AE Wash Skirt SPECIAL Wash skirts of the finest Tricotines and Gaberdines, guaranteed not to shrink, not to leave rust spots and to give absolute satisfac- tion or money refunded. AAP ALP AAO PPS PSS PPS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. In the Churches of the County. ANS INS SS LSS SSS SAPP SAS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sabbath services as follows: Morn- AN OR SALE—Coal range, sewing machine and living room furniture.—DA- VID PRICE, corner Curtin and Spring Sts. 26-1t OR SALE.—One oak dining-room set. of table and six chairs—$15.00 cash. Inquire at the Methodist parsonage, Bellefonte, Pa. -2 equivalent. Must be in first class condition—cash consideration. Ad- dress Watchman $e 65-25-tf . Our idea of the Coal Market is that while it may not go higher it will surely not be any lower for a long WwW ANTED—Used touring car, Dodge or BT NANI § ARMERS TAKE NOTICE.—I will in- sure dwellings at $1.00 a hundred. and barns at $1.60 a hundred, on ing worship at 10:45. Evening wor- TTENTION :—I want to hear from |the cash plan for three years, and dwell- | ,. : ship at 7:30. Sabbath school at 9:45 A party having farm for Sole, Give ings G0 gents a pundred, ang barns st 5 time 2 Whe. etetor it you be . . . 3 - 0 a.m. Prayer service every Wednes- |, Box 248, ay Illinois. gr-26.9(% | for 5 years as against fire and lightning. wise for you fo lay in your Winer coa supply now and forestall the danger of a rise in price when the regular fall demand sets in. Besides, you can get it free from ice and snow and now we will have time to screen it and deliver to you in the best condition. day evening at 7:45. A cordial wel- come to all. Rev. W. K. McKinney, Ph. D., Minister ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Children’s day sevices will be held at the United Brethren church this Sunday evening. Services will start at 7:30 o’clock and the public is cor- dially invited to attend. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Bible School 9:30. © Sermon, “The Royal Road to Honor,” 10:45. Jr. League, 2 p m. Senior League, 6:30. Sermon, “Old Sins in Modern Garb,” 7:30. Special musical numbers. Strangers welcome. Coleville: Bible School 2 p. m. sy Alexander Scott, Minister. 64-28-1y J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. OUND.—A gold ring with set, on coun- ter in Bellefonte Trust Company’s bank. Owner can have same by OTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART- calling, proving property and paying for NERSHIP.—Notice is hereby given, this adv. 26-2t s that the partnership, lately sub- - sisting between W. Fred Reynolds and WwW WANTED.—Furnished Rooms for | J. L. Montgomery, of Bellefonte, Pa., un- light housekeeping. 2 Bedrooms, | der the firm name of the Bellefonte Fuel Kitchen and Bathroom for couple | & Supply Company, was dissolved by op- without children, References exchanged. | eration of law upon the death of J. L. Kindly reply to this office 95-tf | Montgomery on January 9, 1920, and by = 5 mutual arrangements was continued under OR SALE.—A large size refrigerator | the same firm name by W. Fred Raynolds which has never been used. Also |and the estate of J. L. Montgomery to a Norris & Hyde upright piano, | the 15th day of June 1920, at which time which has had very little use. Inquire of | the estate of J. L. Montgomery purchased Mrs. W. A. LYON, Bellefonte 24-3t | the interest of W. Fred Reynolds in the partnership. The business will in the fut- ure be conducted under the firm name of the Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Company, being owned exclusively by the estate of J. L. Montgomery. All debts due to the said partnership are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged, at the office - of the Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Company, ANTED.—A good cook. Will pay | where the business will be continued as fifteen ($15) dollars a week for | herein stated. same. Will pay twelve ($12) dol- W. FRED REYNOLDS lars a week for a waitress and ten ($10) ELIZAMETH M. MONTGOMERY Considering the uncertainties of the coal market the coal in your cellar is worth more than the money that would pay for it is in your bank. If you want coal let us know your needs and we will do our best for you. (Centre County Junk and Fuel Co., ANTED.—Furnished Rooms for light housekeeping. 2 bed-rooms, kitch- en and bath-room, for couple with- out children. Either in Bellefonte, Pleas- ant Gap or Rockview. References ex- changed. Kindly reply to this office. 25-tf PPP POPP POPPI OPI IVIIVYYVYY IV VVV VY VV RAVI WNIT III TT NENG ENGNG WPAN UWIN NINN RAITT TT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). | dollars for a chambermaid. Inquire of | ;ng GORDON MONTGOMERY BELLEFONTE, PA F P i $9 00 t $15.00 Services for the week of June 27th. |, A G. MORRIS | Administrators of the ; > ormer rices o 0 o 25-t £ B. Linn St., Bellefonte, Pa. Hstate of J. L. Montgomery. | Yard and Office near P. R. BR. Passenger Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 8 a. m. 65-25-3t Station. 65-23-tf Holy Eucharist. 10 a. m. church OR SALE.—Ford touring car, 1919 R d d f thi t to : 1, st-class shape. EXxtr: school. 11 a.m. Mattins, and sermon, a I tie or Des educed 1or this even “Sunday Work and Play.” 7:30 p. m. | Hassler shock absorbers and completely equipped with all extras. Bargain price for quick sale. R. R. BLAIR, Bellefonte, Pa. Both Phones. 65-26-1f A DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Letters Evensong, and sermon “Christ’s Liv- ing Leadership.” Tuesday, feast of St. Peter the Apostle, 10 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. The Ho- ly Communion on Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Preparatory serv- ice this (Friday) evening 7:30. Vis- itors welcome. 0 00 Some as Low as of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of David G. Knox, late of Ben- ner township, deceased, all persons know- ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement. 50 TITTIES TT ITT TTI Have You a Checking Account? EMMA E. KNOX, = 1 ini , | J. K. Johnston, Administratrix, be Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister Attorney. Bellefonte, Pa. ) 65-22-6t R.F.D. No.1 Republicans Scared of Wilson. From the Philadelphia Record. . President Wilson has beaten the Re- publicans twice, and they are evident- ly in a panic lest he should make it three times. It is fear that nie their talk about the third term. ey { U . . School District to the amount of Twenty- know what it means to fight him at | Pwo Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars the polls, and 1912 and 1916 warn 622,500.00) to be used in the erection and H 3 construction of a public schoo u ng them of their fate if he should be at Clarence, in the said Township, and for a candidate again. He has the best | the furnishing and equipping of same. issue that he ever ran on. The peace | The said election will be held at the treaty and the League of Nations are places, and by the officers provided by the dominating issue; the Republicans LECTION NOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a vote of the Board of School Directors of Snow Shoe township School District, a special election will be held in said town- ship on Saturday, the Srd day of July, 1920, for the purpose of obtaining the con- sent of the electors of the said School Dis- trict to incur an indebtedness of the said If you are a business man you have. oF 59.00 If you want to become one you must have. war No man can do business these days with- - out a proper bank connection. Why not do your banking with us. The First National Bank Don’t miss this opportunity to get a WOOLTEX WASH SKIRT law for the holding of elections in the aforesaid Township. Notice is hereby given that the amount « have made it such, though if they had had common sense they would have ratified the treaty and made the Presi- dential campaign on some other issue. Now their talk about the deep dark of the last assessed valuation of taxable property in the said Snow Shoe Township School District, as adjusted for the year 1920 is $229,090.00. The present indebtedness of the . . cai i jet is J plot to spring the President on the | nsaid School District is... ooo: (Xone) San Francisco convention shows how | The proposed debt................ $22,800.00 scared they are. y and the purpose of incurring said debt is to obtain funds for the erection and con- PE— ———It may be assumed that money talked too much before the Chicago | convention. —— Attest: ANDREW CHAMBERS, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS R. B. Daugherty, President. AANAAAPSASINPIS PIP II Billy ana Nanny May Be Profitably Eruployed in Clearing Away the Impeding Underbrush. struction of a public school building at Clarence and for the furnishing and equip- ping of same. Polls open at 7 a. m. and | elose at 7 p. Bn By order of the Board. Secretary. 65-24-31 The monkey cotton picker was never an entire success. The monkey could pick the cotton, but it cost more to provide human direction to guide his efforts than the negro cotton pickers asked for the whole job, picking. direct- ing and all. But the Angora gout as a clearer of land requires no direction. Just string a few strands of barbed wire around the land to be cleared so that Mr. and Mrs. Goat and the kids shall not clear the land that is not to be cleared and they will do the job without even a casual suggestion from the land owenr. The success which has attended the raising ef Angora goats in the rugged Ozark country of southwestern Missou- ri has suggested to specialists of the department of agriculture that it might be equally profitable to place such herds on many other wild tracts, par- oy those which have been cut over. because these goats are proving of great help in clearing away under- brush. Growing mohair and producing kids, the Angoras in the Ozarks are also trimming down the brush, manur- ing the hills and preparing the way for grass, catile and sheep. According to reports secured by a representative of the state college of agriculture in Missouri, the Angoras required to clear an acre of land | varies from two to five, depending on the density and size of the brush. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ABORERS WANTED.—For Steel Con- struction. 54 hour week. Can make MEET ME AT COHEN'S. Your friends are meeting you at Cohen’s are they mot? Well if they are not you make arrangements for them te do so. You will find it a good place to meet the people whom you do not expect to see and then those that you have arranged to meet. We are anxious to tell you about the are printed voiles 40 inches wide and are of a very good quality. They come in the very prettiest shades and we are sure that when you see them you will want a dress off one of the pieces wheth- er you need it or mot. We are selling this special while it lasts for 59c. What is prettier than a nice gingham dress for the afternoom, on the perch, for the morning shopping, or in fact any- where or any time? Let us show you the prettiest gingham’s and the best quality, for your needs. We have these in differ- ent widths, for 39¢, 45¢, 50c, €9c. Do you have just what the children need to play in these warm days? Just the little gingham romper suit. We invite you to come in and see the line of romper suits that we can offer you, in all sizes. We have some of these in the little pink and blue baby checks that you will like. They are a real bargain at $1.48. What about underwear for the mother, the big sister, the little sister and the new voiles that we just received. These | BELLEFONTE, PA. RAISIN TG TT a 4 a So ILIA PSPSPS SALAS AS PPL PSPSPS CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASNI SN Piling Up Happiness Does each year find you wishing and hoping for better things in the future —and regretting lack of accomplish- ment in the past? There is one sure way to fill your horn of plenty to the brim with all the good things of life. It entails no sac- rifice now. It merely means the form- ing of a good habit. Save! That good old formula for suc- cess is as true now as when it helped build the fortunes of our pioneer rail- road builders, manufacturers and pro- moters. Applying it on a small scale in your own way will bring you results in pro- portion. Open a bank account with us and we will help you save. rs, sen, o CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO 60-4 BELLEFONTE, PA. 20 TTR ” Schlow’s Quality Shop The Best for the Well-Dressed Bora PHONES VWAAAAAANS , AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNIN little brother? Why not have d that is the most comfortable? Have you ever heard about, er seen Sealpax under- wear? If you have never seen or heard of it, it will be hard to make you see the wonderful qualities of it in this way. You will really be doing us a favor by by asking to see it when you come into the store. This we have from $125 full time. Wages, 50 cents an hour, upward. to $3.50 according to size and material. 65-26-4t HORATIO loony, Pa. Do you have just what you want in The McVey Co. Real Estate Operators FOR SALE Double house, six rooms and den on each side. All modern conveniences, State Col- lege. 2 Six room dwelling, all modern conven- iences. A bargain, State College. Good six room house, electric light and water, plenty of fruit, $2000. Bellefonte. 22.acre farm, 2 miles east of Bellefonte, along state road, six room house, new barn, plenty of fruit; a bargain at $2200. Get our price on ready-cut houses and silos. a dark camisole for under that dark georg- ete crepe waiste.? The camisole adds as | much to the appearance as any other part of the dress. We have a mew stock of | dark camisoles beautifully trimmed at | $2.98. Narrow Belts in all sizes and in the wear | prettiest combinations that you will find | | anywhere, as well as in plain colors, for | only 59c. Just how often do you go into our Ladies’ Cloak and Suit Department when you come into our store? If you do mot visit this department regularly you are missing something worth while. Let us give you a tip. If you anti- | cipate getting a sweater for yourself or for the children see our line. All styles, all shades and all sizes. Come early and | pick yours out before they are all gone. We shall expect to see you soon. "COHEN & CO., Bellefonte. SECHLER & CoO. Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- where and at fair prices. We Invite You to Test this Statement 65-1 with Your Patronage. Graduation and Wedding Gifts. F. P. Blair & Son, OFFICES: ; BELLEFONTE re Tn Jewelers and Optometrists ALTOONA BEDFORD HARRISBURG LEWISTOWN JOHNSTOWN Crider Stone Building 65-18-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Money back without question if HUNT'S Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent box at our risk, C. M. PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte EN 65-26 64-22-tf Naa a aaa aaa a oa oo og Bellefonte, Pa. Sale Begins Saturday Morning For One Week Only.... A FULL 6-QUART (Regular Price $2.50) The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 65-5-1y