ee Less Labor. Diner (scanning the bill of fare)— “Rump steak 40 cents and again 50 cents. What's the difference?” Waiter—“You get a sharper knife with the 50 cent one, sir.”—Boston Transcript. No Cause for Alarm. Traveling Man—“Some tornado that was we had around here last night. Do any damage to your barn? Phlegmatic Farmer — “Dunno. hain’t found the durn thing yet”— The American Legion Weekly. — If you see it in the “Watch- man” you will know it’s true. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED.—100 CARPENTERS ON W new paper mill. Wages, 80 cents per hour, with a bonus of four hours pay for a full week’s work. Apply to TURNER CONSTRUCTION CO. 65-28-6t. Lock Haven, Pa. BAL ESTATE.—J. M. KEICHLINE, R real estate operator in Centre county buys and sells real estate. If you want to buy or sell real estate write to him or call at his office in Temple court, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-28-6m OR SALE.—Ford touring car, 1919 model, in first-class shape. Extra winter top and extra new tires, Hassler shock absorbers and completely equipped with all extras. Bargain price for quick sale. R. R. BLAIR, Bellefonte, Pa. Both Phones. 65-26-1f DMINISTRATOR’'S NOTICE.—Letters A of administration having been is- sued to the undersigned upon the estate of Clarence T. Lucas, late of Snow Shoe township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- tate are requested to make prompt pay- ment, and those having claims against the same must present thm, duly authenticat- ed, for settlement. C. M. MUFFLEY, Administrator, J. K. Johnston, Howard, Pa. Attorney. 65-32-6t. OTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING.—No- tice is hereby given that the an- nual meeting of the members of the Bellefonte Hospital Corporation will be held at the Bellefonte hospital on Fri- day, August 27th, 1920, at four o'clock p. m., for ‘the election of members of the Board of Trustees to fill such vacancies on the Board as may then exist; also to pass upon all such matters as may prop- erly come before said meeting. All per- sons who have contributed to the sup- port of the hospital during the past year are entitled to vote at the said meet- ing. By order of the Board of Trustees, H. E. FENLON, Secretary. OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER.—Notice is hereby giv- en that an application will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, on September 7th, A. os 1920, by LEO E. KELLY, JOSEPH KELLY and JAMES KELLY, Jr.,, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, “An Act to Provide for the Incorporation and Regula- tion of Certain Corporations,” approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements there- to, for the charter of an intended corpora- tion to be called LEO E. KELLY COMPANY the character and object of which is do- ing a general contracting business, to wit: Excavating, grading, curbing, pav- ing, construction of streets, .roads and highways, laying pipes, conduits, drains, the construction of sewers, culverts, abut- ments, cellar walls, foundations and piers, and furnishing labor and material there- 65-31-3t for, and to do a general excavating busi- | ness, and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of As- sembly and its supplements. RICHARDS, SMYTH & CONWAY 65-32-3t Solicitors. FORTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL Encampment and Fair Of the Patrons of Husbandry of Central Pennsylvania. Grange Park, Centre Hall, Pa. September 4th to 10th, 1920 Encampment Opens Sept. 4th Exhibition Opens Sept. 6th The largest and best Fair in Central Pennsylvania; by farmers and for farmers. Twenty-eight acres are devoted to camp- ing and exhibition purposes. A large display of Farm Stock and Poultry Farm Implements, Fruits, Cereals, and every product of farm and garden. ADMISSION FOR ENTIRE WEEK, 25e¢ (All under 18 years of age admitted free.) Campers are given two admissions with each tent. A small fee will be charged for parking automobiles. Horse vehicles FREE. Excursion rates on the railroads within 70 miles. SPECIAL TRAINS WEDNRSDAY AND THURSDAY. D. K. KELLER, Chairman. 653t : Carpenters Wanted! Carpenters for construction work. Wages 70c per hour and upwards ac- cording to ability. 10 hours per day- Long job. Good sleeping accommoda- tion free with meals at reasonable rate. Transportation one way refunded after six weeks steady work. Apply The Viscose Company, LEWISTOWN, PA. 65-32-5t $12.60 — 1 Round Trip Good in Coaches only War Tax 8% Additional From Bellefonte Atlantic City Wildwood, Ocean City, Cape May and all South Jersey Resorts Friday, August 27 Tickets good relurnie within 16 days t= Stop-overs allowed at Philadelphia and Harrisburg on return trip for period not to exceed ten days, if tickets are de- posited with station Ticket Agents. See Flyers. Consult Ticket Agents Proportionate fares from other points. Pennsylvania System 65-33-1t "| purchase price to be pai NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALE OF REAL ESTATE.—THE undersigned, Attorneys in Fact for the children, heirs at law, and legal representatives of Mary Hoover and Harvey Hoover, late of Union township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, (both deceas- ed) in pursuance of the authority granted in ‘a letter of authority duly recorded, will offer at public sale, on the premises sit- uate two miles west of Unionville, along the Dix Run road, in the county, township and State aforesaid, on Saturday, Septem- ber 4th, 1920, at 2:30 p. m., the real estate of the above named decedents, viz: Tract No. 1. Containing 33 acres and 148 perches. Tract No. 2. Containing 63 acres more or less. Tract No. 3. Containing 31 acres and al- lowances. There is erected on the above premises, the usual farm buildings. In addition to a first class apple orchard there is a never failing spring of water on the property TERMS OF SALE. 20 per cent. of the in cash when the property is declared sold; 30 per cent. on the execution and delivery of a Deed, and the balance of 50 per cent. payable within one year, together with interest thereon at 6 per cent. per annum, Secur- ed by proper Bond and Mortgage on the premises. The consideration may be paid in cash upon delivery of deed but the 20 per cent. of the purchase price must be aid on day of sale when property s declared sold. : . Possession of the premises will be given to the purchaser upon the full compliance with the terms of sale. MARTHA H. HOOVER, W. HARRISON WALKER, Attorneys in Fact, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-29-5t. I.. Frank Mayes, Auct. Foot ne STATEMENT—Summary of the Annual Statement of the School District of Bellefonte bor- ough for the year ending July 5th, 1920. A d valuation ............$ 1800962.00 Per Capita 139.21 For School Purposes, 15 mills.. 27014.43 For Sinking Fund and interest, 8 mis... ... cae ye 5402.99 Total Amount of Taxes........ $ 32556.63 Account of Charles F. Cook, Treasurer: RECEIPTS—GENERAL FUND To balance on hand July 7th, A919... ...icivicananae 8 1304.5¢ Amount received from J. K. Johnston, Collector, (general property taX) 27874.22 Tuition, non-resident pupils.... 6133.98 Regular State Appropriation.... 4083. High School Appropriation..... 560.00 Vocational Appropriation....... 1456.68 Salary Increase Appropriation.. 1923.75 Manual Training............. Vala 212.22 TAX LIONnS.....i:ceccvvnasnvaness 156.50 Sales of books, etc.............. 134.06 Amt. rec'd. on Notes.......... . 12000.00 Roceinis..o..- ee ecaeens § 55830.00 EXPENDITURES Expense of Administration: — General Control....$1453.61 Total Educational ....... 661.33—% 2114.94 Expense of Instruction......... 28384.62 Expense of Operation..... ee 5182.30 Expense of Maintenance.. 771.66 Expense of Fixed Charges 149.79 Experse of Debt Service.. 16644.24 Expense of Capital Outlay . 1414.73 Expense of Auxiliary Agencies 219.61 Total Bxpenditures............. § $4881.89 By balance in hands of Treasur- er July 5th, 1920............ 957.11 8 055839.00 SINKING FUND ACCOUNT Receipts :— To Amount on hand July 7th, 1919, (including note of Bellefonte School Board dat- ed July 7th, 1917).......... $ 19,498.53 Received from J. K. Johnston, COlleCtOr. ...c...iincvnanisais 5694.55 Rec'd. from Interest............. qe Total Heceipts....... cicaieasess & 25820.88 Expenditures: — By Amount of State Tax, Int. Coupons, Commissions., etc.§ 3887.45 Balance in Fund July.5th, 1920: “gr ‘Certificate of De | ‘posit .......7.$11833.43 ~ Note of = Belle- fonte School Board :....... 10000.00—$ 21933.43 POtal ......cevazanraeor=.9 20830.88 BALANCE SHEET OF SCHOOL DIST. Assets :— Amount in hands of Treasurer July 5th, 1920. $ 957.11 Due oa Duplicates 6842.44 Due ‘on. Tuition... ..:............ 1385.87 Amt. in Petty Cast Acct......... 7.09 Due from Tax Liens............ 2733.62 Amount in Sinking Fund (in- cluding Note).........ceutt. 21933.43 Metal. .....i.. lhl si sia $ 33850.56 Liabilities :— Old Bonded Debt............... $ 20000.00 New Bonded Debt............... 65000.00 Outstanding Notes.............. 21500.00 Outstanding Orders ............ 24.75 Total Liabilities........ccou......$ 10652475 Total Assets 33859.56 Net Indebtedness 665.19 72665.19 D. A. BARTLET, C. L. GATES Bellefonte, Pa. M. T. EISENHAUER Jy Sisk, 1920. Borough Auditors. 61-21-3t. Notice to Farmers and Landlords ! I will resume the storage of wheat, from July 1st to the follow- ing July 1, each year, as formerly, and will pay the highest cash price when sold G. M. GAMBLE, 65-30-1m Bellefonte, Pa. Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Laborers Wanted Laborers for construction work. Wages 50c per hour, 10 hours per day. Long job and best men will be retained after- wards. Good sleeping accommodations free for a limited number of men. Apply The Viscose Company, LEWISTOWN, PA. Farm for Sale. 70 acre Askey farm, one mile north- east of Howard. 8-room house, bank barn. Approximately 40 acres good tillable land; 26 acres ridge land, 12 acres timber land. Limestone quarry. Fairview school and church 300 yards from farm house. Offers will be re- ceived until October 1, 1920. Address Mrs. CLARA WEBER THOMAS, 065-31-tf. Howard, Centre Co., Pa. ANTED—100 LABORERS ON NEW paper mill. Wages, 50 cents per hour, with ten per cent. bonus for a full week’s work. Apply to TURNER CONSTRUCTION CO., 65-28-6t. Lock Haven, Pa. — Carpenters Wanted Carpenters for concrete form work. 70c per hour, 10 hours per day. Long job. Good sleeping accommodations for a limited number of men. Apply The Viscose Company, LEWISTOWN, PA. 65-28-5t The McVey Co. Real Estate { Operators FOR SALE 6 room frame dwelling with all modern conveniences, E. Howard street. 7 room frame dwelling all modern con- veniences, good lot. Immediate possession. North Spring street. 8 acre farm clear and in high state of cultivation. 6 room house and barn in good cendi- tion. 3-4 mile west of Zion, $1500. OFFICES: BELLEFONTE MOUNT UNION LTOON FO ALTOONA DFORD HARRISBURG LEWISTOWN JOHNSTOWN Crider Stone Building 65-18-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Notice To Farmers! All farmers who have dairies produc- ing milk are requested to enroll with the Western Maryland Dairy Co., 150 Nassau street, New York City. Whether you expect to sell your milk to the Bellefonte station of our plant or not we would like to have your name on our list so we can mail you valuable dairy information from time to time. Western Maryland Dairy Co. NEW YORK CITY. 65-28-tf J. A. COLLINS, Country Manager. 1018 1018 Stanley Steamer DEMONSTRATING CAR Run only 1,642 Miles An Exceptional Bargain This car is in A-1 condition and will be demonstrated completely. PRICE RIGHT | { | i To Quick Buyer. William Penn Highway Garage TYRONE, PA. €5-31-3t* DAY ‘SEASHORE EXCURSION $13.80 «15, inclusive. directions)! 7 ized 65-33-2t ROUND TRIP War Tax 8% Additional From BELLEFONTE B&" Tickets good going on regular trains August 31 and return- ing on all regular trains, except limited trains, until September Stop ~off allowed ;at Philadelphia in both TUESDAY AUGUST 31 Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Camp Meeting $13.80 PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM A Gift which it is intended is a joy both to the donor and receiver. 61-22-tf Poultry Show. Farm Bureau Stock Show. 65-31-4t Automobile Show. This store can surely help you. selected with care for the occasion for : F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. THE GREAT 1920-Lewistown Fair-1920 August 31- September 1, 2, 3 New $75,000 Plant. One of the Finest in the State. $5,500.00 IN PURSES Horse Races Horticultural and Agricultural Show Free Acts and Carnival Midway NUON A SAAS SSSA AAAS SAA SSSA AA ASA AAA ASAP A Waist Special... Tailored Waists There are still about one dozen — AT — $2.50 Were Formerly $4.00 A New Lot of the Famous Philippine Hand-made WAISTS Have Just Arrived. They Sell at Sight. DRESSES left — AT— $4.75 and $5.50 These were formerly $12.00 and $15.00 SCHLOW’S QUALITY SHOP 64-87 The Best for the Well-Dressed Born PHONES Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery We Invite You to Test this Statement 65-1 SECHLER & Co. The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- where and at fair prices. with Your Patronage. S E Our Display Window Wash day is much easier when you have the right appliances at hand. Doesn’t cost a great deal either. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 65:5-1y Everything for the LAUNDRY —— AT —— 20% Discount LET US SHOW YOU.