lives of
the children are at stake and the sale
of the seals is to be used as a means
to the cad of saving the children. Oth-
er communities are becoming active
in pushing the sale of these beautiful
Matilda have ordered five thousand
and expect to sell them all. The chair-
man of the committee for Centre
county has ordered fifty thousand of
these seals and the purchase and use
of them is up to the public.
to them this appeal is made. A large
number of men and women of Belle-
fonte have agreed to serve on the
committee for the sale of the seals and
are being assisted by a score or more
young ladies of the town. Get your
seals from any one of them, and the
proper way to do is to buy early and
use them on all your mail. The local
committee is as follows:
Charles M. McCurdy, chairman; George
T. Bush, publicity; John M. Shugert,
James H. Potter, James R. Hughes, Wal-
ter Cohen, Harry Keller, Hon. MH. C. Quig-
lay, Arthur H. Sloop, H. (. Yeager, Fath-
er Downes, Hon. A. G. Morris, Maj. II. L.
Curtin, Burgess W. Harrison Walker,
Henry S. Lion, John 8. Walker, Nelson C.
Robb, Dr. J. L. Seibert, T. Clayton Brown,
Charles 1, Mensch, Hard P. Harris, James
(. Furst, John McCoy, Charles Schlow, A.
C. Mingle, William DBottorf, Iogan Iire
('0., Undine Fire Co., The Elks.
Also the Tuberculosis committee of the
Woman's club—Mrs. John M. Shugert,
Mrs. R. S. DBrouse, Mrs. Robert S. Walk-
er and Misses Kate Hoover, Mary H. Linn,
Elizabeth B. Meek, Isabella 8. Hill and
Helen E. C. Overton, chairman.
Miss Eleanor Weston, as “San Tan,” is
the joy part of the campaign.
Got Two Wild Turkeys.
W. P. Seig and a party of friends
from Cleveland, Ohio, have been
camping at Mr. Seig’s place on Fish-
ing creek this week and hunting for
small game in the adjacent mountains.
On Tuesday they had two nice wild
turkeys hung up as the fruits of their
sport this week. :
While scores of hunters were out in
the woods hunting game on Tuesday
and many others getting ready to go,
a big wild turkey flew into Bellefonte
and lit on a buttonwood tree down
near Crider’s office. It roosted there
a short time then took to the wing and
sailed majestically away toward the
point of the mountain above McCoy’s
works. The bird had evidently been
frightened off the mountain by hunt-
ers and returned to a safer place.
High Schocl to Stage Musical Ex-
Rehearsals are now well under way
for “Fi-Fi of the Toy Shop;” a big
amateur production to be staged here
December 15-16. Mr. Walter R. Fer-
guson, of the John B. Rogers Produc-
ing company, the same company that
had charge of “Katcha-Koo” last sea-
son, arrived here Mcnday and speaks
very highly of the talent furnished
him by the committee. This produc-
tion is sure to be the biggest hit of
the season, as it will involve over
two hundred of Bellefonte’s best play-
ers, singers and dancers.
Speaking of the raid he superin-
Christmas seals, The people of Port
And it is |
—Miss Mabel Allison, of Spring Mills,
| has been a guest for a part of the week of
Miss McMullen, at Hecla.
Love were guests the after part of last
week of friends in Altoona.
—Mrs. William Cassidy visited with rel-
atives of Mr. Cassidy in Tyrone and Altoo-
na, for several days this week.
ble’s Thanksgiving guests was their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Williams, of Tyrone,
and with Mrs. Casebeer’s mother, in Som-
—Sylva Mignot, of Clearfield, is visiting
with her mother, who is spending the win-
ter in Bellefonte with her son, Boniface
Mignot and his wife, on Lamb street.
—DMrs. John R. Helliwell, of Brooklyn,
N. Y., spent the week in Bellefonte, a guest
of her father, William B. Rankin, and the
family, at their home on Curtin street.
—Miss Della Cross, of Wernersville, is
with her sister, Mrs. Hugh 8. Taylor, hav-
ing come to Dellefonte Wednesday, ex-
pecting to be here until the late winter.
—Mrs. Fred Garner and small son of
State College, were Bellefonte visitors on
Friday, spending part of the day here in
looking after some business and in doing
some winter shopping.
—Mrs. J. O. Canfield and Mrs. W. C.
Stoddart, of Wyncote; Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel H. Gray, of Orviston, and Miss Eyer,
of Tyrone, were among the relatives in
Bellefonte this week for the funeral of
Mrs. Arnold.
—Mrs. Eben Bower and Mrs, Charles
Keichline were Thanksgiving guests of
Mis. Bower's sister, Mrs. Burd, at Mill-
heim. Mr. Bower spent the greater part of
the week in Williamsport, looking after
some business interests.
—Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baum, of State
College, are arranging to go to Miami,
Florida, some time this month, Mrs. Baum
expecting to remain there with friends for
several months, while Mr. Baum’s stay will
be limited to several weeks.
—>Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Walker
have been spending the week in Philadel-
phia. The object of Mr. Walker's trip east
at this time was to attend the Grand Lodge
of the Masons, while Mrs. Walker's time
would be spent in the shops.
—Margery Way spent her Thanksgiving
and the week-end in Altoona, visiting with
her aunt, Mrs. F. M. Musser, and her
grandmother, Mrs. D. IL. Meek, who is Mr.
and Mrs. Musser’s guest for the winter.
Margery is a daughter of Mrs. Earl C.
Way, of Waddle.
—Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hennig, who have
occupied the Warfield home on the corner
of Curtin and Allegheny streets for sever-
al years, will leave Bellefonte tomorrow,
Mr. Hennig’s business interests necessitat-
ing the move. Upon leaving here, Mr. and
Mrs. Hennig will go to Lancaster.
—Mrs. A. B. Cromer, who stopped iu
Sunbury for a visit with relatives on her
way here from New York, will come to
Bellefonte this week. Mrs. Cromer will re-
main here with her father, W. H. Criss-
man and the family for only a short time,
or until Mr. Cromer is assigned a new ter-
—Mr. and Mrs. GG. Murray Andrews have
returned to Bellefonte and will occupy
(heir home on Allegheny street for a part
‘of the winter. Since leaving here almost
two years ago, Mr. and Mrs, Andrews have
been in England visiting with relatives of
Mr. Andrews, and a part of the time living
in London.
—Mrs, William 1. Hildrup Jr. and her
niece, Mrs. Thomas IL. Baldwin, both of
Harrisburg, sailed recently for Italy to vis-
it the former's sister, Countess Docchi
3ianchi. Mrs. Hildrup and the Countess
Bianchi, who were one time residents of
Bellefonte, are well known here as the
Misses Florence and Grace Houck.
—Frank M. Fisher, of Centre IIall, was
a business visitor in Bellefonte on Tues-
day and took time to enroll his name as a
regular subscriber to the “Watchman.”
Things over at Centre 1lall are rather qui-
et since the election, save for the prospec
tive crop of candidates willing to succeed
S. W. Smith as postmaster at that place.
—Among the out-of-town relatives and
friends who were here for the funeral of
Daniel Markle last week were, Mr. and
Mrs. William Markle, of Altoona; J. I. Eb-
erhart, of Punxsutawney; Mrs. S. R. Wil-
linms, of Coshocton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Tillman, of Lock Haven, and Mrs.
Harry Baker and her daughter, of Nittany.
—William and Thomas Ross, of Holli-
daysburg, were in Bellefonte over Sunday,
visiting with their aunt, Mrs, William W,
Waddle, at the Brant house, William, al-
though about sixteen; is quite an expert
linotype operator, being now employed in
that capacity on the IIollidaysburg Reg-
ister, where he has been working for the
past two years.
—Miss Sarah Longwell, who since child-
hood has made her home in Bellefonte with
her aunt, Miss Lizzie Longwell, and who
for the past five years has been the very
eflicient stenographer for Harry Ieller
Esq., left Bellefonte last Saturday for
Des Moines, Towa, to make her home in the
future with her father, Thad Longwell and
family. She will be succeeded in the office
of Mr. Keller by Miss Edrie Walker.
—Chester M. McCormick, who has charge
of his mother's farm near State College,
was a business visitor in Bellefonte on
Saturday and a pleasant caller at the
“Watchman” oflice. IIe is one of the
vounger generation of that well known
family who is making a success of farm-
ing for the simple reason that he applies
the same up-to-date methods in working
his farm that he does in other business
-—Among the relatives and friends in
Bellefonte Monday for the funeral of the
late Jacob Gross, were the Misses Kathe-
rine and Margaret Iledding, of Reynolds-
ville, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mona-
han, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Lose, of Philadelphia; John D.
Curry, of Conncaut, Ohio; Mrs. Rachel
Crotty and son James, of Lewistown; Miss
—Mrg. Georgianna Dale
family party Thanksgiving
home at Lemont, the guests including Mr.
and Mrs. BE. P. Lingle and their son Wal-
ter, of Pitcairn; Rev. and Mrs. Louis V.
Barber, of Mill Hall, and Billy Bottorf, of
State College, who represented Mrs. Linn
Dottorf’s family. Mrs. Dale and her
daughter, Miss Cornelia, are arranging to
close their home after Christmas, expecting
to spend the remainder of the winter with
Rev. and Mrs. Barber at Mill Hall, and
with Mr. and Mrs. Lingle, at Pitealrn,
entertained a
—The Misses Miriam Smith and Helen
—Among Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gam- |
Daugherty and Mr. and Mrs, Redman, of |
at the Dale |
—Mrs. 8S. A. Keefer is visiting in New
Castle with her brother, and with friends
in Pittsburgh.
—Miss Mary Blanchard went east Satur-
day in the interest of The Basket Shop,
and will be present at the Christmas sales
held at Wilmington, Del, and at Orange,
N. J.
—Hugh and Phil Johnston, first year
men at Dickinson College, spent their va-
cation last week in Bellefonte with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy John-
—DMrs. C. D. Casebeer and her daughter Stor.
Betty are spending the week in Pittsburgh :
—DMr. and Mrs. Edward Shields and their
small son, of Jackson, Miss.. are in Belle-
fonte, having arrived here Tuesday, for a
visit with both Mr. and Mrs. Shields’ par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shields and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galbraith.
—Murs. Thomas V. Hodges, of Syracuse,
N. Y., who before her marriage, was Miss
Katherine Curtin, is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Harry Curtin, at Curtin. She was ac-
companied to Cartin by Mr. Hodges, who
spent Thanksgiving day there with her.
—Mrs. Twitmire, wife of Dr. Wilbur
Twitmire, of Lancaster, and her son, Rich-
ard, spent Wednesday and Thursday here
with Dr. Twitmire’s father, W. T. Twit-
mire. Mrs, Twitmire had been visiting at
her former home in Philipsburg, with her
parents, Capt. and Mrs. C. T. Fryberger,
stopping here on her way back to Lan-
—Mrs. William Evey, who had been in
Jersey City for a three week’s visit with
her son Richard and his wife, returned to
Bellefonte Monday. Not having heard
from the boy in ten years, and knowing he
had entered the service, it was natural for
the family to think of him as killed in
France; consequently upon receiving a
communication from him a short time ago,
Mrs. Evey left as soon as possible for a
visit with him in Jersey City.
Milk Station Checks to be Issued Soon
Centre county farmers who have
been supplying milk to the new sta-
tion of the Western Maryland Dairy
in Cellefonte will soon see the color of
the company’s money, as statments of
the milk furnished up to December
first are now in course of preparation
and checks to cover same will be is-
sued within the next few days.
The station was opened for a sup-
ply of milk on November 22nd when
forty-four cans were received. Since
that time there has been a gratifying
increase in the supply, as this week
sixty-seven cans have been the supply,
and the people at the station have no
hesitancy in saying that it is all very
good milk. The only regret they
have so far is that they are not get-
ting enough of it, but Mr. J. A. Col-
lins, who was in Bellefonte this week,
is hopeful that once some farmers be-
gin to handle the money of the West-
ern Maryland Dairy it will be an in-
ducement to others to try and do like-
Dr. Leonard to Speak Here Decem-
ber 7th.
Under the direction of the Luther-
an Brotherhood Dr. Charles Leonard,
of Williamsport, will come to Belle-
fonte Tuesday evening, December 7th,
and will deliver his address on “The
Founders of Our Nation” at eight
o'clock p. m. in the Lutheran church.
Dr. Leonard is a most eloquent and
convincing speaker and his address
along patriotic lines commemorating
the three hundredth anniversary of
the landing of the Pilgrims will be in-
tensely interesting.
Bellefonte people will recall that
Dr. Leonard was the speaker at the
Welcome Home services accorded the
soldiers and sailors at a union meet-
ing in the Presbyterian church overa
year ago. You are invited to go and
hear him again Tuesday evening in
the Lutheran church. A silver offer-
ing will be received to defray ex-
Swiss Yodlers Coming.
Daddy Grobecker and his Swiss
yodlers will be the third number in
the Bellefonte High school Star
course, and their appearance in the
High school auditorium on the even-
ing of December 9th ought to bc
greeted with a crowded house.
They are the only genuine Swiss
yvodlers on the American platform,
presenting to the American public a
program of true Swiss mountain folk
lore full of educational features. The
yodlers appear in their original Swiss
mountain attire, which is pronounced
the most picturesque of all Europe,
and sing all Swiss yodle songs in Eng-
lish translation. Those have been se-
cured by “Daddy Grobecker” himself.
The company also presents instru-
mental music which is rendered on the
unique national instruments of the
Swiss mountains.
Nominations for Red Cross Officers.
The following nominations have
been made for officers of the Belle-
fonte Chapter, American Red Cross,
to serve for the ensuing year:
Chairman—Rev. M. DeP. Maynard.
Vice Chairman—Rev. W. P. Ard.
Treasurer—Mr. Charles M. Me-
Seceretary—Mrs. Max Gamble.
Directors—Mrs. John P. Lyon, Mrs.
J. D. Seibert, Mrs. Blanche Schloss,
Mrs. N. B. Spangler, Mrs. R. S.
Brouse, Mrs. John M. Shugert, Mrs.
W. C. Coxey, Mrs. S. D. Gettig, Miss
Mary M. Blanchard.
The annual election of officers will
be made in Petrikin hall, between 3:30
and 4:30 o’clock on Monday afternoon,
December 6th. All members of the
Chapter are entitled to vote and are
urged to do so.
—— The Bellefonte Lodge of Elks
will hold their annual memorial serv-
ices for deceased members on Sunday
afternoon at three o'clock. Rev. Dr.
A. M. Schmidt will be the speaker and
the public is cordially invited to at-