Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 06, 1920, Image 6

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    "Bellefonte, Pa., February 6, 1920.
Englishman Believes He Has Discov-
&é@ed the Site of Edward the Con-
fessor’s Palace.
gn Windsor's great park the discev-
ery has been made of what appears to
®e the site of Edward the Confessors’
palace. The discoverer, Capt. Vaughan
“Willlams, had his attention drawn to
two moats where rabbits had been bur-
cowing, and here he unearthed some
files like Norman bricks. He next
came upon flints, sandstone and tiles,
and he is continuing the searth. In
the days of Queen Victoria a tower
with walls 12 feet thick was pulled
down which was said by archeologists
to have been built by Edward the Con-
fessor. The secretary of the Berkshire |
Archeological society in connection
with Captain Williams’ find, states that
there was before the foundation of
Windsor castle a palace in Windsor
forest where many notable events hap-
pened. This palace had a tower as a
means of defense. In a Harleian MS.
an illumination occurs which repre-
sents a palace where a lady is seen giv-
ing alms and earning for herself the
title of “loaf-giver.”
Old Windsor belonged to the Saxon
kings, and Edward the Confessor cer-
tainly held court there. Edward being
prevented by his nobles from going to
Rome caused Westminster to be built
with the money which he would have
spent on his journey. He then gave
Old Windsor to the monks, but the gift
was revoked by Willlam the Con-
queror, who found Windsor convenient
for his hunts in the forests.
Dakar, in South Africa, Promises to
Develop into Something Like
Another Liverpool.
The city of Dakar in South Africa,
less than half a century ago in a really
primitive condition, with naked chil-
dren running around the streets and
mothers working with babies strapped
upon their backs, has suddenly come
into prominence as the prospective
“Fiverpool” of Africa. In the keen
competition that is expected between
America and Europe for trade in South
«Africa, Dakar, it is believed, will have
an important role to play.
The Trench are today making ex-
tensive improvements at Dakar. They
have spent much money in enlarging
the dry dock and making the harbor
deeper as well as increasing the facil-
ities for transterring cargo from boat
+e train. The Dakar of today is a
thriving town of about 25.000 people,
with wide well-laid-out streets, a large
techjpteal school, hospitals and work-
shops: There are, however, a great
majority of natives, being in fact, only
‘about. 3,500 Frenchmen.
These natives have been sald by
some to have formerly been the mas-
ters of the Mediterranean. They are
wonderful fighters and it was only
with great difficulty that in 1862, Gen.
Faidherbe, the French governor. was
able to overcome them. Thus he paved
the way for the founding of Dakar.
We may know a great deal more about
it later.
Navy's Great Airship Hangar.
" Phe navy is purchasing its first rigid
airship in England at a cost of $2,500. |
000. To house it a huge hangar is to
be erected at Lakehurst, N. J., which
will be 800 feet long, 265 feet wide,
and will have a clear inside height of |
174 feet, while the total height from
the ground to the peak of the roof will
be over 200 feat. The steel frame-
work will be over 6,000 tons. Two ele-
vators and several stairways will lead
to the roof.
sary for the maintenance of the air-
‘ships will be built a between the
great arched trusses that support the
roof. Three railroad tracks will run
the entire length of the building. The
hangar will be large enough to hold
one ship of 10,000,000 cubic feet ca-
pacity, and a smaller one at each side,
or two 5,000,000 cubic feet ships side
by side.—Scientific American.
Loggers Use Eiectricity.
A lumber company cutting timber
from one of the national forests has
installed over a mile of electric trans-
mission line through the woods to sup-
ply an electric logging engine with
power. It is planned ultimately to use
electricity for the entire camp. Cur-
rent is developed at the mill. ince
many forest fires start from logging
equipment and camps, the go >ranment
foresters regard the introduction of
electrical _quipment with much favor.
Portable Electric Grinder,
A portable electric grinder for the
machine shop, designed to be moved
over the work, has the motor of one-
eighth to oue-half horsepower placed
above the work out of the operator's
way. The spindle is bored with a five-
gixteenth-inch hole to receive an ad-
justable shaft for interior grinding,
and the use of interchangeable grind-
ing wheels adapts the little machine
to a wide range of work.
Practical Economy.
“Wife ever get an economical
“She does. Only this summer she
figured out she could save $8 in one
week by doing her own housework.”
“How did it work out?”
“She got a cook book, I got dys-
pepsia and the doctor got the $8."—
Boston Transcript.
The manor of '
The many shops neces- |
A Jolly Plan for the Fourteenth of
A week before St. Valentine’s day
the various boys and girls of our spe-
cial little crowd each received in the
morning mail an invitation (home-
made) in the shape of a lacy, old-
fashioned valentine, with the follow-
ing jingle written in a flourishy old-
time hand across the back, in bright
red ink:
If you'll be my Valentine
Come to Mary Smith's at nine;
There to shoot a match with me
In Cupid’s game of archery.
Down in one corner was added
“February Fourteenth.”
Mary had a knack of always
springing novel surprises on us, so
the evening found us all on her piazza
steps as the grandfather clock inside
was striking nine.
In the living-room the chairs had
been pushed out of the way against
the walls, to leave plenty of space for
the games that were to come. At one
end of the room a sheet was stretch-
ed across a double doorway, and on
| this was pinned a big target. In this
case, instead of the usual colored cir-
cles, there were five liearts, alternate-
|ly red and white, each heart about
| two inches smaller all around than
| the outer one, down to the wee red
heart lettered 100, in carefully gilded
| figures, which was the “gold.” The
i other hearts were numbered 10, 20,
1 80, and 50 respectively, beginning at
' the outer one and counting in.
A child’s bow and a quiver of ar-
rows were now produced by our hos-
| tess, and we were each given three
shots at the target from a stated dis- |
| metals
tance across the room. After this we
tried “stunt” shooting—first with one !
eye blindfolded, then with both (the
rest of the company being careful to
keep well behind the archer at this
‘ stage), and finally with the thumb
tied flat to the palm of the right hand
which was next to impossible from a
shooting standpoint, but awfully fun-
ny for the spectators to watch. The
man and girl having the highest
scores were crowned king and queen
of the evening with crepe paper hats
ornamented with gilt cord, arrows and
tiny cupids, and an amusing consola-
tion prize was given to the poorest
Then we were taken to visit Cupid’s
Well, where our fates for the coming
year could be ascertained. This was
in a softly lighted corner, behind a
screen, waiting for the proper mo-
ment of discovery to arrive. The
stones forming the well were made of
gray crepe paper and pasted on a
round hat box, with an artificial vine
of rambler roses climbing bravely up
to the well curb.
Reaching into the mysterious
depths of the well we found tiny card
envelopes, those for the men having
a golden arrow painted on them, while
the girls’ envelopes bore gay red
hearts. Inside each was a clever jin-
gle of prophecy for the year ahead.
Kach heart had a number on it which
corresponded to a number on one of
the arrows, and the man and girl
whose fates were thus matched at Cu-
pid’s Well were supper partners.
The supper table had an original
center decoration composed of hearts,
arrows, and asparagus fern, and there
were heart-and-arrow place cards, as
well. Ice cream was served in large
paper ice cups covered with frills of
white crepe paper tied in place with
silver ribbon and wee hearts. Last of
all, as a final touch, a little arrow
stood jauntily upright, with its point-
ed nose buried deep in strawberry ice
After supper bits of lace paper, col-
ored crepe paper and cardboard, with
crayons, scissors and glue, were set
out on small card tables, and a valen-
' tine-making contest was in order.
| Prizes were awarded to the man and
girl making the most professional and
artistic valentines, and a booby prize
for the most grotesque failure.
What is Happiness?
Life is like a child pursuing the
In the child’s hand is a peppermint
stick. Every little while the child
must stop and rest. With each rest it
nibbles at its candy and forgets the
rainbow for a little while.
The rainbow that men pursue is the
thing called Happiness.
It is ever elusive, it is never captur-
ed because like the rainbow it exists
only in the mind. The rainbow
changes its appearance and location
as the eyes changes its position—and
Happiness changes as the mind does.
What was looked forward to as the
greatest Happiness when we were
twenty would not attract us for a mo-
ment at forty.
What’s in a Name?
Teacher (to little boy)—What is
your name dear?
Little Boy—Jule, teacher.
Teacher—Don’t say “Jule;” you
should say “Julius.” Then to the
next boy: “And what is your name?”
Second Little Boy—Bilious, teach-
Four Story School Building Used En-
tirely for Americanization and
Vocational Studies.
The enrollment of the Ford Motor
company’s Americanization and Voca-
tionl school in Detroit has passed the
3,000 mark. There are four courses
available to the Ford men: The Eng-
lish course, trade school, service
course and toolmakers school. A four
story, thirty-room building is occu-
pied almost entirely by the education-
al activities of the Ford Motor com-
pany, which teaches English to its
foreign-born employees, which teach-
es its service men the proper method
of repairing the Ford car, that makes
toolmakers out of the workmen who
show their desire to advance and
takes boys under sixteen whose par-
ents can no longer send them to
school and gives them a combination
of general schooling and toolmaking
or other trade for which the boy
shows a liking. This latter part of
the school is known as the Henry
Ford Trade school and is regularly in-
corporated under the Michigan laws
as a private school.
On entering this school the boys
are granted an annual scholarship of
four hundred dollars which is paid
them in bi-monthly installments and
| helps to support them while learning
a trade. Provision is also made for
increasing this scholarship as the boys
progress and attain higher marks in
class room work and shop practice.
Besides the four general
are a number of special courses, for
foremen, for men whose work re-
quires their having a knowledge of
and a teacher’s training
school. All of the teachers in the
Ford school are Ford men—men who
| because of some especial fitness or
because of their ability coupled with
an understanding of the “Help the
Other Iellow,” spirit have been call-
ed to the work of teaching other Ford
men. In all there are seventy-five
teachers in the Ford school which is
more than the ordinary High school
It must not be inferred that those
men who are learning trades do all of
heir learning in the school. They do
not. Periodically so many times a
week they attend the classes to learn
the theory but the experience they
gain from actual work in the factory.
Practice and theory proceed together
and all of the time the students, be
they men or boys, are working on
actual parts for Ford machinery or
the Ford car, and they are being paid
the regular wage.
Adjoining the school yard is the
Ford athletic field, where there are
sixteen tennis courts, baseball fields,
a skating pond, football grounds, to-
gether with considerable gymnasion |
The Ford system of Americaniza-
tion has many times received the
commendations of prominent educa-
tors for its practicability and effect-
ive results. :
: Howard Krape, of Rebersburg, was
in town last Friday cleaning organs,
at which he is a master hand.
Mrs. Mary Beaver, after spending
some time with relatives near Spring
Mills, returned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corman, of
near Rebersburg, spent last Friday
with Mrs. Corman’s brother, T. C.
Mr. and Mrs, William Bressler and
children, of Spring Mills, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Krape,
and other relatives.
Mrs. George McCormick and two
children, of Potters Mills, spent sev-
eral days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Mingle.
Miss Lois Cunningham, who is one
of Centre county’s efficient teachers,
came down from Peru to spend Sun-
day at her home in town.
H. E. Crouse returned home from
Akron, Ohio, where he and his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Lee Hain, of Sunbury, at-
tended the funeral of his cousin, Dur-
bin Holloway.
Miss Lodie King has gone to Salo-
' na, where she will spend some time
i at the home of her uncle, Boyd King,
courses !
where she will look after the wants of
the family and care for her aunt, who
is ill.
Those who have been ill are all on
a fair way to recovery, with the ex-
ception of Mrs. James Holloway, who
at this writing is confined to bed, suf-
fering with a severe cold. Her friends
however, wish her a speedy recovery.
J. H. Crouse motored to Bellefonte
on Sunday where he met his brother,
H. E. Crouse, who came home from
Ohio. They had difficulty in crossing
the mountains owing to the condition
of the road. However, they arrived
home in safety.
Mrs. John Bowersox, of East Pros-
pect, Pa., spent from Tuesday -until
Saturday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Condo. Mrs Bowersox
came home on account of the ‘illness
of her mother, who at this writing is
slowly improving.
Miss Margaret Forster, of Buffalo,
N. Y., came last Friday and will re-
main for an indefinite time with ‘her
cousins, Mr. John Forster and sister,
Miss Mary. Miss Margaret Forster
will look after the hosehold affairs
and care for Miss Mary during her
Sonfinement to bed with her broken
per acre.
physical prop-
erties. High
standard char-
acteristics dis-
tinguish them
as Fertilizers
of Character.
Write for
request a copy
of our booklet.
Gettysburg, Pa.
Grow More
Bushels With
Less Man
Lower the cost of labor by increasing the yield
Now is the time to use GRO-ALL
Fertilizers of Character
Farm labor is high; getting higher, more scarce.
But the farmer's problems are daily being solved .
with GRO-ALL Fertilizers.
rich the soil; increase yields, increase profits. Fer-
tilize for larger yields if you desire prosperity.
The GRO-ALL Fertilizers are unsurpassed. They
have all that can be desired in both chemical and
They save labor, en-
Baltimore, Md.
Harrisonburg, Va.
Agents of character
wanted in all
unoccupied territory
rear wheels track.
Wide-tired wheels.
Chain-Driven Exclusively.
levers. The lightest, easiest running and most practical Spreader.
ta Just received a carload of Conklin Wagons. All sizes and for all purposes. 62-47
Ber like a wagon.
and rear axle.
Solid bottom bed with heavy cross pieces, and supported by full width of sides.
Axles coupled together with angle steel reach ; coupled short, dividing load between front
Axle not used as a bearing for gears to run
Positively not a worm or cog gear on the machine.
No moving parts on rear axle,
Front and
No clutch. Operated by only two
Dubbs’ Implement and Seed Store.
1 1
We Advise
that, you buy your
next. Spring or Win-
ter Suit, and Over-
It will mean a Big
Do You Have
a Bank Account?
If you don’t you are depriving yourself of
the advantages that the splendid banking in-
stitutions of Centre County offer you.
Any one of them will open an account
with you for what might appear to you as
only a trifling deposit, because bankers know
that small deposits often grow to become
large ones, as people discover what saving
means to them. There is a lot in that old song about
a little bit added to what yow’ve got makes a little bit
more. And when you put a little bit in the bank in-
variably you commence to get interested in seeing it
grow. gia!
The Centre County Bank
at Bellefonte will be glad to open an account
with you to prove how easy and beneficial to you it is
to save.
3-4 Ton for Light Hauling
Big Truck for Heavy Loads
“Greatest Distance for Least Cost”