I A Did Your Potatoes Blight? i During the past summer the Centre county Farm Bureau has conducted potato spraying demonstrations for control of late blight on eleven farms throughout the county. On each farm a check plot of four rows was left unsprayed. On Monday, October 11th, at 1:30 p. m. a dergonstration meeting will be held at Lloyd White's farm, located three miles east of Pleasant Gap, on the road from Pleas- ant Gap to Zion. At this time the po- tatoes on the unsprayed and sprayed plots will be dug up, thus checking up on the efficiency of spraying. A simi- lar meeting will be held at Milo Camp- bell’s farm located four miles east of Pennsylvania Furnace on the Bailey- ville road. Late blight and consequent rot can be controlled by efficient and timely spraying. If you are interested in improving the potato crop for your- self and for Centre county you cannot afford to miss these demonstration meetings. ef Ape BOALSBURG. Mrs. E. E. Brown is visiting her sis- ter in Kylertown. Mrs. Alice Magoffin spent last Fri- day in Bellefonte. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Brown are at- tending Synod in Bellefonte this week. William Stover spent last week with friends in Cambria county and Altoona. Mrs. William Rockey is nursing a very sore hand and arm, the result of a felon. Rev. S. C. Stover conducted servic- es in the Reformed church at Aarons- burg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale, of Houserville, were visitors at the Aus- tin Dale home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ludwig and sons, of Johnstown, spent some time at th> H. O. Barr home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rossman and Misses Mary Reish and Nora Miller visited friends at Clintondale on Sun- day. Quite a number of women from dif- ferent parts of Centre county attend- ed the W. C. T. U. convention last week. Mrs. John Fortney and daughter, Miss Beulah, spent Sunday in Mill- heim., heim. Mr. and Mrs. William Goheen and Mr .and Mrs. Matthew Goheen motor- ed to Sinking valley on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tussey. A. J. Hazel accompanied his daugh- ter Mary to Mechanicsburg, last week, where she enrolled as a student in the musical department at Irving College. John und Howard Bricker have leased their house to Calvin Stamm, and Dr. Gearhart and family are occu- pying the house vacated by the Stamms. Because of the scarcity of houses at State College, several of the Penn State instructors are arranging to move their families to Boalsburg for the winter. eee cele ee MIRAGE IN NEVADA DESERT Traveler Relates How Two Coyotes Shared His Astonishment at Strange Sight Witnessed. One morning in a Nevada desert 1 sat watching a moving mirage show {ts scenes—picture after picture. Oc- casionally one to right or left in front of or behind the prei»ding one. Some were retained in plage much longer than others; they were brought closer and shown or reshown farther back. One scene was of two covered wag- ons with three or four loose horses. They moved along two dim wheel tracks, round an arroyo and across two or three typical sand drifts. I stared at the scene in astonishment. They “stopped as though to camp by the mirage lake. A camp fire ap- peared. I rubbed my face; I was awake. I saw objects moving about the wagon and the fire. Two coyotes came trotting along near me. They saw the camp and after a few steps of looking with head to one side they stopped in front of me to watch it. I rose up better to watch them. They had either not seen me or had forgotten my presence in their eager concentration on the camp scene. Another loose horse, as though left behind, came lagging up. The coyotes watched this moving horse; they were seeing what I was seeing. Smoke rose above the camp fire by the wagon, then the picture melted and only the bare desert shim- mered before us.—Enos A. Mills, in Saturday Evening Post. BRING GOOD AND BAD LUCK | Belief in Power of Various Flowers Is Strongly Heid in Eastern and Western Lands. It 1s good luck to eat the first may- flower you see in the spring. If it is a crocus, let it alone; in Austria they say it draws away one’s strength. Nor must you dig up a cuckoo flower or tempt luck by moving a wild daisy into the garden. In Egypt the anemone 1s one of the lucky flowers of spring; wrap the first one in red cloth and, if not disturbed, it will cure disease. On the French coast it is useless to try to catch fish unless the waters are first strewn with flowers by the fisher- men’s wives and daughters. In Devon- shire (England) they regard it as un- lucky to plant a bed of lilies in the course of twelve months. The Turk sees misfortune in so light a thing as the fall of a rose petal and will some- times guard against such dropping by carefully picking the flowers before they fall apart. In Samoa the head of a corpse ts wreathed in flowers to 'The McVey Co. aid the soul to gain admission into paradise. ' Cook vegetables as soon after gath- ering as possible. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1 OR SALE.—Winchester 1895 model 30 army calibre, leather case and two boxes shells. Good as new. $40.00. 40-1t* F. H. HALL, Central City. Cer Che FOR SALE.—Five passen- ger Chevrolet, in A 1 condition. Will sell very reasonable if sold before Sunday, as I am leaving this com- munity. W. D. HERMAN, Plegsan: Sh; t* OST.—On Sunday, on road between Philipsburg and Bellefonte, via Port Matilda, Julian and Buffalo Run, barrel containing canvas tent and two gasoline torch tanks. $5.00 reward for return to MILLER’'S GARAGE, 39-1t Bellefonte, Pa. Carpenters Wanted! Carpenters for construction work. Wages, 80c. per hour for first-class men. 10 hours per day. Long job. Good sleeping accommodations free with meals at a reasonable rate. Transportation one way after six week’s steady work. Apply THE VICOSE COMPANY, 65-37-5t Lewistown, Pa. Real Estate Operators FOR SALE. Two story frame, double dwelling; let about 125 feet square. Fruit of all kinds. A good investment. Price, $1,300. Six reem brick dwelling, with furnace; geod lot, a good home, State College, along state road. $3,800. 24 acre truck and poultry farm, 8 roem house in good repair, good barn, never failing spring and well water at house and barn; good orchard. An ideal home, one- half mile from Unionville borough. A bar- gain, at $3500. 142 acres—100 acres clear, pasture and timber, good limestone soil, 9 room house, good barn, running water supplies house and barn; large orchard with choice fruit of all kinds; near church and school. 4 miles from Bellefonte, along public read; price $8500. OFFICES: BELLEFONTE MOUNT UNION ALTOONA BEDFORD HARRISBURG LEWISTOWN JOHNSTOWN Crider Stone Building Bellefonte, Pa. Price, 65-18-tf ATTENTION FARMERS!§ ~r~AND~— DAIRYMEN! We want the name and address of every farmer and dairyman of Centre county who can furnish milk to The New Milk Station At BELLEFONTE which will be ready for operation in a few weeks. Prompt settlement twice a month and full Dairymen’s League price will be paid. Let us hear from you. Bell telephone connection. Western Maryland Dairy BELLEFONTE, PA. IRVIN D. BAXTER, Proprietor. J. A. GOLLINS, Country Manager. 65-38-tf NAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAI NAS m—— The Garman Theatre Will be the scene of an unique recital on Tuesday Evening, October 12th, 1920 When C. R. Gheen will introduce to a specially invited audience of music lovers. Miss Arden has been a member of the Metropolitan Opera forces ars, and her rise has been very rapid for one whose had been entirely in concert and oratorio. t numerous festivals throughout the country d pleasing personality has been highly for the past three ye previous experience She has appeared a and her rich round voice an refunded | 11% miles from ! : ! balance in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EAL ESTATE.—J. M. KEICHLINE. real estate operator in Centre county buys and sells real estate. If you want to buy or seil real estate write to him or call at his office in Temple court, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-28-6m Sale of A Valuable Business Location and Homestead! The heirs of Captain James A. Quigley will offer at public sale on the premises at Blanchard, Pa., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1920, at 1 p. m., the store property, homestead, including 2% acres, and household goods consisting of furniture, carpets, ete. mhe property is located in a good com- munity and the right party can easily re- establish the successful business conducted by Captain Quigley for fifty years. The real estate may be seen and purchased pri- or to the date of sale. 65-40-2t eatary having been issued to the undersigned upon the estate of John H. Miller, late of Ferguson township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. (Mrs.) CARRIE M. WIELAND, Linden Hall, Pa. GERTRUDE R. MILLER, Penpa. Furnace, R. F. D. Harrison Walker, Executrixes. Attorney. 65-39-6t “HARTER NOTICE. CE. —Notice is hereby given that application will be made by Theodore Davie Beal, C. VW. Corl and Pierre de Legarde Boal, to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1920, at one o'clock p. m., under the provisions of an Act of As- sembly, entitled: “An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations,” approved the 28th day of April, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a Charter for an intended corporation called the “Boalsburg Auto Bus Line,” the character and object of which is to oper- ate auto busses as a common carrier, for the transportation of persons and proper- ty, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and priv- ileges of said Act of ‘Assembly and the supplements thereto conferred. EX reatars 8 NOTICE.— Letters testa- Ww. SPANGLER and WALKER, 65-38-4t Solicitors. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAANANNS Saturday Special} ! One Large Glass Pitcher, with six Water Glasses to match - $1.19 SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW Tee Potter - Hoy Hd’w Co. 65-5 BELLEFONTE, PA Special Train RETURNING FROM Union County Fair BROOK PARK LEWISBURG Thursday, Oct., 14th For Bellefonte and Intermediate Stations Excursion tickets will be sold to Brook Park October 11 to 15 inclus- sive, at reduced fares, good for return until October 18, inclusive. LEAVES Lewisburg - - Brook Park - - See Flyers - 6:00 p. m. - 6:05 p. m. Consult Ticket Agents PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM Cecil Arden Contralto of the Metropolitan Opera Company, and Mr. Nils Nelson, Pianist, praised by many noteworthy critics. Music lovers should derive solid satisfaction from the program that will be presented here by Miss Arden and Mr. Niles Nelson, Pianist. Cards of admittance may be secured from C. E. Gheen and a gen- uinely enjoyable evening is predicted. C. E. GHEEN, Edison Distributor, Bellefonte, Pa. The Great Milton Fair MI L TON, Pema. October 12-13-14-15, 1920 THE BEST OF FREE ATTRACTIONS Hear the Milton Mfg Co’s New Band See HARDY Te.Weids igh Wire Artist GREATEST 65-39-2t CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAANAASA BE SECHLER & Seciier & OO. ] Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- where and at fair prices. We Invite You to Test this Statement nw Your Patronage. 65-1 $600 SALE $6.00 FOR LESS THAN AN INGERSOLL. 100 Gentlemen's Wrist Watches, regu- lar small O size, 15 jewels, nickel case, radiolite dial and hands, Kitchener strap, fully guaranteed, for less than an Ingersoll watch. Former Price, $15.00. Sale Price, $6.00 Phone or mail your orders. F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Ta. 64-22-t€ THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford One Ton Truck is serving business as faithfully and economically as does the Ford Touring Car serve all the people faithfully and economically. The Ford Truck is a necessity to the grocer both in delivering goods and in bring- ing goods from the stations, docks and from the country. It is an ideal motor car because there isn’t a want of the farmer or business man that it doesn’t supply in the way of quick transportation at a minimum expense. Come in, examine the Truck, and let us talk over the subject. INSIST ON GENUINE FORD PARTS. BEATTY MOTOR CO. BELLEFONTE, PA.