a a SLT PO Vow STITT L'a a a a a PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sabbath services as follows: Morn- ing worship at 10:45. Evening wor- ship at 7:80. Sabbath school at 9:45 a.m. Prayer service every Wednes- day evening at 7:45. A cordial wel- come to all. W. K. McKinney, Ph. D., Pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, High street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o'clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room is open to the public every Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Sub- ject, September 26th, “Reality.” ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning September 26: Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 8 a. m., Holy Eucharist. 9:45 a m., church school. 11 a. m., Mattins and sermon. 7:30 p. m., even- song and sermon. Wednesday, Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, 10 a. m., Holy Eucharist, corporate Holy Communion for members of the Wom- an’s Auxiliary Friday, 7:30 p. m., Litany and instruction. Visitors al- ways welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED. Sunday, September 26th. Services with sermon at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. meeting 6:45 p. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, Minister. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday school Rally day, with spe- cial music, at 9:30. Every member urged to Le present. The entire school will assemble in the auditorium for special addresses at 10:45. Junior League, 2 p. m. Senior League, 6:30. Sermon, “Wanted, a Man,” 7:30. Vis- itors welcome. Rev. Alexander Scott, Minister. | yout 125 feet square. Fruit of all kinds. - ' A good investment. Price, $1,300. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OST.——A small black leather handbag, L containing clothing and personal articles, between Woodward and Bellefonte, by way of the creek road at Millheim and the Madisonburg mountain. Reward if returned to Dr. E. 8. MALOY, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-38-1t by Theodore Davis Boal, C. Ww. Corl and Pierre de Legarde Boal, to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1920, at one o'clock p. m., under the provisions of an Act of As- sembly, entitled: “An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations,” approved the 29th day of April, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a Charter for an intended corporation called the “Boalsburg Auto Bus Line,” the character and object of which is to oper- ate auto busses as a common carrier, for the transportation of persons and proper- ty, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and priv- ileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto conferred. SPANGLER and WALKER, 65-38-4t “Solicitors. with meals at Real Estate Operators | | good lot, a good home, 1% miles from = | State College, PR reer | halt mile from Unionville borough. A bhar- HARTER NOTICE.—Notice is hereby | gain, at $3500. C given that application will be made | gain, at $3 i pasture and timber, good limestone soil, 9 | room house, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EAL ESTATE.—J. M. KEICHLINE. R real estate operator in Centre county buys and sells real estate. If you want to buy or sell real estate write to him or call at his office in Semple court, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-28- Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m. PHILADELPHIA. PA, Farm for Sale. 70 acre Askey farm, one mile north- east of Howard. 8-room house, bank barn. Approximately 40 acres good tillable land; 26 acres ridge land, 12 acres timber land. Limestone quarry. Fairview school and church 300 yards from farm house. Offers will be re- ceived until October 1, 1920. Address Mrs. CLARA WEBER THOMAS, 65-31-tf. Howard, Centre Co., Pa. Carpenters Wanted! | Carpenters for construction work. Wages, 80c. per hour for first-class men. 10 hours per day. Long job. Good sleeping accommodations free a reasonable rate. Transportation one way refunded ! after six week’s steady work. Apply THE VICOSE COMPANY, Lewistown, Pa. The McVey Co. 65-37-5t FOR SALE. Two story frame, double dwelling; lot Six roem brick dwelling, with furnace; along state read. Price, $3,800, 24 acre truck and poultry farm, 8 reem house in good repair, good barn, never failing spring and well water at house and barn; good orchard. An ideal home, omne- 142 acres—100 acres clear, balance in good barn, running water supplies house and barn; large orchard with choice fruit of all kinds; near church and school. 4 miles from Bellefonte, along public road; priee $8500. east of Howard. OFFICES: BELLEFONTE MOUNT UNION i ALTOONA BEDFORD ! HARRISBURG LEWISTOWN | JOHNSTOWN i Crider Stone Building 65-18-tf . Bellefonte, Pa. Garman Theatre TONIGHT a a an ST SSRPARARAAAARAARAN A SALA LALRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAN WAAR A A A A A A ree eee Pu I TNT PANINI IIT Greatest Ever is what the people who attended last night’s performance say about ~ EARL CARROLL’S NEW PLAY AN UP TO THE MINUTE COMEDY By Earl Carroll and Thomas J. Gray c Benefit of the American Legion NOT of Unusual Beauty A Moving Picture A Scenic Production PRICES: $150 $100 50 Plus War Tax § Full of Snappy and Original Dialogue XECUTOR’'S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of Moses | + Hurwitz, late of State College bor- ough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned all persons knowing them- selves indebted to same are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them, duly authenicated, for settlement. MRS. EDITH HURWITZ, State College, Pa. W. HARRISON WALKER, Bellefonte, Pa. 65.33-6t. Executors. ATTENTION FARMERS! —AND— DAIRYMEN! We want the name and address of every farmer and dairyman of Centre county who can furnish milk to The New Milk Station At BELLEFONTE which will be ready for operation in a few weeks. Prompt settlement twice a month and full Dairymen’s League price will be paid. Let us hear from you. Bell telephone connection. XECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ES- TATE.—The undersigned hereby give notice that they will expose to public sale on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1920, at one p. m. a valuable farm situate along the state highway only one-third of a mile west of Pine Grove Mills. The said farm contains about 150 acres, all of which is in a high state of cultivation, except 6 acres of woodland. The house, bank barn, wagon shed and other out-buildings are in good condition. Mountain water is con- veyed by pipe to both house and barn. The preseat wheat crop now in the ground will be reserved, together with the right to harvest the same. Terms of sale: Ten per cent. of pur- chase price on day of sale, forty per cent. on delivery of the deed, and the balance with interest in one year, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises or at the option of the purchaser the whole price may be paid in cash. Possession will be given April the first, 1921. James Reed, Auctioneer. A. STEWART BAILEY, NANNIE BAILEY, Executors of Mary Catharine Orvis & Zerby, Bailey, deceased. Attys. for Executors. 65-37-4t Western Maryland Dairy BELLEFONTE, PA. IRVIN D. BAXTER, Proprietor. J. A. GOLLINS, Country Manager. 65-38-tf SA SLES x TN Sih y SLR So AUDA VE ny RAS 7 7 _ BA” ) Ef (43 A 4 N= IAI He 20 Te xy OE ERA = Tm RR) = 4 \ Sr Vira GF A) FINN SA J J CHOCOLATES DE LUXE As exclusive representative, for this city, we take pride in offering the delicious crea- tions of this World Famous Confectioner THE MOTT DRUG CO., ER Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa. NASI 2S Ni » fe A ACC ENA IIN EA SAS Just a little bit of difference marks our selection of wearing Apparel for Women, Girls and Little Tots. We carry the best obtainable, and sell our merchandise in a courteous, honest manner. IS IT WORTH WHILE STOPPING IN? ZANZIBAR and FAISAN, CHEFOO and SUCHOW are some of the pretty shades and materials you will read about in our New Edition of the WOLLTEX STYLE BOOK. Have you received a copy? If not may we have the pleasure of mailing you one? A card or a phone call will attention. receive prompt Of course you know that we have a Graduate Corsetierre always in attendance. E feel that we are equipped for any business relating to banking. Long experience has given us confidence in our ability to serve you. The First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. 61-46 64-37 SCHLOW’S QUALITY SHOP The Best for the Well-Dressed Phone In Your Orders. 65-1 SECHLER & CoO. Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- where and at fair prices. We Tavite You to Test this Statement with Your Patronage. | € $ $ ; ) $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 S $ % > ) 4 > > ) 4 ) p ; ; ) ) ) ) ) y ) ) : ) ) ) ) 1 ) 1 ) 1 ) b d p : p ) 4 p. p b h ) ) b ) ) ) ) ) ) ) » ) ) b ) ) 4 4 4 ¢ 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¢ < 4 4 ¢ ( 4 4 4 4 4 ¢ 4 ¢ s 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ( 4 4 4 ( § 4 § $ 4 1 4 q 4 4 4 ( £ 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 { 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 § ¢ 4 4 4 4 4 4 # | selected with care for the occasion for A Gif ~ which it is intended is a joy both to the donor and receiver. This store can surely help you. — F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. 64-22-tf Tire Prices Cut 6000 Mile Fabric Tires 32xX3L...ns $17.87 STR Ac atradons 20.20 3284 23.87 34 X 4 corvinitrinenion 25.38 32x 4oeenereee 30.40 33X43 nnn 31.23 axl noe 31.75 BEX Mire 33.13 30% 4d..cinsienns 33.38 BERD rns 43.75 65-5-1y You can not afford to take chances on Tires that have run their mileage when we are offering, at the '$ following prices, new and absolutely perfect : 6000 Mile Cord Tires 32X 3% $24.98 32X4 corrernene 32.95 33X4 ween 33.72 34X4 conn 34.25 32x43 37.13 33X43 38.15 34 X43 renee 39.75 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. §