Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 21, 1920, Image 5
In the Churches of the County. QAAAAAAAAA APPIN ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (EPISCOPAL). Services beginning May 23: Whit- Sunday of Pentecost, 8 a. m., Holy Eucharist. 8:45 a. m., Mattins (plain). 11 a. m., Holy Eucharist and sermon, “Our Nation-Wide Campaign for the Church’s Mission.” 7:30 p. m., evensong and sermon, “The. Feast of the Holy Ghost.” Monday and Tues- day, holy days on which the church prolongs the gladness of the Whitsun festival, 10 a. m., Holy Eucharist. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are the summer Ember days, on which ab- stinence is appointed and special prayer for those who are to receive holy orders. Friday, 7:30 p. m,, Lit- any and instruction. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morn- ing worship, 10:45. Evening worship, 7:30. Mid-week prayer service, Wed- nesday, 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. Special congregational meeting Sun- day morning, May 30th. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Bible school 9:30. Memorial day sermon, members of G. A. R. will at- tend in a body, 10:45. Junior League 2 p. m. Senior League 6:30. Sermon, “Modern Truths for an Ancient Par- able”. Special music. The public is cordially invited. Coleville—Bible school 2 p. m. Alexander Scott, Minister. Pawning a Throne. From the New York Evening Post. Among her most piquant footnotes history will place the sale at an Amer- ican auction room of the throne of the last of the Kaisers. Germany was not eager to get rid of the relic. The de- cent respect of a nation for its past— even the past with which it has brok- en—impelled her to:retain the central symbol of her vanished monarchy. No people would care to see an object it once regarded as sacred made the toy of the curious eyes of strangers, still less of foes. Better burn it. But ne- cessity dictated the sterner course. The useless throne might be exchang- ed for food; faded magnificence might be bartered for bread. And so, put- ting her pride in her pocket, demo- cratic Germany signed the exporter’s license for one throne, second-hand, but in fair condition, to be sold in Yankeeland, a land never appreciative of kings, but always willing to bid high for interesting trinkets. It should fetch a good round sum. What- ever the successful bidder has to pay - for it, he can get back in three months by selling the privilege of sitting for three minutes where the ex-Kaiser sat and throwing one leg over the arm with true American nonchalance. BE ——— Unlucky Fisher. ' She— Well, supposing she did throw you oyer because you lost your money MEET ME AT COHEN'S. SECOND FLOOR—Now is the time that you will want those porch chairs and we have them in all sizes and styles, from $8.00 to $9.75. Just ask to see them. Just received some beautiful BUFFETS in gold- en quartered oak. The tops of these are 48 and 54 inches long and are moderately priced at $85.00 and $92.00. Then we have smaller ones that are very nice as low as $43.00. MATTRESSES in either one or two piece style, $14.50 up. Ask to see our line of ROCKING CHAIRS. STREET FLOOR—We have a wonderful fine of men’s black and tan oxfords in all sizes. These are the regular §9.00 oxford and ‘we are offering them special for $6.75. Just what are you going to do for the girls’ dress for Children’s day, for com- mencement, or for the good white dress that she will want and that you will want her to have? Why worry about that small matter? We can fit her out complete, un- derwear, petticoats, hose, shoes, dress and in fact all that is essential to be well dressed. We have white dresses of the sheerest material and prettiest trimming that any one could ask, in all sizes, for $2.98 to $5.98. Then if she wants some- thing in a real dressy dress of georgette crepe, or crepe de chine, in white, pale col- ors or dark, we can show you the best and the latest for the least money. Ask to see these dresses and then be sure to see the little combination dress, the skirts of which are accordian pleated white crepe de chine while the waist is beaded and made in the over blouse effect, in any pale shade of crepe de chine. This is a beauty. Now that the girl has a good dress she will want something for a pretty afternoon dress, and what can be prettier than ging- ham, in the new shades and patterns. We have beautiful gingham dresses for the girl, from $2.25 to $3.50. Then for the Misses we can show you a wonderful as- sortment from $4.98 to $7.50. For the boy who is going to work in the garden or on the farm, teil him to come to COHEN'S for his straw hat. We can fit him up for the least money. BASEMENT—This week we are selling 33 oz. cans of APPLE BUTTER for 39c. Can you beat that? We invite you to come to this depart- ment when in need of any household hard- ware, tinware, granite ware, aluminum ware, or in fact anything that you would need in household furnishings. Watch for our Clover Specials next week. They are great. Beginning the first week in June we are going to have for one week only, a special sale of VICTOR MACHINES, With each machine we are goirg to select 12 records; 6 of these will be 12-inch records and 6 will be 10-inch. All of these records are to be DOUBLE FACED. The following prices will be given for this week, June 1st. No. IV Machine & Records, $38.20; No. VI & Records, $48.20; No. VIII & Records, $63.20; No. IX & Records, $88.20. WATCH FOR THIS SALE. COHEN & CO., Bellefonte. —there are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. He—I know, but that’s poor conso- lation for a fellow who has lost his bait.—Minneapolis Journal. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OR SALE.—Allen Touring car. Over- hauled. 1st class condition. New- ly painted. Good tires. Bargain. Phone JAS. W. HERRON, Western Peni- tentiary. 65-19-3t-* 50 Carpenters Wanted.— On new paper mill. Wages 80 cents per hour plus four hour bonus for four weeks’ work. TURNER CONSTRUCTION CO., 65-20-2t Lock Haven, Pa. ARMERS TAKE NOTICE.—I will in- sure dwellings at $1.00 a hundred. and barns at $1.60 a hundred. on the cash plan for three years, and dwell- ings 50 cents a hundred, and barns at 80 cents a hundred on the assessment plan for 5 years as against fire and lightning. 64-28-1y J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. Laborers for construction work. Wages, 50c. per hour. 10 hours per day. Long job and best men will. be retained after- wards. Good sleeping accommodations free for a limited number of men. Apply, THE VISCOSE COMPANY, Lewistown, Pa. 65-21-5¢ Carpenters Wanted Carpenters for concrete form work, 65c¢. per hour. 10 hours per day. Long job. Good sleeping accommodations free for a limited number of men. Apply The VIS- COSE COMPANY, Lewistown, Pa. 65-21-5t Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m. PHILADELPHIA. PA he McVey Co. Real Estate Operators Buy, Build and Sell Properties of All Descriptions. Ready-Cut Houses, Barns, Gar- ages and Silos. We have a num- ber of Town Properties, also Farms for sale. List with us for quick results. : Offices in Bellefonte, Altoona, Harris- burg, Johnstown, Mt. Union, Bedford and Lewistown. Crider Stone Building 65-18-tf Beilefonte, Pa. — Louis DAMMERS Philadelphia Eyesight Specialist ONE DAY ONLY BELLEFONTE, PA. Wed. May 26th, 1920 Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. Owing to the great reduction in the wholesale cost of lenses and frames I offer you a fine pair of glasses, includ- ing Dammer’s Scientific Eye Examina- tion, Clear Crystal Lenses, Gold Filled Frame and Elegant Case, as low as $2.00 New Invisible Bifocals Two pair in one. No lines. No ce- ment. Easy to get used to. Last for years. At lowest prices. : 827 P Buildi Phila. Office 16th Ae ho ts Special Notice! My permanent office in the future will be located at Mrs. ALICE SHOWERS RESIDENCE No. 15 N. Spring St. (Five doors from Centre County Bank) Consultation and eye ex- amination without charge. Perfect fitting eye glasses and spectacles $2.00 and up. Three Ring Circus and Menagerie. 300 Horses, marvelous MONDAY MAY ONE DAY "11 Bellefonte 31 The Only Circus that will be Here this Year Rhoda Royal Circus Trained Wild Animal and Old Buffalo Wild West Exhibition GREATER, NOBLER AND GRANDER THAN EVER beauties-300 500--People, arenic celebrities-500 Open Cages of rarest Wild Animals The Stickneys, worlds famous Bare Back Riders 50 Funny Clowns and Aerial Artists Street Pageant ROYALS FAMOUS HERD OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS That has delighted the hearts of thousands of spectators SEE Rhoda Royals High School Horses 3 Brass Bands and Calliopes A Circus teeming with wonders TWO COMPLETE PERFORMANCES Afternoon at 2 Night at 8 Water Proof Tents Doors Open 1 H'r Earlier The Plug That Starts the Fire Ball You want a Spark Plug that does not fail in an emergency—a steady, reliable, go-to-it- and-de-it plug. You can find it in the Watkins Spark Plug Made for ALL Automobiles, Tractors and Gasoline Engines of every type. Watkins § Quality and Watkins Guaranty stand behind § this Spark Plug as well as behind all of the 137 Watkins Products the people of this locality have been buying for more than 50 years. ASK THE WATKINS MAN, D. A. McDOWELL, Axe Mann, Pa. 65-20-1m Graduation and Wedding Gifts. EET RE SR F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. From Tots to Teens PAPAS 4 “uf ul ul ol I A NN and { the inbetweens Announcing the opening of our Children’s SINT Department This week a Special Offering of Children’s Dresses, Hose, Cuties and others and dain- ty Crocheted Caps. Cuties all sizes and colors 45c¢. ud Pal ul ol al dd PO OVO VITO IOO VIN Dresses, $2.00 to $12.50 and&all kinds of pretty things for the Girl ¢ $ Graduate. ? 3 ¢ Q ) $ ee : Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ¢ Q < ? Q Q Q Q 2 $ 2 . 1 Q ) : $ ¢ $ ¢ ? 3 $ 3 The Best for the Well-Dressed 4 ¢ } ) 1 ? BoTH PHONES $ $ ? $ $ 64-37 ¢ 5 SECHLER & CO. Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- where and at fair prices. We Invite You to Test this Statement 65-1 with Your Patronage. Building Your Wealth A bank works for you night and day, week after week, adding cents to dol- lars. Little by little the amounts grow till each addition is a respecta- ble sum. Where does the gain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor from ours. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank is given an opportunity to work and to produce. Thus a bank builds your wealth. Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you can—regularly if you can do so. It will not be long till you can fairly see it grow. Let us earn wealth for you. CENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO 60-4 BELLEFONTE, PA. AAA AVAAAVAANRANARS The Potter-Hoy Hardware Company announces the arrival of their CHINA WARE. They are offering as a leader A 50-Piece Set Decorated China Ware at $13.98, worth at least $18.00 YOUR CHOICE OF TWO PATTERNS. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 65-5-1y CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS AAAANAAASAAAAAAAAAAAASANIIN ANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANA