E. L. MEREDITH NEW CABINET OFFICER. Jowan Succeeds David F. Houston, Who is Named Secretary of the Treasury. Washington, Jan. 27th.—David Franklin Houston, of St. Louis; who has been Secretary of Agriculture since the beginning of the Wilson ad- ministration, was given the Treasury portfolio today, and Edwin L. Mere- dith, of Des Moines, was named to succeed him as head of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Another cabinet change expected soon is the appointment of a Secreta- ry of the Interior, to succeed Frank- lin XK. Lane, who desires to retire to private life. Mr. Meredith is the editor of Suc- cessful Farming, president of the As- sociated Advertising Clubs of the World and a director of the Chicago Federal Reserve bank. In a statement today at Miami, Mr. Meredith said one of his first under- takings as head of the Agricultural Department would be to work out some method of getting crops to mar- ket “without too much loss of mo- tion.” Meantime, Mr. Houston will succeed Carter Glass, who will take his seat in the Senate to fill the unexpired term of the late Thomas S. Martin, of Virginia, after serving as Secretary of the Treasury for a little more than a year. When Secretary Lane passes out of the cabinet only four of the President’s original family will remain. Mr. Wil- son had two Secretaries of State—W. J. Bryan and Robert Lansing; two Secretaries of War—Lindley M. Gar- rison and Newton D. Baker; three At- torneys General—James Clark Mec- Reynolds, now an associate justice of Supreme Court; Thomas Watt Grego- ry and A. Mitchell Palmer; two Sec- retaries of Commerce—William C. Redfield and Joshua W. Alexander, and three Secretaries of the Treasury —William G. McAdoo, Carter Glass and David F. Houston. About the Month of February. It is said that February this year in addition to having two holidays, is distinguished for having five Sundays, a thing which has not happened be- fore for seven hundred years and which will not occur again for a like period of time. The first day and the 29th, or last day of the month are both Sundays. And there’s the ground hog’s holiday besides a day when Bill Fairman and his good fellowship club “prey.” — Subscribe for the “Watchman.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BARGAINS We offer at pre-war prices a lot of sash, mouldings, store drawers, doors with glass panels, outside shutters, inside blinds, machinery, circular saws, log chains, kitchen range, and a variety of useful things too numerous to name. Come, phone or write us. 65-4-4t P. B. CRIDER & SON. ATTRACTIVE HOME FOR SALE ATT — STATE COLLEGE, PA. Ten room house, consisting of 3 rooms on the third floor, 4 rooms and bath on the second floor, 3 rooms and reception hall on the first floor; with cellar the entire space of the house; 15 inch red brick walls; electric lighted throughout; hot air heat- ing system; cement floor cellar; toilet and sink, hot and cold water in cellar; three porches, two facing the college; slate roof; in good condition; adjacent to col- lege land; no commission er real estate dealers. Answer “Box Z,” Democratic Watchman, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-1-3t, e. o.w. — TRY THE Excelsior Brand Roller Flour Manufactured by the Curtin Milling Co., Curtin, Pa.| FOR SALE BY The R. S. Brouse Store and The John Meese Store 64-43~tf Bellefonte, Pa. BUY A Silk Mill Bond tor an investment. A 6 per cent. bond guaranteed by am- ple security. A $500 bond pays interest twice a year at rate of 6% Only $75,000 to be issued, hence You Must Act, Quickly if you wish to take advantage of this excellent investment. Subscribe with any merchant or bank in town, and Do it Now! IT WILL Help to Boost Bellefonte! First come, first served Get, Busy This space donated by The Scenic Theatre NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED.—Experienced girl for gen- eral housework. Good wages. Ap- ply to Mrs. CHARLES BEATTY, Wilson St., Bellefonte. 65-3-tf OR SALE.—A two-horse light bob sled, F with four seats—used for hack. Address, A. W. D. Boalsburg, Pa, Bell phone 21R4 65-4-tf DMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF REAL A ESTATE.—The undersigned, ad- ministrator c. t. a. of the estate of | Jane G. Brown, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, will offer for sale at the Court House, Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., the following real es- tate of deceased, located on east Howard street, Bellefonte, being that portion or tract of land conveyed by deed from John Kelley and Sarah, his wife, to Jane G. Brown, and recorded in Deed Book 2 page 115, bounded and described as follows: All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situate on East Howard street, bounded on the East by other land of Jane G. Brown and measuring thirty- eight (38) feet fronting on said Howard street, be the same more or less to an al- ley running by lands of the said Jane G. Brown a distance of two (200) feet South- ward to another alley, a distance of thir- ty-eight (38) feet more or less to another alley, thence Westward along said alley two hundred (200) feet to the place of be- ginning on Howard street. Containing twenty-eight (28) perches more or less. Terms made known on day of sale. L. Frank Mayes, Auctioneer. CHARLES M. McCURDY, Administrator, ec. t. a., James C. Furst, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-4-2 Attorney. t | 65-1-6t* miles west of Pine Grove Mills, on the state road. Apply to JOHN H. MILLER, 65-3-3t R. F. D. Penna Furnace, Pa. TENOGRAPHER WANTED.—A very good salary will be paid to the young lady with experience in stenography and book-keeping. Must be neat and accurate. Address reply to P. O. Box No. 92, Bellefonte, Pa. 64-4-2t EAL ESTATE WANTED.—We have ready purchasers for improved Bellefonte real estate, also farms in Centre county. Let us know what you have to offer. THE McVEY CO. 65-4-4t Bellefonte, Pa. XECUTRIX’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Rebecca Charles, late of Walker township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. MAGDALENA WEAVER Executrix, 65-2-6t Hublersburg, Pa. AP Raministra NOTICE.—Letters F*™% FOR RENT.—Two farms, four of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Mary Ann Grove, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the same are requested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against said es- tate must present them properly authen- ticated for settlement. THOMAS HAZEL, Administrator. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANANAAAAAAAAAANS Have You Bought One of Our 0-Quart Ice Cream Freezers? Guaranteed to Freeze Cream in 5 Minutes And the Price only $1.25 We Have Sold Eight Dozen in Eight Weeks The Potter-Hoy Hdw. Co. Buy a Silk Mill Bond A good, safe 6 per cent. investment 65-5-1y Galel’ Sale! Sale! Waists! Waists! Waists! We must, have room A Waist for Every Taste Stunning Georgettes Dressy Tailor-Mades Dainty Crepes and Voils Warm, comfy Flannelettes —every one a quality creation, at a reduction that will hold good for a short time only. Our Coat, Suit and Dress Sale is rolling merrily along. Every Purchase a Saving for our Spring Stock Schlow’s Quality Shop The Best for the Well-Dressed Borer PHONES 64-37 The World has Never Seen A PICTURE AS SENSATIONAL AS “Auction of Souls” —one that brought $10.00 per seat for a private showing. Now released for public exhibition at popular prices. It is the motion picture portrayal of the true story of a sole survivor of a half million Armenian girls, by Aurora Mardiganian herself an Armenian beauty, who escaped to America after two years of unspeakable experience and adven- ture in the hands of Kurdish Raiders, Slave Markets and Turkish Harems. Ravished Armenia is her own story, substantiated by facts from official re- ports of Allied investigators. in which she lives and acts again the horrors she went through. AVital and Thrilling Picture..Don’t Miss It Scenic Theatre, Bellefonte 2 Days---Mon. and Tues., Feb. 2 and 3 No Children Under 14 Years Admitted * Morning Shows, 10 o’clock Afternoon ** 930 Evening Shows, 6.80 and 8.30---Admission 30 Cents War Tax Extra } . . . Admission 25 Cents THE UNIVERSAL CAR Buy Now While Deliveries are Possible Buy your Ford car now while deliveries are possible. There is only a limited, specified number of Ford cars allotted to this territory. You will be wise to buy one now while we can get cars to deliver. A signed order with us is your protec- tion. Even our small allotment of Ford cars is not shipped us until we have bona- fide orders for them. This is because the demand for Ford cars all over the country is greater than the supply or production. So, don’t depend on spring de- livery. Only so many Ford cars will be shipped in to this territory; only so many will be able to get Ford cars. If you would be forehanded and plan ahead, you will have us deliver you a Ford car as soon as possible. Then you will have it to use whenever you want it. The Ford is an all year utility—in your home or business. Its serviceability, its ease of operation, its low cost of maintenance has made it such. It will serve you the year around. Spring and summer, autumn and winter, it is your servant; always ready to do your bidding. BEATTY MOTOR CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. Insist on Genuine Ford Parts