[RR Bellefonte, Pa, June 18, 1920. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——O0h joy, oh boy! Another circus, Thursday, July 8th. Editor Harter, of tbe Gazette, is associating with Judges and Sena- tors this week in a trout-fishing camp on Penns Creek. ——Mr. and Mrs. E. Earl Stailey are receiving congratulations on the birth of their first child, a son. Mrs. Stailey is well known in Bellefonte, as Miss Julia Curtin. ——“0h, East is East and West is West, and never the twain will meet” —Don’t you believe it. The Occident and the Orient will both be at the circus July 8th. See them. —Judge Henry C. Quigley was compelled to cancel his assignment to hold court in Harrisburg this week owing to the death of his father, Capt. James A. Quigley, of Beech Creek. ——An ice cream and strawberry festival will be given by the Women’s Guild of the Episcopal church on the lawn of the home of Col. W. Fred. Reynolds on Friday evening, June 25th. All are welcome. ——The thimble bee of the ladies of the Reformed church will be held in the Chapel, this (Friday) afternoon The hostess, Miss Caroline Harper, cordially invites the ladies of the con- gregation and their friends. —— County Treasurer L. Frank Mayes held his unseated land sales on Monday, and being an auctioneer by profession did his own selling. The sales attracted the usual crowd of buyers, most of whom were interested in a financial way in the various tracts offered for sale. ——The weather may be hot on the streets these long evenings, but you will find it fairly comfortable in the Scenic, and nowhere in Bellefonte can you get more amusement and better entertainment for your money than at this popular moving picture show. If you're not a regular, you should be- come one. ——Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Walk- er gave a dinner at the Lock Haven country club, Monday evening, in com- pliment to their house guest, Miss Evans and the guests of Mrs. George P. Bible. The entire party was enter- tained Sunday at a luncheon given by Mrs. John S. Walker and Miss Short- lidge, at their home on Linn street. ——Shortly before noon on Wed- nesday the waterback in the range of the Pruner orphanage exploded scat- tering live coals all over the kitchen. Fearing a conflagration that might destroy the orphanage an alarm of fire was promptly sent in. The fire department responded but the flames were easily extinguished before they did much damage. ——Willis Shuey got up at four o’clock last Saturday morning and de- cided to do a little trout fishing be- fore it was time to go to work. Seek- ing one of his favorite spots on Lo- gan’s Branch he started in and in an hour caught three, the largest of which measured 24 inches in length and weighed a fraction over five pounnds. The other two measured 18 and fourteen inches respectively. Not bad for an early morning catch. As it looks now Bellefonters will have to go away from home for entertainment on the Fourth of July, as no celebration of any kind has been planned for this place. Of course the Fourth will fall on Sunday, which naturally means that Monday will be the day universally observed. Mill- heim will dedicate a soldier’s memor- ial on that day, and Snow Shoe gen- erally has something going on, while Philipsburg is also arranging a cele- bration. Globobio Ronandio, who escap- ed from the Rockview penitentiary last November and was caught in Scranton last week and returned to Bellefonte, was taken before Judge Quigley on Tuesday morning and giv- en the regular sentence prescribed by law. Ronandio’s original sentence was for from five to seven years and when he escaped he had only three or four months to serve. He will now be compelled to serve out his old sentence and a new one equal to the original. The children of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Miller gave them a surprise party on Wednesday evening in honor of their fifty-fourth wedding anni: versary, at their home in Bush’s Ad- dition. There were present their six children, twenty-one grandchildren and five great grand-children, as well as a number of other invited guests. Delicious and appetizing refreshments were served during the evening and the occasion proved a most enjoyable one for all, and especially for Mr. and Mrs. Miller. ——Some farmers in Centre county are complaining of considerable dam- age being done their corn fields by the crows and cut worms. Several in- stances have been reported where far- mers were compelled to replant fully one-fourth of their field. But the funniest story was told us the other day on a new farmer who is tilling the soil this year for the first. His corn field is on the hillside and every other row came up very sparcely. Curious to know the reason therefore he dug down and not only found the corn sprouted but the young stalk curled around in every which way, and the only conclusion he could arrive at is that he planted the corn too deep and the young shoots could not find their way to the surface. Wheth- er that is the reason or not, he is re- planting his corn. BIG COMMENCEMENT AT STATE COLLEGE. Hundreds of Old Grads and Visitors Present for the Week’s Exercises. During the past three years annual commencement exercises at The Penn- sylvania State College have been very much curtailed owing to the war and conditions incident thereto, but this year the doors of hospitality were thrown wide open and the result was one of the old-time commencements, with hundreds of old grads back for a part of the week at least while the college was almost swamped with oth- er visitors from all parts of the State. While preliminary events to the commencement proper were held as early as Friday evening and Saturday the first official part of the general program was the baccalaureate ser- mon to the graduating class on Sun- day morning, by Rev. Dr. C. E. Jef- ferson, of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York. On Sunday afternoon special memorial serices were held in the auditorium for Dean George Gil- bert Pond, for thirty-two years a member of the college faculty, and whose recent death at New Haven, Conn., was so sudden and unexpected. Dr. Edwin Erle Sparks, president of the College, presided and touching tributes were paid to the memory of Dr. Pond by Judge H. Walton Mitch- ell, on behalf of the Board of Trus- tees, of which he is president; Prof. F. L. Pattee, on behalf of the college faculty; Dr. William H. Walker, prac- tical head of the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology and who was one of Dr. Pond’s first chemistry students, spoke for the chemistry students gen- erally; J. F. Shields, ’92, of Philadel- phia, spoke in behalf of the alumni, and Mr. Snyder represented the stu- dent body. Announcement was made during the week that the movement started less than a year ago by Dr. Pond for the removal from Northum- berland to State College of the old Joseph Priestley mansion be carried out just as he had planned and that the group of buildings of which it will be a part be named the “George Gil- bert Pond laboratories.” Announcement was made on Sun- day that for the first time in the his- tory of the College a girl had won the John W. White medal in the person of Miss Esther Mae Rauck, of Joan- na, Berks county, who has won sever- al scholarships and medals in the past four years. It was also announced that Calvin Wilson Moore, of State College, had won the John W. White fellowship, valued at $400, to be used in post graduate work, but had very generously resigned the prize in favor of George Stewart Wykoff, also of State College, who will enter Prince- ton Seminary next fall to prepare for the ministry. Class day exercises were held on Monday morning and a little incident of that gathering was the presenta- tion to Dr. and Mrs. Sparks by the graduating class of a token of appre- ciation engraved on parchment and enclosed in a morocco leather case. Dr. Sparks was also presented with a handsome gold watch, a gift of the entire student body. Official presen- tation was also made of the $100,000 life insurance endowment fund pro- vided as a memorial by the 1920 ciass, and which was officially accepted by Judge Mitchell on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Tuesday was alumni day, and not- withstanding the rain a large number of old graduates joined the parade on the campus and made merry with a vim equal to their old college days. At the annual meeting of the alumni association Judge Mitchell, as presi- dent of the Board of Trustees, an- nounced that with this commencement the service of Dr. Sparks as official head of the College would cease. He spoke briefly of the many big things he had accomplished during his twelve years as head of the institution and expressed regret that his health made it imperative for him to give up the work. He further stated that up to the presenc time nobody as yet has been actually approached in regard to becoming Dr. Sparks’ successor, but that the members of the Board of Trustees have several parties in view and it is just possible that somebody will be invited soon to become the head of the institution. But he fur- ther qualified his statement by saying that the mere fact of the College be- ing without an official head would not influence the Board in acting with un- due haste or without very thoroughly considering the question of a succes- sor to Dr. Sparks. Announcement was also made to the association that Charles W. Stoddart, professor or ag- ricultural chemistry, had been pro- moted to Dean of Liberal Arts and acting Dean of the School of Natural Science, a position held by the late Dr. G. G. Pond for twenty-four years. Another speaker before the alumni association was Dr. Thomas E. Fine- gan, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This was the doctor's first visit to State College and he freely confessed that he was so aston- ished at the magnitude of the Centre county institution, its location and surroundings that it would be some time before he would be able to ex- press himself coherently in regard to it. He then spoke of his dream of one big university for the great State of Pennsylvania, a statement of which has appeared in the public press from time to time, but stated that he want- ed to go on record there and then with the assertion that no dream of his, no movement that he might be able to precipitate would contemplate any in- terference with or retroaction of the great work being done at State Col- lege now. And further than that, he would do everything within his power to broaden and enlarge its sphere of usefulness. Intrepreting his remarks he stated that if agriculture is to be ; brought to the high plane of business , efficiency as are other industries it must be through the help of our agri- cultural colleges. And the only way to dignify the course in agriculture is to make it a part of the curriculum of our biggest universities, so that the boy who wants to study farming will stand on the same plane as the boy who wants to study the arts, the sci- ences, or any of the greatest studies in the world. Dr. Finegan also stated that State College was not only the State College in name but also in fact and logically should be the one state university, and so far as he would be able to influence legislation not one penny of appropriation would go to any other institution until State Col- lege was liberally taken care of. Naturally the members of the alum- | ni association, who always have the interest of the College very close to their hearts, were very much pleased with Dr. Finegan’s pronounced assur- ance of his interest and future co-op- eration in the welfare of the College. | The commencement exercises prop- er were held in the auditorium on Wednesday morning when some three hundred young men and women were given their degrees and diplomas. The Junior Assembly on Wednesday even- ing closed the week’s exercises. Fol- lowing is a list of the Centre coun- tians who were awarded diplomas and the courses in which they graduated: BACHELOR OF ARTS. Commerce and Finance—J. H. Brennan, Bellefonte; J. L. Kessler, Millheim. Education and Psychology-—H. N. Ed- ' miston, State College. History and Political Science—William Etters, State College. Modern Language and Literature—(G. S. Wykoff, State College. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Home Economics—Edith M. Detwiler, Smullton; Helen M. E. Foster, Juliet M. Grazier, Sarah E. Taylor and Mrs. Carrie E. Hibshman, all of State College. Vocational Home Economics—Nellie S. Watts, State College. Agronomy—R. E. Thomas, State College. Horticulture—A. E. Shirk and R. 8. Tay- lor, State College. Agricultural State College. Electrical Xngineering—P. M. Gentzell, Bellefonte; BE. T. Gramley, Spring Mills; A. A. Skene, State College. Industrial Education—George H. Re- sides, State College. Industrial Engineering—D. C. and T. B. Foster, State College. Mechanical Engineering—C. W. and IE. M. Struble, State College. Mining Eengineering—E. B. Moshannon. : Industrial Chemistry—Philip S. hart, Bellefonte. Engineering—P. B. Kapp, Blaisdell Moore Tubridy, jarn- Send it to Ye Editor. Tax collector Levi A Miller, of Spring township, had what he terms a peculiar surprise a few days ‘ago. In order to have something on hand “for medical purposes only” he decid- ed it would be the part of wisdom to make a little dandelion wine. When the wine was ready for bottling he discovered that he was short of bottles. To help him out of his dilemma, Mrs. Miller called attention to the fact that there was a whole case of soft drink bottles in the cellar that could be used. Therefore the genial tax collector hied himself forthwith to the cellar and in due time uncovered -the case of supposedly empty bottles, but was very much surprised, upon examina- tion, ‘to find them all full. In total ignorance of what the bottles contain- ed he opened one and sampled it, and was rather pleased to find the con- tents to be a very good quality of sweet cider. Then the fact dawned upon him that ten years ago, when cider was plenty and much cheaper than it has been the past few years, he had made several barrels of it and had bottled a portion of it for use during the winter. The case in question had evidently been lost sight of and buried beneath some other stuff in the cellar had lain there all : this time. The finding of the cider places Mr. Miller in a rather peculiar position. He realizes that at the age of ten years the cider may have become more or less intoxicating. He realizes the fact that prohibition advocates tell us that strong drink has driven young men from lines of sobriety, industry and frugality to a career of drunken- ness, indolence and wastefulness. That strong drink is responsible, directly or indirectly for three-fourths of all crime committed, and four-fifths of all murders perpetrated in the land. And now comes the dilemma. Mr, Mil- ler does not want to be a party to anything that would connect him with such transgressions of the law, and he would like to know what to do with the other twenty-three bottles of cider, which he admits tastes all right. And that is the reason we say “send it to ye editor.” He will see that no young man or woman gets the least bit of it. display in the Potter-Hoy hardware store last Thursday morning, Mrs. George Martz, of Lemont, inadvert- ently stepped forward without notic- | ing where she was going and fell | down the steps leading to the base- ment. In addition to nervous shock and bruises she sustained a fracture of her left arm. A physician was promptly summoned who reduced the fracture and Mr. Potter conveyed her to her home in his car. Mrs. Martz is seventy-four years old and naturally will mind the injury more than a younger person. To avoid another like accident a gate has been placed at the head of the stairway. While examining the basket | DR. HENNIG’S NEW INDUSTRY. Organization Will be Known as Nick- el Fabricating Company. { —— | The “Watchman” last week an- ; nounced that the Business Men’s Asso- , ciation of Centre county had decided | to undertake the sale of $50,000 worth {of bonds for the establishment of a { new industry in Bellefonte, and offi- {cial announcement was made this week that the new corporation will be known as the Nickel Fabricating com- pany. Its purpose is to manufacture I articles of pure nickel and nickel-al- loys, and will utilize for its raw ma- terials the new production in mallea- i ble nickel and nickel-alloys developed by Dr. C. T. Hennig, of Bellefonte. . There has long been a well-estab- | lished demand for products made of nickel, and of nickel-alloys, owing to their resistance to acids, alkalies and high temperatures. Previous to the de- velopment of Dr. Hennig’s processes | of refining these materials it has been | most difficult to produce them in a { form suitable for fabricating purpos- es. Practically all of this type of | work in the United States was being , done by Mr. Harry C. Taylor and Mr. George H. Tay, with materials sup- plied them by the Supplee-Biddle Hardware company, of Philadelphia, long known as the original develop- ers of the market of non-corrosive al- loys. The demands of this market i have become so great that it has be- | come necessary to supplant the old ar- | rangement with an organization doing i this sort of work exclusively, and it ! was for this reason that the Nickel Fabricating company is being organ- ized. The new corporation will use for its materials supply the products of the Nickel-Alloys company, of Hyde, Pa., (Dr. Henning’s metal producing or- ganization,) and will manufacture among other things such articles as tanks, washing machines, dairy equip- ment, cooking utensils, chemical equipment, etc. These products will be marketed through the Supplee-Bid- dle company. It is very evident that with the backing of a large, success- ful metal-producing company, and with a sales organization internation- . ally known as the original distributor "of this type of product, the Nickel Fabricating company will be a success from the start. Indeed it is known | that there are several large manufac- | turing contracts already waiting for ' the plant to commence operations. It is the intention at present to lo- cate in the old plant of the Titan Metal company, on the McCoy proper- ty, near Milesburg, and it is expected that when fully organized about one hundred and fifty to two hundred hgncia mechanics will be employ- ed. Bellefonte is to be congratulated upon the acquisition of such an indus- try, which will bring to this locality many families of the very best sort, after the available home labor has been taken care of. It is known that several of our neighboring cities have been offering large bonuses to the plant as an inducement to locate with one'or the other of them. It is due entirely to the efforts of Dr. Hennig that the organizers of the plant have decided to locate here, for although he will not be an active officer in the new company, he felt that he would be able better to devote more of his time to it in an advisory manner in his own home town than he could were it located elsewhere. Then, too, the fact that the new concrete road ‘between Clearfield and Bellefonte will soon be ready, makes it possible to ship raw materials from Dr. Hennig’s plant to the new plant here with greater ease than could be done in many other localities desirous of hav- ing the plant. And the final reason for locating here is one that we all know—that Bellefonte has better water, better . streets, and a better civic spirit than has any other which has been consid- ered. We welcome the Nickel Fabri- j cating company to Bellefonte, and wish it a long and prosperous exist- ance. Bellefonte’s Population Declining. Announcement was made last week that the 1920 census showed the pop- { ulation of Bellefonte to be 8996, and i quite naturally many Bellefonters rise | to question the correctness of the fig- fures. In 1900 the population of the (town was 4216, and in 1910 4145. From these figures it will be seen that in ten years we have gone back 149 and in twenty years 220, assuming that the figures for 1920 are correct. And whether correct or not, they will have to stand as the official census of the town. Interest will now centre on the population of Centre county which in 1900 was 42,894, and in 1910 [ 43,425. Pennsylvania Industrial Reformatory. The exercises connected with the ex- hibit of the Industrial Departments and the close of the present term of the Reformatory Schools at Hunting- don, Pa., will be held on Thursday, June 24th, at 2 and 7:30 p. m. These occasions are open to the public and a cordial invitation extend- ed to all who may wish to attend, to do so. To start a fund for free dental care for children in the public schools, the anti-tuberculosis committee of the Woman’s club will give a benefit con- cert on Tuesday evening, June 29th, in the Presbyterian chapel. The chap- el has been selected because of the ex- cellent piano without which a concert would be impossible. Arrangements are under the direction of Miss Kate Hoover, assisted by Miss Helene Wil- liams. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mrs. Montgomery, of Lancaster, is a guest of her brother and his wife, Col. and Mrs. W. F. Reynolds. —Mrs. W. Morris Furey is visiting in Pittsburgh with her son William, while con- valescing from her recent illness. —DMiles Osmer, of Lima, Ohio, came to Bellefonte last Saturday and spent the week among his many friends in this place. —Mrs. John Marks and her son, Keith, will leave this week for a visit at Mrs. Marks’ former home in Berlin, Somerset county. : —D. J. Kelley, of York, spent the week end here with his son, Theodore, who has been a guest of his uncle, William 7. Kelly, for several months. —DMrs. M. C. Barry, a former resident of Bellefonte, but now of Philadelphia, has been a guest of friends in this local- ity for the past ten days. —Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, is this week attending the commencement exercises of St. Stephen’s College, Annandale, N, Y., from which he graduated in 1910. —Philip Reynolds, who served in the U. 8. Navy, during the period of the war, has entered the Merchant Marine service and will sail shortly for Egypt. —Benton Tate, of Bellefonte, and Kirk Tate, of Lock Haven, left Saturday for Roanoke, Va., to spend a ten day’s vaca- tion with their brother and family. —Mrs. A. O. Furst and her grandson. John Curtin, Jr., have been visiting in Seranton with some of Mrs. Furst's rela- tives and are now in Philadelphia. —J. Milo Campbell, of Pennsylvania Fur- ness, spent Monday in Bellefonte, driving down to attend the meeting of the Far- mers Mutual Fire Insurance company. —Mrs. DeGolyer, of Evanstown, Ill, has been in Bellefonte with her mother, Mrs. Louisa V. Harris, called here for the transaction of some business of the Har- ris estate. —R. Finley Stewart came in from Mid- land, Beaver county, the latter part of the week and spent a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Miller Stewart, on west Linn street. —Mrs., E. J. Burd, of Millheim, and Mrs. John Kanarr and son, of Centre Hall, spent several days in Bellefonte early in the week, with Mrs. Burd’'s sister, Mrs. Eben Bower. —DMrs. James Chambers, of Du Bois, is making her annual visit in Centre county, having come to Bellefonte, Saturday, to spend a week or more with Mr. and Mrs. William Larimer. —Howard Wetzel, a student at Penn State, has accepted a position at Algonquin, W. Va, for the summer, and while employ- ed there will be a guest of his sister, Mrs. E. 8. Farrow. —Miss Eva J. Gates is in Philipsburg this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gates and daughter, Betty, having gone over on Sunday as a motor guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bragonier. —A. Linn McGinley, Jr., who has fin- ished his first year at Penn State, con- templates spending the summer in Pitts- burgh with a view to remaining there and abandoning his college course.