Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 29, 1920, Image 1
thinking, Bown INK SLINGS. —Vote for Cox and Roosevelt. —Vote for Farrell for United States Senator. —If you are for a League of Na- tions and peace vote for Cox and Roosevelt. —James D. Connelly is for the Vol- stead act as it stands. The Hon. “Dodger” Jones won’t say where he stands. Vote for Connelly. —A vote for Naginey for the Leg- islature will be a vote for a man who will be free to act on all public mat- ters as his own good judgment prompts him to do. ° —If you want a clean, straight- forward man who will take orders only from the people of Centre county to represent you in the Legislature vote for Frank E. Naginey. —Women! Are you going to vote for the man who didn’t want you to have the right to vote at all. Or are you going to vote for Major Farrell for United States Senator. He was a suffrage advocate. —No matter who is elected the “Watchman” will be around next F'ri- day, as usual. We are hoping to show off that fine big rooster and it looks now as though he might have a chance to crow as he did four and eight years ago. —Why so soon forget what the boys who are sleeping on the other side died for? They fought that the world might have peace. Are you going to vote for a League of Nations through which the world may have peace. —It was in the nature of a shock for our Republican friends to learn on Monday, that the Harvard student who won the Republican prize of $6, 000 in their “best party platform” contest last July, has declared that he can no longer follow Senator Harding, and will consequently, vote for Cox for President. —Our Republican campaign man- agers have written to the women vot- ers urging them to get to the polls and away by noon, if possible. Why this request? We can think of no other reason than that they possibly intend doing some things toward evening that they don’t want the women to see. —A lot of Republicans are going to vote for Harding only because they want the Democrats put out of office. They don’t expect to get an office themselves and real reason for crats out, but th £3 us-send-James-D:- Congress. Let us have some repre- sentation in Washington. Let us have an end of this business of electing some one merely because he has a lot of money. It takes more than a “bar’l” to make a Congressman. That has been demonstrated by the Hon. “Dodger” Jones’ career as representa- tive from the Twenty-first district. If we can’t send Jim Connelly down there let us persuade the Hon. Jones to stay at home and let his secretary hold down the job. He really does something. —When President Wilson first pro- claimed the League of Nations so that the world might know what it meant the Philadelphia Public Ledger said in an editorial: “President Wilson has stepped out in the front of the for- ward thinkers of all ages. He has made permanent peace possible—and no finer enconium may be carved be- neath the name of any man.” The Ledger said that when its vision was not circumscribed by partisanship. It was seeing big things then. Now it sees no farther than the horizon off a front porch in Marion, Ohio. —Most everybody in Centre county knows Frank Naginey, so that there is really no need of climbing his fam- ily tree and presenting a diary of his life here. Suffice it to say that he has lived among us long enough to prove that he is a worth-while, progressive citizen, with convictions and force of character enough to advocate them under any and all circumstances. That he would make a good represen- tative at Harrisburg we think even his enemies, if he has any, would secret- ly admit. He has many qualifications for the office and his election, next Tuesday, would be a credit to the county. —The Hon. “Dodger” Jones is what we feel that we have a right to call the present Congressman from this District. He is running for re-elec- tion cn the Republican ticket and by some hocus pocus has gotten his name on the Prohibition ballot, as well. On Sunday the Republican Philadelphia Ledger published the result of a ques- tionnaire it has sent to all candidates for Congress in Pennsylvania. The questionnaire interrogated the candi- dates as to whether they favor the Volstead act as it stands or whether they are for revising it. It was a plain, fair question to ask these can- didates. People favoring prohibition want to know and those opposed to it want to know where their Representa- tives stand. Mr. Jones did not reply to the Ledger's questionnaire. He dodged it just like he dodged voting on every one of the fourteen resolu- tions favoring prohibition that were before Congress while he was sitting in it. With a record like this it seems to us that the Hon. “Dodger” Jones should have dodged the prohibition nomination for Congress. It would have had the virtue of consistency, at least. ; If the STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 65. BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 29, 1920. N Vote Against a Perfidious Agreement. The reasons why Sylvester Vierick and all other voters in this country who sympathized with and aided Ger- many during the world war are sup- porting Senator Harding are en- tirely plain. Their desire to help while hostilities were in progress. Then it was directed to the hope of German victory over the allies and the United States. Its present hope is that Germany may escape the pen- alties for its atrociousness. Senator Harding has promised these German sympathizers not only the defeat of the League of Nations but a separate peace with Germany in which indem- nities would have no part. Such an agreement between Germany and the United States would release Germany of all obligations to pay indemnities. Senator Knox, of Pennsylvania, at an early stage of the League of Na- tions, objected to the Versailles treaty on the ground that it was too severe on Germany. Subsequently he intro- duced a resolution in the Senate pro- viding for a separate peace with Ger- many less exacting and Senator Hard- ing voted for its passage. Soon after Harding’s nomination by the Chicago Republican convention Knox visited him and shortly thereafter the candi- date publicly stated that he is oppos- ed to the League of Nations and in fa- vor of an international association on the lines laid down by the Hague Tri- bunal. The Hague Tribunal made no provision for the enforcement of its decrees and was consequently innocu- ous. Germany provoked the war for the wicked purpose of conquest. The Kai- ser and his military advisers had long cherished an ambition to dominate the world in policy as well as commerce. It was an unjust ambition and pur- sued in the most cruel and criminal manner. It involved the whole world in sacrifices of life and treasure. It failed because of its unparalleled in- iquity. The peace treaty justly ap- praised the damages and the covenant League of Nations provides the 4 _ enforcement. EP ‘sympa thizers elected the sentence of civilization for the punishment of the atrocious crimes will be revoked and the crimi- nals will go unpunished. Are: the voters of Centre county willing to ratify such an agreement? Are they willing to compound this most atrocious of all felonies of mod- mothers and sisters of the sons of Centre county whose bodies are buried in the soils of France and Flanders will protest against such an unholy agreement with the criminals. The peace terms are not cruel. They are not even severe when compared with the terms imposed on France by Ger- many some fifty years ago. It may safely be said that they are mild in comparison to those which Germany would have imposed on this country and the allies if the war had resulted as Vierick hoped it would. Vote for Cox and condemn perfidy. During the war Sylvester Vierick worked constantly against the United States in the interest of Germany. He exhausted every resource available to make the life of our soldiers hazard- ous and miserable. His support of Senator -Harding, for President, is a form of resentment against the effi- ciency of the present Democratic ad- ministration in conducting the war against Germany. But the people of Centre county do not share in this re- sentment. They are not disappoint- ed or dissatisfied with the result of the war. Therefore they should vote, not with but against the Sylvester Vier- icks dnd others who organized sabot- tage and other destructive enterpris- es, against the government during the war. James D. Connelly for Congress. James D. Connelly, the Democrat- ic and Labor party candidate for Con- gress in this district, was born in Clearfield fifty years ago. He learn- ed the printing trade and has been identified with Clearfield newspapers for the past thirty years. He was for twenty years local editor and business manager of the Clearfield Public Spir- it, one of the county’s staunchest Democratic newspapers, and for the past four years has been news editor of the Clearfield Progress. He has been secretary of the Clearfield bor- ough council since 1908, and chief of the fire department for eleven years. He has always been active in volun- teer firemen’s circles and has served as president and secretary of the Central Penna, district association. He has represented Clearfield coun- ty on several occasions at Democrat- ic State conventions and was secre- tary of the last State convention in 1912. He was always staunchly Dem- dent supporter of “dry” men and measures. Affiliated with organized labor, he knows the needs of the dis- trict and should prove a ‘competent representative. Germany is as keen now as it was serve system created by a Democr ern time? We confidently believe the. ocratic and since 1910 has been an ar- False Profits and Foul Predictions. | Former President Taft indulged | himself, the other day, in a prediction that Senator Harding will have an | gleefully added “it’s all over but the | voting.” At about the same distance in time from the election eight years ‘ago Mr. Taft indulged in a similar prediction. He assured an anxious . world that he would have a large ma- jority alike of the popular vote and in the electoral college, and as a matter candidates in the popular vote and carried two small States netting a to- tal of eight votes in the electoral col- lege, out of about 550. Senator Penrose indulged himself freely in political prophesies in 1912, would carry Pennsylvania by not less than half a million majority. When three candidates and his party the most completely demoralized organi- zation in the country. It got third place on the ballot in subsequent elec- tions for a period of four years and only recovered because of an ineffi- cient Democratic organization in the State. He is now predicting an im- mense majority for Harding who will probably “pull through” by a reduced margin. We are not greatly alarmed by the predictions of a fat man and a sick man, neither of whom ever gets in touch with popular sentiment and give little consideration at any time to any subject other than the spoils of office. Taft wants a job and Pen- rose would like to own a President. Both of them have a disappointment coming as a result of the vote next Tuesday, but as each probably got a slice out of the slush fund raised by bleeding the predatory corporations who hope to use a President they will survive. Meantime the fat man and the sick man may indulge themselves in predictions to their heart’s content. + Nobody cares. o ic administration openly, but a good many Wall Street bankers have con- tributed liberally, though secretly, to a slush fund to be employed in de- stroying that beneficent system. As to the Constitutional Amendments. For some time this paper has been advertising proposed amendments to the constitution of Pennsylvania. It will be noted that there are six of them and the fact that only two ap- pear on the ballot to be voted next week has led to some confusion of mind as to just why six are advertis- ed and only two are to be voted for. The fact is that only two of them have been passed long enough to make their ratification or rejection at the coming election legal. They are the two .appearing on the ballot. The others will be voted on at the next general election. 3 As to the merits of the two that ap- pear on the present ballot the first amends the banking laws of the Com- monwealth so as to give the Legisla- ture broader powers in the matter of the incorporation of banks and trust companies. On it we shall vote “yes.” The second, relates purely to the city of Philadelphia and proposes special legislation whereby that city may increase its public indebtedness to the amount of ten per centum of the assessed valuation of the property within its corporate limits. While Philadelphia is a city of the first class and thereby peculiarly related to the Commonwealth as a whole we are of the opinion that voters of other dis- tricts have such an indirect relation to the question that they might prop- erly refrain from voting on the amendment at all; leaving it as a ref- erendum for the voters of the city most directly affected by it. We shall not vote on amendment 2. — Of course it is pleasant to hear of distinguished Republicans who have quit their party and are going to vote for Cox. But they are a trifling number compared with the hosts of less distinguished Republicans who have adopted the same course without getting into print. a ——1It may only be a coincidence but it is nevertheless a fact that Pres- ident Wilson’s armistice proposition contained fourteen points and Hard- ing has changed his attitude on the League of Nations exactly fourteen times since the campaign opened. ——Senator Johnson may not be- lieve in Harding but he knows the bit- ter-enders will have him in their pow- er if he is elected President and that is enough for him. ——The late Colonel Roosevelt's sister, Mrs. Robinson, has acquired no- toriety as a campaign speaker but of a sort that most women avoid. of fact he ran a bad third of three also, and “told the world” that Taft at’ | Why Ratification Failed. | COX FOR THE FARMER. No fair minded man or woman will Democratic Candidate Gives “Une- deny that the failure to ratify the | treaty has postponed the read- | overwhelming majority Tuesday and justment of business and social life! throughout the world to meet peace peace i conditions after the war. It is equal- ly obvious that the postponement of this essential operation has gravely ' impaired industrial and commercial ! prosperity. Before the armistice was , declared everybody in this country , was anxious for peace and Republican and Democratic leaders were alike in : favor of a League of Nations dedicat- ed to the purpose of preventing fu- ture wars. It was the supreme hope i of civilization, the culminating desire i of humanity. But the failure of the | President to assign Senator Lodge to the task of fabricating it defeated i this great purpose. The armistice was based upon Pres- -to that end he favored such provisions of the United States was in sympathy with him, that he could achieve the re- sult better than any other. His asso- ciates in the peace conference repre- senting the other belligerents were obsessed with a spirit of resentment against Germany and inclined to de- mand reprisals for the cruel sufferings they had endured. The people of this country had no such feeling and Pres- ident Wilson went to Paris to prevent confiscation in the way of indemnities. That this just purpose was achiev- enant of the League of Nations can- not be disputed. It was a difficult task for the reason that England and France were not only resentful but somewhat fearful of the future. Their representatives in the conference wanted to so cripple Germany as to { fair and moderate that even Germa- ny had no real cause of complaint and i promptly signed. England, France ' and Italy, with equal promptness, ac- ' cepted the conditions and ratified the | treaty. But Senator Lodge's wrath was not so easily placated. His van- ity had been offended and he organ- ized a partisan opposition to the work of the conference even before it had been completed. For that reason the United States, principal in making the League of Nations, is not a member of it though it has been functioning for eight months and has already been instru- mental in preventing one war and set- tling another. For that reason the necessary readjustment of business to a peace basis has not been accomplish- ed though hostilities ended more than two years ago. Lodge and his fellow conspirators imagined that the delay would destroy the influence of Presi- dent Wilson both at home and abroad, and the sacrifice of the industrial life of the country was the high price they are willing to pay for such a consum- mation. It is dastardly and treasona- ble but they care nothing for that. They hate Wilson and the people ought to resent their hatred by elect- ing Cox. Frank E. Naginey for Assembly. Frank E. Naginey, Democratic can- didate for Assemblyman in Centre county, was born at Naginey, near Milroy, fifty-five years ago. That he took advantage of his boyhood days at school is shown in the fact that he taught school before he was seventeen years of age. He came to Bellefonte in 1887 and started in the furniture and undertaking business with W. R. Camp, under the firm name of Camp & Naginey. About a year later he bought out Mr. Camp’s interest and ever since has conducted the business himself. He is also interested in the Titan Metal company and has at all times shown a most progressive spir- it in every move for the business or industrial welfare of Bellefonte and surrounding community. : His political affiliations have always been with the Democratic party, and he has not been content with being merely a hanger-on, but has always been a worker. He has been affiliated with labor to that extent that he knows what is due the laboring man, and his knowledge of farming condi- tions throughout Centre county quali- fies him to look after their interests. Locally he is an ardent supporter of the Bellefonte hospital and all educa- tional institutions, so that all such in- stitutions would have his especial at- tention, should he be elected to the Legislature. In voting for Mr. Nagi- ney you will be doing your bit to pro- tect all home interests and institu- tions. er ———————ee—————— —Vote for Naginey for Assembly- man. the returns were all computed: it was | ident Wilson’s proposal containing | found that his favorite was third of | fourteen points. It was the high pur- | pose of the President to organize a | peace that would endure forever and ! ed in the peace treaty and by the cov-. ee quivocal Yes” to Twelve Questions by “Country Gentleman.” The Country Gentleman, a national farm weekly, has put a series of ques- tions to the Democratic and Republi- can Presidential candidates for ans- wer. The questions were published in The Country Gentleman of August 14 and September 25. In its issue of Oc- tober 30 it will publish the questions and answers as follows: “Will you commit yourself and your party to the perpetuation of the Fed- ‘eral Farm Loan Banks and the furth- er expansion of their facilities to meet . the nzeds of financing farm business? | We want to know this now.” i COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” | HARDING.—No answer. | “Will you commit yourself and your | party to the unequivocal support of | the farmer in his co-operative efforts : to obtain cost of production plus a de- cent living profit for his products?” OX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. i “Will you commit yourself and your | party adequately to assist the farmer as would be just and such penalties as |, in estimating cost of production, tak- might be met without actual destruc- i ing into pi Pe Biel ek Ho a tion of either of the parties in inter- | factor involved and not depending up- est. For that reason he felt, and we , on vague and misleading averages?” believe a vast majority of the people | CO X.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. “Will you commit yourself and your party to a program calling for the ef- fective and disinterested control over all great interstate commercial organ- izations engaged for profit in the i manufacturing transportation and dis- tribution of food products and farm supplies ?”’ COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. “Will you commit yourself and your party to a program compelling the | railroads to supply adequate rolling i stock and terminal facilities to trans- port promptly and properly all farm ' products to market?” COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. “Will you pledge yourself and your party to undertake the construction of a national system of highways so planned as to. facilitate in the highest degree the movement of food products from the farms to the centers of dis- tribution and consumption?” ) % —~—“Unequivocally yes.” “Fie HARDING.—No answer. “Will you commit yourself and your party to a program for the simplifies tion and improvement of marketing methods so as to minimize so far as is possible speculation in food prod- ucts between farmer and consumer?” COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. “Will you commit yourself and your party to a program calling for a full exposition of all that happens in the dark between farmer and consumer, so that the consumer may thoroughly appreciate how small is the farmer’s margin of gain on the products he sells ?” : COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. “Will you commit yourself and your party to a program that will demand for the farmer his just share in the apportionment of transportation fa- cilities for the movement of his crops after harvest?” COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. “Will you commit yourself and your party to a program that will give ag- riculture an equal voice with all other industries in the determination of transportation rates?” : COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. . “Will you commit yourself and your party to the appointment of a new country-life commission that will stu- dy and report upon the grave social problems now involved in maintaining: a now and modern: standard of agri- culture that will : provide adequate home-grown food for the American people?” 3 : COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. = ““Will you commit yourself and your party to the support of a vitalized United States Department of Agricul- ture presided over by a secretary who, through training and experience, will have a sympathetic understanding of every phase of the industry of farm- ing?” Sonal COX.—“Unequivocally yes.” HARDING.—No answer. ; Governor Cox’s letter in which he gave his answer was in full as fol- lows: : Columbus, Ohio, October 5, 1920. To the Editor The Country ntle- man, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My attention has just been called to printing in your issue of September twenty-fifth from The Country Gen- tleman of August fourteenth. At the time these questions were originally printed I found myself in absolute fa- vor of them. I have been giving con- siderable thought since to the impor- tance of working out the ideas sug- gested and have been further influ- enced as a result of my trip through the great Western country where so much ought to be done in the way of agricultural aid. Based upon my ex- perience in Ohio we have endeavored to work out such results as could be accomplished in a single State. With recognition by personal contact of the needs throughout the country, Iam glad to assert to you in response to every question presented that my ans- wer is an unequivocal yes. I regret that physical and time limitations pre- vent an elaborate and favorable dis- cussion of the issues presented. JAMES M. COX. a list of ‘questions which you are re- | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Knights of Columbus of DuBois are arranging for the opening on November 22 of the annex to their home, built at a cost of $50,000. The completed building cost $70,000. —The famous tower at Mount Pisgah, for years a landmark in northeastern Pennsylvania, has been dismantled. It marked one of the highest points in the State and had been visited annually by thousands, until a few years back, when it became unsafe for use. —Shot through the breast by her hus- band, it is said, after a fight, Mrs. Paul High, the pretty blond, 15 year old wife of a Union county farmer, is in the George F. Geisinger Memorial hospital, Danville, in & critical condition. Her husband gave him- self up to Sheriff Renner, and is now im the county jail. He declines discussion. —While a party of men were picking ap- ples from a large tree at Yoe, York coun ty, Clair Kohler encountered a large black« snake at the top of the tree. He made a leap from the tree to the ground, a dis- tance of fourteen feet, and sustained a sprained ankle. The snake was later kill- ed. It measured 5 feet, 4 inches in length. ~ —Harry McInroy, of Middlebury, who is teaching school at Westfield, won the dia- mond medal in the oratorical contest held at DuBois Tuesday, under the auspices of the state W. C. T. U. MeclInroy, who is 22 years old, has won the silver, gold, grand gold and diamond medal in succession. He is in line tor the grand diamond contest, after which the prize is a scholarship im any college of the country. —Ten thousand dollars in currency of various denominations was found hidden in various places about the home of the late Mrs, Susan Harley, of Mifflintown, on Friday. Mrs. Harley died recently and relatives decided to give the house a good cleaning following the funeral. Three thousand dollars were sewed in a black skirt, almost $4000 was hidden beneath a hat and $500 was hidden in the kitchen. —Friends of Carl Strait, of Dauphin county, claim he wins the championship this ‘season far squirrel shooting. Strait sighted a grey squirrel eating a hickory nut on a tree on one of the mountains near Harrisburg. He discharged his shotgum, but most of the charge went wild. A stray bullet struck the nut in the squirrel’s mouth, forced the nut down its throat and choked it to death. There was not a shot wound on the squirrel’s body, but the nut was found firmly lodged in its throat. —Mrs. Clarence Rinn, aged 35, of Sax- ton, Bedford county, while in a delirious condition, jumped from a third story win- dow at the Nason sanitorium, Roaring Springs, Saturday morning at 5:25 o'clock, and falling a distance of 40 feet to the ground was instantly killed, the body be- ing badly crushed. Mrs. Rinn was a suf- ferer with Bright's disease, and had been in a delirious condition for several days. She left her bed unnoticed by the nurses and crawled through the window in her bed room. —The report of State College chemists on samples of rock taken from the farm of Aaron Bone, at Lima Ridge, a little vil- lage six miles from Bloomsburg, that high percentages of zinc and lead are found in the rock, has caused a stir in that section. Well-drillers on the farm first struck the lore ata depth of tinety feet. Sand and gravel was, encountered the first fifty feet and limestone rock beneath that. The ‘drilling has now progressed to more than 300 feet and the drill is not yet through the deposit supposed to be lead and zine. —The Pennsylvania Wire Glass compa- ny with offices in Philadelphia and a plant at Dunbar, Pa., have purchased 30 acres of ground from the Lewistown Housing and Development company on which they will erect a large plant for the manufacture of wire glass. The site is located at the cast- ern end of the town near the plant of the Suskanna silk mill in plain sight of the main‘ line of the Pennsylvania railroad. Their entire buildings will be constructed from their own product, corrugated wire glass: Work will begin on the new plant at once. : —Joe Keyes, 72 years old, who in 1876 is alleged to have killed his common aw wife and fled to the mountains and who was captured only four months ago, com- mitted suicide early on Sunday by jump- ing out of a second story window at the county home in Chambersburg. After elud- ing the authorities for forty-four years, Keyes returned to his old home last July and was'arrested. At this month's term of criminal court the grand jury failed to in- dict him because the original indictment had been lost and the witnesses to the slaying were dead. Keyes, broken in health, was then placed in the county home; " __John and Albert Boosle, of Black Log valley, Mifflin county, are now converts to the theory that “it never rains but it pours.” The two boys took a holiday from their ‘work as section laborers on the Penn- sylvania railroad, and going to their home in the mountains, shot six wild turkeys. The game ‘wardens caught and fined them $25 each, hut later discovered that the birdé¢ had been cooked at the home of another brother, Emanuel, who was also fined $25, and two days later it was learn- ed that they were hunting without the pre- scribed license and an additional $10 each and costs were added to the bill of John and Albert. —_When Leo Wright, his fireman, failed to respond to a signal one day last week Louis Wheeler, a freight engineman on the New York Central railroad, stepped to the other side of his engine cab and found . Wright hanging out the window. He was unconscious and cuts on his head were bleeding profusely. As the train was then approaching Larrys Creek, all the cars were placed on a siding there and the ca- ‘boose, into which Wright had been carried, was attached to the locomotive, which raced to Williamsport, where the injured man was placed in a hospital. He was struck by a freight train passing his en- gine, when he looked out the cab window to watch for track signals. > Earl Hewitt, of the Dilltown Smokeless Coal company, Cambria county, gave $500 toward a fund of $50,000 being raised for the purpose of building a new track house at State College. Hewitt was a student at State College and one of its most famous athletes. He was a poor boy when he at- tended school there and found troubles of his own in making ends meet. He - has been exceptionally successful in business, since engaging in the same, and he has not forgotten what the school has done for him. Earl was a boy in the Bennett's Branch valley of Clearfield county, and is well remembered in DuBois and Falls Creek, where he was considered among the top notchers in both football and baseball twenty years ago.