Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 03, 1920, Image 7

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    "Bellefonte, Pa., December 5, 1920.
Upper Chamber of the British Parlia-
ment Well Worth a Visit From
the Traveler.
As the ordinary stranger takes his
seat in the gallery and surveys the
house of lords, he sees much to charm
his eye, to kindle his imagination, and
even to stimulate his sense of rever-
ence, writes a correspondent of the
London Times. He feels humbled, if
not intimidated by the almost religi-
ous golemness of the place. It is
glowing in gold and colors. All the
glory of the “tiger moth’s deep da-
masked wings” gleams in its splen-
did decorations. Yet there is nothing
gorgeous in the scene. The subdued
light of a cathedral—“dim and yel-
low,” as Shelley found it in Milan—
prevails, transforming things that
might otherwise strike upon tne
senses as garish into a delight to the
eye, and an inspiration to the mind.
Everything heightens the impression
that one is in the beautiful chapel of
an ancient cathedral rather than in
a modern legislative chamber.
The lofty stained-glass windows
have blue and crimson figures of the
kings and queens of England. Most
of them were worldly minded men and
women, but like saints they look in
their antique garments, and the seein-
ing of rapt meditation and ecstatic
introspection on their faces. Between
the windows are pedestals on which
stand large bronze statues of knigh's
in armor, grave and stern of aspect,
leaning on their naked swords and
lances. They recall times when the
battle of principles was fought not
with words of subtle-minded and
r=ady-tongued men in frock coat and
silk hat, but with sword and battle
axe, wielded by brawny soldiers cn
prancing steeds.
Matter of History That Conflict Be-
tween the Florentines and Citizens
of Pisa Began Thus.
One of the bitterest of the miner
wars of history was fought over 2a
lap dog. In the thirteenth century a
Florentine emissary attending the cor-
onation ceremonies of Frederick II
saw and admired a lap dog belonging
to a cardinal. The church official, not-
ing the admiration, promptly assured
the Florentine that the dog was his,
and the emissary agreed to send for
it. The ambassador from Pisa saw
and admired the same dog, and was
just as promptly promised it on the
morrow. Both men sent for the dog,
but the Florentine’s servant, being
first, carried it away. The citizens of
Rome, hearing of the incident, began
to joke about it, and the visiting Flor-
entines were especially vicious about
the matter. Street fights began ana
when news of the affair reached Pisa
the citizens seized all the Florentine
shipping in the bay.
The war that followed was first of
a series that ended with Pisa falling
before the triumphant Florentines,
and the beginning of the wane of
her power. The famous leaning tower
of Pisa was only one skyscraper of a
score or more, although the others
have long since crumbled down. These
towers proved valuable in the attacks
of the Florentine army, but one by
one were overcome, and the first city
of the world to have a skyscraper
skyline lost its unique standing.
No Snakes in Ireland.
It is said that there are no snakes
in Ireland, but the story that they
were driven out by St. Patrick is
probably based more on hearsay than
historical evidence. The phrase “Con-
cerning Snakes in Ireland,” is frequent-
ly quoted in connection with the above
story, but the phrase is itself a mis-
quotation and had in reality nothing
to do with snakes in Ireland. The orig-
inal phrase does not refer to Ireland
at all, but to Iceland. In a transla
tion of Harebone’s works, “The Nat-
General rules for hot air, steam or
hot water plants or kitchen ranges.
1. There must be a check draft
damper in the smoke pipes, besides
the twin damper. This check draft
damper controls the rate at which the
fire burns, as the throttle controls an
engine. Open it to check the fire—
close it to increase the draft. Exper-
iment with it. Make it do its work.
Don’t open coaling door. If you can-
not check draft without opening coal-
ing door, you need proper dampers.
2. The turn damper should fit
smoke pipe loosely. With the aver-
age heater it is kept nearly closed.
3. Just enough draft and that from
below, checking draft by letting more
air into smoke pipe, is one of the best
general rules. This furnishes oxygen
necessary for consumption of gases,
and gives time for them to burn be-
fore being drawn up the chimney.
This method also avoids escape of
coal gas into cellar. To increase
draft open only the draft damper in
ash-pit. Opening the whole ash-pit
supplies air faster than needed. The
air is heated, passes up chimney and
is wasted.
4. Make use of damper in coaling
door only to let oxygen in to consume
gasses, (if you use soft coal) after
fresh fuel has been added.
5. Grates should be cared for dili-
gently. A short, quick stroke of
shaker will sift ashes through the
grates. Clean ash-pit daily to pre-
vent damage to grates. In severe
cold weather, shake only until a glow
appears in ash-pit. In mild weather
leave bed of ashes on top of grates.
Never shake a low fire until you put
on a little fresh coal and give it time
to ignite.
6. All heat pipes in cellar should
be covered with asbestos. Weather
strips, storm windows and storm
doors save heat.
7. Turn off heat in unused rooms.
Bed rooms should be much cooler than
living rooms all the time. If you have
a hot water system, make heavy radi-
Never on any account put a cover of
any kind over radiator that is expect-
ed to heat the room, as the purpose of
2 radiator is to heat the air which
comes in contact with it.
8. Place pans or open top jars of
water on radiators or in front of reg-
isters to keep air in room moist.
9. Sift the ashes.
State College Woman's Club.
Caterpillar Showing Weather Signs.
Predictions as to the kind of winter
we are going to have are mow being
heard and, as usual, there is quite a
difference of opinion.
With many persons the caterpillar
is the most reliable prophet. The
amount of black it has, front and
back, goes to prove the kind of winter
we are to have. If that on the front
is heavy, the beginning of the winter
will continue cold for quite some
time, and if not heavy then the winter
will open up much warmer. Tf the
heavy black is in the rear then the
winter will end cold and if it is not
heavy then the wind-up will be mild.
Correspondents from several sec-
tions now tell us that caterpillars are
decidedly plentiful, and that the black
on both ends of the insects is very
short and the middle is yellow. This
would seem to indicate that the begin-
ning and the end of the winter will be
cold and the middle very mild.—Ex.
Need Not Promise to Obey.
Congregationalist brides no longer
need promise in the marriage service
to obey their husbands.
A committee of the Congregational
union of England and Wales, appoint-
ed to draw up a new form of service,
has decided that modern ideas favor
the omission of the word “obey,” and
ator slip-covers and put over radia- |
tors not in use to prevent freezing.
this notwithstanding the fact that no!
woman sat on the committee; neither
were any requests received from wom-
en to omit the fateful word.
“All the churches are becoming less
strict in their insistence on the word-
ing of the marriage service,” said the
secretary of the Women’s Freedom
league. “Even in Anglican churches
the word ‘obey’ is sometimes omitted
at the bride’s desire, and a great num-
ber of leading nonconformist minis-
ters have lately made a practice of
cutting out the vow to obey.”
— Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
In sad but loving remembrance of
our dear son and brother, Joseph, who
died four years ago, November 24th.
Gone but not forgotten.
Darling Joseph, how we miss you,
As the years and days g0 by;
But we will meet you, darling Joseph
In your home beyond the skies,
When we go home to dwell with Jesus
Where we never shall say good-bye.
By his mother, Mrs. Lilly Risk, and his
sisters and brothers.
and cheaply.
helpful to you
Handling Your Funds.
A Business Manager who disburses
funds at your direction, a secretary
who keeps your accounts, a sleepless
sentinel guarding your funds, a car-
rier who delivers to all corners of the
country—all these and many other of-
fices are performed by the bank.
Money which you wish to send with-
in this city or to distant points is con-
veyed by your check simply, safely
The checking account is only one of
the many mediums through which this
bank serves its customers. There are
many other ways in which we can be
and it would be our
pleasure to serve you in any or all of
Letz Feed Mills
Sharples Cream Separators
Sharples Milking Machines
(Electric and Line Machines)
Chicken, Dairy and Horse Feed
Calf Meal
Dubbs’ Implement and: Feed Store
Just Like Going
—that’s what the ¢‘Kiddies’’ say about
4c The Welt Stitchdoun
that has made good*’
An ideal shoe for the active ‘‘wide awake,” boy or girl.
A shoe that laughs at *‘hard-knocks’’ and comes back for
more. Good looking encugh for most any occasion—rugged
enough for any service.
Youngster shoes are Light, Cool, Strong and Comfort-
able. Tit tlie foot properly and Lend with every step, a shoe
for strenuous every day usage—that will wear like iron.
And youngster shoc3
are not expensive—
as the first cost is no more (in many instances less) than any
other grade of children’s shoes, and besides this, we give you
two pair at a little more than the cost of one.
Our Factory Rebuilding Service
Makes an old pair of ‘‘ Youngster’’ shoes wear like new,
by re-building them from the “ground up,” with all neces-
sary parts, such as mew out soles,
new in-soles, counters,
laces, buttons, in fact everything that is needed to make the
shoe wear like new.
Please don’t confuse this “rebuilding service’’ with the
ordinary job of ‘‘repairing’’ or ‘‘cobbling.”’
shoes are re-built at the factory, by expert shoemakers, over
the same ‘‘last’’ that the shoe was originally made on.
Come in and let us show you how well this work is done.
Let us prove to you that we can furnish you with two pairs
of shoes, for a little more than the cost of one.
Youngster shoes run
from ¢225 to $4.00.
in all children’s sizes—at prices
¢“Re-building Service’’ costs $1.35.
Come to the “Watchman” office for High C lass J
ob work.
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
Adjustment Sale
To Lower Prices
Everybody can afford tc buy here now. The in-
creased business we are doing shows our methods
are liked.
Christmas Shopping Time Here
ural History of Iceland,” published in
London in 1758, chapter 42 is headed
“Concerning Owls,” and is as follows:
«There are no owls of any kind in the
whole island.” Chapter 72 is en-
titled “Concerning Snakes,” and the
entire chapter is as follows: “No
snakes of any kind are to be met with
throughout the whole of the island.”
The application of the phrase to Ire-
land probably at first arose from a
printer's error.—New Orleans Times-
We are ready to fill your list for the gifts for the
family, whether it be father, mother, sister, brother
or friend. We can give you a big assortment of use-
ful and beautiful presents. Our reduced prices will
put them in reach of everyone.
The Ford Coupe.
HE Ford Coupe is surely the Salesman’s car. Thousands of them are bought
every year by firms employing traveling salesmen. Many firms buy fifty
or one hundred at a time, because they know, from experience, that the Ford
Coupe increases the efficiency of the salesmen at a minimum of expense.
Contractors, builders, collectors, solicitors, physicians all find the Ford Coupe the
most convenient as well as the most economical among motor cars. Lowest in purchase
price, lowest in operating costs, and backed by the Ford Service organization—coupled
with the durability of the car itself—These furnish the reasons for the Ford popularity.
Let us send you a copy of “Ford—A Business Utility.” It tells what other con-
cerns have learned about the Ford in business service. But, better still, let us have
your order today. The demand keeps growing. Orders are filled in the order as re-
ceived—and our allotment is limited to a specified number each month.
Bellefonte, Pa.
The Printing Telegraph.
During the five-year period 1912
1017, the printing telegraph came into
extended use by telegraph companies,
press associations and railroads. The
printing telegraph consists essentially
of a sending instrument, equipped with
a keyboard similar to that of a type
writer, electrically connected with a
recelving instrument in such a man-
ner that the latter automatically re-
produces what is typewritten on the |
sending instrument. Without the print- i
ing telegraph fit would have been {if-
ficult or impossible to handle the in-
creased telegraph business during the
great war.
See our Table Linens, the best quality, guaran-
teed all linen, at less than wholesale prices to-day.
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.
Consistency. {
“Do you think prohibitionists whe
raid moonshiners ought to use fire-
arms?” !
“Only in extreme cases.” answeres
Uncle Bill Bottletop. "In order !n he
consistent they ought to turn the bo»
on thew.”