Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 16, 1920, Image 8

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EE ——————— TT SEEM.
% "Bellefonte, Pa, January 16, 1919.
——The State College Alumnae will
entertain the girls of the class of
1920, Monday night, at the home of
Miss Ethel Sparks. :
LL ; ——There will be a card party in
the Knights of Columbus hall Monday
evening, January 19th, at 8.30 o'clock.
* The public is cordially invited.
— A contract for building 5325
feet of state road through State Col-
lége borough has been let to Lee E.
Kell, of Brooklyn, for $154,878.45.
.——A special thanksgiving service
will be held in the W. C. T. U. room
Saturday, January 17th, at 11.30 a.
m. Every one is urged to join in
this meeting. i
; While on her way to Mrs. H. N.
Meyers to a thimble bee, yesterday
afternoon, Mrs. L. H. Gettig, of Bish-
op street, fell, breaking her leg be-
tween the knee and ankle.
: ——A novel and brilliant musical
production entitled, “Katcha-Koo,”
will be ‘given as a hospital benefit,
under the auspices of the Auxiliary,
Friday and Saturday, April 9th and
10th. - ¢
——John S. Ginter, secretary and
treasurer of the Pruner orphanage
fund, has notified the central bureau
of charities, of Altoona, that there is
room for five or six deserving orph-
ans at the orphanage in this place.
!—~——We have no kick coming
against Old Boreas. He may be a lit-
tle slow getting to work but when’ he
-* wakes up in earnest he sticks just as
persistently to his job as he did in ye
olden times, but the fellow we would
like to get at is the man who predict-
ed a mild, open winter.
—— Mrs. Hattie Schaub, whose in-
teresting letters from overseas have
been published in the “Watchman,”
after being twenty-two days on the
ocean, has reached America and will
come to Bellefonte this afternoon, to
visit her sister, Mrs. Ertley, of State
College. She is also a sister of Mrs.
Willis Weaver, of Windber, whom she
" will visit later.
— Last Friday’s snow and rain
4 did considerable damage to the the
© ty.
telephone lines throughout the coun-
any wires were broken down
. and” poles collapsed under the extra
weigh tof the heavily laden wires. A
few phones were put out of commis-
sion in Bellefonte but by Saturday
. evening the service was almost back
! to normal again.
——A four million dollar mort-
i gage has been entered for record in
: the recorder’s office of Centre county
.. by the Penn Public Service corpora-
+, tio
of Johnstown, the Banker’s Trust
+ company, of New York; being named
os fa frastee. “A new two million dollar
" “plant near Johnstown and various im-
provements to the plant in - Philips-
! burg are in prospect for the coming
| symmer.
——The farmers are taking advan-
tage, of the good sledding in this vi-
cinity to haul their grain, corn and
hay to market. And just here it
might be said that when they arrive
in Bellefonte, those who bring their
produce here, they find just as good
sledding here as out in the country,
because there are no steam heat pipes,
on the streets now to melt the’ snow
and ice as they used to do in years
gone by.
Bellefonte people today demand
a certain amount of pleasure. and re-,
laxation from the daily grind of busi-:
ness cares and hard work and the one
place they can secure same is at the
Scenic, open every night during the
week except Sunday, and always
showing big programs of the best mo-
tion pictures obtainable. If you are
already a Scenic regulav. you. know
how to appreciate’a.good thing;'if you
are not you should become one.
——The Patriotic League will pre-
sent “The Feast of the Red Corn,” an
American Indian operetta, in Gar-
man’s opera house, Thursday, January
29th, at 8:30 p. m. It isa portrayal
of clever music and picturesque
dances. The proceeds of this play
will be used for charitable purposes
under the direction of the Wonien’s
club and the Patriotic League. Price
of admission, 35, 50 and 75 cents.
Full program published next week.
———The army recruiting station at
Williamsport is now authorized to ac-
cept. qualified applicants for special
assignment to any of the first seven
divisions of the regular army. Men
without previous service may enlist
in either the field artillery, infantry,
medical corps, engineers or sig-
nal corps for special assignment
to any of the first seven divis-
ions of the army. Enlistments will
also be accepted for service in Pana-
ma, Alaska and the Philippine Is-
lands. Any one interested can secure
fuller particulars by communicating
with: the recruiting officer, care Wil-
liamsport postoffice.
The Bellefonte Academy is
without doubt enjoying the best year
in the history. of that institution.
Since the holiday vacation there has
been an increase of twelve in the stu-
dent body, the majority of the addi-
tional students coming to the Acade-
jy from other preparatory schools.
This, in itself, is evidence of the high
character and
has among the educational
standing the Academy
institution is located in their midst.
‘tions of the State and is a flattering
' commendation upon the good judg-
ment and stability of the management
and also just cause for the people of
Bellefonte to be proud that such an
Association Formed to Boost Belle-
fonte During 1920.
Two dozen or more merchants and
business men of Bellefonte met at Co-
hen’s department store last Thursday
evening to discuss the business out-
look for the current year. Walter
Cohen acted as temporary chairman
and Hassell Montgomery temporary
secretary. It was the general senti-
ment of those present that some con-
certed action should be taken toward
stabilizing the business of Bellefonte
and in no way can this be better done
than by securing new and varied in-
dustries. As everybody was heartily
in favor of co-operation it was decid-
ed to organize the Bellefonte Busi-
ness Men’s association and the follow-
ing were elected as officers:
President—Walter Cohen.
Vice President—George Hazel.
Treasurer—H. C. Yeager.
Secretary—Charles Schlow.
As evidence of the fact that the or-
ganization is not to be merely a per-
functory one the membership fee was
fixed at $25.00, with monthly dues of
$5.00. With such an amount of mon-
ey at stake every member will be vi-
tally interested not only in the organ-
ization but in doing all he can to im-
prove the business situation of the
town. A rather extensive program
for future work and activities of the
organization was outlined, and part of
the fund realized from member-
ship fees and dues will be used in ad-
vertising the advantages of the town,
booming Bellefonte’s stores and in in-
teresting prospective industries to the
point of locating here. It is the pur-
pose of the association to work in har-
mony with the Bellefonte Board of
Trade and all other organizations of
interests that have for their aim the
good of the town.
business men signed the membership
roll and paid down their twenty-five
dollars membership fee, as follows:
Cohen & Co. John I. Olewine Est.
R. Lynn Mallory Hazel & Co.
H. C. Yeager J. Hockman
Beatty Motor Co. Miss 8S J. Morgan
Montgomery & Co. Herr & lleverly
F. P. Blair & Son Walter Ishkowitz
J. M. Heverly William Katz
Fauble’s C. D. Casebeer
T. C. Brown Potter-Hoy Co.
Lyon & Co. Weaver Dros.
R. S. Brouse Store Mott Drug Co.
H. H. Ruhl Schlow’s Quality Shop
The association has been offered a
room at the Bellefonte Trust compa-
ny for a meeting place and have also
under consideration the grand jury
room in the court house and the bor-
ough council chamber.
Brockerhoff : House
Dating from last Saturday evening
the Brockerhoff house will be run
strictly upon the European plan and
no meals will be served to roomers or
transient guests. Landlord H. S. Ray
gives ag the reason for this diverg-
his inability to get and keep the help
neededito conduct the hotel on the
American plan in the manner he de-
sires dnd-as it should be conducted.
The hotel will be conducted under the
new ‘plan for one month as a try-out,
and if it proves satisfactory will be
continued on the European plan with-
out restaurant service at least until
labor conditions become more stabil-
ized. :
Most of the old boarders at the ho-
tel will continue as roomers and have
made arrangements to get their meals
at the Brant house: Charles F. Cook
and daughter, Miss Anna, who only
recently closed their home and took
rooms at the Hotel, have taken rooms
and will take their meals at the Brant
—— AAS
May Mean Another Railroad Through
: : Centre County.
In another column of this issue of
the “Watchman” will be found an ad-
vertisement in effect that application
has been made to the Public Service
Commission for approval of the re-
organization of the New York, Pitts-
burgh and Chicago Railway company,
the purpose of which is to construct
and operate a railroad from a point
near Harmony, Pa., to a point near
Allentown. This is the project that
was sprung some years ago and the
Froute as surveyed at that time ‘ran
through Centre county, crossing Bald
Eagle mountain in the vicinity, of
Stormstown and running through the
Barrens went down the south side of
Pennsvalley. Whether the move that
has now started will result in the
building of this road on the lines of
the old survey, is of course unknown
i at this time; but if it is intended as
at that time stated to be as near, an
air line as possible from west to east
it will undoubtedly run through Cen-
tre county, as we are right in the line.
Enlistments Wanted for Troop L.
A cavalry troop for Bellefonte has
been included in the personnel of the
new National Guard of Pennsylvania.
Frederick Reynolds has been commis-
sioned captain of the troop and Roy
Grove first lieutenant. These officers
are now desirous of recruiting the
troop to the required strength as
quickly as possible. All former sol-
diers are desired and urged to re-en-
list for either one or three years. For
the purpose of enlistment the armory
will be open every Tuesday evening
from 7:30 until 9 o'clock. Up to this
time twenty or more men of the old
troop have re-enlisted, but more are
wanted. Also any man in good phys-
| ical condition, and between 18 and 40
years old, can enlist.
esis i pl. +n enn
——The borough auditors have
started work on auditing the various
accounts relating to borough expen-
ditures. ;
Just twenty-four merchants and |
Will Not Serve |
ence frori the old- established custom |
with Mr. and ‘Mrs, Hiram Fetterolf |
—1In the state-wide scheme of
conservation and propagation of game
the State Game Commission has de-
cided to establish fifteen game pre-
serves throughout the State in the
next few years, seven of them just as
soon as lands can be bought in the
central part of the State from the
proceeds of hunters’ licenses. One of
the new preserves is to be located at
the junction of Clearfield, Centre,
Clinton and Cameron counties. Cen-
tre county now has one game pre-
i serve, down in the Coburn district.
oo ——
— The Supreme court on Monday
denied permission for the New Jersey
i retail liquor dealers’ association to
bring original proceedings in that
| court to test the constitutionality of
' the national prohibition amendment,
ment will become effective at 12:01
o’clock tonight. All hopes that the
wets have had that something might
turn up to stay the putting into effect
of the prohibition law have been par-
ried at every angle, and the country
' will now be in a position to test the
efficiency of the law, its advantages,
‘ field, who now fills the office of Unit-
{ ed States marshall for the western
| district of Pennsylvania, had a pretty
| fair inkling of the responsibilities of
| that office last week when he was in
| charge of a group of forty-five feder-
al prisoners which he had to convey
| from Pittsburgh to the federal prison
| at Atlanta, Ga. Marshall Short de-
| termined to take no chances on the
prisoners escaping on the way down
{ south and in addition to handcuffing
| the men in pairs as they went to sleep
in their berths, took all their clothing
| into custody, so that they had to stay
jon the train.
| “A Night in Honolulu,” which
i comes to the opera house next Mon-
| day, January 19th, is a story of Ha-
| waii which immediately suggests a
myriad of thoughts to the stranger,
especially the American. One pic-
tures Hawaii as a land of sunshine,
of flowers and of music. One cannot
bring the sunshine of Hawaii to our
land, nor the flowers in their glorious
radiance, but the music is another
matter. The Americans have taken
the beautiful, wistful music of Ha-
waii to their hearts as they have no
other. The quaint’ “Ukelele” now
holds a favored place in our homes.
In “A Night in Honolulu” one may
hear the veritable native musicians
chant their weird melodies, hear the
mournful prayer of death or the gay,
care-free hula music. It all has a pe-
| culiar fascination for us and is an op-
| portunity not to be missed.
| — Springtime is fast approaching
| and moving day on the first of April
| will be here almost before we realize
it, and that annual epoch in the lives
| of many people is the excuse for this
‘item. Every day, almost, this office
| has inquiries as to available houses
| for rent and quite naturally we have
| no authentic information to give out.
The reason is self-evident, there
"aren't any. That is, there aren’t any
, modern-equipped houses in Bellefonte
for rent, unless some one dies or
moves away and then there are al-
ways so many applicants for the same
that it is like buying a ticket in a lot-
tery to get the house. Houses for
rent is the one thing Bellefonte needs
' and needs badly if an effort is to be
' made to spread. out'in the industrial
line. In fact the only way to get a
desirable house these days is to buy
it, and it isn’t everybody that can do
! that, or wants to do it.
—Jjust at this time, when the lo-
cal fire companies are asking for ad-
ditienl fire: fighting apparatus, some
| Bellefonte property owners believe in
preparing . for: any contingency.
Among the number is our good
friend, Capt. Robert F. Hunter, who
last Friday took home" a patent fire
extinguisher to use in case of emer-
gency. Now of course Bob calculated
that it was no trouble for a man to
handle one of the extinguishers but
as to, a woman, well she would have
to be shown. So he called Mrs. Hun-
ter into the room and proceeded to
show her. “Now you see,” said Bob,
“you just give this a little turn like
that,” and then it started. The ex-
tinguisher proved to be one of the lit-
tle automatics that goes off when the
seal is punctured by a little turn of a
thumb screw and don’t stop going off
until it is empty. Needless to say Mr.
Hunter’s demonstration was
real-like, but unfortunately he almost
extinguished himself and everything
in the room before he could get out-
side the house and leave the contrap-
tion bleed itself to death. :
Former Centre Countian a Suicide.
Orvis C. Walker, a native of-Brush
valley, committed suicide on Sunday
at his home at Norwood by hanging
himself with, a window cord in the
stable in the rear of his home. Orvis
moved to Norwood from Rebersburg
in October and was employed at the
plant of the Sun Shipbuilding compa-
ny, at Chester. The cause of his act
is not known.
He was 45 years, 7 months and 15
days old and was a son of Thomas W.
and Anna Walker, of Miles township.
He was a member of the Masonic fra-
ternity, the I. O. O. F. and the Luth-
eran church. He was married to Miss
Elizabeth Haines, of Rebersburg, who
survives with his mother and two
brothers, Lloyd B., of Pitcairn, and
Victor I., of Glassport, Pa. The re-
mains were taken to Rebersburg
where private funeral services were
held and burial made yesterday after-
and such being the case the amend-
— Editor John F. Short, of Clear- |
County Meeting to be Held in Belle-
" fonte Next Monday Evening.
Arrangements have been completed
for a meeting of the newly organized
Centre county branch of the Chil-
dren’s Aid society of Western Penn-
sylvania, which will be held in the
court house next Monday evening, the
19th instant, at 8 o’clock, and it is
earnestly urged that all women inter-
, ested in this important work make a
, special effort to be present. At least
| one representative woman from every
| district should feel it her duty to lend
- her assistance in every way possible,
; as it is only by the hearty co-opera-
: tion of the outlying districts that the
. movement will meet with the success
it so richly deserves.
The object of the society is the wel-
fare and care of dependent and neg-
lected children. Almost every dis-
trict has a child, or children, who for
| one reason or another have not the
| opportunity of developing good citi-
zenship upon arriving at manhood or
; womanhood. The aim of the society
iis to protect these by providing prop-
er homes, in private families in some
| instances, and in others a home in its
| well-equipped schools maintained es-
| pecially for that purpose. What are
! known as incorrigible children are pri-
| marily under the jurisdiction of the
| juvenile court, and in some instances
it becomes necessary for them to be
sent to one of the State institutions
commonly known as reform schools.
All incorrigibles are naturally neg-
lected and a large percentage of them
i dependent children. However, not by
any means are all neglected or de-
pendent children incorrigibles. As a
! matter of fact, only a small percent-
age are, and with proper environment
‘and encouragement, such as the Chil-
dren’s Aid society aims to and actu-
ally does give, develop and mature in-
to good citizens.
It is therefore earnestly hoped
that as many of the representative
women of the country as possible be
prasent at this meeting.
The local organization, recently cf-
fected, has arranged to have present
several of the most prominent women
in the State along this line of work,
chief of whom will be Mrs. Thomas
C. White, of Mercer, Pa., president of
the society and formerly its actuary,
‘who is the recognized leader of the
movement in Western Pennsylvania.
No woman who has the welfare of
these unfortunate children at heart
can afford to miss hearing Mrs.
White, who has so kindly volunteered
to give us the benefit of her long and
valuable experience, and who will,
without question, materially help in
arousing the courage and enthusiasm
necessary to carry on this great work.
ste 4 Yip. rire mame
Realistic Pictures of Near East to be
Shown in Bellefonte.
““Qut of the Land of Sorrows,” is
the title ‘of a soul stirring moving
picture that will be shown in the Lyr-
ic theatre, Bellefonte, Tuesday even-
‘ing, January 20th, at 8 o'clock. This
film will depict upon the screen the
story of the anguish and destitution
that is prevalent in the Near East,
and will give first-hand, undisputed
‘evidence of the reign of terror that
the blood-thirsty Turk has spread
among the christian people of Arme-
nia; but the picture is without many
of the gruesome features that have
characterized movies of ‘a similar
type. : :
Dr. Lincoln Wirt, minister and au-
thor, was sent out in January, 1919,
by the American committee for Ar-
menian relief to make a survey of the
conditions in Turkey, Syria, and Pal-
estine. He was accompanied by G. R.
Carrier, a motion picture photogra-
pher. They took 20,000 feet of film
and 700 still pictures. Sa
Some of the pictures were taken
from an aeroplane flying 200 miles
across Palestine, while thousands of
feet were ground out from a platform
lashed in front of a locomotive as
their train passed through the Tau-
rus mountain ranges. As they plung-
ed into tunnel after tunnel—thirty-
two in the course of thirty miles and
at an elevation of 5000 feet—the cam-
era recorded mile after mile of moun-
tain scenery as grand as any to be
found in the Alps or Rockies.
The film will show the capture by
the British of Ishmael Haki Bey, who
was responsible for the deportation
of 40,000 Armenians. Many of the
cities of the Near East, where mas-
sacres and slaughters took place, will
be portrayed on the screen, while
photographs will be shown of the
starving inmates of the refugee city
of Damascus. Palestine is viewed
from an airplane and visits are made
to the sea of Galilee and to the Leb-
anon mountains.
Dr. Wirt, who made the tour of the
Near East, and who assisted the pho-
tographer, will accompany the picture
and will lecture as the film is shown
upon the screen. This exhibition is
under the direction of the Near East
relief in Centre county, and the pro-
ceeds will go toward the county ap-
portionment of $7720. The place, the
Lyric theatre. The time, Tuesday
evening, January 20th, at 8 o’clock.
The admission, 25 cents. Matinee,
Thursday, 4:15. Children ten cents.
All indications are that the
year 1920 will be a banner year in the
automobile business in Centre county,
as well as all over the country. Lo-
cal dealers have already been assign-
ed their cars for the year and in most
cases the number is well below what
they feel they ought to have, judging
from past sales. Under such condi-
tions persons contemplating buying
cars will need to keep in touch with
[ the market else they may have trou-
ble in getting early delivery.
‘—Mrs. C. Edward Robb will spend the
week-end in Tyrone as a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Mac Davis.
—Maurice A. Jackson, of Pittsburgh,
has been in Bellefonte during the week,
having come in on a business trip.
—Miss Adaline Olewine is preparing to
leave Monday for a visit of several weeks
with Mrs. Robertson, of Hartford, Conn.
—Mrs. L. T. Munson is at the Bush
house, having closed her house on north
Allegheny street for the remainder of the
—Miss Mary McQuistion, who has spent
the last month with cousins ir Sunbury,
will return to Bellefonte tomorrow to open
her house.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Emerick and fam-
ily returned home on Wednesday from a
week’s motor trip through the eastern
part of the State.
—Sylvester Mignot last week accom-
panied his mother, Mrs. Emiel Mignot, to
Newberry on a visit to her daughter, Mrs.
Edward Rouguex.
—Thomas A. Cairns went down to Phil-
adelphia on Friday to take a week's rec-
reation in visiting among his many friends
in the Quaker city.
—Frederic Schad went to Akron, Ohio,
on Sunday, with the prospect of a posi-
tion in view. It
follow shortly.
—James E. Harter, of Coburn, was a
“Watchman” offic visitor on Monday, hav-
ing come to Bellefonte to attend the annu-
al meeting of the Farmers’ Mutual Fire
Insurance company.
—Charles Eberhart, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Eberhart, of Punxsutawney, who
spent part of last week in Bellefonte with
his grandfather, Daniel Eberhart, return-
ed home on Monday.
—Mrs. Thomas Gramley, of Altoona,
spent Monday night as the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Jared Harper while on her way
over to Oak Hall to visit the family of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Lowder.
—Mrs. A. Wilson Norris left this week
to spend several months at her former
home in Harrisburg. Mrs. Norris will
have apartments at the Penn-Harris dur-
ing her stay at the capital.
—Mrs. James B. Lane went to Media
Wednesday, having closed her house in
anticipation of spending a month there
and in Philadelphia. Mrs. Lane's plans
for the late winter are indefinite.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. Earl Stailey, who left
last fall for an indefinite stay in San Ber-
nardino, Cal, are returning east to locate
permanently in Philadelphia. Mrs. Stailey
is better known in Centre county as Miss
Julia Curtin.
—Mrs. John Stuart, of State College, will
leave tomorrow for Hot Springs, Arkansas,
to meet her son William A. Stuart, who
will accompany her to Dallas,
guest until April.
—Mrs. George B. Thompson and her
son Daniel were in Bellefonte Monday, on
their way home to Alto, from a week-end
visit with Mrs. Thompson's grandmother
and mother, Mrs. Bush and Mrs.
way, at Jersey Shore.
—Mrs. Oliver Hamm, of Peoria, Ill, who
was called to Bellefonte by the death of
her brother-in-law, Joseph L. Montgom-
ery, will remain with Mrs. Montgomery
until next week. . Mrs, Hamm is well
known in Iellefonte as Miss Lillian Muf-
fley. : .
—Miss Mary Barnitz
from Milton, Tuesday, to continue her
treatment at the hospital, Miss Barnitz
had been a patient there last summer. Mrs.
William Cross, of Axe Mann, also enter-
ed the hospital this week as a medical pa-
—Rev. Theodore F. Joseph, of Danville,
a prominent lecturer and, welfare worker,
spent a short time with friends in Belle-
fonte the fore part of the week while en-
route to State College, where he delivered
a lecture on the subject, “The Present
—Mrs. G. O. Benner, Mrs. Samuel Durst,
Mrs. Frank Fisher and Mrs. Frank Brad-
ford were a quartette of Centre Hall wom-
en who came to Bellefonte during the past
week to visit Mrs. William Keller, of Cen-
tre Hall, who is a surgical patient at the
Bellefonte hospital.
—John H. Beck, of Snydertown, and
Jasper Brungart, of Rebersburg, were
“Watchman” office callers on Monday.
Both men are stockholders in the Farmers’
came -to Bellefonte
Mutual Fire Insurance company of Centre !
county and were in Bellefonte attending |
the annual meeting of that company.
—Dr. W. K. McKinney went out
Pittsburgh on Monday to see the delega-
tion of citizens from Ireland who at pres-
ent are touring this country in the inter-
est of the Emerald Isle. One of the del-
egation was a college chum of Dr. Mec-
Kinney and it was especially to see him
that he made the trip to Pittsburgh.
—Miss Cadelia Alexander and Miss Eliz-
abeth Newman, of Julian, both members
of the class
school, were among the business visitors
to the “Watchman” office this week. Miss
Cadelia and
members of the party of fifty or more stu-
dents from up the Bald Eagle valley who
are taking the High school course in Belle-
—John L. Dunlap was given quite a sur-
prise on Wednesday when his two broth-
ers, Jacob, of Wisconsin, and William, of
Illinois, dropped into Bellefonte rather un-
expectedly on a visit to their native coun-
ty. Considering the fact that it has been
forty-two years since the former left Cen-
tre county he will
Miss Anna G. Clougher came to Belle-
fonte yesterday, from Philadelphia, to ac-
cept the position made vacant by the res-
ignation of Miss Gerginski several weeks
ago, as head nurse at the hospital. Miss
Clougher is a graduate of the Uniontown
hospital, Allegheny General, and has just
completed a post graduate course in
nurses training at the Howard hospital, in
Mrs. L. E. Holderman, a sister of Mrs.
Richard Lutz, of east Howard street, left
Tuesday, after a week’s visit in Bellefonte,
to return to her home in Altoona. Mrs.
Holderman, along with Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Ferguson and their son Belvadean, came
here Tuesday of last week for the sur-
prise party given Mr. Lutz on his sixty-
gixth birthday. Forty of Mr. Lutz's
friends from Altoona and different parts
of the county, were Mrs. Lutz's guests at
an oyster supper given for Mr. Lutz, whe
with these friends had an evening of
pleasure long to be remembered by them
is altogether probable |
that Mrs. Schad and their daughter will |
Texas, |
where she will be Mr. and Mrs. Stuart's |
Calla- !
to |
of 1920, Bellefonte High |
Miss Elizabeth are popular !
doubtless see many
—R. Finley Stewart, of Midland, Pa., is
visiting with his mother, Mrs. Miller Stew-
—Mrs. Louis Cabasino, of Long Island,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Todsock.
| —Mrs. Albert E. Blackburn, of Philadel-
phia, has been a guest this week of her
‘mother, Mrs. J. L. Spangler.
—Joseph Fauble, of - Columbus, Ohio,
spent-a short time in Bellefonte this week,
with his mother, Mrs. M. Fauble.
—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gray returned to
Orviston, Monday, after a short visit here
with Mr. Gray’s mother, Mrs. William
—Mrs. John Furst, of Philadelphia, is
visiting Mr. Furst's mother, Mrs. Austin
O. Furst, having come to Bellefonte yes«
—Mrs. Carl Weaver is planning to spend
a month at her home in New England, in-
tending to leave Bellefonte some time dur-
ing January.
—Joseph and Arthur Thomas are spend-
ing a part of the week in Philadelphia, at-
tending the automobile show, with a view
to buying a truck.
—Major William Rothrock, of State Col-
; lege, was a business visitor in Bellefonte
yesterday and a brief caller at the
| “Watchman” office.
| —Mrs. E. J. Burd, of Millheim, who is
a guest of her sister, Mrs. Eben Bower, at
her home on west High street, is in Belle-
! fonte for a week’s visit.
—John D. Sourbeck returned Tuesday
from Long Island, where he had been vis-
iting for several weeks with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Bellringer and her family.
—Mrs. John I. Olewine will go to Har-
risburg today, as chairman of the Centre
county Thrift organization, representing
it at the convention there now in session.
—Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beezer went
to Philadelphia Tuesday, the special at-
traction being the automobile show. Mr.
and Mrs. Beezer will spend the week in the
—Miss Christine Curry is anticipating
spending the remainder of the winter in
Cleveland with her sister, Mrs. James Mon-
ahan, and her family. Miss Curry will
leave for Ohio today.
—Mrs. James Noonan and her daugh-
ter, Miss Geraldine, will leave today for
New York city, expecting to spend two
weeks with Mrs. Noonan’s elder daughter,
Miss Margaret Noonan.
—Mrs. Miles Mattern, who has been with
her nephew, Beverly Mattern and his fam-
ily, at Warriorsmark, left there before
Christmas and is now keeping house for
her nieces, the Misses Oyula and Mame
Mattern, at Hollidaysburg.
—Charles Schlow is spending this week
in the eastern cities, adding to his already
large and exclusive stock of women’s fur-
nishings at the Quality Shop, some of the
{ advanced spring goods now being shown
at the openings for southern travel.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tate, of Roanoke,
Va., who had been visiting with Mr, Tate's
brother, Kirk Tate, in Lock Haven, spent
Saturday in Bellefonte with Mr. Tate's
, sister and brother, Mrs. George Beezer
and Benton Tate. They were accompanied
to Bellefonte by Edward Tate, of New
' York city.
—— in Bl
Annual Meeting of the Firemen’s Re-
lief Association,
The annual meeting of the Fire-
(men’s Relief association of Bellefonte
i was held in the public building on
Tuesday evening. The report of the
| treasurer showed the : fund now in
| possession of the association to be in
i excess of six thousand dollars. Offi-
| cers elected for the ensuing year were
| Robert Kline, president; B. D. Tate,
| vice president; H. J. Jackson, secre-
; tary, and Joseph Beezer, treasurer.
i Following the meeting the annual
| banquet was served in the big room
i of the biulding and it proved one of
. the. most enjoyable functions of the
| kind ever held. The committee in
i charge had an elaborate layout with
| roast chicken as one of the leading
| items. Quite a number of invited
| guests were present and brief speech-
es were made by burgess W. Harri-
| son Walker, Judge H. C. Quigley, Roy
| Wilkinson, the new Prothonotary of
| Centre county; John S. Walker, Fran-
cis Speer and others. Every man
paid a glowing tribute to the firemen
for the promptness with which they
answer the call to duty on any and all
occasions and expressed sympathy
with them in their desire for a more
| up-to-date fire fighting equipment.
Report of Sealer of : Weights and
During the year 1919 Deemer T.
Pearce, sealer of weights and meas-
| ures for Centre county, examined a
| total of 420 weights and measures.
Of this number 299 were found cor-
rect and sealed, 64 were adjusted and
| sealed and 57 were condemned. Four
prosecutions were instituted during
the year. Mr. Deemer’s report in de-
tail is as follows:
Sealed Cond Adj
Mine 'seales.... .......;... 5
wagon ScaleS..........see T 4 1
Other platform scales.... 28 14 3
Counter scales........ ran 10 2 ?
Sp-ing balances........... 8 2
Be m Scales... ......oe..zss 5 1 1
Compating scales......... 49 3 12
Dry measures... ioe 2 1
Liquid measures........... BD 3
Gas’: DUMPS. S04, un 21 7 15
i Avoirdupois weights...... 159 19 32
Total... 5... ..50.229 57 64
The Bellefonte Academy open
ed this week after a three week’s hol-
iday vacation.
Will sell a few shares in gas
well in best McKeesport territory.
Have map on hand showing location.
—J. M. Keichline. 2-tf
Public Sale.
Mondusy, March 8th, 1920,—At the residence
of Charles C. Mesmer, 2 miles northwest
of State College, on the Holmes farm.
Live stock and full line of farm imple-
ments. Sale at 10 a. m. L. F, Mayes,
Grain Markets.
Corrected by Geo. M. Gamble
Red Wheat, No 1 & 2...... 2.40
White or Mixed No. 1 & 2. 2. 2.30
COP sesareniniinrnnnasivaicn 1.40
Oats Jb
Barley 1.05
Yo Li... 1.40
Buckwheat Atisrtivacirereeens 1.25