Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 19, 1920, Image 6

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our Medicine
We are Taking
ASnsASneRenanz=nnzn2n2=n2r=rn=ranan=n=nanarariarnaan =N=Tl=tl=tl=t="1
Factory results. That is the early re-
moval of all the malignant neoplasms.
The modern physician does not believe
that the knife is the only possible
method of complete eradication. He
has various methods of procedure,
namely, refrigeration, thermo-caute-
ket” is the latest faggesiion of the
Department of Agriculture.
Despite all the harsh things that
have been said about this lowly ani-
mal, the Department describes him as
“the best wild animal friend the far-
mer has.” The skunk, the announce-
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
— - i - N——————— . — - ——————— B——————— —— me———— . — ————
| ry, electro-dehydration, thermo-albu- | ment says, can be used for destroying | Austrians cited one camp of 5,000 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPAAAAAAAAARAPI NI IANS SB
| mepization, the X-ray and radium. | mice, grasshoppers, crickets and white | prisoners of whom they said 2,000 died J
! 'he announcement that the gern: | grubs, at the same time furnishing : . _._ ths. Forty thousand died
pan ——r % [causing cancer has been discovered | the farmer from $50 to $100 worth of | in Six montas, orty thousand die
B lef Ree Pa. Nov a he 19. 1920 it and isolated is eagerly awaited by the | fur a year. up to the end of 1918, the Austrians
ellefonie, L'a, November 14, 9240. | ioe meilien) voit), i I ventiite to! All that is required of the farmer, deciare, and the number who had per-
| say it will not be long before we re: | the circular says, is that he “respect jched since then were unknown. Con- .
CANCER GERM MAY BE ISOLAT- | ccive the joyful news.” the animal’s dens, keep his poultry in jitjons were getting worse daily, the Letz Feed Mills
ED SOON. —- skunk-proof yards, kill an old horse: . "°° ing ¥, Uaey
re | Men's Clothing Shows Drop of from | fF them every fall and be tactful A ealied
The isolation of the cancer germ | : 2 ey when he meets them in the evening.” ded man's camb a 1 ~
ray be looked for in the very near fu- | 10 to 50 Per Cent. : W e e 50 pony depts ; Sharples Cream Separators
ture, according to Dr. Ralph Bern-!| (onerete evidence of the downward ; ; pais : _. Owing to the frozen ground it was
stein, professor of dermatology atthe | trend of prices of wearing enperel War Prisoners in Siberia Dying. {possible yur the gsal Joning the
Lp io Yay. | frond of of zg % : : winter, according to the Austrians 1 : 1
Halreian Medical College, “Ho mas | vas presented when the Unifed Na- | Lieutenant Riser, of the Austrian and the naked bodies of the dead pris Sharples Milking Machines
DS NIK rd observalions of liane. i herr oe Che Tox. [-atmy, and eight comrades who escap- oners were stacked like logs outside : : :
thousands of cases. The subject of | ington hotel: Chicago 2 Lex | ed from a Siberian prisoners’ camp the huts they had occupied, remaining (Electric and Line Machines)
cancer was taken up in a paper read 81 15 loth Reo Hale doth declare that the prisoners in Siberia there. until spring. During the past
by Doctor Bernstein at the thirty-sev- | oyy he me 50. hs are dying by the Waolessle from star- | sume; age grizes Vere dug in 2 5
anth annus i CO eT : . Per | vation, tuberculosis, typhoid and oth- vance for those doom to death by 1
ne of he | ony hojow present Wholesale Biles er diseases. | starvation or illness during the win- Chicken, Dairy and Horse Feed
Pennsylvania. s? ] Ter | Goods Tor spring and summer qouve| Asan example of the death rate the | ter.—Ex.
The paper in part follows: oY w ore oR n a Dices 10 b 58 is
“it hardly seems probable that we Ig roar, 2 Ihr i Th Calf Meal
5 x ih | other articles show Sn Soeiinos.
most certainly deny that cancer is re- iz mantel Sogou i > 4
ally transmitted by inheritance. We | tended the convention, and every del-
can say, however, that certain faumi- ooate agreed that prices are slipping.
lies do inherit a type of cell structure | W. i. Mohr, treasurer and general | ' Sah
So Ee le {ime of thy nwselilion, sb) oo) alee :
cause I believe thoroughly that the Cat ot es ld ote u r :
garastiie Hieory of un wil be = led and the prices must come down. | :
firmed in time. While histologically | we hav in hi ic- 3 :
there is Son Jn oxiomive Yopeallug: Wo lure passed the pre fn gn le 1 For Infants and Children. )
tion of cells which destroy surround- | jj, ; ; sd BR | ————————————————————————
ing tissues and structures and put in Bove > e oii get bak io fhe figuras Pp Dubbs Implement and Feed Store
‘heir place their own progeny, it can | |v ou November - convention offers others Know That
be explained on the hypothesis that a | 504s for spring and summer deliv-
cancer develops and reproduces itself | 5.0" This year we are not only show- | : . u BELLEFONTE, Pa
because of the stimulation of such |i =" y ¢ for future delivery, but we | Genuine Castoria 62-47
cells by the presence of infecting Es immense stocks of apparel for | .
ov Wig Jeng 3 duahoe on the chats immediate delivery. This, of course, : ! PER GENT. L J
condition into that of the characteris- 1% dup 30 30 Toney Shut a Be ie AVesetable Preparationfords Always
tic cancer cell. It seems necessary to po) oc, RH OR .ifne similatingtheFood by Reg ed .
have a lowered vitality of the skin or | “i a's clothing will be considera- ting the Stomach y Bears the
part before the cancerous action takes bly cheape= from now on. The retail- :
Place cancer of the lip, mouth, etc, er can afford to Sol ata Jones Dice: ee tion ‘ aN
a3 3 ible the germ nay have ‘gain- for his costs re mn ns R h See Thereby Promoting Diges : ; AN ae 2
ae through the normal bod- | 21° a Hi A 4 Cheerfulness and Rest.Contatss,
ily openings. Any constant irritation N ow they are offered at $16.50 a dor itm, Morphine nor 4 !
may form the niches for the entrance | = gore “are 2000 suits offered at NARCOTY
of the parasitic germ. It has been |! $16 50 and ordinarily they brought i ! : J N RT | | - . oh
pointed out that certain houses have $45.70 a suit at wholesale. The price & v % h i OW
possibly contained the infecting germ | $16 50 covers the cost of the cut- er hi ) EI sel |
because of the presence of cancer on | 4, making and trimming only. The % i Nie i er Wan
those who have resided in those hous- | = 8 & turers cannot sell them at % J 2%
es for successive years. Another fact | yo 514 price; the age of extravagance iii” —
pointed to in support of the germ the- | 1, haged and rather than let the
ory is the pe of Shidemies pen rot on the shelves they are ac- ! EL
amon small animals confined in : ; : ” ny E
ne of which very interesting ac- cepting what they can get for them. Abel fal Reme dy for 5
counts are given by Loeb, Michaels, New York.—American and Algon- Constipation and Diarrhoe ! S i
Borrell, Gaylor and Cowells. quin percale prices have been cut from d Feverishness an
“Every drug known to medical sci- | last season’s 30 cents a yard to a 13} an Loss OF SLEEP
ence has been tried for the relief of | cent basis by M. C. D. Borden & Sons resifing thercfrom-iniafanty. SPECIAL SIX
cancer by internal medication. In the | and the Algonquin Printing company, NN tre { or y er
hands of dominant practitioners, o it was sumounced. This unielion is Fac Simife signature of § SERIES 20
medicine they have absolutely Ialled. | 11 cents a yar lower than the 15-cent / . . .
It can be yd Reo He eral: basis SR x by Edward Converse & ne — a Satisfying Performance Economy of Operation
it of homeopaths, that they do have | Co. last October 18th. AUR COMPANY: Ir i gars 1s
some remedies which will at least —— THE COTE RK. Power Durability True Value
ameliorate the distressing symptoms | Skunk Breeding Urged al
in cases of cancer. ‘ : "At Gmonths old BIG SIX.......... Centavaniinsiaits $2250.00
«Up to the present there is really | Breeding of skunks as a means of CENTS SPECIAL SIX.....ccco0esceensesss 1785.00 }
only one course to pursue for satis- | stabilizing the “depressed fur mar- LIGHT STX..ccevvcrsreersrsneenes 1485.00
Cord Tires on all Models—Prices
North Water St. 4.4 BELLEFONTE
£. 0. b. Factory—Subject to Change