Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 15, 1920, Image 6

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    ~ Bellefonte, Pa., October 15, 1920.
By C. C. Ziegler.
My dear old friend Bill,
Visitor from our dear native Brushvalley
To which you are about to return,
Please greet for me the few surviving
And tell them that, barring a little rheu-
I am hale and hearty at sixty-six,
And working steadily with a good
I am cultivating good-will
Toward everybody on earth,
Except the new profiteering landlord
‘Who jumped my rent
From fifty-seven to one hundred dollars
And so compelled me to move away
Into a strange environment.
Tell them I still believe—nay, I know
That our earth is very, very old—
At least fifty million years old.
Perhaps a hundred million;
(A few million too few or too many
Cannot budge the general fact).
And our human race is very old—
At least fifty thousand years old—
And we had better make this truth
A part of our mental furniture.
All things considered, our race has
Astonishing progress,
But I firmly believe
That little additional advance is possible
Unless along the lines laid down
By Jesus of Nazareth.
This is my message,
O my beloved Brushvalley!
For whose fields and woods and people
My heart has been yearning all through
the years.
There may my bones be resting—
In the old valley,
Under a singing pine-tree—
(If the greedy ax
Has left such a trex
St. Louis,
A Postal Inspector Charged With
Holding Out Departmental Mail.
Ever since the temporary discontin-
uance of the postoffice at Smullton,
early in 1918, there has been a contro-
versy over the justice of the act as
well as over its reopening with a new
Herbert H. Stover, now an auditor
of Centre county, was postmaster at
the time and it appears that his wife
was an applicant to succeed him. She
was competent and highly recom-
mended by the patrons of the office
but her application was apparently
juggled in the mails. She charges the
inspector who was at work on the
Smullton office with having held it out
until the application of another part}
got precedence over hers.
what she has to say about the affair:
Here is |
After the removal of (he office from our |
place, May 31st, 1919, we began an inves
tigation of things: and I,
Mr. Stover, feel it my duty, in justice to
him, to explain to the people just how (he
matter was worked out and the real rea-
son why the postoflice was ordered discon-
First, let me say that when it became
apparent that Mr. Stover would be remov-
ed, some of the prominent people of the
town requested that 1 should apply for
the postmastership, and 1 accordingly
made application through George W. Dai-
ly, postoffice inspector of Willinmsport, ac-
cording to instruction placed in the post-
effice by him. I wrote for the proper
blanks and received these under date of
November 21st, 1918. together with instruc-
tions how to proceed. 1 executed the pa
pers and sent them in, the following day.
Nothing was heard in regard to the mat-
ter of my appointment or Hon-appoint-
ment. and some time in February of 1919,
Inspector Daily visited the office, tore
down the paper he had posted in the office
asking for applicants. My husband then
asked whether the matter was settled or
not. Daily asked if I had applied, and
when informed that I had. he asked whit
wo had heard from the Postoflice Depart-
That was all
ment, and receiving a negative answer,
said he had taken the paper, asking
applicants, from the office.
the information we received.
We naturally thought that as there were
no other applicants. the office would re-
main where it was. The surprise came
when in March the postmaster was noti-
fied that the office would be discontinued
March 15th. The citizens of the town got
busy, handed in the name of S. A. Wailizer
on the 11th of March. As an applicant for
postmaster, I followed his application with
my second one, but Walizer wis appoint-
ed, although my application had been
properly executed four months previous.
After his appointment it entered
minds that Daily never had sent my tivst
application to the Department, and the
matter was taken up with the Department.
We received the information that, as Wal-
izer stood first on the list he was appoint-
ed. This showed plainly that Daily had
not sent in my application, and 1 took up
the matter with him and he wrote me and
said he had no explanation to offer for not
sending my application to the Department.
The next step was to find whether he had
sent in my second application, and the
Department wrote me under date of May
22, 1920, informing me that he had 'report-
ed as applicants for appointment as post-
master of Smullton, Scott A. Walizer and
myself, in the order named.
Will the reader please pause here, and
he will see into the whole matter. 1
was not eligible when my application was
made four months before, and when I was
the only applicant, why was 1 eligible four
meénths later, but placed second on the list
when I was first applicant. To the good
thinking person this should need no fur-
ther explanation. I am bringing this be-
fore the people not because we lament the
logs of the office, for we would have been
better off if we had never had it, but to
show how the game was played against us.
My husband has been patriotic and loyal
to hig country; if nof, I wish there would
be pointed out one more sO in this place.
It was he who spent his time in the inter-
est of the W. S. S. and the Liberty Loan
movement. He was interested in securing
a large American flag for the town and in
the paying over to the Red Cross a nice
sum of money and did what he could to
help his country. We have béen turned
down, which again proves that a whole lot
our |
as the wife of |
of the good that we do in this world is not
appreciated. I personally wish to thank
the voters of both parties in Centre county
for giving my husband the support they
did last fall, by electing him as one of the
County Auditors; and further wish to say
that the people of the county will find him
to be anything but what he was pictured
in this postoffice muddle. Further I wish
to state we can verify everything we say
in these lines.
We took the postoffice nine years ago
when it was given up by another party,
not because we wanted it, but solely to
save it for the town. We have been mis-
represented, mistreated, lied about, and we
should show a very decided weakness to
again place ourselves in such a position.
We are well and happy, enjoying God's
pure sunshine—and .what more can be
wished for. Many more things in connec-
tion with this matter could be brought to
the attention of the people, had we space
to do so.
Very truly yours,
Fall Pruning.
Shade trees may be pruned any
time between the fall of the leaves and
early spring before growth begins.
Boxalder and maple trees are apt to
“pleed” if pruned after the last of
February. Do not leave long stubs,
but cut close above a side branch when
pruning large limbs. Try to avoid
leaving upright forks of crotches
which are apt to split apart and injure
or ruin the tree later. Long, tender
branches should be shortened, if re-
tained, so as to encourage greater
stiffness and resistance to wind and
the weight of wet snow. Of course,
the natural characteristics of the trees
should be taken into account in prun-
ing, and no attempt made to greatly
alter the natural form. Evergreens
are seldom pruned close to the ground.
No Words Wasted.
“What's the trouble?” asked the |
man in the barber’s chair.
“No trouble, I hope sir.
thing seems all right.”
“But you don’t while away the time
with news and comment as you for-
merly did.”
“Against the rules to do so, sir. If
you want a lecture it will be charged
for extra the same as bay rum or hair
tonic.”—Washington Evening Star.
The Kenyon committee did its
best in an effort to whitewash the Re-
publican machine, but there is a bad
smell left.
Money back without question
if HUNT'S Salve fails in the
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
u !
@) other itching skin diseases.
Try a 75 cent box at our risk.
i 65-26 ¢. M. PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte
tried it this way
OST people know that the musical enjoyment which they get
out of a phonograph depends upon one thing. That thing is
the phonograph’s realism.
This picture shows the best way to test a phonograph’s realism.
Miss Betsy Lane Shepherd, the famous soprano, is standing beside
the New Edison, and singing in direct comparison with the New
Edison’s Re-CrEATION of her voice.
185 audiences, aggregating more than 100,000 people, have actually
heard this comparison.
voice and its RE-CREATION.
"This is one of the phenomenal records of realism.
holds all other records of realism, too, because no other phonozraph
attempts this comparison-test—or could sustain it.
“The Phonograph with a Soul’’
None could distinguish between her living
The New Edison
try it this way
—the way we use in our store |—the Realism Test!
Edison’s Realism against the pleasure you know
Tell us what kind of voice or instrument gives you truest musical
enjoyment. Listen while we play your favorite on
The Realism Test will enable you to gauge whether the New
Edison’s Re-CRrEATION gives you all of this enjoyment.
It will help you determine what the New Edison’s
cal enjoyment.
This is your test!
Realism means, in terms of your own musi
Ask for it! ‘The “Personal Favorites’’ Realism Test.
Another thing to ask about is our Budget
money question, in a way that will appea
x °
and to your pocketbook.
Brockerhoff House Block,
1 to your common-sense |
~ ze
Test the New
music can bring.
the New Edison.
It disposes of the)
suits & overcoats
are perfectly made.
Don’t think that ‘tailors do not make
our clothes. On the contrary, the BEST
TAILORS on earth put their best work-
manship into our suits and overcoats.
The BEST MATERIALS daiso go into
our garments.
You no longer go to the shoemaker for
your shoes; there's no need of going to
the TAILOR anymore for your clothes.
Our suits and overcoats are all ready to
slip right on, and you can see what the
finished clothes look like BEFORE you
buy them. Pay us less money and get
BETTER clothes.
Wear our good, ‘‘Nifty”’ clothes.
Bellefonte, Pa.
Quality. Service. Efficiency.
E.—B. STANDARD MOWERS—in a class by themselves
We are Headquarters for repairs for the LE. B. Osborne,
Champion and Moline Machines.
SPECIALS—While they last. Spray Guns, 25, 35 and 50
cents. A-1 Maroon paint for outside use at $2.00 per gallon.
guaranteed to do both well
SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR, the separator with the suc-
tion feed, no discs, top of milk bowl 24 inches from the floor. SHARP-
LESS MILKING MACHINES, the electric moto-milker, the only one
to emulate nature.
B.—K., the perfect disinfectant, deodorant and antiseptic. No
dairy farm or home should be without this. NON POISONOUS FLY
SPRAY. Spraying material for every purpose. Dry Lime, Sulphur,
Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Tuber Tonic destroys Potato
Bugs and prevents Potato Blight.
Dubbs’ Implement and Feed Store
Satisfying Performance Economy of Operation
Power Durability True Value
BIG SIX....oooeenees cunune deavive $2250.00
SPECIAL SIX........ rarabeines . 1785.00
LIGHT SIX......e000e enue veenss 1485.00
f. 0. b. Factory—Subject to Change
2 eT
Cord Tires on all Models—Prices