Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 30, 1920, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., July 30, 1920.
— The new vault door was put in
place in the First National bank this
week and is a decided improvement
over the old door.
—_Gamble’s mill will again take
grain according to the custom in
vogue some years ago. See advertise-
ment elsewhere in this issue.
——A big harvest home picnic will
be held at Port Matiida tomorrow, the
music for which will be furnished by
Wetzler’s band, of Milesburg.
—— To-morrow will wind up the
trout fishing for this season, and
hereafter fishermmen will have to
take their outings after bass or that
more homely fish, the sucker.
— Miss Gussie Cole is making
plans to go to Philadelphia in Septem-
ber to spend the fall and winter sea-
son with her cousin and devote her
time to the study of vocal music.
— Elmer C. Straub has rented
half of the Charles Gilmore house on
east Linn street and with his daugh-
ter Mary will move there from the
farm on the mountainside on or about
September first.
——Mrs. A. M. Sloop underwent
quite a serious operation at the Uni-
versity hospital, Philadelphia, last
week but she is now improving slow-
ly and her many friends hope it will
result in her permanent recovery.
——The picnic of the Sunday school
and congregation of St. John’s Re-
formed church will be held at Hecla
Park on Thursday, August 12th. The
members will meet that morning at
the City bakery, taking their baskets
to the same place.
——An army scout plane arrived in
Bellefonte late Sunday afternoon and
remained at the aviation field until
Monday morning, and Monday fore-
noon two additional army planes on
a flight west stopped at the field for
a supply of oil and gas.
——C. G. Decker, of Spring Mills,
and G. C. Harper, of State College,
but who recently has been with the
Krader Motor company, of Belle-
fonte, have purchased the Nittany
garage at State College and will con-
duct it under the firm name of Deck-
er & Harper.
——Those desiring to take children
into their homes from the Children’s
Aid society should communicate with
Miss Margaret Cook, W. Linn street,
acting president. At present the so-
ciety has two boys, ages 6 and 7, and
two girls ages 4 and 10, for whom
it would like to find good homes.
——The third annual festival of
Washington Camp No. 891, P. O. S.
of A., of Spring Mills, will be held
on August 21st on the vocational
school grounds. Band music will en-
liven the evening. The best of re-
freshments will be served. Everybedy
is invited to attend and enjoy an ev-
ening’s outing.
— From all appearances Belle-
fonte is to have a new place of amuse-
ment in the shape of a roller skat-
ing rink on the Island above the
Watchman office. The rink is now be-
ing erected. It is a portable affair
that can be moved from town to town
and the length of its stay in Belle-
fonte will depend entirely upon the
flow of patronage the place receives.
— In the baseball game between
Bellefonte and Huntingdon last Thurs-
day afternoon the score stood 3 to
3 in the eighth inning. Then some-
thing happened. “Hooker” Hampton
walked up and slammed a homer out
into the tall grass and could have
rounded the bags four or five times
before the Huntingdon fielders found
the ball. There was no more scoring
and Bellefonte won 4 to 3.
— Now that the Chautauqua is a
thing of the past the Scenic looms big
as the one place of entertainment in
Bellefonte, every evening during the
week. Good programs of motion
pictures are shown at the Scenic. Every
picture is new, up-to-date and the
best that can be obtained. If you
are not a regular attendant you
should become one, and thus you will
see all the good pictures shown.
— During the severe thunder
storm which passed over this section
about two o’clock last Saturday moin-
ing lightning struck the house of
Charles Martin, on South Allegheny
street, and knocked a hole in the roof,
the bolt continuing down through the
house and doing some damage, but for-
tunately it was a cold stroke and the
building was not set on fire. Neither
were any of the occupants injured.
The Bellefonte Business Men’s
association have invited the Lock
Haven business men to join in the |
picnic which will be held at Hecla
park on Thursday, August 19th. In the
day’s program will be a ball game
between the Bellefonte and Lock Hav-
en teams. A good orchestra will be
secured for dancing in the pavilion
and various sports will be held during
the day. Reserve this day and spend
it with the business men at Hecla.
— Mrs. Sallie Hayes has sold her
handsome home on north Allegheny
street to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Walk-
er. Aside from the fact that the sale
has been closed no arrangements have
yet been made as to when Mr. and
Mrs. Walker will be given possession.
It is very probable, however, that
the change will take place on or about
the first of October and as soun as the
Walkers move into their new house
Mr. and Mrs. Daggett and family
will move from the Bush house into
the home on Linn street vacated by
the Walkers, which is owned by Mr.
A Drink With a Clout in It.
The secret is out at last. For some
certain stages of hilarity among some
of the foreign-born residents of this
vicinity, but according to the testi-
mony of several of them in ’Squire
John Keichline’s court on Monday ev-
ening the drink is one of their own
concoction and it evidently has a clout
in it as well as a kick.
The case was one of assault and
battery, Charles Sweeter, an Austrian,
being the prosecutor and Wash
Marshago, also an Austrian, being the
defendant; the latter being represent-
ed by J. K. Johnston, Esq. The prose-
cutor testified that the defendant had
a pair of steel knuckles and a gun
and that he hit him on the nose and
face. In his own behalf the defend-
ant testified that Sweeter had not on-
ly choked him but slapped him on the
face and made his nose bleed. Wit-
nesses on both sides testified that
the two men were intoxicated
and it was merely a drunken fight.
At this juncture Justice Keichline
asked the men where they got their
whiskey, or beer, or whatever it was
that made them drunk, and they stat-
ed that they made it out of elderberry
blossoms, cherries, raspberries and
hops, so there’s the combination.
After hearing all the evidence Jus-
tice Keichline sentenced the defend-
ant to pay the costs of prosecution
and ordered him to stand committed
to the county jail for a period equal
to on= day for each dollar of the costs
but right there the prosecutor inter-
fered and averring that he did not
want the man to go to jail paid the
icy and the defendant was discharg-
Machine Gun Troop to be Mustered
Out of Service.
{ The new Troop L will be officially
‘mustered into the service of the State
as a unit of the new National Guard
next Monday evening and two weeks
later will be mustered into the federal
service. Coincident with the muster-
jing in of the troop next Monday even-
{ing the machine gun troop will be
mustered out of service and the offi-
cers and men given their discharge.
Most of the number, however, have
already been sworn in as members of
new Troop L.
The machine gun troop was organ-
ized as a unit of the provisional Na-
tional Guard after the old Nationai
Guard troops had been called for ser-
vice in the world war and was official-
ly mustered into service on April 25th,
11918. During their two years or
more of service they had been equip-
iped with machine gun trucks and all
{the most modern machine guns. This
. loutfit, camp equippage, etc.,
has al-
iready been turned over to the machine
igun company located at Boalsburg
land commanded by Capt. Pierre Boal.
| And iow the mustering out next Mon-
| day will mean the passing into his-
itory of the Bellefonte machine gun
jtroop, but the mustering in of new
{Troop L will also mean that Belle-
‘fonte will continue to have a unit in
| the National Guard of the State. In
'due time a number of horses will be
(furnished the troop and these will be
{kept here and maintained at the ex-
| pense of the State.
Guaranteed for Next
The Bellefonte Chautauqua came to
a close on Monday evening and the
ame night the big tent was torn down
and all the equipment moved from the
school house grounds and packed in
the car, ready for transportation to
the next town on Tuesday morning. A
sufficient number of guarantors were
enrolled to assure the return of the
Chautauqua next year, and in this
connection it was officially announced
that the guarantors had been secured
without any exertion on the part of
the Chautauqua people, owing no
doubt to the fact that every ticket
was sold this year and the guarantois
were not obliged to make up any de-
The closing attraction of the Chau-
tauqua was a lecture by Lieut. Belvin
W. Maynard, “The Flying Parson,”
and while many of the audience en-
joyed his talk, he cannot be dignified
as being in the class of “stellar at-
| tractions.” As an introductory he
told the story of his flight to the Pacif-
‘jc and back in an aeroplane but he
| told nothing that hasn’t already been
| printed over and over. His lecture in
| the main was devoted to women and
! the ballot and while he made some
| interesting points he did not say any-
| thing especially new. But a good
| many in the audience enjoyed his talk
‘and seemed perfectly satisfied that he
was worth hearing.
Be a Booster for Bellefonte.
The business men of Bellefonte
through their recently organized as-
sociation have already done much to
advertise the town and have gotten
good results. And now the associa-
tion has sprung another stunt which
should prove a good booster. At con-
siderable trouble and expense they
have secured thousands of stickers in
sheets, each one containing a trite
saying showing the advantages of the
town and community. These stick-
ers have been distributed among the
merchants of the town and they wil-
lingly give them out to any one who
will use them on letters, packages,
ete. Don‘t be afraid to ask for them.
According to the Altoona pa-
pers Luther Irvin Shoemaker and Miss
Harriet Linn Foster, both of Belle-
fonte, were married at Holidaysburg
on Wednesday of last week by Rev.
Stanley Kemp.
The U. S. Postoffice Depart-
ment is asking bids for the installa-
tion of heating furnaces in the vari-
time back many Bellefonters have | ous government aviation buildings in!
been wondering as to the cause of | the country, including the one on the!
| Bellefonte aviation field. Bids must
be in by next Monday and early de-
livery will count alotin securing the
i contract.
eee pee.
— Gospel tent meetings will be
held on the school grounds at Oak
Hall during the week of July 31st to
August 8th, inclusive. Revs. J. E.
Wolfe, D. W. Dubendorf and Adlena
Bahrent will be in charge. Services
each week evening at eight o'clock
and three services on Sunday—at 10
o'clock a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. The
full gospel will be preached and the
public is cordially invited.
As evidence of the fact that
contractor Grover Conrad is determin-
ed to get the new milk station here
up as soon as possible, he has a gang
of men working on the foundation as
late in the evening as possible, thus
taking advantage of every hour of
daylight to rush the work. In this
connection it might also be said that
Mr. J. A. Collins, the enthusiastic
country representative of the Western
the work of establishing the milk
plant in this place, has already start-
ed work on establishing milk routes
as feeders for his plant.
eee lee es ee
Building a reinforced concrete
Wagner and R. B. Spangler have
probably discovered ere this. To be
more explicit, it was quite early in
the spring when these gentlemen
broke ground for their new mill along
the state road just south of Belle-
fonte, and in the intervening time
they have finally gotten the walls to
the top of the fourth story and will
soon be ready to put cn the roof. But
at that there is a large amount of
work yet to do before the mill will be
in shape for the installation of the
machinery. But when it is finally
completed it will be one of the most
substantial and up-to-date mills in the
— Russell G. Strickler, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Strickler, of Belle-
fonte, is meeting with deserved rec-
cognition as an employee of the Penn-
sylvania railroad company in Tyrone.
Mr. Strickler has been in charge of the
statistical office at the Fourteenth
street building in Tyrone and was to
have been removed to the new office
building on Tenth street, but the car
record office and the statistical office
were combined and Mr. Stickler plac-
od in charge at his old location. It
will naturally be very gratifying to
Russel’s many friends in Bellefonte to
learn that his courteous manner anid
efficient service have won for him the
responsible position to which he has
been advanced. ay
— The first concert of the Belgian
Veterans band, at Chautauqua, was
quite a pleasing surprise to most of
us. There wasn’t an Owkowsky or a
Seizez on the program and as a result
we had a delightful afternoon listen-
ing to the music that had something
more to it than an exhibition of tech-
nique. The same hard-headed sense
that has taken the Belgian people
back to their looms and glass tanks
and steel mills, while other war-torn
nations of Europe are hysterically
crying: “We are maimed beyond re-
covery” and doing nothing, seems to
be a possession of the director of this
splendid organization for he played a
program that the audience actually
enjoyed and not one that appealed only
to the critic.
On Monday William Thompson
put off a blast in the old furnace stone
quarry, now owned by the American
Lime and Stone company, which play-
ed havoc in that neighborhood. The
shot was placed in what is called a
loose bottom hole and when the ex-
plosion occurred it blew the bottom
out of the hole instead of shattering
the rock. The result was the concus-
sion was so heavy that many of the
windows were broken in the
Collins row of houses recent-
iy purchased by the com-
pany, while flying stones knocked
holes in nearby buildings. One big
stone flew across the road and crash-
ed down through the roof of the old
fair-ground gate house, the Conroy
property recently purchased by Mr.
and Mrs. William Crawford,
not stopping until it landed on the
lower floor. Fortunately not a soul
was injured but the damage done will
foot up a few hundred dollars.
emer ele.
— There is one boy alive and well
in Bellefonte who probably owes his
life to the skill of an unknown man
in handling his automobile. The child
is a Gallagher boy and he had the
narrowest escape on Tuesday morn-
ing he probably ever will have. An
unknown man drove down town in
an automobile and turned the corner
to go out Water street. The boy had
come in Water street, pulling a little
wagon and just as the driver of the
machine turned the corner the boy
jumped from the pavement and start-
ed across the street right in front of
the machine. Had the man been go-
ing fast he could not have helped
but hit the boy but with rare presence
of mind he swung his wheel sharply
around and ran his machine up on the
pavement in imminent danger of
plunging through the railing
and down over the high wall into
Spring creek, and thus missed the
boy, but he broke the rear end of his
little wagon. When the stranger saw
the boy was safe he drove on and his
identity was not learned.
Maryland Dairy, who has charge or |
A Generous Gift from the K. K. K.
to the Free Dental Fund for
Last week, posters appeared in var-
ious conspicuous places announcing
‘that an entertainment, in the form of
‘a Japanese cabaret, would be given in
Dr. Rogers yard, Monday evening, the
! nineteenth, by the “K. K. K,” a secret
‘society having the following officers:
| Betty Ray, president; Molly Shugert,
vice president; Mary Katz, secretary;
| Virginia Hiller, treasurer. Other
‘members of this mysterious society
‘are Betty Zerby, Evelyn and Mary
Rogers. The entertainment consist-
ed of songs, dances and recitations
(with refreshments of watermelon,
punch and other goodies. As a res-
ult of their enterprise the children
had twelve dollars in their treasury
which they generously turned over to
the dental fund for school children.
It is pleasing to know that children,
who have never known the agony of
toothache because blessed with par-
ents well able to provide them the
best of every sort of care, should
want . to help others less fortunate
and we wish this same happy thought
might come to others—adults as well
|as children. Can anything be more
i distressing than toothache without
lany means of relief? Agonizing
enough is it when we have money to
pay for dental care but how much
worse to have to just endure it!
Pleas for all sorts of charities are
constantly before the public but surely
no worthier one can be imagined than
mill is no little job, as Messrs. C. Y. to give a child relief not only from
toothache, but from the more serious
diseases that are now known to fol-
low abscessed teeth. A small sum of
money was realized from the concert
given recently in the Presbyterian
chapel but as it would cost, at the
i very least, five hundred dollars to est-
ablish a dental clinic, it was decided
to use this money at once to have
the teeth of as many children as pos-
sible put in order. Parents of these
children are asked to pay whatever
they can and the remainder is paid
from the fund earned by the Tuber-
culosis committee of the Woman's
club. Any contribution to this fund
will be delightedly received by Helene
Williams, treasurer, or Elizabeth B.
Ort—Ginter.—Mr. Herman Ort, of
Lewistown, and Miss Nancy M. Ginter,
daughter of William and Elizabeth
Ginter, of Milesburg, slipped away to
Hagerstown, Md., last week where on
July 20th they were united in mar-
riage by the Rev. Mr. Ferguson. The
young couple took a brief wedding
trip, returning to Milesburg on Satur-
day and that evening they were ten-
dered a wedding dinner and reception
at the home of the bride’s parents.
The following guests were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGinley, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel McGinley, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Bathurst, Mr. and Mrs.
Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oliger,
Mr. and Mrs Russel Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. John Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Mor-
ris Auman, Mrs. Levi Jones, Mrs.
Newton Jones, Mrs. Hannah Flack,
‘Mrs. Robert Bloom, William Shaffer,
Roy Shaffer, John Larkin and Dona-
van Stringer, of Altoona. Mr. and
Mrs. Ort were the recipients of quite
ful presents.
Croft—Smith.—Vernon D. Croft, of
Berea, Ohio, and Miss Julia Maudella
Smith, of Pine Grove Mills, came to
Bellefonte last Thursday and after se-
curing the necessary license went to
the Lutheran parsonage on east Linn
street where they were united in mar-
riage by the pastor, Rev. Wilson P.
Ard. They were attended by Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Martz, of Cleveland, Ohio,
Mrs. Martz being a sister of the
Immediately following the cere-
mony they motored to the Carl Osman
home at State College where a deli-
cious wedding dinner was served and
reception held. The following day
they left on a wedding trip to Chicago
and other western points, expecting
to be at home to their friends in
Cleveland on and after August first.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Smith, of Pine Grove Mills,
and is a most excellent young woman.
Bush House to Change to European
Probably beginning next Monday
the Bush house will hereafter be con-
ducted on the European instead of the
American plan. Rooms will be $1.25
a day and upward, according to loca-
tion and convenience, and there will
be both dining room and restaurant
service. Meals will be served from
6:30 to 9 o’clock in the morning, from
12 to 2 and 6 to 8 o'clock in the ev-
ening. Some very pronounced chang-
es and improvements are contemplat-
ed in the near future which will put
the Bush house on the same plane
with the best inland hotels in the
In excellence of the cuisine is as-
sured by the recent engagement of
J. K. Thomas, of Berwick, who comes
to the Bush with the reputation of
being a superior chef.
Public Sale.
The Bellefonte Trust Co., admin-
istrator of the estate of Mary C. Am-
merman, late of Bellefonte, will sell
at public sale on the premises, Satur-
day, July 381, at 1:30 p. m., a full
stock of millinery, including an elabor-
ate assortment of hats, trimmings and
ribbons, and a full line of household
furniture, dining room and bed room
suites, chairs, carpets, dishes, pans,
book cases and books, and many oth-
er articles. L. F. Mayes, SaeHonges
—TFerguson Parker is home to spend the
{summer vacation with his parents, Mr.
land Mrs. G. Ross Parker.
| —Mr. and Mrs. Willis Williams, of
{ Johnstown, have been here this week,
guests of members of both their families.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Moore, of Pine
Grove Mills, were in Bellefonte Tuesday
motoring down to spend a part of the
day doing some necessary buying for
their farm.
—The condition of John Q. Miles who
has been ill at his home at Martha Fur-
nace, for the greater part of the past
year, has become so critical that no hope
is felt for his recovery.
—Dr. W. S. Glenn, Jr., of State College,
will leave next week to spend his summer
vacation with Mrs. Glenn, who has been
visiting at her former home in New Jer-
sey, for several weeks.
—Mrs. M. W. Reed and her children
are spending a month with Dr. Reed's
parents in Alexandria. Dr. Reed drove
over with his family Sunday returning
to Bellefonte the same day.
—Miss Margaret Forster, who had been
in Aaronsburg with her cousin, Miss Mazie
Forster, for the greater part of the past
six months, left Bellefonte yesterday to
return to her home in Buffalo.
—Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hoy are anticipat-
ing a visit from their daughter, Mrs.
Grant Pifer, of Wilkinsburg, and Mrs. Ely,
of Turbottsville. Mrs. Ely will be accom-
panied by her husband and their small
—Mrs. J. Linn Harris, who had been
visiting with friends in Lock Haven, came
to Bellefonte Tuesday to spend the night
and for a short visit here with Dr. Edith
Schad and other members of Mr. Harris’
— Miss Irene Gross, of Philadelphia, is
home for a two week's visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gross. Miss
Gross is in the millinery department of
one of the larger department stores of
the city. .
—On account of the ill health and a
much needed rest for Mr. Shaeffer, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Shaeffer and their daugther
Larue left here Sunday morning for a
drive to Atlantic City, expecting to rve-
main there for a week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Parsons were in Belle-
fonte the afterpart of last week, leaving
from here to return to their home in
Toledo, after a visit with Mrs. Parsons’
sisters and brothers, the Misses Dora and
Laura and Benner and Gray Kephart, at
—Mr. and Mrs. John Beck, of Day-
ton, Ohio, and their two children, whe
had been spending some time motoring
through Central Pennsylvania, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wetzel last
week, while stopping in Bellefonte for a
short visit.
— Mrs. Willis Weaver came in from
| Windber Saturday, called here by the
death of her cousin, J. Will Conley. Stop-
ping in Bellefonte for the afternoon, Mrs.
| Weaver went on to State College, where
i she has been visiting for the week with
her sister, Mrs. Ertley.
— Mrs. E. R. Lucas, of Westmont Ter-
race, a suburb of Altoona, has been at
"her former home in Runville this week,
i a guest of her sister, Mrs. Mary Heaton.
| The two women spent the day together
in Bellefonte, doing some buying and look-
ing after some business. :
—Richard Lane, Jr, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Lane, of McKeesport, is vis.
iting with his grandmother, Mrs. James
B. Lane. Richard had been here and re-
turned home, but the call of Bellefonte
was so strong, that he is now making his
second visit of the season.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Caldwell left Tues-
day afternoon for Cleveland, where, dur-
a number of beautiful as well as use- ing their visit of a week, they will be | Mrs.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geran, and of
‘Mr. Caldwell’s aviator friend, “Jimmic”
‘Knight and his wife, Mrs. Geran is a
'sister of Mr. Caldwell’s father.
| —Mrs. Robert Sechler, who has made
(her home in Johnstown since the early
: part of ‘last winter, came here last week
to spend a part of her summer vacation.
| From Bellefonte Mrs. Sechler will go to
{her former home in Mifflinburg to remain
"until resuming her work in September.
— Mrs. Robert Fay, of Altoona, has
made several short visits in Bellefonte
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John N.
Lane, since her return from California.
On her return to Altoona from her over
Sunday visit this week, she was accom-
panied by her ‘daughter, Patty Lane, Jr.
who had been with her grandparents for
a week or more.
S. Oyler, a former Methodist pastor on
the Milesburg charge, Mrs. Oyler and
their seven children, was entertained this
week by Mrs. Daniel Hall at her home in
Unionville. Mr. Oyler and his family were
motoring from their home in Williams-
port to Bedford, stopping for the visit
in Unionville enroute.
The Misses Ethel and Mildred Wetzel,
of Bellefonte and Veda and Minnie, of
Stoyestown, have been in Algonquin, W.
Va., for the greater part of the month of
July, members of a house party entertain-
ed by their cousin, Mrs Thomas Farrar.
Miss Ethel returned to Bellefonte yester-
day, while her cousins will continue their
visit for a week or more.
—The Hon. William Allison, of Spring
Mills, and his daughter, Miss Mabel, are
entertaining a family house party which
includes ¥. I. Allison, of Toronto, Canada,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allison, of New York
City and their small daughter. The party
drove to Bellefonte Tuesday for a short
time with Mr. Allison's sister, Mrs. Alex-
ander, who is ill at the home of Mrs.
Frank McCoy.
— Mr. and Mrs. George Hazel and their
two daughters, Mrs. Louis Grauer and her
daughter, Estelle, and Daniel Houser, re-
cently returned from a motor trip through
eastern Pennsylvania, their objective point
Pine Crest College near Allentown. The
result of their visit to this well known
college for girls is that Thelma Hazel.
istelle Grauer and Mildred Wagner, have
course, beginning in September.
—Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McClintic, of
Augusta, Ga., passed through Bellefonte
last Friday on their way over to Centre
Hall to visit Mr. MecClintic’'s relatives.
Mr. McClintic left Centre county many
years ago and this is his first visit to his
old home in thirty years. And as it just
happened he and his wife reached here
on the hottest day we have had this sum-
mer, and he maintained that it was even
hotter than it was down in Georgia, but
it is quite likely that it was cool enough
for him on Sunday and Monday.
—A Motor party consisting of Rev. RR.
all been entered there for the full college
— Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Curtin arrived in
Bellefonte Wednesday night.
—Mrs. Charlotte Morris is in Atlantic
City, going down Sunday, for a week's
visit with Mrs. Ross Wallace.
—The greater part of Miss Mary Brad-
i ley’s household furniture will be offered
y at public sale Thursday of next week at
1:30 o'clock.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Jodon, of Belle-
fonte, and Claude Jodon, of Mill Hall,
went to Akron this week, called there by
the illness of George Jodon.
—Miss Margaret Cooney for several
vears a teacher in the fifth grade of the
schools of Bellefonte, has accepted a posi-
tion in the schools of. Bethlehem.
—Mrs. Charles Vernon and her two <hil-
dren, who had been guests of Mrs. Decker
and Mrs. Cassidy for two weeks, returned
Sunday to their home in Pittsburgh.
—Charles Noll, of New York city, spent
Sunday in Bellefonte with Mrs. Noll and
their family. Mr. Noll is the eastern di-
vision representative of the Fairbanks
Supply Co.
—John G. Love, Jr., a law student at
the University of Pennsylvania, is in
Bellefonte, and will remain here with
his mother, Mrs. John G. Love, for his
summer vacation.
—Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gray, their two
| sons and Miss Kate Shaughnessy, left
i yesterday for a drive to Hazleton where
they will visit for several days with rela-
tives of Mrs. Gray.
—Mrs. William Houser, of Meadville, and
her two sons, are here for a part of the
month of August, visiting with Mrs. Hous-
er’'s mother, Mrs. Chas. Moerschbacher. Mr.
Houser will join them later.
—Martin and Walter Drieblebis, of State
College, drove to Bellefonte yesterday
morning to get in for a share of the car
load of sugar, which Cohen & Co. have
been distributing during the past week.
—Rev. and Mrs. Frank Wetzel, of Stoyes-
town, have been spending a part of the
month of July in Centre county, on a
visit with their relatives and friends be-
fore leaving for their new home in Akron,
—Mrs. Hennig, Mrs. Robeft Sechler and
i Miss Adaline Olewine left Wednesday af-
ternoon in Mrs. Hennig's car on a drive
to the eastern part of the State, Mrs. Sech-
ler’'s destination being Harrisburg, while
the others went on to Philadelphia.
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keichline, ac-
companied by Mrs. Keichline's niece, Miss
Mildred Yaatz, returned home Monday.
Mrs. Keichline had been at her former
home at Kirkville, near Syracuse, for sev-
en weeks, Mr. Keichline joining her there
three weeks ago.
—Mrs. Ray Stauffer, of Hazelton, and
her small child arrived in Bellefonte Wed-
nesday for their summer visit with Mrs.
Stauffer’s sisters, the Misses Coney. Miss
| Stella Cooney, who had been with her
| sister for several months, accompanied
them to Bellefonte.
—-After a month’s visit with her broth-
ers M. J. and Louis Beezer, of Seattle,
Washington, Mrs. Thomas Bertram return-
ed to Bellefonte Monday. Mrs. Bertram
was accompanied by her niece, Miss Kath-
i erine Beezer, who will visit here with
! relatives until September.
—Miss Bertha Laurie, who is a Y. M.
C. A. secretary and with Miss Marion
Watts, of Harrisburg, is in charge of the
home room of Westside, New York, is
‘spending her three weeks vacation with
friends in Bellefonte. Since her arrival
Sunday morning, Miss Laurie has been a
guest of Mrs. Geo. R. Meek.
—The wedding of Miss Marie White, a
i niece of Miss Powell, of Bellefonte, to W.
Hoops. of West Chester, has been arranged
for the month of August. Miss White
| was formerly from Bellefonte, going from
here to Williamsport and then on to Phila-
| delphia. After their marriage Mr. and
Hoops will live in Philadelphia for
! the winter.
— Mrs. John Noll went to Pittsburgh
. Saturday afternoon for a week's visit with
{ her daughter, Mrs. George Van Dyke. Mrs.
Satterfield, Miss Roberta Noll, Mrs. Charles
{ Noll and Edmund Thompson motored
"out in the Noll car Tuesday, to join
{ Mrs. Noll, who will accompany them on
| the return drive to Bellefonte. Edmund
‘Thompson, with the P. R. R. Co. at
Brownsville, is spending his vacation here
with the Noll family.
—Mr. and Mrs. Gail Chaney will leave
Bellefonte to-morrow to make their home
in Pittsburgh, where Mr. Chaney has ac-
cepted a position with the Motor
' Corporation Co. of Kast Liberty. Mr.
Chaney has lived in Bellefonte for al-
most two years, while holding the posi-
tion of expert accountant at the New Peni-
tentiary, which position he resigned for
this more lucrative ome. Mrs. Chaney is
. better known here as Miss Mary Schad,
| the only daughter of Dr. Edith Schad.
Percival Keagle, of the Evening Bullet-
in, of Philadelphia, and for fifteen years
| on the editorial staff of the North Ameri-
| ean, with Mrs. Keagle and Prof. Robb,
{ one of the leading educators of Philadel-
| phia, Mrs. Mary Newlin and Miss Alice
{ Robb, of Huntingdon county, while mot-
coring through Centre county stopped in
' Bellefonte Wednesday to take dinner with
{ Miss Linn and her brother H. S. Linn.
| Mr. and Mrs. Keagle and Prof. Robb are
| visiting with Miss Robb and Mrs. New-
"in near Spruce Creek.
— Harry Ulmer Tibbens, advertising
manager for one of the biggest depart-
' ment stores in Wheeling, W. Va., was a
| Bellefonte visitor the early part of the
| week. In fact his excuse for the trip
was in reality a visit to State College
{to select a rooming and boarding place
! for hig son Fred, who is registered as a
Freshman at that institution. Being a
native Bellefonter Harry has a personal
i knowledge of the advantages of State Col-
lege as an institution of learning and
several months ago had his son registered
as a student to begin at the opening of
I college in September.
—Mr. and Mrs. “Dode” Whittaker, with
their little grand-daughter, who have been
visiting relatives and old friends at
their old home here for the past two
weeks, will start today to motor back to
their home in East Liberty, where for
eleven years “Dode” has been associated
with a large manufacturer of chocolates.
He will be remembered as a son of the
late James Whittaker and started rail-
roading when a boy on the Bellefonte Cent-
ral. His wife was a Miss Fulton, also
of Bellefonte. Most of their time while
here was spent with her relatives on the
Lyons farm at the cross roads Yelow town
and “Dode” got a good coat of tan and
two handsful of blisters helping with the
harvest down there.
——1If you see it in the “Watch-
man” you will know it’s true.