Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 19, 1920, Image 1

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    - consider.
a time.
: when the proprietor of the Garman
- emphatic as was that of ours, but it
| less and ready to strike at anything,
© wit th
— Christmas is only thirty-six days
—Everything seems to be so much
cheaper in print than it is anywhere
—A county library is the newest
thing for the people of old Centre to
—Surely it is not too early now to
remind you to begin the Christmas
—Jim Connelly’s swan song ap-
pears in column 5 on this page and
Jim is some singer.
—Apparently more rum is being
seized and stolen than anyone thought
had ever been distilled.
— Cheer up! It’s sloppy and disa-
greeable here, but think of Buffalo
with over a foot of snow.
—Can it be possible that a week has
passed in Bellefonte without a parade
or some other sensational event?
— This thing of winter trying to
erowd into the lap of fall is just a lit-
tle more than our nerves will stand.
—Even Red Russia wouldn’t stand
for Emma Goldman and Alexander
Berkman. They have been banished.
If Mr. Bryan wants to reor-
ganize anything he might try his hand
on Coxey’s army. That job is about
the right size for him.
Under the false pretense of 100
per cent Americanism every disgrunt-
led foreign born voter in the country
supported Harding for President.
—Many farmers were hauling wa-
ter before Tuesday’s fall of the beau-
tiful and that didn’t help much for it
clogged up the spouts and most of the
water ran over them.
—If President-elect Harding’s life
in Washington is to be as full of un-
pleasantness as his vacation at Point
Isabel, Texas, was we fancy he will be
looking longingly westward toward
that comfortable “front porch” many
—There was a time, two years ago,
house in this place thought that the
first of July would be the last of Au-
gust. But in view of the raid last
Friday we are inclined to think that
the 12th of November was the last of
—The defeat of the Venizelos gov-
ernment in Greece wasn’t quite as
amounted to the same thing. It
showed that the whole world is rest-
t of what the results
because it might make ‘the said com- |
pany “stop, look and listen” before it |
raises rates higher.
— President-elect Harding has been
invited to go to the City of Mexico to
be present when Obregon takes the
oath of office. Surely the Senator will
take no chances of that sort. Mexico
is no place for a man who wants to
keep Calvin Coolidge’s chances of be-
coming President of this country
down to a minimum. i
—Have you ever stopped to think
about the number of people there are
who thought they couldn’t afford to
keep a horse and buggy back in the
days when a good driving horse could
be bought for $150 and a buggy for
$75, who are now racing round in mo-
tors that cost all the way from one to
four thousand dollars.
—The Altoona Times—Tribune
thinks that because Senator Penrose
will have a “great deal of power with
the coming administration, he will
have a host of friends.” It seems to
us that he proved on November 2nd
that he has about as many friends as
a man could desire; without using the
leverage of patronage to surround
himself with more.
—The foreign news informs us that
thousands and thousands of Russian
and Armenian refugees are looking to
this country as their only refuge.
Poor souls! Judged from the temper
of our people, as expressed at the re-
cent slaughter, about all the help they
will get will be through the abandon-
ment of the rummage sales so we can
send them cast-off clothing.
—Last winter we used bituminous
coal in our steam boiler. It kept
things hot, but it was a bit smoky and
because of the latter we decided to
try anthracite for this winter. Ac¢-
cordingly we laid in some tons of the
black diamonds at $14.75 per and now
we are beginning to discover that the
“black diamonds” we bought in Au-
gust are little else than black slate.
We can’t get any heat, and we'd freeze
if it weren't for the exercise in rat-
tling down the clinkers and totin’ out
ashes. It's a crime; the kind of hard
coal that is being shipped into this
—The collapse of the Wrangel gov-
ernment in the Crimea is a calamity.
His was the one opposing force to
Bolshevism that had the hopeful
promise. Afier saving Poland from
annihilation he was left without sup-
port, either by that nation or the Al-
lies and the Bolshevik forces released
by the declaration of peace with Po-
land, turned and overwhelmed his gal-
lant little army. The Reds are unop-
posed in Russia now for the first time
since they seized the country and it
remains to be seen whether they will
—Northnmberland county has a citizen
within her borders in the person of John
i R. Kauffman, of Sunbury, who claims te
! have voted for seventeen Presidents. He
! is 93 years old. -
i =Kire Sunday night gutted the shops of
| M. Harvey Nace, roofing contractor, of
Landsdale, burning out the inside of the
shops, all the implements and tools and &
five-ton automible truck.
— Death warrants issued at the State De-
partment in Harrisburg last Thursday in-
cluded William Johnson and Jennaro Same
sone, of Erie, the week of December 13th,
VOL. 65.
FONTE, PA., NOVEMBER 19, 1920.
NO. 46.
and Lindsey Moore, of Westmoreland
county, December 20th. :
—“Hank” Maser, a garbage collector in
Lively Scrimmage Impending.
If the political dopesters of the
press have anything like a dependable
line on coming events the Pennsylva-
nia Republicans are scheduled for
some very lively factional scrimmages
in the near future.
likely to be staged at the organization
of the Legislature in January. Sen-
ator Penrose has set the seal of his
approval upon the ambition of Robert
S. Spangler, of York, to succeed him-
self as Speaker of the House, while a
lot of other fellows of larger exper-
jence, and probably greater ability,
imagine that the honor should go else-
where. Representative Williams, of
Tioga county, is among this number,
and being an old time Prohibition
leader, he has a considerable follow-
Penrose is in the saddle, of course,
and fully capable of imposing his per-
sonal preferences on the Legislature.
In the distribution of the patronage
of the incoming national administra-
tion his voice will be absolute in all
sections of the State. This will make
him invincible in the event of a fight
over the organization of the General
Assembly. But it is not certain that
he wants a fight. The Vares, of Phil-
adelphia, are ready to go the limit in
a rough and tumble battle with the
big boss, and it is safe to say that the
limit would be an overwhelming de-
feat of that contingent. But a fight
in which the Prohibition influence
would be with the Vares might leave
some nasty scars, and Penrose is cau-
If Senator Penrose does organize
the General Assembly with or with-
out a fight, however, there will be
some bitter antagonisms later on as
a result of the distribution of the fed-
eral patronage. The aspirants for
office are unusually numerous this
year and more than usually earnest.
The party has been out of power a
good while and as hungry as a bear
after a long period of hybernation,
and for every one that is pleased there
will be a hundred made savage. The
disappointed horde will be easily or-
0 ed for future fighting against
long en-
he wi
nions | OPPO’
— The women of New York who
| voted for Senator Wadsworth; of New
Hampshire, for Senator Moses; of
for Senator Bran-
degee would have a hard time prov-
ing themselves capable of exercising
the franchise intelligently. It’s hard-
ly worth while to speak ‘of the women
of Pennsylvania who voted for Pen- |
League of Nations in Session.
The League of Nations is now as-
sembled in its first session at Geneva,
Switzerland. The session began on
Monday with forty of the forty-five
member nations represented. It isan
imposing body, according to press
descriptions, and all the clergymen of
that favored city, invoked Divine
blessings upon its work, on Sunday.
There is no limit in time to the ses-
sion but it is not likely to continue
long. Some amendments to the cove-
nant will be proposed and considered,
it is said, but no definite action taken
on any of them. Great bodies move
slowly and the work of this body is of
world-wide consequence and will be
performed with corresponding care.
The second anniversary of the arm-
istice which terminated hostilities of
the world war was fittingly celebrated
throughout the world a week ago and
the assembling of the League, which
is the consummation of the armistice,
fitly follows. But the armistice was
effected by the President of the Unit-
ed States and the League session is
without a representative of the Unit-
ed States. Two years ago this coun-
try was glorified as foremost in the
work of civilization. Every people in
the wide world bowed reverently to
the achievements of our army and na-
vy and diplomacy. But in the great-
est assembly of all time since the be-
ginning of the Christian era, the
United States is unrepresented.
What change has come over the
spirit of the people that has worked
this reversal? Partisan bigotry, the
spirit of hate, the demon of envy has
entered the hearts of the men and the
women of the United States and turn-
ed their faces toward savagery. The
United States might have been the
principal figure in the organization of
this sublime effort to consummate
“Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men,”
for which the Saviour gave Himself
to the cross. A citizen of the Unit-
ed States might have presided over
the deliberations of this body but for
the fact that Lodge and Penrose and
Hiram Johnson and Senator Borah
hate President Wilson. Thus base
purposes defeat righteous results.
——If the current statement that
the German government is still pay-
undertake to bring about a proper
government there or carry out their
threat to soveitize the world.
ing the late Kaiser a big salary is
true, the people of that country hawe
' just right to compldin.
The first tilt is |
be predicted that |
Defeat of Venizelos in Greece.
The defeat of Venizelos in the
Greece elections is confirmation of the
fear that the spirit of reaction domi-
nates the world for a time at least.
The first of the great progressives to
meet disaster after the close of the
‘world war was the Italian Premier.
The downfall of the great French
leader followed soon after and the
grand old man, Clemenceau, took him-
self to the woods to conceal his disap-
pointment. The defeat of Governor
Cox in this country as a punishment
for Woodrow Wilson’s great achieve-
ments followed, and finally Venizelos,
who rescued Greece from her German
' master, has been voted out of power
in order that the servile and vicious
emissary of the Kaiser may be restor-
| ed to the throne.
| The defeat of Venizelos is the most
' pathetic of this series of national ca-
'lamities. The incident in Italy was
' regrettable because the services of the
| War Premier were sincere and val-
'uable. But it indicated no malice and
| was accepted as a personal matter.
{ The defeat of Clemenceau was as-
| cribable more to his great age than
| to vindictive opposition to his person.
| The old Tiger was bitterly resentful
against Germany, however, and there
was a popular feeling that a more
amiable policy than he was likely to
adopt was needed to heal the wounds
of war. The perverse result in this
country is inexplicable. The: hatred
of some Senators and the cupidity of
' predatory corporations compassed the
| result.
| Of all the leaders in the world war
Lloyd George, Premier of Great Bri-
tian, and the least deserving of the
lot, escaped punishment. He was
| sustained by his people in a popular
vote at a parliamentary election. An
opportunist, he was able to shift an
| opposition by dodging every question
| of vital importance that confronted
{ him immediately following the war
i and promising everything that any-
body asked. But except in Greece the
' defeat of progress is temporary, and
even there the return to power of
King Constantine may work such a re-
vulsion in the public mind that his
‘tenure will be brief. In any event
public sympathy will, as it ought to
——Those farmers who voted for
| Harding because of the expectation
| of an increase in the price of wheat
are no worse off than the laborers
! who voted for him because they ex-
pected his election would benefit la-
| bor.
Who Will Control Harding?
There is a good deal of mental
speculation expressed in the newspa-
. pers as to which of the Republican
factions will exercise the greater in-
fluence on the incoming administra-
tion. It is generally agreed that the
foreign policy of Mr. Harding will be
! indicated by his selection of a Secre-
tary of State. But that fact throws
little light on the main question. If
he appoints Mr. Root to that import-
ant office we may look for a speedy
entrance into the League of Nations,
and if he appoints Senator Knox it
may be safely assumed that the
League will be scrapped and a sepa-
rate peace with Germany arranged.
Knox is the author of that absurd
proposition which would mean a re-
sumption of dollar diplomacy.
No doubt the hopes of a vast major-
ity of those who voted for Harding
are already centered upon the selec-
tion of Root. He is sincerely in fa-
vor of the League, and like our fat
friend, Mr. Taft, would have been
glad if it had been ratified in the
form in which it was presented to the
Senate. But he is a very old man and
though retaining his mental strength
is hardly equal to the physical ve-
quirements of the job. This fact will
give Harding an excuse to turn him
down in favor of another, but wheth-
er Knox will be the other is problem-
atical. He too, is physically delin-
quent. In the circumstances it is re-
motely possible that Senator Lodge,
of Massachusetts, may receive the
coveted portfolio.
If past expressions of the Presi-
dent-elect could be relied upon for
guidance it would be an easy matter
to form an opinion on the subject.
Harding is as strongly opposed to the
League of Nations as Hi Johnson or
Senator Borah. In the Senate he
voted for ratification with reserva-
tions but that was because he was
told to, and immediately before the
election and soon afterward he declar-
ed himself against the League. But
when he finds out how unpopular the
separate peace with Germany policy
is with the people he is more than
likely to change his mind and decide
upon a policy along lines laid by Mr.
Root in his communication on the sub-
| ject from Paris. In that event neith-
| er Knox nor Lodge will do.
i rms tans anne fp Gp a ett
: ——Looking forward over a four
year period Senator Harding proba-
bly envies the serenity in store for
Governor Cox.
' Surprising Story of an Exodus.
A lugubrious and almost unbeliev-
able tale comes from Washington
| through the medium of the press dis-
{ patches to the effect that governmen-
| tal operations are threatened with par-
' alysis because of the exodus from
! offices of important public servants.
It is said that heads of eight divisions
oft the bureau of markets have re-
“signed within six months, and fifty-
: three per cent of the employees of the
| Department of Agriculture have quit
their jobs within a year. “Twenty-
nine geologists,” one of the corres-
pondents writes, “who recently left
the government service while receiv-
now under private employment re-
ceiving $7804.”
In former times no such cause of
complaint or source of worry con-
fronted the heads of departments in
tinguished Presidents of the earlier
and possibly better periods of our
history expressed a diametrically op-
posite condition when he dolefully de-
clared that “few die and none resign.”
But things were different then. Brick-
layers never thought of asking more
though official salaries were much less
and official service more exacting, of-
ficial * stations were more alluring.
Now most anybody may ask and re-
ceive more wages than even the head
of a bureau in the gevernment serv-
ice receives and it is equally certain
that most any one earns more.
But so far we have not heard of
any of the appointees in the govern-
ment service from Pennsylvania quit-
ting their jobs. No great law firm,
so far as our information goes, has
tried to entice Mitchell Palmer away
from his official environment nor has
anybody been trying to lasso Jim
Blakeslee into a position of greater
responsibility and larger recompense
than that he has been holding down
in Washington for nearly eight years.
Probably the Pennsylvania contingent
is a group of cheap guys who are not
wanted in other fields of endeavor,
and possibly the story of the exodus
has been invented in order to discour-
re! the hungry horde likely to swarm
it Washington next spring.
b - Judge Landis was chosen as
| chief umpire of baseball because of
his reputation as a finer.
tion against back talk on the ball
ernest Arent. ra me
{ Opening of Wild Turkey Season.
The open season for wild turkeys
came in on Monday and from reports
received from various sections of the
county quite a number of the birds
were killed, but Bellefonte hunters
were not among the most successful
ones. So far as the writer was able
to learn the only turkey brought to
Bellefonte was by Matthew Wagner,
who came in with a nice, fat bird by
ten o’clock.
But the best of all hunting will open
in just twelve days, when the deer sea-
son will begin. Every report received
from all the mountainous sections of
the county tells of deer in plenty, and
hunters will no doubt find good sport
in following the trail. =
But right here we want to extend a
word of caution, and that is be sure it
is a deer you see before. you shoot;
and don’t allow yourself to become
careless in the handling of your gun.
Already this season one Centre coun-
ty young man has been killed through
the careless handling of his gun, and
every year men have been wounded or
killed by the fool hunter who shot at
something he thought was a deer,
only to find when too late that it was
a man. For this reason every hunter
who goes into the woods should exer-
cise the greatest care and absolute
self-restraint. It is far better to al-
low a deer to escape than to kill a fel-
low hunter. ’
——Harding’s three hour exper-
ience on a Texas narrow guage jungle
railroad was tough enough, but noth-
have passing from Root to Hungry
Hi and from Taft to Borah.
——Many a farmer in Centre coun-
ty his this week looked longingly at
those unhusked shocks of corn stand-
ing in his field and doubtless wonder-
ing if there will be another spell of
warm weather in which to complete
the work. Of course there may be,
and then again there may not. It is
getting along toward the first of De-
cember and we can hardly expect any
protracted spell of nice weather. But
it was a nice autumn up to the begin-
ning of this week and it was the wise
farmer who got his corn husked and
fodder in the barn.
——Monday’s snow fall looked very
winterish, and there is no better place
in Bellefonte to spend the long winter
evenings than at the Scenic. It may
be snowy and cold outside, but you'll
always find the Scenic comfortable
and the pictures interesting.
One of our most dis- |
than a dollar an hour for work and
ing compared with the time he will |
ing an average salary of $2371, are
i soon. The present era, as H. G.
'is pointing out in his illuminative de-
' scription of what he saw, is an era. of
ruin. Mr. Wells puts the blame chief-
ily on antecedent capitalism and im-
| perialism and not on contemporary
communism; but whoever is responsi-
That re-
sult offers a “spectacle of misery and
ebbing energy,” of “harsh and terrible
realities” that “cannot be camouflag-
Both Mr. Root and Mr. Wells,
from wholly different standpoints, but
with the best will in the world for the
| future of the country,
dreary and appalling condition that
obtains; and Mr. Root, true statesman
of international outlook that he is, is
eager to help in the reinstatement not
of a defunct and impossible autocracy
but of those finer impulses and inspi-
rations that represent the better self
within the vast, unwieldy bulk of Rus-
Root on Russia.
#rom the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
_ Elihu Root, who has a way of being
{ right in his conclusions, has expressed
| the opinion that Bolshevism in Russia
i has but a short time to live. Mr.
is the active head of the American
Central committee for Russian Relief,
and his interest in Russian affairs be-
gan long before he went as the head
of the special mission sent by Presi-
dent Wilson to study conditions in the
distracted country. Mr. Root says
that in conserving the lives of those
who will go back to their land to help
_it his committee is “saving the seed-
‘corn which will bring forth the future
harvest of real freedom,
peace and prosperity for Russia.”
These blessings cannot be Sortie $e
ble, the result is the same.
Mr. Root is a friend of the country
on the basis of knowledge and gE of
Political conditions
have undergone a drastic alteration
since he returned from his journey of
1917, and yet he still could say, as he
have a noble idealism which is devel-
oped and exhibited in the minds that
are enlarged by education, and they
have a strong sense of the mission of
liberty in the world and an extraordi-
nary capacity for concerted action.”
Mr. Root’s own memor-
able phrase uttered in Philadelphia)
there is at present a “corrupt and
criminal combination masquerading”
as Russians, they must not delude us
mere benevolent sentiment. He
faith in Russia.
then declared of the people:
If (to borrow
into misreading the real character
' the real people. ;
i “
i James D. Connelly, in the Clearfield
His $29,-!
1 Pa Congressional return judge H. B.
000,000 fine of the Standard Oil com-! geott, of Centre county, failed to learn
pany will serve as a standing admoni- | of his appointment by Judge Quigley
to that important position in time
meet the other
licked us a matter of a few
12,780 votes at that.
We noticed in the Philadelphia P-
cause one cf the county return judges
in the 16th District had, like Scotty,
failed to appear on Tuesday, the day
appointed under the Pennsylvania
statutes to have those last sad rites
attended to and the fellows down that
way thought they might be able to do
We don’t know
what they might be able or want to
do, but we do know what we don’t
want to do. We are not going to raise
any technicalities at this time and ask
No, in-
We always were a
for punishment, politically
and have been the corpse at
the wake before, a time or two, but we
pers where a roar was being made
something "about it.
to have it tried over again.
deedy, not us.
don’t want to try it so soon again
the Twenty-first district. Not on you
speedy. We have had enough; he can
5 on that fatal
Tuesday if Scotty didn’t arrive with
In fact we would have
been willing, if they had consulted us
forget that Centre county
life. Our hat is off to Jonesy.
more of him for us. He's too
have it and we wouldn’t ask for
er walloping like we
those Centre county returns
about it, to
vote entirely. The voters over th
way have had awfully rotten judg-
three or four years,
ment for the past
and we're off them for life,
For Good Government.
From the Tacoma Ledger.
In one Massachusetts town there
were twelve more women than men on
the registered voting list. If that
town doesn’t get good government
hereafter, there's
somewhere. :
Admirable Self-Denial.
¥rom the San Francisco Chronicle.
Hats off to Bryan! He did it. For
the first time since the election of Lin-
coln and Johnson, in 1864, he went
clear through a Presidential campaign
without making a speech. Admirable
From the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
If you have got it legitimately, the
you can store it
Supreme court says
where you please.
anybody having it
But the idea
Subscribe for the “Watchman,”
admit the
ar th
return judges for the
. district at the Prothonotary’s office
| Tuesday for the purpose of tabulating
| the returns for the district. He arriv-
ed in good time Wednesday, however,
and we were living witness to his com-
plying with his official duties in his
usual excellent form. His figures
completing the total showed that our
Bradford friend, Evan J. Jones, only
any way but legit-
Johnstown, last week discovered a dia-
mond ring in rubbish taken from a jewel
ry store. The ring was returned to the
jeweler, who valued it at $185, and now his
associates call the finder “Honest Hank.”
—Four of the six rural mail carriers of
Somerset have quit Uncle Sam’s employ
for more remunerative jobs and as a re-
sult rural residents have to call or send to
the postoffice for their mail. This situa-
tion has caused the mail to accumulate and
it is piling up.
—A Sunbury correspondent says that
extreme indignation is shown by many
Northumberland county farmers over the
enforcement of the compulsory school law.
They are thus deprived of the help of their
children during the busy autumn seasom.
Two of these farmers have recently spent
five days each in the county jail for defy-
ing the law.
—Operations at the plant of the Juniata
Limestone company, at Carlim, were stop-
ped last week, the employes being paid off
in full last Friday. The machinery has
been dismantled and housed up. . The
plant employed 150 men, who will now be
forced to seek other work. The plant had
been shipping its product to the steel in-
dustry. The lessening of the demand for
steel has caused a cancellation of rock or-
—When the Rev. T. V. Jakomowoz, pas=~
tor of the Holy Trinity parish of the Na-
tional Polish Catholic church of New Cas-
tle, Pa., failed to arrive at church for Sun-
day morning service, members of the par-
ish started an investigation and found hinx
seated in front of a fire in the parish
house, dead. He had evidently died in the
night, of heart disease. He had been there
a year, having formerly been at Nanticoke,
Pa., and other cities in the east.
—Five loads of rags weighing ten tons,
and two tons of paper, together with oth-
er miscellaneous junk, was found by dep-
uty sheriff James J. Markel, of Reading,
last week, when he took the belongings of
Mrs. Sallie B. Williams, a tenant, out of
the house of Jennie Getz, the owner. - The
house had been occupied by Mrs. Williams
for eighteen years. Neighbors complained
to the owner of the fire risk. In the mass
was found an old organ completely hidden.
__Arrested at Sayer on charges of looting
the High school office and stealing an au-
tomobile, Tracy Talada also pleaded guil-
ty to stealing a revolver owned by County
Detective Seager while using a telephone
in the police station. Talada and Edward
Cotter, of Sayre, were arrested after a
Sayre policeman, standing in the Ackley
store, which had been robbed the night
previously, overheard a conversation be-
{ween two voung men involving Talada
and Cotter. :
— Smith & Smith, representing Michael
Boyle, entered suit in the Clearfield county
“courts last week against the United Trac-
tion Street Railway company, of DuBois,
in an effort to recover $1200 for injuries
and damages received when a wagon driv-
en by Boyle was struck by a street car of
the defendant company in DuBois on June
1st, 1920. One thousand dollars is asked
for personal injuries received by the driv-
er. while the other two hundred is asked
for damages to the rig.
An announcement was made last ¥ri-
day by Charles McCaffrey, owner of a large
tract of coal land in Scotch valley, Colum-
bia county, that he had sold his land there
to a combination of New York capitalists.
They will start work at once on the devel-
opment of the traet, which comprises about
2600 acres. There is a breaker on the site,
and coal will be prepared there for ship-
ment. It is one of the few coal operations
in Columbia county, and furnishes employ-
ment to a considerable number of men.
_ Fig arm terribly shattered by receiv-
ing the full discharge of a shell fired thir-
ty feet away, Alter K. Ulsh, of Millérs-
burg, bore up bravely under the painful
strain far back in Paddy's mountain, in
Centre county. last week, and with the as-
sistance of his companion, Lee Hollenback,
of Shamokin, trudged through the thicket
for an hour to a railroad crossing. There
the hunters fortunately made a close con-
nection with « train and reached medieal
assistance. One hundred and thirty shot
were removed from Ulsh’s arm. .
__The Methodist Episcopal church at Os-
coola Mills on Sunday observed the semi-
centennial of its organizatien and had a
red letter day. In the morning Rev: Dr.
Imory M. Stevens, district superintendent,
was the preacher, and in the evening
Bishop W. F. McDowell, of Washington,
D. C., addressed a large congregation. The
congregation celebrated its fiftieth birth~
day anniversary by laying on its church’
altars the sum of $6,000 in cash as a nu- -
cleus of the fund for a new church. Rev.
Gordon Arch Williams is the pastor- of
that earnest and energetic congregation.
——A philandering stranger named Pan-
tear, who left Mrs. Syminka Dogadar, of
Bethlehem, call him Samuel, charged her
£1200 for experience in 2 magic money box.
Pantear came from the west about a month
ago and boarded near Mrs. Bogadar's
home. They met—and met again. He in-
! duced her to take $1200 out of bank. She
| was to place the money in a certain magic
box, and by eight o'clock in the evening it
was to have increased to $2400. She did
and it didn’t. At eight o’clock she opencd
the box and found a pile of wet newspa-
pers. At 8:10 she opened the door of Sam-
uel’s boarding house, but Sam had left his
bed and board—also a board bill of $40.
Hence, to the police those tears.
—In conducting revival meetings, the
Rev. ¥. L. Artley, pastor of the Methodist
church at Millville, Columbia county, uses
motion pictures as a part of the service,
and is getting unusual crowds. “Othello,”
a five-reel Shakespearean drama, Was
shown, one reel a night. The preacher is
enthusiastic over the use of movies in the
church, and uses his machine in the coun-
try churches as well, hooking his auto mo-
tor to the machine to furnish light in the
country districts where no electricity is
available. “Here in Millville,” he said,
swe had fifty converts to the church, and it
is interesting to note that most ‘of them
occurred on nights when the movies were
shown.” Every revival service he con-
duets in the future will be featured with
movies, he declares.