| 2 | FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. | their love fit ie Ba Sonking fog | Believe Woman Suffrage Doomed. ER ECE EE, ELEC i DALY TRO better organizations for the purpose | ; 00. Co oh Mol iL = GIVE THE BEST YOU HAVE. Sian the TE ove tans be ny firm in the belief that the suffrage oi] Ue : 3 dment will fail of adoption by gis i Bellefonte, Pa., January 30, 1920. | Give the world the best you have, twelve and over and the latter starts armen Ne option, or] > lo And the best will come back to you. with girls of ten. Dy 2 Sates, I rs, Mary La LL SCENES IN COAL FORESTS IN | Give love and love to your life will flow, The Girl Scouts also have an organ- | 10 relly prey don 9 & Ld = e Vise of] PRE-HISTORIC TIMES A strength in your utmost need; ization known as Brownies which o » Hi a : go oC iY ? 3 23 3 . Have faith, and a score of hearts will show looks after little girls from six to ten. ype Sepumeny i ar majo Yo HE Ic The coal beds “that furnish us with | Their faith 2 your vies and deed : Any , gg nore Ro ad Ny ys Uo 2] fuel were formed during an age when | 1'¢ a » and your gifts Will be paid In | B00 Looks al headquarters; Boy | thal woman suffrage has been reject- | Ug 2 Congitions os Yay And honor will honor meet; Seams, of Jai oo on avenue, | ed by popular vote in 22 States. Ic h t, b 1 And a smile that is sweet will surely find | an irl Scouts, 1 avenue, ———— il The Eps D2 he Sat: Tashns yor A smile that is just as sweet. New York. oo » About the ‘Month of Pebruary. iL t a you uy your Ic many incidental convulsions. The at- For spring it is is predicted that dyed The seout motte, “Be Prepared,” 1s It is said that February this { i year in | = ° ° LE mosphere was heavily charged with or spring P ved | a great incentive to boys and girls = 5 mapper vas heavily shareet Wi | aco hh nines ab | EC geoph, male he sli, fe 0 ei | next. Spring or Win- 0 t] A rma a develop strength of character, for we | 2 HhiDE WICH aS Ref BARRELS io : oi The sun was bigger and much hot- used 1o - | cannot have any weak links in the i LE ter then and temperatures all over the nations. chain. With an efficient captain in Yh Vil oo soma bia HG ter Suit, and Over- Fk world were higher than the torrid It is said that ihe long overblouse charge to hold aloft a high ideal of 20th, or last Gay o the Tanith are A= = zone at the present time. Most of this | js now at the height of its popularity, service there are no limits which the DE Sr theres the proto Te = country was covered with swamps. |and that by spring there will be com- Semis RY rick Siialn, dav f hog’s holiday besides a day when Bill Te coat, Ey All of these circumstances, of course, | paratively few of these blouses worn It will be a fortunate day for this | YB 2 ey hep club | LH] =i were wonderfully favorable to the de- | by the ultra-smart women. country when there are kindergartens | airman and his good fellowship club | go r velopment of plant life. y and scout troops in every city and vil- prey.” oi = What is now the State of Pennsyl- Advance information on spring | lage in the land. Cleaned Out. le on vania was an area corresponding typ- | suits is to the effect that an extensive wi 2 = 21 ically to this description. It was a |use of embroidery will prevail. This On the Wing. Judge—Have you anything to offer i Ls flat region, devoid of mountains. The | may be true of the dressy suit, but the Court before sentence is passed i 7 great range of the Appalachians had not yet been uplifted. Indeed, large parts of it are formed of carbonifer- ous beds folded into long ridges which must originally have been flat. The steaming, vaporous landscape, over which were scattered many shal- low ponds, offered everywhere to view an extraordinary luxuriance of vege- tation, consisting mainly of plant forms unfamiliar to us teday. Ex- tremely abundant were gigantic mosses resembling in kind our little club mosses, but vastly magnified, at- taining the size of forest trees with trunks sometimes 130 feet long and ten feet thick. These contributed more material than any other plant to the coal that was to be. In the muddy ground, forming im- mense luxuriance of vegetation, only to be re-submerged later on. Thus the coal today is found in a series of layers, with strata of rock (represent- ing the deposits of silt and sand) be- there is always need of the strictly tailored suit for general wear. Some lovely French blouses in draped effects are attractively trim- med with flowers and fancies original- ly created for millinery trimmings. The sleeve cape sleeve is seen everywhere, in both dinner and after- noon dresses, and in all manner of materials—silk, velvets and cloth predominating. An especially charming head dress | for a young woman to affect for even- | piece of maline, caught to the hair in a bandeau of tiny flowers. The ma- line piece is cut large enough to fall about the shoulders, veiling the face as well as the back of the head. Fluted ribbon as a brim facing is a millinery suggestion for spring used on a sailor shape with wide, rolling ing wear is developed with a circular Hub—That new cook is a bird. Wife—Yes, a bird of passage. | is going to leave tomorrow. | on you? She |! | yer took my last dollar. Prisoner—No, your honor; my law- =) [ ie] i ttn Contents 15 Fluid Draoius} eit AS ORI | : A ~ ad 5 ) For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria RE ST i SE 3 PER GENT. SRS ee EEL Now A ——————— ———————— It will mean a Big Saving tween. brim, the ribbon fluting being attach- Buried beneath water and rock (air | ed to the crown and extending out to J Ati Always ——————————— being excluded thereby), and subject- within an inch or more of the brim | Bain boen ood Bowels of ® L TE ————————— ed to pressure and heat, the woody | edge. 28 tingtheStomactsandBowlse d Bears the y material underwent a slow smother- Nd TST ed combustion, and was thus trans- Sharp wits will discover ways and Wr E formed into coal. What remained of it was mainly carbon. An average chunk of anthracite is about 95 per cent. carbon. Bituminous coal contains about 38 per cent. of volatile matter; whence its smokiness. In good anthracite there is only about 3 per cent. of such matter; it is for this reason an almost smokeless fuel. All of the Pennsyl- vania anthracite was originally bitu- . minous coal, but high heat and great pressure drove the volatile matter out of it. In the Pottsville region of Penn- sylvania the average total thickness of anthracite seams is 120 feet. This reprasents an original vegetable de- posit at least 1200 feet thick. One can imagine the enormous length of time that must have been required for the growth of so vast a quantity of woody material. Animal life in the carboniferous epoch was almost wholly aquatic. The waters teemed with creatures multitudinous. Insects swarmed everywhere. It was particularly the age of cockroaches. Huge reptiles crawled sluggishly over the wet sands of the seashore. As yet there were ne birds and no animals. Millions of years were to pass before the world would be ready for their advent. Simple Rat Pest Remedy. A resident of Williamsport sug- gests the following simple remedy for ridding premises of rats: “You gentlemen can clean out all the rats by using common fly paper, sticky side up, placed on runways or any old place where the rat or rats can get a foothold on the sticky pa- per. The paper never lets go. It is always looking for a place to catch hold of it, better than any rat trap. You can use it but once that is, when it catches a rat or mouse. It just rolls the rat or mouse up, then good- night rat or mouse. Watch the paper and see a circus when one gets a foot- hold on the paper. No patent on the article; any grocery store has it for sale. “If you do not believe that it will hold on get a piece of the paper and place your hand on it.” 211 Phone Calls for Each Person in the United States. Washington.—The Bureau of Cen- sus has compiled its report on the tel- ephonic enumeration of every five years, taken in 1917, and says the av- erage number of messages per year for every man, woman and child in the United States was 211. There were 53,234 separate telephone sys- © tems and lines operating 28,827,188 miles of wire, enough to girdle "the earth at the Equator 1,153 times. Nearly 22,000,000,000 messages were sent over these wires during the year. The industry gave employment to 262,628 persons, more than 65 per cent. of whom were women. The Bell telephone system controlled more than four-fifths of the wire mileage. Pershing Gives His | Flag to Wellesley College. General Pershing’s four starred flag of red with four white stars, to- gether with his war helmet and the personal battle pennon of the German Emperor, were presented to Wellesley College through the Azora Society and a receiving committee from each class. The Generals wife was a mem- ber of Azora and he is now an honor- ary member. The presentation was made by Countess de Tiedekerke, chairman of the Belgian Purple Cross, now visiting in this country. A Child’s a Prayer. “(ive us this day our daily bread” —4he little one paused— # and, Oh Lord, if it’s just as ’venient as not, make it gingerbread.” ——Most of our real difficulties come from trying to avoid what seems difficult.—East and West. means to overcome the apparently im- possible. One day last summer when hurrying with a large amount of sew- ing, and with no fire in the house, I found it essential to press a number of seams quickly, says one ingenious woman. I heated my largest sized curling iron over an alcohol lamp and rubbed it over the dampened seams as 1 would an iron. The result was en- tirely satisfactory, and I have since found it a specially good method for pressing velvet or velveteen seams, as it does not injure the pile. Now I keep a curling iron for pressing use only. Mrs. Evelyn S. "Trenbath, wife of Rev. Robert W. Trenbath, rector of St. James’ Episcopal church, Mont- clair, N. J., has conferred a "boon on sufferers from poison ivy by announc- ing as a remedy the green leaves of common catnip rubbed on the affected parts until the juice runs. This never fails, Mrs. Trenbath says, no matter how advanced the case may be, and is simple to use, especially in the case of children. As a child I learned a Latin quota- tion which has always stood by me and which I have had occasion to use with grown-ups as well as with chil- dren. The translation is this—“In es- sentials unity; in nonessentials, liber- ty; in all things, charity. » If all team-work could be carried on in the spirit of this wise counsel, think of the petty quarrels and big fueds that might be avoided! We mothers cannot begin too early to teach our children to “play fair” and to work together harmoniously; to emphasize the essential of life and not to quarrel about the nonessentials. In the kindergarten the children learn in a very practical and effective way, although they probably could not state it in so many words, that the chain is only as strong as the weak- est link. If Tommy is disobedient and pulls Sally’s hair, then the harmony of the circle is suddenly broken. The other children are quick to appreciate this and when the next one is called upon to select a partner for a game, you may be sure Tommy is not chos- en. Soon he begins to feel his exclu- sion, and it does not take him long to put cause and effect together. In the future he will think twice before pull- ing Sally’s hair! Treatment such as this proves far more effective than the kind usually administered by an older person. Most children are born with a keen sense of justice, and do not protest at having to suffer the just consequences of their wrong-doing, especially when meted out to them by a tribunal of their peers. This suggests that it is often a wise plan to keep hands off and let the boys and girls adjust their own differences. This helps to pro- mote a good team spirit. 1 Thereby Promoting Digest o Signature of Cheerfulness and Rest.Confas i ium, In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NCW YOPX CITY, l=2ni2ni=2n2n=2n= Nii aia el Ua IEolELUEUELELEUSUEUELELELUEUSL SUEUELUELUEUSEUEL Fauble’s 58-4 =n EL ELEUEEI ELE EL EI EL ELEUELELUEN eee Si Ho ed A anan=n=naen=n=aiai=2nan=n=2rian aM Ue Ue el Ba Ted Bend Best Bed Ue = S AVE AND SUCCEED Benjamin Franklin — whose picture appears above, was one of the great men of the earth. He constantly preached Thrift. He knew that civilization could not advance unless people saved and used their accumulated savings for new enterprises. Banks gather these savings and make them available for use. Will you not join the great army of the prudent and let us help you with a bank account ? We feel sure that we can help you in many ways. The First National Bank Bellefonte, Pa. When the children leave kindergar- ten it is most important to foster | A Do You Have a Bank Account’ If you don’t you are depriving yourself of the advantages that the splendid banking in- stitutions of Centre County offer you. Any one of them will open an account with you for what might appear to you as only a trifling deposit, because bankers know that small deposits often grow to become large ones, as people discover what saving means to them. There is a lot in that old song about a little bit added to what you’ve got makes a little bit more. And wher you put a little bit in the bank in- variably you commence to get interested in seeing it grow. The Centre County Bank at Bellefonte will be glad to open an account with you to prove how easy and beneficial to you it is to save. | | UILT like a wagon. B rer wheels track. and rear axle. Chain-Driven Exclusively. “A t@- Just received a carload of Conklin Wagons. Solid bottom ad with heavy cross pieces, Wide-tired wheels. Positively not a worm or cog gear on the machine. i The lightest, easiest running and most practical Spreader. Front and coupled short, dividing load between front Axle not used as a bearing for gears to run No clutch. Operated by only two Dubbs’ Implement and Seed Store. and supported by full width ot sides. Axles coupled together with angle steel reach ; No moving parts on rear axle. All sizes and for all purposes. 62-47 INNIS S SSIS PSPS PA INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS WILL DO ALL YOUR HAULING 3-4 Ton for Light Hauling Big Truck for Heavy Loads “Greatest Distance for Least Cost” AAAS GEORGE A. BEEZER, GT I Aerio PA. 61-30 DISTRIBUTOR.