Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 05, 1920, Image 1

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—They have everything so there
can be no alibis during the next four
—Who ever heard of a man taking
his hat off in a polling place before
last Tuesday.
— Now that the election is over
Senator Newberry, of Michigan, may
be called up for sentence.
—Many a man did something on
Tuesday he never did before. He
walked to the polls with his wife.
—1It’s all over and we are willing to
abide by the result; principally be-
cause there is nothing else for us to
—Centre county barns are bulging
with hay to be baled while hay presses
are idle because not a pound of baler
wire can be procured.
—TIt would be much better to im-
prove the quality of Congressmen in-
stead of increasing their numbers.
But we have to take things as we find
—My, how we could use that two-
fifty we paid for the two column pic-
tures of Cox and Roosevelt that we or-
dered some time ago for possible use
in this issue.
——A debate between Professor
Taft and Senator Johnson as to Hard-
ing’s real sentiment upon the League
of Nations would be diverting as well
as interesting.
—From the way they turned out
here on Tuesday the good Lord surely
will have to help the men if the wom-
en ever get together on any local po-
litical undertaking.
—1It is just as well that Cox didn’t
get elected because when we came
over to the office Wednesday we found
every one of the “Watchman’s” roos-
ters had started to molt.
—Have you stopped to think what
would have happened had Mitch Pal-
mer been the candidate. We might
not even have had the South left for
the small consolation there is in that.
—1If it could be truthfully said
that William Jennings Bryan has been
permanently eliminated from the po-
litical calendar there would be some-
thing worth while in the result of the
—There’s no use in post-mortems.
There’s no use in blaming it on any
one or anything. It seems to us that
nothing could have stopped such a del-
‘uge. It might have been reduced but
Tot stopped.
. .—0Of the 1049 Republicans who vot-
Ein Bellefonte on Tuesday we pre-
me not one has thought of being the
ext postmaster. Oh, no! Probably
‘not more than 1048 of them has. given
it a thought. <i. om. A
—As our friend Bill Hollenback re-
marked tous ata time when he
thought of blossoming out as “the
white hope:” “It’s a damned poor
carcass that can’t take a good beatin’
once in awhile.”
—As we viewed the parade on Mon-
day night the thought came to us that
some of the ladies might have dressed
up as pianos. All they would have
needed to complete perfect disguises
would have been the bodies.
—A burn’t child dreads the fire.
For that reason and remembering how
they had to break ranks and hunt
their holes four years ago, our Repub-
lican friends will jollify with a big
parade here tonight. They wanted to
be sure of it this time and we all know
they have every reason to be.
—While we take off our hats to the
energy and ability of the women to
get out votes we just have to tell that
one of them, in a small town polling
place in this county, received her bal-
lot and then asked an election officer
for a pair of scissors because she said
she “wanted to cut her ballot.”
—Anyway the women of Centre
Hall had some fun out of it. They
polled a whale of a vote over there and
did for Cox what the country did for
Harding and then they celebrated
right off with a big parade and a gen-
eral jambouree. Foxy ladies. They
had a lot of fun fiddling while Rome
was burning.
—Viewed from the standpoint of its
amazing success it was well that gen-
alissimo G. Washington Rees carried
an umbrella on Monday night. It was
enough to make any promoter go up
and if that had happened to G. Wash-
ington he would have had a parachute
in hand to bring him safely back to
—Harking back to the days when
the deft fingers and pointed pencil of
J. Thomas Mitchell Esq. always made
any bunch of return figures coming in
on election night spell comfort to the
Republican workers usually grouped
about him we can’t help smiling when
we think of Tom’s having business to
attend to back in old rock-ribbed
Pennsylvania just at election time.
‘We are inclined to believe that he just
naturally couldn’t stand being in Mis-
sissippi when noses were being count-
ed on political preferences.
—=Surely the Elks contributed a lot
to the joy of living on Monday night.
What a happy, frivolous, harmless
helpful lark it was for young and old
alike. We saw in it something more,
however, than the masses turned out
for a holiday carnival. It was a real
democracy typified. The rich and
poor, the exalted and lowly played
side-by-side without concern as to
whom they were playing with. The
spirit of good fellowship was rampant
—up to the moment masks were re-
moved then the little groups began to
withdraw from the throng and nature
was put under the leash of caste, self-
ishness or snobbery.
VOL. 65.
Result of the Election.
The result of the election is a dis-
appointment, though except for the
size of the majorities not altogether
a surprise to us. Throughout the
campaign we felt that there might be
But the character of the opposition
and the immense resources at its
command stood out constantly as an
admonition against hope. As Gover-
nor Cox said, the American people
may usually be depended upon to sup-
port a manifest moral obligation. But
the persistent misrepresentations and
the constant perversion of the truth
appears to have confused the voters
and the Republican victory is the
most complete and overwhelming of
recent years.
More than a year ago President
Wilson appealed to the Republican
Congress to enact legislation which
might be used effectively to reduce
the cost of living. But his recom-
mendations were ignored in order that
complaints might be justified. No
doubt the reforms he asked for then
claimed by those who failed of their
duty. But we doubt the success of
such expedients. The people are hard-
ly credulous enough to be fooled in
that way. They will see through the
subterfuges that are offered and re-
sent rather than approve the false
pretenses. Men may be beguiled for
a time but as Lincoln said “you can’t
fool all the people all the time.”
The facts are, however, that the re-
sult of the election is an overwhelm-
ing victory for the Republican ma-
chine. They have not only elected
their candidate for President but they
have strengthened their majority in
both branches of Congress and prac-
tically made certain an equally great
preponderance upon the Supreme
court bench, thus giving them abso-
lute control of all three of the de-
partments of the government. If they
use their power justly and wisely lit-
tle harm will follow. But if they
prostitute it to partisan uses as may
be feared, the result of the election
will add a sad chapter of the history
of the country. Let us hope for the
{best of a bad sithatidn.
The Election Locally.
The 1920 presidential election is
now history and the results are so
well and widely known that nothing
we can say will change them. It was
the first time that women all over the
United States stood equally with the
men in expressing their will through
the medium of the ballot, and notwith-
standing the fact that it rained hard
throughout the entire day they turn-
ed out in force to express their polit-
ical preference. In fact, the women
made it a point to get to the polls ear-
ly and in many precincts in Centre
county, it is reported a woman was
the first to vote.
In the North ward of Bellefonte the
first woman to cast her ballot was
Mrs. Priscilla Bell, and the fact is
noteworthy because tomorrow she will
celebrate her eighty-seventh birthday
anniversary. In the South ward Mrs.
Al. Rishel was the first woman to cast
her ballot while in the West ward
Miss Florence Love was not only the
first woman to vote but placed the
first ballot in the box.
Women watchers were at all the
polling places in Bellefonte and at
most of them in the county, and so far
as we could learn there was no fric-
tion between them and the men watch-
ers. Everything passed off just as
smoothly and systematically as if the
women had been voting all their lives.
As to the result in Centre county, it
was simply in line with the vote all
over the country, simply overwhelm-
ingly Republican. In fact the verdict
was so pronounced that it must be ad-
mitted that the people wanted a
change and took the only way to get
it open to them. Detailed election re-
turns from the county will be found in
another column and they tell the story
of the election better than we can do
The surprising results in Centre
county are really not so surprising
when we stop to consider that the Re-
publicans had a most efficient machine
that has been working quietly for
months on ground that was peculiarly
fertile this year. They also had plen-
ty of money and opposed to these
powerful weapons county chairman
Gray was working almost alone and
with not enough money to buy poll
books or employ watchers for many
of the districts in the county.
The vote gives Harding a plurality
of 2867. Senator Penrose was cut
some but not as much as many pre-
dicted he would be, especially by the
women. His vote fell only 597 behind
that of the head of the ticket.
Connelly, for Congress, lost the
county by 3210 and Tom Beaver goes
to Harrisburg leaving Naginey to
ponder over a defeat the like of which
has never before been recorded in a
legislative race in Centre county. He
lost by 3148.
——Subseribe for the “Watchman.”
a chance of success because of the tre-
mendous importance of the issues.
The conditions of 1912 are just reversed. Eight years ago to day the
“Watchman” announced to its readers the overwhelming victory of Wilson and
Marshall. Then we had 435 votes in the electoral college and had carried 58
of the 48 States of the Union for the Democratic standard bearers. Today we .
are broken under a reversal of popular feeling and, so far as returns have
been authenticated, have to announce that Harding and Coolidge have carried
at least 37 of the 48 States and already have piled up 382 votes in the electoral
swing into the Republican column it will carry the electorals for Harding and
Coolidge far beyond the unprecedented total rolled up for Wilson and Mar-
will be attempted now and credit :
shall eight years ago.
An analysis of the results would be futile, as well as hopeless.
NO. 44.
The Simple Life?
‘From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
It is nearly a generation since Pas-
| tor Wagner came over from Paris full
| of the spirit of French thrift and fru-
and domestic economies and
aid down for Americans his rules as
to the Simple Life. That he was tak-
en up and indorsed by Colonel Roose-
'velt, the apostle’ of the Strenuous
Life, involved no contradiction nor in-
consistency, because the simple life is
easily campatible with the life of
great activity and accomplishments,
since in the simple life one acts more
directly and sloughs off all those lux-
uries and extravagant habits of a syb-
aritic civilization that both Pastor
Wagner and Colonel Roosevelt recog-
| nized as bad for the body as well as
| the soul. We have gone far afield
Oklahoma and Tennessee are still in doubt and should they finally | from those seemingly innocent days
when so many longed to prove their
philosophy by reducing their expenses
for creature comforts absolutely non-
| essential to health or happiness, as is
‘shown in the extraordinary record of
‘our annual expenses for the vanities
most every Democrat with the least bit of political perspicacity has been look- | of life.
ing to Tuesday’s contest with faint hope for two years or more, few really |
thought that the little ground swells discernible then would develop into the
great avalanche that has overwhelmed us. ’
And while there is no use in trying to explain away the potential power
of the general unrest and disturbed conditions as principal factors in the re-
sult; in many States local disruptions in our party’ were such as resulted in
throwing the balance of power against us. This is probably true in Maryland,
Missouri, Tennessee,: Oklahoma and several of the northwestern States.
On the face of the returns the Republicans will probably have a majority.
in the Senate of 16 and possibly 20. In the lower House they have made a
gain of thirty or more seats, so that the new President will not be ham-strung
like President Wilson has been for the past two years and the country will
have every right to expect the much promised beneficent legislation to be en-
acted at once.
The “Watchman” is glad it is over. We expected it, but would not have
been surprised had the result been different. The Democratic party is not
dead. Many pessimistic Republicans thought their party was dead eight years
ago. We are not that kind. Cleaned and purged of all the squabbles over pa-
tronage, all the differences as to governmént policies, all the dissatisfaction |
over the conduct of the war, all the Irish dislike of our help to England, all
the Italian opposition to the Fiume awards all the pussey-footing on the 18th
Amendment and what-not; the troubles have been shunted to other shoulders
and we will see how they will bear them. While they are wobbling under the
load we shall withdraw our forces to the training camps and be there in 1924
with a new vigor and a new heart that will bring victory again to principles
that have always been right though pitiably misunderstood. As near as they
can be collected the results were-as-fi
_ Pennsylvania gave Warren G. Hard-
ing a plurality which may exceed 700,-
000, thus breaking all records in the
history of the State. The Roosevelt
landslide of 1904, which gave the Col-
onel 505,519, has been greatly exceed-
ed by returns from the Harding
sweep. Early figures from 6206-elec-
tion districts give Harding 1,070,014
and Cox 436,535, a plurality for Hard-
ing of 633,479.
The sweeping character of the vie-
tory is best shown in returns from the
Congressional districts. Figures so
far indicate there will be but one Dem-
ocratic member of the House of Rep-
resentatives from Pennsylvania. Dis-
tricts never before carried by the Re-
publican party were captured by large
Charles A. Snyder, Republican can-
didate for State Treasurer and Samuel
S. Lewis, of York, Republican candi-
date for Auditor General, were elected
with large pluralities. There was no
opposition to the election of Judge
Sylvester B. Sadler to the Supreme
Court nor to William B. Linn, of Phil-
adelphia, to the Superior Court. Judge
Sadler is elected for twenty-one years
and Judge Linn for ten years.
Although he was cut, particularly
in the western end of the State, Sena-
tor Penrose’s plurality probably will
be the highest since the electors have
been voting directly for United States
Senator. His lead continues to grow
as figures are received. Returns from
5373 districts give the Senator for re-
election 478,032 plurality over John A.
Farrell, his Democratic opponent.
Guy Campbell, of Allegheny, prob-
ably will be the sole Democrat Repre-
sentative for Pennsylvania, and he
had both the Republican and Demo-
cratic nominations. The political
complexion of the present delegation
from Pennsylvania is twenty-seven
Republicans, seven Democrats, one In-
dependent Republican, with one va-
Three of the Democratic strong-
holds, which for years had been im-
pregnable to Republican assaults, fell
before the Harding onslaught and
elected Republican Congressmen. One
of these is the Thirteenth district,
comprising Berks and Lehigh coun-
ties, where Fred B. Gernerd, Republi-
can, was elected over Harry J. Dunn,
Democrat. Arthur G. DeWalt is the
sitting Representative. He was not a
Attorney General A. Mitchell Pal-
mer lost his district, the Twenty-sixth,
comprising Monroe, Pike, Carbon and
Northampton counties. William H.
Kirkpatrick, Republican, defeated
George W. Geiser, Democrat. The
present member is Henry J. Steele,
who was not a candidate for re-elec-
Congress Turnovers.
The Sixteenth district, embracin
Columbia, Montour, Sullivan an
Northumberland counties, is claimed
by Republicans on the fact of the lat-
est returns. The apparently success-
ful candidate is I. Clinton Kline. His
opponent was John V. Lesher. If fi-
nal returns hold up Kline’s election he
will be the first Republican to repre-
sent the district in sixteen years.
The Republican victory in the
Berks-Lehigh district was the first in
/ s BEG
more than 100 years. Gen. Joseph
Hiester, a Revolutionary hero, was
elected to Congress in that district as
a Federalist for several successive
terms, but since then his successors
have been Democrats.
According to incomplete returns we
carried but three counties—Monroe,
Greene and Columbia—each by about
1000 votes.
Revised returns, tabulated at 8:15
o’clock Wednesday night,
ty of 56,381 over Governor Alfred E.
Smith, Democrat, in the State guber- |
natorial contest. The vote with 203
districts missing, was: Miller, 1,303,-
889; Smith, 1,247,508. All the miss-
ing districts are in normally Republi-
can communities up-State.
With complete returns from all but
203 of the 7308 districts in the State,
Senator Harding had a plurality of
1,057,445 votes over Governor Cox. |
The vote was,
Cox, 778,068.
In the unprecedented Republican ti-
dal wave which swept the country
Tuesday, New Jersey contributed
more than 250,000 votes toward the
popular plurality of Senator Harding.
It is probable that complete returns
will make Harding’s plurality atleast
260,000, or nearly four times the larg-
est plurality ever given in this State.
_ All previous records were smashed
in several other particulars. The Re-
publicans elected eleven of New Jer-
sey’s twelve Representatives in Con-
gress, were sucessful in seven of
eight counties in which Senators were
elected, and probably left the Demo-
crats with only a single representative
in the House of Assembly.
In one of the most sweeping victo-
ries ever known in the political histo-
ry of the State, Delaware Republicans
rolled up a majority of about 12,000.
It was a clean sweep for the party,
from the Presidential electors to the
last man on the State ticket.
Returns from 1425 districts out of
1868 in West Virginia for President
give Cox, 159,177; Harding, 213,513.
Harding, 1,835,513;
For Governor, the same precincts give !
Koontz, Democrat, 136,010; Montgom-
ery, non-partisan, 65,206; Morgan, Re-
publican, 186,668.
Ben Rosenbloom, Republican, of
Wheeling, was elected to Congress in
the First West Virginia district, ac-
cording to practically complete re-
turns compiled late Wednesday. The
other five Congressional districts in
West Virginia are now represented by
Republicans, and on the face of in-
complete returns from every district
no change will be made in the political
complexion of the newly elected Con-
Straggling returns from remote
voting districts in Kentucky failed
to considerably change the lead ob-
tained by Governor Cox over the Re-
publican” President-elect. Meagre re-
turns from the mountain regions,
however, showed a Republican trend
in that section. United States Sena-
tor J. C. W. Beckham maintained his
(Continued on page 4, Col. 2).
[ gave Na- |
than L. Miller, Republican, a majori- |
What is the use of the pulpit
preaching a consideration for the sub-
merged poor or the soap-box orator
talking about the “wage slaves” and
the “proletariat millions who are
without hope” when we are confronted
by the fact that $750,000,000 was
spent for rouge, face powder, cosmet-
ics and perfumery? If the $500,000,
it had been utilized for the simpler ne-
cessities of home life, might easily
level up the most hopeless to a condi-
tion of fair living of the most re-
sourceful character. But the end is
not yet, since the other luxuries,
which include soft drinks, confections
and luxurious foods, joy riding and
pleasure resorts, add many more bil-
lions to the extraordinary presenta-
tion of the glittering fact that few of
us care to defend the simple life and
fewer to live it.
It is true that these colossal expen-
ditures for so-called luxuries are not
{ wholly indefensible. There is even
scriptural warrant for the proper use
of a box of spikenard ointment. But
it is a little unfortunate that all the
eloquence of the exhorters of twenty
years ago, with Pastor Wagner ‘and
Colonel Roosevelt in the lead, seems to
have been wasted; and none is so
naive today as to even do the simple
pier or that the finer sides of life have
been promoted by this new extrava-
| gance which has gone beyond all
| bounds few will contend. :
| What kind of a civilization we
might be setting up, therefore, were
$1,000,000,000 spent for art instead of
face powder, for pastels instead of
pastilles, is a matter worth while pon-
| dering over. After all, there are cer-
tain lessons we might learn from the
| simpler life of European people. The
| war over there, as over here, has but
intensified the social and economic
struggle of modern life. And in view
essary to make life more spiritual,
more beautiful or even more comfort-
able, it might be well if we started in
to reread the pastorals of twenty
years ago and set ourselves on the old
highroads which promised so much at
so small a cost.
Behind the Face of the Returns.
! Irom the Philadelphia Record.
without sorrow. :
There was more at stake in Tues-
day’s voting than the triumph of any
party or the advancement of the polit-
ical fortunes of any individual. The
electors were called upon to choose be-
tween the acceptance and the rejection
of a great moral principle. On the
face of the returns they have appar-
ently rejected it. In so doing they
have performed another act unworthy
of America, by inferentially condemn-
ing and repudiating fidelity and effi-
ciency in the highest public office.
No sane man who loves his country
{ will believe, however, that the election
| results are to be read at their face
| value as an expression of the popular
will against the entrance of the Unit-
' od States into the League of Nations.
| Millions who cast their votes for Sen-
ator Harding did so in the hope and
expectation that after the election the
pressure of public opinion would force
him to align himself with the element
of his party
which favors admission
Ito the League; and their weight, in
| conjunction with that of the Demo-
' cratic party, is bound to make itself
felt, now that the exigencies of the
| campign are over. Ly
No aii is ever settled until it
is settled right. Our faith in Amer-
ica is not shaken by the election re-
turns. If a majority of the people
have allowed themselves to be deceiv-
ed by specious appeals to their parti-
sansnip, it has been partly because,
for lack of money and pitiable weak-
‘ness in organization for the spread-
ing of the truth about Democratic
achievement and Democratic policy,
they were not adequately informed.
There has seldom been a campaign in
which misrepresentation and slander
on the Republican side played so large
a part, and in which means of combat-
ting them with facts which should
have been known of all men were So
sadly lacking. The voters who ren-
dered an unjust verdict are not to be
blamed. They are rather to he sym-
pathized with.
——The women of the country per-
formed their duty as they understood
it and to that extent at least vindi-
cated their right to the ballot.
000 spent for jewelry be added to this, |
we have over $1,000,000,000 which, if |
of these overwhelming annual expen-
| ditures for things not absolutely nec-
“The Record” accepts the verdict of
the people without bitterness, but not |
| —David G. Meek, cashier of a bank at.
Beaverdale, Cambria county, has been
elected cashier of the new Beech Creek
State bank. Mr. Meek has been in the
banking business 30 years. :
—Unmasked but heavily armed, a well
| dressed bandit held up Vincent O'Donnell,
at the Philadelphia and Reading statiom,
at Ashland, early last Friday morning,
bound and gagged him and then stole $25
from a drawer, but missed a large sum im
aonther drawer. He escaped in an automo
bile. :
—Murray Henry, son of borough engl-
‘i neer J. Luden Henry, of Hollidaysburg,
has accepted a position with a United
States government engineering corps at
Santo Domingo, Haiti, and will set sail
from New York on Saturday. He will be
employed in road and bridge building. Mr.
Henry has been employed as a surveyor for
the Pennsylvania Railroad company fo
some time. -
—The 18 month old son of Anthony
Stopper, of Bastress, Lycoming county,
was stung nearly to death when attacked
by a swarm of bees, whose hive he had
overturned while playing in his father’s
yard. The boy was rsecued by his moth-
er, wio brushed hundreds of insects from
his body. A physician worked several
hours pulling out stingers and extracting
the poison. The child is recovering.
—Philipsburg investors have purchased
the abandoned Clinton Coal company mine
at Westport, Clinton county. In addition
to the mine and equipment, the purchase
includes fifteen houses and a lease of 2000
acres of coal land. The mine is one that
was opened some years ago, but was not
developed. The new company is getting
into good shape for active operations and
it is expected to prove a successful ven-
—Placing a valuation of $10,000 on his
wife's affections, Henry Phillips, of Read-
ing, has brought a suit for that amount of
damages against Samuel Slater, also of
Reading. He charges Slater with break-
ing up his home. The Phillips couple
were married seventeen years ago. Nearly
a year and a half ago. Mrs. Phillips met
Slater and her affections for her husband
began to cool, according to the allegations
in the case.
—After a delay of ten months, the five
| gallons of alcohol purchased by the Al-
toon school district for the science depart-
ment of the High school has arrived and
is now under double lock and key. The
alcohol was ordered last January by
Charles M. Piper, late secretary of the
board. After he died, the new secretary,
W. N. Decker, undertook to unwind the
red tape necessary to get the liquid and
eventually suceeded. Fi
—State policemen recovered and restored
to owners property valued at $225,000 in
the first nine months of 1920, according to
reports filed with the state police officers.
The value of stolen automobiles recovered
last month was $80,770, while the policemen
arrested 1600 persons on charges of violat-
ing the automobile laws. In all 6202 ar-
rests were made by the state police in that
period. Of this number fifty-eight persons
were charged with murder.
— The Columbia Daily Spy, established
June 14, 1893, by the late Major Joseph W.
Yocum, ceased publication with the issue
j©of Saturday afternoon. For the last two
{issues the paper had a struggle for exist-
| ence due to the high cost of news print
| paper and labor. The plant has been pur-
. chased by W. E. Crist, publisher of the
| Daily News. On Monday the two papers
{ were merged and issued under the title of
! the Columbia Daily News and Daily Spy.
—With three borough schools closed and
twenty-four cases the State Health Depart-
ment threatens to take a hand in the diph-
theria situation in Sunbury, close up
everything and send state troopers there
to see that-quarantine laws are obeyed, ac-
cording to the health board. It was de-
clared by local officials that every possible
effort is being made to check the spread of
the disease even to inoculating whole
schools with anti-diphtheria serum. Movies
are closed to children.
—Some fifteen cases of chicken-pox have
been placed under quarantine in the Third
war, DuBois, by Health Inspector Dennis
Craney, and in nearly every instance the
case was brought to light by the truant
officer of the schools and not by physi-
cians. The children failed to report at
| school and when their absence was report-
ed to the truant officer, his investigation
| resulted in finding them at home suffering
| from chicken-pox and without the atten-
| tion of a physician.
William Vance, prospecting for oil and
gas in the York county hills, above Mariet-
ta, has found sand containing crude oil,
and considerable land has been leased. Ma-
chinery has been ordered, and operations
are to begin as soon as it arrives. Five
years ago oil sand were struck on the Bruaw
farm, while building the trolley line to
York Haven, but development never was
carried out. It is believed the Standard
0il company is back of the present move-
—The Pennsylvania’s Buffalo evening
express, due at Harrisburg at 5:15 p. m.,
was delayed Saturday evening by a deer
which got on the track near Millersburg
and raced ahead of the locomotive for
about a quarter of a mile. The engineer
slowed down the train to avoid hitting the
deer, which kept a few yards ahead of the
locomotive. After the deer tired racing in
front of the locomotive it jumped from the
tracks and raced another quarter of a
mile alongside of the train. It finally dis-
appeared in a thicket.
—The jury in the case of Miles Clinger,
48 years old, against Walker D. Hines and
the United States Railroad Administration
for damages in the loss of his right arm
rendered a verdict at Lewistown last
Thursday for $924.56. Clinger was driving
a truck for the Atlantic Refining company,
and was run down at the Chestnut street
grade crossing in Lewistown on the morn-
ing of September 25th, by a shifting loco-
motive running tank foremost and when
the train was brought to a stop Clinger
was found sitting along the tracks with his
right arm crushed to the elbow.
—That women are gradually beginning
to enforce equal rights was made apparent
last Saturday in the case of Benjamin Sti-
glo, of Chester, who presented a woe-be-
gone spectacle as he stood with his head
wrapped in bandages in city court. He
had been arrested for creating a disturb-
ance in front of his home. When asked if
he desired to say anything the man re-
plied: “Me don’t know. Wife she licked
me and then cop he arrest me.” “Well.
feel sorry for you, if your wife whipped
you, but you can’t kick up a disturbance,
and it will cost you $30 and costs or 30
| tote, was the sentence of Magistrate El-