Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 30, 1920, Image 7

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    Deuorvaticy atc
Bellefonte, Pa., January 30, 1920.
Annie W. Walker to Wm. H. Walk-
er, tract in State College; $20.
Mark Maguire to J. C. Mattern,
tract in Halfmoon township; $450.
C. Frederick Schad, et ux, to Edith
H. Schad, et al, tract in Bellefonte;
D. Z. Kline, Admr.,
tract in Bellefonte; $410.
Mary M. Hubler, et bar, to John C.
Rossman, tract in Centre Hall; $500.
Irvin B® Showers, et ux, to W. C.
Hubler, tract in Centre Hall; $500.
County Treasurer to R. P. Confer,
tract in Curtin township; $59.49.
Edward Gunter, et ux, to Thomas
James, tract in Philipsburg; $3400.
Roy R. Rowles, et ux, to Louis Ad-
elman, tract in Philipsburg; $3000.
Sadie C. Hile’s Admr., to Kate Par-
ker Hile, tract in Spring township;
Clarence W. Kifer, et ux, to Lloyd
C. Leister, tract in Potter township;
M. P. Crosthwaite’s heirs to Frank
A. Carson, tract in Potter township;
Robert Cook, et ux, to Harry H. Re-
gal, tract in Howard township; $4000.
Joseph F. Thal, Exr., to Cyril C.
Moerschbacher, tract in Bellefonte;
Charles G. Avery, et ux, to Central
Penn. Silk Co., tract in Philipsburg;
Matilda Myers, et bar, to Bessie E.
Hummell, tract in Philipsburg; $1500.
Elizabeth P. Dewey’s Admr., to
Franklin C. Grove, tract in Marion
township; $250.
John A. Armor, et ux, to Peter
Mangino, et al, tract in Bellefonte;
Wm. Wright Jr. to John S. Iddings,
tract in Union township; $400.
County Treasurer to Womelsdorff
and Dunkle, tract in Rush township;
Frank Rhykerd, et ux, to John W.
Bathgate, tract in College township;
John W. Bathgate to O. H. Bath-
gate, tract in College township; $150.
Lawrence A. Hile, et ux, to William
Allen Hoover, tract in Spring town-
ship; $1000.
J. W. Meyer to James Mulholland,
tract in College township; $1900.
Alice A. Straub’s heirs to Henry
Emel, tract in Spring township; $293.
John H. Miess to Carl Lucas, tract
in Rush township; $1.
Eve D. Bratton, et bar, to Ray A.
Bragonier, tract in Philipsburg;
“Catharine Reese to George D. Con-
rad, tract in Taylor township; $400.
Carroll ‘N. Smith, et ux, to Thomas
A. Reed, tract in Rush township;
C. T. Gerberich to James Morrison
Jr., tract in Bellefonte; $150.
Margaret Stine, et al, to Black
Bear Run Coal Co., tract in Rush
township; $1.
George G. Fink, treasurer, to John
Magee, tract in Liberty township;
John R. Thompson, et ux, to Ed-
ward T. Jamison, tract in Gregg
township; $100.
John A. Hunter, et ux, to Henry
Gates, tract in Worth township; $125.
Aaron Woodring, et ux, to Henry
Gates, tract in Worth township; $88.
William H. Blair, et ux, to Henry
Gates, tract in Worth township; $84.
John A. Armor, et ux, to Angelo
Genua, tract in Bellefonte; $1000.
Treasurer of Centre county to John
McGee, tract in Liberty township;
Treasurer of Centre county to John
McGee, tract in Liberty township;
Edwin C. Strohm to Eva May Mc-
Clellan, tract
Ray H. Smith, et ux, to Harry A.
Leitzell, tract in State College; $450.
S. David Slagle, et ux, to Henry P.
Vogel, tract in State College; $2200.
to M. Thal,
H. S. Taylor, et al, to Bertha C.
Toros tract in Boggs township;
Bertha C. Taylor, et bar, to Curtis
3 sane tract in Boggs township;
Harry Keller, et al, trustee, to H.
S. Taylor, et al, tract in Boggs town-
ship; $750.
W. R. Shope, et ux, to Nevin E.
Cole, tract in Bellefonte; $2800.
William B. Gates, et ux, et al, to
Hattie B. Gates, tract in Ferguson
township; $1.
We have gotten nowadays so
that we divide lies into white lies and
black lies, society lies, business lies,
and so on. The Word of God knows
no such letting down of standard. A
lie is a lie, no matter what are the
circumstances under which it is ut-
tered or by whom. I have heard that
in Siam they sew up the mouth of a
confirmed liar. I am afraid if that
was the custom in this land a good
many would suffer. There is a prov-
erb: “A lie has no legs.” It requires
other lies to support it. Tell one lie
and you are forced to tell others to
back it up.—D. L. Moody.
The Tea the Tibetans Like.
in Walker township;
Bayard Taylor's Description of Sensa-
tions Under the Influence of
Hashish Is a Classic.
! mse
the most classie of all intoxicants.
Herodotus, the “Father of History”
speaks of its use among the ancient
Hashish may be reckoned one of
drug referred to by Homer as “the
assuager of grief” in the house of
Menelaus. Bayard Taylor's account
of his sensations on first taking it at
Damascus is memorable. It put him
in a state of mental exaltation where-
in all sensations as they arose sug-
gested more or less coherent images
in a double form, one physical, the
other spiritual, and the latter reveal-
ing itself in a series of indescribably
brilliant metaphors. A few minutes
after taking the drug he found him-
self at the foot of the Great Pyramid.
A wish instantly transported him to
its summit, far above the palm groves
and wheat fields of Egypt. Then, look-
ing down, he observed that the pyra-
mid was not built of stone, but of gi-
gantic blocks of “plug” tobacco! For
a moment he writhed in a perfect par-
discovery. Then his senses were rav-
ished with delicious perfumes, and
there came to his ears divine melodies
might have dreamed. Time and space
seemed vastly extended, so that a min-
ute seemed an hour and an hour a
year, while his friends in the same
room with him seemed miles away, as
though he were viewing them through
a reversed telescope.
innumerable Instances Where Pros-
pectors Have Been Aided in Search
for Earth's Treasures.
A very large gold nugget is said to
have been found the other day in a
wild bee’s nest in Australia. The story
seems likely enough, for Australia has
yielded all the really monster nuggets
to date—the “Welcome” weighed
2,195 troy ounces and was valued at
$43,500—and one of the biggest was
discovered by a prospector who
stubbed his toe against a projeeting
angle of it.
On the Wind river Indian reserva-
tion, in Wyoming prospectors look for
grains of gold brought to the surface
of the ground by ants. And in Ari-
zona anthills are a common source
of excellent garnets which ard
fetched to the surface by the industri-
ous insects.
During the war we had grievous
need of antimony to harden shrapnel
bullets. The latter are of lead, but
require the addition of 15 per cent of
out experts to look for deposits of
this country was located by the help
of a badger, earth thrown out of the
creature’s burrow showing a glint of
the precious stuff.
TNT Wins Contest With Dynamite.
the Scientific American.
of concrete were removed per pound
used extensively in engineering work,
as it is less sensitive than dynamite,
but greater precautions must be taken
+0 ventilate after a shot, owing to the
which ie one of the principal preducts
of combustion.
More Than Master of Languages.
| Wilfred Stevens, one of the chief
translators of the state department
at Washington, speaks 83 langauges,
although he has never been outside
of the United States and has never
been to college. One of the lan-
guages is an invention of his own,
which he says is an improvement over
Esperanto. Among his list of lan-
guages are Chinese, Japanese, Persian,
Turkish, Armenian, Arabian, Bulga-
rian, Croatian, Russian, German,
Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian,
Yiddish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch,
Hungarian, Finnish, Ancient Greek,
Latin, Hebrew, Polish and Roumanian.
and Ufono, the latter his own idea.—
Detroit News.
| For Repairing Punctured Hulls.
The cement for repairing apertures
fn submerged ships of a Cardiff pat-
of crude rubber dissolved in naphtha,
three of rosin, two of white lead, nine
of coal pitch, and one-fourth part of
shellac. The heated mixture is used
for cementing metal surfaces and may
be applied to cloth to form an adhe-
sive patch.
able for paint.
Scythians, and it was doubtless the |
oxysm of laughter at this ludicrous |
and harmonies such as Beethoven !
antimony to enable them to hold |
their shape when the containing shell |
the government sent |
the metal, and the most productive |
antimony mine that we now have in |
A contest was recently staged be- |
tween 40 per cent dynamite and trini- |
trotoluene, and the latter won, says |
Two con- |
crete piers had to be blasted out and |
this gave an opportunity for a com- |
parative test of the two explosives, |
with the result that 14.9 cubic feet |
of TNT, and only 14.1 per pound of
TNT is no doubt destined to be !
large amount of carbon monoxide
He has also mastered three so-called !
universal languages—Esperanto, Ido |
entee consists of five parts by weight !
| Yank Bodies to be Brought to U. S. |ied in one of the national cemeteries,
possibly Arlington.
American soldiers dead outside of
France number 5,186. In France, 71,-
000 American dead are buried.
these 18,000 are outside the zone of the
army. These bodies will be returned
to this country when desired by their
relatives. Otherwise they will be con-
centrated in the American cemetery
at Suresnes, near Paris.
| Bodies of American soldiers dead
' outside of France will be returned to
: this country even though their rela-
| tives may wish them to remain on for-
! eign soil.
| In cases where relatives desire to
| care for the bodies they will be turn-
‘ed over to them after reaching this
country. Otherwise they will be bur-
Real cold-weather comfort
— economy as well!
A Perfection Oil Heater in your
home will mean real heating com-
fort because you can have the heat
just when and where you want it.
On cold days when the furnace
fire seems inadequate; in cold
rooms not warmed properly by
your ordinary heating; in the
mornings; late at night—at any
time and any place, your Perfection
is ready with instant heat at the
touch of a match.
Easily carried from room to
room, smokeless, odorless and
absolutely safe. You can’t turn
the wick too high.
In addition to its efficiency and
convenience a Perfection will save
you money. You can burn less
coal and actually have more heat.
See the differ-
ent models at
your dealer’s.
Rayo Lamps
You can de-
pend on Rayo
Lamps. Well HE best oil for
de - your Perfection
Tight,” Saey to They are hand Oil” Heater is At-
lantic Rayolight.
One gallon burns
for ten hours. Best
for Rayo Lamps
too. Costs no more
than ordinary
keep clean.
Their mellow
light saves the
some in design
but moderate in
Philadelphia Pittsburgh
Bellefonte Trust Company
Bellefonte, Pa.
Why You Should Make aWill
To protect your loved ones.
To safeguard your estate.
By making a Will you can appoint the Bellefonte Trust
Company as your Executor or Trustee.
You can thus assure to your heirs the business manage-
ment and financial responsibility which this institution affords.
Your wishes can be observed in the distribution of your
property, for if you do not leave a Will the law may divide up
your possessions in a way that you might not desire.
How Have You Made Your Will?
Do not write your own Will. ‘Home-made’ Wills are
dangerous and often cause law-suits, because, when drawing a
Will the law must be known, both as to wording and terms.
Consult a lawyer today about the making of your Will and have
him name the Bellefonte Trust Company to act as your Execu-
tor and Trustee.
J. L. Spangler,
65-3-tf President
C. T. Gerberich,
Vice President
N. E. Robb,
Aways in Stock
Electric Lamps
Bracelet Watches
A Thoroughly Equipped Store
The material may be |
| thinned with naphtha, when it is suit- |
EEE eA NEN a ae loa = tak
A Fine Home Investment =
6 per cent. Payable Twice a Year
Bellefonte iL
Silk Mill Bonds
Guaranteed by several millions in ad-
dition to the Home Plant
Good as Gold
Inquire of any Merchant or Bellefonte
Banker for particulars :
First come, first served
Do it, Now! i
Don’t, wait, until Too Late Ie
gl Denominations $500.00 each i
: Only $75,000 to be issued I
@8 This space donated by H. C. Yeager ga
Fr Ta EF
Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work.
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
After-Inventory White Sale
We are sole agent for the famous Dove Undermus-
lins. This means a guarantee of the latest styles, accurate fit,
high grade materials and best workmanship. Night Gowns,
Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemisc, Envelope Chemise and Com-
binations, at prices less than wholesale today. :
Dress Goods—One lot 36-in. Dress Goods, odds
and ends, all colors and plaids, value from $1 up. Special price 50c
Muslins—36-inch Muslins in bleached and un-
bleached, at less than wholesale price. Only 10 yards to a cus-
Union Table Damask—56-inch Union Table
Damask, worth $1.25 per yard wholesale ; sale price 85¢.
Georgette Waists—One lot that is slightly
soiled, light and dark colors, value up to $10; sale price $5.00
Reductions in Every Department
Winter Coats—45 Winter Coats for ladies and
misses, all sizes and colors including black ; three-quarter and
full length. Must be sold regardless of cost.
New Spring Dress Groods—1920, first show-
ing of new Dress Goods. Choice always sells first.
| Placing Blame Where it Belongs.
| “H'm, h’'m!” grumbled Farmer Horn- |
beak, gazing down the rows. “So that’s |
| Rummage Table—Big bargains, big savings.
the way you planted the corn, eh?
s All kinds of merchandise to suit everybody.
F. P. Blair & Son,
T.ooks like you were staggering full :
e .
of hard cider when you done it!” : ] welers and Optometrists
“Aw, them rows was straight whenl Bellefonte, Pa.
planted ’em,” doggedly replied the
hired man. “The hot sun has warped
lem: that's all.”—Kansas City Star.
The Tibetans are the greatest tea |
drinkers in the world, using about |
thirteen and one-half pounds per per- |
son annually. All day long they drink |
hot tea on their cold highlands, but!
not many Americans could get down a |
teaspoonful of what they call tea. It:
is a soup rather than a beverage made
by boiling tea leaves with rancid but-
ter and balls of dough, and then
straining it.—Kind Words.
64-22-tf 64-10
Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.