Brunt | INK SLINGS. ~ —What you are working at doesn’t count so much as how you work at it. . —Cheer up.” Twelve years ago this date thermometers at Clarence regis- tered 29 degrees below zero. —1Tt wasn’t to be expected that Con- gress would deny itself the opportu- nity of sending free seeds to the folks back home. — When the 21st of March finally gets here we'll be in no humor for any of that winter lingering in the lap of spring business. — Probably the Entente have in mind the starting a dime museum. The Germans who are wanted will form a fine neucleus. : Admiral Sims wishes he had never stirred up the animals. He is getting the worst of it in a hundred ways and as many languages. — Notwithstanding the rather mod- erate weather we have been having for a few days the snow shows little inclination to take itself out of the way of traffic. Possibly prices will continue to increase for another year. Mitchell Palmer’s term of office runs that long and so long as he is in office he will have charge of the work of cutting down prices. —1In the eyes of the law the making of wines in the home is not illegal un- less you make more than two hundred gallons in a season. When that quan- tity is exceeded the inference is nat- ural that it is not for home consump- tion alone. - —1In just thirty-six days spring will be here. It sounds pleasant and hopeful when put this way and would be, if it were not for the fact that old Boreas can do an awful lot of execu- | tion in thirty-six hours if he puts his blowers on and gets down to business. —The President has gone so far as to practically offer to meet Senator Lodge half way in an effort to get the peace treaty ratified. It is up to the obstinate old Massachusetts gentle- man now and if he holds up the peace of the world any longer the country will know just who did spill the beans. . —The offer of the Crown Prince to give himself up for trial by the Allies as a hostage for the nine hundred and more German officers who are wanted at the bar of justice is only a bit of grand-stand play. He has his ear to the ground listening for a call from the fatherland for some of the Hohen- zollerns to return and rule it. —The Williamsport Sun wants to know whether “the people or the pol- iticians will say who will occupy the White House as Wilsons suceessor.” “The politicians will say who the nomi- ness will be; then for the people to do will be choose be- tween two of them. In presidential | elections the voters are really acces- sories after the fact. —Admiral Sims is evidently the proprietor of a very convenient mem- ory. When three Congressmen con- fronted him with the statement that he had made certain charges to them upon the occasion of a meeting at the hotel Crillon, in Paris, and gave the date, our anglophobe Admiral couldn’t recall that he had ever met the gen- tlemen, and then attempted to “pass the buck” to some one else. Sims is in wrong and should be retired. — Does anybody know of any boys who are actually learning trades? Of course there are a few, but so few that the really skilled mechanic will soon be as extinct as the Dodo and we will have an army of specialists so that it will require a regiment to make a re- pair that one of the old fashioned workmen did all alone. And this doesn’t apply alone to mechanics. It is growing in the medical profession, in the iaw and in nearly every other pursuit to which man or woman turns. — Another bunch of railroad Broth- erhoods have given notice of their in- tention to strike. Will it ever dawn on some people that the time must come, and come soon, when there should be an end to these demands for more wages. If it isn’t ended volun- tarily complete industrial stagnation will be the remedy that must be ap- plied. Inflation cannot go on indefi- nitely. There should be a gradual re- turn to normal conditions noticeable even now. But since labor does not think deep enough into economics pos- sibly the only lesson that it will learn is the hard lesson of want brought on by the withdrawal of capital from in- dustry, leaving depression in the land. The constitutional revision commission is gravely considering an amendment that will cut down the number of justices of the peace in the State and make their office an ap- pointive one in the hands of the Gov- ernor instead of an elective one at the hands of the people. Now if the com- mission can give the assurance that the appointive power will not be used to foster political ambitions such an amendment might be a good one. There is no question but that some justices of the peace “farm” their of- fice. In fact, if they want to make anything out of it they are compelled to do so, especially because of the fact that justices of the peace in the country and small towns are almost as thick as horse flies in the dog days. With the number reduced and the ju- risdiction of each naturally enlarged there will be less inclination on the part of such officials to “work up” business in order to swell their re- But the “political power” of such a revision will be the bugaboo ceipts. that needs watching. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION, . VOL. 65. BELLEFONTE, PA., FEBRUARY 13, 1 920. _ Bonniwell Starts Something. Judge Bonniwell, of Philadelphia, promises to start something in poli- tics within a few days which may de- velop into an important political event. That is he contemplates the assembling of leading Democrats of all parts of the State to consider ways and means of rescuing the Democrat- | ic organization of Pennsylvania from the sinister control of Mitchell Pal- mer, Vance McCormick and Charles i P. Donnelly. The party has been di- | minishing in strength ever since those gentlemen acquired control of | the organization and Judge Bonniwell ascribes this fact to incompetent and selfish management. He proposes that honest and earnest Democrats, influenced by considerations of patri- otism, get together to this end. In an interview outlining his pur- ! pose Judge Bonniwell charges Mr. Palmer with political infidelity at sun- dry times and alleges that he remain- ed in the fight for Senator in Congress six years ago to make certain the election of Penrose and that he bolted the Democratic nominee for Governor two years ago in order to guarantee the election of Governor Sproul, the Republican nominee. He cites the fact, moreover, that Mr. Palmer tried | to defeat Mr. Steele for Congress in his own district and Mr. Dewalt in the Berks-Lehigh district as well as two candidates for Judge in Monroe county, Mr. Staples and Mr. Shull, both jurists of high character and standing and Democrats of the best type. These accusations against Mr. Pal- mer are supported by abundance of evidence. Mr. Penrose would have been defeated for Senator in 1914 if the opposition had been united. It can hardly be claimed that Governor Sproul would have been defeated if Palmer had opposed his election, but the chances were sufficiently strong to cause alarm to the Republican managers and induce them to enlist Palmer. He failed to defeat Mr. Steele’s election though he has tried that three times and Dewalt pulled through notwithstanding his opposi- tion, .though by a reduced majority, which he didn’t deserve. Judge Sta- ples was too firmly entrenched inthe =_eonfid OF = , : x EE oriqence the yWiAT and Judes Shull enjoyed the same advantage. While Judge Bonniwell has abun- dant reason for denouncing Palmer, therefore, it may be - said that he takes that gentleman’s absurd ambi- tion to be the Democratic candidate for President too seriously. Palmer has no delusions on that subject. He understands that outside of the Fed- eral office holders in Pennsylvania, his ambition is a joke. But Palmer wants to go to the convention with a group of delegates, not to vote for his nomination, but to trade for political influence and party spoils after the nomination and election of the candi- date. That is all he expects from the San Francisco convention and Judge Bonniwell and all other Democrats are justified in striving to disappoint’ him. | - resign his seat because of the improv- ed situation of the peace treaty and for that reason the trouble was worth while. Primaries Will be Held May 18th. The spring primary election will be held on Tuesday, May 18th, 1920, at which time the voters of Centre coun- ty will vote their preference for the following: One person for the office of United States Senator. Four persons for the office of Con- gressman-at-Large. One person for the office of Audit- or General. One person for the office of State Treasurer. ternates to the National convention. And will also elect one person for Member of the Democratic National Delegates-at-Large to the Democrat- ic National convention, to be held in San Francisco, Cal.,, on June 28th, 1920. Nominating petitions for any of these offices will be furnished upon application to the Democratic State committee, Harrisburg, Pa. ——If Dr. C. S. Musser’s medicine is all as pleasant to take as the dose he sent us a few days ago there must be real pleasure in being sick down about Aaronsburg. Tucked away in one of his regular prescription envel- opes was some real mazuma and un- der the heading: “Directions,” he had written: “Take at one dose—with water. If results are not satisfactory increase the dose in 1921.” The doc- tor need not have put on that “with water” because there’s no other chas- ers to be had these days. However, if all of our readers were to send us similar doses as promptly as the doe- tor does his there would be less; dan- ger of their being called upon to in- crease them in 1921. Two District delegates and two Al- i which is admirable. Mr. Hoover is Ambiguous. Mr. Herbert Hoover is a trifle too ambiguous in a statement he issued the other day, as to his party predi- lections and purposes. He says em- phatically that he has not sought and is not ‘seeking the Presidency; that he is not a candidate and has no organi- zation. But he “is naturally deeply interested in the present critical sit- uation.” - This is certainly an admir- able attitude and a strong reason for his nomination. But when he adds, “if the treaty goes over to the Presi- dential election (with any reserva- tions necessary to clarify the world’s mind that there can be no infringe- ment of the safeguards provided by our constitution and our nation-old traditions), then I must vote for the party that stands for the League,” he is confusing. Senator Lodge might easily inter- pret that statement of the question as an endorsement of his meaningless reservations. He declares that his only purpose is to safeguard the con- stitution and preserve the nation-old traditions. It is admitted by every- body enjoying the power of reasoning that the covenant of the League is in itself security against infractions of the constitution and violation of tra- ditions. But Lodge protests the con- trary and vents his personal animosi- ty against the President under the false pretense that he is preventing infringements of the constitution and our nation-old traditions. Reed and Borah might even claim Hoover's statement as an approval of their at- titude. They also pretend that they are conserving the constitution and traditions. If Mr. Hoover had been as frank as he is worthy of public favor in other respects he would have declared une- quivocally that because the Yemocrat- ic party, with practical unanimity, favors the League of Nations on the substantial and just basis agreed up- on by the Versailles conference he will support that party, everybody would have understood. He certainly knows that the Republican party is opposed to the League and that while Borah gives one reason for his opposition and Lodge another, they are working to the same end, the. defeat of the covenant and. the restoration of the status before the war. That is what the war material makers of New Eng- land want and what the munition makers all over the country desire and the Republican machine is their agent in the matter. — Judge Bonniwell has the stay- ing qualities and the fight he is now organizing may result in a vast im- provement of the Democratic organi- zation. And by the same token there is plenty of room for improvement. Congress and the President. That a vast majority of Democrats in Congress should dissent from the views of the President upon an im- portant question of political policy is to be regretted. The President is the official head of the party and a gen- tleman of such mature judgment and intelligent undertaking, that his opin- ions are entitled to the highest re- spect. But the action of the Demo- cratic Congressional caucus on the question of universal military train- ing, the other day, reveals a very decided difference between President Wilson and the representatives of his party in Congress. It is an honest and friendly difference, however, and was expressed without the least sign of asperity. The Democratic party has always been opposed to militarism and the action of the representatives of the party in Congress is in accord with party traditions. Conditions have changed, it is true, and recent events ! have shown the peril of unprepared- ness. But present conditions make considerations of economy of infinite | importance and plunging into enter- : prises that necessarily entail vast ex- " | penditures is of doubtful expediency. committee and twelve (12) Delegates- | at-Large and twelve (12) Alternate Estimates as to the cost of the pro- posed system of military training dif- fer widely, but even the most conserv- ative figures are staggering in their proportions. Besides experience has proved that Americans readily adapt themselves to military requirements and need little training to make effi- ciency. We deeply regret that such differ- ences have been developed for the reason that we have the most pro- found faith in the wisdom and patriot- ism of President Wilson. But after all such expressions of independence in thought and action on the part of the representatives of the party in Congress are not altogether bad. True Democrats are amenable to no master except conscience and in ex- pressing, in a friendly way, a differ- ence of opinion, they merely assert a fundamental right in .a manly man- ner. It indicates no quarrel with the President and implies no lack of con- fidence in his integrity or patriotism. But it shows a spirit' of independence | ———Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Melodramatic but Not Impressive. The German Crown Prince’s offer of himself as a vicarious sacrifice for the eight or nine hundred civil and military officials accused of war crimes is somewhat melodramatic but i hardly impressive. The Crown Prince ‘was a rather popular figure in mili- tary circles at Berlin before the war and such generous offers of “supreme service” are likely to go a considera- ble way toward restoring his popu- larity. Some of the accused are ‘-‘in bad” and if brought to trial might have difficulty in exculpating them- selves from charges that would lie against them Of course they would be grateful if relieved from such dan- gers. But the Crown Prince knows that there is no possible chance of his of- fer being accepted. In this period of ! civilization one man cannot be pun- ished for the crimes of another, how- ever willing he may be to make the sacrifice. “Crime is personal,” as ! Governor Harmon, of Ohio, once in- formed the late President Roosevelt, | and it is no small offence to punish a | man, even with his own consent, for | a crime he didn’t commit. If thereis i to be any punishment for the crimes "alleged against the leaders of the German government, civil and mili- tary, those who committed the crimes must be punished in their own per- sons. The hazard which the Crown Prince ~ assumed in his liberal offer, is min- ! imized, moreover, by the fact that it is ‘doubtful if any of the persons | named in the accusations will be brought to punishment. It is a tol- erably well established principle of | jurisprudence that an offence must be a crime when it is committed in order to mzke the perpetrator amenable to the law. The offences of which the German officials are accused were not in the criminal calendar until after { they were committed and to put the lives of those accused in jeopardy un- der such conditions would be abhor- rent to American ideas of justice. | Bargaining is Inconsistent. President Wilson expressed the true sentiment of the American people ina fetter to Senator Hitchcock when he said “it is not consistent for us to try to drive a bargain and get in the League of Nations on better terms than other nations do.” We had no selfish purpose in going into the war. The declaration of the President up- on the signing of the armistice that we should ask neither for reparation nor indemnities, was universally com- mended by the people. Then why should we try to exact advantages ‘now? What change has come over the country that justifies this differ- "ent attitude? It is not consistent . with our practices or traditions. After the Boxer war in China the President of the United States on be- half of the people declined to partic- ipate in the division of reparations. The indemnities awarded to the Unit- ed States were promptly returned | and every right-thinking man and woman in the country cordially ap- proved the action. rines and ships to China, not to col- lect spoils but to benefit humanity. We entered the recent war with | We pub- | equally unselfish motives. licly declared that we had no inten- tion of making gain or deriving bene- fit. At the time of the Boxer war we had a. Republican President and the Democrats acquiesced. This time we have a Democratic President and the Republicans protest. Who in this country authorized Senator Lodge to set up a huckster stall to drive bargains with our enc- mies or our allies in the war? It is not the custom of this country. It is not supported by tradition. It is not authorized by good morals or even encouraged by good business princi- ples. But Senator Lodge hates Pres- ident Wilson and it is the only expe- dient he can summon to fight the President. We stand before the world as a nation of hucksters be- cause Senator Lodge is fighting Pres- ident Wilson and the shame is upon the whole people. Almost two months of the cal- endar winter is now behind us. Old Sol is slowly creeping higher and higher and it won’t be very long now until the buttercup and dandelions will be pokin’ their noses through the ground; but in the meanwhile don’t let the supply in the coal bin get too low. —The easier a dollar is to get the less valuable it becomes and this, more than any other factor, is responsible for the unrest we are experiencing in this country today. ——Let us hope that the ground hog will be smothered in a snow drift before the winter is over. — Meantime General Wood is wondering why people can’t take him for a war hero. — Speaking of old fashions we are here to protest against winters of that variety. : | negation of the agreement. iit be better to ratify with the Lodge reservations than not at all? We sent our ma- The President and Article X. From the Philadelphia Record. Article X is the work of the Presi- dent; it is a proper article; it is not | capable of being used to the detriment of Ireland or the Philippines, and it is hardly possible to start a League of Nations without some assurance that the status quo is not going to be dis- turbed. Article X does not give the Council of the League authority to use the army and navy of the United States. It involves a promise to re- spect and guarantee the existing ter- ritorial integrity and political inde- pendence of the members of the League against external aggression. It also provides that the Council shall advise the members what measures they ought to take to make their guarantee effective; but it does not pledge the United States or Great Britain or France or Italy or Japan | to do everything that the Council may i advise. The other nations are just as | jealous of their sovereignty as ours | ean be. | The opponents of the treaty talk as | though our associates in the war did | not care anything about their sover- eignty. They are no more willing to | give it up than we are, but if it would | make it easier for any Senators to support the treaty, the right to act in- ; dependently of the advice of the Coun- . cil might be explicitly reserved. Senator Hitchcock finds that the at- 'titude of the President regarding Ar- | ticle X is unchanged. Nothing has | happened that should change it. Itis a proper article, and its merits are {not affected by Lord Grey’s letter. "All that letter did was to assure the | Ambassador’s countrymen that the | opposition to the peace treaty was in- | telligible and deserving of respectful | treatment, and that in the Ambassa- | dor’s opinion it would be better to | have America come into the League with reservations than not at all. The President and the Democratic Sena- tors are justified in doing all that they can to secure the ratification of the treaty without reservations. The Re- , publican Senators did not venture to adopt amendments to the treaty, which was the proper thing to do if they were not satisfied with it. They rejected the amendments, but adopt- ed the reservations because they did not dare face the country after - amending the treaty; but there is an ambiguity about reservations which seemed to them to offer a chance to gratify their partisan opposition to the President ¥ American peopl he ‘¢ondemnation of American people. It is not known whether the Presi- dent would accept the ratification of the treaty with the Lodge reserva- tions. If the reservations should amount to a nullification of the treaty there is reason to think that the Pres- ident might drop the treaty, but this is conjecture. We have assurances that the President would accept res- ' ervations which did not amount to a Would The : President and the public have no oc- casion for deciding that until the Sen- ate has acted. If England and France would accept our reservations rather than have us outside of the League, it does not decide the duty of the President or the Senators or the American people. Making the Elephant Behave. From the New York Evening Post. Nobody has his eye more anxiously fixed upon November than Will H. Hays, and nobody knows this better than Senator Lodge. When, there- fore, the Republican chairman, after vain resort to his favorite instrument, the long-distance telephone, hastens to Washington with the laconic mes- sage, “Ratify the treaty!” members of his party who have been talking jauntily about turning the Presiden- tial election into a referendum are likely to see a great light. Even a common sense view, when taken by a man in Mr. Hays’ position, may im- press the politicians as not being al- together unreasonable. The Republi- can chairman is not thinking of the | treaty alone. He is prepared to point | out the need of a good legislative rec- | ord in ample time for the Republican : National convention in June. Mr. | Hays has often explained that his | part in the coming campaign was a humble one—not to select, but merely | to elect the Republican nominee. How | could he foresee that he would have | to assume the more ambitious role of | keeping the Elephant from stepping on its own feet? Gompers’ Medicine—Work. | From the Easton Argus. | Sam Gompers, leader of the Ameri- | can labor, recently hustled past his ! seventieth birthday, hale and hearty, | “feeling like forty,” he said. And he confessed that his life “has | been most irregular. I cannot re- | member a time when I had to have | my meals at a certain hour or set | aside an hour to sleep. I ate when I ‘could and slept when I could. The | only influence that governed my meals i and sleeping was my work.” { © Therein must lie the secret of Sam { Gompers’ life, the man of seventy who | feels like forty, and who has worked | hard since he first went to a cigar- | maker’s shop when a mere boy. | “I believe,” he continues, “that | work is the greatest medicine known to man. It keeps us young in years. It is an invigorator and an incentive to greater things.” : . Sam Gompers knows what he is talking about, for he has been. taking his own medicine—work—over half a century. other species of small game. | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —For keeping an injured horse in an improvised swing three months without the services of a vterinarian Keller Fickes, | of Shepardstown, was fined $10. —A farm was sold recently in Erie county and when search of the title was made it was found that it was owned once by Horace Greeley, the great abolitionist and founder of the New York Tribune. —The 8-year-old son of Elwood Hawn, of Warrior Ridge, was instantly killed on Friday night of last week, when he was caught beneath the wreckage of a barn which collapsed beneath the heavy weight of snow. When he was dug out it was found that he had sustained a broken neck. —Lockport, across the river from Lock Haven, is to have a new industry, the Lockport Manufacturing company, capital- ized at $40,000 for the manufacture of un- derwear. The plant will be housed in the old Smith hotel property and will give em- ployment to between fifty and one hundred persons. —A. C. Helfrick was released from the Mifflin county jail last week on an order from Judge Charles W. Witmer, of the central district United States court, com- muting his sentence from nine to two months. - Helfrick was a former cashier of the Belleville National bank, and was con- victed of embezzling funds of the bank. —No statement of the kill of the various kinds of game by counties will be issued by the Game Commission for last year. Secretary Gordon takes the position that if the figures were given by counties those which appeared to afford the greatest sport would have a rush of hunters and the an- imals and birds might be killed off too quickly. —The stockholders of the Reading Brew- ing company were surprised at the annu- al meeting when every holder of shares in the concern was presented with ten cases of the company’s old brand of beer, brew- ed before the 2.75 per cent. law of Ju- ly 1st became effective. More than three hundred stockholders were thus remem- bered by the management. —The dates for the electrocution of six Allegheny county murderers have been fix- ed by Governor Sproul, this being the largest number of persons from one coun- ty to figure in such a list. The times are: Week of March 15, Buck Dunmore and Benny Rowland; week of March 22, Wil- liam Russell and Edward Brown; March 29, Dan Dolishr and Frank Green. —William Weiss, of Germansville, Le- high county, shot a wild cat near his home which weighd fifty pounds. His dog tracked the animal to its lair in a cave. Weiss locked the entrance, then with two friends, he dynamited away part of the rock over it, and shot the animal. He collected a bounty of $10 from game war- den James D. Geary, at Slatington, who said that this was the first wild cat shot in Lehigh county in forty years. -—Although his wife shaved him, cut his hair, polished his shoes and worked in the harvest field, John Miller, of Deibler’s Station, deserted her, according to her tes- timony before Judge Cummings in the Northumberland county court last week. Miller did not deny her charges, but said she did ‘not cook his meals. This she re- pudiated by saying he never missed a hot meal when she was physically able. Court directed that he pay her $75 monthly. —Two of Union county’s nonagenarians died last ‘Friday night and a peculiar co- ‘|'incidence is; the faet that neither of the aged veterans had ever been sick a day in their lives, their deaths being due to age. Frederick Althof, 92 years old, died at Millmont, while Jacob Zimmerman, 92 years old, died at Mifflinburg. Mr. Zim- merman had been a temperance advocate all his life, and finally saw the complete fruition of his hopes. He is survived by a son, A. J. Zimmerman, editor of the State College Times. —Bucknell University will ask for $500,- 000 for building purposes in addition to the $1,000,000 endowment fund which is to be raised in April. The board of trustees decided upon the half million dollar im- provement fund at a recent meeting. An engineering building is one of the needs which it is planned to meet. The mechan- ical department of the college is over- crowded and remedial measures are need- ed. It is hoped to have one wing of the building ready for occupancy at the open- ing of the fall term. —Joseph Jacobs, pumping engineer at the track tanks in the heart of the Lewis- town Narrows, found an eight-inch cop- perhead snake on the tracks in front of the pumping station on Friday afternoon, and put the little fellow in a bottle. He set it in a warm place and now the snake is as lively as though it were August. The ground in the vicinity of the pumping sta- tion is heated by steam to prevent the water in the track tanks from freezing, which is probably the reason his snake- ship was found abroad at this season of the year. : —The Northumberland county jail at Sunbury, built to accommodate one hun- dred prisoners, and now housing from 12 to 16 offenders at one time, will hereafter entertain “long term’ prisoners, in order that it may profitably be kept in opera- tion. Judge Cummings has changed the sentence of Lewis M. Skielskie, of Mt. Car- mel, calling for from five to eight years imprisonment, so that he will serve his time in the county prison instead of the eastern penitentiary, and it is believed that in the future the prison will be util- ized whenever possible for such cases. —The records of game killed in Penn- sylvania last fall, according to the Stale Game Commission, show there were 2,913 deer killed, 472 black bear, 3,000,000 rab- bits, 5,180 wild turkeys, 287,000 pounds of ruffed grouse, 15,687 ring-necked pheas- ants; 46,000 quail in addition to dozens of All told 3,- 600 tons of game were killed in the State. The number of hunters in Pennsylvania in 1919 was 400,000 and in 1917, the best previous year, there were 315,000 resident licenses granted, so last year there were 85,000 more resident hunters in the State. —Miss Nellie Reed, of Clearfield, who has been employed at Akron, Ohio, for some time, returned home recently to ar- range for her wedding with A. C. Hudson, formerly of Three Springs, Huntingdon county, whom she met while at Akron. The wedding was to have taken place February 4th, but a few days before, while arranging to leave - Akron for Clearfield for the wedding, Hudson was taken ser- jously sick, requiring an operation. ‘While arranging to hasten to the bedside of her husband-to-be, Miss Reed received a sec- ond telegram announcing his death. The body was . taken to Three Springs, and Miss- Reed, accompanied by her father, cn the day and the hour set for her marriage, ‘attended the funeral of her husband-to-be.