PEE 1 HEL ~~ reo I Al - INK SLINGS. bells on for nearly five | - —Matthias Erzberger, minister of finanee, of Germany, has resigned un- ‘der the imputation that he has been erooked. We have been under the impression that a trifling matter of that sort wouldn’t shock the sensibil- ities of German officialdom. —So General Wood is going to give ~ Senator Harding a battle for the Ohio _ delegates. Possibly that was the eause of Harding’s visit to Penrose a few days ago. He might have been after a few pointers as to how best to defeat the ambitions of the man un- der the Roosevelt banner. —The President having found it de- sirable to appoint Bainbridge Colby, ~ another Republican, to succeed Rob- _ _ert Lansing, who was also a Republi- | “=n, as Secretary of State, it would em that there were no Democrats in sight whose “minds would more wil- lingly go along with mine.” —Next Monday the railroads will back to their original management “if their officials keep as busy at Ipful operative work as they have en at throwing wrenches into the hinery of government manage- of the roads there ought to be an immediate improvement in service. -—Congressman Tom Connelly, of * Texas, is mad all over because Gen- * eral Pershing’s military pants look too much like an English cut and has air- . ed the scandal on the floor of Con- _ gress, The name of the Member from ‘ Texas suggests the thought that if "General Pershing had visited a Sin , Fein tailor the world would never have known that one District in the . “Lone Star State” sent an ass to rep- resent it. {—Iron county, Michigan, is in open rebellion against enforcement of the A ‘prohibition law and federal and local : officials are so busy arresting one another that the boot leggers are run- ping amuck with bottles and pistols. The population being mostly Italian ~~ and Silician it is probably hard for "them to understand but they’ll have to get used to it for, right or wrong, the * Jaws must be obeyed while they re- “ “main on the statutes. % ©" _Col. J. L. Spangler has announced .“'" his name as a candidate from this " District for delegate to the National " eonvention in San Francisco. Person- * ally speaking Col. Spangler would * make a very desirable representative _ of the Democrats of the Twenty-first, but as to whether he wants to go as ‘representative or part of Mr. Pal- ’s plan to use the Pennsylvania legation to further his own political | fortu ortunes we do not know and until that point is cleared up many Demo- ‘ crats in Centre county will remain non-committal. — New Jersey Assemblymen have voted, thirty-seven to twenty-one, fix- ing three and one-half per cent. alco- hol, by volume, as the legal limit for beverages in that State. While they will probably not get away with this defiance of the Volstead enforcement act the incident will be followed with intense interest for the reason that the litigation sure to follow will re- sult in a Supreme court interpretation of the rights of States under federal union and it is time that some ruling be made that will establish a limit be- yond which the federal government may not go in usurpation. —1It is far cheaper to buy houses in + Bellefonte than to build them and the housing problem cannot be solved un- til labor and material costs come down. A house that any fairly well- to-do person would live in today could not be built for less than five thous- and dollars. At such a cost it would have to rent at five hundred dollars a year in order that the builder could realize at least six per cent. on the in- vestment. That would be rent at the rate of nearly forty-two dollars per month and forty-two dollars per month is more than any person we know of in Bellefonte is ready to pay for a home, so that it looks to us as if the only immediate solution would be in breaking up a number of the larger places into two or more smaller apart- ments. —The public school teachers of Bellefonte are planning to petition for higher wages we are told. While we are not wholly familiar with the schedule of salaries in our schools we are under the impression that they are what might be called inadequate. However that may be, favorable ac- tion by the board of directors must ultimately result in an increase of the school millage in addition to the in- crease that we hear has already been planned. Rumor has it that the finance committee of council figures that a six mill increase will be neces- sary to supply the borough’s needs for the next year. The poor overseers in- sist that the poor millage must be raised and if the school adds another burden to it all Bellefonte can hope for is little less than fifty or fifty-five mills of tax to pay. We might smile at all of this if it were not to affect us so directly in two ways. First, rents will certainly be given another boost for owners of property are en- titled to a fair return on their invest- ment and second, the serious housing question-in' Bellefonte will become more serious for the reason that cap- ital will not invest itself in buildings at the present cost of labor and ma- terials especially if through such in- flated valuation it subjects itself for years to come to taxation at fifty or 2 ground hog has been there “the criminals have” STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 65. BELLEFONTE, PA.. FEBRUARY 27, 1920. Fraudulent Use of Fund. taining to it deserve the most earnest protest and condemnation. Mr. Pal- dacity to aspire to the nomination for President. What he hopes for is that delegates will be chosen to the San Francisco convention who will obey willing to trade in spoils of office with him after election. During the present administration he has enjoy- ed prosperous business as an office broker upon a small capital. At the present time the bogus Dem- ocratic State organization is engaged in the nefarious work of levying as- sessments upon the Federal officials in the State to raise slush funds for use in the campaign to secure Palmer delegates to the National convention. Every postoffice employee, every reve- nue officer ‘and every attache of the Federal Department of Justice, large- ly increased lately to enforce prohi- bition legislation, has been assessed for this purpose, and has been or will be notified to pay a fixed per centage of his salary, not so much for party propaganda we opine, as for buying votes for Palmer delegates. And be- tween the lines of this note the per- spicuous victim will easily read an ad- monition to pay promptly or lose his job. The money thus extracted from willing or unwilling victims will hard- ly be employed against the common enemy. It will more likely be used against other Democrats who have courage to oppose the false pre- tenses’ of Palmer and the par- simony of Vance McCormick, who though a multi-millionaire, com- pelled public officials to pay a def- icit of several thousand dollars after his campaign for Governor in 1914. Every dollar thus obtained and so em- ployed is misappropriated and every man connected with the transaction is guilty of larceny and punishable un- der the "criminal laws. Heretofore ed and the highest law officer of the government feels secure. But there may be a reckoning this year. ——The people of New: York have one thing to be grateful for. The dis- pute about the eligibility of some members is delaying legislation that presumably would be vicious. Railroad Registration Bill Passed. After a delay of a year spent in practically fruitless discussion the bill regulating the return to and operation of the railroads of the country by their owners passed the House of Congress on Saturday and the Senate on Monday. It is a compromise be- tween the Cummins Senate bill and the Esch measure and instead of the Senate provision forbidding strikes contains a feature creating a board of arbitration to which all labor and oth- er disputes between employers and employees will be referred and deter- mined. The board, composed of three employers, three employees and three representatives of the people, will be appointed by the President and must be confirmed by the Senate. It may be said of this measure that it is not entirely satisfactory to any of the parties in interest. It appro- priates $500,000,000 for use of the railroad companies in the nature of a loan to tide them over for a time and guarantees to the shareholders of the properties an annual return of five and a half per cent. How this guar- antee is to be met is a matter of un- certainty but there are only two ways of accomplishing it. Either rates however profligate the management, or the money drawn from the treasu- ry. Presumably the rate fixing pro- cess will be adopted and that will nec- But in this particular case it may be said that a bad bill is better than no legislation on the subject for the return of the roads to their owners next Monday was inevitable and the operation without legislation of some kind would have been ruinous to the properties and the country. An ex- tension of the period of government control for five years as suggested by Mr. McAdoo a year ago would have been the wise course but the stock manipulators would not allow that and contributed a slush fund sufficient to buy a Republican majority in Con- gress last year to prevent it. There will be no cut in wages on railroads for six months but after that, look out. Between the alleged shortage in school books and the deficiency in school buildings the boy of the period may have hope for a long holiday. Probably the profiteers of the country are trying to beat that other fellow to the moon by another and more mills per annum. more harmful process. While the campaign to elect dele- | gates to the Democratic National con- | gress who voted for the Lodge reser- vention pledged to support A. Mitch- | vations to the peace treaty, the oth- ell Palmer for President is obviously | er day, in order to “keep the question a false pretense, recent incidents per- | out of the campaign,” show scant re- Treaty in the Campaign to Stay. | Those Democratic Senators in Con- | spect for the intelligence of the peo- ple. Nothing on earth will keep that mer has the ambition of a Ceasar but : question out of the coming campaign. he hardly possesses the insane au- | It is already in it and it is the most his orders and vote for a candidate | een prosecut- | important thing that is in or will be. | Abraham Lincoln said that “nothing i is settled until it is settled right,” and | the attachment of absurd reservations which mean nothing but the nullifica- tion of the treaty is neither a right nor a just settlement of the questions involved. Against this wrong there is only one tribunal to appeal and that is the public. A treaty is an agreement between two or more governments to do cer- tain things in which each has an in- terest. The result is attained by mu- tual concessions, compromises and pledges. Nothing of value can be ob- tained without recompense. In the Versailles treaty each signatory agreed to perform its part for the ad- vantage of the others in considera- tion of the others doing a like service for it in the event of necessity. For party and malicious reasons certain Republican Senators in the American Congress demanded that the United States be relieved of all her obliga- tions and be permitted to enjoy the advantages of the agreement without any compensatory service whatever. It was an adroit appeal to selfishness of the basest sort. the leading minds of the world. Its purpose was the highest that has ani- mated human impulses since the sac- rifice of the Saviour. Presidential campaign because leaders of the Republican party prefer parti- san advantage to perpetual peace, and it will remain in the campaign until the righteous indignation of a christ- ian country has justly punished those who forced it in. The ratification with reservations which nullify its provisions will not remove it. Pres- ident Wilson has expressed his wil- lingness to accept the issue and the American people will support him by dn overwhelming majority.” Let the bitter enders have their way for a brief time. Mr. Palmer appears to imag- Vance McCormick could have told him made head of the ticket in the next. Gompers a Safe Guide. The impending revolt of organized . labor against Samuel Gompers the! The treaty is the best product of cans of Pennsgl Senator Harding in Pennsylvania. Senator Harding, of Ohio, has been browsing about in Governor Sproul’s preserve recently in a manner that seems ominous to the hopes of the Wood boomers of this State. didate, except in a receptive sense, and the friends of General Wood have been indulging in the hope that the battleless war hero would come in as legatee after a ballot or two. But Harding, who is a very decided reac- tionary, paid a visit to Philadelphia the other day and enjoyed quite a pleasant afternoon with the party manipulators. He visited Penrose at his home and spent some time with Mayor Moore and the lesser lights of the party. He said it was a purely friendly visit, however. Senator Harding was free, profligate in praise of Governor Sproul. The Governor is a fine type of statesmanship, he said and richly deserves. the favors. that have been bestowed upon him. He didn’t say much about the virtues of Penrose but revealed a deep seated anxiety concerning his health. Happily all dangers of this score are past and the Senator left Monday morning for Florida, where he will indulge the zephyrs of the Southern climate for a month. But he will be home in ample time to take a hand, not exactly in the selection of the delegates, for that has already been done, but in instruct- ing them how to vote when Sproul’s name is withdrawn. All things considered the Republi- vania couldnt do ‘much better than support Harding for , President. He stands for all the pol- ‘icies, principles and methods which It is in the made the late Senator Quay famous in politics and has since kept Penrose in the high seat on the party band wagon, notwithstanding the bitter op- position of Gifford Pinchot, William + Draper Lewis and others who are now - party. prime favorites in the councils of the ferences and reconcile himself to ' present exigencies quite as certainly . as either Penrose or Pinchot and just ‘as quick. - In fact he may be relied upp. to make any arrangement nec- essary for harmony and spoils. ——Banking Commissioner Fisher i made a political speech in addressing | must be made to yield that return, ! essarily add to the high cost of living. efficient head of the American Feder- ation of Labor is ominous. The com- plaint against Mr. Gompers is that he is too conservative. His last offence ing the approaching campaign as a political party. The radicals in the organizations are determined on the opposite policy and have so notified the veteran leader through the secre- Workers of America, William Mitch. “The desire of labor, especially at this time,” writes Mr. Mitch, “is for a labor party.” that the Republican leaders are of the same mind. Mr. Gompers had proposed that wage earning voters withhold allegi- ance from all political parties and cast openly favorable to labor interests, In voting for Congressmen, for exam- ple, he would have a solid support for a Democrat in a district in which the Democratic candidate was favorable to labor interests and the Republican | against, and vice versa. His idea was ' to influence both parties to nominate | candidates favorable to labor. The | radicals on the other hand want labor | party candidates as representatives of | a labor party. If there were any rea- i sons to believe that such a party ‘ could win it might be wise. i But in the nature of things there is ‘hardly a possibility of that. This is | 2 crucial period in politics as well as in labor affairs and recent incidents | show that the Republican managers | will exhaust every means to elect their candidate for President. Dur- | ing the recent past that party has not | been favorable to labor and a separate labor ticket would simply draw votes | from the Democratic party which has i been friendly to labor and make the ! success of the Republican party prac- | tically certain. Mr. Gompers, who | understands politics as well as labor ! interests, knows this and wisely ad- | vises against it. He knows the labor | party enterprise is a political trick for which the Republican party pays. General Wood has had himself | photographed in civilian clothes. for | campaign purposes. He has proba- | bly found out that a war hero who | has never . seen a battle isn’t an'ap- pealing spectacle. seems to be his recommendation that | organized labor refrain from enter- | tary of District No. 11, United Mine . joss Herbert Hoover is nominated | a meeting of bankers in Harrisburg, . ithe other day. He probably wanted ! ine that the Democrats of Pennsylva- | Sa : nia pay liberal rewards for perfidy. . to flatter Governor Sproul by imitat- ing him. that a bolter of one campaign is not | — Senator Penrose has definitely fixed Herbert Hoover’s political affilia- tion. He says Mr. Hoover is “a Wil- son Democrat” by the same token that is a pretty good brand of politics. — Some stalwart Republicans Of ' course Governor Sproul is not a can- even Harding can forget past dif- : Another Snake Scotched. From the Philadelphia Record. For about the fiftieth time Presi- | dent Wilson, in his communication to | the Senate regarding the disposition : to be made of the German vessels held by the Shipping Board, counters heav- ily on the malignant partisans who have intimated that, in a spirit of un- due deference to Great Britain, he was prepared to sacrifice American interests. This very absurd charge, which is on a par with too many that have emanated from Congress, is completely disposed of by the Presi- dent, who shows that there has been no understanding between Great Brit- ain and the United States on this sub- ject, and who goes further, by sub- mitting a new document, to prove that in all the negotiations relating to this matter he has been careful to stipu- late that Congress is the ultimate au- thority that has the deciding voice. This very frank statement, accom- panied by official papers, completely cuts the ground from under those who have been mean enough to insinuate, without charging openly, that the President has been remiss in his du- ty to safeguard American interests. It would be difficult to see how any one could have shown better judgment in this affair than Mr. Wilson has. If Great Britain sought to take an un- fair advantage of him, which has nev- er been proven, it signally failed. The German vessels remain entirely under | American control, without any secret { agreement of any kind, and if sold, as | the Shipping Board has proposed to do, the proceeds are to be used in { meeting claims made against Germa- I ny for reparation, in a manner that | seems entirely fair and just. President Wilson has, thanks to his | gigantic labors, been a sick man for | several months, but there is nothing { to indicate that his intellect has lost "any of its keenness. Republican Sen- ators who try to impute unworthy motives to him will undoubtedly catch a Tartar, as they have in this case of the German vessels. The Fat-Fryers’ Dilemma. From the Philadelphia Record, According to chairman Hays, of the Republican National committee, who . explained to a lot of G. O. P. workers ‘in New York his plans for financing , the Presidential campaign, “no contri- bution for more than $1000 will be re- ‘ceived from. any one, . The financing "of the Republican campaign will be an open book. It will, of course, accord with the best spirit and the letter of the campaign publicity laws of the nation and the States.” This has a very beautiful sound, but it is a trifle disconcerting to find that {Joseph R. Grundy, of Bristol, attend- {ed Mr. Hays’ confab, and that he is “now said to be urging Mayor Moore | to take charge of a $1,000,000 fat- i frying campaign in Pennsylvania. i Needless to say, Mr. Grundy is not a | $1000 man when it comes to party | contributions. He and his State Man- i ufacturers’ Association do not believe iin doing things in that picayune fash- | would like to know why William |; The fat must come in bi 3 7 | ion. g chunks Drayton Lewis gets first choice of the | jn order to satisfy them. It would be slices every time the party managers | interesting to know how he and his ' cut a melon these days. — Even if Holland is willing to i fellow manufacturers are going to ar- | range compliance with Chairman | Hays’ limit and at the same time re- ' shelter the late Kaiser indefinitely she | tain their self-respect as liberal giv- | serves notice on the world that no | ers. 1 1 t other refugees are welcome. A few of that kind is plenty. Another sad thought is that ' for President by one party or the oth- It may be safely said their votes solidly for candidates regardless of their party affiliation. er we may never find out which party he belongs to. It is generally admitted that school teachers are under-paid but those who regulate the recompense think their first obligation is to the politicians. It may be true that “all Eu- rope is bankrupt” but we know of no law that requires the people of the United States to pay the debts of all bankrupts. terest to know that General Leonard Wood still thinks he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for President. Vice President Marshall is not what you would call spectacular but every time he speaks he says some- thing and that is not true of every- body. : Nothing but a National conven- tion will make William Jennings Bry- an realize that he is no longer an ora- cle. ——1In the preliminary examina- of jurymen while dvawing a jury for the Gray case in court on Tuesday one man examined maintained that he! had never read anything about the Grays or their former trials in the newspapers, had never discussed the case nor heard it discussed, had form- ed no opinion and, in fact, knew noth- ing at all about the case. While there is no authority on which to doubt the man’s statement it seems almost be- yond belief that in these days of the telephone and wide circulation of both daily and weekly newspapers that a man could be found in Centre county who had failed to learn of a case which for the past eighteen months has been so widely heralded as the Gray case. It may be a matter of public in- | Perhaps the revelations in the trial of Senator Newberry and his po- ; litical associates in Michigan may | give some suggestions on this delicate | point. ! Stalking Horse Candidates. From the New York Evening Post. Confession by James W. Helme, candidate for Senator in the Demo- cratic primary in Michigan in 1918, that he was “worked” into making the race against Ford by the Newber- ry campaign committee in order to prevent Democratic votes from being cast for Ford in the Republican pri- mary, is more piquant than novel. Stalking-horse candidates are no new thing. ; When Quay went to Republican na- tional conventions as Pennsylvania’s “favorite son,” his formal candidacy was merely a device for enabling him | to postpone the showing of his hand until he had struck a bargain or seen the band wagon coming. Pennsylva- nia has been ingenious in the use of stalking-horses. A favorite method in State or local elections is to place in the field several tickets, bearing names as similar to those of the oppo- | sition party as the law allows, with the idea of splitting the opposition vote. It was a wise Republican or Progressive in 1912 who, among the mass of tickets labeled Washington Party, Keystone Party, Washington | Progressive Party and so on, knew i his'own. A Commendable Attitude. Irom the DuBois Express. The American Federation of Labor | proposes to make its power felt in the | pending political campaign. In an- i nouncing its plan of political action, |it takes a determined stand in favor { of a renascence of principles in their t application to the operations of gov- ernment that are fundamental to the ' perpetuity of our free institutions, and will support only such candi- “dates for public office as will pledge : their adherence to them. “The perpetuation of our funda- mental rights,” says the address, | “and the enactment of essential con- ‘structive legislation: demand the elec- tion of men, regardless of their polit- ical affiliations, who are truly repre- sentative of American ideals.” SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —James H, McComb, proprietor of the ‘Windsor hotel, Beaver Falls, has filed suit for $50,000 damages from Thomas A, ‘Smith, a circus man of Beaver Falls, whe is accused of alienating the affections of Mrs. McComb. - —A commission has been awarded Au- gustus Lukens, of New York city, for the remodeling of the statue, a large eques- trian figure, of the late General D. McM. Gregg, a brigadier at Gettysburg, to be erected at Reading by the State. > —The State Department of Agriculture has issued warnings to farmers to watch for signs of the brown rot or other diseas- es which often appear after a long winter. Special warnings have been given to close- ly observe orchards for traces of pests. —A Grampian man writes to the editor of the Clearfield Daily Spirit, asking what to do with a barrel of cider which has fer- mented and now contains 8 to 10 per cent. alcohol. With virtually no effort at all, Matt Savage, editor of the Spirit, has re- cruited a company of patriotic Clearfield citizens who offer to go at their own ex- pense to Grampian and not only tell but show what to do with the cider. —Fifty employees of the Mann Edge Tool company left Lewistown on Tuesday morning for Mill Hall, where they will work the night turn of that plant. The Mann Edge Tool plant at Lewistown was badly damaged on Monday a week ago by fire that destroyed everything except the forge department, which will be kept run- ning, and the rough axes shipped to Mill Hall, where the night turn will finish them, thus keeping the Lewistown plant running almost at normal. —Chester Williams, nineteen years old, of Russellville, Chester county, has ‘awakened after sleeping continuously for thirty-five days, the ‘sleeping sickness” having followed an attack of influenza. The case caused much speculation among physicians who visited Williams. He took little nourishment during the long nap and is quite weak, but rapidly regaining his vitality. He was awake but twice dur- ing the contiunation of the attack and then only for a few minutes. —Approximately $8000 worth of grocer- jes, recently seized at the stores of Italian grocers, at Bristol, Pa., and said to have been fraudulently resold by some one at ‘Springfield, Mass., were on Monday ship- ped back to the Bay State city, through writs of replevin issued by the wholesal- ers there. The Bristol merchants in whose store the goods were seized, produced re- ceipts to show that they had paid for the goods, but nevertheless interposed no 1é- gal action against the removal of the stuff. —A detail of Pennsylvania state police surrounded a barn on a farm two miles west of New Castle in Union township Saturday night, where a cocking main was in progress, and arrested seveny-one per- sons, who were sounding the pit. All were taken before the township squire, and paid fines and. costs totaling $13 each. The birds seized in the raid were sold. Al- together about $1000 was netted from the raid. The raid was so well executed that virtually all of those watching the cock fights were caught. —At Frostburg, Jefferson county, a fami- ly of ten is suffering with influenza. Doc- tor Epwright, of the Punxsutawney hos- pital, was called on the case Saturday, and, because there were no nurses, he had to stay until Sunday before relief came. In the meantime the doctor was a busy man. He made the fires, did the cooking and other housework, washed up a few things and perhaps looked after the gossip among the neighboring women, in addition to giving the medical attention the members of the family needed. —Two large black bears came from the mountaing back of Bobtown, near Burn- ham, last Friday and were seen digging in the snow where the refuse was thrown | from the houses. Charles Seabolt mistook bruin for a pair of dogs and attempted to , drive them away by throwing snowballs, | but after a warning growl he discovered | his mistake. Seabolt made a good get- | away, but it was some time before he thought of a gun, after which it was too late, as the bears had again taken to the wilds. This is considered significant of the fact that game is suffering severely from the scarcity of food. —Neah Raskin, serving a sentence of three years in the Luzerne county jail for sugar frauds, left for his home at Harvey's Lake last Thursday to spend one month in nursing his wife and child back to health. At the expiration of the month he is to report back to jail and serve the remain- der of his sentence. Raskin has served sixteen months. News from his home was received to the effect that his wife and ba- by were ill with influenza. The Harvey's Lake section was snowbound, and there was little chance of getting relief to the stricken family. The case was brought to the attention of Judge J. B. Woodward. He asked Raskin if he did not want to go home and act as nurse. The prisoner wus anxious to and the court permitted him to go on parole. —According to the Glen Campbell News, the women of that Indiana county town have perfected a local organization that threatens to spread over that part of the State, and as a result married men are commencing to sit up and take notice. Sixty-six women of Glen Campbell have formed an organization to clean up the morals of the community, particularly the morals of their husbands, by direct ac- tion. They have established a sort of a “moral credit bureau,” which proposes to gather all the requisite facts regarding a husband’s conduct, keep the record on file at headquarters and submit a report in confidence to any woman who suspects her mate and asks for his rating. Eleven of the members are pledged to work in “open investigation work,” whatever that may mean. The other fifty-five will work in secret. —That any woman who can chase chick- ens around a yard for an hour and not lose patience is what she would call a good woman and a ‘perfect lady,” was stated last week by Mrs. Catherine New- bold, a witness in the divorce proceedings of D. S. Beemer, Civil war veteran, of Scranton, against his wife, a former state and national officer of the Ladies of the G. A. R. Mrs. Newbold says that she often saw Mrs. Beemer chase chickens for an hour and not lose her patience. Mrs. Beemer, in her testimony, said that on the night she became commander of the Wom- en’s Relief Corps, Mr. Beemer was induct- ed as commander of the G. A. R. post, and that they fell in love at that time. She said that she loved him so much that one time when he wanted strawberry short- cake she traveled eighteen miles to Wilkes- Barre and paid 75 cents for a basket of berries,