Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 07, 1920, Image 6

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    Dera tn.
"Bellefonte, Pa., May 7, 1920.
A wainscoat of broadcloth or of fustian
is alike to an aching heart, and we laugh
no merrier on velvet cushions than we did
on wooden chairs.
The looked-for change in the fash- ;
f the:
ions is here. The vogue o
straight chemise dress, though we
may love it, is attacked. New ideas
suggesting greater width in skirts,
tighter lines in bodices, lavish em-
broidery, plaited frills, long waist
Lines draped slightly cross-wise, bus-
tles of the Eighties modernized and
unstiffened, made their bow in the
French openings.
with its soft, long draperies and the
styles of 1830, as well as some pretty
straight frocks which reflect no par-
ticular period, but are none the less
When making a narrow ruffle for an
organdy collar recently, I was delight-
ed to find a way of producing the de-
sirable fluted effect. After removing
both needle and bobbin from the sew-
ing machine, I put
for gathering, having first adjusted
the gatherer to make the very full
gathers that are almost like any tiny
plaits. Then I passed the outer edge
of the ruffle through the gatherer and
proceeded exactly as if I were stitch-
ing and gathering. Of course, as the
needle was out, the material showed
no holes, but the edge of the ruffle was
sharply creased by its passage
through the gatherer, and the result
was an evenly crimped ruffle. Any
material with enough stiffness to
show plaiting—and, best of all, the |
edges of ruffles on laundered waists
—can be given a delightfully crisp |
and fresh appearance in a very few
When sewing up the bottom of new
pillow-cases, I always sew a tiny piece |
of muslin about three inches square |
inside the pillow-case at each end.
These small pieces of muslin are
seamed into the case, and being inside,
do not show when the pillow-cases are
being used. However, when the pil-
low-cases are washed, turn
wrong side out and hang them on the
line by means of the squares of mus-
lin. Then there is no danger of tear-
ing or wearing out the corners of the
pillow-cases by hanging them on the
line, especially in cold weather.
When making dresses or shirtwaists |
with turn-back cuffs I have found that
when the tiniest snap is sewed on the
cuff about one inch from the edge and
fastened to the sleeve, the cuff always
stays in place. More than that, when
the garment is laundered, the sleeve
can readily be unfastened and does not
have to be tacked each time it is
washed. On children’s clothes, this is
particularly useful as a time-saver.
In sewing hand-made lace on under-
garments, | have found it a great help
fo sew the lace on a piece of very nar-
row tape first. Then, sew the tape on
the garment. The lace is not only
easier to sew on this way, but it can
be ripped off much more easily when
the garment is worn out, as hand-
made lace will almost always out-
wear two suits of underwear.
Rolling and whipping lace on entre-
deux to curved or bias edges is made
very much easier if a row of machine
stitching is first put on the edge of
the material to be rolled. It makes it
much stronger, and the edge does not
pull out.
With the grains of sugar almost as
precious as gold dust, any advice
which makes it possible to reduce the
monthly expenditure of sugar is quite
welcome. Here is one of the recipes
which effects considerable saving:
Dumplings are favorites in any
form, and yet those cooked in fruit
sauce are perhaps the most tasty, the
fruit sauce has all the flavor of fresh
fruit and eliminates the necessity of
using any sugar in the recipe at all.
Sift together two cupfuls oi pastry
flour, 8 teaspoonfuls of baking pow-
der, and one teaspoonful of salt; then
add about three-fourths cupful of
milk, or enough to make a stiff dough,
mixing it with a knife. In the mean-
time make a syrup of two cupfuls of
jam, raspberry, strawberry, or any
flavor you prefer, and three cupfuls
of water. When the syrup has come
to a boil, drop the dough mixture on
immediately and steam the dumplings
for twelve minutes. Remove them at
once and arrange in a deep serving
dish. Pour the remainder of the syr-
up around them and serve hot.—Good
“I just wish you could see the gar-
ment bags that my husband brought
home to me last week,” the little bride
said. “They are the very nicest things
you could imagine. They are big bags
made of some sort of prepared paper,
chemically treated, I suppose, with
something that the moths don’t like.
They smell a bit like tar and a bit like
cedar, but the odor is not at all
“There is a stiff rod across the top,
and there are two or three hooks in-
side, so several garments can be hung
inside of each one. You simply put
the garment to be put away on a coat
hanger, and hang it inside the bag.
This is airtight, and it will protect the
things from dust and dirt as well as
moths. One of the nicest things about
it is that there isn’t any folding to do,
as there is when you use boxes, an
so the articles come out in the fall ab-
solutely unwrinkled.”
“That is a great asset,” Mrs. M.
said, interestedly. “I have had to send
the coats and suits often to the clean-
ers just to get the wrinkles out. But
there are some things that have to be
folded, like blankets.”
“I know,” answered the little bride,
“and with the bags was a roll of the
prepared paper same as the bags for
wrapping, twelve sheets in the roll,
over a yard each way. They will be
great to wrap the flat pieces in and to
line boxes with.”
There are several sizes, a big one,
thirty inches wide, a yard and a half
long and five inches thick, for two big
There was also to
be found the influence of the Far East |
on the appliance
them |
fur coats. There were some smaller
i and one size was just right for muffs
and ncckpieces. These bags are very
easy to get into so one can look at the
. things once in a while during the sum-
mer and see if they are safe.
1 eee eee
: Astounding Annual Loss of Beneficial
Wild Life Through Stray Domes-
tic Cats.
Do stray domestic cats materially
destroy beneficial wild life? This
| question frequently arises in the
minds of nature lovers everywhere
and has been answered conclusively in
‘the affirmative by many experts on
wild life conservation with nation-
wide reputations. Prof. E. H. For-
bush, of the State Board of Agricul-
ture, of Massachusetts, in an exhaust-
ive bulletin on the subject states that
some cats have been known to kill
i more than fifty beneficial song birds
and insectivorous birds annually, and
that stray cats frequently kill large
numbers of young game birds and an-
'imals, especially quail, rabbits, ruffed
grouse, ring-neck pheasants, young
wild turkeys, ete. He says, “It is our
duty to eliminate the vagrant or feral
cat as we would a wolf.”
Dr. Frank M. Chapman, of the
American Museum of Natural History
and author of exhaustive ornithologic-
al works, has been quoted as saying:
“The most important problem con-
fronting bird protectors today is the
| devising of a proper means for the
| disposition of the surplus cat popula-
‘tion of this country. By surplus pop-
! ulation we mean that very large pro-
{ portion of cats which do not receive
| the care due a domesticated or pet an-
[imal and which are, therefore, prac-
tically dependent on their own efforts .
| for food.”
| It is most unfortunate that in a
‘number of sections of Pennsylvania
| people are so superstitious about mov-
, ing cats when changing their place of
abode that these animals are frequent-
'ly left behind. In other sections the
same kind of false superstition deters
people from killing surplus cats with
en many miles from home and releas-
ed frequently in forest sections
| cial wild life.
ods is most despicable and should be
highly condemned. wherever preva-
~atural off-spring must kill for a liv-
{ing all the year round just the same
'as a wild cat, ora fox, ora weasel
with the result that tons of beneficial
| wild life consisting of song and In-
| animals are destroyed in Pennsylva-
| nia each year through the
{ homeless, field-hunting domestic cats.
In addition to the destruction of
| wild life, stray cats frequently carry
disease germs from garbage recepta-
cles, infected homes, ete., to the an-
suspecting tot whose parents little
dream that the pet cat is sealing the
tomb of their own children.
In view of the foregoing all persons
i should see to it that stray, homeless
cats are humanely disposed of wher-
ever found and some few bird and
game killing cats with excellent
homes likewise need proper restraint
on the part of their owners. In Penn-
sylvania, according to an opinion of
the Attorney General, cats are not ac-
i corded any protection whatever by
law, so that no one need hesitate to
dispose of stray, homeless cats at any
time. Are you ready to help avoid
this astounding toll on our beneficial
wild life ?
Sec'y Game Commission.
World-Wide Shortage of Wheat Pre-
dicted. England is Hard Hit.
Indication of a world-wide shortage
ed by the American Agricultural
Trade Commissioner at London, who
said bread was selling in England at
what was generally considered the
tolerate without grave disorder.
With Russia still in a chaotic state,
country in the way of wheat exports
dia and Argentina.
compelled to import much
quantities of wheat than in pre-war
times, provided they are able to ar-
Tange satisfactory credits, the report
from Russia place wheat available for
export at 35,000,000 to 140,000,000
United States imports, the Commis-
sioner reported, were ranging from
$3.04 to $4.11 or an average of $3.46
a bushel.
maf eee——
Allegheny, Pa.—Economies in pub-
lic administration are already begin-
ning to appear hereabouts as a result
of the federal prohibition amendment,
according to officials connected with
various public institutions. The exo-
dus of the saloon has caused a marked
decrease in the number of prisoners in
the Allegheny county workhouse,
| sectivorous birds and game birds and |
the result that such animals are tak-
abounding in game and other benefi- |
Either of these meth- |
lent, because such animals and their |
of wheat this year and a world-wide |
increase in demand, has been report-
highest price the workingman would
there is little to be expected from that |
and Europe naturally turns to the
United States, Canada, Australia, In- |
Some European countries will bo!
Conflicting reports in London |
says the report of the superintendent |
of the institution. On December 31,
1919, there were fewer prisoners there
than at any time since May 31, 1888.
“In 1919,” says the report, 73428 pris-
oners were received, or more than 300
less than the average for 50 years.”
The superintendent also says that the
necessity for an inebriate asylum is
much lessened, and he recommends
that consideration be given to the
question of whether it would be wis»
and economical to establish a prison ,
hospital as originally planned.—The |
Christian Science Monitor.
Big Reduction in Relief Work.
Cortland, N. Y.—A marked reduc-
tion in poverty as a result of prohibi- |
tion is reported by Walter Angell, so- |
cial worker ard an authority on home
conditions in this city. The number |
of persons to whom he administerad |
temporary relief dropped from 700 in |
the winter of 1918 to 200 in the winter
of 1919, he says, and not a case of im-
proper guardianship of children was
reported. It is no longer a common
occurrence to find children lacking |
shoes and clothing or families living
on potatoes and water, according to
Mr. Angell.
During the last six months of wet
1ule there were 58 cases of offenses
other than drunkenness in the city
court; during the first six months of
dry rule these were reduced to 46. :
There were 116 cases of intoxication |
during the last six months of wet |
rule, but during the first six months |
of the dry regime these were reduced !
to 21. An even sharper contrast is
shown in the number of crimes com-
mitted during the last wet month and
the first dry month, the figures being
52 and eight, respectively.
Real estate men say that it is prac-
tically impossible to rent or buy a
house in Cortland, that many former
saloons are occupied, and that rents
of places vacated by saloons will in
time equal or exceed former rates.—
The Christian Science Monitor.
eee eee lle.
Fineknife plaitings and ruches
are an accepted form for trimming on
many spring models, particularly on
frocks, suits and wraps of taffeta.
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Eind You Ilave Always Bought.
Swift & Company
Does Not Control Its
Raw Material |
Other industries
materials according to need or judgment,
and set a selling
manufacture only what they can sell at
their price.
Cotton, wool, wheat, lumber, iron,
steel, and other non-perishables, can be
held either by their producers or their
users until needed.
But live stock comes to market every
day in fluctuating quantities from scat-
tered sources, wholly uncontrolled and
at times without regard to market needs.
An immediate outlet must be found
for the perishable products, at whatever
price, as only a very small proportion
can be stored.
No one can foresee or stipulate what
they shall bring; prices must fluctuate
from day to day to insure keeping the
market clear.
Only the most exacting care of every
detail of distribution enables
Swift & Company
profit from all sources of a fraction of a
cent per pound, necessary for it to con-
tinue to obtain capital and maintain
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
can buy their raw
price. They need
to make the small
UILT like a wagon.
rear wheels track.
and rear axle.
on. Chain-Driven Exclusively.
Wide-tired wheels.
Solid bottom bed with heavy cross pieces, and supported by full width of sides. Front and
Axles coupled together with angle steel reach ; coupled short, dividing load between front
el Axle not used as a bearing for gears to run
Positively not a worm or cog gear on the machine.
levers. The lightest, easiest running and most practical Spreader.
t@" Just received a carload of Conklin Wagons. All sizes and for all purposes. 62-47
No moving parts on rear axle.
Dubbs’ Implement and Seed Store.
No clutch. Operated by only two
For Big Little Girls
We have just received a full line of low
shoes for growing girls, made in Vick Kid,
Gun Metal, and Dark Tan Vici; low heels,
all solid leather, sizes from 22 to 7.
The Price is Only $6.50 and $7.00
Bring your big little girl to our store
and have her fitted.
Yeager's Shoe Store
Bush Arcade Building BELLEFONTE, PA.
A A rere
Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work.
Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co.
We are going to make this month the banner
month in all our departments by marking down our
Coat.s and Coat Suits--May Prices.
This mark-down May sale will give each custo-
mer the opportunity to save from 20 to 50 per cent.
on every Coat and Suit—all this season’s models.
Sport Coats from $10 up. Full length Coats from
$15 up. Ladies’ Suits from $23 up.
Shirt, Waists.
All Shirt Waists are put in the May special sale.
New models of fine Voile from $2.25 up.
Slip-over Sweaters, Children’s Sweaters and
Tuxedos are in the May reduction.
Middies and Middie Blouses.
Regulation Middies and Hand-Smoked Blouses,
all colors.
Shoes. Shoes.
Men’s Work and Dress Shoes. Ladies’ Black
and White, Cordovan in high and low shoes. Chil-
dren’s White, Black and Cordovan Shoes in high and
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.