A SR Bellefonte, Pa., May 21, 1920. En com NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. | ——Memorial day and the circus will be in Bellefonte on the same date, May 31st. ——Lock Haven’s 1920 census is given as 8,557, an increase in ten years of 785. ——Frank Sciabica has purchased the Arista Lucas property down near Sunnyside for $1000. The deal was made through the McVey Co. ——Quite heavy frosts were notice- able in portions of Centre county both Saturday and Sunday mornings but comparatively little damage was done. ——An anthem by the choir, a se- lection by the male quartette, a plain gospel message, all within an hour, at the Methodist church on Sunday even- ing. Strangers welcome. Courteous ushers. MAY TERM OF COURT. | Detours in Centre County. Only Three Bills Given to Grand Jury, | Work having been resumed on the One of Which was Ignored. ! state highways hereabouts the High- way Department announces detours Judge Quigley’s action last week in | as follows: sending the two Snow Shoe boys! Route No. 27, Spring township, charged with the murder of Jarvis Hall to Morganza instead of holding them for trial this week robbed the May term of court of the only case that would have formed an attraction for the morbidly curious, but it was undoubtedly a wise and humane act. That case being thus out of the way when the grand jury was polled and {sworn at the convening of court on i Monday morning the district attorney had only five bills to present, and two |. of those were later withdrawn which , left only three bills for consideration. i The grand jury, of which W. C. Cas- 1 sidy was foreman, found two truce bills and ignored one, examined the i public buildings and got through with ! their work in ample time to be dis- | charged before evening. In their re- port they stated that they found the / jail in bad condition and recommend- from Bellefonte via aviation field and Program for High School Commence- ment Week. Forty-three young men and women i will graduate from the several High ‘school courses on June 3rd, twenty- three from the general course, thir- teen from the commercial course and Nigh bank to Pleasant Gap, road in seven from the course in household fair condition. Detour placed April arts. 26th and to be removed October 1st. | All the friends and patrons of the Routes No. 107 and 219 in Boggs schools are most cordially invited to township, between Milesburg and Gum | attend any or all of the exercises of Stump. Detour, which is plainly | commencement week, which will open marked, placed May 10th and to be re- | with the baccalaureate sermon on moved October 15th. Sunday evening, May 30th, by Rev. sd Wilsen P. Ard, in the Presbyterian Annual Sunday School Convention. , church. : ' On Monday evening, May 31st, the The 51st annual convention of the : : Centre voaniy: Sabbath Sonool aste. | annual Junior declamation contest for Ahh 2 | the Reynolds prizes will be held in ciation will be held in the Reformed | the High school auditorium at 8:15 church at Pine Hall, Thursday and | o'clock. ‘This is the onl : : : y exercise of Friday, June 3rd and 4th. Names of the week to which an admission fee all delegates should be sent to Mr. W. will be charged. Tickets will be 15 K. Oot, State College, R. F. D., cents and the proceeds will go to the prompt y. library fund. The contestants will be The fourth annual older boy’s and : : . girl’s conference of the Centre county i Mary Dale, Caroline Van Valin, Ger i Sabbath School association will be | | | i trude Smith, Esther Johnson, Mary | risburg, spent from Saturday until Tues- NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. Mrs. William J. Sager and her children are visiting in York with Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jury. —Mrs. H. E. Fenlon is visiting in Phil- adelphia, and spending a short time at Atlantic City. —Rev. Z. W. Bathurst, of Shade Gap. Sager’s ' a RSA TI, —Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Barnhart are entertaining Mrs. Barnhart’'s sister, Mrs. | J. A. Williams, of Philadelphia. —Mrs. Andrew Cruse went to Pittsburgh Wednesday, expecting to visit for an in- definite time with her son and his wife, T. G. Cruse. —Miss Sue Garner, who is here with her sister, Mrs. William Bottorf, came to Pa., came to Bellefonte Wednesday for the funeral of his niece, Mrs. Garbrick, whose death occurred at the hospital Saturday. —Mrs. Howard Gearhart, of Princeton, Bellefonte from Philadelphia two weeks ago, on account of the illness of Mr. Bot- | torf. —Mrs. Wayne D. Stitzinger, of New N..J., has been in Bellefonte for a week | Castle, and her small son, have been in and will visit here with her mother, Mrs. Bellefonte for a week, guests of Mrs. Stit- Joseph Fox, of Bishop street, for a month i zinger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy or more. Johnston. —Miss —Dr. S. M. Nissley has been at McKees- Ida Klinger, representing the port this week, going out for the funeral Daughters of Rebekah and T. W. Cairns of Mrs. Nissley’s father, Mr. Miller, who | the Centre Lodge of Bellefonte, have been died at his home in that place Saturday.'!in Wilkes-Barre this week attending the Mrs. Nissley had been in McKeesport for . ninety-seventh annual convention of the several weeks. | Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania I. 0. 0. F. —Mrs. Francis M. Musser stopped in | —Dr. and Mrs. J. Finley Bell, who had Bellefonte with her aunt, Mrs. W. W. Wad- | been in Bellefonte for a short visit with dle, at the Brant house, Tuesday, for a | Dr. Bell's mother, Mrs. William Bell, left part of the day, on her way home to Al- { yesterday morning for the drive to their toona from a visit with her mother, Mrs. | home in Englewood, N. J. Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Meek, at Waddle. i Bell had been to Detroit, Mich., for their —Mr. and Mrs. G. Willard Hall, of Har- | new car, stopping here on their way east. —_— The Wetzler bands of Miles- €d some repairs as well as repairs to | burg will hold their annual festival, ‘the sheriff's residence. The court on the green, at Milesburg, Saturday | house was reported as in good condi- night, May 29th. This means good | tion and janitor John Love was com- things to eat, a cake walk, and a good | plimented in keeping it in such fine time for every one who will help with | shape. ; : this very worthy benefit. The first case tried by the jury on Examination for the M. Eliza- | Monday was that of W. C. Rowland beth Olewine scholarship will be held | I The JAthigtic Syorey 91 Susie © oh at The Pennsylvania State College on | . 5 b ht t bal Thursday, June 17th, 1920. These | action hroug D Tecover 5 "a ance ] | due on uniforms furnished for the old scholarships are worth $100 per year : : and are open to any girl graduate of Boal troop. According to the plain- : . | tiff’s testimony the W. C. Rowland 5 Centre County. Iigh school | store, in Philadelphia, engaged to Ea Ta Rao | make the uniforms for the troop for : ee ' : something over $800. The uniforms Milesburg Methodist church Saturday, | were made and sent to The Athletic May 22nd, % 8 o'clock. Aton and | Store and Mr. Rowland received $750 let this noted entertainer drive away on payment. No attention being paid held in the Lutheran church at Pine Hall Friday, June 4th. Names of all delegates should be sent to Mr. Geo. Sebring, Richard Herman, Frederick ; day in Bellefonte with Mrs. Hall's parents, Herr, Howard Van Valin, Scott Wol- { Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Spigelmyer, their trip ford and Nevin Robb. Music will be . being made at this time to afford Mr. Hall furnished by the High school orches- y an opportunity to vote at the primaries. MacMillen, State College, as soon as tra, possible. | On Wednesday morning, June 2nd, at 10:30 o'clock, the pupils of the | Bishop street building will present a 1 musical playlet entitled “The Rose tn ” 3 The Commissioners of Centre coun- | Drea mio i y np i hi 29 to coopera With | Allegheny street building will try to i estry in the campaign to extinguish ! Sule em in Flowerland forest fires in this locality. Gifford | On Wednesday evening the High P nepal, Be isi Sue forester " Te. school orchestra will give a concert, Juesie e Lommssioners to take ,¢ hich time athletic letters and immediate steps to assist the forest- honors will be given for football, base- ers and local forest fire wardens in ball and basket ball ‘obtaining help to fight the flames. The work in grade industrial art, Commissioners Asked to Co-operate in Fighting Forest Fires. in an operetta entitled, your cares and troubles for a while. Go and have an evening of laughter and enjoyment. Admission, 25 cents. ——Dr. Edwin Erle Sparks, presi- dent of The Pennsylvania State Col- lege, will deliver the address to the graduating class of nurses of the Bellefonte hospital at the annual com- mencement exercises to be held in the court house on Tuesday evening, June 1st, at 8:00 o’clock. The class this! year numbers six young ladies whe have completed their course in the ! hospital training school. to his demands for full payment he | Declaring that many of the forest | brought action to recover the sum of . fires this spring have been set by in- $169. being the balance with interest, ; cendiaries, Forester Pinchot asked the ‘In the interest of The Athletic Store | Commissioners to have the county po- ' Major Wilbur F. Leitzell testified | lice authorities punish the criminals, that he personally went to Philadel- | if any are caught firing the forests. phia and made the contract with Mu. Rowland for the uniforms and that he | New York Central R. R. Co. Refunds had in no way made The Athletic Big Overcharges. Store a party to the contract. The | : . jury returned a verdict for the de-| The Supreme court having sustain- fendant. i ed the decision of Judge R. B. McCor- The next case taken up was that of | mick in an action brought against the the Commonwealth vs. John Smith, | New York Central Railroad company grade sewing, and High scool manual training and household arts will be on | 1 —Harry Crissman, who left here over a ! year ago to make his home in Pittsburgh, returned Monday, and with Fearon Show- ers, will run the barber shop under the Centre County bank, which Mr. Crissman was in charge of at the time he left Belle- fonte. —DMiss E. M. Thomas, who had been with Mrs. Wistar Morris, of Overbrook, for the winter, returned to Bellefonte a week ago, to spend a month with her relatives here. At present Miss Thomas is with her niece, Mrs. James B. Lane, at her home on Linn street. —Dr. and Mrs. W. K. McKinney left Bellefonte on Tuesday, he to attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church which will be held in Philadelphia May 20th to 28th, and Mrs. McKinney to spend the time at her old home at New- ! exhibition in the High school building ark, N. J. during the entire days of Tuesday, | —John L. Given, of New York and Wednesday and Thursday, June 1-3. | Pittsburgh, spent a few days here the The week’s exercises will conclude Thursday evening, June 3rd, with the commencement address to the gradu- | ating class by Judge William H. Kel- ler, of Lancaster, one of the class of { four which constituted the first grad- nating class of the Bellefonte High | school. At the conclusion of the ad- dress President Melvin J. Locke, M. ——As the summer campaign for a | colored, charged with assault and lar- | by the New York and Pennsylvania |p of the board of education, will cleaner Bellefonte will open next | ceny. Prosecutor, C. W. Owens, of | Paper company of Lock Haven to re- { award prizes for excellence in many week, every resident of the town is | Philipsburg. The prosecutor, who is | cover on overcharges for coal ship- {lines of endeavor throughout the urged to .join-in helping to make for it a reputation for beauty, such as no other place in the State may have. If you haye your, own property looking fit, help those who cannot do for themselves; there are many in our town. Do not let the opportunity go by for doing something for Bellefonte. ! ——The attention of the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission has been call- ed to the heroic action of Boyd Samp- sell in saving the life of aviator J. T. Murphy 4 few weeks ago at the risk of his own life, and efforts are being ' made on the part of certain business men and others of Bellefonte to see that he gets due recognition. Accord- ing to past decisions of the Comunis- sion Mr. Sampsell should be entitled to a medal and a grant of $2,000. Here's hoping he gets it. -The Pennsylvania Department of Forestry has awarded the first con- tract for the cutting and removal of chestnut timber from state lands to a Bellefonte man, Harry Mauck, who will cut the chestnut on a tract of twenty-five acres in Furnace Hollow, . Franklin county. The timber will be ! manufactured into telephone and tele- | graph poles, mine props, etc. Other’ contracts will be awarded in the near | future and as it looks now there will be no use going chestnutting on state lands next fall. Times used to be that when the. circus posters were put up the small boy got busy running errands aad do- ing odd jobs for pennies and nickels, hoarding the same against the day the , elephant came to town and the big | tent was a greater attraction than a dozen Sunday school picnics. But not so, nowadays. The boy not only de- mands his entrance money, but money for pink lemonade and peanuts, and a great many of them want to be haul- ed to the show grounds in automo- | biles; and they get it, too, and then we all wonder why the expensive tastes as they grow to manhood. | | In renewing his subseription to the “Watchman” for the ensuing year postmaster D. M. Kerlin, of Rudd, Iowa, says: “I am sixty-eight years old and have read the “Watchman” ever since I could read anything, and I enjoy the news in it from the first to the last page. I like your stand on the issues of the day and am satis- fied there are going to be some hot times in the presidential campaign. 1 don’t believe the man has yet been mentioned in either party who will be the nominee for President. I notice in the “Watchman” many changes in the old town of my youth—the old are | passing away and making way for the younger generation.” ——Two Republicans in Walker township voted the Democratic ticket on Tuesday, but they didn’t do it of their own volition. They were given the tickets in mistake by a member of the election board who did not dis- cover the error until the men had de- posited their ballots and gone on their way. The two men in question may be good Republicans but they evident- ly failed to catch the high sign from headquarters telling them who to vote for, else they would surely have discovered the mistake themselves. But they can console themselves with the fact that they voted for some good men, anyway, and the votes had to. be counted because the board could ! not pick out the identical ballots. - three suits which were wrapped in a! a tailor, testified that the defendant | ments to Lock Haven from the Clear- came into his store almost a year ago | field region, the railroad company has’ and selected material for three suits | forwarded a check to cover the of clothes, for which he was to pay ; amount of the verdict with costs. $150, or fifty dollars a suit. A pre- | The above action was a test case of liminary payment of $25 was made. | nine suits entered and as it stood the Two or three weeks later another pay- | test of the lower and higher court the ment of $31 was made. The young ! railroad company will settle all man was working in the neighborhood | claims, as follows: of Philipsburg but left there last fall {N. Y. & Penna. Paper Co.........5 9997.57 to go to school in New York, but be- Lock Haven Illuminating Power S053 66. y {and Heating. £0. .....ivr0er sven fore ‘doing so made another payment ! Penna. Woven Wire Co rs nnd bi of $49 on the clothes. Later he sent | “Fowar Cor.. coiric Light and oss Mr., Owens $11, making a total of Queens Run Eire Brick C Cee 2 5.30 $116. Mr. Owens testified that Smith S{uley Nitin Coronel 534.63 came to his stare-in March, and after | Lock Haven Brick Co............ 407.28 sock Haven Brick and Tile Co... 359.06 throwing pepper into his eyes took 5 bundle and tried to make a with them. i In his own defense Smith testified | that on the day in question when he ' rns went after his clothes he paid Mr. | Ply for treatment and examination at Owens the balance due, or $34, but | its state dispensaries in 1919: In that that gentleman demanded an ad- 1919, 10,253 died. In large measure ditional ten dollars a suit because of | Preventable. Join the health school the rise in price of material and that | 20d help to prevent it. The lessons he refused to pay it and took the come twice a month; every newspaper clothes and left the store. Mr. Owens ; in the State—that is where you wili denied that he had demanded more ' find them. You join the school by money whereupon the defense produc- | Promising to read the articles and ed a letter written by him to Smithin answer the questions—no marking, which the demand was made and | Just grading. It is your business! which Owens finally admitted he had | written. Smith also denied having health lessons now being published thrown anything into the tailor’s throughout the State will be found in eyes when he took the clothes. He this issue of the “Watchman.” Those maintained that he just took them, already published are: walked downstairs and out of the building and that Owens followed him crying “stop thief, murder, etc.” He said he “walked down the street a distance until the multitude began to gather when I jess’ naturally increas- “Watchman,” May 7th. ed my speed.” He ran into a house For Centre county, answers to and the testimony differed as to how questions are to be sent to Elizabeth he got out, but he was later captured | B. Meek, Bellefonte, Pa. and sent to jail for trial. The case! = was still on trial when court adjourn- | ed on Monday evening until Wednes- day morning. Friday evening, May 28th, in the The case was compromised at the i ‘open air theatre, State College cam- opening of court on Wednesday morn- , pus, a fantasy of Japan with one hun- ing, Mr. Owens agreeing to give the getaway | i State Health School. man,” April 9th. I'lies—published " April 23rd. oi The Health Officer—published in in “Watchman,” Pageant of the Golden Dragon. Total amount... ..... ...s $12,613.63 i Pennsylvania had 87,113 people ap- The fourth lesson in the series of : ' Diphtheria—published in “Watch-' High school courses and will grant di- plomas to the forty-three who will fin- ish their High school career at that time. In Society. Announcement was made of the en- ‘gagement of Miss Edna Kline, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kline, and Jay Storch, with the Em- erick Motor Bus Co., Thursday even- ing of last week, at a small party giv- en at Miss Kline’s home on Bishop street. Twelve of Miss Kline's most intimate girl friends were her guests. at this announcement party. Monday evening Mrs. Charles | Mensch entertained with two tables of . bridge and one table of five hundred, in honor of Mrs. William A. Lyon and | Mrs. Joseph Ceader, both of whom have but recently returned to Belle- fonte for the summer. Miss Hart al- . so entertained with bridge the early | part of the week, for Mrs. Ceader and | Mrs. Lyon. Mrs. John Curtin’s tea Wednesday afternoon was in compliment to her sister-in-law, Miss Katherine Curtin, whose wedding will take place early . in June. Mrs. Thomas Rishel, of Willowbank street will be hostess at a dinner of eight covers, given for Miss Eckert, superintendent of the hospital, and her nurses. A Centre County Accidents During 1919. Statistics of accidents suffered by i the industrial workers of Centre coun- ‘ty during 1919 were announced this i week by Clifford B. Connelley, com- ! missioner of the Pennsylvania Depart- ment of Labor and Industry. The fig- ures were compiled by the bureau of | Workmen's compensation. The report i showed that 457 workers were injured | last year, as compared wth 483 in 1 1918, | Of the total number, four were fa- | tal, 137 were reported as serious and dred actors. Music, dancing and act- defendant sixty days in which to pay ! the balance of $34 he claimed due on the clothing. The Academy Minstrels. he Academy minstrels made their initial performance for this season in the opera house last night and con-' firmed the advance notices that they are the real thing in amateur min- strelsy. They made good the claims of the management that the singers { this year are the most talented and the end men the funniest that ever appeared in the Academy aggrega- tion. night and tomorrow night and the member that one of the objects of the three performances is to raise a fund to purchase suitable furnishings for the soldiers club room in the armory. No matter where you live, good auto man opera house and you'll get a pleasant ride as well as a big evening of splendid entertainment. The chart is now open at Parrish’s drug store for tonight’s performance and will open at 9 o’clock tomorrow (Satur- day) morning for tomorrow evening's show. Splendid seats can also be se- "cured in the gallery in the evening. ling, splendid costumes and masses of ; 316 were of a minor nature. In mills, The minstrels will be repeated to- | friends of Troop L are urged to re-' roads lead to Bellefonte and the Gar- | { flowers. i CAST OF CHARACTERS. i Princess YO San... coecesoxe.e Mrs. Taylor | Lady in Waiting ..Mrs. Haswell I SUN Goddess. iverneicr.. ventas Miss Sparks E500... ccniient tic snes Mr. Capueto LOtonambo. .. ovens cic sis vnasinvn vs Mr. Dorn | OIA PRINCE. sieves vos intssnivniss Mr. Kunze Head Priest....ccv:...v.ciie, Mr. H. Fisher Priest......coniinviienvronen Mr. Blanchard Solo dances by Miss Sparks and Miss Susan Talbot. Group dancing and general dramatic work will be in charge of Miss Ethel Sparks. The i large chorus and student orchestra { will be directed by Mrs. H. H. Havner. The artistic effects and special stage | settings have been arranged under the | direction of Prof. Kocher and the art department. The general manage- ment is in charge of Mrs. E. R. Smith. The pageant is given under the au- spices of the society of Daughters of the American Revolution, Bellefonte and State College Chapter, and the ' money is to be used for educational | and patriotic purposes. | 29th, or the first favorable night after i that. General admission, 25 cents; reserv- ed seats, 35 cents. On sale Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, May 25th, 26th, and 27th, at Gilli- land’s drug store. Do not miss the pageant. If the weather is unfavorable on the | 28th the pageant will be given on the | | factories and general industrial work, | 226 workers were injured; in mines ‘and quarries, 167 workers were injur- | ed, and in public service employment, | 64 workers were injured. The Air. Mail Service. { It was just a year last Saturday | that government air mail service was established, though it was some weeks later before it became stabilized on the New York to Chicago air mail route. In the twelve months past pos- | tal airplanes have transported 538,000 ! pounds of mail matter for an aggre- gate distance of 498,000 miles. The , Postoffice Department has announced ‘that the mail carried on the New . York to Washington route has shown a saving of $42,000 in the year and on the New York to Chicago route a sav- ing of $100,000 for the year, and yet there are people who question the ex- | pediency of the air mail. Trapshooters’ Schedule. The Susquehanna Trapshooters’ ' League announces its 1920 schedule as follows: Burnham, May 21st; State College, June 18th; Milton, July 9th; Williamsport, August 20th; Cat- awissa, September 9th, and Lock Ha- ven October 12th. \ after part of last week, fishing being the principle attraction for Mr. Given’s visit. Before leaving he completed his plans for returning early in June to spend a week on the streams of Centre county. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Kurtz, of Lewis- burg, with Mrs. Albert Hoy as a motor guest, made a run to Bellefonte on Tues- day, bringing with them Miss Grace Smith, of Centre Hall. Mr. Kurtz came to Bellefonte on a business trip and the la- dies for the pleasure of the motor ride. —Miss E. M. Quirk, of Snow Shoe, was in Bellefonte between trains Wednesday, on her way to Pittsburgh, where she ex- ' pects to make a ten day’s or two week's visit. While here Miss Quirk utilized her time looking after some business relative to the date-guessing contest going on in Snow Shoe at this time, —Charles Schlow, head of the Schlow Quality Shop, and his son Frederic, went to Philadelphia Wednesday,’ where the child will visit with ‘his grandmother, while Mr. Schlow goes over to New York to spend the remainder of the week in per- | sonally selecting his late stock of summer goods. Mr. Schlow and: Frederic will re- turn to Bellefonte within a few days. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Struble left Wednesday : for Laramie, . Wyoming, to spend some time with their son Leland and his wife. According to their plans they will not go directly to Wyoming, as they anticipate visiting in Ohio and Chica- go. It is probable that Mr. and Mrs. Stru- ble will go as far west as Ogden, Utah, be- fore their return the latter part of June. —Mrs. G. O. Benner spent a few hours between trains in Bellefonte on Monday while on her way home to Centre Hall from spending a few days with her father, ex-county treasurer John Q. Miles, :t Martha. The many friends of Mr. Miles will regret to learn that he has been the victim of a stroke and his condition at present is considered quite serious by his family and friends. —The Rev. Ambrose M. Schmidt, Mrs. Schmidt, and Harry Keller, Esq., left this week for Reading, to attend the sessions of the General Synod of the Reformed church in the United States. Mrs. Schmidt went as a delegate to the General Synod’s Women’s Missionary convention, which met at Reading this week. On account of the absence of Dr. Schmidt, there will be no services in the Reformed church next Sunday, except Sunday school, at 9:30 a.m, —Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L. Bullock will leave Saturday of next week on a belated wedding trip, which will last through the month of June. Accompanied by their youngest daughter, Katherine, they will go directly to Orange, N. J., to spend the first part of their time with an elder daughter, Mrs. W. F. Entrekin Jr., and in seeing New York; then according to their plans, they will go to Baltimore for a vis- it with another daughter, Mrs. Birkhead Rouse, and from Baltimore to Akron, Ohio, for a short time with their son Rd- ward. During their absence Mr. Bullock's place of business will be closed. —Mrs. R. S. Brouse has completed her arrangements for leaving Bellefonte the middle of July for Japan, expecting io spend four months in the Orient. Mrs. Brouse is going at this time that she may represent St. John's school at the eighth convention of the World's Sunday School association to be held in Tokyo, October 5-14. Six vessels will be used in taking the delegates from America. Mrs. Brouse will sail on one of the two steamships leaving Seattle on July 30th. The trip through the Orient, which will be in charge of Thos. Cook & Son, will include Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Northern and Southern China and Manila. —Cashier James K. Barnhart, of the First National bank of Bellefonte, made a week-end trip to Washington, D. C., to take a look at the nation’s lawmakers. Leaving Bellefonte on Friday he went to , York where he was met by his daughter, Miss Martha, a teacher in the public schools of that city, who accompanied him | to the national capital. During their brief stay there they visited the United States Senate and heard the discussion on the peace resolution just before the vote was taken. They went to Baltimore Saturday evening and had the pleasure of a visit with Fred D. Weaver, Mr. Barnhart’s nephew, who is organist in the Presbyter- ian church in Baltimore and also a music- al instructor in the Peabody Institute. Mr. Barnhart returned home on Monday. Reformed Sunday | i Memorial Observance in Bellefonte. The old soldiers of the Civil war are growing fewer in number every year but they still have the courage of their convictions and will this year observe ‘ Memorial day in Bellefonte just as | they have for years past. On Sunday, May 23rd, at 10:45 o’clock a. m., the veterans will attend divine worship in the Methodist church. The same afternoon a detail of Gregg Post will go to Meyers cemetery where services will be held at two o’clock, thence to Shiloh for services at four o’clock. On Sunday, May 30th, services will , be held at Snydertown at 10:30 a. m., - Hublersburg at 2 p. m. and Zion at [4 p. m. Monday, May 31st, will be observed as Memorial day in Bellefonte. Civic | societies, schools, etc., are invited to participate. The parade will form at 1:30 p. m. in the Diamond and will move promptly at two o'clock to the Union cemetery where the usual serv- ices will be held and graves decorated. Immediately after the conclusion of the services at the cemetery the crowd will return to the court house where Rev. Wilson P. Ard will deliver the memorial address. Members of the Post kindly solicit contributions of flowers as in former years and will appreciate it if all con- tributions are arranged and tied in appropriate bouquets. Linder—Deitz.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Deitz, at Orviston, | was the scene of a pretty wedding last Saturday morning when their daugh- | ter, Miss Carrie Deitz, became the | bride of Albert Linder, of Ridgway, Pa. The ceremony took place at nine ! o'clock and was performed by Rev. Walter Merrick, pastor of the Orvis- | ton Church of Christ, in the presence of a few invited friends. The bride ; was attended by.’ her bible school | teacher, Mrs. Eliza Lucas, as maid of { honor, and Miss Josephine Poorman bridesmaid, while the best man was | Walter Deitz. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Deitz were given a good old-fashion- ed calithumpian serenade and orn Mon- : day evering they were tendered a mis- | cellaneous shower by the numerous | friends of the bride. On Tuesday they departed for their newly-furnish- ‘ed home in Ridgway. To Provide Feed for Birds. | To provide feed for birds and ani- ; mals in the Centre county game pre- . serve, rear Ingleby, A. C. Silvius, the , state forester in charge of the Penn , forest, has reported that the follow- ing trees and shrubs were planted: ‘Russian mulberry, 150; apple, 375; ; Japanese barberry, 300; red raspber- ry, 375; red elderberry, 75; black haw, 1 450; wild grape, 150; arrowood, 58; - bitter sweet, 145; buckthorn, 125; wild cherry, 75. The following forest trees were planted to insure plenty of protection and cover for the game: Arbor vi- i tas, 200; white pine, 500; Norway spruce, 400, and jack pine, 400. ——The household furniture of J. A. Collins arrived from New York last | week and was moved out to the old Furey place, which Mr. Collins recent- ly leased as a home for himself and family. Mr. Collins is the repre- sentative of the Western Maryland _ dairy and it was mainly through his , efforts that a site was recently ac- quired in Bellefonte for a milk station and as soon as he and his family ar- ‘rive in Bellefonte, which they are ex- pected to do this week, work will be begun on the erection of the plant, | which will be located on the Thomas rroperty below the Gamble mill. Now that the primaries are over a number of people who imagin- | ed they were born leaders of men will 'be able to give their individual atten- tion to their own business. They may -not have the consolation of looking at | “victory perched upon their banner,” "but they at least have learned the les- son that politics is a game that two ‘can play. But it is all over and set- i tled and we should all be glad for a little breathing spell before the heat of the fall campaign. ae ar The big baseball game between the Academy and Mansfield Normal | nines will take place on Hughes field i this (Friday) afternoon at 3:15 i o'clock. Don’t miss it. ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Sale Register. Thursday, May 27.—At residence of W. T. Fitzgerald, on south Spring St., Belle- i fonte, all kinds of household goods. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp. 30-2t