Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 15, 1920, Image 4

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“Bellefonte, Pa., October 15, 1920.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - Editor
S— -
Te Correspondents.—No communications
publiched unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terme of Subscription.—Until further
motice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following ratés:
Paid strictly in advance - =
Pajd before expiration of year -
Paid after expiration of year -
For President,
JAMES M. COX, of Ohio.
¥or Vice President,
For U. S. Senator,
JOHN A. FARRELL, West Chester.
For State Treasurer,
For Auditor General,
ARTHUR McKEAN, Beaver Falls.
For Congress-at-Large,
CHARLES M. BOWMAN, Wilkes-Barre.
BL J. HANLAN, Honesdale.
For Congress,
JAMES D. CONNELLY, of Clearfield.
For Assembly,
FRANK E. NAGINEY, Bellefonte.
Another Interesting Letter from Mrs.
R. S. Brouse, Depicting Travel
in China.
Shanghai, China, Sept. 10.
One thing that has impressed more
of us probably than the sights of
these wonderful, old-time countries is
the large number of men and women
we have met everywhere who are
graduates of American colleges. A
Mrs. Fugui, who acted as interpreter
for us at a dinner given at the Shingi
club is a graduate of Smith College.
In our preliminary travels through
Japan we were elaborately entertain-
ed in every city we visited.
We left Keota just two hours be-
fore the congressional delegation ar-
rived and all of us were sorry we
missed them. Our trip took us
through Korea, which is evidently a
very interesting country. To us it look-
ed as if it were located on top of a vol-
cano. The feeling between the Koreans
and Japanese is still somewhat unset-
tled, and so far as we had occasion to
judge, not very friendly. We were
hurried through Korea owing to the
prevalence of cholera in that country,
and naturally we had no inclination to
stop. In fact many of the towns were
under quarantine.
China is undoubtedly a country of
magnificent distances. It was a twen-
ty-eight hour ride from Seoul to Muk-
den. The latter city is a strange mix-
ture of Chinese, Russians, Americans,
British, and most every other nation-
ality. The new part of the city is
very modern in every respect, with
fine, large, up-to-date buildings. A
number of us took a long rickshaw
ride through the old part of the city
and were very much surprised to run
across Bostock’s wild animal show on
exhibition there.
The train service in China is very
good. We had a better sleeping car
on our trip through this country than
any I have ever been in in the States.
The most of the locomotives in use on
the railroads in the Orient are Amer-
ican built. From Mukden we went to
Pekin, another long ride of more than
eight hundred miles. One glimpse of
that city and many of us decided that
we would like to stay there. Some of
us went on a trip to the Great Wall.
It took two days, going and returning,
and while there we climbed up three
thousand eight hundred feet to the
watch towers. While there we watch-
ed a camel train coming in from Mon-
golia, just as they have done for hun-
dreds and thousands of years. At
Nanku we stayed in a small hotel
which is surrounded by a high wall,
with soldiers on patrol all the time.
There is quite a large barracks at
Nanku, and quite a number of skir-
mishes have occurred there the past
few weeks.
After spending the night at Nanku
we left in the morning for the Ming
tombs. We were carried in sedan
chairs, four men to a chair. The dis-
tance is twenty miles, so you can im-
agine it was some trip. The tombs
were built by the Emperors and there
are thirteen of them. They are over
seven hundred years old, but that
seems modern to some temples we
have seen which date back to many
wears B. C.
We reached Shanghai yesterday and
received our first mail from home.
From Pekin to Shanghai is over one
thousand miles and we passed through
the provinces where the famine is
now raging. We saw beggars every-
where, and were literally stripped of
all our spare cash.
Just over the Yellow river the
countryside was flooded and we saw
hundreds of people working in the
water up to their knees trying to save
their rice. They had built high racks
on which they were piling it up to dry.
Last Saturday we went out to visit
the Emperor's summer palace and on
our way home were invited to a lunch-
eon at the home of Prof. and Mrs.
Malone. The professor is one of the
teachers in the Indemnity college
built by the United States. It is a
beautiful place and the buildings are
big and substantial. We could not
stay late as the city gates are closed
at 6:30 p. m.
i On Sunday we went to church at
! the Presbyterian mission, built since
i the Boxer uprising. The old mission
| was destroyed at that time and a
| number of the inmates killed. They
have a2 splendid boys’ school with
1200 pupils and one for girls with 200
in attendance. A good hospital is
also attached to the mission which is
surrounded by a high wall.
Cook’s representative has just been
here and informed us that there is
some doubt as to our getting to Ma-
nilla, as there has been a heavy ty-
phoon there which caused great dis-
aster, and it may not be wise to make
the trip. The missionaries have just
come to take us to a reception so will
have to close.
Altoona Citizen Killed in Airplane.
Earl H. Fluke, of Altoona, was in-
stantly killed in an airplane accident
near that city Monday afternoon,
when the machine in which he had
taken passage to Pittsburgh fell to
and was badly wrecked. During the
past several weeks two Curtis J N-4
planes have been in Altoona and vi-
cinity giving exhibition flights and
taking up passengers. Having filled
| all engagements they were scheduled
{to return to Pittsburgh on Monday.
Mr. Fluke arranged to accompany pi-
lot Elmer Schleifer as a passenger to
the Smoky city. The first plane to
leave had some difficulty attaining a
sufficient height to cross the moun-
tains owing to a high wind. Pilot
Schleifer delayed his departure until
3:45 o'clock when the wind had fallen
somewhat. When he finally did take
off he got up only 150 feet when his
ed to turn to the left in order to vol-
plane to the ground but just at that
moment a hard puff of wind caught
the plane under the right wing and
the pilot tried valiantly to right it the
distance to the ground was so short
that he failed in his efforts and the
plane nosed to earth in a field on the
Dr. W. Frank Beck farm. Fluke was
strapped in front of the pilot in the
ground his strap broke and he was
hurled forward, his neck, jaw, nose
and both arms being broken and one
side crushed. Pilot Schleifer was not
seriously injured and was able to
crawl out of the cockpit and not only
pull Fluke from the wrecked machine
but dragged him two hundred yards
to the road from where a passing au-
tomobile took him to the Altoona hos-
pital but life was extinct. Fluke was
27 years old, a veteran of the world
railroad company.
Answers to Health Questions.
Question 1—How may persons be
protected against smallpox?
Answer—By vaccination.
Question 2—What evidence of vac-
cination of children must teachers
Answer—A certificate signed by a
Question 3—Upon what authority
may a child be excused from vaccina-
Answer—Upon presentation of a
certificate, signed by the county med-
ical director or some one deputized by
him, (in municipalities by the medical
representative of the health authori-
ty) setting forth the fact that the
child is physically unfitted for vacci-
nation. Such certificate is good for
one year.
The subject of the next lesson is
“Sneezes.” Coughing and sneezing,
especially in street cars, motion pic-
ture houses and at public gatherings
are often the cause of the spread of
About four o'clock Wednesday
afternoon E. W. Roberts, of Tunkhan-
nock, a traveling salesman, was mo-
toring along the state highway about
one mile east of Penn Hall. At that
point George Rhoads & Sons are
building a new concrete bridge. It is
located at the bottom of a short hill
and Roberts approaching at a good
speed did not notice the danger sig-
nals until he was dangerously near the
open bridge. His brakes refused to
hold and when it seemed that he
would dash into the stream he turned
the car suddenly striking a telephone
pole with a crash that wrecked the
steering gear and front axle. The car,
a small Jackson runabout, turned
clear over, pinning the driver under it.
The Rhoads men ran to the rescue
at once. When they had lifted the car
off Roberts he was lying in the road,
but gathered himself together in an
instant and jumped up apparently
without any injury whatever.
Unhurt After Auto Turned
Poultry Culling.
During the week of September 21-
24th the Centre county Farm Bureau
conducted nineteen poultry culling
demonstrations, widely distributed so
as to cover the more important poul-
try producing sections of the county.
Two hundred and forty-three persons
attended these demonstrations. Eight
flocks, a total of 996 hens, were culled.
492 of these were thrown out as poor
producers and not laying at present.
Records were kept of these flocks one
week before and one week after cull-
ing. Reports have been received from
four flocks. The 235 poor hens taken
from these four flocks laid a total of
three eggs during the week after cull-
ing. This goes to show that the
methods used in culling are practical;
and they are simple enough that any
person with a little practice, such as is
given at one of these demonstrations,
can cull poultry very satisfactorily.
the ground from a height of 150 feet |
motor went dead. The pilot attempt- |
tipped it up sidewise, and although
cockpit and when the plane struck the :
war and worked for the Pennsylvania !
I mre EE ret
GRENOBLE. — Miss Minnie M.
Grenoble passed away at the Belle-
fonte hospital on Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, as the result of tubercu-
lar peritonitis. She was a daughter
of John L. and Nancy Shuey Grenoble .
and was born in Haines township for-
ty-three years ago.
Bellefonte about twenty years ago and
fourteen years ago went to the home
of C. T. Gerberich. About three years '
ago her mother suffered a stroke
and she left the Gerberich home
and returned home, and for two years
gave all her time and attention to tak-
ing care of her mother until she pass-
. ed away about a year ago. Shortly
. thereafter Miss Grenoble returned to
' Bellefonte and resumed her old posi-
: tion in the Gerberich home.
+ ly she was taken ill and was taken to
the Bellefonte hospital for an opera-
, tion.
| death. It is thought that her injury
| was sustained by constantly lifting
{ her mother, who was entirely helpless.
{ She was a faithful member of the
| Reformed church and had many
friends in Bellefonte who showed her
every kindness during her long illness.
And of these none were more devoted
in their solicitude for her welfare
than were Mr. Gerberich and son Har-
ry. But all the kindness that could be
showered upon her could not stay the
progress of the dread disease and she
| finally passed away. Surviving her
! are her father, living at Woodward,
i two sisters and one brother, namely:
| Mrs. Haston Long, of Woodward;
| Mrs. Frank Haines, of Canyon, Texas,
land Harry Grenoble, of Scotland,
| South Dakota.
The remains were taken to the home
of her sister, at Woodward, and
! funeral services will be held this Fri-
| day morning at 10 o'clock, in the
i church at Woodward, Rev. Dr. Am-
| brose Schmidt, of this place officiat-
i ing.
1] 1"
i BUCHANAN.—Mrs. Elizabeth A.
i Buchanan, wife of Thomas Buchanan,
i died at her home in Altoona on Satur-
i day morning as the result of a tumor
on the brain. She was a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Symmonds and
was born near Bellefonte on Februa-
ago they moved to Altoona and lived
there ever since. She was a member
of the Third Presbyterian church of
Altoona and a good, christian woman.
! the following children: Jonathan F.,
She came to |
Last Ju- |
She never recovered from the
, effects of same and tubercular perito-
' nitis finally developed and caused her
KAUFFMAN.—George W. Kauff-
man, for years a well known resident :
' of Bellefonte, died at his home in Al- |
| toona last Friday morning following
an illness of nine weeks with heart
disease. He was born near Philadel-
phia on July 11th, 1847, making his |
age 73 years,
"As a young man he came to Centre
‘county and located in Bellefonte and
for many years was employed as a
machinist in this section, prior to
going to Altoona in 1892 working for
* A. Allison. On locating in Aleoona he |
2 months and 28 days. |
went to work in the boiler shop de- :
partment of the Juniata shops of the
Pennsylvania railroad,
: there until he was retired on a pension |
'in 1917.
man was united in marriage to Miss
Catharine Love, of Bellefonte, who
survives with the following children:
Mrs. Frank C. Williams, W. I. Kauff-
| W. Ullery, A. G. Kauffman and Mrs.
| H E. Norris, all of Altoona, and Al-
i den E. Kauffman, of Chicago. He al-
i so leaves one sister, Mrs. Katherine
| Gill, of Philadelphia. He was a mem-
"of Altoona,
floral association. Funeral services
were held at his late home at two
o'clock on Monday afternoon, after
which burial was made in the Rose
Hill cemetery.
VONADA.—William W. Vonada
died at his home near Spring Mills
‘last Friday evening as the result of a
stroke of paralysis. He is survived by
‘his wife and the following children:
Milton Vonada, of Penn township; S.
W. and Fred, of Haines township;
Mrs. Charles H. Hosterman, of Buffa-
lo, N. Y.; Mrs. Calvin Confer, of
Penn township; Mrs. Ira Auman, of
ber of the Third Presbyterian church, |
the P. R. R. relief and.
Potters Mills; Mrs. D. W. Bartges and |
Mrs. Boyd Sheets,
_and Miss Grace, at home. He also
leaves four sisters, Mrs. T. W. Hoster-
man, Mrs. Thomas Vonada and Miss
Catharine, all of Woodward, and Mrs.
- Annie Boob, of Lewisburg. Revs. I. C.
! Bailey and C. B. Snyder had charge of
of near Coburn,
man, Mrs. G. H. Reidenbaugh, Mrs. D. |
A Surprise Party.
A very pleasant surprise party was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Corman, on Friday night, October
8th, in honor of their daughters, Ma-
el and Grace, their birthdays occur-
ring on the seventh and eighth. They
were taken to Bellefonte to the movies
and when they returned, about nine
o’clock, they found about sixty-five of
their friends there to greet them.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Corman and sons Ray and Paul,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rockey, Earl Bar-
ner, Pearl Hcckman, Farie Sharer,
Edna Lutz, Lillie Neff, Clara and Hel-
en Eby, Earl Vonada, Nevin Sharer,
Cal Hockman, Kermit Noll, Arthur
Forty-eight years ago Mr. Kauff- | Garbrick, of Zion; Ruth Carner, Mar-
garet Yarnell and Robert Yarnell, of
Hublersburg; Grace Corl, Ruth Mar-
kle, Ruth Summers, Mary, Meda,
Pearl and Edna Rearick, Miriam and
Pauline Corman, Sallie Tressler,
Grace and Mabel Corman, Blanche
Breon, Catherine and Pearl Brown,
{ Mary Houser, Mary and Emma Wet-
zel, Fred and Frank Corl,
‘ Rice,
Ward Markle, Rufus, Clark,
Laird and Ward Corman, Orin Hull,
Henry Houser, Daniel Grove, Milford
Lucas, William Harter, Murray Deck-
er, Nevin and Willard Truckenmiller
and John Boal, of near Bellefonte;
Glenn Wasson and Christian Dale, of
Lemont; Kathleen Barner and Vincent
Grugan, of Lock Haven; Carrie Trout-
man, Bertha Stabley, Robert Trout-
man and Chester Quiggle, of Pine
Refreshments, consisting of sand-
wiches, cake, pickles, candy and ba-
nanas were served, to which all did
justice, especially the waiters, Frank
and Laird. At a late hour all return-
ed to their homes wishing the young
ladies many more happy birthdays.
The Suanee River Quartette.
After ten years together this fa-
mous quartette is more popular than
ever. Following a long Chautauqua
season through New England and
| the funeral which was held on Wed- | Canada they are filling one hundred
| nesday morning, burial being made in
: the Fairview cemetery.
| on Tuesday.
Neidigh—Ralston.—The home o
Surviving her are her husband and | Mr. and Mrs. William Ralston, at
: Struble station,
and fifty consecutive Lyceum dates
| this fall and winter.
| gro quartette
Three of the members of this quar-
i WOLF — Edward W. Wolf, infant | tette are university graduates and the
ry 20th, 1871, making her age 49), of Edward and Catharine Weaver | company was formed from a bible
years, 7 months and 17 days. When | wolf, of Thomas street, died last |class conducted by John Gantt, its
a young woman she was united in| mhyreday following a brief illness | Present manager, in a big colored
marriage to Thomas Buchanan and | ith cholera infantum, aged 2 months | Methodist Episcopal church in Cleve-
their early married life was spent in | ,nq 14 days. Burial was made in the | land, Ohio. They do not pretend to
Bellefonte. About twenty-one years ygutheran cemetery at Pleasant Gap |be the best quartette in the world, but
they are unquestionably the best ne-
in America. Their
voices blend beautifully, their mezzo
voice work is especially good.
The program is a composite of the
was the scene of a gifferent types of negro songs—some
| of Altoona; George W., of Juniata; pretty wedding at two o’clock yester- rollicking, some grave—the old plan-
held at her late home at 2:30 o’clock
Hill cemetery, Altoona.
fi ll
EBERTS.—Mrs. Nancy S. Eberts,
wife of James A. Eberts, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. B.
Miles, near Martha Furnace, on
Thursday of last week. She was a
daughter of Philip and Susannah Wil-
liams and was born at the old Wil-
January 26th, 1844, hence had reached
the age of 76 years, 8 months and 11
days. Practically her entire life was
spent within a few miles of the place
of her birth. As a young girl she
united with the Methodist church and
was a consistent member all her life,
devoting all her energies to the wel-
fare of her family and in serving her
She is survived by her husband and
the following children: * O. D. Eberts,
Mrs. C. E. Spachman and Mrs. J. B.
Miles, all of Martha Furnace; two
sons and two daughters preceded hex
to the grave. She also leaves one sis-
ter and two brothers, Mrs. Maggie
Spotts and W. H. Williams, of Port
Matilda, and A. S. Williams, of Pitts-
burgh. Funeral services were held at
her late home on Sunday afternoon by
her pastor, Rev. Driver, after which
she was laid to rest in the Williams
il ii
PENNINGTON.—Miss Fannie Pen-
nington, a native of Centre county,
died at her home in Philadelphia last
Thursday after a brief illness with
heart trouble. She was a daughter of
John and Sarah Slack Pennington and
was born near Potters Mills. The fam-
ily lived for a number of years in Fer-
guson township, from where they
went to Tyrone and finally moved to
Philadelphia. She was a life-long
member of the Methodist church. Sur-
viving her are five sisters and four
brothers. The remains were taken to
Tyrone where burial was made in the
Grandview cemetery at four o’clock
last Saturday.
Il 1]
JODON.—Raymond Claude Jodon,
a native of Centre county, died on
Tuesday at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Jodon, in Al-
toona, following one week’s illness
with pneumonia. He was born in
Bellefonte on February 16th, 1892,
hence was in his twenty-ninth year.
Most of his life was spent in Belle-
fonte. His wife preceded him to the
grave but surviving him are one son,
Francis, his parents, and one sister,
Mrs. J. F. Miller of Beaver Falls.
Burial was made in Rose Hill ceme-
tery, Altoona, yesterday afternoon.
liams homestead near Port Matilda on '
| bridegroom. Following the ceremony
| Mrs. Harry Olewine, of Altoona; day afternoon when their daughter, | tation, jubilee, and camp meetin’.
Thomas H., of Pittsburgh; Levi A., Miss Ethel Ralston, became the bride |
Harold C., Alma M., Elizabeth and of W. M. Neidigh, son of Newton C.: yeader, and offers stories and poems
Leona Mae, all at home. She also ' Neidigh, of Pine Hall. The ceremony | of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the negro
leaves these brothers and sisters: 'w#s performed by Rev. S. C. Stover, ost. In addition they .form an in-
George 0. Symmonds, of Flinton, Pa.; of the Reformed church, in the pres- strumental quartette of banjos, gui-
Mrs. Mary Hoy, of Lemont; Mrs. Del- | ence of a number of invited guests. tars, and mandolins, and as a special
la Williams, of State College; Mrs. The attendants were Miss Margaret | feature introduce character costume
Cyrus Solt and Mrs. Abraham Bailey, | Ralston, a sister of the bride, and gongs by John Gantt with the quar-
of Bellefonte. Funeral services were | Judson Neidigh, a brother of the tette singing off stage.
John Maxwell, tenor, is an excellent
The whole concert is arranged with
on Tuesday afternoon, after which |the happy young couple were tendered | but one idea—to present genuine en-
private interment was made in Oak | quite a reception with a wedding din- | tertainment. Don’t fail to hear it this
: ner later, after which they departed | (Friday) evening at the High school
|on a brief wedding trip. The bride- | guditorium.
‘groom is a graduate in veterinary
{ science of the Ohio State university, |
! class of 1916, and is located at State
. College where he is already attaining
| considerable success in the practice of |
his profession.
Dunlap—Hunter.—John C. Dunlap,
of Expedite, Pa., and Miss Agnes
Hunter, of Indiana, were married on
Tuesday, October 5th, at the parson-
age of the First Methodist church at
York, Pa., by the pastor, Rev. Dea-
ver. The wedding was a culmination
of a friendship that had existed be-
tween the two principals from child-
' hood. Mr. Dunlap is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Dunlap, of Pine Grove
Mills, and a wedding dinner and re-
ception were given the couple at the
Dunlap home last Friday evening.
The happy couple will make their
home at Expedite where Mr. Dunlop
is in the mercantile business.
Lenhart—McCormick.—Prof. Lewis
R. Lenhart, of Millheim, and Miss
Rosalie McCormick were married
Sunday noon at the home of the
bride’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. S. S.
McCormick, at Hublersburg, by Rev.
C. H. Faust. The young couple will
reside in Millheim where Prof. Len-
hart is principal of the Millheim
Ferguson—Yoder. — Miss (Rev.)
Carrie A. Yoder, a preacher of the In-
ternational Holiness church, who ap-
peared at tent meetings at Milesburg,
Oak Hall, Howard, Colyer, and other
places in Centre county during the
summer, was married in Sunbury on
October 7th to Thomas Ferguson, a
mine superintendent, of Osceola Mills.
ene lees.
Richards—Pond.—On the afternoon
of October 6th, 1920, at her home in
State College, Pennsylvania, Clara
Penniman Pond was given in mar-
riage to Theodore Dwight Richards,
Penn State, 1918, of Perry, New York.
The ceremony was private and there
were no announcements.
— The six year old son of
“Bucky” Walker, who resides at the
Red Roost, was knocked down and
badly injured on Wednesday after-
noon by a man ina Ford car. The
man carried the child to the Walker
home but refused to give his name.
The number of his car was taken,
however, and he will probably have to
settle in the future.
Notice to W. C. T. U. Members.
A radical change made by the Cen- :
tre county W. C. T. U. convention
changes the time of paying annual
dues to October. The annual dues
were increased to one dollar, which in-
cludes a year’s subscription to the
State paper, the Pennsylvania W. C.
T. U. Bulletin. To give every member
an opportunity to pay the. dues this.
month an attractive autumn “Dues
Social” will be held in the W. C. T. U.
rooms, Petrikin hall, on Friday even-
ing, October 29th, from 8 to 10
o'clock. Ice cream and cake will be
served free, late news from the State
convention given and a general good '
time enjoyed. Autumn leaves will be
freely used with hydrangeas to lend
pleasing effects to the decorations of
the room. All members are most cor-
dially invited and urged to be present.
If unable to attend please send dues
to Mrs. L. H. Gettig, treasurer, east
Bishop street, Bellefonte.
reer lp em ree
$250.00 Reward Offered.
The Pennsylvania Department of
Forestry will pay a reward of $250.00
for information leading to the arrest !
and conviction of any person or per-
sons setting incendiary forest fires in
this State, according to a statement
issued by Gifford Pinchot, the chief !
forester. He has notified all of the
forest fire wardens to that effect, and
hundreds of posters announcing the
reward will be distributed through the
State forests by foresters and forest
The Department of Forestry has
collected $811.82 from individuals and
corporations responsible for starting
forest fires during 1920. The amount
represents the cost to the State of .
putting out the fires, but it does not
take into account damage to young
timber and soil.
Bishop Quayle at State College.
Bishop William A. Quayle will lec-
ture in St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal
church, State College, tomorrow (Sat-
urday) evening, on “Rip Van Winkle.”
He will also preach in the church on
Sunday morning and evening. Three
years ago the Bishop visited State
College and the impression he made at
that time still lingers among those
who had the good fortune to hear him,
and large audiences should greet him
. tomorrow evening and Sunday.
—Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones and Mrs.
Connery, of Tyrone, were guests over Sun-
day of Mrs. Jones’ and Mrs. Connery’s
father, Monroe Armor, at his home on Linn
—Capt. Harry Simler recently made one
of his regular visits to Bellefonte with his
daughter, Mrs. Forrest Bullock, leaving
here to go to Oakmont, where he spends a
part of his time.
—Mrs. M. B. Garman has been entertain-
ing her brother, Charles Lukenbach, Mrs.
Norburg and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith,
a motor party from Detroit, Mich.,, who
are visiting with Mr. Lukenbach’'s rela-
tives in Pennsylvania.
—William Mongan left Tuesday for spe-
cial treatment at the government hospital
at Markleton, Pa., expecting later to go to
Denver, Col. While ill, Mr. Mongan has
spent much of his time here with his par-
cents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mongan.
—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larimer, of Jersey
Shore, and their son, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William V. Larimer, at a family
dinner given at their home on Water street
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Larimer motored
here from their farm near Jersey Shore.
—The Crawford and LaBarre families
having sale tomorrow, the former will
store the furniture they keep in the New-
comer house on Curtin street, while the
LaBarre's will put theirs in a room in
Mrs. M. B. Garman’s home. Mrs. LaBarre
and her son, accompanied by Mrs. Craw-
ford, will then go to Scranton, where Mrs.
LaBarre will visit at her former home un-
; til Christmas, Mrs. Crawford being her
i guest for the greater part of the time.
(P.O. S. of A. Initiations at Centre
! Hall.
The Patriotic Order Sons of Amer-
ica of Pennsvalley had a red letter af-
fair last Thursday evening when the
degree team from Lemont camp, thir-
ty-four strong, and led by degree
master James Schreck, conferred the
degree upon a class of nineteen new
members in the Centre Hall camp.
The officiating visitors did very effi-
cient work and for a small place the
size of Lemont the camp there has
surely put that town on the map. And
i it might here be mentioned that the
Centre Hall camp can also lay claim
to being among the real live ones. In
addition to the class of nineteen new
members initiated last Thursday
evening six more have been elected to
membership, making a total roll of
over 130 members.
Included in the list of visitors from
other camps last Thursday evening
were the following: A. F. Reigel, Sa-
lona; Ed Zerby, Spring Mills; Andrew
Musser, Aaronsburg; Joseph Haney,
E. F. Orndorf, John Brindle, Edgar
Stover, Clarence Kern, J. H. Bower-
sox, John Corman, John Eisenhuth,
Orvis Eisenhuth and Stewart Eisen-
huth, of Woodward; James Schreck,
: N. N. Williams, C. G. Coble, W. E.
‘ Musser, Mack Longwell, F. W. Evey,
| Harry Benner, J. I. Weaver, Charles
Meyers, D. G. Meyers, D. I. Shuey, J.
-B. Mayes, E. H. Houtz, William
, Houtz, G. F. Houtz, George Houtz,
. Roy Houtz, Orlando Houtz, ' G. A.
Dunklebarger, G. Boyer, J. T. Shuey,
. R. D. Stover, Butler Hamilton, Sam-
uel Reitz, Fred Bottorf, Charles T.
Coble, J. F. Wasson, Paul Wasson, H.
' Walker, H. A. Tressler, Winfred Arm-
‘ strong, Alfred Lyle, Roy Wertz and
W. L. Grove, all of Lemont.
Following the installation a sub-
stantial lunch was served to all pres-
ent and it was after midnight when
« the talkfest broke up and all depart-
‘ed for their respective homes.
i ——Col. Henry W. Shoemaker and
interests backed by him have purchas-
ed the former Altoona Times interests
in the Times—Tribune, of Altoona,
and hereafter that paper which, since
its consolidation has been conducted
as an independent, will go back into
the Republican ranks.
i MacIndor—On September 17, to Mr.
,and Mrs. John H. MaclIndor, of Belle-
fonte, a son.
Monag—On September 18, to Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Neff Monag, of Ben-
ner township, a daughter, Elizabeth
| Ellen.
| Gehret—On September 24, to Mr.
and Mrs. Earl D. Gehret, of Belle-
fonte, a son.
| Manzella—On September 12, to Mr,
‘and Mrs. Charles Manzella, of Belle-
i fonte, a daughter, Frances.
Derenzo—On September 14, to Mr.
i and Mrs. Peter Derenzo, of Bellefonte,
' a son, Peter Jr.
Harpster—On September 18, to Mr.
jand Mrs. Walter G. Harpster, of
! Bellefonte, a daughter, Edna Pearl.
Dobson—On August 20, to Mr. and
{ Mrs. James E. Dobson, of Walker
| township, a son, Clarence.
McClure—On September 16, to Mr.
and Mrs. Curtin R. McClure, of Nitta-
ny, a son, Arthur D.
Bitner—On September 24, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur P. Bitner, of Marion
township, a son, Lewis Richard.
Brown—On September 12, to Mr.
and Mrs. Edward E. Brown, of Spring
township, a son, Kenneth Cecil.
Spicer—On August 22, to Mr. and
Mrs. John Raymond Spicer, of Belle-.
fonte, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth.
i Page—On September 9, to Mr. and
* Mrs. Albert Clayton Page, of Benner
township, a son.
Smith—On October 1, to Mr. and
{ Mrs. Morton Smith, of Bellefonte, a
: daughter, Katherine Elizabeth.
| Lytle—To Mr. and Mrs. Preston Ly-
i tle, a daughter. Mrs. Lytle before her
marriage was Miss Adalaide Rankin,
| daughter of William B. Rankin, of
¢ Kellerman—On_October 8, to Mr.
| and Mrs. Charles Kellerman, a daugh-
ter, Agnes Elizabeth.
Smith—On September 18, to Mr.
and Mrs. Witmer Smith, of Milesburg,
a daughter.
Corl—On October 10th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Grover Corl, of Ferguson town-
ship, a son, Herbert.
\ i