INK SLINGS. — And the biggest trout got away today, as usual. — Hundreds of trout were yanked right away from the nursing bottle yesterday. -—Many a fisherman’s creel yester- day suggested the thought that every little one added to what I've got makes a little one more. It will take seven hundred and twenty-eight votes to nominate the Democratic candidate for President in San Francisco next June. —Judging from the Michigan pri- maries A. Mitchell Palmer seems to be far more of a success at vote re- ducing than he is at price reducing. If the forth coming census report ! fails to show a normal increase in the population of Bellefonte don’t blame it either on the enumerators or limit- ed housing. yway private management of the railroads is having ample oppor- tunity to find out why government control didn’t bring better service than it did. — Tots of fellows were fishing yes- =X terday who didn’t keep their minds on | the business of catching trout near as much as on the possibility of some prohibition officer catching them. — They say a new one is born every minute, and we believe it. The fellow who paid tv common turkey, at a sale in this coun- ty last week, accounts for one of the minutes, all right enough. — Where are the fellows now who were constantly damning government control every time or a car was not instantly placed at their request or an embargo was laid on shipments to certain points? —Senator Penrose i is home from Florida, fully restored to health. Isnt it fine. Now the Republicans will | Po STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 65. There being but two candidates qualified for the office of Justice of the Supreme court this year the result will necessarily be determined at the Primary on the 18th of May. Under the act of 1915 any candidate for Judge of any court of record who ghall “receive a number of votes greater than one-half of the total votes cast at such primary shall be declared the sole nominee for such of- fice,” and “no other names shall ap- | pear upon the ballot,” at the ensuing | election. The candidates certified for the Primary ballot are Judge George | Kunkel, of Dauphin county, and Judge Sylvester B. Sadler, of Cumber- land county. One or the other of them will “receive a number of votes | zreater than one-half of the total.” Judge Kunkel began service on the | bench in January, 1904. He had pre- nt Ten Tis, . . | viously served two terms as District | nty-three dollars for a | J Attorney of Dauphin county and three terms in the House of Represen- tatives of the General Assembly. In both of these offices he won the cor- | dial approval of the people though not timidly begin to inquire as to “who | are we to be for for President” with- out fear of committing the unpardon- able sin of annoying the big boss when he is “out of sorts.” —Since Mr. Cox had himself elect- ed Covernor of Ohio three times it might be possible for him to have himself elected President of the Unit- ed States once or twice. At this stage of the game Cox and McAdoo loom big to us as the most hopeful standard bearers of Democracy. “France, England and Italy are all at peace with Germany while, tech- nically, we are still at war with the Hun. The anomaly is intensified by a NY Ta of the y country th sitting quietly on the Rhine w ing where they are to get off. We arc curious to see the effect of Maj. Boal’s announced candidacy for Republican District delegate on the Penrose contingent of his party. His platform should have the effect of smoking many of them out who are his professed personal friends. If the candidacy of Governor Sproul, for whom Penrose has declared, is any- thing other than of the “stalking horse” brand the Major’s friends, who are also friends of the Senator, will have little excuse for not supporting him. If they do not it will be very apparent that Penrose and his lieuten- ants are not for Sproul and are using his name only as a means of keeping votes away from Gen. Wood. —Well, it has happened. Major Thedore Davis Boal has announced and is a regular candidate for District delegate to the Republican National convention. The Major is not going to pussey foot any, either. He is not “a “trust me” candidate. He is right out in the open for Governor Sproul, first, and if Pennsylvania’s “favorite son” should prove a prophet without honor save in his own country then he is for Gen. Wood. Certainly a fairer platform could scarcely be demanded by the Republicans of the Twenty- first. And just as certainly the Ma- jor's great personal popularity and public spiritedness should make him a strong contender in the contest now on. — Washington political big wigs are predicting that Mr. Palmer will make an unfavorable showing in the Penn- sylvania primaries because the state Democracy is “wet” and Mr. Palmer is “dry.” Mr. Palmer will have no opposition in the Pennsylvania prima- ries, but he will fail to receive the votes of thousands of Democrats who will attend them, not because he is “dry.” There are other reasons for the alienation of these votes, far re- moved from the question of prohibi- tion. Mr. Palmer's arrogance, his super-egoism and his supreme selfish- ness will be the causes of the most of whatever unfavorable showing he will make in the primaries of his home State. —Tt is greatly to the credit of our local railroad men that they have re- frained from joining the strike that has tied up traffic all over the country. No one seems to know what the strike is for or what the strikers want and since they will not say what they are after themselves the public, the great- est sufferers, are almost forced to the conclusion it is the work of radicalism boring from within the Unions. If this conjecture is right all the more are the loyal workers who are hand- ling the freight and passengers in this section to be congratulated on the sanity of their attitude. They are the men who may save enough respect for the railroad Brotherhoods to prevent their complete disintegration. | n | tricate character. 2 sti Pins o . BEL | the «favoriof a train was late, | the party bosses. He was defeated for Speaker of the House at the organization of the last on in which he participated, un- der direct orders from the “Throne.” Tis masterful conduct of the capitol graft cases increased rather than di- minished the opposition to him of the party managers and when he became =~ candidate for ihe Supreme bench in 1914, in response to a wide-spread call, all the resources of the machine were required to defeat him by a small margin. We have no word of censure to ut- ter four years experience on the Bench of Cumberland county and may deserve 1 the praise his friends bestow upon a him. But it must be admitted that’! there is a vast difference in the qual- ifieations of the two candidates. As President Judge of the Dauphin coun- ty court for more than a decade Judge Kunkel has tried many cases of the highest importance and most in- stinguished. jurists as Pearson simi imi Pore, ing in comparison with his predeces- sors in office. He measures up to the | highest standard of legal learning and | ability, and has fulfilled every obliga- | tion of his office with distinction to himself and entire satisfaction to the public. But it is neither invidious nor im- proper to say that the people admire Judge Kunkel “for the enemies he has made.” If he had been subservient to the party bosses or even responsive to the exigencies of political conditions, he would probably have been “cata- pulted,” late Senator Quay, bench long ago. The shrewd party managers who manipulate the govern- ment of Pennsylvania have not been oblivious of his fitness for the office, but they have been and are afraid to let him occupy a seat on the Bench of that court, and if there were no other reasons why the people should prefer him to his opponent, that fact is suf- | ficient. eee lee Herbert Hoover appears to have miscalculated the strength of the conscript force in the Republican par- ty. He is not likely to get further than the “others ran.” eee — Just now when Bellefonte is on the verge of a business boom, the big- gest eyesore in the town is the old steam heat and gas plant at the cor- ner of Spring and Lamb streets. Standing idle as it has for over a year, with no source of revenue and little hope for the future, not only the plant but the buildings that house it, are going to rack and ruin without any- thing being done to prevent the loss. Just who is the real owner of the property is problematical, but it would really seem as if something could be done to prevent such a valu- able property becoming a dead loss. The exceedingly high price of coal and the deteriorated condition of the plant as a result of its lying idle for so long almost precludes the possibility of its ever being revived as a city heating plant, and yet every former customer of the plant would gladly return to city steam if he could feel assured that he would get good service. But the point we wish to make here is that something ought to be done to either utilize the property in some way or junk the plant and dispose of the lo- cation as building sites. A block of nicely-appointed residences would im- prove that part of town amazingly and ought to offer a fair return on the investment. Another corner that is also becoming an eyesore in the town is the old plant of the Bellefonte Elec- tric company, now the property of the State-Centre Electric company. ER Sn lia, ——FEugene Debs is the only Pres- idential candidate who is the unani- mous choice of his party. comment eee ——Mr. Bryan is keeping quiet for some reason but he isn’t lost. The Contest for Supreme Judge. Coal against Judge Sadler. He has had | Pollowing such } to employ a term used by the | onto the Supreme | BELLEFONTE. Prices and Miners’ Wages. | The claim that the high price of coal is ascribable to the high wages of miners got a hard jolt in the wage | conference now in progress in New | York, the other day, when the repre- | sentatives of the miners submitted | some statistics on the subject. It was | shown that while the price of coal has increased 167 per cent. within a short time the increase of wages during the same period amounted to only 48 7-10 per cent. “The mine owners entered vehement objections to the introduc- tion of such data,” the Associated Press correspondent reporting the proceedings of the conference states. They questioned “the right of the workers to draw into the controversy the subject of their profits.” The profit question is one which the coal operators are reluctant to have discussed in public. When former Secretary of the Treasury MeAdoo, recently referred to the matter they | protested vigorously that he was ex- posing secrets obtained through the income tax returns and that a govern- | ment official had no right to do such things. ble ¢- 4 v. But the facts were indisputa- ax those revealed by the represen- of the miners in the New conference are incontroverta- ble. The mine owners have been prof- as suffered cruelly as the result. But they cannot longer place the respon- sibility for high proces on the wages of the miners. It belongs in other places. One trouble with the profiteering coal operators is that they are living in a past period oblivious of the intel- | lectual advancement of those about them. It used to be that they could | put any old story on the public and it was accepted at face value. Now the miners know quite as well as their employers what is going on about | them and the publie is not as credu- lous as it used to be. Mr. McAdoo ! positively declared that the wage de- | mands of the miners could be met without depriving the operators of a presented by the miners. | | perfectly proper evidence to give. Senator Newberry, of Michi- gan, is still exercising his voting pre- rogative by pairing but the chances are that Senators will refuse to pair with him after he actually gets behind | the bars. Whom They Delight to Honor. The office of Delegate-at-Large to the party National convention has al- or which can be bestowed by a party i organization. the “Big Four” has been the distin- all the other States. They represent- ed the United States Senators in the the number is But the dignity of the office large, twelve. number. mate of the party leaders of the most worthy of the party membership. The list of the Delegates-at-Large National convention in the last half statesmen. It would include Gover- nors and ex-Governors, United States Senators and ex-Senators, Congress- men and ex-Congressmen and others eminent in law, literature or civic achievement. To be a member of the “Big Four” in other States or of the “Big Twelve” in Pennsylvania, is a distinction which any living man might laudably covet. There is no salary attached but a recompense in honor that endures for all time. It is easily the first place in the confidence and affection of the party. The moral level of a party manage- ment may easily and accurately be measured by the character of the men upon whom this great distinction is bestowed. The first name on the list of Delegates-at-Large chosen by the Palmer-McCormick leadership of the Democratic party is Charles P. Don- nelly, of Philadelphia. Charles Hi Donnelly has been conspicuous in every political scandal which has be- smirched the Democratic party of Pennsylvania within a quarter of a century. His name is a synonym for party perfidy and political rottenness. Because of his party treachery the Democratic party in Philadelphia has been practically extinguished and this great honor is conferred as a reward for his bad work. renee. —— While Mitchell Palmer is hunt- ing votes in Georgia the duties of his office are being performed by subor- dinates. But itis a safe conjecture that the public suffers no loss on that account. ———————— A ——————————— —France may have been a trifle hasty but the first law of nature is a powerfully strong force. teering shamefully and the public | ; | age trading post from the beginning. stored to health, scheduled for today, ways been esteemed the highest hon- ‘was in a sick bed at home some weeks Since time out of mind | ago, there was some activity among | the “smaller fry” of the party leaders. guishing title of the Delegates-at- But as soon as he got “able to be Large not only in Pennsylvania but in ! L ‘home and a few days later, on his way party parliament. Now that we have | four members of Congress elected at | increased to is not impaired by the increase in It still expresses the esti- importance has occurred. for Pennsylvania in the Democratic L'a good many Republicans who try to century would form a fine galaxy of | PA., APRIL 16, 1920. McCormick the Party Wrecker. The Harrisburg Patriot, owned and presumably edited by Vance C. Mc- Cormick, habitually refers to such Democrats as refuse to follow the leadership of Mitchell Palmer, Charles P. Donnelly and himself, as “party wreckers.” Since Mr. McCormick broke into public life by having him- self elected Mayor of Harrisburg in 1902, three Governors have been elect- ed in Pennsylvania. In two of these MeCormick and his news- d” the Democratic nomi- ther case he was himself r candidate and insisted on 1 y. The opposition of rimself and those who followed his ship defeated the party nominee 1910 and 1918. Except when he is himself the can- | didate, Mr. McCormick has never sup- | ported Democratic nominees. Pre- | viously to his assumption of control ! of the party in the Capital city the | voting strength was nearly equally di- vided between the two parties. Now three-fourths of the voters are regis- > { | | 1 | 1 1 \ . . | tered as Republicans, and according to | the best information obtainable, three- | fourths of the remaining one-fourth, | are opposed to McCormick’s leader- | ship. If the postoffice employees, rev- enue officials and other federal offi- auphin county Democrats ‘declare, McCormick couldn’t influence a single vote outside of his own family in the city of Har- rishurg. The McCormick organization, so called, has been nothing but a patron- When its hand-picked candidate for Governor was defeated at the prima- ry election two years ago he felt him- self slipping and entered into a bar- gain with the Republican machine | which added the minority patronage | of the Republican State administra- tion to his stock in trade. Under this agreement he is now occupying an im- portant office by appointment of Gov- ernor Sproul and enjoys the privilege | of selecting the minority appoint- ments of Governor Sproul in every | 3 m mn on ’] body a party wrecker? —-_We are not so much “a world power” now as recently but so long as Senator Lodge runs the government we are probably getting all the con- sideration we are entitled to. eee pe re Penrose Again in Command. The return of Senator Penrose, re- will probably mark the beginning of the real campaign for the Republican nomination for President. While he about” there was an abatement. Chairman Hays visited him at his southward, he conferred with Senator Watson, of Indiana, whereupon the lid was shut down. General Wood has been cavorting some since and Gover- nor Lowden issued some currency to lubricate the works. But nothing of But from this time on there will be movement in the political arena and it will be significant work. There are make themselves and others believe that Penrose is without influence in the party. Mr. Pinchot, who has been “roped” in a handsome and lucrative berth, was conspicuous among those who said mean things about the Sen- ator’s ability and character. But he doesn’t talk along such lines now any more than the other fellows who had that habit. They are all willing to take orders from Penrose and obey them. He is the grand muck-a-muck, the high cockalorum of Republican- ism, and eating out of his hand would be a real distinction. We regret very much that Senator Penrose hasn’t taken us into his con- fidence with respect to his party plans in the immediate future. It would be a great pleasure to present them to the public and thus fulfill the highest mission of modern journalism in a measure. But the Senator is secre- tive and we doubt if he has told any- body his full purpose. It can be safe- ly predicted, however, that he will se- lect a candidate who is one hundred per cent. against Wilson and enthu- siastically in favor of a high tariff and an appropriation. Those are the things most fondly cherished by the Republicans of today. Wilson has kept them away from the pie-counter a long time and they are hungry. — Senator Harding says “no man’ can make a party platform” which is possibly the reason Republican Na- tional chairman Hays has turned the job over to the school boys. emere—— pe — — We haven’t much time for Mr. George Creel but it requires no great admiration for him to endorse what | electors there. he says about Senator Smoot. NO. 16. A Fitting Resurrection. "rom the Philadelphia Record. How thoroughly illustrative of pres- ent tendencies in the Republican par- ty is a dispatch from Chicago which states that ex-United States Senator William Lorimer, the so-called blond boss, “who lost his seat because of the improper use of money at the time of his election in 1909, by the Iillinois Legislature, is again taking part in the councils of the Republican party in Chicago. preparations are being made to put up | Lorimer as a candidate for the NA a United States Senate. And why not? It is a safe guess that Lorimer spent not nearly so much money in bribing members of the Il- linois Legislature as Newberry ex- pended in Michigan in debauching the Though he has been convicted of this crime and sentenced to two years in prison, the latter still | vetains his seat in the Senate and can be relied upon in an emergency to help the Republicans to secure a ma- jority by casting his vote with them. in view of the Michigan developments and the unblushing expenditures of the Wood campaigners in seeking to control the approaching Republican national convention, Lorimer must feel that he was very shabbily treated | in being expelled from the Senate for spending a few thousand dollars on venal Legislators. He undoubtedly recognizes also that men of his stamp are now on top in the G. O.P. and that he would be in very congenial company if he could obtain his old seat. There is another phase of the Illi- nois boss’ candidacy that appeals strongly to us. If it should be suc- cessful it would mean the elimination of that pestiferous nuisance, “Larry” Sherman. As between. Lorimer and Sherman, the former would seem the lesser evil. But can Illincis do no bet- ? The State that produc- ter than this? ed Abraham Lincolr must have sadly degenerated when its dominant party can do no more than put forward as a Presidential aspirant a mere money- bags like Governor Lowden, while pig- mies like Lorimer, Sherman, “Big Bill” Thompson, Congressmen Mad- den and Mann, ete. fill the other po of honoz. + S58 Who are finahcing the men in the | fight for the residential nomina- tions? The voters are entitled to know. A candidate’s friends in poli- tics give a better idea of the candi- date’s real principles than all the platforms ever written. Voters study biographies of candi- dates. Why not biographies of the men behind the candidates? It is the invisible power that does most of the! harm in American political life. There is a simple way to bring the backers of candidates for nominations into the open light of day. Let all candidates be compelled to publish week by week the names of the con- tributors to their campaign funds and how the money has been spent. Last minute information is of little use. Public opinion should be given time to exert its influence. A weekly account showing receipts and expen- ditures, can harm no honest man. Publicity of expenses might reveal a candidate’s methods to his rivals, itis true. But, if all the best methods stood open to everybody, the public would be protected against an infer- ior candidate obtaining a nomination through superior methods. _ After it is known how much money is being spent to secure nominations and the way it is being spent, Con- gress can pass legislation limiting ex- penses to a reasonable sum. Senator Borah has suggested such a law. He would limit the money which may be spent in behalf of any Presidential candidate. Such a law would stop the “buying” of nomina- tions. It would give the poorer can- didate an equal chance with his wealthier rival. It would keep “slush funds” out of the race. It would make it impossible for selfish inter- ests to control the conventions, or the nominees. The Borah bill, or one like it, should be pushed through immediately—Dbe- fore this campaign goes much farther. Every person who favors fairness, honesty, and the people’s welfare, de- Sizes publicity for campaign expendi- ures. Will Get There Sooner or Later. From the Clearfield Republican. Delaware upset the Suffragist cal- culation last week. The refusal of the Legislature to ratify the amend- ment leaves the total of States one shy. But the women will get there sooner or later. They will have earn- ed their freedom. They are entitled to the ballot and will not be denied. Just what State will come across with the vote necessary is hard to guess. That they will vote next November is a pretty safe prediction. ———————— e——————— “Poor Old Poland.” From the Houston Post. «Poland is to have a Senate like ours,” announces a cable. Poor old Poland! Some slave, whose treason, like a deadly blight, has invaded Po- land’s councils of the brave and blast- ed them in their hour of might. Wide Opportunity. From the Dallas News. Also wouldn't it be fine if a lot of the wise guys who are trying to save this country would go somewhere and save a country that needs saving? | There are rumors that | | Telegraph and Telephone company, when | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. | —Mrs. Lewis Magee, aged 55 years, of : Lewisburg, died at the George I. Geising- | er Memorial hospital, at Danville, last Sat- urday, of injuries she suffered when a barn door fell on her several days ago. The Tioga county Helvetia condensa- , ries have fixed the price of April milk at | $2.60 a hundred pounds for 3.7 per cent. | milk, with the usual 4 per cent. differen- tial. The 1919 April price was $2.95. —Dr. James I’. Trimble has been ap- pointed county medical director of West- moreland county, and Clair B. Kirk, of Mill Hall, chief of the state tuberculosis dispensary at Lock Haven to succeed Dr. Critchfield, appointed supervising medical inspector. —White potatoes have disappeared from the menus of many hotels and boarding houses in Northumberland county, accord- ing to farmers, who have been supplying these commodities. Potatoes have reached the high price of $3.50 per bushel, and with few to be had. — The MeClintic Marshall company, of Pottstown, has been awarded the contract for the erection of a complete steel plant for the Tata Iron & Steel company, 2 con- cern of Jamshedpur, India. The contract i calls for the fabrication of 24,000 tons of ructural steel, which will be made at i its Pottstown plant. Bu sontown, Commissi and ss William ¢€. Wagner, of Wat- complained to the Public Service on that the Lewisburg, ‘Milton Watsontown Street Railway had adopted a dayight saving plan and its last car left Mi tofore, an hour earlier than here- > much inconvenience. He e schedule restored. Iton | —>Stepping out of her kitchen for a mo- ment probably saved the life of Mrs. Wil- linm Lutz, of Hazleton, a bride of a few weeks, as the moment she had left the room the water back of the range explod- ed and flying fragments knocked jagged holes through the plastering in all diree- tions and tore holes through the ceiling. rs William 8. Leib, political leader of Schuylkill county, convicted last Decem- ber on one count of four bills of indict- ment charging making farudulent returns of duplicate state tax receipts, was refus- ed a new trial last Friday by Judge John- n, of Union county, sitting in quarter ions court at Philadelphia. Leib was ordered to appear on April 16th for such disposition of the case as the court may make. —When Lis arm was caught in the cogs of a crane at the American Car and IFoun- dry company plant at Milton last Satur- | day, James Boob, aged 20 years, of White Deer, used the other hand to throw off the power, and stood there pinioned until aid arrived. The big machine had to be dis- mantled to release him, which took more than three hours. The youth refused stim- | ulants and chatted with friends until the last bolt vas loosened and the cogs pried i apart. —Otto 8S. Good, a former farmer, and liv- stock dealer of the Elbrook section, near Waynesboro, was killed in Horse Valley, when a tree he was felling dropped on the back of his neck, breaking it. Mr. Good, with his son Harry, were in a wood near i Chambersburg, chopping for the American he tree in falling caught in the forks of | tres and int attempting to dislodge it it fell upon him. | ty-four years old. i “He was fif- —Rysome Wayne, of Desire, Jefferson county, was given a hearing before C. C. Rowan, justice of the peace, and fined $75 and costs of prosecution for violation of the school laws. Another fine of $30 is hanging over his head for school law vio- lations. Mr. Wayne is a prominent citi- zen, and his offense consists in refusing to have his children vaccinated. He has ap- pealed the two cases and they will be heard before Judge Charles Corbet at Brookville. —PBruno Rizzo, the Johnsonburg Italian found guilty of the murder of his sweet- heart by a jury sitting in his trial at Ridgway last week, was sentenced to death in the electric chair, by Judge Mc- Cormick, on Thursday. Rizzo was found guilty on Tuesday evening after the jury had deliberated but two hours and return- ed a first degree verdict. Rizzo took his predicament calmly, asking if there was a possibility of appealing to a higher court when the sentence was interpreted to him. —In advance of the May primary elec- tion the State Highway Department has issued the following statement: “Candi- dates for various offices in the coming pri- mary election will conserve their resourc- es, if they will refrain from posting ad- vertising cards of all natures on state highways. The law very plainly forbids this practice and the department has is- sued instructions to its employees in every county in Pennsylvania, to remove from poles, fences or other places within the le- gal limits of the highways advertising of every nature.” (Colonel William Fairman, a well- known Punxsutawney lawyer, some time ago purchased forty beaver hides, paying $12 each for them. Fourteen of them were made into an overcoat which Mr. Fairman wears, and which has attracted much at- tention. Efforts have been made recently to purchase the remaining twenty-six hides from Mr. Fairman, and as much as $100 each has been offered, but Colonel Fair- man refuses to part with them. Prospect- ive buyers have been numerous, but even what appears to be flattering offers have failed to move him. Albert Chapman, aged 20 years, of Punxsutawney, Jefferson county, died in the Kittanning hospital Monday, from a bullet wound in his left breast. He had called upon Miss Mabel Claypool, of Kit tanning, who says she had refused his of- fer of marriage. Chapman left the Clay- pool home, but returned shortly. When a shot was heard outside the house, an in~ vestigation found the young man lying on the ground with a revolver in his hand. Before dying, Chapman said he had been examining the revolver and it was aceci- dentally discharged in his hand. —Caught in a burglar trap in the store of J. B. Dymond, at Waymart, Wayne county, late Saturday night, Joseph Heal- ey, aged 17 years, was fatally wounded. Within the past three weeks, there have been eleven burglaries in Waymart, the Dymond store having been entered twice. Planning to capture the mysterious plun- derer, Mr. Dymond rigged up a shot gun pointing toward the window through which entrance was gained. It was §0 ar- ranged that the raising of the window would discharge the gun, and Saturday night at 2 o'clock it was discharged. In- vestigation revealed the unconscious form of Healey a few feet from the building. Ho had received the cenients of both bar- rete of the gums