COURT HOUSE NEWS PAAAAAAAAAAANAAS AANA REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Isaac Holt, et ux, to Minerva Har- ris, tract in Huston township; $1000. Emma C. Hurley, et bar, to First ee ——— {COURT HOUSE NEWS § COHEN & CO, Department. Store. For the coming week we propose to offer you some extraordinary big bar- Church of Christ, tract in Philips- | gains, one of which is a Ladies’ Field burg; $6000. Mouse Color high cut lace Shoe, either Harry Dukeman, sheriff, to O. A.| with French or military heel.—We Johnston, tract in Ferguson town-| have a complete run of sizes of this ship; $3150. Mary E. Hess to Ira Rishel, tract in | width. Harris township; $10. shoe in stock, from 2} to 7, C and D We've been getting $9.50 a pair for them all along, but as a spe- Harry Dukeman, sheriff, to Toner | cial drive, they'll be going for the A. Hugg, tract in Milesburg; $150. Anra M. Hunter to Simeon Baum, et al, tract in State College; $1. coming week at $7.65 a pair. You must take time to look at the J. L. Spangler to Benjamin T. Gor- beautiful line of Spring Waists for don, tract in Bellefonte; $1000. laides, that we've just unpacked. George C. Harvey, et ux, to Minnie | They're white voiles, organdie, Geor- Barger, tract in Howard; $1525. gette crepes and pongees. We are Charles Struble, et ux, to Harvey | sure there is no other store in town B. Haugh, tract in Miles township; | that can show you such a large as- $425. sortment. But the nicest thing about Sarah A. Goodrich to David W. | them is the price by which you Goodrich, tract in Rush township; $1. | own them oy Would you tin on John J. Stein’s heirs to William D. | in these kind of times we are able to Strunk, tract in Walker townshiD; | sell you beautiful white voile waists $25. at $1.98 in sizes from 38 to 46; and 48, George H. Yarnell, et ux, to Fyet-|50 and 52 at $2.98. Of ta Strunk, tract in Walker township; | take the ay from INET $550. Rupert, tract in Liberty township; $100. Edgar T. Bechdel, et ux, to Flem- 3 they are simply beautiful. Really we Joshua Rupert, et ux, to Sybilla | evtend an invitation to come and in- spect the lines. It is too bad for the people living in uel Rupert, tract in Liberty township; | the country that they can’t come into $8. town on account of the roads being Andrew J. Cook, et ux, to Fred L. | blocked. To those who find them- Showers, tract in Bellefonte; $2800. | selves in such a position, just get us R. D. Bigelow, et ux, to A. B. Cur- | on the ’phone, either the Bell or the tis, tract in Philipsburg; $8000. Commercial, and tell us of your needs, Ernest L. Sauers, et ux, to Eliza- and we'll be glad to fill your wants to beth B. Spotts, tract in State College; | the best of our ability. $2800. Elizabeth B. Spotts, et bar, to J. Frank Krumrine, tract in Ferguson township; $1000. We've just learned to our sorrow that Outing Flannels will sell for 50 cents a yard next winter. We want to Enoch T. Hastings, et ux, to Alta | S3Y to you that our stock of these M. Foreman, tract in Bellefonte; goods on hand is in fairly good condi- $1875. tion, both in lights and darks and that George G. Hastings’ Exrs. to Alta M. Foreman, tract in Bellefonte; Joseph N. Brooks, et ux, to John Weaver, tract in Spring township; © $500. George H. Richards to Louis Adel- man, tract in Philipsburg; $8000. Iva Mae Hoffer, et bar, to George H. Richards, tract in Philipsburg; $1. Wanted—Girl for general house- work. Part of afternoon and every - evening off. Middle-aged preferred. Address Drawer D. Bellefonte, Pa. it — er NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In Re-Estate of Christian Sharer, late of Taylor township, deceased. In the Orph- an’s Court, Centre county. you can buy them at 35 cents a yard. Do you think it would pay you to lock $1875. ahead a little? By the way, we also got in and are selling ‘them already, our complete line of ladies’ muslin Night Gowns, also white and flesh color crepes and nainsooks. Some are beautifully trim- med; prices are very reasonable. They start at $1.48 and up to $2.98. They are much better values than we were able to offer you last year. Please don’t forget that in order for you to take advantage of the special 5 per cent. discount allowed you on all your cash purchases, except the gro- cery and victrola departments, that you will have to cut this ad out and present same on or before March 25th, 1920. That’s all for now. D. W. The undersigned auditor appointed : by ad ont, to ion COHEN & CO., Bellefonte. the exceptions to the account of the ac- countants and restate the -account in ac- — The only kind of job work we do is good job work. RATES CoE to us for a bottle of Colorite and usc it on last year’s straw hat. ‘Makes it look just like new or will color it most any shade you want, to match a new dress. fn sixteen cclozs: BLACK CERISE JET DULL BLACK BURNT STRAW CARDINAL HED BROWN 1 YELLOY VIOLET NAVY BI' LAVENDER CADET BLUE OLD ROSE VICTORY BLUE GRAY SAGE CREEN NATURAL Choose your favorite colors from oor color card. : THE MOTT DRUG CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. 65-9-6t First Come We're going out of business and are offering our Entire Stock to the public at a price much low- er than its market value. We have several offers to sell the entire stock at the market value, but have decided to give our many satisfied customers the benefit of this sale rather than to let it go to some out-sider. This sale starts Saturday, Feb. 14th and it will not last long. First Served Nothing Reserved WORKMEN'S BARGAIN STORE R. Brandman, Prop. Bellefonte, Pa. a SRT PAPI IGG GG NGG A Bank Should be Something More Than a Place to Keep Money PPO VV. NUIT IIIS NPAT ITE RAPISTS NN SITTIN IIIS 61-46-1y Da STII TRIAS IN AAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAANAPIINININIINISIIINNNIET==0 It should reflect the highest standard of business ethics. It’s promises should not end in pleasant words ] It should be ready to render service at any time to the full extent of its judgment and ability. It should be able to give reliable and disinterested advice about investments. It should be énferested in you, and anxious to help. Have you relations with such a Bank ? {The First National Bank a SPIT AIT NN a SALA INIAIAINI AIAN NANI I IGNITE NTE TP PINION cordance with his findings and make’ dis- tributions for the funds found to be in the hands of accountants to and among those | - / : legally entitled thereto, will meet the par- r= C= Cr Loy ties interested for the performance of his appointment, on the 5th day of April A. D. 1920, at 11 o’clock a. m., at his office, Room No. 14, Crider’s Exchange, Belle- fonte, Pa. When and where all parties are required to present and prove their claims or be forever debarred from com- ing in on said fund. KLINE WOODRING, Auditor, 65-11-3t Bellefonte, Pa. Court of Centre county. In the matter of the estate of Henry ». Kessinger, late of Liberty township, de- ceased. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, to pass upon the exceptions filed to the account of the Accountant, and re-state the account if necessary, in accordance with his findings, and make distribution to and amongst those legally entitled thereto, in the estate of Henry F. Kessing- er, late of Liberty township, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appoint- ment and meet the parties in interest at his offices in the Masonic Temple Building, Bellefonte, Pa., on Wednesday, April Tth, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where the parties in interest are required to ap- pear, present their claims, or be forever barred from coming in upon the fund as shown to be due for distribution purposes in said estate. W. HARRISON WALKER, 65-11-3t Auditor. A YDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the Orphans’ Let The McVey Company Buiid Your Home ! Property will never grow cheaper, it is bound to grow more valuable. Let The McVey Company build your home and arrange monthly payments for you. Mr. Investor, we will show a good investment in town property at a goodly interest to you. Write or call for particulars and drawings. THE McVEY COMPANY, BELLEFONTE, PA. 65.10-3t Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, -9£34-6m. PHILADELPHIA, PA. TRY THE Excelsior Brand Roller Flour Manufactured by the Curtin Milling Co., Curtin, Pa. FOR SALE BY The R. S. Brouse Store and The John Meese Store 64-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. OTHING is too small for our consideration— nothing is left undone in assuring every cus- tomer of complete satisfaction when he comes to us for clothes. nELUeLUELUE[l slEUELELEIELELE EL ELE lSUEUEUELeUSUEUEUEUCIE ---nothing too small A satisfied customer is the best cus- tomer, and we work constantly to that end. The House of Kuppenheimer, and Fashion Park —too, know that success and achievement rest on dili- gent attention to small things as well as large. You'll know what we mean when you see the Kuppenheimer and Fashion Park good clothes we are now showing. B= Advance Spring Suits for Men and Young Men: new Hats, latest Shirts and Furnishings. SIM THE CLOTHIER Bellefonte and State College | I=2nznzn=2n=M=2nananarn oe a PPI IAIATAIATAIAIAT AAA NAAN "=n En EL EEL EE LEE EL ELE SL ELE EL EL ELELE CUT USE I=ai2nanianan=n=n=nataalel= l= | nElUELEUEVSLUSLUE Mznanznanan=nananananan=nani=ilal l=] ien=nznanan=nanaianani=naneni= nia n= ale ele le = = AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANZ Selling Ow Sale! SECHLER & Co. Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- where and at fair prices. We Invite You to Test this Statement 65-1 with Your Patronage. —— o —_—. nd WE CONTINUE TO REPRESENT Landreth Seed Co. who have been growers of seed for 150 years. - The reputation they have established is second to none. Why not Have the Best? RAPIST IT TET WNIT Le A ALALRRIAAAAAAAARAAARAAAARAWAAAAAAN RII The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 65-5-1y an an an So SSSR Pd 2 0 0 & 0 oa a a & & 4 sm | The Top of the Morning to You! Of course we're happy! We heard a robin sing and, with the poet, we exclaimed : «Summer is coming, Summer is coming, I know it, I know it, I know it; Light again, leaf again, life again, love again ! Yes, my wild little poet.”’ And we thought of our shop, tight as a bud, with the nicest of things ready to burst into the bloom of Easter—a veritable land of “Heart’s Desire” filled with Modish, Original, Piquant Spring Suits Wooltex,of Course And Dresses that Fairly Make you Gasp with their Beauty aS Ba SIRIUS IIIS Ns’ Sa TTT ata a a a 4 AAUP RAITT INIT NIT I And those latest plaid skirts ; you feel like buying every one of them. They're so different, so soft, so good looking. And those fine stockings—cotton, lisle, and silk. Every pair guaranteed. And the latest things in belts, beads, trinkets, and a thousand and one other articles selected with care, and sold in our own pleasant, courteous manner. Wont You Come In and Look Around ? You know, of course, that Mrs. Schlow is a graduate corsetierre. Schlow’s Quality Shop The Best for the Well-Dressed RAUSING SNPS OIG GG NENG GGG WN NINN Bora PHONES NINN 64-387 STITT TT