Benelitdan INK SLINGS. —1Is your winter’s supply of coal going to hold out. — Even Nebraska seems to have grown tired of the perennial candida- cy of Mr. Bryan. — Incidentally the Herbert Hoover boom isn’t booming as boomily as it was a few days ago. . —Many a fellow who could hardly wait for the opening day of the trout season has already laid his rod away to rest until the 15th of April, 1921. — We used to laugh at the folly of the recurrent South and Central American revolutions, yet what they dignify with such a name down there doesn’t cause half the trouble that one of the smaller strikes we are having in the States every day now occasions. — Senator Watson, of Indiana, called on Senator Penrose on Tuesday and after his visit he volunteered the information that the Pennsylvania boss has “an open mind” on the Pres- idential question, but qualified it by stating that: “Senator Harding is the type of man Senator Penrose has in mind for the Republican nomination.” How lovely. A nod’s as good as a wink. —Mr. Palmer has apparently se- cured the delegates from Georgia; having beaten Hoke Smith in his home State. But Hoke is just about as popular down there as Palmer is in Pennsylvania so that the victory is of rather a negative character. In truth he would stand at least a fair chance of evening things up if it were not too late for him to enter the Pennsylva- nia primaries. —The primaries are only twenty- five days off and the only excitement there seems to be in Centre county is being stirred up by the friends of the Hon. Ives Harvey, who are determin- ed to send him back to Harrisburg. He isn’t particularly anxious to go and we believe he wouldn’t have announc- ed at all had it not been for the pro- hibition question, as he says himself: “My one idea in being a candidate is to further Temperance matters.” Several weeks ago the “Watch- man” advised its readers to keep an eye on Governor Cox, of Ohio, and William G. McAdoo as Presidential possibilities. All Washington must have taken a tip from the paper, for during the past ten days scarcely any- body else has been discussed by the men at the Capital who are looking for a winning leader. Either one of these men would command more sup- port at the polls than all of the oth- er prospects combined. — How many of those people who get all of their ideas out of some one else’s head, who are devoting most of their time to villifying, scandal-mong- ing and belittling President Wilson have stopped to think of the condition of the President and what has been its cause? Would they think of ut- tering a word of defamation of any of the boys who came back from the other side suffering from wounds or disease? President Wilson’s present condition, whatever it may be, has been the result of a service to his country the like of which no man was ever called upon before to give and we pray to God that no one in the fu- ture will be so tried as he has been. In the face of this it seems to us that loose tongues should burn with shame for flippantly taking up and passing on stories that have emanated for no other than partisan political reasons. —The Philadelphia Public Ledger editorially discussed an anonymous letter that appeared in its columns on Tuesday. By publishing the letter at all it violated one of the inexorable rules of journalism, but the subject treated was one of such interesting character that the infraction was quite worth while. The Ledger’s cor- respondent is convinced that revolu- tion is coming in this country and as- cribes its imminence to the waning reverence of the preacher and heed- lessness of the teacher on the part of the public. Both have fallen from the honored position they once held as leaders of thought and action in the communities they served and the Ledger believes that the public deca- dence is due to the exaltation of ma- terialism as expressed in this coun- try’s disposition to measure men by what they earn and not by what they do. In a sense we agree with our contemporary, but education iself, more than anything else, is the under- lying reason of the change, according to our analysis. Time was when men with an education were relatively few and it was correspondingly easy for them to wield an influence over the minds of their fellows. But now the school house is to be seen dotting the blackest landscapes of our country and every mind is being cultivated to the limit of public and private bounty with the result that diseased as well as sound intellects are being trained. The average American today arrives at his own deductions. If problems are presented to him he has the com- prehension to work them out for him- self and finds the right answer accord- ing as the question has been truth- fully stated and as his mind is a sane or diseased one. And in these three points we find all of the causes of un- rest that are so symptomatic of rev- olution: If the preacher and the teacher are no longer community or- acles it is because education and the great Metropolitan newspapers have become so popular. And the former is a dangerous thing in some heads and the latter too prone to sensation- alism and distortion for partisan or counting room advantage. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 65. Vote Your Choice for President. In answer to a great number of in- quiries as to how Pennsylvania Dem- ocrats may express a preference for William C. McAdoo as the party can- didate for President, at the May pri- mary, the esteemed Philadelphia Rec- ord suggests the use of “stickers” or that the name be written on the bal- lot. Mr. McAdoo, who has respect for traditions as well as a proper appre- ciation of the dignity of the office, de- clined to allow his name to be printed on the ballot, as did also every other man named except Mitchell Palmer, who hoped to get the endorsement by default and use it for trading pur- poses. But any voter may express his preference for any candidate in the manner suggested by the Record. There is a wide-spread and deep- seated aversion to Mitchell Palmer in Pennsylvania, and justly so. For the past six years he has been conducting an office brokerage in which the pa- tronage of the party has been huck- stered to the highest bidder without regard to fitness. Servility to Palmer and McCormick has been the only test applied and Democrats who had given years of faithful service to the party principles have been flouted in order that obsequious followers of those political bosses might be rewarded for servility. In the entire history of Pennsylvania politics the appointing power has never been so shamelessly perverted by the leaders of any party. It has become a nation-wide scandal. Naturally a good many earnest Democrats are anxious to learn how they may set their seal of condemna- tion upon the methods of Mr. Palmer by expressing a preference for anoth- er for the Presidential nomination. As the Record states “Democrats who favor the nomination of Mr. McAdoo or any other man can use stickers containing the name of their choice, or they can write the name on the bal- lot and their preference will be re- corded, except where the election of- ficers may be ballot-box crooks.” It will entail a little trouble but the hon- or of administering a rebuke to the professional office brokers will be worth the cost. We hope a vast num- ber will avail themselves of the means. ee Ap meee. — Senator Penrose is allowing the little fellows a few days longer to im- agine they have something to say about candidates and delegates. But at the psychological moment he will give them a rude awakening. ep =. Better than the Overall Fad. Those more or less wealthy and leisurely gentlemen who have donned | overalls as a protest against the high i cost of clothing reveal more enthusi- t asm than intelligence. Something ; ought to be done to check the soaring | prices of men’s apparel and there is i novelty as well as economy in appear- ing at dinner in blue jeans. But so far as the purpose in mind is concern- ed it is more than likely to work out like Mr. Palmer’s plan to reduce the cost of sirloin steaks. Mr. Palmer asked people to buy cheaper cuts of beef with the result that while sirloins remained at the old price the cheaper cuts advanced until there was little difference other than that poor people couldn’t buy meat at all. There are a great many people in this industrial country who for one | reason or another are obliged to wear overalls at ¢heir work. A blacksmith | or a puddler or a railroad brakeman | would look funny performing his work in broadcloth whether cut on clawhammer or Tuxedo form and there are a great many men employed in those and kindred occupations. But | the moment the “idle rich” begin | wearing overalls the profiteers will get under the market and run the, price of overalls up to such an alti- tude that you can’t tell them from ' spike-tailed broadcloth. Thus a grave hardship will be imposed upon those who can’t afford broadcloth and must have blue jean overalls. The Mayor of Baltimore has a bet- ter idea of achieving the purpose which the members of Overall clubs . imagine they have in mind. Having been solicited by a friend to join the ! movement he confessed a deep inter- | est in the matter of reducing the cost! of clothes but protested that he His not interested in running up the price of overalls.” His plan is to wear old clothes and in support of his attitude | he exposed a patched shirt and a three | year old hat. That manner of meet- { ing the question and solving the prob- | that a philanthropist would have been lem will be more speedy and effective | and will not alls to those who are obliged to and wear them. Lots buy | work. — A ballot. If you are a real Democrat it will not be printed there. a b— —Surely there should be May flow- ers a plenty if April showers are es- sential to their blooming. | dissolution of the partnership the | which amount was paid to Mr. McCor- of the amount covering the period increase the cost of over- | of us have | sued proves the contrary and it is adopted his plan and still hope it will | now said that an appeal will be taken | so that the payment may be delayed | for many years. — Write the name of your prefer- ence for President on your primary BELLE Reduced to the Lowest Level. In twenty-seven Assembly districts LEFONTE, PA., APRIL 23, 19 0 Booze and Factional Politics.” The detailed exposure of a close in this State, this year, the Democrats | connection of booze and factional pol- have no candidates for Representative ities in the Anthracite coal region is | in the Legislature. In five Senatorial | not altogether surprising. The sup- | districts the party has no candidate ‘and in at least one Congress district ‘the Jeffersonian electors will vote "blank or cast their ballots for Repub- lican candidates. Two years ago when the President was pleading for porters of A. Mitchell Palmer’s ab- ' surd ambition to pose as the favorite ‘son of the Pennsylvania Democracy ‘ Barleycorn all over the State. a vote of confidence the Democrats of | the Eighteenth district, Dauphin, Cumberland and Lebanon counties, mick, had no candidate, for the rea- son that Mr. McCormick would not approve of the choice of the party. This record represents what Mitchell Palmer would call the “peak” of in- efficiency. There are as many Democrate in the ' State of Pennsylvania today as at any previous period in the history of the party. But the vast proportion of the voters of that party faith have be- come so disgusted with the selfish and stupid management of the party or- ganization that they have lost both confidence and hope. McCormick and Palmer have given all their attention and energies to the work of control- iing the organization so that they will have stock in trade for commerce in politics in the future and left the in- terests of the party go by default. They openly boast a certainty of a majority in the next State committee but have taken no pains to put a tick- et into the field to keep the party alive for future services. The Democratic party of Pennsyl- “vania has been up against hard lines on more than one occasion. With no patronage, National, State or local to bestow an appeal to patriotism was the only expedient. But such an ap- .peal invariably brought the result for it was honestly made by earnest par- ty leaders. But this year with thous- ands of offices to dispense and all sorts of rewards to offer the party has fallen to so low an estate that its voters are without candidates in one- third of the legislative districts. Mitchell Palmer and Vance McCor- mick have reduced us to this wretch- ed extremity and the first thought of every earnest Democrat ought to be to scourge them for their perfidy. — The railroad strikers had neith- er the sympathy of the public nor the approval of their organizations in the strike just ended. But the men must ‘be fairly treated or there will be | another strike later in which the | strikers will have the encouragement . of both elements. Some Profiteering in Coal. An interesing case of profiteering was revealed in the Dauphin county Common Pleas court, last week in the trial of the cause of Edwin F. Sax- man vs. Vance C. McCormick. It was shown that plaintiff and defendant had been partners in the operation of a coal mine, the plaintiff’s interest be- ing one-third. Later the partnership was dissolved, the plaintiff in the case retiring after receiving $2500.00 for his share. For some time before the firm had been filing complaints with the Public Service Commission that the Pennsylvania railroad had dis- criminated against the firm in failing to furnish cars to convey its product to market. Some time after the partnership was dissolved the Public Service Com- mission made an award of $153,000.00 damages against the Pennsylvania Railroad company and in favor of the coal company for discrimination in supplying cars. The award was sub- sequently contested in court and af- firmed with interest added increasing the total to upward of $160,000.00, mick, the surviving partner. There- upon Mr. Saxman demanded one-third during which he was a partner. Mr. McCormick refused to pay the claim and suit was brought in the Dauphin county court with the result that a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $21,597.47 was returned, last week. Measuring the value of the proper- ty at the rate paid the retiring part- ner for one-third, the total value was $7500.00, upon which an award of more than $160,000.00 was collected for discrimination in car service be- sides what was obtained for the pro- duct of the mines. With this liberal profit on investment one would think perfectly willing to give a just share of the award to the retiring partner. But the stubborn litigation which en- Yet after payment of the judgment there would be left a big profit on the original investment. e———————————————————— — Farmers are getting worried be- cause they are so late with their plow- 'ing. Many of them have scarcely ' completed a “land” on their oats are and have been flirting with John Mr. Casey, the Scranton booze king, is not the only wet man concerned in the Palmer campaign. Others in the list of candidates for Delegate-at-Large the home district of Vance C. McCor- | ground. are loudly proclaiming their fidelity to the liquor interests while it is known that Mr. Palmer has himself expressed a preference for candidates for delegates to the convention who openly favor the traffic in booze. But the affiliation of booze and Pal- mer politics in the Anthracite region has assumed a sinister aspect that challenges public attention. In Scran- ton, for example, according to state- ments published in responsible news- papers, the federal agents of the De- partment of Justice charged with the enforcement of the Eighteenth amend- ment and the Volsted act have pros- tituted the law to the basest uses in the interest of Palmer and illegal traders in booze. These illegal trad- ers in booze are said to have made vast fortunes by the traffic and pro- fessing allegiance to Mr. Palmer is reported as being about the only thing necessary to get license to sell liquor in any quantity and in any form. We are not in sympathy with the processes by which prohibition has been established in this country. The Fighteenth amendment to the consti- tution and the Volsted act are sub- versive of a fundamental principle of the government. But they are never- theless in force and should be equally binding on all the people. Allegiance to a hypocritical pretender of moral and political virtue should not give one man a right to trade in intoxi- cants which is denied to others who prefer other candidates for office. But according to well attested information published in the Philadelphia Record, that discrimination is freely practiced in the Anthracite coal region and es- pecially in Scranton. em ————— een — ZZ it probably never occurred to Admiral Sims but if he is ashamed of his job he can resign and taking one 3 consideration with another it may be said the country wouldn’t be much the loser. — Col. J. L. Spangler returned home from Chicago on Sunday and his experience in the Windy city dem- onstrates that even the members of the conciliation commission do not al- ways tread a pathway of roses. The Colonel was sent to Chicago to settle a strike of the handlers at the stock yards. The handlers are the men who take the stock from the train as it reaches Chicago, separate and classi- fy it and see that it is properly dis- tributed in the various stock yards. There are about a thousand such handlers in Chicago and they are practically all Irish, mostly the sec- | ond and third generation born in this country, and every man is a fighter. These characteristics showed very plainly during the strike and inas- much as the Colonel admires a good fighter he not only got along pretty well with the strikers but confesses to getting considerable enjoyment out of his mission. In due time he was able to effect a settlement and the hand- lers all went back to work but the irony of the situation developed at that time, owing to the fact that when the handlers were ready to handle stock there was no stock to handle as the railroad strike had come along and no stock was transported. Such was the condition when the Colonel left Chicago for home. —1It is said that fifty people have signed a petition for William Randolph Hearst for President which confirms our suspicion that the fool- killer has not been attending to busi- ness. — The very ambitious Presiden- tial “straw vote” being taken by the Literary Digest shows that Mitchell Palmer is still wagging along as the tail. ee Mr. Hoover is more to be pitied than blamed. He let the bug get away with his good sense and nobody cares now whether he wants to be President or not. i pits Besides Senator Newberry probably thinks that the only differ- ence between some of the colleagues and himself is that he has been found out. e—— — Tt would be too bad if those millionaires who are financing Gen- eral Wood’s campaign should be dis- appointed in the result. ——————————————————— ——If Admiral Sims had known what was coming he would likely have kept his mouth shut and broken up his type writer. XO: 17. The President’s Achievement. From the Philadelphia Record. ~ We_ invite the attention of the | American people to the remarks of M. Leon Bourgeois, president of the | Leage of Nations, regarding that very new international force. We don’t ex- pect all the Republicans to be im- pressed by them, but many Republi- cans are not so hidebound that they cannot think at all, and it ought to be possible for all the Progressives to take a friendly interest in a project that Mr. Roosevelt supported with en- _thusiasm in several of his books and ‘addresses from 1910 to 1916. Some . Republicans who are not Progressives might be able to consider dispassion- | ately a project which is the legaliza- ition of Mr. Taft’s voluntary associa- tion, the League to Enforce Peace. Mr. Bourgeois says: The work of the Executive Council is sufficient proof that the League is a prac- tical body. The governments and people who want a difference settled, or who wish to make a complaint, have been coming to the Council with the certainty that they are appealing to a powerful and moral authority, which is capable of hav- ing its decisions respected. Enormous progress has been made in the direction of world peace. The people believe in the League of Nations, and to provide it with the necessary means of action is all that now remains to be accomplished. This tribute to the utility of the League as a means of averting war ought to make every one, even a Re- publican, proud of his nationality. For this League is the work of the President of the United States. To create it he went to Paris. There he worked for it till he ruined his health and endangered his life. He had open opposition and luke-warm support. But he succeeded. He got the cove- nant of the League assented to by the peace treaty. There it belonged, be- cause the terms of the treaty depend- ed very much on whether there should be a League or not. The work of the League, as Mr. Wilson and other far- seeing and high-thinking men saw, was not merely to impose penalities upon Germany, but to provide so far as human wisdom and agreements could, that there should not be another great war. In this great, wise and humane project for mankind Mr. Wilson suc- ceeded with the peace conference. But his country is not a member of the League, because the Republican Sena- } : Vast Knowledge, Little Action. mn ses ces eee From the New York Tribune. Attorney General Palmer, accord- ing to his own accounts, has a very wide-awake information service. He says now that he had the present railroad walkout in mind when he warned the country months ago about soviet activi- ties in this country. He tells us that the same men are behind the rail- road hold-up as were behind the abor- tive steel strike last winter. He says he knows the dates set for other so- vietized labor demonstrations. Mr. Palmer excites awe as a sleuth. But when it comes to a preventive or deterrent action he doesn’t greatly im- press the imagination. He informed the country last summer that there was going to be a marked decrease in the cost of necessaries of life. Hav- ing recommended and secured an ex- tension and enlargement of the Lever act, he threatened to bring all the power of the department of justice to bear to punish profiteers and end profiteering. We read about agents of his, including the mysterious Mr. Figg, operating in this community and that. But where are the much- heralded prosecutions and convictions of profiteers? What has become of the promised decrease in prices of food and clothing? There is a strike on today in this city among the workers employed in transporting perishable foods from the railroad terminals to the chief market centres. One of the effects of this blockade, if it is successful, will be to destroy vast quantities of fruits and vegetables. The Lever law for- bids conspiracies to limit the facilities for the transportation of food or to restrict the distribution of necessaries. The strikers are manifestly violating the Lever law. But Mr. Palmer is still meditating in Washington. It is well enough to have a great sleuth and prognosticator at the head of the Department of Justice. But it would be better to have an Attorney General who acts promptly and vigor- ously on his skillfully accumulated volume of advance information. e— — Germany Saving Herself. From the New York Tribune. The collapse of Bolshevism in the industrial region of West Germany— a collapse whose occurrence is now conceded—is an event of world-wide significance and of great encourage- ment to those who long for a better world. The supreme question in the Ruhr district and in other parts of Germany has been whether the gener- al intelligence was sufficient to fur- nish a bulwark against Bolshevism. Conditions of life in Germany are hard, and the specious arguments of revolutionary communistic socialism and of sovietry as its instrument have been diligently preached. One Thing Needful. From the Birmingham Age-Herald. Chemists announce that new discov- eries will reduce the cost of living millions of dollars. Now for the dem- onstration! . a tors are “fighting President Wilson.” o several | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. | —Michael Croft, thirty-five years of age, | walked into his home at Berwick on Fri- day after an absence of eight years, dur- | ing which his folks received no mail from { him. He said he had been traveling over the Union. Croft left home one night to go up street and disappeared. | —A term of not less than three years in the eastern penitentiary or more than five, coupled with a fine of $800 and the costs of prosecution, was imposed on Friday on William 8. Leib, Schuylkill county poli- tician, by Judge Albert W. Johnson, in Quarter Sessions court at Philadelphia, for forging duplicate state tax receipts. —The Highway Department has issued automobile license No. 400,000, Jeremiah Bolinger, of Kresgeville, Monroe county, receiving the number. The receipts from motor vehicle licenses thus far during 1920 amount to more than $5,685,000, as against $3,800,000 at this time last year. There has been a gain of more than 59,000 pneumatic tired licenses in a year. —Burglars early last Friday morning stole $11,000 from the clothing and money belts of sleeping boarders in Mike Nel- lish’s home in Slickville, ten miles north of Greensburg, Westmoreland county. Several hundred dollars in Liberty bonds were also taken. The police found foot marks of four men in the yard. Charles Balaney lost $6000 and the six other board- ers lost amounts totaling $5000. — Milton is in the midst of an epidemic of measles. Over one hundred cases have been reported and quite a number have not been reported. Some of the people do not think it necessary to call a physician and therefore those cases have not been sent in. This is imperative, and the Board of Health should insist that all such cases be reported at once, in order that the homes may be quarantined and other families protected. —Charles Robbins and William Taylor, of Williamsport, were buried alive and two fellow workmen were injured Thurs- day when the walls of a ditch in which they were working caved in upon them. They were working at a depth of eighteen feet for a sewer at the Darling pump works at Williamsport when the sides gave way, burying them under tons of earth. Both men were dead when rescuers reached them. william Neeley, colored, of Sharon Hill, Delaware county, who shot and kill- ed Alexander Baxter, a white man, and wounded five others last fall, was sentenc- ed to twenty years in the eastern peniten- tiary on Saturday by Judge Broomall. The negro was convicted of murder in the first degree two months ago. A new trial was granted and immediately the defend- ant pleaded guilty to murder, permitting the Judge to fix the degree. Ground has been broken for the erec- tion of the first two colony units of the Western State hospital for insane, at Bairsville Intersection. The building, up- on which work will be rushed this sum- mer, is a complete unit, and it is estimat- ed that the cost will be $125,000. When completed it will be one of the largest and pest equipped institutions of its kind in the country. It is thought that much of the construction work will be completed before the summer is over. ; __In conducting a post mortem over the body of James Walker, the Johnstown ne- gro who was killed in a battle with Balti- more and Ohio officers in Fayette county at the same time that Benjamin Kohut was slain and several others wounded, Cor- oner 8. H. Baum, of Connellsville, found eight bullets in the man’s anatomy. A coroner's jury held J. T. Gater, wounded, and John Connor and James Coleman, all negroes, responsible for the death of De- tective Kohut. They are in the Fayette county jail charged with murder. __John Kalmbach, a farmer residing near Woolrich, Clinton county, and his sister-in-law, Lydia Suiler, were drowned in the Susquehanna river Monday after- noon. While crossing on the ferry at Lock Haven their team became fractious and backed off the boat in midstream. The woman grasped the harness of one of the animals and floated down stream several squares before disappearing. Efforts were made to rescue them. The bodies of the horses and the wagon were recovered, but those of the persons have not been found. —Joseph Dubois, a Wyoming county farmer, was convicted at Tunkhannock late Saturday night of the murder of his wife. It was a first-degree verdict reached after a short deliberation. A new trial has been asked. The case, on trial all week before Judge Searle, of Wayne coun- ty, resulted from the shooting of Mrs. Du- bois, last October. She was instantly kill- ed. There were no witnesses, but the hus- band was arrested on circumstantial evi- dence. They were estranged and only a day previous to the shooting she had tak- en action through the court to obtain sup- port for herself and family. — The Coleman Lumber company, of Williamsport, which last year purchased the extensive lands of the Girard estate, in West Keating township, Clinton county, and extending into Centre and Clearfield counties, for $100,000, has erected a large saw mill at Spruce Run, Clinton county, and will soon begin to operate the mill, which has a capacity of 35,000 feet of lum- ber a day. The tract is nine miles wide and contains many million feet of pine, hemlock and oak lumber. With the mill running continuously to full capacity, it is estimated it will require eight years’ time to cut out the timber and convert it into lumber. —A Dauphin county jury last Friday re- turned a verdict of $21,597.47 against Vance C. McCormick and in favor of Edwin TF. Saxman, of Latrobe. Mr. Saxman claimed ten thirty-fifths of a sum recovered from the Pennsylvania Railroad company, in a suit brought by the Sonman Shaft Coal company, Clearfield county, for alleged failure to furnish cars at the mine. Mr. Saxman sold 100 shares of the company’s stock to Mr. McCormick in 1904 after the mine had been flooded, and he averred an agreement was made with Mr. McCormick that in the event of judgment being ob- tained against the railroad that he be giv- en his proportionate share of the amount. — Roosevelt Acker, 15 years old, of Drif- ton, Luzerne county, recently released from a reform school, was taken to the county jail on Monday, after admitting that he shot and killed Michael Urhan, 16 years old, also of Drifton, when Urhan re- fused to get off a wagon at Acker's home, where the boys were playing. “Sure, 1 blew his head oft,” confessed Acker, when asked whether he knew what he had done. It is believed that he is mentally defective, and he will be arraigned in juvenile court. He used a shotgun belonging to his step- father, Richard Hall, in killing Urhan. The tragedy occurred during the absence of Hall and his wife on a visit to friends.