Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 07, 1920, Image 7

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Bellefonte, Pa., May 7, 1920.
Pennsyiv.nia State Department
uf Health,
ere me
—e —
1. What is the purpose of quar
2. Why is early quarantine im-
3. How is disease carried from
one who has it, to a third party, by
one who hasn’t it?
Because the doctor reported that
“Jenny Maguire had Scarlet Fever,”
the Health Officer came to placard and
quarantine the house.
Mrs. Maguire was hostile. ‘When
me man, Mike, comes home from the
St. Patrick’s parade and sees that
yellow sign on the house, he'll be after
lickin’ the man ‘hat put it there.”
The Health Offifficer told her that the
color was not meant as 2 taunt to
Irishmen, but was used because it
could be seen at a distance, and in-
dicated the presence of contagious
disease and the establishment of quar-
antine, ;
“And phwat is quarantine?” asked
Mrs. Maguire.
“Quarantine,” answered the Health
Officer, “means that no one but the
doctor and nurse may leave the prem-
ises until there is no further danger
of carrying the disease. The law fixes
30 days as the minimum period for
scarlet fever.”
“A foine law,” sneered Mrs. Ma-
guire, “that kapes a strong man home
frum worruck fur a month, an’ the
rint due on the fifteenth.”
The Health Officer continued: “For
scarlet fever, only modified quarantine
is required. If Jenny be kept in a
room by herself, with +he doorway
covered with a sheet; if you hang a
wrapper and a sunbonnet, or other
covering for your hair, just inside the
door, which you can put on when you | the fixed price and make a profit, that
go in and take off as you come out;
if you wash your hands with soap and
water every *ime you come from her | : !
| make a profit on it at 20 cents, I see
room before touching anything else;
if you boil her soiled clothing or what-
ever she touches, scald her eating
utensils as soon as she is through with
them: keep Mike out of Jenny's room
and keep him from handling anything
she has touched until it has been dis-
infected—he can go to work.”
! -
the boy to *he hospital. His room was
sealed and disinfected; thereafter it
and all the furniture were well scrub-
bed with soap and water, the clothing
and sheets were boiled, the mattress 1
and blankets wiped with soap and
water and sun-dried, and the room
thoroughly aired.
Nine boarders, none of whom had
been near the boy, were released for
their work on the railroad. Six, over
twenty years of age, who worked in
the stone quarry, were also released.
A young school teacher and a postal
clerk who had looked after the boy
that morning, were ordered a Soap and
water bath, including the hair, a
sponging with disinfectant, disinfec-
tion and airing of their clothes, and
were allowed to return to work the
next day, providing they were kept
under medical supervision.
Three children, who had had scar-
let fever, were given directions for a
clean-up and disinfection and were
allowed *o return to school.
The Health Officer finished his
morning work by leaving on the steps
of their suburban shack, a basket of
provisions provided by the Poor Au- |
thorities, for Mose Johnson and his
wife, an aged colored couple, absolute-
ly quarantined for small-pox.
Quarantine (quarante-forty, the
number of days which contagion carry-
ing ships used to be cut off from
shore) is useless unless it is thorough-
ly carried out. As a rule, acute dis-
oases are most transmissible in their |
early stages. Therefore, early quar- |
antine s necessary. i
The main spreader of disease is the |
person who has it.
When the disease is carried froin
one who has it, by one who hasn't it,
to a third party, it is usually done hy
the hands. Thorough soap and wa‘er
washing will prevent this; washing
afterward in chlorinated lime water,
a teaspoonful to the quart, is an added
Community safety demands that
quarantined persons obey the imposed
regulations. Failure to do so may
spell DEATH to some one else—us-
ually a child. |
The same disease may be mild in
one person and fatal im the next, |
ter |
Sugar Profiteers Warned About Price.
Fair Price Commissioner McClain
has issued a public warning that any
merchant demanding a price higher
than 20 cents for sugar will be sub-
ject to arrest for profiteering, not-
withstanding that he may have pur-
chased the sugar at a higher price
from wholesalers or brokers.
His statement is as follows:
“The legal refiners’ and wholesal-
ers’ price of sugar is well known to |
all retail dealers, and any one who |
buys sugar at higher prices does so at
his own risk as 20 cents is the estab-
lished price to consumers. If the re- |
tailer wishes to buy sugar at such a |
high price that he cannot re-sell it at |
is his lookout.
«Under these conditions, when a re- |
tailer buys sugar knowing he cannot
' no reason why the fair price commis-
3 i
«Can Maggie and Mickey kape on |
goin’ to school? They've never had
the disease.” “You can give them a
hot bath, including the hair, put on
clean clothes, send them to some other
place which iS free from the disease
and where there are no children who
have not had it, and if they do not
get it in fourteen days, they can go
to school.” “And phwat if they do
get #7 “The modified quarantine for
another minimum period of 30 days
counting from the beginning of the
latest case. If they get running ears,’
it may be much longer.”
The Health Officer told Mrs. Ma-
guire the reason for quarantine and
gave her a scarlet fever pamphlet.
Mollified by this, she promised to obey,
but said “Mulligan’s boardin’ house
has the same thing. They didn’t have
a doctor for fear he'd shut them up.”
Mulligan’s boarding house was fill-
ed to capacity. Putting on his cap,
gown and overshoes, strong with anti-
septic, the Health Officer was lead to
a room in which lay a fourteen-year-
old bootblack, with scarlet fever.
When the Health Officer came down
gtairs, as he thoroughly washed his
sands at the kitchen sink, after hav-
ing sprinkled with antiseptic his gown,
head covering and overshoes, which he
packed in his satchel, he told Mrs.
Mulligan that “it must be the hos-
pital for the boy, or absolute quar-
‘antine for the house.”
sion should uphold or protect him in’
charging a higher price in order to
get his profit.”
Act Quickly
Do the right thing at the right
Act quickly in time of danger. :
In time of kidney danger, Doan’s
Kidney Pills are most effective.
Plenty of Bellefonte evidence of .
their worth.
Mrs. Elmer Yerger, 306 N. Beaver
St., Bellefonte, says: “About ten'
years ago I had kidney trouble in its
worst form. My back was so weak 1:
could hardly get around. My kidneys
acted very irregularly and I was in!
constant misery. Dropsical swellings
set in. I tried different remedies, but |
received no benefit. Doan’s Kidney |
Pills were recommended to me and I |
at once began their use. In a few |
days the trouble was relieved and 1]
continued their use for about three!
months. i
They entirely removed the !
distressing kidney disorders. My
back was strengthened and I had no |
further trouble with my kidneys. 1
think Doan’s is the best kidney medi- |
cine to be had.” (Statement given
April 22, 1914).
On October 18, 1918, Mrs. Yerger |
said: “It is a pleasure and a great
privilege for me to again speak a!
good word for Doan’s Kidney Pills. |
Others in my family have since had |
the same good results from Doan’s as |
I had. I confirm all I said in my for- |
mer statement.” |
60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn |
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 65-19 |
The Omega Watch
WE have acquired the agency for
the celebrated Omega Watch—
a Watch of character.
We will be very glad to explain to you
the unusual merits of this time piece.
F. P. Blair & Son,
Jewelers and Optometrists
Bellefonte, Pa.
Building Your Wealth
A bank works for you night and day,
week after week, adding cents to dol-
lars. Little by little the amounts
grow till each addition is a respecta-
ble sum.
Where does the gain come from?
Not from your pocket. Nor from
ours. It is the result of production.
Money placed in a bank is given an
opportunity to work and to produce.
Thus a bank builds your wealth.
Start with a small deposit if you will.
Add to it when you can—regularly if
you can do so. It will not be long till
vou can fairly see it grow. Let us
earn wealth for you.
Bellefonte Trust Company
Bellefonte, Pa.
Why You Should Make aWill
To protect your loved ones.
To safeguard your estate.
By making a Will you can appoint the Bellefonte Trust
Company as your Executor or Trustee.
Vou can thus assure to your heirs the business manage-
ment and financial responsibility which this institution affords.
Vour wishes can be observed in the distribution of your
property, for if you do not leave a Will the law may divide up
your possessions in a way that you might not desire.
How Have You Made Your Will?
Do not write your own Will. ““Home-made’’ Wills are
dangerous and often cause law-suits, because, when drawing a
Will the law must be known, both as to wording and terms.
Consult a lawyer today about the making of your Will and have
him name the Bellefcnte Trust Company to act as your Execu-
tor and Trustee.
C. T. Gerberich,
Vice President
J. L. Spangler, N. E. Robb,
65-3-tf President
“ Ten m
4 AR 5 ,
NA RR er
NA 5
AN Eb 1
Pe Ramana
— ge
les used
to be along way
HAT a difference in
these motor-car days,
when every point in the
county is hardly more than bil 1
People’s ideas are chang-
‘ing, too.
They’re beginning to fig-
“ure out how much it is cost-
ing them to keep a car. And
the man who is doing the
greatest amount of figuring is
the man with the moderate-
price car.
There still seems to be a
notion in some quarters that
any tire is good enough for
a small car.
That’s not what the man
who owns it thinks.
In recommending and sell-
dng U.S. Tires we are trying
to see his side of the propo-
just around the corner.”
sition—finding out what he
wants in a tire and giving
him that.
Large or small, U. S. Tires
are built to only one stand-
ard of quality—thec standard
that produced the first
straight side automobile tire,
the first pneumatic truck
Select your tires ace
cording to the roads
they have to travel:
In sandy or hilly cocun-
try, wherever the going
is apt to be heavy—The
U. S. Nobby.
For ordinary country
roads—The U. S. Chain .
or Usco.
For front wheels—The
U. S. Plain.
Every tire that bears the
name “U.S.” is built the
best way its makers know
how. It isn’t the car, but
the man who owns the car,
that counts with the oldest
and largest rubber concern
in the world.
For best resultge—
everywhere—U. S.
Royal Cords.
As representatives of U. S. CORD-MOBEY-CHANUSCO-PLAIN
Tires in this town, we offer
you the benefit of our experi-
ence and advice in settling
your tire problem.
‘United States Tires
For Sale by P. H. McGARVEY, Bellefonte, Pa.
- @