a fonte. et i KOREAN TAXI JS A WOMAN Bearing “Jiggi”’ Strapped To Her Shoulders, She Transports Loads. When an American wants to travel, he telephones for a taxicab. But in Korea the taxis are “jiggis,” baskets of wood and bamboo. The front view of the “jiggi” gives the impression of a spreading fan, but in the rear is a platform on which the trunks or other baggage are placed. The children are piled on top of the boxes and the strange moving van bobs away. Perhaps a boy only fifteen or six- teen years old will play the part of beast of burden, but it is gener- ally a Korean woman who tests strength to the breaking point as she carries a steamer trunk down the street. The condition of women children in foreign lands is a lem to which the new Interc World Movement, in which Amor. ica’s Protestant bodies are cao ing, has been attention. To social centers at various poi while a ¢ to be sta this end, to be ¢ BOALSBU nent Idiss ! where she, too, | which they cleaned with the aid of a | the equipme i Mondays, providing | sive training than could be g | the past. AARONSBURG. Sunday night the Stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Zerby and left a little son in their care. Mrs. Frank P. Bower, who has been very ill for more than a week, is im- proving after a hard fight for life. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond King, of Tylersville, spent Easter with Mr. King’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Cunningham have as guests Mrs. Cunningham’s sister, Miss Ethel Gulick, of River- ville, Pa. > Mrs. Herbert Hosterman, of Buffa- lo, N. Y., arrived in town on Monday evening and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mingle. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stover had as Sunday guests their son Paul and family, of Duncannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Shem Aurand, of Milroy. Mrs. Elvina Winters, of Rebers- burg, spent several days with her sis- ter, Mrs. Jennie Sylvis. On Friday both ladies took dinner with Mrs. A. S. King. Miss Lois Cunningham returned home, having finished her school term, taught at Peru. Miss Rhoda Brown also returned home from Boalsburg, finished her school term. Saturday evening, April 17th, at 7:30 o'clock, a meeting will be held in the Reformed church in the interest of the Forward Movement. A “Herald,” one of the many appointed for this work, will speak. Everybody is cor- dially invited to be present. es etme ee Spring Military Tactics Open at Penn State. The 1700 underclassmen at Penn State opened their spring military tactics on the same day that they re- turned from their Easter vacation, by advancing on as many new rifles bale of waste and fifty gallons of gas- oline. The all-new equipment provid- ed by the government at an expendi- ture of $142,000, was issued at that time, and as each rifle had been coat- ed with protective oil and grease, the fifteen cadet companies had a busy two hours getting them in shape for ase. A new rifle, gun sling, belt, hav- | orsack, bayonet and scabbard made up i man. sued to each Through a rearrangement of schedules, the entire regiment able to go through military tac two hour periods, every Wed: and Saturday, and for one he for more | | i vm ee - or me} | | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ng held : g ttendesd | 01 are giving you at 60 c. a piece. store fo LADIES SE, is an article that every well of Lew » has heen confined to illness for a week. ; consistery of the Reform- h met at the parsonage on 7 afternoon. is sper Charles Mothersbaugh. Mrs, Annie Rine arrived in town aturday for a visi ter, Mrs. George Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fogleman and family, ¢f Lemont, spent Sunday at the home of Roy Cexey. closedy their winter term on Frida and Miss Edna Bower, who taught the | grammar grade, returned to her home in Aarcnsburg on Monday. My. and Mrs. J. P. Wagner and Miss | Rove Meek, of Altoona, returned home Monday, after spending several weeks at the home.of D. W. Meyer. They took with them Marjorie Slagle, who will remain with them indefinite- | ly. Mrs. Abner Hemperley and son and | Messrs. Yoder and Secrist, of Ann- ville; Mrs. Esther Gregory and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Porter and daughter, and Mrs. Musser, of Juni- ata, were in attendance at the burial of Mrs. James M. Ross, on Saturday. « Irene Tressler, of Linden Hall, | yg some time at the home of | with her daugh- he primary and grammar schools | else that ¢ to make up the v the well dres woman, We | silk hose at S85 and $1.08. . we have the drop stitch silk hose at These are in all of the popular shades, & | we invite you to come in and them. we offer to you at these prices? SECOND FLOOR.—We are receiving al- ture department. have on our floor, we are selling at the old price. Why not take advantage of it? We told vou before about the three piece LIV- ING ROOM SUITE, we arc offering at $149.50. This is a mahogany suite, uphol- | stered in genuine tapestry. We | we are offering it to you. OVERSTUFFED ROCKERS. the present values of these rockers in the brown leather, overstuffed patterns. There | are two prices on these chairs. $27.50 and $85.00, Come and see. | Tach Saturday in the future is to be a CLOVER SPECIAL day in our store. We are going to put special prices on several articles on each floor. These will be real mailing list. Is yeur name on it? | send us a card and ask to have your name put on or tell us to put it on the list when you are in the store. | BOTH PHONES. COHEN & CO., Bellefonte. | interview you in your vicinity shortly. i A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— i Half ment, having claims against the same them, duly authenticat- i ed, for inspect Why pay more for the samo hose most daily now, new pieces in our furni- i Some of the stock we cannot | | touch it at the factory today at the price : Some one is going to get a real bargain when they buy | this. We still have several designs in the ! You know | bargains and we are sendin g each week a list of these specials to the people on our | If not, ! Political Announcements. DELEGATE TO NATIONAL DEMOCRAT- IC CONVENTION. We are authorized to announce the name of Col. J. L. Spangler, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for district delegate to the Democratic National convention to be held at San Francisco on June 28, 1920, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of the 21st Congressional District as express- 3, ot the primaries to be held May 18th, J. Frank Snyder, Clearfield, Pa., an- nounces that he will be a candidate, at the Spring Primary Election, for Delegate from the 21st Congressional District of Pennsylvania to the Democratic National convention, and states that, if elected, he will support that candidate for President who shall have received the highest num- ber of votes cast in said District by the voters of the Democratic party for said of- fice, and will use all honorable means within his power to aid in securing the Jominstien of such candidate for Presi- ent. DELEGATE TO NATIONAL REPUBLI- CAN CONVENTION. We are authorized to announce that Mellville Gillett, of Smethport, McKean county, Pa., is a candidate for Delegate to the Republican National Convention, to be held in Chicago, in June, 1920, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of the 21st Congressional District as express- ed at the primaries to be held May 18th, 1920. 65-2-Adv. ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to announce the name of Frank E. Naginey, of Bellefonte, as 2a candidate for nomination for Assemblyman for Centre county, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of the county as expressed at the primaries to be held on May 18th, 1920. FOR ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to announce the name of I. L. Ilarvey, of Bellefonte, as a can- didate for the Legislature, subject to the decision of the Republican voters as ex- Dressed at the primaries on May 18th, 1920. _ | NEW ADVERTISFVINIS small house with modern conven- iences, in Bellefonte. State exact location and price in first letter.’ Address your reply to the “Democratic Watchman,” Bellefonte, Pa. 65-16-4t W inant nou: buy a good medium or “OR SALI.—One 5 passenger Stanley 1 steamer car. Run only 1208 miles as a demonstrator. $2000 will take it. A new car would cost $4600. Wn. PENN HIGHWAY GARAGE. 65-16-1t Tyrone, Pa. ANTED.-——Automobile owner in every town reached by this paper to look after our interests. Regardless of your income, opportunity will be given you to make more money than ever before. If you can offer full or spare time services. write details immediately to Dept. A 783 Drexel! Building, Philadelphia, Pa. If sat- isfactory. Field Supervisor will arrange to 63-16-1t -Letters having beeil @ of administration granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Candace I. Miller, late of P yn township, deceased, all persons 3 s indebted to said es make prompt J. WATT MILLER, Administrator, Pyrone, I’. lor of the Board. M. 8S. MecDOWELL, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE.—A black French serge suit (coat and skirt) ; good style, in good condition, and at a low price. Write, or inquire at 215 Lamb street, Bellefonte. 65-15-tf coat of arms of Pennsylvania in center, and around the edge, “Pennsylvania State College, 1855.” Oown- er can claim pin by paying for advertise- ment. 65-15-1t F OUND.—A small, round gold pin with OR RENT.—A blacksmith shop, a paint shop and an automobile repair shop, all separate but contiguous. Apply to Miss MARY McQUISTION, Belle- fonte, Pa. 65-1-tf ARMERS NOTICE.—I will in- sure dwellings at $1.00 a hundred, and barns at $1.60 a hundred, on the cash plan for three years, and dwell- ings 50 cents a hundred, and barns at 80 cents a hundred on the assessment plan for b years as against fire and lightning. 64-28-1y J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. GRADE HEIFERS I'OR TAKE ¢ { 4 { 4 { { 4 4 4 { ( { 4 UERNSEY 4 SALE.—I have several fine grade |{ Guernsey heifers for sale. ¢ One two-year with first calf at her side, | a heifer calf sired by the registered Guern- | ¢ sey “Dewey.” : p One three-year old, fresh two months ¢ ago, and bred to the registered bull “Dew- p ey.” One 214-year old will come in with her first calf in May. s ¢ 4 { { { 6 ¢ 4 ( 4 4 4 4 4 Heifer calf three weeks old. All of these animals are fine types of their breed and all are nearly full bloods. THADDEUS CROSS, 065-14-tf Bellefonte, Pa., R. F. D. _ Common Pleas in and for _the County of Centre, No. - May Term. 1920. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the above stated Court on CM comn NOTICE.—In the Court of Monday, April the 19th, 1920, at two ) o'clock p. m., under the Corporation Act of | J 1874 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- | 3 nia and the supplements thereto, for the | § Charter of an intended corporation to be S$ called the “Associated Business Men of Bellefonte,” the character and the object Q of which is to encourage the location and Q development of manufacturing and other e industries in the town of Bellefonte and its | vicinity, to advertise the said Borough as S a desirable home and residential town, and S$ in general to promote the welfare of the | ¢ citizens and community of Bellefonte Q aforesaid; and for these purposes to have e and possess and enjoy all the rights, ben- efits and privileges of the said Act of As- sembly and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on file in the Prothonotary’s Office of Centre Coun- y. ORVIS & ZERBY, 65-14-3t Solicitors. OTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—Sealed proposals will be received by the oard of School Directors of the School Distriet of State College Borough until six o'clock P. M. Saturday, April 24, 1920, for the excavation and concrete foundation for a five room addition to the present High school building according to plans and specifications prepared by Koch- er and Disque, architects. Plans and specifications can be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of School Directors, or may be seen at the office of Kocher and Disque, architects, State College, Pa. Al bids must be accompanied by a certified check on some reputable bank in the sum of $200 which will be held pending the signing of the contracts and the delivery of a satisfactory bond. The successful bidder wi be required to give a bond equal to per cent. of the contract price for sa tory completion of the work. Hl be in the hands of . I . Bo? ry. on re the time ntioned. ontraet will to the lowest a best bidder, *€ e right to reject ry “Your Storeis so Different” We hear that remark several times a day. Yes, it is different! First of all we carry nothing but the best merchandise obtainable; by this we mean lines of goods that have stood the test of time, which after all is the test of worth VV VV VV Ta a a a a a a a a a Af A dd ddd ddd a ALAA IAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAARAAA and value. ) Secondly, no two of our garments are alike; a great 1 variety and every one different. $ 4 ) 4 . : i ) Thirdly, we carry little merchandise over from one sea- 2 ) son to another. Last Fall we had just two suits and six’ 2 coats left over. Needless to say we disposed of them, $ 3 ; co that our stock is always clean, new and attractive. 2 4 ) ; ¢ Lastly, we guarantee everything that leaves our shop. $ ) 4 So, you see, our shop is different; individuality in 2 4 clothes is why our business grows. $ ) 4 ) Then, too, we have a graduate corset fitter always in 3 attendance. 3 * 4 ) . . ¢ Of course “we're different” and glad of it. : $ Jb 4 $ Q Q Q e Q Q Q d é 2 ¢ 0 er—— re —————— = — — ¢ ¢ chlow’s Quality Shop The Best for the Well-Dressed Bore PHONES : i 3 Oo i TH ol ol H oe i 7 | Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry | “IEWELRY MADE OVER” i { Chestnut, PHILADELPIIA, PA ilth Street Below 63-34-6m. PER AA WE NCAT TA | ¢ 1 Rocerintiona Degseripfions SUILD BUY 10S UL Offices in BELLEFONTE 3-5 JORINSTOWN MOUNT UNIOD . | 1 : . X - i R § J 33 i 7 } A i BEC or jad SE § i 2a li] 2 Ube Li ¢ SALE BY NY on TD Dwniico S*nr Tha RB. S. Brouse Store |? | oy The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a 1 1 little higher than can ie found else- where and at fair prices. We Invite You to 1 with Your Patronage. OT | PARI ANANSI AS FS ARISES RSS A NINTENINS and The John Meese Store Bellefonte, Pa. ie If you are a business man you have. [= ue Si Li oi i CE 61-46 Have You a Checking Account! © =i Eig Si oi oh oi oh be of oi . ol If you want to become one you must have. 21 No man can do business these days with- Os out a proper bank connection. =r Why not do your banking with us. The First National Bank BELLFONTE, PA. or ro on EEL E LEU EE EEE EEE LESS BRS ASAafon=Aenan=i=nan=n=nanan=nan= ee =r= b= U fl The Potter-Hoy Hardware Company announces the arrival of their CHINA WARE. They are offering as a leader A 50-Piece Set Decorated China Ware at $13.93, worth at least $18.00 YOUR CHOICE OF TWO PATTERNS. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 65-5-1y AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAANAN