Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 12, 1920, Image 6

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    Demoraic ata,
" Bellefonte, Pa, March 12, 1920.
A young married man, a few even-.
ings ago while shopping or loafing at
our store, wanted to know what the
hell a woman was made for any way.
A man making such a blunt, unrea-
sonable remark, in all probablity has
not sufficient brains to know the orig-
inator of woman. This is a tough
topic, and one that has become as
smooth as Billy Ross’s cellar door,
where the boys and girls have been
sliding these many years. With your
permission, if space is available, I
will give my views as best I can on
this all-important subject. “And
from the rib, which the Lord God had
taken from man, made he a woman,
and brouht her unto the man.” And
Adam said, “this is now bone of my
bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall
be called woman, because she was tak-
en out of man.” “Therefore shall a
man leave his father and his mother
and shall cleave unto his wife, and
they shall be one flesh,” Genesis IL
This is the beginning of woman and
shows how she came to be here. It is
always important to know where and
how troubles begin; also, the why as
well as the wherefore of troublesome |
things i
“The Lord God said; it is not good ,
that the man should be alone; I will |
make him a helpmate for him.” |
What is woman’s mission, or what |
was the object of her creation? To
be a helpmate to man. What is a
helpmate ?
A helpmate; an assistant; a part-
ner; a helper; a consort; a wife.
Woman's physical nature, her dis-
position and her aspirations, all ac-
cord perfectly with the idea of her be-
ing a helpmate to man. It was seen
that man was imperfect as he stood
alone and woman was created as his
complement, thereby completing the
most perfect and most important of
all the works of creation. Man was
made the highest of God’s creatures
and given dominion over all, yet it
was found that he was imperfect.
It is even so to this day. Man is
the stronger, and upon him rests the
greater responsibilities of life. Yet
he is as ‘imperfect without his natur-
al complement, woman, as was Adam;
and woman still retains, and ever will,
the same relation to man that Eve
did to Adam—a helpmeet, a partner,
an assistant, a wife.
Whenever woman is found outside
her sphere; whenever she assumes the
place of man and makes him her com-
plement, then she is abnormal. There
is no special law against a woman be-
ing abnormal in character any more
than there is in her being abnormal in
appearance. It is abnormal for her to
have whiskers, or masculine features, |
or to usurp the prerogatives of man |
in the economy of life. A man-wom- |
an; that is, a woman who ignores her
mission, - denies her station and
usurps the place of man, is a mon- |
strosity, and an abnormal creature. :
A womain—man; that is a man ho
has stepped into woman’s sphere, is
likewise a monstrosity, and abnormali-
ty, a biddy. That the spheres in which
men and women move comparatively
independent of each other are large,
there can be no doubt. {
It is not denied that woman is every
whit as efficient in the discharge of
the duties peculiar to these similar de-
grees as man. Women who have an
insatiate desire to rush into the!
breeches under the guise of defending |
their rights, but which is in reality an
effort to wrest from man certain pre-
rogatives bequeathed him by heaven,
are usually to a degree disgusting to
womanly women and manly men.
When such as these marry they un- |
ceremoniously slip into the breeches,
leaving the man to become a biddy, if
he is not one already.
There is no greater abnormality than
a woman in breeches, unless it is a
man in petticoats. It is just as much
a woman’s duty to cook the food as it
is a man’s duty to provide it, and she
is no more of a drudge in doing so
than he is.
Girls know instinctively that their
mission is to join themselves to men
when they have reached the years of
maturity. Were they taught that
they would have a share of the labors,
cares and responsibilities of this new
life to bear there would be more hap-
piness and fewer disappointments in
the world. Great care is necessary in
fitting a girl for the operatic stage.
She must acquaint herself with all
the details of the business. If she
does not she will surely fail. How
much more important that she be
thoroughly acquainted with all the de-
tails of domestic life if she expects to
be successful in it. There is no trou-
ble in finding good husbands and good
homes for all those who are compe-
tent to become the heads of house-
holds. None need go begging for a
The present severe winter has been
very har don birds, rabbits and small
game; so much so that through des-
peration and hunger these unfortu-
nate suffering creatures are becom-
ing quite tame and frequently visit
the back yards of our residential
homes to "pick up the discarded
crumbs and anything that goes to-
ward sustaining life. To the credit of
numerous housewives it is gratifying
to note that many make a practice of
feeding these unfortunates the same
as they feed their poultry. From
present indications it looks as though
in a few more weeks this deplorable
condition will cease, and the ap-
proaching spring will again add life
and animation to these victims of ex-
isting circumstances.
Your timely editorial which appear-
ed in the “Watchman” of a recent
date, when you asked: “Does any-
body know of any boys who are actu-
ally learning a trade?” has caused
considerable comment in our commu-
nity. After a careful canvass and
due consideration we find that our vil-
lage does not possess one apprentice
to any of the varied trades; for some
years back we had an abundance of
young men as apprentices to learn the
carpenter trade, plastering, masonry,
bricklaying, etc., today we have none;
in this respect we are degenerating.
As an illustration: For the past ten
or fifteen years if a young man start-
ed to learn a trade at a nominal com-
pensation, as soon as the young man
showed a slight efficiency in his em-
barkation, some rival contractor
would offer the lad a dollar a day or
more, the result was the boy jumped
his trade aspirations, and accepted the
proffered offer and will never become
a proficient mechanic. Of course, the
unprecedented high wages now exist-
ing have a demoralizing effect so far
as learning trades is concerned. The
indications are that we will have a
very inferior bunch of mechanics in
the next ten or fifteen years. There
are more hatchet and saw carpenters
today earning fabulous salaries than
were ever known before. There are
few carpenters left who can make a
window sash, a panel door, inside win-
dow blinds, etc. The planing mill
with improved machinery is responsi-
ble for this change. We are drifting
to the time when very few practical
mechanics will exist.
The industrial situation facing us,
the people of Pleasant Gap and vicin-
ity, for the coming season is most en-
couraging. Considerable . improve-
ments are under contemplation at the
penitentiary. We learn through a re-
liable source that eight or nine hun-
dred additional men will be required
in the early spring to complete much
needed improvements at the new in-
stitution. This is certainly gratify-
ing news for our community. Our
mainstay, the Whiterock Lime works,
are progressing nicely; new men find
employment there daily and it is said
the management have decided to give
their men an advance in wages at an
early date; 15 per cent. it is alleged
will be added. The management of
Whiterock evidently believe in doing
the right thing with their men, as
their compensation at present is by
no means measly. It is to be hoped
the men will appreciate the liberality
of their employers. Next comes our
state road, as soon as the snow dizap-
pears and seasonable weather sets in,
it is said the contractors expect to em-
ploy four or five hundred men, if
; ii
. available, with a view of rushing their
! contract to completion by next fall.
The work will be prosecuted more
speedily than last season, since much
of the intricate and tedious work,
such as sewerages and bridges, were
completed last season, most of the
work is straight road work, which
will show better results as soon as
the season opens. Our lumbering in-
terests of Greensvalley and sur-
roundings are progressing nicely. Im-
mense amounts of the finished product
leave Pleasant Gap station daily. Al-
together the situation here for both
capital and labor is most encourag-
ing. .
“For three days and nights I have
suffered agony from a raging tooth-
“Why don’t you get it pulled?”
“I would, but I'm afraid it would
i sunseribe for the “Watchman.”
= Tel
| in
ig £¥0
ephone Business ¢
OR twenty years the opera-
tions of The Bell Telephone
Company of Pennsylvania have
never afforded the
property more than a reasonable
return on a good, sound, con-
servative investment.
This is not a Company that has been
marked by frenzied finance.
contrary, there is not a drop of so-called
water in our capitalization.
It has created no great fortunes.
Because the Company is big, many
people think it has made “all sorts of
money” and is still making it.
The fact is—as the published records
show—that fancy dividends have always
given way to good plant maintenance,
adequate reserves against depreciation
and common-sense stability of the
That's what good service depends on!
g P
At the present time those essential
elements are facing
There are not revenues enough to meet
our necessities. And
rates are forthcoming,
outcome is obvious—a service danger-
ously impaired and a
because of the uncertainty of continued
returns, will not attract new capital for
improvements and extensions.
The Bell Telephone Company
of Pennsylvania
owners of the
On the
serious danger.
unless adequate
and quickly, the
property which,
rear wheels track.
Ber like a wagon. Solid bottom bed with heavy cross pieces, and supported by full width of sides.
and rear axle.
on. Chain-Driven Exclusively.
No moving parts on rear axle.
Front and
Axles coupled together with angle steel reach ; coupled short, dividing load between front
Wide-tired wheels. Axle not used as a bearing for gears to run
Positively not a worm or cog gear on the machine.
levers. The lightest, easiest running and most practical Spreader.
ta" Just received a carload of Conklin Wagons. All sizes and for all purposes. 62-47
No clutch. Operated by only two
Dubbs’ Implement and Seed Store.
i POU can’t name an i
i invest.ment that will i
. pay you half as much E
as the immediate pur- 0
iL chase of either your
Spring or Fall Clothing
L needs.
ol we 0
= You can start a nice
fl bank account on what.
i you will save here.
SN Se Tar]
= Clue
‘Bellefonte Trust Company
Bellefonte, Pa.
Why You Should Make aWill
To protect your loved ones.
To safeguard your estate.
By making a Will you can appoint the Bellefonte Trust
Company as your Executor or Trustee.
You can thus assure to your heirs the business manage-
ment and financial responsibility which this institution affords.
Your wishes can be observed in the distribution of your
property, for if you do not leave a Will the law may divide up
your possessions in a way that you might not desire.
How Have You Made Your Will?
Do not write your own Will. ‘“‘Home-made’’ Wills are
dangerous and often cause law-suits, because, when drawing a
Will the law must be known, both as to wording and terms.
Consult a lawyer today about the making of your Will and have
him name the Bellefonte Trust Company to act as your Execu-
tor and Trustee.
J. L. Spangler,
65-3-tf President
C. T. Gerberich,
Vice President
- N. E. Robb,
3-4 Ton for Light Hauling
Big Truck for Heavy Loads
“Greatest Distance for Least Cost” }