Bellefonte, Pa., September 24, 1920. EE EE EE SES) Real Estate Transfers. John Kaufman, et ux, to F. W. Cri- der, tract in Spring township; $2,500. Maude S. Jordan, et al, to Harry Homer, tract in Potter township; $325. Paul Jones, et al, to A. G. Ericson, tract in Philipsburg; $1,500. Paul Jones, et al, to Annie F. Eric- | som, tract in Philipsburg; $1,200. Rebecca N. Rhoads, et al, to Chem- ical Lime Co., tract in Spring town- ship; $5,700. Mary Hoover, et al, attorney in fact, to Grant Hoover, tract in Union township; $2,010. Molly L. Valentine to Charles E. Spicher, et al, tract in Benner town- ship; $6,000. Angeline S. Barr, et bar, to Fred Mattern, et al, trustee, tract in Rush township; $800. A. A. Deitrich, treasurer, to Fred Mattern, et al, trustee, tract in Rush township; $1. John Orwick, et ux, to Edward: Or- wick, tract in Taylor township; $825. Herbert. J. Bickford,, trustee, |, iv to Thomas B. Bridgens, tract in Burn-* side township; $2,230. Catharine Miller to Kline A. Miller, tract in Madisonburg; $1. Agnes Gunter, et al, to Albert H. Klinger, tract in Rush township; $1,200. : Sarah Bible, et bar, to Mary Btad- ley, tract in Bellefonte; $1. Frank D. Gardner, et ux, to Ray- mond G. Bressler, tract in College township; $6,200. Harry E. Breon, et ux, to Rebecca Woazen, tract in Spring township, $1,- 0. A. Walter's trustees to J- W. O- Houseman, tract in Millheim, $300. Jennie E. Harvey, et ux, to Victor ese, tract in Philipsburg, $3,- Harry E. Breon, et ux, to Elias. Breon, tract in Spring township $150. John Orwick, et ux, to Harriet F. Orwick, tract in Taylor township, $1, 0, ‘ Geo- M. Stover, to A. A. Stover, tract in Haines township, $350. Robert S. Pritchard to James J. Markle, tract in State College, $7,- 000. Ellis L. Orvis, et al, executors, to Moshannon Coal Mining Company, tract in Rush township, $22,500. Louisa Bush to J. Clyde Jodon, tract in Spring township, $1,500. J. Howard Musser, et ux, to Al- len L. Baker, tract in State College, $6,500. Josephine R. Brew, et al, to Benja- min Bradley, Jr., tract in Bellefonte, $600. Harvey D. Rossman, executor, to C. W. Luse, tract in Gregg township, $4,- 130. J. Milo Campbell, et ux, to J. How- ard Musser, tract in State College, $6,571 000. 4 : Wm. F. Ertley, et ux, to’'Jennie B. Pierce, tract in State College, $7,- 000. \ Edward H. Myers, et ux, to Thomas Cravatt, tract in State College, $4,- 000. TM. Aikens, S. K. Gramley, et ux, to Claude G. tract in Spring Mills, $600. Hostetter, et al, to Claude G. Aikens, tract in State College, $2,250. S. K. Hostetter, et al to Wm. F. Ertley, tract in State College, $4650. Mary Olds Foster, et al, to Tau Co. of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, tract in State College, $20,000. Elizabeth Swift, et al, to John Todd, Harvey, et ux, tract in Philipsburg, $1,150. : 3 no Women Will Meet in ‘Norway Septem- ‘ber 8th. TH Women from countries that remain- ed neutral and from those that took opposite sides in the late war will as- semble in the first meeting since 1914 at the Quinquennial congress of the International Council of Women, at Cirisgiang, Norway, September 8 to Tth. The object of the congress is to pro- vide 2a means of communication be- tween women’s organizations in all countries on questions relating to the welfare of the Commonwealth, the family and the individual. Some 400 women, including several Americans, have enrolled to attend. Discussions will be held on such subjects as new lines in the system of education. International aspects of public health, the housing problem, the campaign against social diseases, and the League of Nations. Delegates will be received in the Royal Palace by Queen Maude of Nor- way, the city of Christiana will ten- der a luncheon and they will be enter- tained by various civic societies. The meetings of the councils are to be held in the Norwegian Parliament building. The Shrewdest of Buffaloes. The tame buffalo of India is’ said to be unusually intelligent, notwith- standing its rough and stupid-appear- ing exterior. An American who has made the passage up the Brahampu- tra river, relates an instance of calcu- lation on the part of these animals such as must have been amusing to witness. While this American and his party wee awaiting the arrival of a steam- er coming down the river, they be- | came interested in the behavior of a | herd of buffaloes belonging to a | neighboring village. It was observed | that each morning, about six o’clock, tie whole herd swam across the river from the opposite side, the bull con- | siderably in advance leading the way, | followed by the cows with their calves | by their sides. | They entered the water about half | a mile up the stream on the opposite bank, and the strong current washed them down to the village where they! desired fo land. This was as judicious | = a calculation of the distance and pow- er of the current as could have been made by any creature, including man. " Now the river at this point was: very broad, but as there was better feeding-ground on the other bank, the animals preferred the swim. After they had reached the bank safely there was a halt for a few minutes to rest and recover breath.—Edwin Tar- risse. ——If you have done something that is good, forget it—and do some- thing better.—Lavater. PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN Any Country Motorist can Supply the Words and Music for. this Cartoon. The Wealthiest Nation on Earth had I'lenty of Kale to dig the Panama Canal and Wallop the Germans but Can't Spare more than a few Stingy Jitneys to Prevent the Country Roads from turning into Goo at the first Heavy Dew. me eee pl eee. CASTORIA Bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. In use for over thirty years, and The Kind You Have Always Bought. mt——— | | i RS CLR LE ) . | TI LY b | i / ol You’ll see in ‘Edison and Music” 17 ex- quisite phonograph cabinets—all genuine period cabinets—all Edison Cabinets. You’ll be fascinated! Think of it! You can choose your cabinet on basis of price, or size, or taste— —and yet be sure that whatever you select, you’ll have a genuine piece of period furni- ture. By all means, read ‘“‘Edison and Music.” See what wonderful smusic-and-furniture possibilities it unfolds.‘ GHEEN'S MUSIC STORE Brockerhoff House Block BELLEFONTE, - - PA a EE —— ROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE P CONSTITUTION SUBMITTED TO BER 2, 1920, BY TH ENE SEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SHCRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN _PUR- SUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. : Number One. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section eleven of article sixteen of the Conptitution of | ¢ reads as follows: Pennsylvania, Be it resolved by the Semate and Kioume ‘{ exceed seven i —— of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment to the Constitution of the = Commonwealth of ‘Pennsylvania be, and the same is hereby, proposed, in accordance with the eigh- teenth article thereof: — Amend section eleven, article sixteen of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which reads as follows: “No corporate body to possess banking and discounting privileges shall be created or organized in pursuance of any law without three months’ previous public notice, at the place of the intended loca- tion, of the intention to apply for such privileges, in such manner as shall be pre- seri by law, nor shall a charter for such privilege be granted for a longer period than twenty years,” so that it shall read as follows: The General Agsembly shall have the ower by general law to provide for the ncorporation of banks and trust com- panies, and to prescribe the powers thereof. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 1. CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Two. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to article nine, section eight of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Sen- ate and House of Representatives in Gen- eral Assembly met, That the following amendment to the Constitution of Penn- gylvania be, and the same is hereby, pro- posed, in accordance with the eighteenth article thereof: — That article nine, section eight, amended to read as follows: Section 8. The debt of any .county,. city, borough, township, séhael