Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 21, 1920, Image 4

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    eM td
BUDINGER. — Thomas Bowman
! Budinger, for almost forty years al
gic Jia
Dencorralic | leading business man of Snow Shoe, |
| passed away at eight o’clock last Fri- |
m— SET i day evening at the Norwegian hospit- i
Bellefonte, Pa., May 21, 1920. lal, New York city, of acute diabetes, |
Editor : With which he had been a sufferer for
mm ee - | some years. Mr. Budinger, with his |
To Correspondents.—No communications | wife and son Karl
were on their way ,
published unless accompanied by the i
name of the writer.
real | home from spending the winter at St. |
i Petersburg, Fla., coming north by |
Terms of Subscription.—Until further | boat and had landed in New York just |
notice this paper will be furnished to sub- , one week previous. His condition was |
scribers at the following rates: | such when he reached New York that |
Paid strictly in advance - - $130 he was not able to continue the trip |
Paid before expiration of year - 1.75 | home and was taken to the Norwegian :
Paid after expiration of year - 200 14,0045] where he gradually grew
: | worse until the end. !
MALIN.—W. L. Malin, who for| Deceased was a son of William and |
more than half a century had been Jycretia Bowman Budinger and was |
prominently identified with the busi- | born in Lycoming county on December |
ness life of Bellefonte and communi- | 13th, 1852, hence was in his sixty- |
ty, passed away at an early hour last ' eighth year. At the age of thirteen
Saturday morning at the Cresson sah- years he went to work on his father’s |
itorium where he spent ten months in | saw mill, working there in the sum- |
a vain effort to recuperate his shat- | mer time and attending school during |
tered health. In fact he went to Cres- | the winter until he was twenty-one
son on the 17th of last July and had | years old. During the ensuing year Spring Mills; Mrs.
apparently improved to such an exX-ihe worked for his father for twenty
tent that he came home on April 17th | dollars a month but he was not satis-
for his first visit. He spent two! fed with his job so started out taking
weeks here but the change did not ap- | orders for enlarging pictures. Inside |
pear for the best and on May first of a year he cleaned up about $800 |
he returned to Cresson. His condi-
. | then met with an accident that kept
tion grew steadily worse from that phim at home a year. The ens ing |
time until the end.
: ; ‘four or five years were spent on a
Wilmer L. Malin was a son of Og-
; : small farm near Williamsport but tir- i
den C. and Sarah Pinkerton Malin and
was born at Sugartown, Chester coun-
ing of the work he got a job with the
Tide Water Pipe company, later tak-
ty, on October 20th, 1850, hence Was ing the contract to bury their pipe line
in his seventieth year. His boyhood
days were spent in the vicinity of his
deeper. Subsequent to that he work-
: ed for the Standard Oil company until
birth and as a youth he studied teleg-
raphy, his elder brother, Samuel O.
the early eighties when he went to
A : Snow Shoe in the expectation of get-
Malin, having been an operator dur- ting a job with the Beech Creek rail-
ing the Civil war. When a little past
seventeen years of age, or on Febru- |
road, but the pay offered was too
small and he declined the job.
ary 6th, 1868, he was sent to Belle-: hile there, however, he noticed
fonte by the Western Union Tele- that potatoes were selling at a dollar
graph company and opened the first
telegraph office in Bellefonte, all tel-
a bushel, so he went to Watsontown,
3 : tel- pought a car load from farmers, ship-
egraph business prior to that having
been a side issue in a drug store. He
ped them to Snow Shoe and sold them
was in charge of the telegraph office .
at a good profit. He also noticed that
¥ . there was a scarcity of bread in Snow
twelve years or longer, until the ad- | Shoe and his next venture was estab-
vent of the telephone, when he accept- | Jighing a bakery in that place, which
ed a position with the Central Penn- | pysiness he also conducted very suc-
sylvania Telephone and Supply com-! cessfully.
pany, an auxiliary of the Bell system. | In 1886 he embarked in the mercan-
His first work was in Williamsport. tjje business and one year later bought
and vicinity and he later assisted in|, piece of ground and erected his own
the extension of the service ‘to Belle-! EE In 1892 he ond
fonte and the installation of the Belle- | nother store at Clarence and in ad-
fonte exchange, of which he was made | dition to his retail business also sold
superintendent. In that capacity he | groceries wholesale.
was a prominent figure in the build-
ing up of the service, not only in Cen-
tre county, but throughout all of cen-
tral Pennsylvania. In fact he was one : Bros, he purchased the propert of
of the big men in the business at that the Show Rowe Mining y
His work in connection with the ex-
tension of the . telephone service
brought him in contact with some of
the ablest men in the State, both in a
business and political way and he thus .
gained an intimate knowledge of
many of the big political deals that
were pulled off in those days. Infact
he was a trusted lieutenant of the
late Governor Hastings and was in-
variably in the thick of the old-time
political fights which used to be an
annual occurrence in Centre county,
but which now, alas, have passed into
history. :
To Mr. Malin, without question, be-
longs much of the credit for laying
the solid foundation on which the tel-
ephone business is now conducted in
this vicinity. Thirty years or there-
abouts of the best years of his life
were spent with the Bell people and
in 1901 he resigned and for two years
was engaged with the late Alexander
Patton, of Clearfield, in the contract-
ing business in Cambria county. Ear-
ly in 1903 he was persuaded to go
with the newly organized Huntingdon
and Clearfield Telephone and Tele-
graph company and the ensuing six
years were spent in establishing that
company, the Indiana Telephone com-
pany and others on a sound founda-
tion and the final merger of all into
the American Union company. In
1909 he retired from the telephone
business and accepted a district agen-
cy for the Mutual Life Insurance com-
pany of New York. He made a suc-
cess of this business from the begin-
ning and frequently made the record
for business written in his territory.
He continued in the life insurance
business until failing health compel-
led him to lay aside active work and entire life, seventy-three years ago. |
he went to the Cresson sanitorium in
the hope that the rest and treatment
1d i :
woull prove benenetal, bu though , merman Block. She was the last of
his life may have been prolonged, his
ailment had become too deep-rooted
to be overcome.
Mr. Malin was a member of the
Presbyterian church, the Bellefonte
Lodge of Masons and a thirty-second
degree member of the Williamsport
On November 23rd, 1871, he was
united in marriage with Miss Eliza-
beth Miles, who passed away six years
ago. He is survived, however, by
three children, Miss Sarah P. Malin,
Mrs. Helen B. Shugert and Ogden B. |
and one
grand-daughter, Miss Elizabeth Shu- |
Malin, all of Bellefonte,
The remains were brought to Belle-
fonte last Saturday evening and con-
veyed to his late home on east How-
ard street where funeral services were
held at 2:30 o'clock on Tuesday after-
noon. In the absence of Dr. MecKin-
ney the services were in charge of
Chaplain T. W. Young, assisted by
Rev. M. DePue Maynard. Burial in
the Union cemetery was in charge of | Springs.
the Bellefonte Lodge of Masons.
STIVER.—Mrs. Joseph Stiver died
at her home at Guyer last Friday
night following an illness of some
weeks with a complication of diseas-
es, aged 65 years. In addition to her
husband she is survived by two sons
and one daughter. Burial was made
at Martha on Monday afternoon.
In 1891 he began operating in the
coal business in a small way and in
1895, in connection with the Kelley
his interests in this direction have
proven unusually profitable, especially
within the past few years. Some
years ago he became interested in
some timberland in Florida but a good
part of that is as yet undeveloped.
During the past few years he has
spent-the winters in Florida and his -
summers at Snow Shoe.
In addition to being a shrewd busi-
ness man Mr. Budinger was a genial,
companionable gentleman. He was a
member of the I. 0. O.F. and the
Clearfield Lodge of Elks.
In July, 1874, he was married at
Mt. Eagle to Miss Alice Leathers who
survives with the following children:
Mrs. John S. Seeds, of Altoona; Miss:
E. Blanche, of New York city; Wil-
liam S. and Arthur B., of Snow Shoe;
Mrs. Robert Vorhis, of Johnstown;
Mrs. Ellis Harvey, of Orviston; J.
Thomas Budinger, of Walkertown,
Ontario; Philip, of Snow Shoe; Miss
Sarah, in Washington; Miss Helen, of
New York city; Robert and Karl, at
home. t
The remains were brought from
New York and taken to his late home :
in Snow Shoe on Sunday where fun-
eral services were held at eight o'clock
on Tuesday morning after which the
remains were taken by automobile to
Williamsport for burial.
Il Hi
AMMERMAN.—Miss Mary E. Am- !
merman, a life-long resident of Belle-
fonte, passed away at her home on’
Bishop street at six o'clock on Tues-
day evening following a week’s illness |
with pneumonia. She was a daughter |
of Albert and Charlotte Ammerman !
and was born in Bellefonte, in the |
same property where she spent her |
As a young woman she learned the ;
trade of a milliner and for forty years
conducted a millinery store in the Am-
the Ammerman family which at one
| time was quite prominent in the his- |
‘tory of Bellefonte, her father being a |
manufacturer of wagons while a sis- |
ter, Miss Nannie Ammerman, was one |
of the first women to do social settle-
ment work in New York city. One
' other sister, Miss Harriet, preceded :
her to the grave. Miss Ammerman
had been in feeble health all winter
and had as a companion Miss Walters,
of Milesburg.
i ii i
SMITH.—Mrs. Margaret Smith,
wife of John Smith, passed away at
her home at Wilsontown last Friday
night as the result of a stroke of par-
alysis sustained several weeks ago.
She was born in Blair county and was |
77 years old. The early part of her
life was spent in Ferguson township,
this county. She is survived by her
husband, two sons and a number of
brothers and sisters, among the latter
being Mrs. S. Y. Elder, of Rock
Burial was made at Peters-
burg on Friday.
Il il
STOVER.—Mrs. Mary E. Stover,
widow of Henry M. Stover, died at her
home in Bellwood on Sunday morning
of general debility. She was a daugh-
ter of James and Mary Dunlap and
was born at Rock Forge, this county,
on September 25th, 1843, hence was in
her seventy-seventh year. She is sur-
vived by two sons and one daughter,
E., of Pittsburgh, and Miss Lulu at
home. Burial was made at Bellwood
on Wednesday afternoon.
il ll
LEITZELL.—Last Thursday morn-
ing Philip P. Leitzel, a life-long resi-
dent of Millheim, went out to his ga-
rage, cranked his Ford car and was in
the act of filling the radiator with
water when he dropped dead of heart
He was the youngest son of Philip
and Julia Leitzell and was born in
Gregg township on October 17th,
1856, hence was 64 years, 6 months
and 26 days old. In his early life he
engaged in lumbering but the past fif-
teen years had been in the huckster-
ing business. His wife died seven
months ago but surviving him are two
children, H. H. Leitzell and Mrs. G.
C. Boob, both of Millheim. He also
leaves three sisters and one brother,
namely: Mrs. Sarah Guise, of Penn
Hall; Mrs. Eliza Jane Pealer, of
Susan E. Ficht-
and James M.
horn, of Manor, Pa,
Leitzell, of Benton, Wis.
Rev. J. J. Weaver officiated at the
funeral which was held on Monday
afternoon, burial being made in the
Millheim Union cemetery.
i] "
GARBRICK.—Mrs. Carrie Louise
Garbrick, wife of Preston Garbrick,
of State College, died at the Belle-
fonte hospital on Monday after a lin-
gering illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Miller and
was born near the Forge, Bellefonte, |
on July 22nd, 1886, hence was in her
forty-fourth year. She was married
to Mr. Garbrick in December, 1905,
and he survives with one son, Elmer.
She also leaves these brothers and sis-
ters: Mrs. Mary Mackey, of Clays-
burg; Mrs. John Gordon, Mrs. James
Saylor, David, Alfred and Zebulin,
all of Bellefonte. Burial was made in
the Sunnyside cemetery, Bellefonte,
yesterday afternoon.
Small Vote at Tuesday’s Primaries.
Had it not been for the excitement
of the campaign waged between Tom
Beaver and the Hon. Ives Harvey over
the nomination for Assemblyman on
the Republican ticket Tuesday’s pri-
maries would undoubtedly have been
a record-breaker for a short vote.
Take the Democrats, for example.
They were not worked up over any lo-
cal contests and not much interested
in the fate of the ticket at large and
the result was less than a thirty per
cent. vote was out. Of course the nice
weather and the fact that the farmers
simply couldn’t spare the time from
their work to go to the polls was prob-
ably the main reason for the short
vote in the country districts. t
And even with the one or two live-
ly contests théy had on hand the
usual vote polled at the primaries. It
is altogether possible that the result
would have been the same even had
the vote been much larger, only the
majorities may have been more pro-
But it must be admitted that many
voters are lax in their interest in
the primaries. This fact is too often
true, and very frequently results dis-
astrously in getting men on the tick-
ets who should not be there, but this
is hardly true this year. In fact, not
one in ten voters knew one man from
another on the ticket outside of the
local candidates, and no
less which of them was nominated, so
‘ that there was little lost by the small ;
vote cast on Tuesday.
Unofficial Totals of Tuesday’s Pri-
. President: =
PAINE sc isanersassstncorssogesrarne 878
U. S. Senator: z
Farrell ......ccesossenssesssscssans. 776
BUDD ..ccecvvevrstssosnancncsvassee 452 ©
! State Treasurer:
TOIS@ESET «essvsesnnnssasssnnecsversss 591
i HUMAN ...cccereshrennnnnessns.n, 639
Auditor General:
PT MeIeAN saiiierisinnevrraarnaen wae 00
MCNAIT ceevoerrensanensssasrrnnssas
Delegates at Large:
RR 565
ANmMINEr err rraana, 473
AMIE .. crerecrvnrernstesnsarrsansan 599
Ammerman od
Ancona 542
Andre ... 519
Barnum . 3
Bigelow . 66
Blakeslee .....ceecerccarerrrricanens 667
BONNET icocvessrnnsnees 498
Bradigan .. 512
Bright ..... 662
Brodbeck .. 575
CASBY srrcrcrisrsrasnrsasnnrsnrnarses 500
Connelley .......oceceeeeenen 490
COTE +rvevsarviarnens 2
Crawford .......... 376
Difenderfer 314
DoOAAS ........i-coisvnnsrervess 474
Donnelly ....ococovierenirsess 468
FAGAN ...c.e'iisssrrccrsnnnss 47
Grim. ....;. 404
Holstein 333
LAght ..coerivensrsnncsonrsnnanraizas 448
F. BE. Naginey .....ccconvveereenenen 1000
Dist. Delegate:
Spangler .........ccieeeiiniiiiieiaien 986
Snyder ....c..cccrrvrsnararaeanani, 803
JONES. iitverrenracnermrerrirrrsnnny 1488
MENNE c.vesssvrmnsaninnsvrsrssnecness 1304
Delegates at Large:
AteTDUPY oh. ee cvinsenisrricnnnnes 1983
Babcock ... 1840
Biddle ........ ‘ 7
Chandler ‘ 5
Elverson 1877
Kendrick 1461
KNOX ...00eyicnnsinessen wo 2
McGrath .. 1444
Mellon . 1882
Miner .. 1924
MOOTe ... i... eaci rere ie 1872
Penrose .. 1930
Replogle . 1474
Schaeffer SL 155¢
Sproul Tot
——If you failed to see the Acad-
emy minstrels last night don’t stay ' eclipse anything of a like nature seen |
away tonight. The music is fine, the
conversation clever and witty and the
stage settings superb. :
— Go to the Scenic and see the
motion pictures, they will please and
interest you. No better place in Belle-
fonte to spend an evening and be so
delightfully entertained.
She was a daughter of
Re- '
publicans failed in getting out the
doubt cared :
| Both Claude Cook and G. Fred Mus-
members of the board of managers of
{the Pruner orphanage at the regular
| Brief Meeting of Borough Council.
James A. Stover, of Juniata; Dr. M. |
i ser presented their resignations as -
' meeting of borough council on Mon- |
‘day evening. This action of the two
- gentlemen was considerable of a sur-
' prise to the members of council, who
| evidently had no intimation of the res-
i ignations prior to their receipt by
council. No action was taken regard-
| ing the same at Monday night’s meet-
ing, and it is just possible that when
, new appointments are made women
| will be included on the board.
. Nevin E. Cole asked that the alley
lin the rear of his property on St. Paul
| street be put in better condition by
| council and a light installed there.
| The matter was referred to the Street
: committee for investigation.
| Morris F. Broderick presented to
| council a claim for $12.68 damages
i done to his new Dodge car last Fri-
day when it was hit by the hose cart
| of the Logan fire company, on Alle-
{ gheny street near Lamb. Council ai-
co had in hand a claim of Dr. J. L.
Seibert for $16.60 for damages to his
| car sustained almost a year ago when
I'it was hit by a heavy tire which flew
| off the Undine hose truck as they were
i going out Allegheny street to a fire.
| Inasmuch as both claims are moder- |
‘ate and just council voted to pay.
| them.
Gregg Post preferred a request for
| an appropriation of fifty dollars to-
ward the Memorial day expenses and
the same was granted.
| The Street committee reported that
the borough manager had made an
' agreement with contractor Frank T.
' Murphy for the use of the Bellefonte
i steam roller on his state road con-
| tract, he to pay at the rate of $12 per
! day for the actual time the roller is
in use.
. The Water committee reported
| $76.50 collected on the 1918 water du-
plicate by the borough manager and
turned over to the secretary of coun-
The Fire and Police committee pre-
sented the burgess’ check for $19.50
for licenses collected. The committee
further reported that some men op-
erating dray wagons and motor buss-
es in Bellefonte have refused to pay
the stipulated license and the com-
mittee was instructed to consult the
acting solicitor regarding the ordi-
nance covering the same. The Street
committee was also instructed to find
out about the traffic ordinance, as
there is entirely too much reckless
driving of automobiles in town, and
if both ordinances are according to
law council will see that they are en-
The Finance committee asked for
i the renewal of a note for $2,000 for
‘six months from May 2nd and the
same was authorized.
The Special committee presented
the supplemental agreement with the
State-Centre Electric company cover-
ing the pumping of water for the bor-
‘ough and collection of water dupli-
cates. The same had been approved
by the acting solicitor and upon rec-
_ommendation of the committee the
agreement was accepted and approv-
ed by council.
The Water committee was instruct-
ed to consult with the officials of the
G. F. Musser Wholesale company and
enter into an agreement for the lease
of the Phoenix mill property now oc-
cupied by them.
By a resolution of council the bur-
gess, the acting solicitor and mem-
bers Hard P. Harris and J. M. Cun-
ningham were appointed delegates to
the annual meeting of the Association
of Boroughs which will be held at
' Stroudsburg June 22nd to 24th inclu-
| Bills to the amount
“approved and council adjourned.
—————— eee
{ Rhoda Royal's Circus Billed for Belle-
| fonte.
| The advent of the Rhoda Royal's
greatest shows, on Monday, May 31st,
“will, it is said, mark an epoch in the
| matter of tented amusements in Belle-
| fonte. That this show will present the
i biggest and finest street pageant
| Bellefonie has yet witnessed, 1s as-
693 | carted without qualification. That the
| circus company numbers more circus
| performers and of a better order of
merit than have heretofore been
gathered together under any one
: management, is also stated positively.
{ Thousands of dollars cash were ex-
| pended last winter in accumulating
new features to add to the glories of
' the “Rhoda Royal Greatest Shows.”
‘ix The menagerie is said to be a very
' complete one, containing the finest
collection of rare wild beasts ever on
' the coast. The newspapers all along
the line speak highly of this huge en-
tertainment, and the “small boy,” as
well as those older folks who will be
delighted again with the feats of the
{ many male and female performers,
the handsome horses, the wonderful
ex hibition of wild beasts in the circu-
| lar steel cage, the marvelous aerial
i acts, and the exciting races on the
hippodrome track. Exchanges are all
| unanimous in praising the courtesy of
| Royal’s employees while handling the
' immense crowds and finding seats for
late comers.
The lack of “sure thing” men and
| fakirs also adds materially to the en-
| joyment of the spectator.
| The reputation of Rhoda Royal for
| faithfully carrying out all his advance
promises and for dealing fairly with
| the public in all things, affords posi-
| tive assurance that his show will
. here before.
——Those who believe the adage
“money talks,” will admit that Gen-
eral Wood's campaign fund is taciturn
Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
of $976.35 were |.
: Louis and Henry
Pariial Returns of Tuesday’s Primaries--Dem. & Rep.
I Nat1 |
| |
| Sup.
Com. I Court
Nat’l Con.
Assem- ||
bly ||
i i
3 | | |
| ow | lellglmiiB 2 2: 21
\E|EIE B|2IZ|2 2 B 3
|g FiBlHglE li: l=]
HE (2 Bid: Lo Fal
slic Hil pada Lo
JE Ips fastpaapatd ot ll
dl boob Lovie par Lo
Ga aim 1: | |: rill
Bellefonte, N. W...... | 46] 27|| 138] 128 139] 73|| 146] 40] 80] 99
Bellefonte, S. W....... 40{ 30 110 45) 121] 14] 43] TT
Bellefonte, W. W...... 12| 17 55] 31) 40] 22|| 40 6 31, 22
Centre Hall ves ool 27ll 49] 27|| 15] 12 15 (1 5 1R
Howard...... i “6 1s | 3 471 3| 32 26
Millheim. ..... Jl 4) C4) | sa 40) 35) 200 25 12 31
Milesburg.......cooevee il 14] 15 8 16|| 14 7 121 10
Philipsburg, 1st W....| 5 10] 18 19|| 49] 52|| 35] 26| 29! 66
Philipsburg, 2nd W i i stl sill 94] 49|! 34| 31] 29] 115
Philipsburg, 3rd W 14) 14] of) 73|| 78 42i| 40] 231 24} 88
South Philipsburg.... || 13 10] 38| 41|| 30{ 30 49 2 8 31
Snow Shoe.......coeeee| | 18) 28|| 29 4 21 30
State College.......... i. 214% 93| 134|| 159] 29| 76} 110
Unionville.............. ' #3 20{ 18 6] 28|| 15 4 12 9
Benner, N. P.... ed 5 fi 15 7 9! oll 15] 6 9
Benner, S. P.... 2 Ti 8 1 128 3 1201 5 8
Boggs, N. P..... aa x 3 o| 16 8 2/ 11 71 1
Boggs, E. P........... 4 34 M4 mh 24 6! 29 91-160 2
Boggs, W. P | {
Burnside TwWp...qeeeee | 8. 21:11 7 3H 8 5.2 1 2
College Twp... ras] 281 491 45 8 Yi 27
Curtin, N. P.. 3 4 4 ZN 22 8 12
Curtin, S 4 6! 8 14 10 al 8 11
Ferguson, | !
Ferguson, 121 24} 38] 33 14 231 22| 3 12] 17]
Ferguson, 3 240 2201 12| 200 27 7 18
Gregg, N. 3 8 9 7 5 1 5 3
Gregg, E. P... . 9 17|l 191 10 3.5 6-3 1 5i
Gregg, W. P........... 17 24 18] 16|} 21 7 14:13
Haines, B. P.oidesssss) 71 1ell 18] 19{| 10 10ff 12 8 3
Haines, W. P......... ii 121 20{} 23] 29 3 19 19 2 9 9
Halfmoon TWwWp.. Al 3 3 30, 19|| 35| 9 27
Harris, E. Pove-coe:ssd 8 7 11] 16 8 3 9. li: 4 3
Harris. W. P.........i| 11] 14{i 35] 26{ 16; 22 34 2 7 19
Howard Twp.......... 24 33 9 40|| 37 4] 21 53
Huston TWp.....c..... 6 el] 20 32 21] 28} 31 9 11 18
Liberty, E. P.. ons 4) 170 3201 211 390i 34 10{ 19] 18
Liberty, W. P.. 4 5 5 14 4 7 7 1 2 7
Marion Twp..... 1 11 19; 18} 15] 15 6 20
Miles, B. P.evevvevrees 21 11 1 1 1
Miles, M. P............ hi 26{ 221 15 Ef 6 ‘4 31 9
Miles, W. P.... 4) 15 2 4 2 1 3 2
Patton Twp.... 6 oii 17 26 |
Penn Twp...... 13| 33j| 38] 18 1 7 6 4; 2
Potter, N. P.... {11 8 8 5 6 1 3| 10
Potter, S. P....... soso 31) BL 28; 17
Potter, W. P St Si 100 M4 6 8 i 2:2
Rush, N. P 7 4 7 2601 317 9) 19{ 14] 8 17
Rush, E. P. 6 Jl 280 Oi 19) 6 S51 *12{ 3! 20
Rush, 8. P., 6 6] 35 73|| 61] 39|I 33] 35] 29] 71
Rush, W. P G6 2 261 2240 217 26: 1¢; 117 14 20
Snow Shoe, E. P 4] 8{| 21|{135|| 139) 5 73| 71 3| 132
Snow Shoe, W. P...... 5 5if 12! 8 019 5} 5 : 4 4
Spring, N. P... tes of oll 25 onli 33 8 22: 1 8 11
Spring, S. P.. 12! 2311 74] 42i| 53] 361 35] 9] 24 40
Spring, W. P rae 8 6|| 26] 35) 48! 20{| 41] 5| 15 19
Taylor TWD...cooneens 1 4il 241 21} 15{ 31}] 28 H.12f 12
Union TWP...cocereees 2 200 24 19 25! 12 6 418 12
Walker, E. P..... Sas 71 1201 14] 23|| 15{ 6} 16 9 6}
Walker, M. P.. 4 180 10) 26] abl. Sil. 22}. 1] 4} 8
Walker, W. P.. : 7. 16} 15 251 1680 S| 1 6. 2.13
Worth Twp.. JLo of wll 48] 27 sof all 47) 7 9 27
Totals............ || 484] 725||1300]1397|(1635[1394|[1737| 495| 814|1496||
— Tuesday’s primaries most sure-
ly demonstrated the fact that if there
is any one thing that the constitution-
al revision committee should do, it is
recommend some kind of a new ballot
law that will not only simplify the
casting of the ballot but also wipe out
the vast amount of labor connected
with counting the vote. The ballot on
Tuesday was not only unusually large
but so complicated that it took the or-
dinary voter from two to five minutes
to find out who he wanted to vote for,
and quite a number of ballots were
invalidated in part because the voter
voted for too many candidates. And
then the stupendous task of counting
the vote has become such a bugbear
that it is rather difficult to get men to
serve on the election boards. And it
isn’t any wonder, either, when the
fact is considered that the election
board in the North ward of Bellefonte.
not only worked all of Tuesday night
but until nine o'clock or later Wed-
nesday morning before they got their
count completed and return sheets
made out. In fact many of the elec-
tion boards in the county worked un-
til almost morning to get their re-
turns out.
— News of the death of William
T. Hildrup Jr., at the Penn-Harris, in
Harrisburg, a week ago, was received
in Bellefonte with much regret, many
persons here remembering Mrs. Hil-
drup, as Miss Florence Houck. Mrs.
Hildrup is in Europe at present, Mr.
Hildrup had planned to join her there
next month.
Helen, baby daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Hensyl Young, is quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dulin are vis-
iting relatives for a few days, but ex-
pect to return this week.
Miss Anna Dietz, of Lock Haven,
who has been attending the wedding
festivities at her home, returned to
her work.
Miss Velma Poorman and Merrill
Condo are both suffering with mumps.
We all hope they will soon be quite
well again.
Misses Lois and Doris Young and
Verna Shank have returned home
from Howard, where they had been at-
tending High school. We are pleas-
ed to have the young folks back, as it
adds to the sunshine of our none too
sunny town. :
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Confer are
rejoicing over a little girl who came
from Baby-land about two weeks ago
to make her earthly home with them.
They call her Pearl, and no doubt she
is even more precious than all the
jewels in the world. Congratulations.
T. P. Womer had the misfortune to
and Agnes Singer, Margaret Poor-
man, Celia Lucas, Ruth and Florence
Barner; Messrs. W. McCracken, Will
Johnson, Walter Crotzer, Raymond
Singer, Korman Dietz and William
Hume Jones. A dainty lunch was
served and enjoyed at the new table,
where a blessing was besought for the
two who were entering on a new life
together. Mr. and Mrs. Crotzer have
the best wishes of their many friends.
Mrs. William Stover spent Mond
in Bellefonte. be Tey
_ Rev. C. C. Shuey, of Bellefonte, was
in town on Sunday.
Fred Brouse, a student at Mt. Alto,
was home for a short visit.
Charles Kuhn attended a Knights
of Nae convention at Erie, last
A little daughter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hazel last
week, = -
"Hon. and Mrs. Cyrus Woods, of
Greensburg, are visiting relatives in
this vicinity.
Messrs. James H. Potter and Frank
Crawford, of Bellefonte, took supper
at the tavern on Wednesday evening.
Miss Henrietta McGirk, of Belle-
fonte, was the guest of her grand-
mother, Mrs. Henrietta Dale, last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and
children, of Juniata, spent several
days at the home of Mrs. Amanda
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, of Le-
mont, and Mrs. Jennie Hastings, of
Bellefonte, were visitors at the Mec-
Farlane home last week.
Mrs. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Zeigler and Mr. and Mrs. Homan, of
State College, were guests at the
home of Charles Corl on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas Mothers-
baugh, Mr. and Mrs. George Mothers-
baugh and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mothersbaugh recently visited at the
home of Samuel Glenn on the Branch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlane re-
turned home on Wednesday, after a
six week’s sojourn in Philadelphia.
Mr. McFarlane underwent an opera-
tion for the removal of cataracts and
his many friends are glad to know
that the operation was a great suc-
We regret to note the illness of Z.
D. Thomas.
Mrs. Henry Kreamer has gone to
visit her daughter, Mrs. Daniel Breon,
in Jeannette.
Mrs. Lee Hain, of Sunbury, spent
Monday night with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Crouse.
Mrs. Mary Breon has gone to Jer-
sey Shore, where she will spend sev-
fall in a coal car, while at work, and
broke two or three of his ribs. As |
«Uncle Potter,” as the little folks
fondly call him, is not a young man
his suffering has been severe, and al- |
though he is trying to go about, he
does not feel any too well.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bixel and
daughter, Mary Jeannette; Mrs. Wm.
Lucas and children, Celia and George; |
John Shank and Miss Josephine Poor- |
man spent Sunday with Mrs. Lucas’!
mother, Mrs. Williams, of Howard. !
Williams, sons ‘of the |
same lady, also paid their respects to
her, the occasion being her birth day. |
A very pleasant time is reported. |
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crotzer, who |
were married several month ago, be- |
gan housekeeping at the upper works.
Mrs. Crotzer was Miss Mary Singer,
of Romola. She has been assisting
her brother's wife and helping care
for her sick father, who is now bet-
|ter. We are pleased to have the
young people with us. A shower and |
general good time was tendered them |
in their new home. Those present
were, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson,
Mrs. J. H. Slaterbeck, Mrs. Hume,
Mrs. Francis Dulin, Mrs. Bartlow,
Mrs. Harry Singer, Mrs. Philip Dietz,
Misses Carrie and Lulu Dietz, Linda
eral weeks with her children.
On Monday morning Thomas Hull
went to Lock Haven where he will be
employed at his trade for the present.
Miss Sara Cunningham has gone to
| Sunbury where she will spend the
summer with her uncle, Byron Case
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McVey, of Al-
toona, spent Thursday night and part
of Friday with Mrs. McVey’s mother,
Mrs. Henry Mowery.
Rev. W. D. Donat and son Nevin
returned home from attending the
funeral of Rev. Donat’s brother, the
late Rev. Willoughby Donat, of
Schuylkill Haven, Pa.
Miss Maude Hosterman has gone to
Spring Mills, where she expects to
spend several weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Zerby. Miss Sara Zerby is look-
ing after the household affairs of her
| grandfather while her aunt is absent.
Stover Durst, after spending the
past few months in Akron, Ohio, re-
turned to his home in this village. He
had been employed in the rubber
works and as the railroad situation
has been causing considerable trouble
in procuring supplies, and also in the
output of goods, a large number of
men have been laid off.