Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 16, 1920, Image 1
Benoit INK SLINGS. —Four dollar wheat is a probability that makes the fall horizon rather a rosy prospect for the farmer. —Wednesday ~~ afternoon’s storm laid the wheat, corn and oats, in some parts of the county, as flat as if 2a road-roller had been run over it. —Cox and Roosevelt will call on President Wilson on Sunday morning and in all probability there will be more than Presbyterian dictrines dis- cussed. —Why shouldn’t the Watchman be for Cox? Wasn’t it one of the very first newspapers in which you saw Lis desirability as a candidate refer- red to? : —It is just as easy to do most things right as it is to do them wrong but it is not so easy to correct the effect of the things that have been done wrong. — Much of the grain in Center coun- ty is in shock and the farmers have been having considerable trouble in picking up the stalks that have been cut down by the fly. __A month of good weather will see the Bishop street paving job com- pleted and hear an anthem of thanks- giving from merchants and residents along that thorofare. — Large committees never were able to accomplish much so we look for very poor results from the efforts of the Committee of Forty-eight to form a new political party. — Another very foolish man has un- dertaken to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. As a sequence C. G. Steph- ens is probably having an argument with St. Peter at this very moment over the question of having a look in on Heaven. — Just now the fishermen are tak- ing more trout out of the lower end of Spring Creek and Logan’s Branch than are being caught in any other part of the county. And one of those fish, usually exceeds the weight of a limit catch of five and six inch speci- mens on most of the smaller trout streams. : —1It seems to us that no stronger campaign argument could be advanc- ed than a ricital of what a Democratic administration actually accomplished in the way of beneficent legislation, while it was supported by a Democrat- ic: Congress in comparison with what it was able to do while hampered with a Republican Congress. —The business of making Democrats in Gecrgia is a good bit like hauling coals to New Castle therefore we are amazed at the faux pas of Mitch. Palmer in putting those Republican girls down there in a position to tell the embarrassing tales they are now unfolding as to the prostitution of his department to personal work for him: at San Francisco. —The “Farmer Labor Party” is the name of the new organization effected at Chicago on Wednesday. We haven’t been able to go far enough into details of its inception to learn just who is at the bottom of it, but we are reasonably certair. that there are no “dirt” farmers or pick and VOL. 65. Greatest Achievement of All Chairman Cummings, in his keynote speech at the San Francisco conven- tion, emphasized one feature of the Democratic record which should make an indelible impression on the pub- lic mind. “If the Democratic party had accomplished nothing more than the pasage of the Federal Reserve Act,” he said, “it would be entitled to the enduring graditude of the na- tion. This act,” he continued, “sup- plied the people with an elastic cur- rency, controlled by the American people. Panics, the recurring phenom- ena of disaster which the Republi- can party could neither control nor ex- plain—are now but a memory.” And a most hideous and distressing mem- ory at that. For more than fifty years, under Republican administration of the gov- ernment, panics came at almost reg- ular intervals and worked disaster and distress throughout the country. A disappointment in the harvest, a fail- ure of some large enterprise or an unpropitious season of weather con- ditions, were sufficient excuses for Wall Street to spring a panic in which suffering and destitution were sent broadcast. But the Republican statesmen who controlled the legisla- tion could devise no remedy or even suggest a plausible reason for the in- dustrial calamity. All the country could do was bear up against the ad- versity and recuperate through a long period of lean business afterward. President Wilson was inaugurated in 1913 and set himself at once to curing this national malady and the Federal Reserve bank was the result of his labors. The result is that we have since passed through the great- est war in history, drawn upon our resources a heavier draft than was ev- er dreamed of before, and emerged from the crucial experience without even the symptom of a panic. There was neither a pinch nor plethora of currency at any time but every re- quirement of the government, of in- . dustry and commerce was met and every obligation, moral and material, was fully discharged. In 1915 there were four bank failures, in 1916 and ’17 three and in 1918 none. It has been said that pending the | preparatiens for our participation in the war German statesmen looked on complacently because they believed that actual war would instantly pre- cipitate a panic that would paralyze American industry and effort. = But ‘they reckoned falsely because the rot- ten system which had been fostered by the Republican party for the bene- fit of Wall Street had been supplanted | STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. Our Candidate for President. idly growing in popular favor. nomination was not altogether a sur- ning. But attachments had been formed for other candidates here and there and while it was universally agreed that the choice was a wise one it required time to heal the dis- appointment of those who had fixed their preferences on others. Time soon worked complete reconciliation, however, and it may safely be said now that no other candidate named in the convention possessed so many elements of popularity. Governor Cox is not a mew entry or a strange figure in Democratic councils. He served with marked dis- tinction for a period of two terms in ! Congress and is now in his third term as Governor of Ohio. These services have afforded ample opportunity to acquire a thorough understanding of public affairs both local and general. Under our system of government efficiency in legislation is quite as im- portant as ability in administration and Governor Cox has proved his pro- | ficiency in both. But as an adminis- | trator he excels. No Governor of any | State in any period of the country’s ' history has achieved greater success and few have equaled his record in accomplishing desirable results. We frankly own to a pre-conven- tion preference for that distinguished { administrator and accomplished states- man, William G. McAdoo, which was ascribable more to environment than to anything else. This is es- sentially an industrial State and Mr. MecAdoo’s service as railroad adminis- trator had made him a popular fav- orite. In the light of since developed facts, however, we are persuaded that the choice of the convention was the wisest that could have been made. It is policy to move along lines of least resistance and Governor Cox has more elements of strength and fewer weaknesses than any other can- didate considered by the convention. His election is practically certain. i ——Mr. Harding, ‘upon a front porch campaign, and i Mr. Debs having declared in favor of a front cell campaign, the important question of superiority between these | methods will be decided this fall. Harding Below the Standard. Senator Harding is not measuring up to Presidential stature in reiter- having decided: BELLEFONTE, PA., JULY 16, 1920. The Democratic Platform. Governor James M. Cox, the Demo-| The promise of Democratic leaders cratic nominee for President, is rap- | that the platform of the party would His | frankly express the sentiments of the | salient subjects has prise for he was the first or second | been fulfilled. There is neither ambi- choice of a vast majority of the Demo- | guity nor evasion anywhere. Its treat- ; strongest man who was before it. A crats of the country from the begin- i ment of the question of the League | The in-: | sistence of the President and his sup- | | porters in the Senate that no de-- | structive or annulling reservations be! { party upon all | of Nations is admirable. James M. Cox. irom the Philadelphia Record. i After an extraordinary long strug- | gle, but one that was a perfectly clean test of strength between the admir- | ers of many eminent men, the San . Francisco convention nominated the Democrat who can be elected Gover- nor of Ohio three times is a man of force of character and popularity and is more likely to carry that State in the Presidential campaign than any made has been fully sustained and | Other Democrat is to carry a large question the same candor is eration of Labor, themselves as satisfied. form. subject of woman suffrage, vote this year. Many oft achieving this result. States having already approved twere well it were done quickly.” be overlooked. ——It it be Office. cordially endorsed. Upon the labor revealed There is no side-stepping on the either. The party is not only committed to the policy but demands immediate ae~ tion to the end that the womem of the country may participate im Dem J would have preferred another process That is te! say, many construe the regulation of suffrage as exclusively within the po- lice power of the State. But Congress having passed the amendment in the legal manner and a majority of the it there is nothing to be gained by delay. As our late friend Shapespeare put it “If it were done when ’tis done, them All in all the San Francisco platform is a splendid speciman of political lit- erature. It appraises the intelligence of the average American at full mea- sure and addresses him as a reason- ing and rational being, capable of un- he understanding and competent of self- determination. In this it isin sharp contrast with the Republican platform, the purpose of which appears to be to “fool all the people all the time.” It might have been shortened a trifle, i for long documents are not always read with the care that they deserve. But Chairman Glass, of the Platform committee, has wrought with such charm and constructed with such skill that this only fault of his work may true that Mr. Bryan’s heart is in the grave there are a good many Democrats ready to pray for a peaceful and long continued tenantry. Retires After Twenty-six Years in After helping out prothonotary Roy i State which is usually heavily Repub- ‘ lican. The Governor is 50 years old. He and both President Gompers and See- is at the point where the vigor of retary Morrison, of the American Fed- | early life and the experience and ma- have expressed ;turity that come later meet at their It is quite in contrast with the Republican plat- : point of highest efficiency. The Gov- ernorship of a great State for three terms is the best possible training for the Presidency. He has been success- ful with everything he has under- taken, and that is not a matter of luek: He has built up two depleted newspapers into very profitable prop- erties, he has been successful in oth- er business enterprises, and is the pos- sessor of a competence made by him- self witheut any adventitious aids. . He has been identified with an un- commen amount of valuable eonstruc- tive: legislati He has served two -im Congress, enough to give pod understanding of national e ion; but most of his work has been: done in the Ohio Legislature. The Ohio school code is generally rec- ‘as the best in the. country, workmen's compulsory the rural and refer- home rule , the ~partisan judiciary, widow’s pen- sions and prisen reform are all credit- ed to him; he procured them while was Go and in great meas- ure shaped them. As a good deal has been said about the Governor's attitude toward pro- hibition itis interesting to recall that he was beaten by the saloon interests in 1914 because he enforced the Sun- day closing law. There never had been one. He procured the law and enforced it and lost the election, but his party nominated him again, and he was el , and two years ago he was elected a third time. Govérnor Cox will enforce any law on the stat- ute book. If a State Legislature or Congress does not want a law enforc- ed it can take the responsibii. repealing it; Governor Cox allow a statute to become a dead let- ter. What he approves of, and what he will advise the enactment of, is another matter. As an Executive the Governor will do his duty and enforce the laws. For several years he has been the leader of the Democratic party in Ohio, which has been a very good thing for the party and for the State. get system, a. school code; the initiative endum in: State: legislation, for cities, a country road and it is mestly his work. The bud- eempaetf. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Michael Durkevich, 11 years old, of Tyront Forge, was killed by electricity im one of the towers of the Pennsylvania Central Light and Power company near his home on Sunday. He climbed up the tower and came in contact with a charged wire. —The Rev. John H. Daugherty, whe moved last spring from Sunbury to Wile liamsport to become pastor of the Pine Street Methodist church is rapidly win- ning the title of the “marrying parson of Williamsport.” One day last week he offi- ciated at four weddings before 1 o'clock in the afternoon. —(. V. Pelton, road foreman of engines, Williamsport division of the Pennsylvania railroad, last week retired on pension after forty-six years’ service with the railroad. He was a native of Middleburg, and began work on the railroad as a brakeman. For many years he“was located at Sunbury as road foreman of engines. Gertrude Kistler, 12-year-old daughfer of Sedgwick Kistler, of Lock Haven, Pa., a delegate to the Democratic national con- vention was drowned in the Mercedes riv- er at Yosemite, Cal, last Wednesday, and J. Plink, of Los Angeles, who went to her rescue, slipped on a rock and fractur- ed his skull, death resulting instantly. —Twenty-nine years of service in the listribution of mail was completed by Fred Larsen, of the McKeesport postoffice the other day. He has worked 9,570 days and has never changed his route. It is estimated Larson has walked 191,400 miles and has distributed at least 10,000,000 piee- es of mail, collecting probably half as many. —Walter Scranton, of Scranton, has lost $750,000 through a decision by Judge Freas, of the orphans’ court of Luzerne county. The contest over the will of Mrs. Cornelia Shoemaker was settled by the judge. Mrs. Shoemaker left the bulk of her $750,000 estate to Miss Isabelle C. Chal- fonte, of Pittsburgh. Mr. Scranton, a broth- er of Mrs. Shoemaker, claimed that her mind was weak, and that the will was not valid. —A “cat nap” of ten minutes cost Ralph Armstrong, of Chester, a pair of trousers, with the contents of the trousers’ pockets, amounting to $40 in cash, a gold watch, and several articles taken from the room in which Armstrong snored lightly. A purse and a watch belonging to Arm- strong’s daughter were also stolen. Arm- strong told the police he arose at 5:40 o'clock one morning last week and decid- ed to take a “cat nap.” Exactly at 6 o'clock, Armstrong says, he got up, yawn- ed, reached for his trousers, but they were gone. —Mrs. Elizabeth Hummel, of Shamokin, was arrested by state police at Pine Top, Burnham, last Friday, charged with hav- ing kidnapped Irene Hoover, an 8-year-old child, from I'rank Hoover, in Pottsville, on June 3. Mrs. Hummel insists that the child is one of triplets born to her and that Hoover has no claim on it whatever. State policemen A. J. Burke, who made the arrest, says Mrs. Hummel was sentenced to six ‘months in jail recently for being implicated in a cutting affair. She was sent to the county jail pending a more complete investigation. —@Get rid of the weeds now and save money on next year's crop, is the advice of Fred Rasmussen, secretary of the state department of agriculture, to the farmers of the state. Owners of gardens in the rural sections and in the cities are included with the farmers. Introduction of a noxious weed and seed law in the legislature is promised by the secretary to combat the weed evil, the menace from which he declares is the worst in the his« tory of the state. The secretary just re- turned from a trip through the farming section of central Pennsylvania. —The home of D. Y. Confer, Bald Eagle, was robbed one night recently, while the by a system devised for the use and benefit of the people, and it served the purpose of abolishing panics and strengthening the arm of the nation to strike the final and fatal blow against autocracy in the war. It was a great achievement and Chairman Cummings, of the Democratic Nation- al committee, is justly proud of it, as all other Democrats may well be. family was attending a festival, the value of the loot taken being more than $100, including small change in the banks of two of the Confer children. The thief walked off with a pair of new trousers and a vest, as well as a 30.30 rifle and a .32 calibre revolver. A rain coat and many small articles of wearing apparel are also missing and it is believed that the bur- glar was pretty well loaded up when he left the place. Confer strongly suspects a certain individual of that neighborhood and an arrest is likely at any time. Wilkinson since the first of the year David’ R. Foreman severed his official connection with that important office for good on Saturday, July 3rd. Mr. Foreman enjoys the distinction of hav- ing served for a greater number of years in the court house than any oth- er man in Centre county, and all of them in the prothonotary’s office. In fact his record shows that he served eighteen years as deputy prothonotary ing the absurd charge that President Wilson dominated the San Francisco convention and forced his views into the platform. He is appealing to the credulity rather than the reason of the voters. It is true that President Wilson, far in advance of the conven- tion, expressed the hope that the League of Nations would be made an important issue in the campaign. The refusal of the Republican Senate to He is splendidly equipped and trained to be the leader of the Democratic party in the nation and to be the Chief Executive of the United States. shovel laborers on speaking acquain- tance with the new party. —The Altoona Times-Tribune re- marks that “Governor Clement, of Vermont, seems to be a survival of the sixteenth century.” Then a few paragraphs further down its “Edi- torial Notes” wonders “what is the sin- ister influence that is exerting every effort to postpone or prevent universal suffrage?” Why doesn’t the Times- |. A Winning Candidate. From the New York World (Dem.). By the nomination of James M. Cox the San Francisco Convention has giy- en its party a leader well verse in the principles of democracy, a candi- cree pe ee eee. Tribune ask Governor Clement. —Cox and Roosevelt have determin- ed to carry their fight into every State in the Union. And well they should, for all ground is debatable ground these days. The voters are looking for the right men as they have never done before and in the Democratic standard bearers they are likely to find just the types of virile, sensible Americans they are looking for. —It has now come to the point where if the women get a chance to vote next Fall they will have to thank the Democratic party for that opportunity. Republican Governors of States that might have completed the ratification of the amendment have refused to convene their Legislatures in extra session for that purpose. North Carolina and Tennessee are go- ing to do it. —We rise to remark that at the or- ganization of the Democracy of Cam- bria county last Monday there were some thoughts written into the resolu- tions adopted there that smack so much of Democratic fundamentals that we have hope that the principles of Jefferson and Jackson are to live and not be smothered under the ava- lanche of untenable doctrines that lat- ter-day dreamers have been trying to make the party father. It is a Democ- racy we are trying to maintain. We are not aiming at Utopia. If that were to be attained here there could be no hope of a hereafter. —How soon things are forgotten? Already cargo after cargo of German commodities are arriving in our ports and being snapped up with avidity. Many of the toys our children will play with next Christmas may not bear the “made in Germany” stamp, but that is where they will come from all the same. Schools and colleges are teaching German as they always have done and nearly everyone has forgot- ten that only a little over two years ago a portion of excited Bellefonte thought that the German text books used in our public schools should be fuel for a bon-fire in the Diamond. Mr. Pinchot’s Reformers. Those discontented if not altogether distinguished gentlemen who assem- bled in Chicago last Saturday to “launch a new party,” are having all sorts of troubles. figure in the movement is Mr. Amos Pinchot, of New York and Pennsyl- vania, and most of those participating in the proceedings are what are com- | monly called “high brows” or “advanc- ed thinkers.” The preliminary work of the body consisted of speech mak- ing, and according to the press re- ports was exceedingly lively. Each member of the convention had a well- defined plan of his own but no two of them agreed on any point or concur- red in any opinion. These well-meaning gentlemen ought to be encouraged in their pur- pose to reform the universe and re- construct the government on a purely utopian basis. But it is a difficult matter to undertake. If you speak favorably of the plan of one you en- counter the opposition of all the oth- ers and after a waste of considerable precious time get nowhere, just the destination that the convention had reached when last heard from. Mr. ‘Pinchot has lost his most valuable colleague, his brother Gifford, whose recent appointment to an important office by Governor Sproul, of Pennsyl- vania removed his further ener- gies from reform lines to those of practical politics. It can hardly be hoped that these earnest gentlemen will succeed in or- ganizing a force for righteousness of sufficient strength to materially in- fluence the vote in the coming Presi- dential election. But there is no harm in their trying. In fact, they are entirely justified in trying. Most of them appear to have been associat- ed with the Republican party in the past and the record of that organiza- tion is so atrociously bad that every right-thinking man who has been con- nected with it ought to join in an effort to put it out of commission for- ever. It is not likely that much will be done this year, but “there is hope.” The principal | ratify the treaty made that inevitable. The people want permanent peace and the Republican machine wants recur- ring wars. The action of the Senate drew the line and the convention ac- cepted the issue. But President Wilson did not force his views on that or any other sub- ject on the convention. There was no administration lobby in San Fran- cisco during the sessions of the con- vention. The President asked no dele- gate to vote one way or another on any question of principle or upon any candidate. Democratic conventions are not thus controlled. The Demo- crats of the country have the highest esteem for President Wilson, and cheerfully follow his leadership along lines that are in accord with Demo- cratic principles and traditions. But no self-respecting statesman of any party will say that the President forc- { ed his opinions on the San Francis- | co convention. Only demagogues talk i thus loosely. 3 i The leaders of the Republican party ' have freely acknowledged that the Na- i tional convention of that party was coerced by Senator Penrose and oth- . ers of the Senatorial cabal into nom- inating Senator Harding and adopt: ling an equivocal platform which | means nothing and they have discov- i ered that the fact has made a bad | impression on the public mind. The | attempt to put the odium of bossism upon the Democratic party is for the { purpose of counteracting the effect of their own action on the popular mind. But it will fail of its purpose. In the first place there is a vast difference between Woodrow Wilson and Bois Penrose and it will be impossible to make a parallel. ——Senator Penrose is greatly dis- tressed because Tammany supported Cox at San Francisco, and a lot of other Republicans are worried because Penrose nominated Harding at Chic- ago. ——Vermont and Florida refuse to | ratify the Suffrage amendment but Tennessee can turn the trick. and eight years as prothonotary. terms, or six years in all. ed under Mr. Kimport then in 1911 was elected and re-elected in 1914; serving two terms January he naturally retained Mr. man has finally retired. prothonotary’s office that he had ev- Mr. Foreman has a nice home in purchased a good farm at Potter’s Mills and for a time, at least, he will devote his time to looking after his personal interests. future is not known at this writing. ——General Wood has assured Sen- but the value of Wood's support van- ish when his slush fund disappeared. Germany now. His first appointment was under L. A. Schaeffer, who went into office the first Monday in January, 1887. Mr. Foreman went to work as his deputy about the first of March the same year and was with him during his two William F. Smith was elected prothonotary in 1892 and Mr. Foreman was deputy un- der him for two years and a half. He also served two years under M. I, Gard- ner, who succeeded Smith, and when Arthur B. Kimport was elected to suc- ceed Gardner he retained Mr. Foreman as his deputy. For seven years he serv- came out as a candidate for the office, or eight years. When Mr. Wilkinson took hold last Foreman until he got acquainted with the run of the office, and now at the expiration of six months, Mr. Fore- Naturally with his long service in the office and his varied experience in all matters relating to the work of the court he had acquired such an in- | timate knowledge of all records in the ! erything right at the “tips of his fing- ers” but his greatest qualification for the office was the good humored wil- | lingness with which he would always | respond to a request for information, be it in person, by mail or telephone. Bellefonte and several years ago he As to whether he has anything else in view for the ator Harling of his cordiar support, ——1If the treaty had been promptly ratified by the United States Senate there would be no dilly-dallying by date who has the pleasing habit of carrying his own State and ‘a man who in high office has demonstrated his capacity to legislate and to govern. Three times elected Governor of Ohio, being the only successful repre- sentative of his party on the State ticket in 1918, his record in that res- pect is unique. It was largely through his successful administration that Ohio in 1916 gave its electoral votes to Woodrow Wilson and this insured his re-election. With Governor Cox at the head of the Democratic ticket this year, a Commonwealth which never before failed the Republicans in a national election, except as a result of the Taft-Roosevelt split in 1912, will again become debatable ground. As Governor of Ohio, Mr. Cox has to his credit public service of the highest order. It was largely due to his influence that the archaic State Constitution was reformed and fifty or sixty statutes needed to modernize the laws and practice of the Common- wealth, especially as regards educa- tion, taxation and the rights of work- ingmen, were enacted. When he took office all of the old hard-and-fast in- justices that in certain cases practi- cally denied to labor even a hearing were unchallenged in the courts. eee lee Favors a “Dirt” Farmer for the Job. From the Philadelphia Record. Governor Cox’s announcement that he intends to appoint a “dirt” farmer to be Secretary of Agriculture has not the slightest reference to the incum- bent of that office. Mr. Meredith is a practical farmer, though he has also an agricultural publishing business and other commercial interests. Still less does it imply any departure from Democratic precedents. Mr. Cleve- land appointed J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, than whom no man has done more, in private life and as Sec- retary of Agriculture, to promote the farming interests. Mr. Morton was the father of Arbor Day, was known a generation ago as the foremost prac- tical exponent of farming in the coun- try, and pretty much made the De- partment of Agriculture. Mr. Wilson, who held the office in the Cabinet of Presidents McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft, did not make the Department; he just continued the work of Mr. Morton. : —Ex-Judge C. R. Savidge, of Sunbury, has disposed of his holdings of coal land in Centre and Huntingdon counties, at a price of from $200,000 to $300,000, repre- senting a very handsome profit. The land which was purchased at comparatively low figures, was found to be rich in coal veins. Having retired from the coal business, Judge Savidge will raise pure-bred cattle on the fertile West Branch farms which he has purchased, one of them from James C. Packer estate, and another from Rine the florist. s son, Preston M. Savidge, has been successfully engaged in hot house flower cultivation on the Rine farm for the past few years. ? —A change of venue has finally ‘been granted by the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania to George C. Tompkins, convicted murderer of the Edmund I. Humphries family near Carrolltown in 1917, who will be given a new trial in Blair county. This decision was handed down by the Supreme Court .two weeks ago. The order was made by Chief Justice J. Hay Brown, of the State Supreme Court. The Hon. John W. Kephart, Justice of the State Sup- reme. Court, of Ebensburg, did not take part in the decision, granting a change of venue. Tompkins will be given a trial in Blair county before strange jurors and a strange Judge. The change of venue was granted upon petition of Tompkins’ coun- sel, Attorneys John H. McCann and John F. Evans. both of Ebensburg. —A remarkable reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Helen Ray, aged 85 years, of Onberg, Indiana county, when she had among her guests, two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Mumau, aged 79, of Dixonville, and Miss Milton Streams, aged 81, of Kellysburg. It was the first time in 25 years the three sisters had been together. The three women are daughters of the late George Ray, of Rayne township, who lived to be 96 years of age. They have two brothers, John K. Myers, of Homer City, who is 83 years of age, and W. R. Myers, of Niagara Falls, who is 77. —A suit case containing a gold watch, silk dress and other valuables was stolen from the automobile of a Sclinsgrove man at Rolling Green Park, Sunbury, on Mon- day night. The case was fuund in a clump of bushes a quarter of a mile from the pavilion Tuesday by special officer G. H. Herman. The contents with the exception of a large bottle of toilet water were intact. Quite likely the thieves were thirs- ty and were only in search of liquid re- freshments.