Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 25, 1920, Image 3

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    Bewavail Wan.
Bellefonte, Pa., June 25, 1920.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Mrs. Alice Meyers is quite ill with
tonsilitis and other ailments.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Gates were
in Tyrone on a shopping tour on Sat-
Miss Verna Tabb, of Newport, is a
guest at the ‘Squire Miller home in
the Glades.
Mrs. Nannie Bailey, of Fairbrook,
spent last week in town with her
daughter, Mrs. Glenn.
Rev. David Y. Brouse, of Houtzdale,
has been here this week visiting his
many old-time friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Smith came
down from Altoona and spent- Monday
among friends in town.
Mrs. John Duff, of Clinton county,
is visiting her aged mother, who is
past eighty-six years old.
Mr. and Mrs. William Yocum mo-
tored to Bellefonte on Saturday on a
business and shopping trip.
Miss Mary Norton, of Frankstown,
is a guest of Rev. and Mrs. L E. Fish-
er, at the Methodist parsonage.
Miss Clara Trostle is plying her
scissors and needle this week at the
Mac Fry home at Rock Springs.
Farmer Will Stuart lost one of his
thoroughbred Holstein heifers on Sun-
day night as the result of pneumonia.
Prof. George R. Dunlap spent last
week with his wife at Wallaceton,
where she is under medical treatment.
Some of our farmers have started
their hay making, though the weather
has Jot been very favorable the past
Another little boy arrived during
the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Homan, making seven in the
After a month’s visit among her
many friends in the Mountain city,
Mrs. Will Kuhn returned home last
Miss Nannie McWilliams was in Al-
toona last Thursday attending the
marriage of her friend, Miss Anna
Clifford Close, tenant on the D. G.
Meek farm at Fairbrook, is taking
out timber to build a garage to house
his Buick Six.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker and
Mrs. Roy Barto motored to Bellefonte
on Saturday and visited several days
among friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McWilliams and
Mr. and Mrs. Haslet, of Johnstown,
have been guests this week at the W.
H. McWilliams home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams and Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Williams motored to
Tyrone on Sunday and spent the day
at the Fred Williams home.
Lester Krebs, of State College, was
2 recent caller at the home of his un-
cle, W. E. Reed, on Main street, who
is housed up with rheumatism.
J. Herbert Ward came up from
Philadelphia to spend his vacation
among old friends and in whipping
the mountain streams for trout.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Glenn and Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Shirk motored up
from Lemont and spent the Sabbath
at the W. H. Glenn home on Main
Having purchased the old home
farm John Henry Bailey is now mon-
arch of all he surveys. His mother
will continue making her home with
her son.
William Everts, one of Tyrone’s
wide-awake business men, spent the
Sabbath with his brother, J. Neff Ev-
erts, who is convalescing from a re-
cent surgical operation.
Don’t miss the social at Baileyville
tomorrow (Saturday) evening. It
will be given by the I. W. T. band and
strawberries, ice cream, cake and cof-
fee will be served.
H. M., George and Philip Grenoble,
accompanied by their wives, motored
to Marklesburg on Sunday to visit
their aunt, Mrs. Kate Young, widow
of the late D. H. Young.
Merchant Elmer C. Ross, of Le-
mont, took a spin down the state high-
way on Sunday afternoon to look over
his farm west of town, now tenanted
by the Shoemaker family.
'Squire James Swabb, who has been
housed up some time with a bad leg
caused by the kick of a horse, is now
able to be around and administer jus-
tice by the aid of a cane.
The State College Lodge Modern
Woodmen of America accompanied by
a delegation of Royal Neighbors, held
memorial services and decorated the
graves of their departed members in
the new cemetery here on Sunday
afternoon at three o'clock. Prof. J.
W. White was in charge.
Dr. Frank Bowersox, the popular
druggist at Millheim, accompanied by
Mrs. Bowersox, spent the Sabbath
with his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Bowersox. His mother, who
was eighty-three years old yesterday,
is quite frail but her wants are well
looked after by a competent nurse.
Rev. Mr. Miller presided at a con-
gregational meeting held in the Pres-
byterian church here on Sunday even-
ing when the congregation voted on
the question of extending a call to
Rev. William M. Steele, of Gallitzin,
to become pastor of this charge. The
charge consists of Centre Hall, Le-
mont, Boalsburg and Pine Grove
Mills, and while the congregations at
the two first-named places voted to
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
extend the call the latter two failed
to concur.
! All roads led to the J. A. Fortney
home on Monday evening, the occa-
sion being a party given by Mr. and
Mrs. Fortney in celebration of the fif-
teenth birthday anniversary of their
daughter, Miss Brittamart. The young
lady received many valuable presents,
and with delicious refreshments, mu-
sic and various games it proved a de-
lightful evening for all concerned.
Mrs. H. N. Walker spent last week
with relatives in Williamsport and
when she returned home was accom-
panied by her mother, Mrs. Franks,
and her brother, Sergt. James Franks,
who has served twenty years in the U.
S. regular army, mostly in Panama,
and is now home on a furlough. If
Le serves six more years he will be
plomatiealy placed on the retired
Last week ’Squire Watt took grand-
mother Nelan, of Pittsburgh, on a
sight-seeing trip, going down to Pot-
ters Mills, crossing the Seven moun-
tains, thence through the beautiful
Kishacoquillas valley to Huntingdon
and from there home by way of
Spruce Creek valley, arriving in time
for dinner. Mrs. Nelan was much im-
pressed with the scenery along the
On Monday Thomas Fronk and
mother, Mrs. William Fronk, of Bai-
leyville, motored over to the vicinity
of Loveville to gather wild strawber-
ries which grow quite plentifully in
the woodlands of that section. In
driving along an unfrequented road
Mr. Fronk hit a stump and upset his
machine. His mother was thrown out
and sustained a bad gash across her
throat that extended almost from one
ear to the other. Fortunately it was
not deep enough to reach any vital
spot, but it was a very close call. She
was also badly bruised and shaken up,
bie is thankful she escaped with her
While returning home from State
College last Thursday evening in his
Ford car, Orvis Taylor, who is work-
ing for H. A. Elder on the Branch,
had motor trouble along the way and
was compelled to leave the car by the
road side, intending to return for it
the next morning. But when he went
back on Friday morning the car was
gone. Some person Or persons had
evidently come across the abandoned
car and in some way managed to get
the motor going and started for parts
unknown. The trail led east and se-
curing the assistance of A. B. Musser
and his Buick Six the two men start-
ed on the trail: They found the car
ditched near Boalsburg with the mo-
tor and most of the machinery out of
commission. The thieves evidently
took to the woods as no further trace
of them could be secured.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoy and family,
of Blanchard, attended church here on
Sunday and spent the balance of the
day among friends.
Miss Mary Stover and mother, who
spent the past nine months at State
College, have returned to their home
here for the summer months.
The annual Kling family reunion
was held at the George Ertley home
last Saturday. About sixty of the
clan were present and all report a
pleasant and profitable gathering.
On Sunday morning Mrs. William
Weaver accidentally fell down a flight
of stairs, and though she was fortu-
nate in escaping without any serious
injury she was pretty badly shocked
and bruised.
The congregation of the Reformed
church is arranging to replace the old
Build Yourself Up
So as to Feel Better.
Eat and sleep better, as well as look
better, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It is an all-the-year-round medicine,
good in all seasons.
It purifies, enriches and revitalizes
the blood, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, assists assimilation of the
food you eat, and wonderfully builds
up the whole system. In many cases
it succeeds where other medicines fail
to do any good.
_ If you need a mild effective cathar-
tic, get Hood’s Pills. 65-26.
years now since I have had any trouble
and dilapidated boardwalk in front of
the church property with a substan-
tial concrete walk. About fifty dol-
lars have already been raised towards
defraying the expense.
Miss Florence Orwig, of State Col-
lege, spent Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. Walter Orwig.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rachau have re-
turned home from Philadelphia, where
Mr. Rachau had been employed in a
bank since the close of school.
Miss Sue C. Lenker, of Lemont, has
been in town the past week, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crouse.
Miss Lenker formerly lived here.
Mrs. Paul Stover and daughter
Elizabeth, of Duncannon, spent a
short time, Monday evening, with her
parents-in-law, ’Squire and Mrs. Sto-
Miss Margaret Nevil and brother,
Master William Nevel, of Snow Shoe,
are spending part of their vacation
with their grandmother, Mrs. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harter have
gone to visit their son Forrest, who
lives in Nittany valley. They make
this trip anually during the strawber-
ry season.
Miss Anna Taylor, of State College,
is the guest of her great-uncle, Z.
Thomas, and her aunt, Miss Rebecca
Snyder. Mr. Thomas, who had been
seriously ill, is improving rapidly, con-
sidering his condition.
Clayton Leitzell, of Harrisburg, was
brought to his mother’s home last
Thursday evening. He has been very
il in a Harrisburg hospital for several
weeks, and the doctor advised his
going home. Acute Bright's disease
is the cause of his present illness.
Mrs. H. M. Coll and son Donald, of
State College, and Mrs. R. G. Swan-
son and two .interesting children,
Gwendolyn and Richard, of Austin,
Pa., arrived in the village Monday
evening and are guests at Mrs. Coll’s
old home, with their aunt, Miss Lydia
Brace Up!
Do you feel old before your time?
Is your back bent and stiff? Do you
suffer urinary disorders? Don’t des-
pair—profit by Bellefonte experiences.
Bellefonte people recommend Doan’s
Kidney Pills. Here’s a Bellefonte
resident’s statement.
Mrs. Christ Young, 16 Potter St.,
says: “For more than a year I suf-
fered with a dull pain in the small
of my back. My back was always
sore and when I bent over, I could
hardly get up again. I didn’t feel
able to do anything about my house.
I had a dull, drowsy feeling all day
long and when I got up in the morn-
ing, I could hardly dress. I was
troubled a lot with dizzy spells and
my kidneys acted irregularly. I read
in our town paper where Doan’s Kid-
ney Pills had helped so many people
of the same trouble that I decided
to give them a trial. The first box
I got at the Gréen Pharmacy Co., cur-
ed me and it has been about three
with my kidneys.” :
(Statement given April 22, 1914.)
On October 18, 1918, Mrs. Young
said: “I am very glad to confirm my
former endorsement recommending
Doan’s Kidney Pills. I have had no
kndney trouble since I used Doan’s
and am now a well woman and owe it
all to Doan’s.”
60c at all dealers. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y 65-26
Ira D. Garman
Mr. and Mrs. Brutus Witherite, of
Osceola Mills, visited Mr. Witherite’s
parents, over Sunday.
Miss Rebecca N. Rhoades, of Belle-
fonte, made a call on Mrs. Ida Wit-
mer one day last week.
Miss Madge Poorman returned
home last Saturday after spending
two weeks at State College.
Mrs. Ellen Witherite, who has been
on the sick list for several months,
is very poorly at this writing.
Mrs. Ada Packer and two children,
of Milesburg, spent Saturday at the
home of Mrs. Packer’s sister, Mrs.
Lloyd Walker.
nm ——
x |
per acre.
| usin
Write for particulars and
copy of our booklet.
Gettysburg, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.
Harrisonburg, Va.
Mrs. Martin Brower and daughter Read the “Watchman” and see.
Your Wheat
And Cut Your
Labor Cost
TRE is only one answer to the
present high cost of farm labor
—increased per acre production.
Yr 757 More bushels per acre mean lower
per bushel costs, and larger profit
_Gro-All fertilizers will not cul-
__ tivate more acres of wheat, but they
Ai{ J) will grow more bushels per acre.
Under ordinary conditions, and on the
soils generally used for grain and grass
in the Eastern States, the Gro-All
Grain and Grass Grower (2-12-2)
is the ideal mixture for Fall seeding.
Gro-All fertilizers are carefully formulated with full
knowledge of crop requirements. They are manufac-
tured in four modern and complete plants by men who
realize and a preciate the importance of perfect me-
chanical and drilling conditions.
Solve your labor and other production problems by
liberal quantities of Gro- All high analysis
Hagerstown, Md. .
, went to Phillipsburg on Wednesday |
for a week’s visit with friends.
Luther Brooks spent Sunday at
Pleasant Gap with his sister.
_ Arthur and Russell Lucas, of Phil-
lipsburg, spent Sunday with their sis-
ter, Mrs. Dora Mayes, in this place.
Children’s day services were held in
the United Brethren church here last
Sunday evening, and a large crowd
was in attendance.
Miss Edna Rodgers returned to her
work in Pittsburgh on Sunday after
spending two weeks here with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodgers.
— It’s all here and it’s all true.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry
11th Street Below Chestnut,
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most satis-
factory manner, and at Prices consist-
ent with the class of work. Call on or
communicate with this office”
Bellefonte Trust Company
Bellefonte, Pa.
Why You Should Make aWill
To safeguard your estate.
tor and Trustee.
To protect your loved ones.
By making a Will you can appoint the Bellefonte Trust
Company as your Executor or Trustee.
You can thus assure to your heirs the business manage-
ment and financial responsibility which this institution affords.
Your wishes can be observed in the distribution of your
property, for if you do not leave a Will the law may divide up
your possessions in a way that you might not desire.
How Have You Made Your Will?
Do not write your own Will.
dangerous and often cause law-suits, because, when drawing a
Will the law must be known, both as to wording and terms.
Consult a lawyer today about the making of your Will and have
him name the Bellefonte Trust Company to act as your Execu-
J. L. Spangler, C. T. Gerberich, N. E. Robb,
65-3-tf President Vice President Treasurer
‘““Home-made’’ Wills are
EL RA Risa
= |
“Money back” here isn’t
a “game’’---it’s a privi-
The man who gives a
store the opportunity to
rectity a cause for dissat-
isfaction is doing the store
a favor more than himself.
That’s the right way to
look at it..
KLINE WOODRING — Aitorusyaute
S Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices
all courts. Office, room 18 Criders
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at- ly
N Practices in all the at on
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefou
Pa. 053
S. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsel
lor at Law. Office in Eagle
Block, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of
legal business attended to promptly. 40-40
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business em~
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 Hast
Hight street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at Law
J and Justice of the Poe pro-
fessional business will recejve
prom t attention. Office on second floor of
emple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-Law. Come
sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belle=
fonte, Pa.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physiecia
Surgeon, State College, a
county, Pa.
Office at his resi
dence. 35-41
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. I, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred
per week, total disability,
Tie 62 weeks)
10 per, week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion
Any person, male or female, en, in a
referred occupation, in: house
eeping, over eighteen years of age of
moral and physical condition may
insure under this er.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
50-21. Agent, Bellefonte Fa.
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by busing poor,
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
34-34-1y Bellefonte Pa.
Hight Street.
Good Health
Good Plumbing
When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky
water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping
gas. you can’t have good Health. The air you
reathe is poisonous; your system becomes
poisoned and invalidism is sure to come.
is the kind we do. It’s the only kind you
ought to have. Wedon’t trust this work to
boys. Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics.
no better anywhere. Our
Material and
Fixtures are the Best
Not a cheap or inferior article in our
entire establishment. d with good
work and the finest material, our
Prices are Lower
than many who give you poor, unsan-
itary work and the lowest grade of
finishings. For the Best Work try
Archibald Allison,
ite Bush H Bell
Opposite House. fonts, Ph