Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 08, 1920, Image 3

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    Bema fd
"Bellefonte, Pa., October 8, 1920.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
R. G. Goheen is in bed with an at-
tack of the grip.
George Ward, of Pittsburgh, is here
looking after some of his property in-
Samuel A. Frank,
was a business
Squire Isaac Woomer, a Civil war
veteran, is seriously ill at his home at
Koch and Keller, coal dealers, now
have on hands a good supply of bitu-
minous coal.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dale, of the
Branch, were callers in town on Fri-
day evening.
Louck and Everts are swinging the
paint brush on the Robert Campbell
house at Pennsylvania Furnace.
W. C. Witmer, the well known stock
dealer of Bellefonte, was here last
week purchasing a supply of hogs.
Hugh A. McAfee, the Stormstown
huckster, was here last week and paid
22 cents a pound for dressed porkers.
Mrs. Charles Wright and daughter
Mary, of Altoona, visited old friends
and neighbors in this section the past
W. Groh Runkle was in evidence at
the W. S. Tate sale on Saturday.
Everything at the sale brought good
Foster Bailey, of Altoona, came
down on Friday to spend several days
among old friends here and at State
Elder D. A. Louder attended a
meeting of the Huntingdon Presby-
tery at Huntingdon, the early part of
the week.
Mrs. S. Y. Elder, of Rock Springs,
attended the funeral of her sister,
Mrs. J. C. Wright, at Clearfield, on
Horsebuyer Corman, of Rebersburg,
was in the valley last week and reliev-
ed some of our farmers of their sur-
plus stock.
Farmer G. D. Musser,
visitor in town
of White
Hall, got a bad fall from a chestnut |
tree on Monday, sustaining painful in- |
juries to his back.
Misses Mary C. and Hazel Thomp-
son were entertained at the Mrs. Sal-
lie Burwell home on the Branch at
dinner on Sunday.
Mrs. Levina Behrer underwent a
serious operation in the Clearfield hos-
pital last week, and her improvement
is not as great as desired.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thompson, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Mazr-
kle, of Lemont, autoed to Altoona and
spent Sunday with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Homan are re-
ceiving congratulations upon the arri-
val of a little son last Friday. Mother
and babe are getting along splendid-
Miss Sarah McWilliams, of Rock
Springs, took her departure on Mon-
day morning for a ten day’s sight-see-
ing trip at Atlantic City and other
eastern cities.
John Calvin Gates, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Gates, of Pennsylvania
Furnace, underwent an operation in an
Altoona hospital last week and is now
getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston-
pbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. William
Johnstonbaugh, of Cooperstown, were
Sunday visitors at the W. A. Collins
home on east Main street.
Last Friday evening Budd Harpster
went out for a drive in Scott Bress-
ler’s rig. The horse ran away, break-
ing the buggy and harness, but young
Harpster and the horse escaped inju-
The Harvest Home services in the
Reformed and Lutheran churches on
Sunday were largely attended. The
display of fruits and vegetables was
exceptionally large and the services
very interesting and inspiring.
Thomas Ward, a former Centre
county boy but now located at
Youngstown, Ohio, has been a guest
at the W. S. Ward home at Bailey-
ville. It is twenty-five years since he
has been back to his old home commu-
The venerable William J. Dale and
son Nathan are arranging to move to
Pittsburgh, where a comfortable home
has been secured for them by Rev.
William Dale. Mr. Dale Sr. is past
eighty-six years of age but is still |
hale and hearty.
A home-coming gathering was held
at the A. S. Walker home on the
Branch on Sunday. Twenty-three
people surrounded the festive board,
the only absentee being Rev. H N.
Walker, of Milroy. Mrs. Bessie Mil-
ler, of Johnstown, was the guest of
Last Friday morning as Mrs. Milton
Walker, of Loveville, was on her way
to the Baileyville creamery her horse
frightened and ran away. Mrs. Walk-
er was thrown out of the buggy, sus-
taining a broken arm and some bad
body bruises. Her load of milk was
spilled in the roadway and the buggy
wrecked, but the horse was not hurt.
The recently elected officers of
Pennsvalley Lodge No. 276, I. 0.0.1,
were installed last Saturday evening
by district deputy grand master V. A.
Auman, as follows:
Noble Grand—Charles C. Gates.
Vice Grand—George P. Irvin.
A. S. Secretary—H. E. Sunday.
Treasurer—Elmer C. Musser.
Fin. See.—D. S. Peterson.
R. S. to N. G.—J H. McCracken.
L. 8S. to N. G—C. M. Powley.
Warden— W. H. Fry.
Conductor—J. H. Bailey.
R. S. S.—Paul C. Ward.
L. S. S.—Robert Harpster.
Chaplain—R. M. Krebs.
0. G.—H. 8S. Illingworth.
R. S. to V. G.—C. E. Close.
L. S. to V. G—W. R. Sunday.
A number of visitors were present
from other lodges and the installation
was followed by a lunch and smoker.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stultz, the
latter formerly Miss Laura Williams,
of Howard, are visiting Mrs. Stultz’s
sister, Mrs. William Lucas.
_ Ben Poorman, who was severely in-
jured while at work in the railroad
yards at Rochester, N. Y., is so much
better that his father, Francis Poor-
man, is looking for him home, as he
received a message from him saying
he was on his way.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Poorman, of
Beech Creek, spent the week-end with
their respective families, part of the
time with Mrs. Poorman’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shank, and part
with Mr. Poorman’s father, Francis
Poorman. They are always welcome
visitors in our little town.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rhine are
leaving us for “green fields and pas-
tures new,” taking with them their
two interesting little ones, Harold and
Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Rhine are
leaving a host of friends and well-
wishers behind, who hope their future
home may be bright and prosperous.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Estright are
mourning the death of an infant
daughter, which was born to them
Monday morning and died about ten
hours later. Mrs. Estright is in a
very delicate condition, and her hus-
band and family of sisters and broth-
er, besides friends, are deeply con-
cerned. Mrs. Estright has been very
ill and weak since the sad death of her
mother, Mrs. Victor Graden, which oc-
curred September 18th.
Orviston members of Camp 53, P.
0. of A., who attended the funeral of
their deceased sister, Rhoda Graden,
were as follows: President Emeline
Herr; assistant president Josepha
Hume; past president Bertha Condo;
chaplain Margaret Confer; financial
secretary Mylre Cox; guardian Eliza-
beth Confer; conductor Maude Page;
vice president Katherine Wyland; as-
sistant vice president Pearl Brown;
sisters Gertrude Marshall and Anna
Barnhart. Rhoda Isabel Graden was
assistant past president, and since her
death sister Anna Barnhart is to be
installed in her place. Mrs. Herr,
Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Condo and Mrs.
Confer were the only ones able to at-
tend the services at the cemetery, as
the others were compelled by home
duties to return from Lock Haven on
the afternoon train, and were unable
to take the trip to Milesburg.
Miss Bella Russ, of Altoona, is vis-
iting among friends and relatives
Miss Emeline Noll, of Philadelphia,
is here on a visit to her parents, Wm.
H. Noll and family.
This being the dark of the moon, |
our apple pickers are busy putting |
away the abundant crop.
Paul Keller and family, of Philadel-
phia, are spending their vacation with
their parents at the Gap.
Ray Williams spent the week-end
here. He is now a student at Dickin- |
son Seminary, Williamsport.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swartz, of Lin- |
den Hall, spent Sunday with their par- |
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Swartz. |
Mr. Daniel Schlottman has return- |
ed to his old stamping ground and ex- |
pects to remain at the Gap during the
coming winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cowdrick, of
Niagara Falls, after a brief sojourn
here with friends, returned to their
home Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Herman spent
a few days at Tyrone the past week.
The ’Squire resigned his position as
guard at the penitentiary and has ac-
cepted a lucrative position at Tyrone,
where he expects to reside perma-
nently in the near future. His depar- !
ture from here will be keenly regret- |
ted by his many friends.
A farewell party in honor
Dunklebarger was held at her father’s |
residence on Tuesday evening last.
The following intimate friends were
present: Violet Irvin, Virgie Dougan,
Helen Knoffsinger, Helen Grenoble,
Anna Rimmey, Marion Gettig, Hazel |
Corl, Catharine Williams, Romie Shu-
ey, Margaret and Ruth Dunklebarger,
Mrs. W. D. Herman, Mrs. Earl Rim-
mey, Mrs. Lee Sampsel, Mrs. Blair
Rice and Mrs. Lewis Wolford. Miss
Mary left for Dallas, Texas, on
Thursday last, and was married to
William Schreckengast on Saturday.
The young couple expect to make Dal-
las their future abiding place. Miss
Mary’s departure from this communi-
ty will be a regrettable loss to her |
many friends and associates here. i
Serofula Most Progressive Now.
of Miss
Sudden changes of weather are especial-
{ ly trying, and probably to none more So
than to the scrofulous and consumptive, !
The progress of gerofula during a nor- |
mal autumn is commonly great. :
1t is probable that few people ever think |
of scrofula—its bunches, eruptions, and |
wasting of the body—without thinking of |
the benefit many sufferers from it have de- :
rived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, whose suc-
coss in the treatment of this one disease |
alone would be enough to make if what it |
is, one of the most famous medicines in i
the world.
There is probably not a city or town i
where Hood's Sarsaparilla has not proved |
its merit in more homes than one, in ar- ;
resting and completely eradicating scrofu- |
la, which is almost as serious and as much |
to be feared as its near relative,—con-
Hood's Pills, the cathartic to take with |
Hood's Sarsaparilla, in cases where one is |
necessary, are gentle in action and thor-
ough in effect. 65-40
a re————
Italy's Lumber Requirements.
Destruction of the invaded district
of Italy, although bad enough, has not
been so great as anticipated. Unless
there is a tremendous industrial de-
velopment as a consequence of the
war, it seems likely that even with
favorable freight rates Italy's require-
ments in the lines of rough and sawn
lumber for ordinary commercial oy
will not exceed 2,000,000,000 to 2,500,
000,000 board feet a year.
Mrs. Mary Crust is again on the
sick list, being confined to her bed
since last Sunday.
Rev. John Keller, who is visiting
his brothers and sister, preached a
very able sermon in the Reformed
church on Sunday evening.
Word has been received here that
Mrs. Erdman West, daughter of H. J.
Lambert, has returned to her home,
improved, after an operation.
Miss Catharine Ruble, who is in
training in the Mercy hospital at Al-'
toona, is spending her vacation at the
home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Ruble.
Mrs. E. L. Bartholomew, of Altoo-
na, accompanied by her daughter, Ma-
ry Helen, spent Saturday, Sunday and
Monday at the home of her sister,
Miss Mary Kennedy.
Two car loads, consisting of the L.
L. Smith and Bartholomew families,
motored to Lock Haven after Sunday
school on Sunday and enjoyed an ex-
glint chicken dinner at the Russeil
Mrs. Bruce Arney received word on
Sunday of the sudden death of her
mother, Mrs. Williams, near Mill Hall.
She and her husband and his mother,
Mrs. I. Mervin Arney, attended the
funeral on Wednesday.
can get it in the “Watchman.”
Real Estate Transfers.
Albert F. Buckhout, et al, to Penna.
State College Alpha Gamma Rho As-
| ociation, tract in State College;
Philip H. Musser, Exr., to Hattie A.
Grenninger, tract in Haines township;
Charles W. Swartz, et ux, to Chas.
P. Ramey, et ux, tract in Potter
township; $3200.
| Susan A. Kunes to J. W.
tract in Liberty township; $100.
John M. Weaver, et ux, to Charles
Weaver, tract in Curtin township;
Thomas Bryon, et ux, to Thomas
Downes, tract in Philipsburg; $3800.
Harriet Leeder’s heirs to Frank
Lassen tract in Snow Shoe township;
John McGee’s executors, to John H.
Hanien tract in Liberty township;
Tammie L. Keller to Robert G. Mec- |
Clellan, tract in Harris township; $75.
Peter B. Duncan, et ux, to McNitt-
Huyett Lumber company, tract in
Halfmoon township; $4500.
A. R. Moon to D. Frank DeLong,
tract in Liberty township; $125.
Nittany Real Estate company to
Charles T. Aikens, tract in State Col-
lege; $1000.
J. L. Spangler, et al, to George P.
Bible, tract in Bellefonte; $600.
Mary Emery Harris to Henry M.
Rattahouse, tract in State College;
I. S. Patterson, et ux, to C. E. My-
ers, tract in State College; $400.
Sarah J. Snyder’s Exr’s, to A. F.
Snyder, tract in Gregg township;
Pauline Bronell, et al, to Bruce M.,
Stover, tract in State College; $8000.
Elizabeth R. Crosby to Prudence
Haines, tract in Philipsburg; $7500.
George H. Yarnell, sheriff, to Hen-
ry C. Quigley, tract in Howard town-
ship; $2000. :
He Lost His Hold.
The station master hearing a crash
{on the platform, rushed out of his
| room just in time to see the express
| that had just passed through disap-
| pearing around the curve and a dis-
heveled young man sprawled out per-
| fectly flat among a confusion of over-
| turned milk cans and the scattered
contents of his traveling bag.
| “Was he trying to catch a train?”
the station master asked of a small
| boy who stood by admiring the scene.
“He did catch it,” said the boy, hap-
pily, “but it got away again!”—The
| Youth’s Companion.
Uneeda Biscuit
#0. u. 5. Par. OFF.
Uneeda Biscuit
REQ. U. 8. PAT. OFF.
= :
= ===
= BI :
e232 £
This Pantry Fears
A SweeTeNED Biscurt
Desirasie For Au. Occasions
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-age
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
all courts. Office, room 18 Cridsne
Practices i fl the courts.
sultation in English or_ Germam.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellertutts
S. TAYLOE—Attorney and Counsel=
ce 1
lor at Law. O n Eagls
Block, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds eS
legal business attended to promptly. 40-48
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business em=
trusted to his care.
Hight street.
Offices—No. 6
M. KEBICHLINE — Attorney-at Law
J and Justice of the Peace. Tall pre=
fessional business will "eg
prompt attention. Office on second floor ef
emple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-Law. Come
sultation in English and Germams
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belles
fonte, Pa.
SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law,
M. D., Physician and
State College, Centre
Pa. Office at his resi«
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred
$5,000 death by accident,
5,000 loss of both feet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,500 loss of either hand,
2,000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
payable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion
Any person, male or female, engaged in a
preferred occupation, including house
keeping, over eighteen years of age of
good moral and physical condition may
insure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte fa
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buying Toor,
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
Hight Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonte Pa.
Good Health
Good Plumbing
When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky
water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping
gas. you can’t have good Health. The air you
reathe is poisonous; your system becomes
poisoned and invalidism is sure to come.
is the kind we do. It’s the only kind you
ought to have. Wedon’t trustthis work to
. Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics,
no better anywhere. Our
Material and
Fixtures are the Best
Not a cheap or inferior article in our
entire establishment. And with good
work and the finest material, our
Prices are Lower
than many who give you poor,
itary work and the lowest
finishings. For the Best Wor
ade of
i!) No Food Emergency
S41 [@
a | SHELF of this pantry is stocked with AF
National Biscuit Company products— Fi
i and you will find such pantries wherever you i
)] go. No food occasion can take it by surprise.
i There is always something good on hand for
any meal or when company unexpectedly calls.
5 Thousands of homekeepers everywhere pe
on have learned the everyday comfort of making E
wi | 1 Biscuitry a real part of daily fare. A supply :
oO of N. B. C. products always in the house—a :
package or two of a few varieties—means a
great saving of time and labor and the ready
fl solving of many a problem of what-to-serve.
Wi Have an N. B. C. shelf in your pantry. The
i day-by-day convenience and appetite-satisfac-
i tion will well repay you. Every variety comes
| to your table oven-sweet and fresh, no matter
ji where bought or when you open the protecting
In-er-seal Trade Mark package. ag
uy Your grocer carries a complete line. A few CO |
=| E packages on your pantry shelf saves constant ="
| ss re-ordering and enables you to meet any food
| RS emergency instantly and well. J”
Hh =
ES Sh :
EB mle Gr
a= = 0
| |
Archibald Allison,
Opposite Bush House Bellefonte, Pa,