wa . nels until they stick to you. K SLINGS. ~ Tuesday was the third anniver- sary of our declaraion of war on Ger- many. Bl 5 —Remember to stick to your flan- Spring colds are often the hardest to get rid ,~ —If the Democratic party wants a regular beatin’ next fall Pennsylva- nia can supply the candidate who can make it sure. —That New York girl who swal- lowed a razor in an attempt to commit suicide must have had a keen appe- tite for the job. —Every man is supposed to ask every candidate whether he is wet or dry and then maintain a discreet si- lence as to what he is himself. ——Turkey is talking of declaring war against Great Britain and if it were not that all wars are destructive such an event would be amusing. —Even Herbert Hoover, who says he ain’t no Democrat, and Bryan, who is just running, like a flivver, from force of habit, beat our bombastic Mr. Palmer in the Michigan Democratic primaries. —The French are doing the wise thing in moving further into Germa- ny. The Huns fed so long on fright- fulness that they won’t get it out of their system until some of the other powers give them a few frightful an- tidotes and the French are entitled to that pleasure. —This from the Philipsburg Ledg- er of last Friday: “The Ledger feels assured that the selection of Mr. Bea- ver will result in Centre county again being represented as it should be at Harrisburg.” Which is to say that the Hon. Harry Scott, who is the “angel” of the Ledger, is slipping al- most the “unkindest cut of all” to his successor, the Hon. Ives Harvey. —Borough council could probably more easily solve the puzzle of “Pigs in Clover” than they can the question of keeping pigs clean and sanitary. Even if they should prescribe a daily bath to be followed.by a douche of rose-water they would still find that “pigs is pigs,” and have an aroma distinctly their own which science has so far failed to overcome. In fact the only time a pig smells good is when its sizzling in the pan. —Major Terry Boal is reported to us as turning hand-springs all over his immense estate at Boalsburg but hasn’t yet succeeded in making a land- ing to his liking. He wants to go to Chicago as a District delegate and, from what we have heard, he could if he’d be good. But he wants to be Wood. So, unless the Major decides to break loose alt on his own he'll have to listen to more sycophantic whispers about succeeding the Hon. Evan Jones in Congress two years hence when it will really be Camer- on’s turn to supply Congressional lu- minosity for the District. —The fight between Tom Beaver and the Hon. Ives Harvey for the Re- publican nomination for Assembly is getting under way so rapidly that we are likely to have lots of fun before May 18th. Word has already gone out to the regular organization that the Hon. Ives is needed more on his Marsh Creek farm than he is at Har- risburg and we have it straight from some of his staunchest backers that even though this be true he is going back to the Legislature all the same. One of them even went so far as to say that there will be oodles of money to put him over with. The fight will have a tinge of denominationalism also, because both gentlemen are rather eminent in official circles in the local Presbyterian church. The Hon. Ives is superintendent of the Sunday school while Tom is an elder, or a deacon, or a trustee or whatever it is that draws the job of firin’ the boilers and keeping the rest of the blue stockings heated up enough to save their christianity every time a janitor quits. The Anti-Saloon League has already put a few pointed interrogations up to each of them and our Mr. Naginey, as well, so that it looks like the Harvey element is play- ing to make a wet and dry fight out of it. — When we remember that Mr. Harvey defeated Mr. Scott by only 58 votes at the primaries two years ago and that then Prohibition was being fought for and was not a reality as it is now, we are inclined to believe that Tom Beaver will be the winner at the Republican primaries next month. Every one who knows anything about local politics knows that Scott would not have lost the nomination two years ago if several Republican lead- ers on this side of the mountain had not been so cock-sure that he would win that they did little or nothing to help him along and deceived him, as well, into leaving undone some effec- tive campaigning he might have got- ten in himself. This being so Mr. Harvey was evidently at the top of his strength two years ago. In this fight Tom Beaver is a stronger man than Mr. Scott was two years ago be- cause he has all of Scott’s strength back of him and a lot of his own. Be- sides this, Mr. Harvey’s one issue was ratification of .the Prohibition amend- ment and as that has been accom- plished and it is known that personal- ly he had no great ambition to go to Harrisburg we do not look upon him as being as strong now as he was two years ago so that, unless a cog slips somewhere, it looks very much as if Tom Beaver will be the man who will be on Naginey’s cooling board along about thesides of November. hy Ay, STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 65. BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 9, 1920. Palmer’s Vote in Michigan. The only name entered by authori- ty on the Democratic preferential bal- lot in Michigan was that of A. Mitch- ell Palmer. ident who personally solicited support in Michigan was A. Mitchell Palmer. But in the vote of that State on Mon- day he came out as a bad “tail-end- er.” Some time ago Mr. Palmer an- nounced with considerable flourish of trumpets that Georgia Democrats had urged him to permit his name to go: on the preferential ballot in that State for President. had been extended to McAdoo, Mar- shall, Edwards, Bryan and others. All declined except Palmer and Tom Wat- | son, a more or less crazy Georgian. The other day one of the leading Georgia newspapers took a straw vote of the Democratic Presidential prefer- ences in that State. Governor Ed- wards, of New Jersey, who had de- clined to allow his name to go on the ticket ran away ahead with Vice Pres- ident Marshall, Herbert Hoover and Mr. McAdoo, all of whom had declin- ed to enter the race, trailing along in the order named. Then came Watson, ‘Palmer and Mr. Bryan, the “also rans” nearly equalling, dividing the remnant of the vote. No effort had been made to get support for either of the others and the vote for Watson was confes- sedly a joke. But the total of Ed- ward’s vote was equal to four to one of that cast for Palmer. The friends of Mr. Palmer are hold- ing him up before the voters of Penn- sylvania as the only Democrat in Pennsylvania who has aspired to the Presidential nomination since the election of James Buchanan, seventy years ago, and appealing to State pride for support. They know that this is a false pretense. General Han- cock, a Pennsylvanian, was mominat- ed in 1880 and Be late Samuel J. Ran- dall, and the late Robert E. Pattison, fit aspirants for the honor, were put forward ids, gapdidates since. But Palmer in that capacity is a joke as the results in Georgia and Michigan prove, even if he were a candidate, which he is mot. His purpose is to: control the “party organization for trading capital in the future. —A New York woman alleges that bow-legged men make the best hus- bands and baldheaded ones the worst. While we don’t know much about the former we claim to be an authority on the latter and have just enough of conceit to wager dollars to doughnuts that we can produce one woman at least who will testify that the New York physiognomist is all wrong. tm pt Great Sacrifices in Vain. The British public and the London press have at last come to a realiza- tion of the enormity of the crime against humanity involved in the de- feat of the peace treaty by the United States Senate. Discussing this sub- ject in a recent issue the London Globe declares that “the treaty which we have imposed upon France, Great Britain and Italy will be enforced with American help or without it. This is not at issue. What is at issue is whether the world shall be made safe for peaceful men. That has been dashed to the ground because Sena- tors of the United States have been unable to rise above the miserable grovelings of the ward politician.” Personal enmities determined the gravest question of a century. Other leading London journals ex- press similar views and prominent statesmen are of the same mind. Lord Buckmaster, formerly Lord Chancel- lor, states that “the withdrawal of the United States from the League of Na- tions is a disaster to civilization which nullifies the principal gain of Amer- ica’s entrance into the war. Hostili- ties have ceased for nearly eighteen months, yet peace still lingers and the delay threatens European civilization. The world needs a common under- standing among the nations. The treaty has failed to secure the Sen- ate’s assent but it should be revived.” But how can this be accomplished while that vain old fossil, Senator Lodge, controls the Republican major- ity in Congress? ; The war for civilization cost the people of the United States nearly 100,000 precious lives and in every section of the country there are limp- ing and crippled evidences of the sac- rifices freely made to bring about en- during peace. Billions of dollars were cheerfully expended in pursuance of this great and beneficent purpose, moreover. But because of the chance to make partisan capital against the President who conducted the strife to a successful conclusion, the cherished result, that which hallowed the sacri- fices and made them worth while has been defeated by the refusal of the Senate to ratify the treaty made, after mature deliberation, by the greatest minds of the civilized world. ——If the house owners continue to increase rents it may soon become cheaper to move than pay rent. The only candidate for the Democratic nomination for Pres- The same invitation | Hoover Impairs His Chances. It may be safely said that Mr. Her- | chances of election to the Presidency by recent utterances. interpreted as offensive to the public conscience or repugnant to public morals. On the contrary he has strengthened his hold on the confi- dence of independent voters. But he has practically made his nomination impossible by either of the great par- ties and as he declares he will not ac- ‘cept an independent nomination he is necessarily done for. No man can be elected President without a nomina- tion by some organized body and one . of the great parties or an independ- ent party are the only organizations which can make a nomination. Mr. Hoover has publicly declared that he is a Republican but talks the language of a Democrat. ‘He oncé be- longed to a Republican club and some- what actively participated in its man- agement. But that was long ago and party alignments have greatly chang- ed since then. In fact for a number of years he has been living abroad and all his business and social relations have been on the other side of the ‘ocean. At the beginning of the war he entered the service of the British i government and continued in that service until President Wilson “draft- | ed” him into the service of this coun- (try. Since that incident all his sym- | pathies have been with the President, his processes and politics. They rep- resent real Americanism. The real weakness revealed in Mr. Hoover's action, however, lies in his equivocation. He has not been frank with the public. He says he is in fa- vor of the League of Nations but of- fers aid and comfort to the party which has deliberately crucified that beneficent enterprise. He makes a reservation, of course, but that is un- satisfactory for the records show that no servant of a party can run con- { trary to the policies of the party suc- cessfully. No man can ride two horses going in opposite directions and few can carry water on both shoulders. If Mr. Hoover earnestly favors the League of Nations his place is in the ranks of the Democratic par- ty and he would stand better with the world to say so. —Since our announcement last week that we had not yet run the gamut of miserable spring snows we have gone through the throes of three cf them. in Unconstitutional and Absurd. We can imagine nothing more ab- surd than the resolution scheduled for passage in the House of Representa- tives at Washington today, declaring a state of peace with Germany. The only way to declare peace between belligerents is by treaty. Under the constitution of the United States the only power to make treaties is lodged in the President. That being true a resolution by Congress declaring peace with Germany would be uncon- stitutional and void. Under his oath of office the President would be com- pelled to veto such a measure and if Congress ‘should pass it notwithstand- ing the objections of the President, invalid. The purpose of those who have un- dertaken this piece of peanut politics is to create party capital. They imag- ine the public is stupid enough to be- lieve that President Wilson is respon- sible for the failure of the Senate to ratify the treaty of Versailles and .if he shall refuse to approve the pend- ing resolution, he will be responsible for the continuance of a state of war. As a matter of fact every intelligent school boy in the country knows the contrary is true. The President and his party in the Senate made every possible concession to secure the rati- fication of the treaty. They freely agreed to any changes that would not entirely nullify the provisions of the treaty. . . Even if Congress had the legal right to enact such legislation as is contemplated in the resolution in question considerations of honor would forbid its approval. It involves a proposition to exact from a helpless enemy conditions without considera- tion. The resolution provides that Germany shall concede everything provided for in the peace treaty and get nothing, not even a pleasant smile, in return. No honorable man would impose such conditions on another and no honorable nation will do what an honorable man will not do. Thit is unimportant, however, in view of the fact that the measure is uncon- stitutional and invalid. ——————————— ——Holland might turn its hospi- tality to good account by charging an admission fee to tourists who desire to get a view of the late Kaiser. ——Senator Newberry though un- der sentence, is still an honored mem- ber of that “millionaire’s club,” in good standing. bert Hoover has greatly impaired his | It is not that he has said anything that might be the Supreme court would declare it. Palmer’s Fraudulent Trick. The movement to list Mitchell Pal- mer as a candidate for President at the May primary in this State is a fair expression of the methods of the scurvy politicians who are behind his ‘ preposterous candidacy. He knows and they know that there will be no other name on the ballot and that un- less the voters take the trouble to scratch his name off, he would appear to get the endorsement of the party. Presumably the majority of the vot- ers would not go to the trouble to scratch his name off and thus he would seem to get the endorsement of a majority. But he and they know that any other candidate would beat him, hands down. Mr. McAdoo would carry Pennsylvania against him ten to one. Mr. Palmer’s candidacy for the Presidential nomination is a false pretense. The only purpose of it is to get control of the Pennsylvania dele- gation to the San Francisco conven- tion so that he may trade present votes for prospective patronage. Dur- ing the past seven years he has been doing a thriving business on this ba- sis and though he has reduced the i Democratic force in the State to a | skeleton, he has himself grown sleek | and fat and presumptious out of it. But this last step in his hypocritical career is likely to be resented by the voters. preference of the Democrats of Penn- him appear so by such an expedient is a rank fraud. : The traditions of the Democratic party place the honor of a Presiden- tial nomination above and beyond the No man has ever before attempted to employ the methods of a political - scavenger in search of the first honor , of the party. Every other man whose { name has been mentioned in the con- | nection this year has promptly declar- ‘ed against such measures. Even Mr. | Bryan, obsessed as he is with ambi- tion, has protested against it. But | Mitchell Palmer enters into every | trick that promises advantage, and | now proposes to get the endorsement fof Pennsylvania Democrats by decep- tion. 2 A i Today’s Gazette devotes nearly {a column to telling the voters of the . Twenty-first District incidentally and {the “Watchman” particularly what the Hon. Evan R. Jones has done in Washington. After reading it- very carefully we cheerfully admit that the Gazette has proven two things: First, that the Hon. Evan R. has faithfully done all the things that his secretary, whom the government pays, might have done just as well and second, it has admitted that it has been lying about Democratic efficiency in the past for now it says “the bureau directors have taken pains to give his cases the desired prompt attention. Se —— The House of Representatives last Friday approved the Senate bill for an appropriation for aerial mail from New York to San Francisco, making the appropriation for the ex- pense of same $1,250,000, but elim- inated the provision for an aerial mail ington. The dropping of the New York to Washington route has been under consideration for some time and the permanency of the service in the future will likely depend on the show- ing made in the New York to San Francisco service in the ensuing year. ——The Bergdol verdict will prob- ably change the minds of a lot of peo- ple who imagine that wealthy men are immune from punishment. Berg- dol has more money than some far- mers have hay. ——An esteemed . contemporary ventures the opinion that seventy of every one hundred voters of the coun- try want to vote for Hoover for Pres- ident. But the thirty control the con- ventions. ——Governor Lowden offers to tell all about his campaign expenses if General Wood will do so. Obviously Lowden believes what Senator Borah gays about the Wood slush fund. —— There is no good excuse for giving up the war gardens even though the war is over. The product will be as helpful as ever and they can be called thrift gardens. ——There will be less liquor at the polls this year than formerly but un- less the signs are misleading there will be more booze in the coming cam- paign than usual. ——Even national pride fails to in- duce the average American to hope for the defeat of the French cham- pion in the approaching fistic battle with Dempsey. r—— pan s— ——Another advance of two dollars a ton was made on anthracite coal on Monday morning. scurvy tricks of trading politicians. ! | funds out of the State Treasury. But . in any event the people are entitled to | route between New York and Wash- Trailing the State’s War Funds. From the Philadelphia Record. During the recent war the State of Pennsylvania spent a million and a half or two million of dollars through a Council of National Defense, or a body with some other highly patriotic sounding title. From various parts of the State from time to time since hos- tilities ceased The Record has been in receipt of letters asking this newspa- per to investigate the expenditures and inform thé people who got the money and what it was paid for. Some of our correspondents seem to be growing impatient, and one or two think they see in a failure up to this time to make the disclosures evidence that this newspaper has abandoned the effort to get at the facts. More than a month ago the Auditor General of the State, through a depu- ty, informed The Record, in answer to a request, that the office would be open to our investigators. They were sent to Harrisburg and started the in- vestigation, only to discover that the records were not in shape to furnish the desired information. Many vouch- ers were missing, or not in such order as to facilitate the investigation, and i the expert accountants were not fool- ish enough to continue the effort un- der such conditions. . The Record has not abandoned the investigation. It will pursue it to the . limit, because we are convinced it They know that he is not the | ought to be disclosed how this great sum of money, taken from the people, was expended, and who got it. It may be that there was no such waste ror corrupt distribution as has been sylvania and that the attempt to make charged by some of our correspond- ents. It may be that all of the money was permitted to go into the pockets of the “patriots” who were spouting and puffing during the war and creat- ing the impression that they were giv- ing something to their country, but who were actually being sustained by know who got the million and a half or two million, and what they got it for. We will do our utmost to secure the information and run down all of the charges that have been made through letters to this newspaper; but it will take time and energy, and a little patience should be exercised by those who do not seem to under- stand that a studied effort has been made to keep thé facts as secret as possible by filing “reports” covering. large amounts which de not disclése the name of more than one ‘person who received any part of the vast sum, Opening the Bar’l. - From the Easton Argus. . If it is wrong to buy a Senatorship in Michigan, and it is, it ought to be wrong—and it is—to buy a Presiden- tial nomination in the United States. Yet this is what some political bosses are trying to do. Why? Because they want to control the next President in the interest of rich profiteers rather than have him free to do what is best for the nation as a whole. “The amount of money being used to control the national conventions is simply shocking,” said Senator Borah, Republiean. He continued: “The use of money in elections has been grow- ing enormously, and 1920 promises to become a perfect saturnalia of cor- ruption.” Borah accuses the Wood manage- ment in Indiana with buying “testi- monials from all sorts of people in favor of General Wood at $2.50 each.” A dispatch from Indiana said the word had gone out to get the nomina- tion for Wood at whatever cost. Borah insists the Lowden managers are trying to buy the nomination by an unlimited expenditure of money." He says the South Dakota primary contest cost the Wood and Lowden managers $10 for each vote their can- didates secured. Senator Kenyon would limit prima- ry expenditures to $10,000 in each State for Presidential candidates. _ Fred W. Upham, Republican Na- tional committee treasurer denies that he has $10,000,000 to spend on the election. “But if I can arrange it,” he said, “we will have that fund in such shape that it can be utilized most ef- fectively.” Herbert Hoover said: “I have no campaign, I have no finance. A nuin- ber of clubs have sprung up doing me the honor of advocating my nomina- tion. I have no doubt that they would be only too glad to keep their books open for inspection at all times.” Who is going to nominate the Presi- dential candidates, the people who have the votes, or the persons who have the dollars? Shelving Dry Members. From the Clearfield Republican. Every candidate thus far endorsed by both the Penrose and the Vare fac- tions in Philadelphia for Senatorial and Assembly nominations is “wet.” Both sides are shelving all the pres- ent members with “dry” records on roll calls at Harrisburg. Saloon in a Trance. From the Houston Post. Mr. Bryan says the saloon is as dead as slavery. The difference being, however, that it is not necessary in the case of slavery to sit up with the corpse to see if it is merely suffering an attack of catalepsy. ——You'll find all the news in the “Watchman,” and it’s all really true, too. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Forty-one marriage licenses were is- sued at Reading on Saturday. —M. A. Harding, 70 years old, of Rox- ford, McKean county, went out on Satur- day morning to pump the oil wells on am oil lease. When he failed to return for his dinner a search was instituted, and the aged man was found dead alongside the : gas engine, which he had apparently at- tempted to start. His clothing had been caught in the machinery. The body was badly mutilated. —Thieves looted the general store of H. M. Musselman, at Vernfield, Pa., one night last week, taking booty valued at $3500. One hundred and twenty-five pairs of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes were taken. Drygoods valued at $1000 were al- so stolen. The thieves overlooked a mouse trap, a couple of packages of onion seeds and a piece of limberger cheese. They took the bird cage. —Schuylkill Haven borough officials, who have decided to buy the water works of that town, now owned by Philadelphia capitalists, and will operate the works as a municipal plant, were informed on Sat- urday that state appraisers have estimated the value of the works at $175,000. A pub- lic hearing will be given before the sale is confirmed. The water company also op- erates the gas plant there. —William Hilty, aged 60 years, holds the title as the famous hunter and trap- per in the vicinity of New Florence, Som- erset county. According to reports during the game season just elosed, he has bag- ged a bear, deer, 30 red foxes, four wild= cats, a catamount, besides minks, skunks, weasels and muskrats. He resides near New Florence and has served as constable of his district for a number of years. —Dr. Edward Martin, State Commission- er of Health, has notified Mayor A. J. Haig, of DuBois, Clearfield county, that because of discovery by state engineers that the water taken from the city mains is unhealthful at present all water used for drinking purposes should be boiled. A germicide plant is to be installed to puri- fy the water as soon as possible. The city is also to make a study of the situation and to make a report to the Department of Health by August 1st. —Martin Muth, son of William H. Muth. of Lititz, who graduated from Penn State College this year, left last week, to start work as assistant manager on a 1200-acre farm near Chester, West Virginia. Martin took up a course in agronomy, or general farming, and should be well qualified for his work. This farm specializes in Here- ford cattle and supplied the first prize bull at the recent International show held at Chicago. Orchard work is also carried on extensively there and 15,000 apple trees will be set out this spring. —Accountants who audited the war chest for Reading and Berks county, collected in the period after the armistice in 1918 and not used for war relief purposes, have sent eut checks for approximately 54 per cent .of the $240,000 in the fund. The oth- er portion, about 46 per cent. was used for various war purposes and thus will not be refunded. About $15,000 of the $240,000 was collected on the streets and in thea- tres and cannot be returned, as the names of the donors canmot be identified. The Berks courts will be asked te distribute this to local charities. —The death of William C. Bratton at a ‘Pennsylvania Railroad grade crossing one mile west of Lewistown on Thursday evening, marks one of the most peculiar accidents in the history of that section. Mr. Bratten was driving a horse attached to a spring wagon, in which was a calf, with the mother, a young heifer, attach- ed to the rear of the wagon by a rope. The train struck the wagon squarely, cutting it out from between the horse and the cow, without injury to either. The body of Mr. Bratton was on the pilot of the locomo- tive when it was stopped, 800 feet from the scene of the accident. —‘“This hurts me more than it does you, Charlie, but it won't cost me as much,” said Mayor Clarence Dunn, of Lock Ha- ven, in pronouncing sentence upon his brother, Charles Dunn, on Saturday even- ing. The latter was summoned for failing to display 1920 license tags on his automo- bile, which had been stored away for the winter and made its spring appearance on the streets for the first time ‘this year on Saturday. The defendant explained that the tags were under the seat and he had been delayed putting them on. The ex- cuse would not go with the Mayor, so his brother paid a fine of $5 and thus settled the claim. —After many negotiations the Sulphuric Acid Plant lying east of Mt. Union, has been sold to the Iron Products company, and they expect to employ from 300 to 350 men when they get into active operation. This will be good news to the people of Mt. Union and vicinity. The secretary of the Mt. Union Business Men's association is largely responsible for this, for he has been working most energetically for the good of Mt. Union in this particular re- spect. With wide correspandence with prospective industrial concerns, Mr. Mor- gan has had a number of them interested, but it is believed that this concern com- ing is perhaps the best of all, and that it will prove most advantageous to Mt. Un- ion. —Mrs. Verna Holley Herron, wife of Eu- gene O'Neil Herron, of a prominent and wealthy Pittsburgh family, has been re- fused a divorce. Mrs. Herron was unable to support her stirring charges made some time ago before a master who heard the evidence in the case. When the suit was filed several months ago, Mrs. Herron, who acted as Y. W. C. A. hostess at Camp Lee and Camp Dix during the war, charged her husband with having forced her to ac- cept the attentions of high army officers at these camps, who might aid him in ob- taining a commission. Xvidence showed that instead of aiding her husband she used her influence with a Congressman to obtain a commission for a Pittsburgh phy- sician. —Thomas A. Smith, millionaire show=- man, of Beaver Falls, is asked to pay $50,- 000 damages in the statement of claim filed by James H. McComb, Beaver Falls hotel man, who accuses the other of alienating Mrs. McComb’s affections. McComb em- ployed detectives several months ago, and the trail led to a Pittsburgh hotel. Sep- aration followed, and Mrs. McComb, about 30 years old and strikingly handsome, is staying with her mother in New Castle. Her two young daughters are with her. Smith, a bachelor, aged about 50, was a business associate of the late Buffalo Bill, and has been heavily interested in various circus enterprises. He always has resid- ed in Beaver Falls, but he also has a home and ranch in Potter county, where he raises thousands of horses for show pur- poses,