Denar tan Bellefonte, Pa., January 23, 1920. P. GRAY MEEK, A Editor To Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further notice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - = Paid before expiration of year - Paid after expiration of year - mn THE WOMEN WANT TO KNOW. Ask Borough Council to Attend a Meeting to Enlighten Women on Civic Duty. $1.50 1.75 2.00 The women of Bellefonte do not in- tend to be caught napping when they finally get the ballot as was evidenced at the regular meeting of council on Monday evening when that official body was invited to attend a meeting at the High school building on Tues- day evening, January 27th, called for the purpose of imparting to women the rights of the ballot and their civic duties when they become legalized voters under the laws of Pennsylva- nia. Every member of council was pres- ent at the meeting, which was quite an improvement over the usual at- tendance during the past six months or a year. Howard Smead presented a written application for appointment as a po- lice officer of Bellefonte and the same was referred to the Fire and Police committee for recommendation. The list of standing committees for the next two years was announced as follows, the first named gentleman in every case being the chairman. Finance—F'auble, Richard, Beezer. Street—Harris, Richard, Fauble. Water—Cunningham, Brouse, Beez- er. Fire and Police—Flack, Cunning- ham, Knisely. Market—Knisely, Brouse, Flack. Sanitary—Brouse, Harris, Knisely. Village Improvement — Beezer, Flack, Knisely. Special—Richard, Fauble, Harris, Cunningham. The secretary read a telegram from State Highway Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler requesting council to take immediate action on the application for the building of the state road on Bishop, Spring and Pine streets. A communication was received from the State Board of Health in- quiring as to what action had been taken toward the erection of a sew- age disposal plant, as per the Depart- ment’s notice in 1908. The matter was referred to the Street committee and borough solicitor. The offer of George M. Gamble, re= ported at last meeting of council, to Brouse, erect a suitable building, equip = the | same with a water wheel and genera- tor and furnish the borough electrici- ty for light and pumping water for the sum of $7.50 a day was submitted in writing. . A lengthy communication was re- . ceived from borough manager J. D. Seibert recommending the purchase . of two combination chemical and hose trucks for the fire department, and . giving at some length his reasons for believing that they would be ample . for the needs of the borough at the present time. Mr. Harris, of the Street commit- tee, reported a bill from Isaac Baney for $75.00 for injuries to himself and horse when the animal tramped through a plank on the Willowbank street bridge before it was rebuilt. Mr. Harris reported that the horse had been off work only five days. The - matter was referred to the Street committee and borough solicitor. Mr. Cunningham presented a brief - report of the borough manager spec- - ifying the thawing out of several water pipes on the streets. Mr. Cun- ningham also reported that the water register had been completely gone over and brought up to date and that - the new assessment will show an in- * crease in water taxes of approximate- ly $1250.00 over that of former years. © The Fire and Police committee rec- ommended the election of Elmer Yer- ger as a policeman for the borough, which was promptly done by council. The Special committee reported that nothing further has developed in the adjusting of the water pumping question between the borough and State-Centre Electric company, and recommended that the balance due the company for pumping water during the borough’s experimental year be paid, and council authorized the same. Council voted to approve the elec- tion of Charles Anderson as chief fire marshall, Allen Waite first assistant, and Frank Hull second assistant. J. D. Seibert was re-elected borough manager for a period of two years without a dissenting vote. The question of council’s position on the building of the state road on Bishop, Spring and Pine streets was pretty thoroughly discussed. The bid for this piece of road is a little more than $38,000, and the borough’s share will be something over $11,000. The County Commissioners have approv- ed the application so far as the coun- ty’s portion of the expense is concern- ed, and as approximately five-sixths of the property owners along the route of the road have signed a peti- tion asking for its construction, the ordinance providing for the building of the road passed first reading and the secretary was instructed to notify the State Highway Department of the favorable action of council. Under the head of old business highway engineer D. C. Stackpole’s, statement of the account of contrac- tor R. B. Taylor was taken up but ac- tion on the same was postponed until next meeting night to permit the Street committee to go over the state- ment with Mr. Stackpole and check it up. At this juncture president Walker asked the Fire and Police committee if they were ready to report on the question of the purchase of additional fire fighting apparatus, but members of the committee requested that the matter be deferred until the ‘next meeting of council, as they had as yet not conferred on the matter. A representative of the La France fire apparatus company was present and requested the privilege of submit- ting bids when council had decided on what kind of apparatus to purchase, and he was assured that the same privilege will be given his company as accorded to any and all builders of such equipment. Mr. Richard called attention of council to the fact that careful consid- eration should be given to the request presented to council at the last meet- ing by the Krader Motor company for permission to make some very decid- ed changes on the street at the old Curtin property, and the Street com- mittee was instructed to confer with the borough solicitor as to the prop- erty rights of an owner where a build- ing is to be used for business pur- poses. . Bills to the amount of $332.67 were approved by council. Before adjournment Walker requested the various com- mittees to make a careful estimate of the amount of money that will be re- quired to bear their expense of the current year, not counting the unusu- al expense of the building of the state road or purchase of new fire fighting equipment. This estimate will be used as a basis for laying the millage for the current year. Inasmuch as the millage question is not settled un- til some time in April the various committees will probably be governed in their estimate by the forthcoming auditor’s statement of the amount of moneys spent by each department last year. There being no other business coun- cil adjourned. mrs Children Bought and Sold Seals. The following letter of appreciation was received by Miss Helen E. C. Overton, chairman of the Christmas seal campaign for Bellefonte, from Ira E. Foutz, publicity director for the State and as it boosts the boys and girls for the work they did we publish the same to show them how their activities were appreciated: “On behalf of the Pennsylvania so- ciety for the prevention of tuberculo- sis I write to thank you, and through you the teachers and scholars under your direction, for the wonderful as- sistance given by the public school¢ ‘in the Christmas seal sale of 1919. “The aid given was beyond the fondest hopes of both the State seal organization and local committees. In some localities the seal sale was a suc- cess only because of the efforts put forth by the schools. In previous seal sales the schools were by no means laggards but this time all the enthusiasm of all former years seem- ed to be rolled into one huge boost. “Figures at hand show the big push given the campaign by the girls and boys. And it is not alone the aid giv- en the actual sales that is gratifying. It would be hard to estimate the edu- cational value. - Many of the thous- ands of children who bought and sold seals learned the lessons about keep- ing themselves healthy and avoiding tuberculosis they will never forget. After all it is the children we must get if we are to conquer the white plague. The seal sale itself was a big suc- cess in Pennsylvania. With the mon- ey secured and the health lessons giv- en we are confident a real start has been made in the intensive program planned to overcome the scourge that took 12,885 lives in this State in 1918, a greater relative number than in any previous year except 1906 and 1907. The war and influenza have caused an increase in the tuberculosis death rate in recent years. We are sure the schools will do their full share in the greater fight to be waged against this insidious menace. Will you not convey to your schools our appreciation for an unequalled service whole heartedly rendered to a cause that so closely touches every life. Two Prominent Men to Talk at State College. Announcement has been made that Dr. Harry T. Collings, former head of the department of German, at The Pennsylvania State College, will give an address at the College on Satur- day evening, January 24th, on “Bel- gium and Reconstruction.” Hamlin Garland, the poet and humorist, will speak at the College on Saturday evening, February 7th, on “Talks With American Authors.” Both men will appear under the auspices of the Phi Kappa Phi honorary society in their movement to secure prominent men to appear before Penn State au- diences. The same society was re- sponsible for the appearance last fall of ex-President William Howard Taft, who spoke on the League of Na- tions. -— ——The census enumerators have completed their work in Bellefonte, and practically all of Centre county, and their reports have been forward- ed to supervisor Frank E. Costello, at Bradford. And now we will all be anxious to see the report of how much we have grown during the past de- cade. LOCKE.—The very sudden death of Mrs. M. J. Locke, wife of Dr. Locke, on Monday, was a distinct shock to her friends in Bellefonte, many of whom did not know of her illness, let alone serious condition. During the Holidays she suffered an attack of the grip and shortly after New Years pneumonia developed. She was under the care of a profes- sional nurse until the latter part of last week when she had so far recov- ered as to be up and around. On Sunday she locked after the prepara- tion of the family dinner but was taken worse Sunday night and while her condition was serious enough Monday morning it did not seem alarming. After the doctor had eat- en his luncheon Monday noon he sat by his wife’s bedside while the nurse went to lunch and it was just at 1:30 o'clock when Mrs. Locke passed away so suddenly that no one realized the end so near until it had actually come, Deceased’s maiden name was Miss Blanche M. Kipe and she was born in Philadelphia on August 7th, 1871, hence was past forty-eight years of age. She was united in marriage to Dr. Melvin J. Locke when twenty away on Monday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Waite, of Bellefonte, following an ill- ness which dates back to November, 1918. He came to Bellefonte last September from his home in Trafford City, hoping that the change and a rest would prove beneficial but short- ly after coming to Bellefonte his con- dition became worse and he continued to decline until his death. A son of George C. and Sarah Sharp Waite he was born at Howard quite thirty-three years of age. His parents came to Bellefonte when he was but a child and his life was spent here until eleven years ago when he went to work for the Pennsylvania railroad company in the yards at Pit- cairn. He was married to Miss Mar- garet Coble, of Lemont, in 1912, and since that time they have made their homa in Trafford City, Mr. Waite going back and forth to his work at Pitcairn. He was a member of the Lodge of Eagles, of Pitcairn, and an industrious workman. He is survived by his wife and four children, Mary, Harold, Richard and him in Bellefonte most of the time WAITE.—Malcolm = Waite passed on April 2nd, 1887, hence was not | William, all of whom have been with | GREEN.—Following a general de- cline caused by the death of her hus- band and only son within a peried, of fourteen months Mrs. F. Potts Green passed away at her home on Linn street at six o’clock Wednesday even- ing. Her maiden name was Sarah Clementina Harris, a daughter of James and Sarah Bell Harris, of near | Lewisburg, where she was born on June 27th, 1833, hence was well along in her eighty-seventh year. On De- .cember 27th, 1857, she was united in marriage to F. Potts Green, of Miles- burg, and the first months of their ' married life were spent in the latter i place until their own home was com- ‘ pleted in Bellefonte, the home on Linn | street occupied by the family for fif- 'ty-nine years. | She was the last member of a fam- | ily of ten children. Her husband, the | late F. Potts Green, died on Decem- ber 13th, 1918, and her son, J. Harris , Green, passed away on April 12th, 11919, so that her only survivors are | her three daughters, Mrs. Catharine ' Green Dinges ana Miss Emma Wis- { tar Green, at home, anil Mrs. James | R. Hughes, of Bellefonte. | Funeral services will be conducted at her late home at 10:30 o’clock to- Methodist church for forty-five years. Funeral services were held at his late home at two o’clock on Tuesday after- noon by Revs. Zaccheus Weston and M. C. Piper, after which burial was made in the Stover cemetery near Unionville, ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARMS FOR RENT.—Two farms, four miles west of Pine Grove Mills, on the state road. Apply to JOHN H. MILLER, 65-3-3t R. F. D. Penna Furnace, Pa. OR SALE.—A block of two (2) double houses and a single house, corner Fairmount Ave. and Pugh St. State College. Inquire of H. D. MEEK 121 8. Allen St., 65-1-tf. State College, Pa. OST, STRAYED or STOLEN—From the Lehigh Valley pasture, on Beech Creek, one dark bay colt, three years old (large for age). Any in- formation concerning above, kindly notify LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Co., Snow Shoe, Pa, 64-50-4t ARMERS TAKE NOTICE.—I will in- sure dwellings at $1.00 a hundred, and barns at $1.60 a hundred, on the cash plan for three years, and dwell- ings 50 cents a hundred, and barns at 80 cents a hundred on the assessment plan for 5 years as against fire and lightning. president years of age and as a bride came di- rect to Bellefonte and this had been | during his late illness. He also leaves her home ever since. She was a his parents and the following broth- woman whose greatest energies were ers and sisters: Miss Emma, who always devoted to her home and her only two weeks ago was transferred children though in later years. she from Washington to Bellefonte; took quite an active part in the work : George, of Renovo; Fred, John and of the Bellefonte Chapter, D. A. R.,| Joseph, of Trafford City; Ruth, Gil- of which she was a member. (bert and Merrill, at home. Two She is survived by her husband and brothers died within the past three four children, LeRoy, Mildred, Melvin , years. Jr. and David, all of Bellefonte. She’ Funeral services were held at the .also leaves the following brothers and Waite home at two o’clock yesterday sisters: Miss Adelaide Kipe, of Plain- | by Rev. George Smith, of the United field, N. J.; Dr. Wilmer Kipe and Mrs. | Brethren church, after which burial Frank Berghof, of Philadelphia; Mrs. ; was made in the Union cemetery. Keeney, of Quakertown, and David il i WOLFE. — Mrs. Miller il Kipe, of Bath, Maine. | Susan Rev. Malcolm DePue Maynard, of (Wolfe, widow of the late Robert the Episcopal church, and Dr. A. M.|M. Wolfe, died at her home at Wood- Schmidt, of the Reformed church, offi- | ward last Saturday. Although she ciated at the funeral services held at |had been in feeble health the past four her late home on Allegheney street Years she was able to look after the yesterday afternoon, after which pri- | business of the store left by her hus- vate interment was made in the Un- band and also acted as postmistress ion cemetery. of Woodward up to a year ago, since I Ii which time she had been confined to GRAHAM.—Mrs. Margaret H. Gra- | her bed. ham, widow of the late A. J. Graham, Deceased was a daughter of George morrow (Saturday) morning by Dr. W. K. McKinney, of the Presbyterian church, of which she was a member | Gly Say esha of the for many years, after which burial | stockholders of the Whiterock $ i i . quarries will be held at the office of the will be made in the Union cemetery. | a ne ne Dar il h builaing, Bellefonte, Pa. on Monday, Jan- Yi _ | uary > , & o'clock a. m., for the ECKENROTH.—William Earl Eck | election of directors for the ensuing year enroth, a well known resident of !and to transact such other business as Spring township, died at his home at | Ma Properly come before said meeting. Pleasant Gap on Monday morning of | g5.2.3¢ L. A, SCHARPRRE, ecretary. "heart trouble and dropsy. Over a | = year ago he suffered a bad attack of | RiQUemins et the flu and although he recovered suf- | ood ie undersigned upon the estate of : : | Rebecca arles, late o alker townshi ficiently to be around and at his work | deceased, all persons knowing Ltn the dregs of the disease so affected | indebted to said estate are Foquesied to hi _ | make prompt payment an ose havin his heart that dropsy finally develop | claims against the same must present ig "ed and he had been a sufferer with this | duly authenticated, for settlement. ailment the past few months. | MAGDALENA WEAVER, He was a son of James and Arilla | g5.0.6; abe a. Armstrong Eckenroth and was born 3 .in Spring township on January 12th,| A PMUIISTRATORS NOTICE Letters 1888, hence was 32 years and 7 days | > granted oo the undersigno] upon | the estate o ary Ann Grove, late o; old. As a young man he learned the | Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons | trade of a carpenter, an occupation he | knowing ihiemsatyes indebted to the same : : _ | are requeste 0 make promp ayment, | followed ever since. He was an effi | and those having claims it es- . cient and industrious workman and a | tate must present them properly authen- : good citizen in every way. ticated for settlement. | He is survived by is wife and two g5.1.6te THOMAS SaZnL: Administrator. ! young sons, Paul and LeRoy. He al- 64-28-1y J. M. KEICHLINE., Agent. OTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET- 1 of Philipsburg, died on Sunday fol- lowing an illness of two years or more as the result of a general breakdown in health. She was a daughter of William and Sarah Morrison and was born at Manor Hill, Huntingdon county, on February 21st, 1839, hence was not quite eighty-one years old, When a child her parents moved to Bellefonte and it was here her early life was spent. While a girl in Belle- fonte she united with St. John’s Epis- copal church and has always been a faithful member and earnest support- er of that church. In 1869 she was united in marriage with Mr. Graham in Philipsburg and ‘that place has been her home ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Graham had one son, Samuel, who was killed while blasting out stumps near Philipsburg in the spring of 1899. Her husband died in 1903 and her only survivors are a nephew and niece, John and Nannie Herd, who have made their ‘home with their aunt the past few Funeral services were held at | years. the Episcopal church in Philipsburg at two o'clock on Wednesday after- noon, after which burial was made in the Philipsburg cemetery. |! il STONEBRAKER.—Mrs. Margaret Stonebraker, widow of the late Wes- ley Stonebraker, died at her home in Philipsburg on Monday morning after suffering for more than a year with gangrene. She was a daughter of George and Mary Vaughn and was born at Sandy Ridge on April 20th, 1855, hence had reached the age of 64 years, 8 months and 30 days. She was married to Wesley Stonebraker in 1874, and during the past quarter of a century they had been residents of Philipsburg. Mr. Stonebraker died almost five years ago but surviving her are the following children: Millard F., Misses Artie and Lovenia, at home; George M., of Holsopple; W. Forest and Mrs. James Katen, of Philipsburg, and Emory, of South Philipsburg. She also leaves three brothers and one sister, Thomas, Daniel and David Vaughn, of Sandy Ridge, and Mrs. Weston Stonebraker, of South Phil- ipsburg. Mrs. Stonebraker was a member of the United Brethren church for many years and Rev. J. H. Bridgum had charge of the funeral services which were held at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, burial being made in the Philipsburg cemetery. il 1 BAUM.—Samuel Baum, of Phila- delphia, a brother of the late A. Baum, of Bellefonte, died at Galen Hall, Atlantic City, on December 7th, following a general breakdown in health. Mr. Baum’s last trip to Belle- fonte was late in the fall and at that time he complained of not feeling very well. He had completed all ar- rangements to go to Florida for the winter and his nephew, Harry Baum, went to Philadelphia the Sunday after Christmas to accompany him south but his physician advised against the trip and he went to Atlantic City, in- stead. His nephew remained with him until the end. : Mr. Baum was quite well known in Bellefonte, as aside from the fact that his brother and family lived here, he made frequent business trips to the town. He is survived by two brothers, Aaron, of Philadelphia, and one brother still at the old home in Germany, and one sister, Mrs. Strauss, of Philadelphia. Burial was made in Philadelphia on January | 10th. and Mary Musser Miller, early set- | so leaves the following brothers and tlers of Aaronsburg, where she was | sisters: George, Dorse and Harry born seventy-two years ago. In 1869 Eckenroth, Mrs. Calvin Lontz, Mrs. she was united in marriage to Mr. | Harry Confer and Mrs. Walter Houtz, Wolfe and all their married life was | al] of Pleasant Gap, and Mrs. Henry spent at Woodward. Mr. Wolfe died in 1905 and ever since his widow kept the home fires burning by very successfully managing the mercantile business left by her husband. She is | survived by two daughters, Mrs. Sa- i rah Stover and Mrs. Carl Motz, both | these brothers and sisters: ler, of Rock Springs; Charles, in i Iowa; Mrs. Mary Crawford, of Free- | port, I11.; Robert, of Greenup, Ill; { Mrs. J. W. Keller, of Linden Hall, and {Mrs J. H Williams, of Pine Grove | Mills She was a member of the Evan- i gelical church for many years. Fun- | eral services were held at her late {home at two o’clock on Tuesday after- | noon, after which burial was made in the Woodward cemetery. li | WAY.—Charles E. Way, a well { known conductor of the Pennsylvania railroad, died at the Altoona hospital on Monday afternoon of lobar pneu- monia, following an illness of only a few days. He was a son of Elmer and Josanna Way and was born on Buffa- lo Run, this county, on January 14th, 1868, hence was 52 years and 6 days old. He went to Altoona when thirty years of age and entered the employ of the Pennsylvania railroad compa- ny and by close application to his work and the conscientious discharge of his every duty was finally promot- ed to the rank of a conductor. He is survived by his wife and one son, Howard Way, a student at State College. He also leaves one brother and a sister, John Way, of Altoona. and Mrs. Jessie Jones, of Windber. Mr. Way was a member of the United Brethren church, the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, the P.O. S.of A. Altoona Lodge I. O. O. F. and the Al- toona musical association. Burial was made in Fairview cemetery, Altoona, yesterday afternoon. il H JORDAN.—Mrs. Nora Boal Jordan, wife of William Jordan, of Colyer, died at the Bellefonte hospital last Friday as the result of a stone that had lodged in the gall duct. She had been ill only about three weeks and was brought to the hospital not quite two weeks prior to her death for an operation, but her condition was such that an operation could not be performed. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Boal and she was born in Potter township about fifty years ago. Practically all of her married life was spent in the vicinity of Colyer. She is survived by her husband, three brothers and one sister, namely: John Boal, of Peru; Thomas, of State Col- lege; Frank and Miss Agnes, of Al- toona. She was a member of the Reformed church and Rev. R. Raymond Jones had charge of the funeral services, which were held at her late home at ten o’clock on Monday morning, bur- ial being made in the Zion Hill cem- etery. B Il McCORMICK.—Robert McCormick Jr., the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert McCormick, of Beaver Falls, died on Friday, January 9th, following a brief illness® with diphtheria. The child would have been two years old in February. Mrs. McCormick... the mother, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gentzel, formerly of Belle- fonte, and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heisler. {living at Woodward. She also leaves J. H. Mil- : | Hoy, of Nigh Bank. | Mr. Eckenroth was a member of | the Lutheran church and Rev. Brown, | { of Boalsburg, had charge of the fun- | eral which was held yesterday, bur-- ial being made in the Lutheran ceme- tery at Pleasant Gap. l i RUBLE.—John B. Ruble, a native of Centre county, died at the state sanitorium at Hamburg, Berks coun- ‘ty, on Tuesday morning of last week following -an illness of some months “with tuberculosis. For a number of i years past he worked for the Penn- : sylvania railroad company in Altoona as an expert carpenter and several years ago suffered an injury to his spine. Early last year he developed tuberculosis and last August he was | compelled to quit work. About a | month ago he was admitted to the state sanitorium at Hamburg but his condition was then so bad that noth- ing could be done to prolong his life. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ruble and was born in Potter township forty-five years ago. He was married to Miss Sallie Hoy, of Lemont, who survives with twelve children. He also leaves his mother and one brother, Joseph S. Ruble, both living in Cleveland, Ohio. The remains were taken to Centre Hall, one o'clock on Friday afternoon by Rev. J. A. Shultz, after which burial was made in the Centre Hall ceme- tery. ; GATES.—Mrs. Rebecca Gates, wid- ow of the late Solomon J. Gates, died at the home of her son Clyde in Cur- wensville on Sunday, of general de- bility, aged 91 years and 3. months. She was a daughter of John and Eliz- abeth Dennis Bloom and was born near Centre Hall. When quite young her parents moved to Pine Grove Mills, where her girlhood life was spent. In 1852 she was united in marriage to Solomon J. Gates, a young blacksmith of Pine Grove moved to Curwensville where she had lived ever since. She was the last member of her father’s family of sev- en children. n 1892 and of their four children, two of Curwensville. A large number of relatives of the aged woman still live in Centre county. She was a mem- ber of the Lutheran church for a per- iod of eighty years and her pastor had charge of the funeral services which were held on Wednesday, bur- ial being made at Curwensville. il ll ALEXANDER. — Joseph Blair Alexander, one of the best known men of Bald Eagle valley, died at his home in Milesburg last Saturday morning | following an illness that dates back to the death of a son over a year ago. He was a son of Joseph and Ellen Alexander and was born in Union : township on August 25th, 1854, hence was in his sixty-sixth year. He was a farmer by occupation and lived on the old homestead in Union township until his retirement some four or five years ago, when he moved to Miles- burg. In 1877 he was married to Je- mima Bush Calhoun who survives with two children, Joseph A. and Guyer B. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Julia Emerick, of Unionville. Mr. Alexander was a member of the where funeral services were held at. Mills, and shortly thereafter they. Her husband died in! sons survive, Clyde and William, both ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon | the estate of William W. Waddle, late of | Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- tate are requested to make prompt pay- . ment, and those having claims against the i same must present them, duly authenti- cated, for settlement. MARY SHERLOCK WADDLE ' Administratrix, W. Harrison Walker, Bellefonte, Pa. Attorney 64-49-6t ATTRACTIVE HOME FOR SALE Ae STATE COLLEGE, PA. Ten room house, consisting of 3 rooms on the third floor, 4 rooms and bath on the second floor, 3 rooms and reception hall on the first floor; with cellar the entire space of the house; 15 inch red brick walls; electric lighted throughout; hot air heat- ing system; cement floor cellar; toilet and sink, hot and cold water in cellar; three porches, two facing the college; slate roof; in good condition; adjacent to col- lege land; no commission or real estate dealers. Answer “Box Z,” Democratic Watchman, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-1-3t, e. o.w. | DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. — Let- OTICE.—Notice is hereby given that application has been made to The Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of the Public Service Company, Law, by the New York, Pittsburgh, and Chicago Railroad Corporation, for a cer- tificate of public convenience evidencing the commission’s requisite approval of the application of the New York, Pittsburgh, and Chicago Railroad Corporation for the reorganization of the New York Pitts- burgh and Chicago Railway Company, the purpose of which is to construct and op- erate a railroad from a point near Har- mony, Penna., to a point near Allentown, Penna. A public hearing upon this appli- cation will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg, on the 29th day of January, 1920, at 9:30 o'clock a m., when and where all persons in interest nay appear and be heard, if they so de- sire. HENRY O. EVANS, J. GARFIELD HOUSTON, 65-3-2t Attorneys for Applicant. OTICE.—In re-application for the ap- pointment of a guardian for Loui- sa Strong, of Potter township, ' Centre county Pa. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre county, No. 158 September Term 1918. To Roland Confer, Altoona, Pa. and heirs of Rose Ellen Meyer, late of Mifflin county, Penna., deceased. Greeting: You are hereby notified that at a session of the Court of Comman Pleas of Centre county held December 18th, 1919, upon petition of J. H. Horner and A. H. Loughner, Overseers of the Poor of Potter township, Centre county, Pa., ask- ing for the appointment of a guardian for Louisa Strong, the Court made a decree and has fixed Saturday, January 24th, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Court House in Bellefonte, Pa., for the purpose of appointing a guardian for the said Louisa Strong. You are therefore in pur- suance of said decree of Court hereby no- tified to be and appear at said hearing at the time and place designated by the said decree. W. G. RUNKLE, 65-3-2t Attorney for Petitioners. RY THE Excelsior Brand Roller Flour Manufactured by the Curtin Milling Co., Curtin, Pa. FOR SALE BY The R. S. Brouse Store and The John Meese Store 64-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Wanted! Union Brick Layers $1.00 PER HOUR Apply to the Turner Construction Co ., Bald Eagle and Sherman Streets 46-1t LOCK HAVEN, PA. [|