Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1920, Image 5

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Jury List for February Court.
Following is the list of jurors
drawn for the February term of court
which will begin the fourth Monday,
February 23rd:
List of Grand Jurors.
Avery, Charles G., banker..... Philipsburg
Beals, John, merchant......... Philipsburg
Bierly, Lowell, farmer.........c.eeeese Miles
Bigelow, William, farmer............ Rush
Bartley, Earl M., laborer............ Gregg
Bechdel, Edgar T., farmer......... Liberty
Clark, J. H., laborer............... Liberty
Etters, Vernon, foreman...Snow Shoe Boro
Frank, Chas. O., instructor....Philipsburg
Foster, P. D., merchant...... State College
Guisewite, Samuel, laborer...... Bellefonte
Gillett, Hugh, laborer..... Snow Shoe Twp.
Horner, John D., laborer............ Gregg
Hile, Otis, bricklayer............... Spring
Hostetter, S. K., agent....... State College
Krape, A. P., farmer.......... Centre Hall
Miller, Isaac, retired............. Bellefonte
Neff, Howard B., laborer........ Milesburg
Russell, C. A., druggist...... State College
Rockey, Harry, farmer............ Walker
Showers, George, merchant.......... Miles
Tressler, J. L., gentleman..... Centre Hall
Wolfe, Charles W., gentleman...... Haines
‘Wilson, N. 1., farmer........... Halfmoon
List of Traverse Jurors.
Auman, Calvin, farmer............... Miles
Brennen, Frank, laborer...Snow Shoe Twp
Bell, Oliver, bricklayer........ Philipsburg
Beck, Mahlon, farmer............ Halfmoon
Burd, David, farmer........co000000 Haines
Brown, Isaac, laborer................ Rush
Baird, Wm. H., retired...... State College
Cairns, T. W., merchant........ Bellefonte
Deal, Charles, farmer..... Snow Shoe Twp
Donovan, Jerry, retired............. Spring
Fryberger, Wm., laborer...... Philipsburg
Fulton, George, painter...... State College
Foreman, James, laborer........ Bellefonte
Fisher, Harry, laborer....Snow Shoe Twp
Gardner, Geo. W., laborer......... Liberty
Gummo, Andrew, farmer........... Benner
Hallis, John, flagman................ Rush
Hazzard, Charles, farmer............ Rush
Hoy, Holloway, farmer............ Walker
Hull, Abner, carpenter............. Haines
Heckman, A. F., gentleman....Centre Hall
Heckman, Fred, farmer............ Benner
Johnson, C. C., barber........ Philipsburg
Johnstonbaugh, Arthur, farmer..... Worth
Johnson, Clarence, farmer......... Howard
Kunes, Frank C., laborer.......... Liberty
Muartoff, H. M., clerk............ Bellefonte
Martin, William, farmer............ Spring
Miller, W. D., farmer.........¢...s. Taylor
Moore, James, farmer........... Halfmoon
Meyer, J. Curtin, farmer........... College
McKinney, Wm., forest ranger..... Potter
McGinley, John, guard.......... Bellefonte
Platt, Lynn, merchant........ State College
Rumberger, W. B., farmer......... Patton
Rishel, Alf, agent......:........ Bellefonte
Smith, Ralph, lumberer.............. Rush
Stahl, James, saddler.......... Centre Hall
Shirk, Samuel, laborer.............. Spring
Tressler, Wesley, farmer........... Harris
Todd, Walter, labeorer.........
Vonada, R. E., farmer
Williams, Orvis, laborer............ Worth
Woomer, J. L., mason........ State College
Wyland, Willis, clerk............ Bellefonte
Weber William, merchant,......... Howard
Zimmerman, Harry, farmer......... Spring
Zeigler, Josiah, janitor......... Bellefonte
——— es
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them.
Near East relief funds have been
increased by $30, money saved by lit-
tle Janet Bailey, daughter of H. A.
Bailey, general secretary of the
Young Men’s Christian Association,
York, Pa., whose death occurred last
May. During her last illness she
worried over the sad plight of many
starving children in the world.
The Christmas appeal of the Near
East relief gave the parents of the
child the opportunity they sought to
use the savings in the way they
thought the child herself would use it
had she lived. Mr. Bailey’s letter to
William Jennings, treasurer of the
Near East relief fund, Harrisburg,
“Enclosed find check for $30.00 in
a small envelope with my daughter’s
own writing on the outside.
“My daughter Janet died of ty-
phoid fever at the Presbyterian hos-
pital, Philadelphia, on the 9th day of
May last. The last few days of her
life she was troubled about many
children starving and we could not
just find out what she was referring
to definitely, but we decided to use the
money she had saved to keep some
children from starving and I am en-
closing the check in the envelope as
we found it in her trunk. Your ap-
peal for the ‘Near East’ came to my
daughter Anna this noon and we de-
cided to forward the $30.00 at once.
“Janet had saved the money by
economizing while at school and her
distress during her illness convinced
us all that this is what she would
have used it for.”
The Centre county drive will be on
from February 1st to 22nd. Do you
feel as little Janet Bailey did about
the starving children of Armenia?
Fe SALE.—A two-horse light bob sled,
with four seats—used for hack.
Address, A. W. DALE,
Boalsburg, Pa.
Bell phone 21R4 65-1-tf
good salary will be paid to the
young lady with experience in
stenography and book-keeping. Must be
neat and accurate. Address reply to P. O.
Box No. 92, Bellefonte, Pa. 64-4-2t
ESTATE.—The undersigned, ad-
ministrator c¢. t. a. of the estate of
Jane G. Brown, late of Bellefonte borough,
deceased, will offer for sale at the Court
House, Bellefonte, on
at 1:30 o'clock p. m., the following real es-
tate of deceased, located on east Howard
street, Bellefonte, being that portion or
tract of land conveyed by deed from John
Kelley and Sarah, his wife, to Jane GG.
Brown, and recorded in Deed Book 2 page
115, bounded and described as follows:
All that certain messuage, tenement and
lot of ground situate on East Howard
street, bounded on the East by other land
of Jane G. Brown and measuring thirty-
eight (38) feet fronting on said Howard |
street, be the same more or less to an al- |
ley running by lands of the said Jane G. |
Brown a distance of two (200) feet South- |
ward to another alléy, a distance of thir- |
ty-eight (38) feet more or less to another |
alley, thence Westward along said alley
two hundred (200) feet to the place of be-
ginning on Howard street. Containing
twenty-eight (28) perches more or less.
Terms made known on day of sale.
L. Frank Mayes, Auctioneer.
Administrator, ec. t. a.,
James C. Furst, Bellefonte, Pa.
Attorney. 65-4-2t
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Holy Eucharist. 10 a. m., church|day, 7:30 p. m., evensong. Visitors |
2 i school. 11 a. m., Matins and sermon. | always welcome.
In the Churches of the 1 7:30 p. m., evensong and sermon. Fri- Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector.
Sabbath services as follows: Morn-
ing worship at 10:45. Evening wor-
ship at 7:30. Sabbath school at 9:45 ;
a. m. Prayer service every Wednes-
day syening at 7:45. A cordial wel- | # S ® & C 9
come to all. t
Rov W. K. McKinney, Ph. D., Minister | wif ompany S
Christian Science society, Furst 1919
building, High street. Sunday service arnings
11 a. m. Sunday school 9.45. Wed-
nesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock.
To these meetings all are welcome. A
free reading-room is open to the pub-
lic every Thursday afternoon from 2 How They Affected You
to 4. Here the Bible and Christian
Science literature may be read, bor- : :
rowed or purchased. Subject, Janu-| ® During the twelve months ended
ary 25th, “Truth.” November 1, 1919, (its fiscal year,)
UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Swift & Company transacted its large
All regular services at the usual .
hours. Cottage prayer meetings this volume of business on the smallest
week and next. The Wednesday even- ; margin of profit in its history.
ing service will be held in the Aid
Geo. E. Smith, Pastor. ; Sales over
Bible school, 9:30 o m. Sermon, i
10:45 a. m. Junior League, 2 p. m. 9
Senior League, 6:30. Sermon, 7:30. Net earnings $13,870,181.34
Special music morning and evening. a : ! 4
Coleville—Bible school, 2 p. m. ! J :
Sermon by Rev. C. C. Shuey, 2:45. Qur shipments were in excess
Alexander Scott, Minister. of 5,500,000,000 Ibs.
Sunday, January 28th, 10:45 gn This means that our earnings were
I A less than 1% cents on each dollar of
“The Second Mile.” Sunday school at sales, or a quarter of a cent on each
J a. m. and C. E. meeting at 6:45 ; pound shipped.
Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. R Co
BD Zain | The average consumer eats about
11 naa, 3
the conversion of St. Paul, 8 a. m.,,| 1, Ib. of meek. per Qagetio Is
ree ig per year. e purchased only
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ‘ Swift & Company products he
would have contributed only 45
Wo on ouarorke go Fil for gen- cents (180 Ibs. @ Va cent a pound)—
or fon. CHARLES WEATTY, | § a year profit to Swift & Company
Wien Sty Sellers — rr 3 for its investment and service, less
JO" Sad oie’ ght womsentea Sobbs, | 8 than one cent per week.
with pole. J. S. WAITE & Co.,
Bellefonty, eg Our earnings were so small as to
R “*eady purchasers for Yr roars have practically no effect on the
Bellefonte real estate, also farmer " . . 3
in Centre county. Let us know what you family meat bill. E
have to offer. i
65-4-4t Tae Ma Pa ° °
2 Se Live Stock Raise ;
ome 5)
APH Ldministeats See A Ive toc r i
of administration aving een N : : a
: ranted to the undersigned upon A Swift & Company handled in 1919 Ki
the estate of Josep . Montgomery, late : : bl
of Bellefonte hordugh, deceated, off per 4 over 16,000,000 head of live stock. 3
sons knowing themselves indebted to sa 3 : pi
estate are foinested Lo make prompt bay i You can figure for yourself that
ment, an ose having claims against the o 3 n
same mus prosont tiem, duly authentl- A oo an of 17% cents On Sach
cated, for settlement. 5 sal ar
ELIZABETH M. MONTGOMERY, Po do lar 0 €s ; e too sm to
GORDON MONTGOMERY, : affect the price you received for
&. Barat Administrators, i \ . our stock
James C. Furst, ellefonte, Pa. ? .
Attorney. 65-4-6t i y j 5 2
‘A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Letters | We paid it was humanly pos-
A of administration having been L - ¢ paid all 1t « h y
granted to the undersigned upon | | sible to pay considering what the
the estate of Susan Wagner, late of Belle-
fonte borough, deceased, all persons know- : meat and by-products could be
ing themselves in any way indebted there-
to are requested to make prompt payment, sold for.
and those having claims against said es-
tate must present them, duly authenticat-
ed, for settlement. pe . ! ;
4% Vas, ; Swift & Co U.S.A.
Administrator, ES t mpany, ® Sule
Gettig & Bower, Bellefonte, Pi. i
Attorneys, 65-4-6t J
We offer at pre-war prices a lot of
sash, mouldings, store drawers, doors
with glass panels, outside shutters,
inside blinds, machinery, circular
saws, log chains, kitchen range, and a
variety of useful things teo numerous
to name. Come, phone or write us.
65-4-4t P. B. CRIDER & SON.
Only a Limited Number
of Ford Cars
There are mighty good reasons why you should buy your Ford car now. But
the biggest one is that there are only so many Ford cars—just a specified limited
number—allotted to this territory. Those who buy their cars now will be wise.
They will have them to use whenever they wish.
Don’t put it off—next spring, even next month, is an uncertainty. We cannot
take orders for spring delivery. Even now, we must have signed bona-fide orders
before our monthly allotment is shipped us. So the only way for you to be sure
of getting a Ford car is to order it now. Get your name on an order. It is your
Again we tell you, the allotment for this territory is limited and you must buy
now while deliveries are possible. As ever, the demand for Ford cars is away in
advance of production. So, it’s first come, first served. Spring, summer, autumn
and winter are all the same to the Ford car. It is a valuable servant every day of
the year. Rain or shine, it is ready for your demands. Buy now and get prompt
delivery. You won’t have to store it. You can use it. Buy now while the buy-
ing is possible. :
Insist on Genuine Ford Parts
Sale! Sale! Sale!
We must, have room
for our Spring Stock
A Waist for Every Taste
Stunning Georgettes
Dressy Tailor-Mades
Dainty Crepes and Voils
Warm, comfy Flannelettes
—every one a quality creation,
at a reduction that will hold
good for a short time only.
Our Coat, Suit and Dress Sale
is rolling merrily along.
Every Purchase a Saving
Schlow’s Quality Shop
The Best for the Well-Dressed
Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work.
§ A Sweeping One-Day Sale
§ of Dresses...
Saturday January 24th
AT 9 A.M,
A moment’s inspection tells the story
better than a printed page. Every dress
in our large assortment is included in this sale—Taf-
feta, Georgette Crepes, Messaline, Serges, Voiles, Or-
gandies and Lawns. :
$29.50 Georgette Crepe Beaded Dresses at $172.00
12.50 Messaline Dresses for . .« 10.00
12.00 Silk Poplin Dresses . . . 2.50
18.00 Serge Dresses . . . 11.00
20.00 Taffeta Dresses ** . . . 12.00
Positively the Best Values in Centre County
Please remember that these prices
quoted alone are good for
Saturday, January 24th, only
Cohen ®& Co.
Department. Store
Both Phones Bellefonte, Pa.