Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 24, 1920, Image 8

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    _ leased the basement room in the Bush
*” articles will be sold by Mrs. R. G. H.
"he can point with pride to that stretch
. will install therein a sanitary fish and
| oyster market just as soon as the nec-
© essary arrangements can be made.
.: Wian rounded out twenty years serv-
-fonte, and from the way he looks now
. he is good for twenty years more.
‘you are not there when auctioneer
: Siney Hoy gets busy you will miss a
-a monument of his efficiency in road
‘Bellefonte, Pa., September 24, 1920.
: ——Roy Coldren has resigned his
position in the Bellefonte postoffice
‘and on Monday left for Tyrone, where
he has secured a good job which will
‘pay much better than work for Uncle
: In the obituary of J. Thos. Har-
rison, in last week’s issue, the name
of Miss Anna From was given as Mr.
Harrison’s second wife, instead of
Miss Anna Grove, as it should have
Harry Winton has resigned his
job as carrier of the mail from the
Bellefonte postoffice to the railroad
depot, effective October 15th, and will
devote most of his time to his coal
: “Wanted, a Man.” A sermon
that should be heard by man, woman
and child, at the Methodist church,
‘Sunday, at 7:30 p. m. An appropri-
ate selection entitled “Be a Man,” will
be sung by the male quartet.
: No mail was carried by planes
last Sunday, and all Sunday service
has been annulled for the present.
Airplanes with mail, however, were
sent through on Monday and will so
continue until further notice.
Howard Dry, of Tyrone,
“Arcade, along south Water street, and
On September first Lunger C.
ice as manager of the Atlantic Refin-
ing company supply station in Belle-
— A lot of very useful household
Hayes at her home on north Alleghe-
ny street, next Thursday afternoon at
1 o'clock. They are all good and if
Now that ex-sheriff W. E. Hur-
ley has been appointed superintendent
of state highways for Centre county
of highway he built from State Col-
lege to the Huntingdon county line as
Bishop street from Allegheny |
to Spring, was thrown open to traffic |
last Saturday and now, after being |
closed in all summer the business men |
and people living along that section |
of street have at last the comfort of |
knowing that they have a thorough-
fare well worth waiting for.
Prof. H. A. Surface, the one
time “bugologist” at The Pennsylva-
nia State College, later State Zoolo- |
gist and last year head of the contin-
uation school at Carlisle, has moved to
Selinsgrove where he has accepted the |
chair of biology in the Susquehanna
University. He now plans to develop
the subject of botony and biology in!
their relations to man and woman.
The public hall at Millheim was
not able to accommedate much over
half the crowd that turned out on
Wednesday evening to hear William
Jennings Bryan lecture. The great
Commoner did not discuss politics but
adhered strictly to the subject of his
lecture, “Where are the Nine?” Of
course his applications were made jn
the interest of true Americanism and
good citizenship, and the lecture
seemed to be appreciated by all who
heard it.
On Saturday afternoon an au-
tomobile collision occurred on High
street, at the intersection -of Water |
street, between the cars of H.W.
Macker and Dr. W. U. Irwin. Mr.
Macker was on his way up High street
from the depot and Dr. Irwin came in
north Water street on his way to the
Bellefonte hospital, the cars coming
together at the intersection of the
streets. The doctor’s car got the!
worst of the bargain, as it had to be
towed to a garage for repairs.
: Borough manager J. D. Seibert
and James I. McClure came within an
ace of meeting in personal combat
last Saturday morning, over the lat-*
ter’s pavement rights along his prop-
erty on Spring and Logan streets.
And the affair progressed to that
stage where Mr. Seibert had Mr. Mc-
Clure arrested for making threats.
But justice of the peace Woodring
could find no evidence of threats hav-
ing been made at a hearing held be-
fore him and Mr. McClure was dis-
Popular motion picture actors
and actresses always draw big crowds.
This was proven on Saturday evening
when a well-known screen favorite
was shown at the Scenic. The crowd
clamoring for admission blocked the
pavement in front of Petrikin hall so
that pedestrians were compelled to go
out in the street to get around it. Of
course manager T. Clayton Brown re-
alizes this fact and that is the main
reason why he is always looking for
the best pictures he can get to give
his patrons.
Many persons, especially far-
mers, should be interested in the sale
of the equipment of the McQuistion
carriage shops in this place on Octo-
ber 2nd. Farmers still have horses
and wagons and the practical passing
of the crossroads blacksmith and
wheel-right shops has forced most of
them to do their own repairing and
shoeing. A fine line of tools for these
purposes is to be sold at the MecQuis-
tion sale and persons having any use
for such articles will have a chance to
buy them cheap.
Jack White, of Huntingdon, Victim of
Bad Wreck Friday Night.
John White, sales agent for the
Vuille agency of the Cadillac automo-
bile, of Huntingdon, was so badly in-
jured in a smash-up down at the Red
Roost last Friday night that he died
at the Bellefonte hospital about eleven
o'clock on Saturday morning without
regaining consciousness, and George
A. Barrett, who was struck by the au-
tomobile, is in the Bellefonte hospital
badly though not fatally injured.
“Jack” White, as he was familiarly
known by his friends, came to Belle-
fonte on Friday, accompanied by E.
A. Rose, of Johnstown, in a rebuilt
Cadillac runabout for which he was
hunting a purchaser. The men had
been out to Snow Shoe for the after-
noon; having left that place after dark
and were on their way to Bellefonte
from Milesburg when the accident
happened, which was about ten
o'clock in the evening. Mr. Bar-
rett .and Mrs. Samuel Gordon,
and the latter's young son, had
walked down the state road from
Bellefonte and were just oppo-
site the school house at Red Roost
when they saw the car coming. Mrs.
Gordon states that they had stepped
to the side of the road purposely to
get out of the way of the car which
was being driven at a very high speed,
but as it neared them it suddenly
veered to the left and before -they
could move the car swept past and
Barrett had disappeared from her
cide. Almost in the same breath
there was a terrific crash and car and
occupants lay in a crumpled mass in
the roadway. Mrs. Gordon was so
frightened she stumbled to the school
house and leaned against the building
for support.
Mus. Tressler, who lives next door
to the school house heard the crash
and at once ran out, being the first
person on the scene, but it was only
2 minute or two until quite a crowd
gathered. White was found lying in
the road unconscious but Mr. Rose,
while somewhat dazed, escaped with
only slight injuries. Barrett could
not be found anywhere, and it was not
until an hour later that he was found
unconscious in a gutter alongside the
road seventy feet from where the ac-
cident happened. 5
Owing to the fact that Mr. White,
who drove the car, is dead it is diffi-
cult to tell the exact cause of the ac-
cident. White had always been re-
garded as a safe driver but how he
come to be on the wrong side of the
road, and even to the side of the road
when he struck Mr. Barrett is a ques-
tion that will never be explained. It
is just possible he saw the road up
over the hill and thinking that was the
road he swung to the left to take it.
Then when he struck Mr. Barrett that
gentleman, instead of being knocked
to one side was thrown up on the fen-
der and hood of the machine. The
driver then swung to the right to get
on the state highway but not quick
enough to avoid striking the big tele-
phone pole that stands in the triangle
of the three roads. The car struck
the pole at the front door and the im- !
pact was so terriffic that the side of
the car was crushed in and the ma-
chine badly wrecked. As the car
struck the pole the force of the im-
pact was so great that White was
thrown against the pole, causing a
deep laceration of the scalp, but no
fracture of the bone. This was the
only visible injury but it is likely that
his death was caused by concussion of
‘the brain and shock.
The injured man was hurried to the
Bellefonte hospital where everything
possible was done for him but he
never regained consciousness.
At the time of the accident search
was made for Mr. Barrett but he
could not be found and some inclined
to the belief that he had not been hurt
but had gone back to his work as fire-
man at the pike kilns of the American
Lime & Stone company. It was fully
an hour later when Mrs. Tressler and
a Miss McMullen walked up to the
wreck and heard some person moan-
ing. They were very much frightened
and promptly ran to the nearest
houses and summoned help. A search
then revealed Mr. Barrett lying in a
deep ditch to the left of the road. He
had evidently been carried on the
front of the car about a hundred feet
until the auto struck the telephone
pole, then hurled a distance of seven-
ty feet to where he was found in the
ditch. And strange as it may seem
not a bone in his body was broken
though he was cut and bruised and is
suffering from shock. He was
brought to the hospital by the Emer-
ick motor bus.
Mr. White, who was thirty-eight
i years old, was married and has two
small children. His wife was brought
to Bellefonte Saturday morning be-
fore he died but he was unconscious so
did not know her. An auto hearse
from Huntingdon came to Bellefonte
Saturday afternoon and took the re-
mains to that place for burial.
e——— el —————————
Notice to Women.
Any woman in Centre county who
has not been registered and wants to
vote at the November election should
promptly apply to tife registration as-
sessor to place her name upon the list,
then hunt up the tax collector in her
district and pay the fifteen cents tax
on or before October 2nd. This latter
is imperative, otherwise she will not
be permitted to vote.
— The regular September term of
court will convene in Bellefonte next
week. In the neighborhood of twen-
ty Commonwealth cases are open on
the docket, but it is possible that a
number of them will be disposed of
without going to trial.
| Lost.—Between Bellefonte and Cur-
tin, pair of glasses in case. Finder
| please return to this office.
— The Clinton county farmer’s
picnic scheduled for Labor day was
postponed on account of rain. It has
been decided to hold this picnic on
Thursday, September 30th, at Agar’s
park, near Mill Hall. There will be
livestock exhibits, judging contests,
poultry culling demonstrations and
various other features on the pro-
gram. Everybody is invited to take
their basket and spend the day.
— The congregation of St. Paul’s
A. M. E. church have this week been
celebrating the sixty-second anniver-
sary of ihe establishment of the
church in this place. The services be-
gan last Sunday and will continue
over the coming Sunday, which in re-
ality will be the big day of the cele-
bration. There will be preaching
services both ‘morning and evening
with the young people’s services in
the afternoon. Both dinner and sup-
per will be served at the church an
day of it.
— The attention of farmers and
dairymen in Centre county is hereby
called to the new advertisement of the
Western Maryland Dairy in this issue
of the “Watchman;” and in this con-
nection we might add that the com-
pany’s new milk station in this place
is fast nearing completion. One por-
tion of the plant is up and already
be completed in the next two or three
weeks. . The matter of installing the
machinery will not be a big job, so
| market for milk.
Residents of Bellefonte were
considerably startled about
wondered what it was. Yesterday it
was learned that the responsible par-
ty was J. Mitchell Cunningham. For
some time past he has been courting
a desire to get rid of an old stone sta-
ble on his property and he finally con-
ceived the idea of blowing it down.
The attempt was made on Wednesday
evening and While the explosion made
plenty of noise its demolishing force
was not as great as desired.
The top of the Methodist
church steeple was pulled down a few
minutes after four o’clock on Monday
afternoon and so carefully had con-
tractor Edward Hepburn planned
everything that the twenty-five foot
section fell sidewise into the gutter
and did practically no damage what-
ever. An.interesting incident in con-
nection with the taking down of the
| steeple is that the iron top of it was
put up forty-four years ago by W. T.
| Twitmire and one of the Tates, and on
: Monday Mr. Twitmire helped to pull
Lit down. Now that the top of the
| steeple is down the dismantling of the
| balance of it will be a simple matter.
| Americanization course of citizenship
now being conducted every Monday
| and Wednesday evenings at the Belle-
fonte High school. Last winter from
| twenty to thirty men and women at-
tended the Americanization course
and there is no doubt but that all of
The principal studies taught are
. reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling
and American history. This course
offers a rare opportunity to all for-
| tage of the opportunity and attend it.
| _
| As it looks now Bellefonte will
have one less hotel at this time next.
week. H. S. Ray, who will retire
| from the management of the well
| known Brockerhoff house next Thurs-
| day is offering all the equipment of the
“big hotel at private sale and what is
unsold will be moved out of the house
‘next Thursday and stored. Up to the
| present time no one has been secured
to take charge of the hotel, and it is
quite possible no special effort in this
direction will be made before next
spring at least. With coal as high as
it is the heating of the hotel during
the winter season means an expense
of twenty dollars a day, or there-
abouts, so that the overhead expense
of keeping it open would be quite
large. Thus it is almost a certainty
that next Friday morning will find the
hotel tightly locked and the date of
its reopening as a public hostlery is
i entirely problematical.
in the history of Bellefonte that one
of its hotels has thus been. closed to
public patronage. :
“Humeoresque” at State College.
In conformity with the progressive
policy of the management of the Pas-
time theatre, State College, they are
to present “Humoresque” Thursday
and Friday of next week. This pro-
duction broke all former records in
New York city in a continuous run of
ten weeks at the Criterion theatre,
and is now doing the same in Phila-
delphia at the Metropolitan opera
house. These theatres showed at ad-
vanced prices but it will be shown at
State College at 30 cents for adults
and children 15 cents and tax. The
photoplay is real life faithfully por-
trayed. It has an immense appeal to
the heart, equalled by few works of
literature and fewer stage produc-
tions. It is a story that cries to hide
its laughter and laughs to hide its
tears. It is the one outstanding pic-
ture of the year, and all who witness
it will agree with this statement.
38-1t* |
the congregation will thus make a full |
under roof and the entire building will '
that the company will soon be in the
seven |
o'clock on Wednesday evening by a
terrific explosion which literally shook
the houses, and naturally - everybody
——A number of foreign born citi- |
| zens have enrolled as students in the .
| them were greatly benefitted thereby. :
! eign born citizens and every one who :
can possibly do so should take advan-
It might!
! here be added that it is the first time
We are Receiving Many Letters from
Since starting the campaign to
raise enough money on our subscrip-
tion list to pay for a car load of pa-
per we have received many responses.
Not as many, of course, as we would
like to have but yet sufficient to quite
encourage the hope that our readers
will not fail us in this extremity.
While many of those who have re-
sponded have been too busy to do
more than enclose a check or money
order others have found time to write
most encouraging little notes. While
| we have no thought of criticism for
| those who have not had the time to do
| more than answer our appeal in a
| purely business way, for we know that
| other people are just as busy as we
are ourselves, we can’t resist express-
{ing our gratitude for the kindly ex-
pressions of appreciation of our work
that so many of our readers have
sent in.
We are all human, and whether it
i be the real thing or only flattery we
| just can’t help being cheered up a bit
when some one tells us that the
| “Watchman” is really a worth while
newspaper. We know of no work,
' outside of that of a country physician,
: that is more of a grind. When every-
‘thing about us is going awry and lead-
. gray skies are o’erhanging we have to
“try to record the joys of the other fel-
low as happily as possible. Just as
| when the sun is shining gloriously in
[ur office and we would see nothing
i but blue skies everywhere we are
called upon to record the inexpressi-
ble sorrows that are ever coming to
others. These things go on forever
in a newspaper office and worse than
ever ina country office, where it must
all be done by two or three individu-
als. The present edition is not Avy
from the press before thoughts of
next week’s issue begin to haunt us.
It is not a sob chorus that we are
trying to sing because we don’t hare
to remain in the newspaper business.
We are here because we like it, be-
cause we honestly think we are ren-
dering the community a service. So
, you can understand now why we are
cheered up a bit by a word now and
On Wednesday a letter came from
an old, old friend, the venerable Ja-
cob Solt, of Frederick, Md., who is
now seventy-six years old and has
read the “Watchman” continuously
since he was twelve. “It would go
very hard with me to do without the
dear old paper” he writes and we
want to tell you.all that his use of
that word “dear” carries ‘a lot of
meaning to us.
Then our friend Logan Long, who
is now working up at Port Matilda,
writes in that “anyone who can’t get
a dollar and a half’s worth of news out
‘of one week’s issue of the “Watch-
man” must be blind.” We have a fear
that Log. is handing us a little bull,
but be that as it may it was mighty
fine of him to think of us at all.
And a friend out at Woodlawn,
Pa., tells us that “we enjoy your very
valuable paper immensely” and then
he takes a slam at our versatile cor-
respondent at Pleasant Gap because
that worthy scribe gets his interest
all worked up on doings at the Gap
and then lets the Gap fall clear off the
map for a few weeks.
And so they have been. Chuck full
of good wishes, friendly criticism and
| the stuff we care for least and need
| most—money.. We are grateful for
every one of them and hope the
writers will understand the utter im-
, possibility to give them the personal
acknowledgment they deserve.
John T. Harris Again Promoted.
John Tonner Harris, whom we
Bellefonters will always claim as one
‘of “our boys,” has again won a mer-
ited promotion in the organization of
the Bell Telephone company, having
been appointed division superintend-
ent of traffic of the Pittsburgh divis-
ion, which includes the Pittsburgh
central district, the Pittsburgh subur-
ban district and the Western Pennsyl-
vania district. Shortly after his grad-
uation at State College, or in 1898,
Mr. Harris entered the employ of the
. Bell Telephone company in Bellefonte
as an installer of phones. He early
showed an adaptability to the work
with the result that he was made
manager of the office at Philipsburg.
: In 1901 he was given charge of the
| Altoona territory where he remained
until 1907 when he was transferred to
| the traffic department at Harrisburg,
having successively filled the positions
: of traffic superintendent, division traf-
fic manager and division superintend-
. ent of traffic. His transfer to a larger
field not only carries with it greater
responsibilities and a nice increase in
salary but is evidence of the confi-
dence placed in him by the Bell man-
agement. The “Watchman” wishes
him continued success in his new field
of labor.
Vacation of College Township Roads
The board of road and bridge view-
ers was in session on Monday hearing
testimony for and against applica-
tions to vacate two pieces of road in
College township, one from the Oak
Hall station to the farm of Oscar
| Rishel, and the ‘other from Centre
Furnace to the Big Hollow road on the
line of College and Ferguson town-
ships, and an application to vacate a
piece of road in Boggs township from
Curtin along the north side of the
‘Bald Eagle creek to the old Barnhart
farm. After hearing:the testimony of
cided to recommend the vacating of
the College township roads while the
' Boggs township road was held over
until the December term of court.
many interested persons the board de--
—Miss Janet Potter has returned from
Philipsburg to be permanently located in
—Mrs. Coburn Rogers and her children
have been at Mrs. Rogers’ former home at
Forty Fort, during the month of Septem-
—The Misses Alta and Ethel Boyce, of
Clearfield, were week-end guests of Miss
Katherine Allison, at her home on Alle-
gheny street. :
—Mrs. S. 8. Irvin, of Reynolds avenue,
returned to Bellefonte a week ago from a
visit with relatives and friends in Tyrone,
Altoona and Sandy Ridge.
—C. W. Renner, who had been in Belle-
fonte, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bart-
ley for a part of his vacation, returned to
his home in Altoona Monday.
—Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Gardner, of Johns-
town. arrived in Bellefonte Tuesday morn-
ing to spend a short time with Mrs. Gard-
ner’s mother, Mrs. Cyrus Strickland.
Mrs. Henry. Wetzel is anticipating
spending the winter in New York city,
going over to be with Mrs. Albert Hoy,
during Mr. Hoy’s frequent absences from
the city.
—Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Strawn and Mr. and
Mrs. L. P. Monahan, of Pittsburgh, were
gnests at the Bush house over Sunday
night, being on a motor trip to Delaware
Water Gap.
Mrs. Catharine Cherry and little son
‘ Harold left for their home in Clearfield
vesterday, after spending the summer in
Bellefonte with Mrs. Cherry's mother, Mrs
Martin Haines.
Mrs. H. Laird Curtin and her eldest
daughter, Mary, went to Atlantic City the
early part of the ‘week, hoping to improve |
the health of both by a stay of several
weeks at the Shore.
__Mrs. Charles Young accompanied Mr.
Young to State College Monday, expecting
.to remain with him during his Senior year
at college. Mrs. Young is better known in
Bellefonte as Miss Lois Kirk.
__Frank Hoag, -of - Little Valley, New
York, was a Bellefonte visitor the early
part of the week, coming here to look over
a business proposition which may eventu-
ally lead to his becoming a resident of the
— Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy Johnston
drove to Carlisle last week accompanied by
their two sons, Hugh and Phil, who enter-
ed Dickinson college for the regular class-
ical course, both boys expecting to pre-
pare for the law.
Mrs. Grant Peifer, of Wilkinsburg, has
been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
Hoy, for a week. Mrs. Peifer is among the
many who have been ill during the past
year and her stay here is indefinite, de-
pending altogether on the condition of her
— Rev. M. DeP. Maynard has been spend-
‘ing this week at the retreat for priests
held annually at Holy Cross Monastery,
West Park, N. Y. Today he will attend
the meeting of the executive council of the
Diocese of Harrisburg, of which he is a
Miss Katherine Hoover is spending a
part of the month of September in Atlantic
‘City, as a guest of Miss Humes. Miss
Hoover left Bellefonte very early in the
month, stopping in Philadelphia for
week with her father before going on to
the Shore. .
— Mrs. George YanDyke came in from
Pittsburgh last week on account of the ill-
ness of her mother, Mrs. John Noll, who
is now slowly recovering from a recent
slight stroke. A family party in celebra-
ton of Mr. Noll's seventy-fifth birthday,
was given at the Noll home Monday night.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Achenbach, of
Glens Falls, visited for a short time in
Bellefonte this week, driving here from
Williamsport, ‘where they have been visit-
ing with Mr. Achenbach’s sister, Mrs.
Mussina. Mr. and Mrs. Achenbach drove
to Williamsport from New York State late
last week.
— Wallace H. Gephart, assistant engineer
of the New York Central R. R., has been
in Bellefonte spending a short vacation
here with Mrs. Gephart and their two chil-
dren. Mrs. Gephart came here three
weeks ago from Bronxville and will remain
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,
for an indefinite time.
Mrs. Katherine Furey Hunter and Wil-
liam T. Speer Jr., of Pittsburgh, came to
Bellefonte Saturday. Mrs. Hunter went on
to Pleasant Gap, where she is a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller, while Mr. Speer,
after spending a short time with his
brother, Francis, left for Lewistown for a
visit with his sister, Mrs. Harris Mann.
—Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harper and their
two sons came here last week from Day-
ton, Ohio, where Mr. Harper had been do-
ing special work during the summer. After
a short visit home Mr. Harper left to be-
gin his new work at Pratt Institute,
Brooklyn, leaving Mrs. Harper and the
boys in Bellefonte, until securing a home,
when they will join him at once.
Mrs. David L. Goldie, of New York
city, and her niece, Miss Evelyn Radcliffe,
of Philadelphia, came here Saturday, ex-
pecting to-spend a month in the country
in the vicinity of Bellefonte. Mrs. Goldie,
who is a grand-daughter of the late Wil-
liam Eckley, left here when a very small
child, but has kept in touch with her peo-
ple and their friends in this locality, by
occasional visits. Miss Radeliffe’s health is
the reason for Mrs. Goldie coming at this
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Barnhart, of
Linn street, are entertaining Mr. DBarn-
hart’s brother, Harry O. Barnhart, of Cal-
ifornia. He came east a month or more
ago and will visit in Centre county several
weeks longer. He is a grower of citrus
fruit, near Los Angeles, and specializes in
lemons; having eight acres of them under
cultivation. A fair idea of farming, as
they call it out there, can be had from Mr.
Barnhart’s statement that many farmers
own only one acre and when that is devel-
oped to a profitable lemon grove the re-
turns are sufficient to insure a very com-
fortable living.
—Capt. W. H. Fry, of Pine Grove Mills,
took his departure Monday for Indianap-
olis, Ind., to attend the annual encamp-
ment of the National G. A. R., which will
be held in that city this week. With doc-
toring sick animals, speaking a good word
for his fellowmen through his weekly let-
ters in the ‘“Watchman” and his deep in-
terest in all matters pertaining to the G.
A. R., the captain is without a doubt the
busiest seventy-seven year old man in
Centre county and the “Watchman’’ hopes
that he will enjoy every minute of his trip
to Indianapolis. with Capt. Fry are
teorge W. Loner, of Stormstown, and J.
R. Pheasant, of Mt. Fagle, the combined
ages of the ‘three boys” being 245 years.
—After spending most of the summer in
| Buffalo, N. Y., Linn Love and family have
returned to Bellefonte.
| —Miss Russie Cole left yesterday for
| philadelphia, where she will spend the
winter studying vocal music.
—Ed. Saylor, ef Scottdale, is visiting
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Winton and family in this place.
—James Pierpoint Esq., of Philadelphia,
spent the week-end in Bellefonte, as a
guest of Dr. Joseph Brockerhoff.
—John Marks and son Keith went t(o
Derry yesterday, where they will spend a
part of Mr. Mark’s vacation with his par-
—Rev. George Smith, William J. Sager
and Darius Waite have been in Johnstown
this week attending the 82nd annual con-
ference of the U. B. church.
—_Mrs. McClellan, who expects te spend
the winter in Bellefonte with her sister,
Mrs. Samuel Sheffer, will come here from
Denver, Colorado, this week.
—Miss Margaret Noonan will leave to-
morrow to resume her work in New York,
after spending her vacation here with her
mother, Mrs. James Noonan.
—Messrs. Weaver and Korman, who are
interested in the Coburn Farm Product's
(0's extensive enterprises at Coburn, were
in town on business yesterday.
—Mrs. David L. Goldie,
| of New York,
| and her niece, Miss Radcliffe, left the Bush
house Wednesday, for a two week's stay
on the Bechdel farm at Blanchard.
| __After a visit of several days at the
{ home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Swarmer, in
Lewistown, Mrs. Charles Miller returned
|'to her home in Bellefonte last Saturday.
| —The Misses Margaret and Katherine
| Redding, of Wishaw, Pa., were guests the
| latter part of last week of their aunts, the
Misses Curry, at their home on Logan
—Edward Butts, a son of the late David
| Butts, and a former resident of Bellefonte,
| has been visiting in Bellefonte during the
| past week. Mr. Butts is now a civil engi-
| neer, of Springfield, Mass.
—Mrs, William A. Kirby and her son,
William Jr., who had been visiting with
Mrs. Kirby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sech-
ler, returned to Baltimore yesterday, that
the child might begin his winter scheol
—Among a number of men from Belle-
fonte who were in Altoona yesterday for
a meeting of the Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine were, George T. Bush, Wilson 8.
Sholl, Charles E. Garbrick, William PB.
Seig, Dr. S. M. Nissley, Dr. Irwin and C.
D. Casebeer, with Frank Wetzler and Os-
car Miles, of Milesburg.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Benner, of Centre
Hall, were in Bellefonte yesterday. Mrs
Benner being on her way home from a vis-
it with her father, John Q. Miles, at Mar-
tha. Mr. and Mrs. Benner will leave next
week for Buffalo and Niagara Falls and
other places in New York State, and from
‘there go to Washington and Baltimore.
—R. D. Foreman, the Centre Hall grain
and coal merchant, was in town yesterday
on business. While talking to him over
the general condition of the country Mr.
Foreman said that in all his experience in
business he had never seen people as will-
ing to part with their money as they are
i now. No one seems to ask the price of a
thing nowadays.
— The Misses Sara and Betty Stevenson
will leave next week for California, being
transferred by the government from the U.
S. General hospital, No. 19, at Oteen, N.C.
to the Letterman General hospital at San
! Francisco. The Misses Stevenson, who are
| daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Steven-
i son, of Waddle, and graduates of the
Bellefonte hospital, volunteered for service
at the first call from the government dur-
ing the war.
—_The Misses Inez and Ethel Sellers, of
Buffalo Run, ‘having as driving guests
their aunt, Mrs. C. F. Harlacher, of
Stormstown, and her daughters, Mrs. A.
H. Millville, of Greenwich, Conn., and Miss
Susan Harlacher and the former's daugh-
ter, Edith Jane, motored to Bellefonte for
a day last week. Mrs. Harlacher and Miss
Susan are preparing to go to Greenwich
for the winter, intending to leave the farm
as soon as possible.
Marriage Licenses.
Glendon E. Fetzer, Milesburg, and
Amber Confer, Yarnell.
Willis F. Best and Ethel A. Meyer,
Floyd G. Gramley and Edna Fae
Smith, Loganton.
Steve Shutik and Annie Matella,
Clarence. :
Ralph T. Hassinger and Nancy M.
Johnson, Bellefonte.
Thomas G. Stole, Muncy, and Lau-
ra C. Williams, Howard.
Spring Township Tax Payers—Wom-
en and Men.
I collect at Axe Mann Friday after-
noon. Garman hotel all day Satur-
day. Bush Addition Monday, 9 to 12;
Coleville Monday, 1 to 6 p. m.
eee pee
$10 Reward.
Lost.—Black traveling bag, two
handles; lost on road from Lock Ha-
ven to Bellefonte. Finder please re-
turn to this office and claim reward.
The Bellefonte Trust Co., ad-
ministrator, will offer at public sale
on the premises on Saturday, Septem-
ber 25, at 2 p. m., the Ammerman real
estate on Bishop street. Very desira-
ble property, in good location. 38-1t
Sale of Household Goods.— On
Thursday, September 30th, at 1
o'clock, at residence of Mrs. R. G. H.
Hayes, north Allegheny street. 37-2t
— eee, se
Sale Register.
Saturday, Oct. 2.—At Pine Grove Mills,
Pa., Wm. Groh Runkle, executor of Wm.
S. Tate, di ~eased, will sell a full line of
household goods, blacksmith toels, car-
penter’s tools, horse gears, etc. Sale at
1 o'clock p. m.
Thursday, Sept. 30.—At the Miller home-
stead Year Stormstown, - the household
goods of the late Miss Candace E. E. Mil-
ler, including parlor, dining room, kitch-
en and bedroom furniture, some cotton
piece goods, and many other articles.
Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. J. Watt Miller,
Tyrone, Admr. Geo. C. Waite, Auc.