Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 26, 1920, Image 1

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_—Just twenty-nine more
Have you started it yet?
— Again we rise to remark that we
know who isn’t going to be the next
postmaster of Bellefonte.
—Lots of people who hadn't turkey
‘on the dinner table yesterday talked
“turkey” about the reason they didn’t
have one.
. ——Happily the base bail leagues
settled their troubles before the
League of Nations began its wrest-
ling match.
—My, what a celebration we could
have if we were only invited to those
sixteen “Golden Wedding” cases that
have been hidden away in the post-
office cellar in this place.
The election of Harding hasn’t
-brought prices down to any great ex-
tent thus far, but it has put skids un-
der the wages of labor and a move-
ment may soon be expected.
— Almost we were going to say that
the announcement that the doleful
droning of that old organ at the skat-
ing rink is to be stopped tomorrow
night was the thing we were most
thankful for.
—A lot of old tanks have always
known that drinks never taste as good
coming up as they do going down and
now most merchants are discovering
that prices aren’t half as pleasant
coming down as they were going up.
—Many of the boys who were mak-
ing fabulous wages in distant cities
are filtering back home and perching
themselves behind Dad’s and Mom’s
warm kitchen stoves without a word
of explanation as to where it all went
—All the big cities are trying to rid
themselves of the hordes of criminals
that infest them but the cross-roads
towns need have no fear. The yeggs
and the dips, the boot-leggers and
gun-men have no hankerin’ for small
town life.
—We believe France is right in the
stand she is taking in regard to settle-
ments with Germany. France, more
than any other country engaged in the
war, fought for security and if she is
not to be certain of that what was she
bled white for?
—One section of the country tells
us that the stock of lard now on hand
is the lowest that it has been for years
and another tells us that the reason
pork is so high in the shops is because
of the over-supplied lard market.
Which are we to believe?
—Under the new assessment that is
“about to be made the ladies will be
paid due consideration. All their pro-
.fessions are given valuations and they
ve to stand up like a man and
lar taxes. To some this will
he leasure, no doubt, but to others
Well, we’d just as soon not be a tax
—This thing of trying to fool the
people into thinking that an Associa-
tion of Nations isn’t a League of Na-
tions reminds us so much of the days
when the late James G. Blaine, the
plumed Knight from Maine, thought
he would swipe the free trade doctrine
from us and have his Republican fol-
lowers digest it as “Reciprocity.”
—And now the Philadelphia Public
Ledger thinks that “too much bigoted
ignorance has been allowed full sweep
throughout the country in the fight on
the Wilson League.” We use now ad-
visedly, for immediately preceding
November 2nd the Ledger was doing
ail it could adroitly do to promote the
sweep of “bigoted ignorance” that it
is complaning of. The difference be-
tween then and now, so far as the
Wilson League was and is concerned,
is all summed up in lust for office and
bigoted partisanship and if the Ledger
has not already placed itself in one or
the other of these two despicable
classes many of its readers have.
—The return of President-elect
Harding from Panama, which is
scheduled for two weeks hence, will
be plenty of time to begin to look for
signs of a cleavage in the Republican
party over the League of Nations, or,
as they prefer to call it, an associa-
tion of nations, meaning, of course,
one and the same thing. The Hard-
ing leaders feel rather comfortable
over the situation because they expect
the Democratic Senators to pour the
oil of support on their troubled waters
and it will be because the Democratic
Senators are more concerned about
‘the welfare of the country than they
are in partisan politics that they will
probably do it. It seems to be all
right for Republican Senators to ob-
struct and tear down, but all wrong
for Democratic Senators to do the
same thing.
—Harry Yingling, a freight car in-
spector in the Altoona yards, has
brought suit against the director gen-
eral of railroads to recover fifty
thousand dollars because of the loss
of his voice through an accident while
at work. He was hit on the neck by
a flying steel plate which injured his
vocal organs so that he can’t speak
above a whisper. From many angles
this should prove an interesting case.
In the first place his injuries would
seem to be covered by compensation
insurance. In the second, the accident
evidently happened at the time when
the workers themselves were really
running the railroads and their own
inspectors, among whom Mr. Yingling
was numbered, were primarily respon-
sible for this particular accident. And
in the third the claimant avers im-
pairment of his earning power
through the loss of his voice when it
is generally supposed that car wheels
are tapped with a hammer and not
with the vocal chords.
VOL. 65.
VEMBER 26, 1920.
NO. av.
Getting Ready to Share Profits.
In a speech delivered at New Or-
leans, on the eve of his departure for
Panama, Senator Harding pretty
clearly indicated his notion on the
subject of readjustment of the indus-
trial life of the country. ‘“Unavoida-
bly there will be readjustment. In-
evitably there must be a reconstruc-
tion. The incalculable sacrifices
would be vain. But there must come
stability and dependability. We must
put aside the debris of war and build
on solid foundations. We cannot es-
cape all the consequences of fevered
war or the unsettled conditions of its
aftermath. There are sure to be re-
verses. There will be endless dis-
couragements,” he said, “but a confi-
dent America will meet them with
good courage.”
There can be no misinterpretation
of the meaning of that declaration.
It forecasts the industrial struggle
which has already set in and the pur-
pose of which is to compel an exten-
sion of the work day and a decrease
of the workman’s wages. That pur-
pose has been vaguely expressed in all
the Republican speeches and litera-
ture of the campaign. It is the only
basis of readjustment and reconstruc-
tion that has been considered by the
leaders of the successful party in the
recent campaign. The high cost of
living has been ascribed to the high
wages and short day and the remedy
contemplated is greater production at
a lower aggregate cost. It is a plaus-
ible economic fiction easily supported.
But there are other things to con-
sider in this connection of equal if not
greater importance. It has been the
aim of civilization for centuries to es-
tablish the fact that human life is
more important than financial accu-
mulation, and that health is a more
valuable community asset than
wealth. During the past few years
this wholesome and humanitarian
idea has been pursued with the result
that wages are higher and working
conditions better than ever before.
With the view of restoring ‘“normal-
cy” Senator Penrose declared during
the campaign that the corporations
could afford to pay $100,000,000 to get
the Democratic party out of power.
They paid a lot and are getting ready
to take the profits:
——If Penrose gets well there will
be a scampering to cover that will
break all records. The senior Sena-
tor is resentful, as some of his party
associates have found out in the past,
and he particularly objects to blows
aimed at him while in a sick bed.
Distressing and Anomalous Situation.
The illness of Senator Penrose, crit-
ial or otherwise according to the
source of information, and the proba-
ble appointment of Senator Knox to
the Premiership of Harding’s cabinet,
creates an anomalous situation in the
politics of Pennsylvania. If Penrose
should die and Knox go into the cab-
inet, the State would have two vacan-
cies to fill in the Senate. So far as
we can recall such a condition has
never existed before. Of course the
seats would not be empty long, for un-
der the constitution the Governor has
a right to make temporary appoint-
ments. But that fact does not detract
from the novelty of the situation or
take away any of the public interest
in what might happen.
The office of Senator in Congress is
an alluring prize and there are a good
many Republicans in the State who
would like to get it. Senator Crow,
who has long been chairman of the
State committee, has long had his am-
bitions focussed on the job and it is
said that Governor Sproul is fondly
cherishing a hope that he may move
out of the executive mansion at Har-
risburg and into one of the luxurious
senatorial baths in Washington. Gif-
ford Pinchot has also had covetous
erable period of time, and “there are
others.” With only one seat to fill
and Penrose in health the problem
would be easily solved. He would
pick out a congenial colleague and
have him elected. :
But the Senator is not a well man
and no doubt his physical suffering as
well as mental anguish is more or less
augmented by the thought that some
one who has vilified him in the past
might be chosen to at least try on his
Senatorial shoes and toy with his
Senatorial toga. Then he probably
feels that Governor Sproul has been
taking advantage of his infirmities
and that chairman Crow has shown
ingratitude, and the selection of either
of them to succeed him in office would
embitter the closing periods of his
life. . Altogether the situation is dis-
tressing as well as anomalous. Yet
there is a possibility that the worst
may be averted. Penrose may get
well and Knox may not be called to
the cabinet.
Do mieten
Somebody suggests our fat
friend Taft for Secretary of State,
but Harding is not likely to pay so
high a price for help that wasn’t
i needed.
eyes on a Senatorial seat for a consid- |
Conflicting News of Battle.
News of the battle said to be in
progress among the Republican fac-
tions of this State is conflicting. A
week ago it seemed as if there would
be practically no opposition to the re-
election of Robert S. Spangler, of
York, to the Speakership of the
House of Representatives. Senator
Penrose had given approval to Spang-
ler’s ambition and Joseph Grundy,
who directly represented the Senator
in the Chicago convention, was of the
same mind. Since then it is rumored
that State chairman Crow, Governor
Sproul and others have brought out
Representative Whitaker, of Chester
county, and profess to be able to car-
ry him through. Mayor Moore, of
Philadelphia, has been striving to pre-
vent a contest.
In point of fitness for the office it
may safely be said that Mr. Whitaker
has the decided advantage. He hasn’t
been as long in the Legislature as his
rival but his superior ability more
than balances the difference in time of
service. However, fitness is not the
standard in dispensing favors in the
Republican party and Spangler gave
fairly good satisfaction to the ma-
chine managers during the last ses-
sion. Besides Whitaker has shown
symptoms of independence on one or
two occasions in the past and the or-
ganization is not in the habit of en-
couraging that spirit. Mr. Spangler
knows what is expected of a Speaker
of the House and is always ready to
meet the requirements.
At this distance from the event,
both in time and space, however, it
may safely be predicted that unless
Penrose dies meantime Spangler
will be elected. Chairman Crow is a
smooth politician and Governor Sproul
is a shrewd manipulator. But Pen-
rose will be the dispenser of offices, if
he is alive, after March 4th next, and
patronage is a powerful influence.
Governor Sproul’s term of office is
drawing to a close, at least his oppor-
tunity to dispense favors is nearly ex-
hausted, while Penrose is just coming
into his own. It would probably be
better for the State if Whitaker is
chosen Speaker, but the interests of
the organization will be promoted by
the re-election of Spangler.
lpn pe
can’t pass a law to prohibit conferring
the Noble Peace prize on President
Wilson. Such a proof of esteem cf
Woodrow would be “gall and worm-
wood” to the Senatorial “battalion of
death.” :
Primaries, Direct and Otherwise.
If after what Mr. Charles Evans
Hughes said about the League of Na-
tions during the recent campaign his
opinion on any subject is worth any-
thing, his speech in Indianapolis the
other day in favor of direct primaries
might be interesting. Mr. Hughes is
president of the National Municipal
League and was speaking at a session
of that body. Among other things he
said “the primary system could be
made an effective barometer of the
will of parties only when primary
laws provided for strict enrollment of
voters,” which is probably true. DBut
primary laws never do provide for
such an enrollment and as a matter of
fact voters of opposite parties fre-
quently nominate party candidates.
There are substantial reasons both
for and against the direct primary as
a medium of making party nomina-
tions, and Mr. Hughes employed all of
them in support of his theory. If the
voters at a primary were limited to
the party for which the nomination
was to be made it would “place i
weapon in the hands of the party vot-
ers which they can use with effect in
case of need.” But we have all seen
voters of one party register as of the
other party in order that they might
help nominate a candidate of the oth- |!
er party who was really obnoxious to
the majority of the voters of his own
party. That is neither conducive of
political morality nor efficient admin-
istration. :
Admitting all the merits of the di-
rect primary that is claimed for it,
however, there is a reason in favor of |
the convention system which deserves
serious attention. It brings into pub-
lic notice and affords just opportunity
to new figures in party organization
and develops leadership. Since the
adoption of the direct primary system
in Pennsylvania no new blood has
been found in the organization of
either party and the party boss is su-
preme, because there is no chance to
contend with him for popular notice. |
In the Democratic party, for example,
when the organization is defeated for
the nomination it bolts the ticket and
gives a practically unopposed election
to the candidate of the other party.
SS ataees
——~The illness of the ex-Empress
of Germany may excite some sympa-
thy but nobody cares much how her
husband feels.
—Some potatoes are still in the
ground and much corn is yet to be
shucked in Centre county.
What a pity that Congress |
Gracious Tribute to Wilson.
One of the first official acts of the
League of Nations in session at Gene-
va was forwarding a communication
to President Wilson expressing appre-
ciation of his work in creating it. In
the estimation of the great men of all
countries assembled under the provis-
ions of the covenant “in order to pro-
mote international co-operation and
to achieve international peace and se-
curity,” it was a beneficent thing.
Under the appraisement of those dis-
tinguished gentlemen much of the
credit of it is due to Woodrow Wilson,
President of the United States. Only
a few men, among them Senator
Lodge, Senator Penrose and Hungry
Hi, dissent from this opinion. Only
predatory interests want war.
This communication with President
Wilson felicitating him on the
achievement of a great purpose for
which he was largely responsible was
a gracious act. In the work achieved
he sacrificed his health and probably
shortened his life. But it was worth
the labor to the world, and in its
achievement probably worth the sac-
rifices to him. The highest duty of a
man is to give the best that is in him
to his country and his kind. Presi-
dent Wilson did that freely and un-
grudgingly, and it must have been a
great comfort as well as an infinite
pleasure to know that the best minds
of the world fully appreciated and cor-
dially commended him in it. Such
praise is the most generous recom-
For months President Wilson has
been traduced and his achievements
belittled because such expression of
malice gave promise to vicious minds
of a political triumph. Senators
Lodge and Penrose and Johnson have
vilified him ruthlessly, and our fat
friend Taft misrepresented him and
maligned his work. But what they
say and do is of little consequence in
the long run, for history will justly
and properly fix the places of all men
in the estimation of posterity. The
League of Nations, through its illus-
trious President, has securely settled
the place of Woodrow Wilson for the
present, and the records of time will
justify that intelligent verdict as the
voice of history.
Golden weddings are just rare
enough to make them an object of in-
terest at all times, and ordinarily they
are heralded with all the publicity
possible, but last week sixteen cases
of Golden Wedding were included in
the cargo of booze captured by the
state police up Bald Eagle valley and
they have been consigned to the post-
office cellar along with the ordinary
headache stuff that has been accumu-
lated there by the busy agents of
Uncle Samuel. The three men cap-
tured with the booze were taken to
Williamsport last Saturday by a Unit-
ed States marshall.
Thirty-three years ago the
price of gasoline was nine cents a gal-
lon, and in those days the old Atlan-
tic Refining company station in
Bellefonte sold an average of
three barrels a month. The first
sale of a full barrel was made
to Peter F. Keichline for use in
his peanut roaster. Today the price
is 34 cents a gallon and the Bellefonte
Fuel & Supply company alone sold
three hundred thousand gallons dur-
ing July. The automobile, of course,
is the big consumer of the energized
Lem Le
Yesterday—turkey day—offi-
cially ended the football season, and
the hundreds of college students who
have been identified with the sport
will now break training and hereafter
devote all their time to cramming
their craniums with scientific faets
which are designed to help them car-
ry out their future careers.
iy SE
——The weather man was not very
particular with the kind of weather
doled out to us for Thanksgiving. In
fact it has been a dismal, rainy week
so far, with no immediate indication
of a let up.
vania intend to make any fights in
the future they would better erect a
toboggan for the Palmer-McCormick-
Donnelly erowd now.
——1t may as well be understood
in the beginning that William Ran-
dolph Hearst must “get his” or trou-
ble will begin early.
The Way for Labor to Help.
Irom the Hartford Times,
“If lgbor will join whole-heartedly !
in doing its share” to eliminate evils
which have contributed toward unem-
ployment it will reduce unemployment
to the minimum, and the most
portant thing for labor to do is for it
to increase production. A fair day's
work for a fair day’s pay should be a
point of honor with every man,
Rete his labor is manual or men-
——Subsecribe for the “Watchman.”
If the Democrats of Pennsyl- |
Preventing War.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The decision made at Geneva to
send an armed force to Vina to secure
a free and honest plebiscite to deter-
mine whether the city shall be Polish
or Lithuanian convinces The New
York Tribune that the Republican
charges that membership in the
League might easily involve us in war
were well founded. We have no objec-
tions to the statement of facts made
by The Tribune, but its inferences
bear no sort of relation to its facts.
“The armed force,” says The Tri-
bune, “is to be composed of contin-
gents furnished by Great Britain,
France, Belgium and Spain. What
would our government do were it an
unreserved member of the Jeogue
when a case similar to that of Vilna
arose? Would our executive depart-
ment assume the power to join in the
policing expedition, or would it say
that Congress must first be consult-
ed?” And then, in bland unconscious-
ness that it is destroying its own ar-
gument, The Tribune cites two cases
—and it should have cited two more—
in which the President acted first and
consulted afterward. = The Tribune
says: “This was the course pursued
when our troops helped make up the
international expedition to Peking. It
was the course pursued when Presi-
dent Wilson landed forces at Vera
Cruz.” Two cases not mentioned by
The Tribune are the dispatch of the
marines by President Cleveland to
keep the Panama Railroad open, in
compliance with our treaty with Co-
lombia, and the dispatch of troops to
the Isthmus by President Roosevelt to
prevent Colombia from suppressing a
petty insurrection, which was a viola-
tion of our treaty with Colombia.
Here, then, are four instances in
which without any league a President
has used troops abroad without con-
sulting Congress. If both Republican
and Democratic Presidents may do
that now, why should there be any ob-
jection to their doing a similar thing
in association with the other members
of the League for the purpose of pre-
venting war?
For it is not to participate in war,
but to prevent war, that the League
will send a force to Vilna to see that
od on a pension, thought he would éxam-
—Presented with a bag of shelled corm
for seed by his fellow-workmen in the
Pennsylvania blacksmith shop at Altoona,
on Saturday, Albert C. Shaver, just retir-
ine the corn after he reached home, and
| found $118.45 which his friends had placed
tin the bag as a retirement present.
—A DuBois young man, convinced that
he could eat three pies at one sitting, made
a wager to that effect and lost. He failed
to state just what the contents of the pies
should be, and when he rolled up his
sleeves to sail in the first pie confronting
him was a monster meat pie. Without
tackling it, he declared himself satisfied
and hurriedly walked away from the res-
taurant, the battleground for the contesf.
Now all pies don’t look alike to him.
—~Secipic Young, colored, age 101 years,
born in slavery in Virginia prior to the
Civil war, died at his home at Kane last
Thursday, after a brief illness. Wlen the
Civil war broke out, Young joined the Un-
ion forces at Fredericksburg. He was
made a servant to Lieutenant Wilkinson
and later served General Thomas I. Kane
in a similar capacity. General Kane
brought Young to Pennsylvania when hos-
tilities closed. Young's estate; valued at
$50,000, goes to his six children.
. —Qeorge A. Oyler, of Dauphin county,
who was married November 13, 1913, re-
lates in detail the working of the “thir-
teen hoodoo” in an application to the Dau-
phin county court for a divorce from his
wife. Oyler alleges that March 26, this
year, his spouse threatened to slay him
with a cleaver; that on April 20 she hid the
cleaver in the bed-room, and that she fre-
quently used abusive language and struck
him, until May 6, he left for a more peace-
ful abode, where the number thirteen did
not figure.
—Henry Heinzy, the blacksmith of Ma-
dera, Clearfield county, convicted in crim-
inal court for the murder of Alex Wash,
his neighbor, during a quarrel, has been
sentenced by Judge Singleton Dell to pay
the extreme penalty for his crime. Motion
for a new trial had been refused. When
sentenced to death in the electric chair
Heinzy showed little emotion. Ieinzy
went to Wash’s yard and deliberately stab-
bed him to death following an altercation
growing out of trouble between the chil-
dren of the two families.
—The Rev. S. B. Bidlack, pastor of the
East Main street Methodist chureh, - Lock
Haven, delivered a sermon on ‘“Thieves,”
on Sunday, taking his text from the gos-
pel of St. Mark: ‘“The thief cometh not to
destroy, but to rob and to steal, but I am
come that you might have eternal life.” By
way of introduction the Rev. Mr. Bidlack
referred to a visit of some thieves to his
refrigerator. When he returned home aftér
the service, he found that while he was dé-
livering the sermon on “Thieves” that his
refrigerator had again been emptied of its
—When their dogs dug around a pile of
stones Walter and Gardiner Nau, and
Clayton Newcomer, hunters, found 800
pounds of skeined silk, valued at $800,00,
near Columbia, York county. They report-
ed their find to the Schwarzenbach silk
the people have a fair chance to de-
clare whether they will join Poland or
can tell where it will stop. A
demonstration by Austria i
‘caused the world war, in ‘Whi
Ta rk
it better to prevent war, or to let the
war come? There is no reason to ap-
prehend that Poland and Lithuania
Nations force. But if they should, it
would be better for us to join Eng-
land, France, Belgium and Spain in
suppressing that resistance than to
wait till Europe was involved in
another war.
Without consulting Congress, Pres-
ident McKinley sent American troops
to co-operate with the troops of other
countries in China, and our troops
were put under the command of a for-
eign general, and the Boxers resisted |
and were suppressed. All that could
possibly happen at Vilna actually hap-
pened at Tienstin and Peking, and
American troops fought on foreign
soil at the command of the President
and without the authority of Con-
If we were an unreserved member
of the League we should participate '
with other nations, not in conducting
a war, but in preventing a war, and
the authority of the President would |
not go beyond that actually exercised
by Presidents Cleveland, McKinley,
Roosevelt and Wilson. Why all this
outcry over the League of Nations,
now that the campaign is over?
! Woodrow Wilson.
irom the New Republic. ;
As Woodrow Wilson passes out of |
active politics, the Wilson of 1920 re-
cedes and a completer Wilson substi- |
tutes itself in men’s minds. There
have been many phases of Wilson be- |
sides the last phase. But for as long
as anyone living can see ahead there |
will be no one accepted perspective on |
them all. For he is identified with a"
lurid and volcanic moment which
made respond the whole range of hu- |
man passion, from utter savagery to
sublimest sacrifice. He himself has |
been like a huge crystal in a ring of
fire, glittering with the hope and an- |
guish all about him. It was Wilson's |
fate to gather the impact of a univer- |
sal war, and by its passions he was
lifted, and he has been thrown, as few
other men before him. ;
It is an exquisitely painful subject |
to think about for everyone, for at a |
moment like this there comes a sense
that Woodrow Wilson is just a human
being, with the human right to tender-
ness, and to that ultimate faith which
insists that aman isan end not a
means The Woodrow Wilson about
whom biographers will dispute is the
man who was to have been, and may
still perhaps be, through the influence
of his ideas, the means to an ordered
world. But behind that public figure,
that uncommon man, there is a com-
| mon man whose life is sacred and in-
| valuable, and beyond the reach of ar-
| gument.
Wonder who is responsible for
| the high price of coal. Both the min-
ers and operators assure the public it
isn't their fault.
teeta fp ee
—Just now many of us are wondet-
| ing as to whether we are to have any
If left to the two coun- |
tries concerned there would probably
be war, and when a war starts no man |
i der their garments to get it out of the mill
rvia |
the United States became involved. Is
will offer resistance to a League of |
| has been stolen.
Indian summer this fall.
mill. It had been carried from the mill by
three girl workers at various times. They
were arrested and held in 8300 bail. They
confessed that rather than work the silk,
which was tangled, they concealed it un-
and at night the mother of one of the ac-
cused carried it to the woods and buried it.
—Lewis Wise, a miner in the Janesville
section, is in the Clearfield hospital with
ia dangerous gunshot wound in his left
breast, inflicted late I'riday by some uni-
| dentified person. He comes from the ter-
ritory where the miners and operators on
the mines have been at odds for a long
time and four other victims have been shot
during the period of trouble. At the pres-
ent time a reward of 85000 for the arrest
of the person who killed Ole Johnson from
ambush awaits some person who ean land
the eriminal. He was killed while on his
way home from work at the mines at
Janesville. '
The body of Yee Sing, Chinese laun-
dryman, found dead in his home in Holli-
daysburg Wednesday, remains unelaimed,
notwithstanding the fact that money and
securities totaling $5689.24 were found in
his possession. = He literally died on a bed
of silver, as dimes, quarters, half-dollars
Cand dollars were concealed under the mat-
tress. His other personal property was
hidden in all soris of places, and much of
it was in silver. The Chinese Consul -at
Washington has been notified of the death,
but mo word has been received from him
regarding the disposition of the body.
Death was due to natural causes. ’
Shot high into the air when an extra
train hit his automobile at a grade crogs-
(ing at Sunbury. last I'riday evening.
Richard Thomas, aged 30 years, grabbed
an iron rod on the pilot of the locomotive
as he descended and when the train was
"brought to a stop, 300 feet furt her on, he
wis found perched on the cow-catchier, on-
ly slightly hurt. The car, a new 8H000 Hm-
ousine, owned by William il. ohrbach,
Sunbury’s millionaire water king, was a
perfect wreck, being nothing more than a
pile of twisted metal. According to. by-
standers it was hardly believable that .a
human being could have sat inside of thal
car and escaped death. 3
After ten years as a general merchant
in Natrona, Allegheny county, A. Morris
has announced that he will sell out his
goods and quit business because of bur-
glary losses. These losses, Morris asserts,
eat up all the profits. In spite of special
police guard, barricade against doors and
various devices intended to serve as bur-
glar alarms, Morris’ store has been robbed
| several times during the last few years and
| hundreds of dollars’ worth of merchandise
A few weeks ago thieves,
| unable to gain entrance in the usual ways,
sawed in hole through a wall of the store
and helped themselves. This was the last
straw, and Morris decided to quit.
John BB. McCreary, of near Northum-
berland, the father of seventeen children,
fifteen of whom are living, had an event-
ful day last week with the stork keeping
very busy among his offspring. First, he
was called from his work by the annonce-
ment that a son had arrived at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. B. D. Yeager. De-
lighted, he returned to his work to be
called again by the report that his son, Ir-
win McCreary, had just become the father
of a bouncing boy. In a short while the
rule of three got in its work and the hap-
py man received notice of the arrival of
the stork at the home of another son, Wal-
ter McCreary. While the grandfather was
figuring on the cost of new baby carriages
over the phone came the information from
another son, Harold McCreary, that he al-
so had become the father of a daughter.
Things have now returned to normal in the
McCreary home.