Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 23, 1920, Image 7

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    Bema atdwan. | HEALTH SCHOOL
Bellefonte, Pa., July 23, 1920.
World’s War Veterans to Meet at
Richmond, Va.
Thousands of Pennsylvania’s se-
lected men already are planning their
second drive on Richmond where the
first annual reunion of the Eightieth,
Blue Ridge, Division Veterans’ Asso-
ciation is to be held September 4th
through 6th. They will arrive in the
Convention city, close to Camp Lec
where the division was trained for its
battle effectiveness overseas, three
years, almost to the day, after the
first groups of selected men from Vir-
ginia, Pennsylvania and West Vir-
ginia passed through to begin their
period of army life.
The Veteran’s Association of the
Division, which made an enviable rec-
ord for achievement against the Ger-
mans, was formed while the men still
were in France, and, since their re-
turn to civil life, has grown to con-
spicuous proportions. At present
there are approximately seventeen
thousand men on the membership rolls
each of them having seen active ser-
vice under Maj. Gen. Adelbert Cronk-
hite, who is to attend the first re-
union. Only former members of the
division are eligible for membership,
and it is expected that between six
and eight thousand of these veterans
will participate in the drive to Rich-
mond for the first annual reunion.
Extensive preparations are being
made for the entertainment of the
men and for affording them accom-
modations at minimum rates while in
the city. Business sessions, at which
the association’s organization on a
permanent basis is to be perfected,
are to be short and snappy. _ Picnics
and a big ball at one of the Richmond
armories to afford the best which it
is capable of producing, while mini-
mum railroad rates and the billeting
of visitors in specially arranged dor-
mitories will reduce expenses to the
lowest possible figure. Committees of
the association, with those represent-
ing the Richmond post, already are
busily engaged in perfecting these de-
tails. The men themselves now are
voting on the advisability of parading
over a short route, while a memorial
service, at which United States Senat-
or Carter Glass, of Virginia, who had
a son with the Eightieth, is likely to
be the principal speaker, will be a
Sunday feature. Saturday evening,
September 4, will be devoted to the
reunion of smaller units within the
The fact that the reunion dates
have been chosen so as to include
Labor Day is expected to make pos-
sible the attendance of large numbers
of veterans who otherwise might find
it impossible to be present. This 1s
a light season on the farms also, and
few will be prevented from renewing
acquaintances with billet and dug-out
buddies because of work. Saturday
is a half holiday and Sunday and Mon-
day full holidays, so that the com-
mittee in charge of arrangements be-
lieves those attending from a distance
will have to lose only a half day
R. Allen Ammons, 420 American
Naional Bank Bldg., Richmond, Va.,
is chairman of the reunion commit-
tee and inquiries should be addressed
to him.
Signs to be Posted Through State
Hundreds of signs will be posted
conspicuously through the State for-
ests this summer by the Pennsylvania
Department of Forestry, according to
an announcement made by Gifford
Pinchot, the State’s chief forester.
The signs will be distributed along
roads in all forests, and they will be
large enough to be read easily by
motorists traveling thirty miles an
White letters will be painted on a
dark green background on heavy sheet
iron. Two inscriptions will appear on
the signs. One will read, “Pennsyl-
vania State Forest. You Are Wel-
come. Be Careful With Fire.” The
other type of sign will read, “Care-
lessness Destroyed This Forest. Be
Careful With Fire.” The latter sign
will be posted at areas that have been
burned over by forest fires.
The signs vary in size, ranging
from 8 ft. by 9 ft., to 80 in. by 36 in.
The largest signs will be distributed
along the State highways through the
forests, and the smaller signs will
be placed along woods, roads and
trails where fast travel is impossible.
The letters will vary from 3 in. to 9
in. in height. °
Commissioner Pinchot has a three
fold idea in placing the signs: They
will inform the public when State
forest land is reached; they will invite
public use of the forests, and they will
warn of dangers of forest fires.
eee eee.
Give Her Three Cheers.
A lady received the following reply
from a neighbor in answer to a ques-
tion as to why she allowed her chil-
dren and her husband to litter up ev-
ery room in the house. The sentiment
will find lodgment in the heart of ev-
ery home-loving person in the land:
“The marks of little muddy feet
upon the floor can be more easily re-
moved than the stains where the little
feet go into the highways of sin. The
prints of the little fingers upon the
window panes cannot shut out the
sunshine half so much as the shadows
that darken the mother’s heart over
the one who will be but a name in the
coming years.
“And if my John finds home a re-
fuge from care and his greatest hap-
piness within its four walls, he can
put his boots in the rocking chair and
hang his hat on the floor any day in
the week. And if I can stand it and
he enjoys it, I cannot see that it is
anybody’s business.”—S. R. Bulletin.
Graduated with “High” Honors.
. A college senior class, in an exam-
ination, were given this question:
“What do you consider the greatest
problem which confronts the college
man just graduated?”
“The income tax,” wrote one of
the seniors, “which was graduated be-
fore he was.”—Cartoon’s Magazine.
Pennsylvania State Department
of Health.
1. What is the first food that
you should buy for children?
2. Why should you give children
plenty of vegetables?
3. Why should children eat noth-
ing between meals?
“Everything’s so high,” complained
Mrs. Thompson, “and my four never
seem to get enough. They're as skin-
ny as rails, too—well Ed's fat enough
but Mr. Thompson says he hasn’t mus-
cle and he’s sick half the time.” Mrs.
Harris’ bright eyes travelled to her
neighbor's market basket.
“Maybe the children aren’t getting
the right kind of food,” she suggested,
as they left the market.
“I always buy the hest there is,”
turned Mrs, Thompson in slightly in-
jured tones. But Mrs. Harris was de-
termined to get a square deal for the
hungry little Thompsons, if she could. |
“Well,” she continued, “I've found
that children have to have cortain
kinds of food or they don’t thrive.
There's milk”—
“Eighteen cents a quart for some-
thing to drink!”
Raid of Doughboys Within Hun Lines
One of the Most Brilliant Exploits
of the War.
It was the most audacious night hike
of the great war. The infantry bri-
gade of the Second division, Ameri-
can army, was making it. Platoon
after platoon of rain-soaked, mud-
painted Yank doughboys, in columns of
twos, marched silemtly straight through
the strong German line, a distance of
four miles—like a huge khaki-colored
monster ready to spring at the throat
of the German defense. They did.
Joseph Mills Hanson, former Amer-
ican field artillery officer, gives this
graphic description in the Home Sec-
tor, the ex-soldiers’ weekly conducted
by the former editorial council of the
Stars and Stripes, of how the midnight
surprise experts of the A. E. F. floun-
dered and struggled up the hill toward
La Tuilerie farm on the night of No-
vember 4, 1918, where German officers
were living close to Beaumont, think-
ing that the nearest American soldier
was eight kilometers away.
He says: “Silently the Americans,
re. | panting from their long march, formed
‘and closed in upon the farm, as old
Mosby’s men used to close in on some
devoted federal outposts in Virginia, or |
as George Rogers Clark's grim fron-
! tiersmen closed in on the British at
their ball in the wilderness fort at
“There was a pause as they crept
up close. Then a sudden rush, a gust
' of cries, and through the doors and
“But it’s the most important food in
the world for children. It has more of
the different kinds of things that they |
need than any other food. A quart of
pound of meat or nine eggs, and think
of the cost of those!”
“Mine don’t care for it.
tea and coffee better.”
“And it’s so bad for them!
don’t you try coloring their milk with
a- little cocoa? And, of course, you
They like
windows they burst in. Knots of Ger-
man officers, bending over maps and |
dispatches, looked up in horror into
the muzzles of rifles and the stern.
milk las the same food value as a | White faces behind them; men curled
! up in blankets in the corners staggered
to their feet and held their hands aloft.
This sort of warfare had a tang of the
. new-world daring in it that the dis-
Why |
ciples of Von Clausewitz and Luden-
dorff could not comprehend.
| German logic at naught, but they were
san give it to them in soups and pud- |
lings and on cereals and toast. Each
of mine gets at least a pint a day in
some form.”
“What else do you give them?” Mrs.
| esty’s trusty officers and men had been
Thompson was getting interested.
“Well, I make a point of having a
green vegetable every day.” Mrs.
Thompson's basket contained nothing
“Spinach is fine.
atables are—spinach, chard, cabbage,
oeet greens, lettuce.
All the leafy veg-
But all green |
vegetables have minerals which are
rood for the blood and help make good
teeth and bones. Onions boiled are
splendid and are usually rather cheap.
Besides there are beets, carrots and
string beans. Celery and asparagus
are all right, but’ they contain less
nourishment than the others and are
usually expensive anyway.”
“What about potatoes?”
“Children ought to have them. They
are a starchy food, like bread and ce-
reals, and even better for children
than bread. ‘I bake them in order to
save their mineral. I have a cooked
cereal every morning, too—a package
of cat meal costs less and has about
eight times as much nourishment as
the same sized package of dry cereal,
hesides having iron in it.” (Mrs.
Thompson looked guiltily at her two
packages of ready to eat cereal).
“Don’t you give them any meat?”
“Yes, a little. Either meat or fish
or eggs—they are all growth foods,
like milk. Meat wouldn’t be necessary
if they drank more milk, and it would
be cheaper to get the milk for them,
hut we have meat on the table and
the children like it, so I give them
some. I don’t let them have fried
meat or sausage or pork—they're toc
“Children always want sweet things,
and I suppose that’s bad for them.”
obliged to yield to it. La Tuilerie
farm, a German headquarters, four
miles from the front, had been throt-
tled by a hand reaching out of the
darkness. Many of his imperial maj-
made prisoners in a flash, though un-
fortunately two generals made their es-
cape by darting out of back doors.”
Memorial Cottages.
The number of lives the war took
has not been adequately reckoned. The
number of families it broke up is like-
wise uncounted. Yet right after it we
have a greater shortage of housing
than ever.
connection in a letter to the London
Spectator, evidently from one of the
sufferers of the war. It contains a sug-
gestion which may or may not be new
in this country. :
The writer calls attention to an
article in the London Chronicle tell-
ing of the building of 120 cottages for |
ex-service men in Westmoreland.
called war memorial cottages. It is
not clear to him whether these were
built by public or private funds, but
never mind that. “Would it be pos-
sible,” he asks, “for individuals to do
likewise? What more practical me-
morial of any fallen hero than to pro-
vide a home for a disabled soldier or
sailor or for his widow and children?”
Though our war widows and or-
phans and our disabled soldiers are
few compared with the losses of Great
Britain, we have need enough for more
houses, and the memorial cottage idea
is not a bad one.
How She Knew.
A Hoosier school teacher received a
very indignant note from one of her
patrons, demanding that she stop some
boys from annoying her tiny daughter
. on the way home from school. Imme-
“Oh, no, a little does no harm if
given at the end of a meal. I make
custards and rice puddings for them,
or we have stewed or fresh fruit or a .
few pieces of candy for dessert.
cream is all right, and, of course, a
And I don’t let them eat sweet things,
or anything else, between meals.
food at the table.
“Maybe that’s wley my children are
I don’t have pies or rich cake. |
It |
spoils their appetite for wholesome |!
diately after she had read the note
the teacher began an investigation.
She asked the little girl, “How do
these boys annoy you?”
“Why, they talk awful about me and
to me,” explained the youngster.
“They cuss me and say terrible
“But how do you know they are
cursing and the things are really ter-
| rible?” persisted Miss Teacher.
never hungry when they sit down at
‘tha table. But don’t you ever give
them an apple or an orange or a ba- !
“Yes indeed, at meals.
has his fruit juice or stewed apples
or prune pulp. The others have all
kinds of cooked fruit, and oranges and
Even she was stunned by the wee
child’s answer, “Because,” she rea-
soned, “they are just like the things
my papa says when he gets mad at my
' mama.”
The baby .
apples and peaches when they’re ripe. :
I'm careful to see that they have some
fruit every day. I don’t give them
bananas, though, unless they're very
ripe,” noticing Mrs. Thompson's bunch
of pale yellow ones. “The brown
skinned ones are more digestible and
cheaper, too.”
“Your children do look so healthy,
and I dan’t believe it costs a bit more.”
“It doesn’t, if you buy carefully. 1
don’t buy fancy package goods. I buy
in bulk whenever IT can, and I make
sure of the things that are necessary.”
“It’s hard te make children eat
what’s good for them.”
“Yes, but they're hungrier at meal
time if they are out of doors a lot,
and have nothing to fill up on between
meals. Maybe you could get them in-
terested, too, in watching their weight
go up.”
“I'm going to try,” said Mrs. Thomp-
son, as they reached her front deor.
“I may be over for another lesson.”
“Any time,” laughed her friend.
“Mr. Harris says that I'll get every-
body down on me if I don’t stop tell-
ing them what they ought to eat. But
we've been so much better and hap:
pier ourselves since we had a sensible
tet that I want everybody to try It.”
Difference in Situations.
Away out in a remote and Snow-
drifted draw, separated from the herd,
an old cow stands between a fir tree
and a bowlder, her calf behind her,
desperately defending it against a ring
of wolves capable of playing a wait-
ing game through the long night. This
is a scene common enough in the
West, about which artists painted
vivid pictures and authors wrote stir-
ring stories, mighty good press-agent
material for the department of agri-
culture’s predatory animal campaign.
But who would write a thrilling story
or paint a picture about a prairie dog
running out of its hole and filling its
stomach with grama grass?—Ex-
A Speedy Mete.
“Hallo” came the female voice over
the telephone. “Is that the gas com-
“Yes, madam!” replied the clerk,
“I want to know when the entries
for the autumn handicaps close.”
“The autumn handicaps?” said the
startled clerk. “This is the gas com-
pany's office.” he replied clearly.
“That's right,” said the unseen
lady. “I want to know when the et.-
tries for the autumn races close, as
I'd like to enter my gas meter, '—
Philadelphia Inquirer.
It set |
There is interest in this |
Possible Explanation for Nonappear-
ance of Watch Had Suddenly
Dzwned on Simple Farmer.
Supt. J. E. Oursler of the Carnegie
Steel company has established a cost-
price store for his 12,500 workmen,
thus circumventing the local profiteer.
One of the local profiteers asked Mr.
Oursler if he would not shut up the
cost-price store, as it was interfering
with the other stores’ profits, but Mr.
Oursler answered :
“Will T shut up our cost-price store,
eh? Well, that is about the naivest
question I ever heard. Yes, it’s as
naive a question as the young
“The young farmer’s?” said the prof-
“A young Pike county farmer,” ex-
plained Mr. Ousler, “stalked up to the
inquiry office in a Pittsburgh station
and asked:
“ ‘This here’s the inquiry office, ain’t
“‘Sure is,’ said the capable young
“ ‘Wall, said the Pike county farm-
er, ‘about eight hours ago a gazabo
took my new watch down the street
to get my name engraved on it free
gratis so’s it wouldn't get lost, and
I'm kind of tired of waitin’, so what
I want to inquire is—is there onrest
in the engravin’ trade, and are all the
Pittsburgh engravers out on strike or
Lloyds Refuses to Take the Risk That
Seems to Be Involved in In.
ternational Marriages.
About the only thing the Lloyds will
not insure is happiness to follow an
| international marriage. While some
| American women who wedded repre-
| sentatives of the nobility of the old
world found happiness, a vastly larger
number found failure to be their por-
tion. The honeymoon trail of these
internationalists shows many ship-
wrecks. As a rule the representative
| of the nobility seeks a mate among
| the wealthy who have unsatisfied so-
i cial ambitions. Given these condi-
tions, the chance for presentation at
i court, the glamour of a title, the ex-
| clusiveness of social relations with
| the titled great, cause many a young
| woman to forget prudence and have
| made many fathers and mothers will-
ing to approve a heavy bet on a slim
The long string of women who have
come back across. the Atlantic broken
! hearted and slim of purse since Nel-
! lie Grant made her unhappy alliance
' has taught little wisdom to those who
“are courted by the titled but ofttimes
. penniless nobility.—Ohio State Jour-
| nal.
War Disability.
| medical science with having accom-
{ plished wonders during the late war
| in eradicating or reducing diseases
{ that have previously ravaged fighting
| armies, it maintains that disabilities
| resulting from the war are due in more
| cases to disease than to wounds. Fig-
| ures compiled by the English ministry
i of pensions show that of all the pen-
| sions granted down to Septembér 1,
1918, 58 per cent were on account of
disease. Tuberculosis and chest com-
plaints were responsible for 11.2 per
| cent, rheumatism for 6.5 per cent and
i heart disease for 9.9 per cent. Only
| incomplete figures are available con-
| cerning American experience, but of
I 7,710 cases dealt with by the federal
[board of vocation up to January 31,
1 1919, by far the greater portion were
| due to disease.—Youth’s Companion.
Penitentiary Farm’s Success.
Included in the report of the gov-
-ernor of the Edmonton, Alberta (Can-
ada), penitentiary to the superintend-
ent of penitentiaries is an interesting
paragraph dealing with the farm
operations carried on at the peniten-
tiary as well as its mining operations.
{ Some 70 acres were under cultivation
during the past year and were farmed
with gratifying results. From this
small acreage, after buying a tractor
and stubble plow at a cost of $1,314,
“we show a net profit of $4,191.17.
From 9% acres of wheat we thrashed
45 bushels to the acre, and from 11
acres of potatoes we sold 3,500
bushels. Our oats yielded 85 bushels
to the acre, and the amount of small
vegetables was exceptionally good.
Our intensive farming has been very
Hawaii Led in Prohibition.
Historians of the Hawaiian islands
assert. that an Hawaiian monarchy
was the first government in the world
to put absolute prohibition into effect.
Kamehameha the Great, first king of
United Hawaii, in 1795, after having
conquered all the other islands, issued
an edict imposing prohibition. Its pen-
alties were drastic. An offender was
stripped of his property, real and per-
sonal, and was driven from his village
clad only in a loin cloth.
In later years foreign nations forced
liquor on the Hawaiians and its sale
was general in the islands until the
great war, when, with the opening of
the army training camps on the is-
lands, prohibition went into effect.
Why Hair Nets Are Dear.
The hair net business of Chefoo,
China, is in a state of chaos owing to
complications caused by buyers from
Shanghai going directly to the makers
in the region of Chingchowfu and thus
competing with the firms with which
these had contracts. Consequently the
price has increased about 300 per cent.
Although Modern Medicine credits
The Very Best
for ten Dollars
Before you make an error and pay $3 to
$5 more for ladies’ Pumps, Oxfords and
Ties look over our line and see just what we
can give you in value for Ten Dollars.
Ladies’ Black and Tan Suede Oxfords, the
i very best quality - $10.00
© Ladies’ Russia Calf Oxfords, Military heels
(Trostells Russia) - - $10.00
Patent Colt and Dull Kid One Eye-
let Ties (Hand Turned) $10.00
Vici Kid Oxfords, High and Low
Heels (Hand Sewed) - $10.00
In fact there is nothing in ladies Oxfords
or Pumps that we ‘cannot furnish for
$10.00. This is our highest price shoe, but
it will purchase the very best.
Yeager’'s Shoe Store
Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA.
Mi2ni2N2Mi2N2N=aN=NU= MUS MUS NHS USN el Hel le et The) Hed He] Ue Ue] led Ue] ted lest 1
Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work.
Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co.
Clearance Sale of All
Summer Merchandise
July sales mean this season’s wear of summer goods
at wholesale price, and some merchandise less than cost.
There are many ways of buying merchandise. You
will find it helpful in comparing prices and buying the
merchanglise which appeals to y ou from the standpoint
of prices and quality.
(Clearance Sale of Silks
All colors of 36-inch figured Foulards that sold at
$3.00 per yard, sale price $1.98. :
A large assortment of Silk Poplins, 36 inches wide;
regular price $2.00, sale price $1.35.
Clearance sale price on Messalines, Georgettes,
Taffetas, Satins, Pussy Willow Silks in plain colors,
figured, stripes and checks,
Voiles, Flaxons, Ginghams, etc. We are crowded
for space and can not enumerate everything marked
down to sell QUICKLY.
Coats, Suits and Separate Skirts
This department must be the big saving for all
customers. We are getting ready for fall stocks, and
Spring and Summer Suits, Coats and Skirts must go
now Clearance Sale Prices will do the selling quickly.
One lot of Children’s Socks, Black, White and
Blue, 3 pairs for $.55.
One lot of Ladies’ White Shoes, must go quick,
only $1.75.
White Voile}Waists, all sizes, price $3.00, clear-
ance sale $1.98.
TABLE DAMASK at less than wholesale price
MEN’S SHOES in dress and work styles at Clear-
ance Sale prices. We extend a cordial invitation to
examine our qualities and see our prices.
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.