Bewaoraly Baca Bellefonte, Pa., January 23, 1920. Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PINE GROVE MENTION. Mrs. J. A. Fortney has been visit- ing her parental home at Bellwood the past week. Hon. J. W. Kepler came over from DuBois to spend Sunday with his family here. Miss Kathryn Dunlap is plying her needle and scissors this week at the S. E. Ward home on east Main street. Aunt “Becky” Gates, past ninety years old, who has been a little under the weather of late, is now some im- proved. Ben Everhart last week disposed of his timberland near Franklinville for $15,000. On the tract is a considera- ble quantity of pine and walnut. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kepler were over Sunday visitors with friends in Altoona and had some experience get- ting home through Monday’s snow. Mrs. Ada Campbell very kindly re- membered Rev. and Mrs. Ira E. Fish- er, last Friday, with a generous dona- tion of good things from her farm. On going to the barn Wednesday morning farmer George Fortney found one of his best horses dead in its stall. Indigestion was the cause. Jacob Hirlinger, a mill employee on the E. H. Bierly lumber job, was call- ed to Benton on Monday to attend the funeral of his brother William, who died on Saturday. Mrs. Ida Williams bravely faced Monday’s big snow storm and jour- neyed to Woodward to attend the fun- eral of her sister, Mrs. Wolfe, who was buried on Tuesday afternoon. Ernest Wagner Hess was taken to the Bellefonte hospital on Saturday to undergo an operation for hernia. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery and an early return home. ~ Mrs. John Fry, of Laurelton, has been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bowersox, on east Main street, for some days past, owing to the fact that her mother has not been feeling very well. Samuel Grove is assisting John Martin in putting the proper kind of a shine on his stock in order to have the same in good shape for his public sale early in March. Mr. Martin will retire from the farm this spring. . Miss Sarah Buttles, who makes her home with her sister, Madame M. A. B. Boal, at Boalsburg, fell on Monday and fractured her hip. Inasmuch as she is about eighty years of age the injury is regarded as quite serious. Mrs. Walter Woods, who has not been in good health for some months past, has been taken to Florida in the hope that the change to a warmer cli- mate will prove beneficial. She was accompanied by her physician and a nurse. James Kline accompanied the re- mains of Thomas Wagner, the young man who met his death as the result of being scalded at the Kline saw mill, to Snyder county last week where burial was made in the cemetery near his old home. Our health officer is housed up, suf- fering with a bealed jaw, he having caught cold after having a tooth ex- tracted. W. K. Corl and N. O. Drei- blebis are also on the sick list, while Paul Wrigley, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wrigley, who has been very ill, is now improving slowly. Last Thursday evening several sled loads of jolly youngsters halted at the E. T. Parsons home where they spent a most delightful evening with various games, music and an abun- dance of refreshments, furnished in part by Mrs. Parsons, who is quite noted for her culinary accomplish- ments. Old Boreas has been busy with his blower, piling up the snow and block- ading the roads throughout this sec- tion. It required the services of six shovelers almost three hours to open the road sufficiently on Monday to transport the mails by sled between Pine Grove Mills and State College. As to automobiles, they are all park- ed away with care in this section at the present time. For fourteen consecutive years Hon. John T. McCormick, of State College, was president of the town council of that ‘borough, retiring on Monday evening and in recognition of his many years of faithful service the members of council at its regular session that evening presented him with a beautiful loving cup. The gift came as a surprise to Mr. McCormick, but he very graciously thanked the donors for that expression of their appreciation of his efforts to do his duty under any and all circumstances. Received too late for publication last week. Our health officer, W. G. Gardner, ic among the sick. Will Meyers transacted business at the county capital on Monday. John Martin will quit the farm on April first and move into town. The Glenn sanitorium at State Col- lege is now filled with patients. Dr. William Woods went to New York on Monday for a surgical opera- tion. Jerome Gingerich was an over Sun- day visitor with friends at Centre Hall. The postponed entertainment will be held in the Presbyterian church at 9:30 oclock on Sunday morning. A OASTORIA Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher. In use for over thirty years, and The Kind You Have Aksays Bough. collection will be taken up for the ben- efit of the Near East fund. J. Calvin Struble, of State College, transacted business in our town on Tuesday. Stock buyer Wrigley, of Clinton county, was here on Tuesday for a truck load of fat porkers. Kocher & Gregory, of Petersburg, were also here early in the week and bought up a lot of hogs for shipment. A jolly sledding party took the S. A. Homan home by storm last Friday evening. Lunch was served and the time was spent with music, games and dancing. On Tuesday evening Samuel Wagner took a sled load to the Elmer C. Rossman home where a most de- lightful time was spent. On Monday J. F. Kimport took a drive in his sleigh and in turning out for an automobile the sleigh upset and he was dragged quite a distance before he could get his horse stopped. The auto party promptly stopped and went to his rescue, helping him get things in shape so that he could con- tinue his journey. Aside from a little shaking up Mr. Kimport was none the worse for his adventure. NITTANY. Received too late for publication last week. A chicken and waffle supper was held at the lunch room at Nittany on Saturday evening last, by the ladies of the Evangelical church. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. A good- ly number were in attendance and quite a substantial sum was realized. Miss Saneta Dorman, of the Wil- liamsport hospital, spent a little time with her relatives and friends the lat- ter part of last week, and attended the services at Snydertown on Sunday. Her many friends are always glad to see her home and she is sure of a wel- come by all. Mr. and Mrs. Wells P. Dorman have moved into the ’Squire Emerick house in Snydertown. Mr. Dorman has sold his store and property at Avis, Clin- ton county, and will not engage in business for the present. They were former residents of the valley and we are glad to have them back and trust fey may make this their permanent ome. Farmers and others who expect to move in the spring, are making use of the snow to haul implements and grain on the snow, the roads being in good shape for hauling with sleds. Harry Stover has filled his ice house on the farm he bought some time ago, and others are putting up ice for sum- mer use. The ice crop is pretty good 54 Sees not show the effect of the Communion services were held in St. Mark’s church, Snydertown, on Sunday, January 11th. A goodly num’ °r were in attendance. The pas- tor, . ev. Shultz, gave a short talk on the duties and requirements of a tru- ly christian life, in place of a regular sermon, which created a more lasting impression than many a long sermon, and gave evidence of prayerful thought on the part of the pastor. Miss Miriam Beck has been enter- ‘taining her friend, Miss Sara Steven- son, of Waddle, during the past week. Miss Stevenson is a graduate of the Altoona hospital and has been nurs- ing in the various government hos- pitaly the past few years, having been at Plattsburg for some time. At present she is assigned to the conval- escent Camp at Asheville, North Car- olina, to which place she will return after her vacation is over. She has had a varied experience and says she enjoys the work. Miss Stevenson is a fine girl and made many friends in the valley while a resident here at the home of her uncle, Rev. L. N. Fleck, then pastor of Zion charge. CENTRE HALL. Mrs. James Stahl is visiting her children, Asher, Claude, Bruce and Mrs. Charles Snyder. James Lohr, of Rutledge, near Phil- adelphia, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Lutz. Mr. Lohr is recuperat- ing from a recent illness. Mrs. William Keller returned to her home in this place on Wednesday, from the Bellefonte hospital, where she underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis. Mrs. Clyde Smith returned to her home in this place last week, after an absence of several months in How- ard, where she assisted in caring for her father, Mr. Henderson, during his last illness. Among those who attended the fun- eral of John Ruble were his mother, Mrs. Linnie Ruble; Joseph Ruble and wife and Miss Ruth Ruble, all of Cleveland, Ohio, and Misses Catha- rine and Luella Ruble, of Altoona. MEDICAL. Act Quickly Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger, Doan’s Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of Bellefonte evidence of their worth. Mrs. Elmer Yerger, 306 N. Beaver St., Bellefonte, says: “About ten years ago I had kidney trouble in its worst form. My back was so weak I could hardly get around. My kidneys acted very irregularly and I was in constant misery. Dropsical swellings | set in. I tried different remedies but received no benefit. Doan’s Kidney Pills were recommended to me and I at once began their use. In a few days the trouble was relieved and I continued their use for about three months. They entirely removed the distressing kidney disorders. My back was strengthened and I had no further trouble with my kidneys. I think Doan’s are the best kidney med- icine to be had.” (Statement given April 22nd, 1914). On October 18, 1918, Mrs. Yerger said: “It is a pleasure and a great privilege for me to again speak a good word for Doan’s Kidney Pills. Others in my family have since had the same good results from Doan’s as I had. I confirm all I said in my for- mer statement.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. @o-4 ORVISTON. Mrs. Ira Condo, who has been quite ill, is much improved. Little Mildred Croll, one of the ba- by daughters of Mrs. Isabell Croll, is very ill. Hensyl and Charles Young, of the upper works have been worrying with bad colds, but are much better. Lieut. John Hume and brother, Rob- ert Hume, of Falconer, N. Y., blew into town Monday morning, after BOALSBURG. Elmer Houtz spent Saturday in Bellefonte. . Dr. David Dale, of Bellefonte, was in town Tuesday morning. Edwin Benner, of State College, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Willis Houtz. Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Rothrock, of Port Matilda, spent the week-end in town. Mrs. William Meyers recently spent several days with friends in Centre calling on their Lock Haven relatives. | Hall Chief of police, James M. Hume made a flying trip from West Bridge- water, killing two birds with one stone. He came to see his sister, Mrs. L. E. MacDonald, who is very ill in Lock Haven, and called over for his daughter, Miss Florence Hume, who has been visiting her grandfather, John Hume, of Orviston. Sled riding behind the school house has a peculiar fascination for the kids of Orviston, notwithstanding the fact that it is a dangerous slide, and many have been hurt. Those to date are Hazel Poorman, Jim DeLong, Sam Leathers and Torrance Barner. Lit- tle Hazel got the worst, being in the Lock Haven hospital a week. Tor- rance Barner has a badly bunged up face as a result of his injuries, and it was a miracle he escaped death. Sev- eral others are nursing minor injuries, caused by their journey down the “fa- tal slide.” Miss Thelma Nelson was pleasant- ly surprised at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bion Nelson, on Friday evening, by a number of her young friends, the occasion being in honor of her fourteenth birthday. The evening was spent pleasantly with games and music and a dainty lunch. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bion Nelson and son George, the Missies Marian Daley, Velman Poor- man, Velma Shawley, Josephine Poor- man, Hazel Walker, Florence Hume, Carrie Dietz, Helen Confer, Essie Gray and Thelma Nelson. Messrs. Hugh Croft, Merl and Ed Condo, El- mer Croll, Ed Packer, Paul Lomison, Ed McCaslin, Clair Poorman, Charles Heverly, John Shank, Earl Powell and Lester and Harold Poorman. Miss Nelson received many pretty and use- ful gifts. Her friends departed wish- ing her many happy returns of the ay. OAK HALL. Rev. Leith is visiting at the R. C. Lowder home for a short time. Mrs. Thomas Gramley, of Altoona, is visiting at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. C. Lowder. James Peters and daughter, Miss Helen, of Rock Sprngs, spent a day recently in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Whitehill, of State College, are spending some time at the Charles Whitehill home. Mr and Mrs. William Korman, of Tyrone, were week-end visitors at the Ira Korman home on Main street. Quite a number of people from our town attended the sale of Miss Anna Sweeney, at Boalsburg, on Saturday. Received too late for publication last week. Mrs. L. K. Dale was a visitor in Bellefonte on Saturday. Mrs. O. L. Rishel, of Wilkes-Barre, is spending an indefinite time at this place. Mrs. Harry Wagner and children were Sunday visitors at the Curt Mey- ers home, on the Branch. Miss Rose Sunday, of State College, visited Tuesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Homan. The ladies’ Bible class of the Luth- eran Sunday school of Boalsburg held their meeting at the A.C. Peters home on Saturday evening. HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. Is This Your Case? What You Should Do—Most Success- ful and Economical Treatment. Do you have a feeling of general weakness day in and day out? Is your appetite poor? Does your food fail to strengthen you and your sleep to refresh? Do you find it hard to do or bear what should be easy? Have your ordinary duties and cares become great tasks and burdens? If so, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla— this great medicine revitalizes the blood, gives vigor and tone to all the organs and functions, and is un- equalled for those who arein any de- gree debilitated or run down. Do not delay treatment—begin it today. To rouse the torpid liver and regu- late the bowels take Hood’s Pills. They are purely vegetable. 65-2 Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, -9€34-6m. PHILADELPHIA, PA. FINE JOB PRINTING o—A SPECIALTY—o0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest. BOOK WORK, that we can not do in the most satis- factory manner, and at Prices consist. ent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this cffice’ (Get the Best Meats. You save nothing by buying poor, thin or gristly meats. [use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the fresh- est, choicest, best blood and muscle mak- ing Steaks and Roasts. prices are no higher than poorer meats are elsewhere, I alwavs have —— DRESSED POULTRY — Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY BHOP. P. L. BEEZER, High Strat. 84-84-1y. Belicfente, Pa all. “Miss Beatrice Kreider, of Rebers- burg, is visiting at the home of A. J. Hazel. George Fisher is having his ice house filled with ice taken from the McFarlane ice dam. Mrs. H. O. Barr is entertaining her sister, Miss Harpster, who came here from DuBois last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Charles and son Eugene and Mrs. W. H. Stover motored to Lewistown on Friday, going from there to Philadelphia for a few day’s visit Messrs. Wallace Musser Charles Dale, of the Branch, Thursday evening in town. _ Mrs. William Goheen went to Sink- ing valley on Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. William Tussey. Frank Wieland, of Linden Hall, cen- sus enumerator for Harris township, spent several days in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hern began housekeeping in Mrs. Calvin Wie- land’s house. Mr. Hern is employed in the Stricker garage, and came here from Milroy. Miss Sara Buttles, who resides with her nephew, Major Theodore Davis Boal, met with a painful accident on Monday evening. Miss Buttles had the misfortune to slip and fall on the hardwood floor, breaking her hip bone. —— Subscribe for the “Watchman.” spent Out of accumulated espital oo Bave arisen all the successes ce, all the comforts and ameli- ti f the lot. Upon it the world must de; $e ions o commen lot. Upon it th Jo ped the precess of recenstruction in t | | of industry and applied scien { t The Successful Farmer Raises Bigger Crops and cuts down costs by investment in labor-saving machinery. Good prices for the farmers’ crops en- have to sl ~JAMES J. HILL courage new investment, more production and greater prosperity. But the success of agriculture depends on the growth of railroads—the modern beasts of burden that haul the crops to the world’s markets. The railroads—like the farms—increase their output and cut down unit costs by "the constant investment of new capital. With fair prices for the work they do, the railroads are able to attract new capital for expanding their facilities. Rates high enough to yield a fair return will insure railroad growth, and prevent costly traffic congestion, which invariably results in poorer service at higher cost. National wealth can increase only as our railroads grow. Poor railroad service is dear at any price. No growing country can long pay the price of inadequate transportation facilities. erly 2 published by Those desiring snformation eoncerning the railroad situ- alion may obtain literature by writing to The Associa- tion of Retlway Executives, 61 Broadway, New York. SECHLER & Co. Bellefonte’s Oldest Grocery - The store where long experience in selecting groceries insures to each customer a quality of goods just a little higher than can be found else- where and at fair prices. We Invite You to Test this Statement 6-1 with Your Patronage. AUNTS ES IAA AAAI A ASSASSINS and ‘| Bellefonte LAT RT, ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at= Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices ir all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1y B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the courts. Comn- sultation in English or German. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellezonts Pa. 40- S. TAYLOR—Attorney and Counsel- lor at Law. ce in Eagle Block, Bellefonte, Pa. All kinds of legal business attended to promptly. 40-49 J KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- tention given all legal business en- trusted to his care. Hight street. Offices—No. 5 East 57-44 J M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at Law and Justice of the Peace. All preo- fessional business will recejve Lrompt attention. Office on second floor of emple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE—Attorney-at-Law. Con~ sultation in Hnglish and German, Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Belle- fonte, Pa. 58-5 seem PHYSICIANS. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi- dence. 35-41 ESTAURANT. Bellefonte pow has a First-Class Res- taurant where Meals are Served at All Hours Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Oysters on the half shell or in any style desired, Sand- wiches, Soups, and anything eatable, can Jehu a few nites any {ime Ja | ad- ition I have a complete plant prepared to furnish Soft Drinks in bottles De as POPS, SODAS, SARSAPARILLA, SELTZER SYPHONS, ETC.. for pic-nics, families and the public er- ally all of which are manufactured iy of the purest syrups and properly carbonated. C. MOERSCHBACHER, 50-32-1y. High St., Bellefonte, Pa. |INSUR ANCE! Fire and Automobile Insurance at a . | reduced rate. 62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. common. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Compulsory. We specialize in placing such in- surance. We Inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce In- surance rates. It will be to your interest to con- sult us before placing your In- surance. JOHN F. GRAY. & SON, 43-18-1y State College The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: 500 death by accident, (limit 52 w 10 per week, partial disability, (limit 26 weeks PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion Any person, male or female, engaged in a referred occupation, including house eeping, over eighteen years of age of good moral and physical condition may insure under this policy. Fire Insurance 1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur- ance Agency, the strongest and Most tensive Line of Solid Companies represent- ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, Agent, Bellefonte Fa, 25 per week, total disability, eeks) 50-21. Good Health Good Plumbing GO TOGETHER When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or escaping , you can’t have good Health. The air you Breathe is poisonous; your system poisoned_and invalidism is sure to come. SANITARY PLUMBING sd gd, ve gp te ml, Kt ought to have. Wedon't trust this wi boys. Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics, no better anywhere. Our mes Material and Fixtures are the Bes Not a cheap or inferior article in our entire establishment. d with good work and the finest material, our Prices are Lower than many who give you work and the lowest grade @ the Best Work try Archibald Allison, Qppesite Bush Houga,__ JeSusumn, Be T, UNSABLAEY finishings.i Fer