Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 16, 1920, Image 3

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Deore Wace
Te Bellefonte, Pa., “April 16, 1920.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Miss Lizzie Gill is visiting friends
in Altoona. :
Mrs. Ida Houser visited her sister
at Williamsport.
The recent blizzard did considerable
damage in our community.
Christ Keen and family, of Akron,
Ohio, spent a few days here.
Harry Noll, of Philadelphia, spent
a few days with his parents here.
Daniel Schlottman (retired) left for
Hazleton on Monday, for an indefinite
visit with relatives.
The much dreaded spring lake, be-
tween here and Zion has passed away
ond leaves no one to regret its depar-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keller and two
children, from Altoona, spent their
Faster vacation with friends at the
Mr. and Mrs. John Herman left last
week for Philadelphia, expecting to
make the Quaker City their fouture
abiding place.
Both our church congregations cel-
ebrated Easter services. The ceremo-
nies were numerously patronized and
highly appreciated by all participants.
The contractors of our state road
have consummated a deal whereby
they will take over the Pleasant Gap
hotel. Mrs. John Myers had previous-
ly rented the hotel. The road men en-
tered into an agreement with Mrs.
Myers whereby they agree to furnish
all the supplies necessary as well as
coal and elactric light, ete., Mrs. My-
ers and daughter to receive a very
liberal salary for conducting the same;
the work on the road will be started
in a few days.
I sometimes think that it is starnge
indeed, that we don’t have more in-
sane patients in our insane asylums,
when we take into consideration the
many painful and petty annoyances
we have to contend with. I often
wonder why it is that a barber will
scratch and Tub your head for an hour
and not touch the particular spot that
itches. Science may dispel the mys-
tery that hangs about a universe, and
philosophy make plain the whys and
wherefores of things in general, but
neither of them appear to be equal to
the emergency in this case. Rocks
have testified to this age of man, and
the grath—rings in heavy oaks and
in giant redwoods and gnarled and
riven elms, told stories of aboriginal
but all are silent as to the time
when a barber scratched the place that
itched. Did you ever observe what a
deal of discomfort a very small thing
may cause? A hair wafted from
somewhere lights on your nose and
begins to tickle. Both of your hands
are full, as a matter of course, and
you would give just anything to get
at that hair. The more you think
about it the more it tickleh. You be-
gin to get nervous, tears come into
your eyes, your knees tremble, and
you feel that you must scratch or die.
Things like this are liable to occur
when you are standing before the hy-
menial altar, holding a baby for a
long-winded parson to baptize, or
when in a position, that to move a
muscle is to express yourself to in-
stant death or frightful peril. Flies
light on your nose when you want to
appear specially sober or when you
are sitting for a photograph. Gnats
crawl into your ears when you are lis-
tening to something nice, or persist
in roosting on your eyelashes just the
moment you want to see clearly
Dogs bark when it is most essential
for them to keep quiet; cats waul and
caterwaul just when the morld and its
cares are fading from your sight and
memory; night hawks scream most
ominously, and hornets invariably
sting the day before a picnic, or near
the time you are expecting to see your
sweetheart. Haven't you noticed that
things happen in this odd and disa-
greeable way? And haven’t you won-
dered why they should? Since there
must be a good reason for it, is it not
enough to give the seeming mystery
up or let it pass with an expression of
disgust or a smile. The most proba-
ble as well as philosophical explana-
tion that can be given for freaks of
this kind is that they are more notice-
able at such times. The fall of a
pin during Quaker meeting will create
a stir, while repeated falls of a heavy
gavel on a resonant slab of marble
produces no appreciable effect in a
meeting of politicians. It depends
aore on the surroundings than on the
thing that happens. A cat concert is
rather delightful under some circum-
stances, and often not in the least dis-
agreeable. The cry of a baby would
scarcely be noticed in a nursery, and
a troublesome fly or a gnat would be
unceremoniously brushed off and for-
gotten at any other time than the par-
ticular one when they were felt to be
an annoyance. This probobly explains
the seeming perversity of the barber
in scratching every spot on your head
except the one you most desire to have
scratched. Some barbers have a
fashion of rubbing all in one place,
and that without the comfort of their
victim. Since the days of Samson—
and probably long before—most men
have enjoyed having their heads gen-
tly scratched. There is something
soothing about it. Delilah evidently
knew this when she scratched Sam-
son’s head so divinely as to cause a
sleep so deep to fall upon him that a
Philistine barber cut his hair without
waking him. As nearly as can be de-
termined, rubbing and scratching the
head was about the only anaesthetic
known previous to the christian era.
Wife—The doctor says I will gain
at least twenty pounds if I can get
away for a month.
Hub—Couldn’t think of it. Why,
not one of your gowns would fit you
\ Charles Fisher, of Danville, visited
! his mother.
. Major T. D. Boal spent last Tues-
i day in Harrisburg.
| Miss Rose Sunday, of Tadpole, vis-
| ited among friends here.
| H. 0. Barr, who is employed at Ty-
| rone, spent Easter at home.
| Mrs. Houtz and baby, of Lemont,
| visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
Jury List for May Court.
Jury Commissioners John D. Deck-
er and Joseph Emerick on Friday
drew the jury for the May term of
court which will convene on the third
Monday, May 17th. The list is as
List of Grand Jurors.
Oscar Aikey, farmer,............... Howard
Samuel E. Barr, farmer,......... ce. Rush
Wm. C. Cassidy, printer,........ Bellefonte
fred Lee. | Milford CoX, fOTeman,........oeveees Curtin
{ Mrs. Mabel Mothersbaugh and son Michael Fravel, invalid,............ Liberty
| Daniel, of Aaronsburg, were visitors | Edgar Fisher, farmer,............... Boggs
i in town recently. | John Graffius, laborer,......... Philipsburg
| Mrs. Caroline Geary, of Centre Hall, Spas Glenn, fone earn onsgs
| visited at at the home of her sister, | Jon » GUL BR hon
| Mrs. William Meyer. | {arvey oy, carpenter............. pring
Mr dM B.F.H d chil ! S. C. Herr, merchant,............ Bellefonte
I. an rs. B. F. Homan and chnll- { John Harnish, contractor,........... Boggs
dren spent a day recently at the home | 1 Heaton, farmer Bosas
f Charles Mothersbaugh fr 2 Jide nie 2
0 2s | James Heath, gentleman,............. Rush
Mrs. Ellen Stuart and Miss Marga- | Olyn Musser, clerk,......... S. Philipsburg
ret Ae of Stee College: were re- | Thomas Martin, laborer............ Spring
cent visitors of friends In town. { Guy H. Nolan, farmer,............. Walker
Mrs. E. E. Stuart returned home last | Samuel Reish, laborer,.............. Spring
with her sons in the Pittsburgh dis-
Miss Gladys Hazel and Charles
Hosterman, of Penn State, and Fred
Brouse, of Mt. Alto, spent the Easter
vacation at the
Rev. Steel, of Galitzin, preached in
the Presbyterian church recently. Rev.
Steel was accompanied by his wife
and child and they were entertained
by Mr. and Mrs. William Goheen.
Mrs. Amanda Fisher, Mrs. George
Fisher, Mrs. George Shugerts, Mrs.
Charles Mothersbaugh, Mrs.
Reed, Mrs. William
Segner have been among the sick.
Miss Sarah J. Keller opened her
home last week and with Miss Mary
Corl, who returned from spending the
winter at Pleasant Gap,
and wife, of Mapleton, N. D., arrived
in town last week,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas
Mothersbaugh. On Wednesday morn-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Clipfell
started for
longer visit among friends in this vi-
eee ele ee
Merely Fefreshments There.
The colored minister was describ-
ing the “hot place” to his sinful flock.
«Tt comes out white-hot, siz-
zling and hissing—" With that he
pointed his lean finger at the congre-
gation and finished—*they use that
stuff for ice cream in the place we've
been talking about.”
Mental Arithmetic.
Pat—Are you pretty good in arith-
metic, Mike ?
Mike—I'm pretty good at it.
Pat—Tell me, then, how many
shirts I can get out of one yard.
Mike—That all depends on what
yard you get into.
Miss Willing—Norah, if Mr. Simp-
son calls while I’m out, hold him until
I return.
like to do that.
As a Favor.
Boreleigh—I expect to start for Eu-
rope tomorrow. Can I do anything
for you?
Miss Blunt—Yes, you can take par-
ticular care not to miss the steamer.
cel eee
There is in evidence a decided trend
toward embroidery on suits of the
semi-tailored order.
the winter in Brandentown, Fla., and !
for a few days were guests at the
“You've seen molten iron,” he con-
. . 9. |
Norah—Oh, Miss, sure Oi wouldn't | suspected of killing game out of sea-
week after spending several months’
home of their parents.
Stover and Chas. |
Jas. L. Redding, laborer,..Snow Shoe Boro
James Stark, 1abOTeT,. ...oncas..SNOW Shoe
Thomas E. Thomas, laborer..Howard Boro
M. J. Woodring, salesman,.... Philipsburg
W. N. Witherite, farmer,........... Boggs
Wm. Yocum, lumberman,........ Ferguson
List of Traverse Jurors.
‘ J. H. Andrews, laborer,....... Philipsburg
! Arthur Brown, laborer,.......... Bellefonte
Frank J. Bible, farmer,............- Potter
© Wm. Billett, foreman,......ccccec-e- Spring
John Bright, carpenter,.............. Miles
Wm. J. Bair, farmer,......ccoceecenes Miles
Jno. A. Bryan, laborer..... Milesburg Boro
James Bailey, barber,........... Bellefonte
Wm. Beezer, laborer,.......... Philipsburg
John H. Bower, farmer,............ Haines
J. M. Barker, farmer,.......c..cccc.- Haines
Charles Confer, farmer,............ Howard
George Corman, contractor,.......... Miles
will occupy
the same during the summer months. |
Mrs. H. M. Clipfell and son Carroll |
after spending |
their western home, while |
Mrs. H. M. Clipfell will remain for a
John A. Confer, undertaker
Snow Shoe Boro
| Frank Dailey, laborer,.............. Curtin
Harry Ellenberger, farmer...... Halfmoon
| Jos. Foreman Sr., teamster,.......... Rush
Wilson Frantz, farmer..........c... Worth
W. E. Frank, carpenter,............-- Rush
W. H. Fry, veteran,.............. Ferguson
F. P. Gardner, laborer,........... Howard
Paul Gentzel, soldier,..............- Spring
{ Edward Green, laborer,...... Howard Boro
W. Byron Garis, stonemason,...... Potter
Wm. H. Houtz, farmer,............ College
Thomas Hinds, farmer,............ Walker
Ernest Hess, farmer,......c.ceeeevee Harris
John Haines, carpenter,............ Haines
Fremont Hile, laborer,.............. Spring
T. R. Hamilton, gentleman, Bellefonte
Ralph R. Hartsock, laborer........ Huston
Augustus Heverley, clerk,
Toner Hugg, clerk,
E. T. Kinney, foreman,....Milesburg Boro
James Kelley, farmer,.............. Spring
Clayton Lucas, farmer,............- Marion
John Martin, laborer,..............- Spring
Roy Matley, laborer,.......... Philipsburg
Carl D. Motz, forest ranger......... Haines
Robert Morris, manufacturer... . Bellefonte
George O'Brian, merchant, Spring
Mike McLaughlin, clerk,.. .Snow Shoe Boro
Isaac Smith, laborer, Gregg
Daniel Stine, laborer,....... S. Philipsburg
Russell Shirk, laborer, College Boro
Harry Weber, undertaker, Philipsburg
Robert Walker, clerk,........... Bellefonte
Italians Stab Game Warden.
Last Friday afternoon state game
warden W. Clyde Kelly, of Clearfield,
accompanied by deputy warden Davis
went to Morrisdale to arrest Mike and
Tony Churilla, two Italians who were
son. The Italians put up a fight and
deputy warden Davis was stabbed in
the back and hip by one of the for-
eigners. A telephone call was then
sent to Philipsburg for the state po-
lice and the three officers went to
Morrisdale and captured the Italians,
finally landing them in the Clearfield
jail. The condition of Davis, who was
stabbed, is not considered serious.
— Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Aeroplane Accident at Heller Field.
Clarence Stapleon, a clerk at the
Heller aviation field at Newark, N. J.,
was instantly killed and Fred W. Rob- |
inson, an aero mail pilot flying be- |
tween New York and Bellefonte, was |
badly injured when their plane fell in |
2 nose dive at Heller field late Sunday !
afternoon. Robinson, accompanied by
Stapleton, went up in a dual-control
Curtiss machine to give an exhibition
flight. He was engaged in stunt fly-
ing at a height of three thousand feet
when his plane suddenly went into a
nose dive and fell to earth near the
big crowd of spectators.
Stapleton was killed outright while
Robinson had one leg broken, sustain-
ed a fractured nose, a slight fracture
of the skull and is believed to be in-
jured internally.
Robinson, who is only twenty-two
years old, has been flying between
New York and Bellefonte since last
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
| daring flyers in the aero mail service.
He has many friends in Bellefonte
who were naturally shocked to hear of
his accident.
fall and was one of the best and most
The Proper Course
Information of Priceless Value to
Every Bellefonte Citizen.
How to act in an emergency is
knowledge of inestimable worth, and
this is particularly true of the diseas-
es and ills of the human body. If you
suffer with kidney backache, urinary
disorders, or any form of kidney
trouble, the advice contained in the
following statement should add a val-
uable asset to your store of knowl-
edge. What would be more convinc-
ing proof of the efficiency of Doan’s
Kidney Pills than the statement of a
Bellefonte citizen who used them and
who publicly tells of the benefit de-
rived ?
Mrs. L. A. Hill, E. Bishop St., says:
“I am bothered by backache occasion-
ally, but I keep Doan’s Kidney Pills in
the house and the benefit I derive
from their use is very gratifying.”
_ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Hill had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 65-16
Hagerstown, Md.
of the different analyses.
lizers for Potatoes and Truck Crops.
Here is one of our brands especially
a ———
By this
Trade Mark
The Fertilizers That
Big Profits
\ A TE manufacture a very complete line
of all grades of fertilizer and are
always glad to send to any farmer a list
Special ferti-
for Corn and Oats:
Grain and Grass Grower
Available Phos. Acid . . . - 12%,
gy a ee ee 0
Factories ideally located to give the farmers
Baltimore, Md. Gettysburg, Pa.
Harrisonburg, Va.
Hagerstown, Md.
The “GRO-ALL” Fertilizers
are sold by the progressive
dealers in most sections of
Pennsylvania. If not sold in
yours, write for the agency
proposition today.
delicious and
OR areal American Break-
fast serve Blue Label Karo
—the Great American Syrup—
on your waffles, pancakes or
toast. It is wholesome, pure,
more economical.
Because of the many daily
uses for Blue Label Karo—for
breakfast, for cooking, baking
and candy-making, housewives are buy-
ing it by the dozen
cans. Ask your
grocer the price per dozen.
P.S. Ever try Blue Label Karo on
Grape Fruit? Delicious! /
17 Battery Place
New York
- cr.
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at=
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
N B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
Practices in all the courts. -
_sultation in English or Cy
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefon!
Pa, 053
S. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsel-
lor at Law. Office in Eagle
Block, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of
legal business attended to promptly. 40-40
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 Hast
Hight street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at Li
and Justice of the Peace. Tah od
fessional business will recej
Rrempt attention. Office on second ee:
emple Court. 49-5-1y
RUNKLE—Attorney-at-Law. Cone
W sultation in English and German.
Office in Crider’
fonts, To! rider's Exchange, Belle=
D., Physician and
College, Centre
Office at his resi-
Bellefonte hae irst-
tants Neionie now has a First-Class Res-
Meals are Served at All Hours
Steaks, Chops, Roasts,
i ol es
wiches, Soups, and anything eatable, can
be haa in 8 ew puiniites any time. In ad-
1 e a comple t ared
furnish Dri ropa 2
for pic-nics, families and the publi
ally all of which are BD rad eg
the purest syrups and properly carbonated.
High St., Bellefonte, Pa.
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
— _- seman
The Preferred
$5,000 death by accident,
5,000 loss of eet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,500 loss of either hand,
2,000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability.
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion:
Any person, male or female, engaged in a
preterted occupation, inc! ding house,
eeping, over eighteen years of age of
good moral and physical condition may
insure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
50-21. Agent, Bellefonte Fa.
Good Health
Good Plumbing
When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky
water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping
as, you can’t have good Health. The air you
reathe is poisonous; your system becomes
poisoned.and invalidism is sure to come.
is the kind we do. It’s the only kind you
ought to have. Wedon’t trustthis work to
boys. Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics,
no better anywhere. Our
Material and
Fixtures are the Best
Not a cheap or inferior article in our
entire establishment. d .with good
work and the finest material, our
, Prices are Lower
than many who give you poor, unsan-
itary work and the lowest grade of
finishings. For the Best Work try
Archibald Allison,
Opposite Bush House Bellefonte, Fa,