Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1920, Image 8

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Bruni fit
Bellefonte, Pa., January 23, 1920.
——On Wednesday night, January
28th, at 8:30 o'clock, the Bellefonte
army and navy basket ball team will
meet the Bellefonte High school five
on the armory floor and a scrappy
game it will be. You are expected to
be there.
——A meeting of farmers has been
called for the court house, Bellefonte,
on Wednesday afternoon of next week,
to consider the proposition of the
Western Maryland Milk company to
establish a pasteurizing plant at
——The training school for nurses
of the Bellefonte hospital, has now
four vacancies. Applicants must be
girls with a High school education
and over eighteen years of age. For
further information consult Miss E.
Eckert, superintendent of the hospital.
— Dr. R. M. Krebs and Mrs. J.
M. Williams are both housed up with
illness at their homes in Pine Grove
Mills this week. Mrs. Williams was
taken sick on Monday while getting
ready to go to Woodward to attend
the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Wolfe.
—_A little daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larimer, at the
Bellefonte hospital, on Sunday night.
This is their second child. Their first, |
Elizabeth, being about thirteen years
old. The baby has been named for
ity grandmother, Marietta Staples
~The main building of the Gen-
eral Refractories fire brick plant at
Flemington was totally destroyed by
fire son Saturday evening, entailing a
loss approximating $75,000, partially
covered by insurance. About seven-
ty-five men have been thrown out
of employment temporarily.
—While going down stairs Mon-
day morning, Mrs. Charles Penning-
ton fell, breaking two bones in her
left leg, near the ankle. Mrs. Pen-
nington was leading one child and
carrying another; leaving go of the
one she was leading she clung to the
baby, which was unhurt by the fall.
— Gordon Montgomery has given
up his course in the Pierce business
college, Philadelphia, and on Monday
went to work in the office of the
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply company
with a view of learning all about the
coal business so that eventually he
can take charge of the interest in the
business held by his father, the late
Joseph L. Montgomery.
~The regular meeting of the
Woman's dah will. be held in the
High school "building Monday,
‘ary 26th, at ow e Ta
following a short business session Dr.
Tanger, of the history department of
State College, will address the women
on American Dependencies and Terri-
tories. It is hoped that all the mem-
bess “of the club will be present and
that they will take with them a friend.
—A “regular meeting of the Cen-
tre county Pomona Grange will be
held. at Spring Mills, Thursday, Jan-
uary 29th, 1920. There will be the
usual two sessions, opening at 10 a.
m. and 1:30 p. m., respectively, with
the intervening time for lunch, which
will be served in the hall. All pa-
trons are requested to take their lunch
boxes as usual. One of the items of
business is the installation of officers.
The dancing hall on the third
floor of the Bush Arcade, so popular
with the young folks on account of its
goad floor, has been thoroughly over-
hauled, a fine, new panelled ceiling
put on, repainted and made very at-
tractive looking. It will be re-opened
this (Friday) evening by Waring’s
orchestra, of Tyrone, to be followed
by a - dance next Friday, the 30th,
with music by the Lyric orchestra, of
Lock Haven.
———John Coakley and his family,
who. now occupy the Decker property
on Lamb street, have purchased the
Al. Heverley property on Beaver
street and will move to their new
homie in April. Mrs. Coakley’s fath-
er, Thomas Quick, is a member of the
Coakley family, having made his
home with his daughter for some
time. Mr. Heverley and his family
will move to the new home they have
bought on Logan street.
——One hundred dollars were real-
ized Tuesday by Miss Linn, chairman
of the Armenian Relief association,
from the illustrated lecture given by
Dr. Wirt, at the Lyric theatre. Dr.
Wirt, who is a very pleasing talker,
presented the condition of this sacri-
ficed nation in a manner that should
appeal to all classes of people. Sim-
ply and forcefully put, the story il-
lustrated by most beautiful pictures
of those eastern countries, gave to the
hearer an intimate knowledge of the
anguish of these people, without the
harrowing gruesomeness we have all
learned to associate with this stricken
——FEverybody who has been at-
tending the Scenic and Lyric lately
have been exceptionally well pleased
with the motion pictures shown at
both places. They have been unusu-
ally interesting and high-class in
every way. In fact, the motion pic-
ture that will attract the public these
days must be good, and film compa-
nies have come to realize that fact, so
that they are not content to put out
the mediocre stuff of years gone by
but énsist on nothing but the best.
And this is the kind shown at the
Scemic every evening in the week and
at the Lyric two and three nights a
week. Every night you stay away
you miss good pictures.
| rison
ay, Janu- |
p. m. Immediately!
State College Lodge No. 700 Consti-
tuted Wednesday Noon by State
Grand Master.
A new page was turned in the his-
tory of the Masonic fraternity in Cen-
tre county at moon on Wednesday
when a new lodge was organized at
State College with the official title of
State College Lodge No. 700. The
ceremonies incident thereto were held
in the I O. O. F. hall at the College
and were conducted by the right wor-
shipful grand master, John S. Sell, of
Greensburg, and his staff. The new
lodge starts off most auspiciously
with a list of fifty-five charter mem-
bers, natives of ten different States,
and the prospects are very good for
a rapid increase in membership. In
the neighborhood of one hundred vis-
iting Masons were present to see the
new lodge constituted and at the com-
pletion of the ceremonies a delicious
luncheon was served at the Universi-
ty club.
Accompanying the Grand Master
as part of his staff were grand senior
warden Samuel Goodyear, of Carlisle,
acting as right worshipful deputy
grand master; past master Dr.
Franks, of Huntingdon, acting grand
senior warden; past master William
Reiser, of New Kensington, acting
grand junior warden; John A. Perry,
of Philadelphia, grand secretary;
Thomas R. Patton, of Philadelphia,
grand treasurer, and Arthur Bacon,
of Harrisburg, grand marshall; Dis-
trict deputy grand master W. Har-
Walker, of Bellefonte, was
present and assisted in the ceremo-
nies, making the address for the
Grand Master. The new Lodge will
be included in the district over which
Mr. Walker, as district deputy, has
The officers of the new lodge duly
elected and as installed by the Grand
Master for the ensuing Masonic year
are as follows: Frank M. Torrence,
worshipful master; William G. Mur-
torff, senior warden; Frederick P.
Weaver, junior warden; George
Glenn, secretary; Ray D. Gilliland,
treasurer; Roy I. Webber, David F.
Kapp and George B. Jackson, trus-
tees; Harry B. Northrup, representa-
i tive to Grand Lodge; Harold B. Shat-
tuck, senior deacon; John I. Taylor,
junior deacon; Charles G. McBride,
senior master of ceremonies; Winfred
W. Braman, junior master of cere-
monies; Thomas I, Mairs, chaplain;
Harry J. Behrer, Pursuirant; W. Har-
rison Thompson, tyler.
The day’s ceremonies were very
impressive and were conducted most
successfully from start to finish.
The visitors included prominent Ma-
sons fr
nesday, time
numerous petitions for membership
will be received.
Superior Silica Brick Company Re-
: organized.
Stockholders of the Superior Silica
Brick company held a meeting at the
offices of the Eastern Refractories
company in this place last Saturday
and effected a complete reorganiza-
tion by electing the following officers:
President, Charles W. Albright, Al-
toona; vice president and general
manager, Ives L. Harvey, Bellefonte;
secretary, Rev. H. S. McClintock,
Philipsburg; treasurer, John S. Gin-
ter, Tyrone.
The new board of directors is com-
posed of the following: Charles W.
Albright, Fred J. Albright and H. A.
Hutchinson, Altoona; John S. Ginter
and William Fuoss, Tyrone; Rev. H.
S. McClintock, Philipsburg; Ellis L.
Orvis and Ives L. Harvey, Bellefonte;
J. Ellis Harvey, Orviston; Mr. Kelsey,
Flemington, and Mr. Morgan, of Phil-
adelphia, the latter also holding the
position of sales manager.
The plant of the company is locat-
ed at Port Matilda and has a capaci-
ty of 35,000 bricks a day. They em-
ploy sixty-eight men and at the pres-
ent time are running full time.
Just a little mystery surrounds the
burning to death of Miss Alice Heck-
man, at the home of her brother, Ad-
am T. Heckman, near Penn’s Cave, on
Monday. The woman was discovered
early in the forenoon with her cloth-
ing all in flames. Members of the
household succeeded in extinguishing
the fire but not before the woman was
burned so badly that she died the
same evening. Though suffering ter-
ribly she was conscious a part of the
time before she died but refused to
disclose how her clothing caught fire.
Miss Heckman was about fifty-
eight years old and is survived by
three brothers and one sister, namely:
Adam T. Heckman, with whom she
made her home; John, Daniel and
Mrs. Decker, of Spring Mills. The
funeral will be held today, burial to
be made in the Heckman cemetery.
His Greatest Honor.
In our notice of the death of the
late Joseph L. Montgomery last week
we failed to state that he was presi-
dent of the American Association of
Independent Match Manufacturers, a
union of all the leading independent
match factories in the country that
are not controlled by the Diamond
Match company. To Mr. Montgomery
probably more than any other one
man is due the credit of bringing the
independent concerns into co-opera-
tion under one general head, and this
his friends have always considered
his greatest achievement.
——A son was born recently to Mr.
and Mrs. Trood Parker, of Clearfield.
‘down to zero and below, makes for.a
Monday, just when all the almanacs :
—The first half year of college
; work at The Pennsylvania State Col-
' lege will be completed on January
31st, after a week of final examina-
tions scheduled to start next Satur-
| will receive diplomas on Monday, Feb-
ruary 2nd. This special “war class”
numbers 112 and is composed almost
entirely of men who dropped their col-
lege work to enter the service.
— Many valuable gifts have been
received during the past few months
by the school of engineering at The
Pennsylvania State College from man-
ufacturers of machinery. A large
amount of machine equipment was
lost a year ago when the main engi-
neering building was destroyed by
fire, and this is gradually being re-
placed by purchases and gifts. The
shops at the College are now the best
equipped of their kind in the State.
——Among the diversions already
planned for the near future in Belle-
fonte are a dance in the armory by
the American Legion Post on Febru-
ary 11th and a minstrel show for the
benefit of the Odd Fellows band, the
date of the latter not yet having been
definitely set, but it is hoped to ar-
range it for some time in February.
Some of the old-time minstrel men of
Bellefonte will be in charge, and for
this reason something real good may
be expected.
Local Institute.
The local institute of District No.
3, comprising the teachers of Belle-
fonte borough and of Spring, Benner
and Walker townships, will be held in
the auditorium of the Bellefonte High
school on Friday, January 30th. There
will be two sessions, in the afternoon
at 2:30 o’clock, and in the evening, at
8 o’clock.
Interesting program, including
demonstrations with real pupils, mu-
sic by the High school orchestra and
talks illustrated by the stereopticon,
have been arranged. All friends of
the schools are cordially invited.
Visiting teachers will be served
with supper under the management
of the household arts department of
the Bellefonte schools.
A Real, Old Fashioned Winter.
Of course the very old timers will
scoff at the kind of weather we have
had this winter and say it is nothing
to what they had when they were
. boys, but it is winter enough for the
present generation with coal from six
to twelve dollars a ton and all kinds
of eats soaring in the sky. Seven
weeks of it mow right in a stretch,
with the thermometer never above the
freezing point and a number of nights
“good winter. And then
had predicted a mild spell with thaw-
ing weather, came the deepest snow
of the season.
Saturday and Sunday’s high winds
drifted the country roads so that they
were totally blocked at many places
throughout the county. Scores of
men were at work on Saturday open-
ing up the main highways but Sun-
day’s wind closed them up again. On
Monday the state road between Belle-
fonte and Lock Haven was impassa-
ble in some places and the result was
the regular bus service was tempor-
arily suspended. Up in Ferguson
township all the roads were blocked
and what little traveling was done
was through fields. The same condi-
tion prevailed in other portions of the
county. In fact, it has been the real,
simon-pure winter weather, the kind
our grandfathers talked about, and it
can’t end too soon for us.
Chinese Boys to Study Milling at
Penn State.
Encircling the globe in his search
for an education that will aid in the
operation of flour mills in his native
country, Ying-Saing Hwa, of Wusih,
China, arrived at State College last
week to enter the course in milling
engineering at The Pennsylvania
State College, the only course of its
kind offered by a college or universi-
ty in the United States. He recently
left the University of Nanking, Chi-
na, where he was a junior in the ag-
ricultural school, and will be enrolled
in the junior class at Penn State with-
in a few days. Within the next month
he will be joined by his cousin, Yang
Lee, who was also a student at the
University of Nanking.
Upon the completion of their course
Atlantic and visit the grain centres
and milling districts of Europe. Up-
on their return home they will become
assistants to their uncle, T. K. Yung,
recognized as the “Mill King” of Chi-
na, who owns a series of thirteen
American-built mills in the Kaingsu
Province, near Shanghai. At least
two years will be spent in this coun-
try, and summer vacations from col-
lege will be occupied by working in
the plant of one of the largest manu-
facturers of industrial machinery in
the country, at Milwaukee, Wis. By
the time they return to China. they
aim to know American methods of
milling throughout, and their travel
through America and Europe will aid
them in taking the latest approved
methods of the industry back to Chi-
At Penn State the Chinese students
will be instructed in the design of
flour mills, the operation of milling
machinery, the grading and identifi-
cation of grains, the analysis of flours,
and will even make and bake bread to
show the difference produced by var-
ious grades of flour, all under the di-
rection of B. W. Dedrick, instructor in
the milling course.
day. The largest mid-year gradua-.
| tion class in the history of the college |
at State, the two boys will cross the |
The Feast of the Red Corn.
i “The Feast of the Red Corn,” a very
| fascinating play, will be staged in
| Garman’s opera house, Bellefonte,
i next Thursday evening, January 29th,
by a bevy of Bellefonte young ladies.
The curtain will rise at 8:30 o’clock.
Weeda Wanta, Queen
cf the Wanta Tribe
Impee Light, her
younger sister..........
Pudgee, Pudgee, Wudgee.....
three children of
the Queen
Old Squaw, sorceress
of the Tribe......cve.ecvnee..
Chorus and Dances
Mary Parker
Jean Brandman
Mary Kline
A hollow in a glen.
Evening before, and morning of,
Feast of the Red Corn.”
The maidens of the Wanta tribe of
Indians once every year repair to a se-
cluded spot to celebrate “The Feast of
the Red Corn.”
The one who in the feast finds the
first red ear of corn expresses her
dearest wish to the sorceress (an old
squaw of the tribe), who calls upon
the gods of the Four Winds to give a
sign that the wish will be granted.
This year the Queen Weeda Wanta
joins the maidens, hoping to get the
red ear because of her great desire to
know of the welfare of the King. The
scene opens with the entrance of the
maidens into the glen where the feast
shall take place.
The old squaw tells the maidens
that the Four Winds have whispered
to her that there will be no wish
granted this year because some one
has committed a grievous offense.
Impee Light, the younger sister of
the Queen, is suspected of being the
culprit and is threatened with burn-
ing at the stake.
The terrible mischief that Impee
Light did was to have the three chil-
dren play a joke by standing in shal-
low water under the canoe after it
was upside down. She put them
where it was not deep and they all
tipped over the canoe and went under
it, so their heads were out of the wa-
ter. As this was only a joke the
Queen insists seriously that Impee
Light has really saved the lives of the
little ones and on this account, the
Four Winds must be appeased and
surely will hearken to the maidens.
The old squaw undertakes to invoke
the Winds again and this time with
The feast is celebrated, the Queen
finds the red ear, and in answer to her
expressed wish she sees a vision of
her King, who is alive and well and
on his journey home.
Proceeds for the Armenian relief,
under the direction of the Patriotic
League and the Women’s club.
* Admission, 35, 50 and 75 cents. Let
everybody attend.
Ratrick McArdle Court of St.
Sunday was a big day for the ladies
of St. John’s Catholic church, as it
marked the organization and institu-
tion of the Patrick McArdle Court of
St. Isabella, a co-organization of the
Knights of Columbus. About seven-
ty-five delegates of the order were
present from Lock Haven, Kane and
Renovo to assist in instituting the
new court. Included in the visitors
were the state regent, Miss Francis
Maher, of Kane; Mrs. George McNer-
ney, grand regent of the Lock Haven
court, and Miss McGuire, grand re-
gent of the Renovo court.
At the morning services at the
Catholic church Father Downes took
occasion to explain the purposes of
the organization and the great good it
can do in any community. The Court
was instituted in the hall of the
Knights of Columbus, in the Rey-
nolds building, with an all day pro-
gram. Music was furnished by the
church choir from Lock Haven. AY
six o’clock a banquet was served in
the hall by the Bellefonte ladies.
The new Court starts out with a list
of seventy-three members and the
following officers:
Mrs. Odillie A. Mott; vice grand re-
gent, Miss Anna McLaughlin; proph-
etess, Miss Mary Woods; historian,
Miss Agnes Shields; financial secreta-
ry, Miss Catharine McGowan; treas-
urer, Miss Elizabeth Cooney; Moni-
tor, Miss Marie Doll; sentinel, Miss
Helen Beezer; musician, Miss Helen
Robb; chaplain, Father Downes; trus-
tees, Mrs. Harry J. Jackson, Mrs. Ja-
cob Gross, Mrs. Thomas Shaughnes-
sey, Mrs. Philip Beezer, Mrs. Allen
Waite and Mrs. Jack Robinson.
Herman Beightol Electrocuted in
Coal Mine.
| tor in mine No. 26 of the Lehigh Val-
{ley Coal company in the Snow Shoe
| region, was electrocuted on Tuesday
| afternoon by coming in contact with
one of the high power transmission
wires that conveyed the current to the
motor. Beightol was killed outright.
Fellow workmen who saw the acci-
dent stopped the motor and released
the dead body from contact with the
The unfortunate young man was a
son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Beightol and
was born twenty-six years ago. He
had been employed in the mines the
past eight years and was a careful
and conscientious workman who stood
high in the estimation of his employ-
ers. An unusually sad feature of Mr.
Beightol’s untimely death is the fact
that he was married last Saturday to
Miss Katie Watson, of Snow Shoe,
and the bride of three days is now a
widow. He also leaves his parents
and two brothers, Jacob and William.
Burial will be made in the Askey
cemetery today (Friday).
——Mrs. Robert Rosenhoover has
ter street, during the week.
Grand regent,
Herman Beightol, a motor opera- |
{ week in Philadelphia and New York, hav-
Rachael Shuey | ing left Bellefonte Saturday.
Sallie Fitzgerald |
Flizabeth Eckenroth |
{ Point, Long Island, where she will
been critically ill at her home on Wa-
ae |
—Miss Mittie Lucas, of Howard, is vis-
iting in Bellefonte, a guest of Mrs. John
—Miss Miriam Smith has been visiting
with friends in Pittsburgh this week, hav-
ing gone out Saturday.
—Arthur Beezer has been spending the
—Charles W. Heilhecker, local manager
of the Bell Telephone, attended a meeting
of the company in Harrisburg, Monday.
—Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Olmstead are en-
tertaining Mrs. Olmstead’s sister, Mrs.
Herbert Cobb, and her son Jack, of
—Claire B. Williams, of Bayonne, N. J.,
spent Tuesday here with his mother, Mrs.
George Williams, coming up Monday night
and returning to New York Tuesday night.
—James H. Potter, his daughter, Miss
Janet, of Philipsburg, and Mrs. Sidney
Keefer, went to Pittsburgh Tuesday to do
some buying for the Potter-Hoy Hard-
ware store.
—J. S. McCargar went out to Pittsburgh
on Wednesday to attend a meeting of the
board of directors of the Edward A.
Woods agency of the Equitable Life As-
surance society.
—Miss Alice Case, of Williamsport, is
here with her niece, Miss Fitzgerald, hav-
ing come to Bellefonte the early part of |
the week, on account of the serious illness |
of Mr. Fitzgerald.
—Mrs. Jack Decker went to Reading the
latter part of last week, to spend a few
days with Mr. Decker before he returns to
Bellefonte. Mr. Decker was east looking
after some business.
—Mrs. T. H. Hahne, of Tyrone spent a
part of last week in Bellefonte, as a guest
of Harry Walkey, at his home on Bishop
street. Mrs. Hahne and Mrs. Walkey were
friends from girlhood.
—Miss Sara Wood Crary stopped in
Bellefonte Wednesday for a short visit
with her cousin, Miss H. E. C. Overton, on
her way home to Shickshinny, from a visit
with a nephew in Pittsburgh.
—The Misses Anna and Emily Parker, of
Somerset, made a short business trip to
Bellefonte the early part of the week,
spending the time while here with their
brother, G. Ress Parker and his family.
—Mrs. F. H. Thomas returned last week
from New York, where she had been with
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Gephart, who are
now located in the new home they have
purchased at Bronxville, fifteen miles
from the city.
—C. D. Moore, of State College, is spend-
ing the after part of the winter in Wil-
liamsport, having gone down early in this
week. Mr. Moore only recently returned
from the Pacific coast, where he had been
during the summer and fall.
—Miss Adalaide Mitchell, the elder
daughter of Judge H. Walton Mitchell, of
Pittsburgh, and Miss Katherine Gans, of !
Connellsville, were guests over Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller, coming here
from State College, where they are both
—Mrs. D. G. Bush is recovering so rap-
idly from the effects of her fall several
weeks ago that it will be possible for her
to make the trip next week to College
with her grand-daughter, Mrs. Harry Gar-
ber, for an indefinite time.
—Mrs. J. E. Ward is entertaining both
her sons: Arthur, who but recently return-
ed from a business trip through South
America, and Harold and his wife of
Churchland, Va. The men are making the
visit here at this time relative to the set-
tlement of some business matters.
—S. A. Mignot, who has been in Belle- |
fonte with his father, Emil Mignot, for
two years, left this week to return to his |
former home in Clearfield. Mr. Mignot's
stay here with the family covered the
period of his father’s last illness, the set-
tlement of his estate and the breaking up
of their home.
—Mrs. E. P. Moore, of Tyrone, has been
at her former home at the toll-gate, for
the past two weeks, called here by the ill-
ness of her brother, Mordecai Miller, who
is now slowly recovering from the effects
of his fall two weeks ago. Mrs. Moore's
daughter, Miss Katherine, has been here
with her mother for a part of the time.
—Because the roads were so drifted that
William Keller, rural mail carrier of Cen-
tre Hall, could not get over his route he
took Saturday off and came over to Belle-
fonte to see his wife, who was a patient
in the Bellefonte hospital. Mrs. Keller, by
the way, has so far recovered that she was
removed to her home in Centre Hall on
—Miss Jennie K. Reifsnyder, of Mill-
heim, is a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. 8. McCargar, expecting to be in
Bellefonte about two weeks. Mr. and
Mrs. McCargar- also had as week-end
guests Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ruble, of Cleve-
land, Ohio, who came to Centre county
last week for the funeral of Mr. Rubles
brother, John Ruble, at Centre Hall.
—Miss Anna Belle Hays, who was a
week-end guest of Mrs. J. W. Gephart and
her daughter, Miss Elizabeth, came here
from Williamsport, where she had spent
the Holidays with relatives. Miss Hayes’
home is in Gorin, Missouri, but being east
for the winter with her cousin, Mrs. Hi-
ram Hiller, at Swarthmore, came to Wil-
liamsport, while Dr. and Mrs. Hiller and
their two daughters went to Missouri for
their Christmas.
—B. T. Jamison, of Spring Mills, was in
town on business on Wednesday and like
most wise folks was traveling on the train;
the roads being too badly drifted to take
a chance. Mr. Jamison, like the writer,
was sorely distressed at the result of the
election in the county last fall, particular-
ly as to the defeat of Capt. William H.
Fry and Capt. “Dick” Taylor. He thought
surely the voters would recognize the pe-
culiar claim of those two gentlemen and
reward them with the offices they sought.
—Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parrish had a
pleasant surprise on Saturday, when their
nephew, Joseph Parrish, who is with the
White Motor Co., in New York, dropped
in for a day’s visit with them. Naturally
enough he reminisced a bit about his serv-
ice in France and a part of one of his tales
sounded so realistic to James Fox, Mrs.
Parrish’s brother, who was one of the
hearers, that the two ex-service men got |
to digging into it and were wonderfully
surprised to find that they had been on
the same train during a long trip through
France. Strange that two boys so inti-
mately connected could have been so close | C
over there and neither one any the wiser
of it until they met in this little town
thousands of miles away.
| Arkansas
—Rev. Wilson P. Ard is spending the
week in Philadelphia, looking after some
business interests.
Coombs—Kepler.—At least one
young woman of Centre county bene-
fitted to the extent of securing a hus-
band through her engagement to work
for the government in Washington,
according to the announcement of the
marriage in that city, on Thursday of
last week, of Miss Mary Eleanor Kep-
ler, daughter of Hon. and Mrs. J.
Will Kepler, of Pine Grove Mills, and
Ray E. Coombs, of Missouri, the wed-
ding having taken place at the home
of a friend of the bride and the cere-
mony being performed by a Methodist
The bride is very well known in the
western section of Centre county, hav-
ing at one time been a very success-
ful school teacher. When the gov-
ernment issued a call for help two
years or more ago Miss Kepler went
to Washington and took a position in
the war risk insurance bureau. She
soon mastered the intricacies of the
work there and was made a supervis-
or, a position she held until her recent
resignation on account of her mar-
Mr. Coombs, as stated above, is a
native of Missouri and a graduate of
University. He served
overseas during the world war and
since his discharge from service has
been a traveling agent for a well
i known zine company in Missouri, in
which he has a financial interest. The
bride’s Centre county friends extend
Beightol—Watson. — Herman Syl-
vester Beightol and Mrs. Kathryn Ro-
setta Watson, both of Snow Shoe,
journeyed to Hollidaysburg last Fri-
day where they were married at the
parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal
church by the pastor, Rev. E. E. Har-
ter, the ring service being used. Mr.
Beightol is a motorman in charge of
the electric transportation of coal
from the mine to the tipple in the
Snow Shoe region and following a
brief wedding trip the couple will take
up their residence in Snow Shoe.
Sampsel—Dunklebarger. — LeRoy
N. Sampsel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sampsel, and Miss Belle Dunklebar-
ger, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Dunklebarger, both of Pleasant Gap,
were married at Milesburg on Janu-
ary 14th, by Rev. M. C. Piper.
Study Course in Citizenship.
The Women’s Club will begin its |
course in the study of Citizenship on
Tuesday evening, January 27th, in
the High school building.
The study class will meet at 7:30,
and at 8:15 there will be an open for-
um to which all (both men and wom-
en) are invited. The discussion eath
evening will be on the subject taken
up by the class. The program is as
follows: -
January 27th—Borough organiza-
February 3rd—County
tion. :
February 10th—State government.
February 17th—National govern-
February 24th—The judiciary.
March 2nd—Political parties.
March 9th—Election laws.
We hope the men and women of
Bellefonte will make these evenings
interesting and helpful.
Trial List for February Court.
Queens Run Fire Brick Co. vs. Kel-
ley Bros. Coal Co. Assumpsit.
Wm. C. Rowland vs. The Athletic
Store. Assumpsit.
W. W. Price vs The Director Gen-
eral of Railroads Assumpsit.
James S. Weaver vs. Sarah Mensch,
et al. Assumpsit.
Anna M. Keichline vs. John P. Kel-
ley. Sci. Fa.
Huston Township vs. Daniel Straw
and George Steele. Assumpsit. (Two
Josiah Pritchard Garage vs. John
I. Gray. Assumpsit.
Frank Middleton vs. Dr. W. R. Hea-
ton Trespass.
Armstrong, Cator & Co. vs. Miss
M. H. Snyder. Appeal.
Mary Sunday vs. Veto Polce.
H. A. Cathcart vs. Kelley Bros.
Coal Co. Assumpsit. ;
Crushed to Death Under § Street Car.
On Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs.
George G. Stitzinger, of New Castle,
were on their way to church in their
automobile when the machine was
struck by a runaway trolley car. Mrs.
Stitzinger was hurled from the ma-
chine right under the wheels of the
street car and was crushed to death.
The wrecked automobile caught fire
and Mr. Stitzinger was fearfully
burned. Mrs. Stitzinger was the
mother of Wayne D. Stitzinger, a for-
mer student of the Bellefonte Acade-
my and who married Miss Pauline
Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Kennedy Johnston, of Bellefonte.
——Will sell a few shares in gas
well in best McKeesport territory.
Have map on hand showing location.
—J. M. Keichline. 2-tf
Public Sale.
Monday, March 8th, 1920,—At the residence
of Charles C. Mesmer, 2 miles northwest
of State College, on the Holmes farm.
Live stock and full line of farm imple-
ments. Sale at 10 a. m. L. F. Mayes,
Grain Markets.
Corrected by Geo. M. Gamble
Red Wheat, No 1 & 2........0000 35—2.40
White or Mixed No. 1 & 2 225-230