Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 02, 1920, Image 3

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AARONSBURG. grade, Miss Helen Bartholomew, also . 2 | ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW.
Mary Pickford’s
| tion return sheet and poll books. For- rade, Miss
James Condo and daughter Sarah, oi Lenire ak
junaisly the Saes wee estingulthed :
7 u > Mi
betore ony great amount of damage | of Penn Hall, spent Saturday with the Miss Helen Lucas, fifteen year old
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-ate
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
Beworsali fac.
Bellefonte, Pa., July 2, 1920.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
H. L. Dale is nursing a colony of
Job’s comforters.
Miss Nannie Glenn visited the J.
Cal Bailey home last Friday.
H. L. Dale spent Sunday with his
‘wife and son Jack, in Altoona.
Miss Lucy Krebs visited relatives
in the Mountain city the past week.
~ Haymaking is now in full swing,
but the crop is short in this section.
Miss Irene Pletcher, of the Branch,
‘is visiting her home folks at Howard.
"John B. Rockey, who has been quite
Good prices were realized at the
Colobine sale,
fact that it was held thus late in the
year. One team of horses brought
$515 and a cow went for $140.
A party of tourists from Hunts-
ville, Alabama, who are touring
through the North, spent Saturady
night at the St. Elmo. They have
been on the road eight months and
expect to be out until September.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rossman and
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kimport, in Mr.
Rossman’s Buick Six, took a spin on
Sunday over the Seven mountains to
Reedsville and through the Kishaco-
quillas valley to Spruce Creek, return-
jog home through Spruce Creek val-
Dr. Grover Glenn last Saturday
closed a deed for the purchase of the
J. W. Stewart property on College
avenue, State College, for $12,000.
The upper portion of the property is
now in residential flats while Dr.
Glenn will have his offices and recep-
notwithstanding the |
| former’s brother, John P. Condo.
| Mr. and Mrs. Lingle and family
| spent a few hours on Sunday with
| thelr son, Frank Armagast and fam-
i ily. ;
\ “Mrs. Walter Orwig and son Kermit
spent Sunday with Mr. Orwig in Nor-
yuniriand, returning home Mon-
Herbert Merriman, who has been
employed in Akron for some years,
Spent the past week with his family
T. C. Weaver and Thomas Hull, who
are both employed in Lock Haven,
spent Sunday with their families in
the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McVey and
children, of Altoona, motored to town
Sunday and were guests of Mrs. Me-
Vey’s mother, Mrs. Mowery.
Mr. Rudy and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Kerstetter and family, of State Col-
lege, spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Kerstetter’s uncle, Z. D. Thomas,
and sister, Miss Snyder.
daughter of John D. Lucas, of Lewis-
town, was rushed to the Bellefonte
hospital for an operation for appendi-
citis, on Saturday night. She was vis-
iting at the home of her uncle, James
S. Reish, of Potters Mills, when the
attack came on. She is getting along
very nicely now.
Mrs. Horace Hunter is
friends in Altoona.
Mrs. McKelvey and children, of
Blue Ball, are visiting her mother-in-
law, Mrs. Emery McAfee.
Mrs. Joseph Griffin and little
daughter, of Tyrone, are visiting her
father-in-law, J. H. Griffin.
Mrs. Reed and Miss Anna Bell, of
Huntingdon, were’ week-end visitors
at the Methodist parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gray and daugh-
ter Helen, of Philipsburg, were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Mr. Gray’s
sister, Miss Nannie Gray.
Maurice Gray, with his mother,
Greatest Play
“Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm™
This comedy-drama of Americen
rural life is dear to every American
in whom the spirit of childhood lives.
Nearly everyone has read Kate Doug-
las Wiggin's charming story or seen
the screen version starring Mary,
Pickford as Rebecca. >
For this reason it will be welcome
news that the coming Chautauqua
will present this play in the usual
** Chautauqua style.” Special scenery
will be carried and an effective
handling ¢f all parts is assured when
it is known that this play will oe
given by “The Chautauqua Players.”
Paying leading parte will be seen
vour friends of- last year, Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Regan. Mr. Regan will
Le recalled as the “ quite so” deacon
in “Polly of the Circus,” and his
wife as “ Mandy ” ia the same play.
S all courts.
Office, room 18 Crider’s
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
Practices in all the courts.
sultation in English or Germam.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belletouts;,
S. TAYLOR-—aitorney and Counsel«
lor at Law. Office in Eagle
Block, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of
legal business attended to promptly. 40-40
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business em=
trusted to his care. Offices—No. §
Hight street.
J and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will recejve
rompt attention. Office on second floor of
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at Law
emple Court.
G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-Law. Cols
A sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Belle
fonte, Pa. 58-8
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
: : : tion room on the first floor. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Bitner a Mrs. Fannie G d si i i
Boys JW > r . , : nd S. ie Gray, and sister, Miss The entire cast has been chosen and Surgeon, State College, Centre
fine past few weeks, is now Improv On Sunday Squire Watt took his | mother, Mrs. William Bitner, “of | Juliet, of Wilkinsburg, are spending | rchearsed by Miss Elizabeth Oliver; | gone, 2o0EtY, Pa. Office at his resl
RM. Trostle and family spent mother-in-law, Mrs. Nelan, on anoth- | Spring Mills, spent Saturday with their vacation on the farm. instructor of Public Speaking at ’
. Ml. lro y er sight-seeing trip, going down |Mrs. William Bitner’s sister and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potter, of | Swarthmore College, and herself an
Sunday with friends at Warriors-
One of George P. Irvin's blooded
‘Holstein heifers died in pasture, last
C. M. Gramley, of Rebersburg, was
a registered guest at the St. Elmo on
Mr. and Mrs. James Peters motor-
ed to State College on a shopping tour
on Monday.
through Penns and Brush valleys and
through the fourteen mile narrows to
Mifflinburg, returning home by way of
the seven mile narrows and getting
back in time for a late dinner.
Children’s day services were held in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
and were very interesting, all who
took part doing splendidly. Miss Ma-
ry Woods presided at the organ and
H. S. Illingworth and G. C. Corl play-
brother, Miss Alice Bright and C. G.
Bright. :
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stover and son
Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stover
and son Carl, and Mrs. Almeda Smith
left Saturday on a motor trip to Ak-
ron, Ohio, where they will all visit
their children, remaining over for the
4th of July.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bower, Mr. and
Mrs. N. J. Bower and daughter, Miss
Philipsburg, were visitors at the home
of Mrs. Potter’s aunt, Miss Nannie
Gray, and her sister, Mrs. Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. George Sellers, of Ty-
rone, accompanied by Mr. Seller’s
mother, Mrs. John Sellers, and other
friends, spent Sunday with relatives
in the valley.
old friend of Chautauqua audiences
when she was playing leading roles in
“The Man from Home” and “The
Fortune Hunter.” !
Keep the fifth night—* Rebecca ”
night—in view as one you can’t afford
to miss.
The Swarthmore Chautauquas are
Specially pleased to present this
comedy-drama. = This is the first year
it has been available outside the big
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
: : rnets. interesting feature : metropolitan ‘ theatres, where it en-
Mrs. Maggie Quinn spent the early ed cornets. An In direction of | Helen, attended the funeral of their ; joved 1 : .
part of the week with her son, Roy | as @ flag drill under the direction of | "Ji “Hiller, in Loganton, Mr. | , Michael Witherite was an over Sun- joyed immense popularity Inciden. | ! ‘hi Y
x a en , Mrs. Mary Thompson. rl A gh eH in uilde day visitor at Osceola Mills, at the tally they are payirg the largest roy- his Interests ou
- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Musser spent
the Sabbath at the W. E. McWilliams
home at Rock Springs.
Mrs. Runkle, of Hollidaysburg, was
a visitor at the Methodist parsonage
the early part of the week.
Harvey Shaffer, of Bellefonte, was
in this section on Saturday delivering
hardware among his customers.
Ralph Lytle, of Union county, was
an over Sunday visitor among old
neighbors and friends at Rock
Grandmother Emma Hess came up
Woods was in charge. i
amounting to $36.10 was lifted for
Sunday school work.
Nelson Grubb, accompanied by a
party of friends, motored up from
Bellefonte on Sunday to spend the day
at the George Reed home east of
town. The driver got on the wrong
road and while turning his car was a
little slow in working the brake with
the result that he almost backed over
a small bridge. dn fact the rear of
the car just rested on the stone abut-
ments. With the assistance of a num-
ber of men who soon gathered on the
ing in Williamsport, and died from in-
juries sustained.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull had the
pleasure of entertaining their nephew
and niece, Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl Bell,
and Mr. and Mrs. William Buck; also
Miss Irene Hoffman, all of Mount Un-
ion. They motored to the famous
Penn’s Cave, from where they came
to the village for a short time.
John Forster and sister, Miss Ma-
ry, are entertaining Mrs. Marshall
and daughter, Miss Marshall, of Ra-
venna, Ohio. Mrs. Marshall will be
home of his son Burtus.
Quite a number of our people at-
tended Children’s day services at Yar-
nell last Sabbath evening.
Mrs. Mabel Lucas and daughter, of
Snow Shoe, spent Monday with Mrs.
Lucas’ mother, Mrs. Ida Witmer.
Mrs. Grace Walker and two chil-
dren are spending this week at Snow
Shoe with Mrs. Walker’s brother,
Harris Watson and family.
Misses Bertha and Delores Strayer
and their friend, Miss Grace Burk, of
Altoona, are at present visiting with
alty for this play that they have ever
——The “Watchman” office is the
place to get the best job work.
Money back without question
if HUNT'S Salve fails in the
treatment of ITCH: BodiMa.
other itching - ekin diseases.
Try a 75 cent box at our risk,
The Workmans’ Compensation
. Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
d i king her | scene the car was gotten back on the | well remembered by some people as | the former’s aunt, Mrs. Annie Lucas. | 65-26 ©, M:. PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte | Bellefonte 43-18-1y Sta
from Bellefonte and Io no tends in |10ad without any great damage, and \ CINE Ob° of the dungiiers of Rev, ee come - : Sr Cotes
though a little frightened at their Shoemaker, who at one time minister- i Sr
the valley.
' The Reformed Sunday school at
Pine Hall will hold a festival on the
lawn at the church tomorrow (Satur-
day) evening.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Gray and Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Bowersox, of State
College, spent Sunday at the Bower-
sox home on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rockey and
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Witmer, of Fill-
more, were Sunday visitors at the
Witmer home at White Hall.
James Cummings, of Belleville, was
a visitor at the McCracken home sev-
eral days last week, after attending
commencement at Penn State.
The D. A. R. of Spruce Creek will
hold a lawn social at the Graysville
church tomorrow evening. The Citi-
zens band will furnish the music.
Mrs. Maggie Gates, of Gallitzin,
and Mrs. Lawrence Gates, of West
Virginia, visited old friends and
neighbors in the valley last week.
Miss Nannie McWilliams and Miss
Elizabeth Goheen, of Baileyville, are
lucky escape the crowd proceeded on
their way.
“Doc” Stover spent a few days here
at the home of his brother George.
Miss Verna Butler, of Bellefonte,
was a guest of her friend, Miss Helen
Eckenroth, over Sunday.
County Commissioner George M.
Harter and family were Sunday vis-
itors at the home of Willard Harter.
The new concrete walk being put
down in front of the Reformed church
is a decided improvement to the
church property.
The Jacksonville ball team is now
practicing hard to be in shape for the
summer games with the Howard and
Hecla Park teams.
Visitors at the Harry Hoy home on
Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Hoy, of Howard; Joseph Neff, of
State College; Miss Mary Janet
Hayes, of Mill Hall, and Miss Mary
ed spiritually to the congregations on
the Reformed charge.
Marguerite Brandt, of Altoona,
spent several days with her aunt, Mrs.
J. B. Ruble.
Mrs. Erdman West and young son
returned to their home in New Jersey
on Wednesday.
The meeting conducted by the com-
munity nurse, on Tuesday afternoon
was well attended.
Rev. and Mrs. Drumm are now oc-
cupying the Lutheran parsonage; hav-
ing taken possession on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bradford, Miss
Tillie Keller and Miss Jennie Thomas
spent Sunday at the Bradford hunting
Chautauqua apened on Wednesday
afternoon with a large crowd in at-
tendance. We are glad to notice that
so many are interested in the welfare
of our community.
The Misses Hazel and Margaret
Zot Tze
Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and *‘ Just-as-good ” are but
ay, Leh
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
The Preferred
$5,000 death by accident,
,000 loss of both fi
,000 loss of both hands,
000 loss of one hand and one foot,
500 loss of either hand,
000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability.
(limit 26 weeks)
payable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion:
Mop voIn
in Chambersburg this week as dele-| prs William Eckenroth was ten- | Emer, : C ia i h 2 + Any person, male or female, en in a
bol ; - y, and Ida and Elizabeth Sweet- astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregori referred ation, inci h
gates to a missionary conference. dered a surprise last Friday evening | wood went to Atlantic City a week Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It Bi keepin, over eighteen ears of age of
The married men and single men of
Pine Grove Mills crossed bats on Bai-
ley field last Saturday, the married
men winning by the score of 11 to 4.
Francis Musser, of State College,
was in town on Tuesday mixing busi-
ness with pleasure, and enjoying the
hospiality of his aunt, Mrs. Sue Pe-
John Moore, who went to Detroit,
Mich., ten days ago to take a good
job, is back home with a fractured
wrist, caused by a premature explo-
The I. W. T. social held at Bailey-
ville on Saturday evening was a de-
cided success socially and financially,
and the treasury was enriched by
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin, new-
ly-weds from the Buckeye State,
in commemoration of her birthday
anniversary, when sixty or more of
her neighbors gathered at her home
while she was out on a short automo-
bile trip. They came laden with bas-
kets of choice refreshments and many
useful remembrances for that most
excellent woman. The evening was
spent in playing games and social
chat and it was a late hour when the
guests departed for their homes,
wishing Mrs. Eckenroth many more
Miss Ethel Baird made a business
trip to Bellefonte last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilliland are
very happy over the arrival of a big
boy, on Monday.
ago, where they have found employ-
ment for the summer.
Miss Orpha Gramley, of Spring
Mills, was entertained at the Barthol-
omew home on Monday evening. She
returned to her home on Tuesday
Mrs. W. H. Stoner, who has been in
the Bellefonte hospital for a month or
more, passed peacefully away on
Tuesday night. Her malady was in-
curable and death came as a welcome
relief to her as her sufferings were in-
The remainder of our schools were
supplied with teachers on Monday
evening when the board elected five
They are as follows: High school,
Prof. N. L. Bartges and Miss Isabel
Rowe; grammar grade, Miss Hess, of
Tamaqua; intermediate grade, Mr. T
age is its guarantee.
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance.
S For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
In Use For
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
and physical condition may
nsure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte Fa,
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buying poor,
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
spent last week with the bride’s sis- Quite a number of people from our L. Moore, of our town; and primary
ter, Mrs. J. G. Miller, on east Main | town attended the picnic held at , ver ears cle making So A oi
street. Camp Boal on Friday. T GE meats are elsewhere. ,
‘Squire D. W. Miller is spending the
hot weather at his bungalow over at
old Monroe furnace, and on Sunday
entertained quite a crowd of his
friends from hereabouts.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver and
Mr. and Mrs. John Dry, of Laurelton,
spent last Thursday at the Bowersox
home, it being the 83rd anniversary
of the birth of Mrs. Bowersox.
J. S. Miller and wife came up from
Pleasant Gap and, after mingling
with the crowd at Baileyville on Sat-
urday evening, spent Sunday at the
J. H. Miller home in the Glades.
Mrs. Maude Goss, of Manor Hill,
spent Monday at the St. Elmo as a
guest of her friend, Miss Maude Ran-
dolph, while on her way to visit her
sick sister, Mrs. G. R. Dunlap, of Wal-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fluke,
Montgomery county, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Goss, on the
Branch, while attending State College
commencement. Mr. Fluke was a
member of the 1917 class.
of |
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peters and chil-
dren spent a short time at Pine Grove
Mills, Saturday evening.
Mrs. John Gramley and sons, Mah-
lon and William, are spending a few
days at the R. C. Lowder home.
Visitors at the L. XK. Dale home on
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kel-
ler and daughter Margaret, of Centre
Hall; Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Dale and
Miss Ethel Meyers, of Houserville;
Miss Helen Gettig, of Pleasant Gap,
and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peters and
Throw Out
the | Life Line
Give Them Help and Many Bellefonte
People Will Be Happier.
Medicinal Roots, Herbs,
Barks and Berries.
And other alternatives, tonics and
health-giving ingredients that are
recommended in the best medical
books, are combined in Hood’s Sar-
saparilla. It builds up the blood,
improves the appetite; invigorates the
digestion, tones the stomach and
gives nerve strength so as to promote
permanent good health. Has merit-
ed and held the praise of three gen-
erations. You should give it a trial.
As a gentle, thorough cathartic
many recommend Hood’s Pills. 65-27
: Ira D. Garman
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bellefonte Trust Company
Bellefonte, Pa.
Why You Should Make aWill
To protect your loved ones.
To safeguard your estate.
By making a Will you can appoint the Bellefonte Trust
Company as your Executor or Trustee.
You can thus assure to your heirs the business manage-
ment and financial responsibility which this institution affords.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
Hight Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonte Pa.
Good Health
Good Plumbing
When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky
water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping
gas. you can’t have good Health. The air you
reathe is poisonous; your system becomes
poisoned and invalidism is sure to come.
is the kind we do. It’sthe only kind: you
: ? “Throw Out the Life Line”— ought tc have. Wedon'’t trustthis work to
Rev. W. K. Harnish will hold com-| Weak kidneys need help. Your wishes can be observed in the distribution of your boys. Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics,
munion services in the Presbyterian
church here at 10:30 a. m. on Sunday.
Preparatory service at 10:30 a. m. on
Saturday. Services will also be held
Sunday evening at 7:30.
Some malicious individual set fire to
the Baileyville school house on Mon-
day by applying a match to the elec-
They're often overworked—they
don’t get the poison filtered out of
the blood.
Will you help them?
Doan’s Kidney Pills have brought
benefit to thousands of kidney suffer-
Bellefonte testimony
proves their
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry
11th Street Below Chestnut,
property, for if you do not leave a Will the law may divide up
your possessions in a way that you might not desire.
How Have You Made Your Will? *
Do not write your own Will.
“Home-made’’ Wills are
no better anywhere.
Material and
Fixtures are the Best
Not a cheap or inferior article in our
entire establishment. d with good
Ho — aby Biward Sunday, 2el Lanh Su: 0—A SPECIALTY—0 dangerous and often cause law-suits, because, when drawing a work: and ‘the Euest materia), ous
Kidney Pills Pd have always been AT THE Will the law must be known, both as to wording and terms. Prices are Lower
Bears the signature of Chas. H, Fletcher,
In use for over thirty years, and
greatly benefited by them when suf-
fering from kidney trouble. I cannot
speak too highly of Doan’s after what
they have done for me.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
There is no s
cheapest ‘‘D
le of work, from the
er” to the finest
tor and Trustee.
Consult a lawyer today about the making of your Will and have
him name the Bellefonte Trust Company to act as your Execu-
than many who give you poor, unsan-
itary work and the lowest rade of
finishings. For the Best Work try
The Kind You Have Always Bought. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get ois we ses att do lane ut sala 1.1L Spangler, C. T. Gerberich, N. E. Robb, Archibald Allison,
Dn Rime Pe tol | ao nes 534 President Vice President Treasurer § | opposite Bush House Bellefonte, Pac
Co., Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. - communicate with this office’ : 06-14-13 SE