Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 15, 1920, Image 1

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—Judging from the way Harding
has changed positions on every issue
in the presidential contest if all of
Marion had been one big front porch
he couldn’t have stayed on it.
_ Let us send Frank Naginey to
represent us at Harrisburg. He is
well fitted for the place and, besides,
he didn’t grab the nomination away
from any one who had a better claim
to it than he had.
— Tom Beaver really doesn’t want
to go to the Legislature. All he want-
ed to do was keep Ives Harvey from
going. He did that, so his mission in
local politics is fulfilled and why
bother him further.
— When the bill to give land to the
ex-soldiers of the world war was be-
fore the Senate on November 11th,
1918, Senator Penrose put his seal of
opposal on the measure by remark-
ing: “I do not think the country
would suffer much if the bill never
was heard of.”
—That “Big Green Team” from
Hanover that played State, last Sat-
urday, was just a bit too green. And
we are of the opinion that Bezdek,
Harlow, Martin & Co., have a victory,
rather than a draw, to jubilate over
largely because of the superior phys-
ical condition of their men.
—_ What a lovely fall! It is the fif-
teenth of October and many folks are
still gathering vegetables and pluck-
ing flowers from their gardens, far-
mers are making second-crop hay and
an occasional bare-footed boy is seen.
How lovely it all sounds. How serene
and undisturbed the coal pile lies.
Yet, no man knoweth what the mor-
row may bring forth.
— Our Congressman spent a few
days in Centre county during the
week. We had a glimpse of him while
here. He is rather an imposing look-
ing gentleman, but the records in
Washington prove that looks are often
deceptive. Better send Jim Connelly
down there so that the country may
know that the Twenty-first District
really has a Member in the House.
— Harding has finally gone over to
the bitter-enders. He has announced
himself as being irrevocably opposed
to any kind of a League or inter-
national peace agreement. The issue
is consequently clean cut. He is not
for safeguarding, insofar as it is hu-
manly possible, your sons from the
dangers of another world conflagra-
tion. Governor Cox is. If you believe
in peace vote for Cox. If you don’t
care a damn what happens vote for
—The Hon. Evan Jones, of Brad-
ford, who poses as the Congressman
from the Twenty-eighth district, held
the focus in the Republican limelight
in Bellefonte the early part of the
week. Evan is basking in the assur-
ance that the G. O. P. elephant has an
open trail blazed to the White House
and he will be able to sneak in with
the crowd, but he is liable to wake up
with a shock on the morning of No-
vember third and discover that it was
the Democratie Jackass that won the
race and that Jimmie Connelly was
hanging onto its tail as it went under
the wire at the judge’s stand.
—If Governor Sproul does for The
Pennsylvania State College what the
statements he made there last Satur-
day morning implied his administra- |
tion will go down in history as one of
really notable achievement. We have
misjudged the Governor if he is a man
whose vision does not reach beyond
the horizon of political expediency.
And feeling that we have not, we are
rather more hopeful of the genuine- |
ness of his motives than we were
when some of his predecessors made
statements somewhat similar in years
gone by. The name of Sproul would
be indissolubly associated with the en-
tire educational system of the Com-
monwealth if through his intercession
The Pennsylvania State College were
to be lifted out of the mendicant class
and put in a position where it can be
more concerned about giving a real
education to ALL the boys and girls
of Pennsylvania than it is about keep-
ing its head above water while trying
to be helpful to a few of them.
__Just listen to this. Wasn’t it aw-
ful? “We had nothing whatever in
the way of proper nourishing food for
our sick and wounded men during
most of the time. We had no hospital
tent at all. We had no cots. During
most of the time the wounded men
laid on the muddy ground, without
blankets, until some of the well men
cut their own blankets in half. On
several occasions I visited the big hos-
pitals in the rear. Their condition
was frightful beyond description from
lack of supplies, lack of medicine, lack
of doctors, nurses and attendants.”
Think of such a condition of affairs
when your boy might have been one of
the sick or wounded. Yet that is ex-
actly what it was, but not in France.
The horrors described above happened
in 1898, when we were at war with
Spain and the quoted description of
them above is from the late Theodore
Roosevelt's letter of protest to the
Secretary of War of a Republican ad-
ministration. Then we raised an ar-
my of only 250,000 men and sent only
20,000 of them a few hundred miles to
Cuba to eat rotten beef and die for
want of equipment and medicine. In
the late war, under a Democratic ad-
ministration, two million men were
sent three thousand miles and every
one of them had every comfort and at-
tention that human ingenuity could
ive them. You have read no such re-
ports of 1917 as Col. Roosevelt wrote
of in 1898.
govarghe ihe guarantee. pea
BER 15, 1920.
NO. 41.
VOL. 65.
Harding Touches the Limit of Bad |
In a speech at DesMoines, Iowa, the
other day, Senator Harding literally |
scrapped the League of Nations.
Forced to a choice between former
President Taft and Senator Borah, he '
joined the bitter enders. No doubt he
felt that he had nothing to fear from
Taft in any event. A fat man ob-
sessed with a lust for office is not for-
midable. He has neither pride of
opinion nor spirit of resentment.
Borah is a forceful demagogue capa-
ble of inflicting damages. Taft is a
jelly fish hugging the hope of an easy
seat on some court bench. Harding
being without courage or principle
fell easily for the bluff of the bully
and bought the support of Borah and
Johnson by sacrificing patriotism and
Of course this incident will not turn
Taft from his pledge to campaign for
the election of Harding. But it may
influence Mr. Root, Mr. Wickersham
and others who believe in the League
of Nations and have been assured
that Harding favors some sort of an
international agreement that will
make for peace. Mr. Wickersham vis-
ited Harding at Marion and obtained
such a promise. Mr. Root as the rep-
resentative of the United States in the
conference created by the covenant of
the League of Nations to form a court
is morally bound to favor the comple-
tion of his own work. These consid-
erations will hold them as it will com-
pel others who earnestly favor the
League to resent Harding’s surrender
to Borah.
But the resentment ought not to end
there. Every right minded citizen of
the country ought to condemn the
shilly-shallying of Harding on the
question of the League of Nations. As
Senator he voted several times to rat-
ify the covenant with the Lodge reser-
vations. In his speech of acceptance
he declared that he favored an inter-
national agreement to guarantee
peace. In a subsequent speech he de-
clared that he would put teeth in the
Hague Tribunal, to serve the purpose.
But under the threat of Senators Bor-
ah and Johnson he now repudiates
both these pledges and declares
against any agreement with other
or any other purpose. That is the
limit in the line of bad faith.
Women are interested in the
League of Nations, of course, but they
are also interested in the new oppor-
tunity that has been given them
through the franchise. One of the op-
portunities is to take a crack at a few |
of the statesmen who thought they
weren't fit to vote. One of these.
statesmen is Senator Penrose and if |
he doesn’t hear from the women vot-
ers next month the “Watchman” will |
be very much fooled.
i for Rumania and Servia that “if their |
| countries were attacked he would
' send American troops and war ships |
Taft’s Lofty Tumbling.
As if to emphasize the protubei-
ance of the dilemma upon the horn of
which ex-President Taft has impaled |
himself, Governor Cox has made pub- |
lic some correspondence between our
fat friend and President Wilson in re- |
lation to the covenant of the League |
of Nations. It appears that Mr. Taft |
was very free with suggestions as to |
the phraseology of the covenant. The!
President, relying upon the integrity |
of purpose of his predecessor in office, | iT
cordially received all Mr. Taft's sug-
gestions and according to the. White
House records “every suggestion of
Mr. Taft was followed literally.” But
that was before chairman Will Hays
pumped promises of office into the am-
bitious ears of the ex-President. :
Mr. Taft’s suggestions related to,
the Monroe Doctrine and domestic
questions. The original draft of the
covenant was entirely satisfactory to
the ex-President but he was apprehen-
sive of trouble with the Senators. He
felt certain that his suggestions ior
alterations of the provision relating te
the Monroe Doctrine “would carry the
treaty but others would make it cer-
tain.” But he volunteered sugges-
tions as to how the President should
present the matter to the Senate and
the public. He should argue on “the
necessity of the League, the impossi-
bility to secure peace without it, the
dreadful unrest in Europe and the
need of the League to stableize and to
resist Bolshevism.”
President Wilson is himself right
handy with language but in his de-
sire to show full appreciation of Mr.
Taft’s interest in the matter, did pre-
cisely as that corpulent gentleman de-
sired. He assured Mr. Taft that he
would not yield any of the principles
embodied in the covenant and made
no reply to his suggestion that fear
concerning the tariff was the real
cause of the original opposition to the
treaty. That might have been offen-
sive to such unselfish patriots as Pen-
rose and Lodge and increased their
zeal in opposition. But the promise
of office seems to have taken all the
interest in the subject out of Taft and
he is now himself advancing the very
‘ speech delivered
arguments against it that he pretend-
ed he feared.
Peace or War the Issue.
The manifest purpose of the Republi-
can campaign managers is to shift the
issue from the League of Nations to
something else not clearly expressed.
Senator Lodge would make President
Wilson the issue because he hates the
President and imagines that a consid-
erable proportion of the people share
in his prejudices. Senator Penrose
would like to make protective tariff
the issue, because the public was fool-
ed in so many previous campaigns by
that false pretense. Chairman Hays
frankly repudiates all principles and
bases his hopes of victory entirely on
the power of money. Each of these
leaders has followers in the ranks and
councils of the organization.
League of Nations would succeed for
the time being President Wilson gave
notice that the question would be de-
termined by a national referendum at
the election this fall. That fixed inev-
itably the issues of the campaign.
The League of Nations meant “peace
on earth, good will among men.” The |
defeat of it necessarily involved wars
at brief intervals and big and expen-
sive armies and navies during the
periods between them. The League
meant prosperity and fraternity. The
defeat of it invited the sacrifice of life
and the waste of treasure. With full
understanding of the subject Republi-
can managers elected to scrap the |
Now that the
such an issue has dawned upon them
Republican managers want to change
the issue. It can’t be done. The lines
are drawn. The Democratic party fa-
vors the League of Nations and the
rulers of the Republican organization
are opposed to it. Neither side can
retreat from its line of battle. The
proposition to array Wilsonism
against Penroseism is alluring to
many and would work wonders in
Pennsylvania where the records of
both men are known. But the League
of Nations and what it stands for are
the issues of this campaign and no ex-
pedient can altar or switch them. It
is a matter of peace or war, poverty
or prosperity. Let the voters make
their choice.
‘When President Monroe declar-
ed the Monroe Doctrine the poulation
i of the United States was about 12,-
1 000,000 but he was unafraid. Now
with a population of 105,000,000 Re-
publican statesmen are afraid that
expanding it so as to cover more ter-
ritory would be disastrous.
Spencer’s Falsehood Refuted.
Senator Spencer, of Missouri, in a
recently said that
during one of the sessions of the
| Peace Conference at Versailles Presi-
dent Wilson assured the delegates
to protect them.” As soon as this
statement reached the White House |
President Wilson instructed secretary !
Tumnlty to inform Spencer that he
had made no such statement to any-
body or at any place. Thereupon
Senator Spencer reiterated the state-
ment and added that the official sten-
ographic records of the Conference
was his evidence. That raised a di-
rect question of veracity between
The official stenographic records of
the Peace Conference are in the pos-
session of President Wilson and show
that no such statement as that alleged
by Senator Spencer was uttered by
President Wilson. The President did
say that the United States together
with all other members of the League
of Nations would be morally bound te
protect the small and weak nations
which were members from outside ag-
gressions and expressed the belief
that the people of the United States
are equal to the task of fulfilling their
obligations. But on every occasion
that the subject was discussed Presi-
dent Wilson always held in view the
fact that Congress alone has authority
to declare war.
But this direct and substantial
proof that Senator Spencer had falsi-
fied has had no deterrent influence on
his mind. He continues to reassert
the statement. The official stenogra-
pher of the Peace Conference has of-
fered to make affidavit to the accura-
cy of the records in possession of the
President, but even that has not stop-
ped his lying tongue. Since the evi-
dence was produced he has repeated
the charge and strangely enough Sen-
ator Wadsworth, of New York, has
supported him. This shows clearly
that a conspiracy to malign the Pres-
ident is at work. But it will not suc-
ceed. Without corroborative evidence
the people would believe Wilson and
with the records to support him his
enemies must yield.
— The corn crop is the biggest
ever but Kentucky’s interest in the
subject vanished when the Eighteenth
amendment te the constitution went
into force.
full significance of .
en ABE an AN
i Women and Their Vote.
. We have no doubts as to the intelli-
i gence of the women voters of Penn-
| sylvania. Their mental equipment is
| equal in every respect to that of the
{ opposite sex. We are equally confi-
! dent of the integrity of their purpose
in exercising their newly acquired
right to the franchise. So far as our
observation goes there is no need of
self-appointed male instructors to
show them how to mark their ballots.
Their intuition will teach them, not
only how to mark their ballots, but
how to discriminate in the choice of
candidates. Naturally a good many
women will vote as their husbands or
Possibly some of them !
| will vote the other way, for spite. And :
When it became certain that the
Senatorial conspiracy to scrap the
fathers vote.
some may do so for better reasons.
The “Watchman” is among the
| foremost of those progressive journals
of the country which favored woman
| the event that the enfranchisement of
| Women would exercise a wholesome
influence on public affairs. It is not
“invidious to say that they havea
than men and it was our idea that in
the main they would be guided by
' conscience rather than expediency in
exercising the franchise. We see no
reason now to alter this opinion. The
! matter will be put to a test, however,
at the coming election and we confi-
* dently hope it will not be disappoint-
ing. In fact we have every reason to
believe our best expectations will be
The election of next month involves
issues which appeal peculiarly to
women. In the vote for President the
question is peace or war. Governor
Cox stands four square for permanent
peace. Senator Harding has publicly
turned his back on the only instru-
ment through which it is possible to
secure enduring peace. A promise of
any other agency is simply “a prom-
ise to the ear, to be broken to the
hope.” All civilization except our-
selves are in the League of Nations
and none will abandon it to take
chances with another. Therefore if
the women want peace they will vote
for Cox. If they believe in public
morality they will as certainly vote
for Major Farrell for U. S. Senator.
It is a safe bet that Senator
Harding never read the covenant of
the League of Nations. The alterna-
tive is that he hasn't intelligence
enough to understand it and as he is
an editor we can’t admit that.
— Labor organizations through-
out the country are very much exer-
| cised over the increase of immigration
‘to the United States from foreign
| countries, which has now reached a
| prorata of one million unskilled work-
men a year, and Commissioner Con-
nelly, of the Department of Labor and
' Industry, Harrisburg, is advising all
men who have good jobs to stick to
them under any and all circumstances.
Both the above tidbits of information
| would indicate that the time is fast
approaching when men will go beg-
. ging for jobs instead of jobs beseech-
ting for men. The natural result will
| surely mean a decrease in wages. Now
the “Watchman” is in favor of ade-
i quate pay for all kinds of labor but
we also maintain that labor should
give a just return for the wages re-
ceived, and this has not been the case
in many instances. Just the other day
the writer saw two men at work un-
loading a carload of sand and being
particularly attracted by, the fact that
they were not unduly over-exerting
themselves we took the trouble to
off an average of eleven shovelsful of
sand a minute.
— Reading the announcement of
Miss Rebecca Naomi Rhoads to the ef-
fect that she is not a candidate for the
Legislature, we note that she qualifies
her statement by adding “this year.”
Are we to infer that this is notice to
Mr. Naginey that if he doesn’t behave
when he goes to Harrisburg Miss Re-
becea will step in and try to do to him
what Tom Beaver did to Ives Harvey.
— The old western vigilance
stop the stealing of automobiles. It
proved effective with horse and cattle
— Nobody had to put Senator
Spencer, of Missouri, into the Anani-
as club. He put himself there with
the stupidest lie of the campaign.
——What would Bismarck have
said to France in 1871 if that stricken
country had whined about cruel exac-
tions ?
idea is revealed every time Harding
opens his mouth away from it.
— Borah and Johnson are deter-
mined that they shall own the Presi-
dent if he is a Republican.
— What's the use in wasting time
exposing the follies of a fat man?
We believed in advance of !
.clearer sense of moral obligations
time them, and those two men threw i
committee may have to be invoked to |
— The wisdom of the front porch |
Hell or Utopia?
From the Philadelphia Record.
The above caption is borrowed from
Theodore Roosevelt. It is a chapter
| heading in his book, “America and the
‘World War.” It presents precisely
| the issue, according to Mr. Roosevelt,
that now divides the Presidential can-
didates. After three months of shilly-
shallying Senator Harding has chosen
the side of hell; Governor Cox has
from the first been on what Mr.
Roosevelt said was called Utopian,
but which he insisted was entirely
practicable. He said:
The only alternative to war, that is, to
hell, is the adoption of some plan sub-
stantially like that which I herein advo-
cate, and which has itself been called Uto-
pian. * * # Jn its essence this
plan means that there shall be a great in-
| ternational treaty for the peace of right-
‘ eousness. > * * Finally, and most
important of all, this treaty shall put force
back of righteousness, shall provide a
i method of securing by the exercise of
force the observance of solemn interna-
| tional obligations. This Is te be accom-
plished by all the powers covenanting to
| put their whole strength back of the ful-
| fillment of the treaty obligations.
This, it will be observed, involves
| obligating the nation for the future,
| which the Republican Senators refuse
to do, and it involves the possible use
| of American forces in foreign coun-
| tries to prevent war and to compel
| justice. Mr. Roosevelt urged every-
| thing that Mr. Harding repudiates.
i Mr. Roosevelt said in explaining his
| plan:
| All the civilized powers which are able
{ and willing to furnish and to use force,
| when force is required, to back up right-
| eousness * * should join to
create an international tribunal, and to
provide rules in accordance with which
that tribunal should act. These rules
i would have to accept the status quo at
some given period; for the endeavor to re-
| dress all historical wrongs would throw us
back into chaos. They would lay down
' the rule that the territorial integrity of
i each nation was inviolate; that it was to
{ be guaranteed absolutely its sovereign
i rights in certain particulars. * ”
| Then, and most important, the nations
: should severally guarantee to use their en-
| tire military force, if necessary, against
, any nation which defied the decrees of the
i tribunel, or which violated any of the
rights which in the rules it was express-
ly stipulated should be reserved to the sev-
eral nations, their sovereignty and rights
to their territorial integrity, and the like.
Here is the whole of aiticle Thin al-’
| most identical language. Here-is the
| guarantee of territorial integrity and
| political independence as they existed
lat a given period, to wit, when the
| peace treaty was signed. And here is
| the pledge—which goes much beyond
| the peace treaty—to use the entire
| military force of the covenanting na-
| tions, if need be, to enforce obedience
{to this compact. In Article X the
| Council is to advise, but Mr. Roose-
| velt insisted that the members of the
| League should be bound from the be-
| ginning to use their entire military
force, if necessary, to compel compli-
ance with the rules of the League ox
the decisions of the arbitrations.
Here, too, is the flat contradiction
of everything Mr. Harding means by
his “America First.” Mr Roosevelt
wrote the book to denounce President
Wilson for not going to the rescue of
Belgium under the authority of The
Hague conventions. Mr. Harding is
shocked at the idea of using Ameri-
can troops outside of America. Mr.
Roosevelt blackguarded Mr. Wilson
for not doing it and insisted that this
nation should go into a league bound
to use all their force anywhere to
compel compliance with the rules for
maintaining a “peace of righteous-
According to Mr. Harding Theodore
Roosevelt did not know what Ameri-
canism was. Do the Republican vot-
ers believe that?
i Back to Roosevelt.
From the Springfield Republican.
While Mr. Harding is bemoaning
the fate of the Constitution under the
assaults of Wilsonian autocracy, one
is reminded of Mr. Roosevelt's “new
nationalism,” which, preached just ten
| years ago, became the foundation of
the principles of the Progressive par-
ty. Mr. Harding has repeatedly as-
serted that if Mr. Roosevelt had lived
no one would have supported him for
President this year with greater en-
thusiasm than himself. .
In his famous Osawatomie speech,
Mr. Roosevelt declared:
“This new nationalism regards the
| executive power as the steward of the
public welfare.”
If Mr. Wilson is an autocrat, al-
ways encroaching on the powers of
other departments of the Government,
what was Mr. Roosevelt, who “took
| Panama and let Congress debate it
afterwards,” who established the re-
ceivership for San Domingo and was
the first President to order Amer-
jcan “penetration” into the island
| of Hayti in order that European cred-
itors might not make trouble for the
United States by insisting upon the
diplomatic support of their home gov-
ernments in collecting their debts
from the Haytian and Dominican Re-
publics ?
— The farmer has never received
such returns for his toil as he has dur-
ing the past eight years. If he votes
for Cox for President he stands a far
better chance of having them contin-
ued than he does if he votes for Hard-
ing, for Harding is on record as hav-
ing said that a dollar is a very fair
price for a bushel of wheat.
— Thieves expected to make a big haul
Thursday night when they broke into am
express car at Mt. Carmel and escaped
with a large safe, which was blown open
in a mine eave. It contained only an old
revolver and old railroad records.
—A vein of coal said to be seven feet
thick has been uncovered at the Allen &
Watts drift near Leolyn, on McIntyre
mountain, in Bradford county. Much of
the coal from these workings is hauled to
Canton, which insures warmth for citizens
of that section, no matter how are the rail-
road transportation difficulties.
__As sentence of three months was pro-
nounced on William G. Harris, of New Or-
leans, in court at Lancaster on Friday
morning he whipped out a stiletto and
slashed his throat. A negro prisoner im
the same dock made a mad rush to get
away, as he thought the stiletto would be
used on him. Harris was found guilty of
assisting a lottery at the fair. His condi-
tion is eritical.
—Tony Puntanio, alleged gunman, of
Trenton, N. J., was convicted of murder in
the first degree at Wilkes-Barre last week,
for the murder of Detective Sam Luchino,
at Pittston, August last. The murder was
connected with the Pennsylvania’ Coal
company strike in which Luchino was ac-
tive, the Commonwealth contending that
Italian contractors had paid Puntanio $3,-
500 to go to Pittston and kill Luchino.
— John A. Bastian, district forester at
Mount Union, Huntingdon county, has re-
signed to become forester for the Rock
Hill Coal and Iron company, at Roberts-
dale, Huntingdon county. He will have su-
pervision over the 20,000 acres of timberland
owned by the company. The Department
of Forestry has offered the vacancy at
Mount Union to W. M. High, who was for-
merly a state forester at Aitch, Hunting-
don county.
__The theft of two pearl necklaces val-
ued at more than $100,000 from the home
of George McFadden Jr., of Villanova, was
reported to the police department of Phil-
adelphia on Monday night. The jewels
were taken from a case in Mrs. McFadden’s
bedroom between midnight Friday and 9
o'clock Saturday morning. The police be-
lieve the thief entered a window from the
poreh roof, while the family were all om
the first floor.
When the Washington-Buffalo fiyer
struck the car of Merrill Lentz, at Sunbury
on Saturday, the car was crumpled up,
rolled into a ball of debris and tossed
aside by the rushing train. Bystanders
who thought the boy killed, were amazed
when he crawled out unassisted from the
wreck and ruefully viewing the remains of
a new automobile, said: “Gee, I'm glad
I'm alive.” The big locomotive was sO
damaged that it had to be shopped.
— Running up the tracks waving her
arms, Mrs. Ralph Shannon succeeded in
stopping a fast Pennsylvania freight near
Sunbury on Tuesday, just before it would
have crashed into the automobile in which
her little children were riding, which had
stalled on the tracks. Mrs. Shannon did
not have time to carry the little ones to
safety before the train would have been
upon them. Members of the train crew
pushed the machine from the tracks.
—A large herd of cows on Abraham
Isett’s farm in Greenfield township, Blair
county, has virtually gone dry as a result
of eating apples. The cows got into the
orchard and feasted on fallen apples, with
the result that at evening the flow of milk
fluid was materially reduced. Next morn-
ing the amount was still less, and by even-
ing the milking process was unproductive
in most instances. Old farmers say thata
diet of apples invariably will result in
cows going dry.
—Following the findings of examiners
and upon the orders of the comptroller of
the currency, the Broad Top National
bank of Six Mile Run, about twenty-eight
miles south of Huntingdon, has been clos-
ed. The bank’s last statement of condi-
tion showed deposits of $130,000. The in-
stitution served a clientelle principally of
coal operators and miners. John Meln-
tyre, president, and F. R. Cunningham,
cashier, declare the suspension of business
will only be temporary.
Attacked by a bull, Wilson Sheeiz, a
farmer, aged 50 years, of Rockefeller town-
ship, Northumberland county, was tossed
and trampled early on Saturday until he
became unconscious. He was thrown over
a fence by the last rush. This prevented
his being killed. Mr. Sheetz struck the
bull with a hay fork, causing it to attack
him. He seized the ring in the bull's nose,
which tore out and the pain caused the an-
imal to gore him again and again. Doc-
tors say Sheetz may recover.
— It is hoped that the Children’ Asylum
for the Altoona diocese will be opened at
Ebensburg the first of January. The
building has been obtained from the Sis-
ters of St. Joseph, by Bishop E. A. Garvey,
of the Altoona diocese, and the Sisters will
discontinue their girls’ academy, which
has been conducted for some years, in or-
der to provide room for the use of the
orphanage children. Only children from
the Altoona diocese and under six years
of age will be admitted to the asylum.
— While the police and a large crowd
watched them, robbers late Sunday after-
noon entered the saloon of William Ganc-
kus, in the heart of the business district of
Pottsville, loaded his safe on a truck and
drove away, after carefully locking the
place. They were thought to be transfer
men employed by the owner. The safe
contained cash in the sum of about $2500
and a number of Liberty Bonds. It was
found early Monday morning near Land-
ingville, six miles south of Pottsville,
blown open and rifled.
-—A near riot occurred on Sunday morn-
ing in the Slovak Lutheran church, at Ha-
zleton, over factional differences of long
standing and the police had to be called.
By the time they arrived the disturbers
had fled, but warrants were sworn out for
their arrest on Monday. The Rev. John
Hudry, pastor; was assaulted during the
progress of a meeting and a score of the
participants were hurt, though none of
them seriously. One of the factions has
been demanding the dismissal of the pas-
tor, who asserts that the opposition has no
standing on the rolls of the congregation.
—Cornell. Coyle, the alleged yegg cap-
tured at Harrisburg by state police, has
been identified by residents of Milroy as
one of the two men who visited that vil-
lage last week under the guise of umbrel-
la menders. Coyle is under suspicion of
having cracked the safe of the postoffice
and general store at Naginey, Sunday
night, October 3rd, from which the robbers
obtained $10,000 in securities, $500 in cash
and $300 in thrift and postage stamps. The
identification is questioned, however, as
the same two umbrella menders were seen
in Lewistown Thursday, or after the arrest
of Coyle in Harrisburg.